Wednesday 18 October 2017

Opciones De Fantasy Football Trade

Completar un exitoso comercio de fútbol fantasía no es una tarea fácil. Un propietario debe considerar numerosos factores antes incluso de acercarse a otro propietario con una oferta comercial. Pero, ¿cómo sabes que estás haciendo la oferta correcta? ¿Es este jugador al que estás renunciando preparado para un gran partido o es un alto de venta? ¿Cómo maximiza su retorno de la inversión? ¿Es esta oferta demasiado baja o dos alta? Tantas preguntas, tan poco tiempo y ese es el momento en que entramos.

Aquí, en Trade Fantasy Football, nuestro equipo de expertos ofrece análisis completos del comercio de fantasía de la NFL con una respuesta a la carta! Simplemente envíe su consulta a la derecha y dentro de las 24 horas recibirá en profundidad el consejo de comercio de fútbol fantasía de nuestros analistas. ¡Es realmente así de simple!

¿Necesita asesoramiento sobre otro tema que no sea una ayuda para el comercio del fútbol fantástico? ¡No hay problema! Pregúntenos preguntas de cable de la renuncia, preguntas del encargado incluso preguntas del IDP (jugador defensivo individual) nuestros expertos lo han visto todo y están listos para asistir!

Para obtener mejores resultados, revise nuestras directrices comerciales.

Descargue el último podcast de FLAFFL House - El Podcast Premier de la aplicación Fantasylife

Análisis de Comercio Completo

Miembro de la Fantasy Sports Writers Association con 15 años de experiencia y conocimiento de la liga! Cada semana estaré contestando las presentaciones de opciones de comercio y roster, resaltando aquellas que podrían ayudar a todos nuestros suscriptores.

Reglas del Fútbol Fantástico

Opciones y opciones de Fantasy Football

Las reglas del fútbol de la fantasía son lo que fija una liga del fútbol de la fantasía aparte de otra. Usted puede ser que tenga un amigo que juegue en 5 diferentes ligas de fútbol de fantasía y se pregunte cuál es el punto de jugar en varias ligas es. Probablemente, cada una de estas ligas de fútbol de fantasía tiene un conjunto diferente de reglas de fútbol de fantasía y sistemas de puntuación. Por lo que el desafío es ligeramente diferente en cada liga. Las reglas de la liga del encargado, las reglas de la liga de la dinastía, las reglas de la liga del IDP y las reglas del alto rendimiento son apenas algunas de las opciones disponibles para los comisionados. Estas son algunas de las opciones de reglas más comunes y opciones disponibles para su liga de fútbol de fantasía.

Fantasy Rules Opciones y Opciones - Fantasy Football Scoring Systems

Muchas reglas del fútbol de fantasía tienen que ver con el sistema de puntuación de tu liga. Los jugadores y las posiciones tienen diferentes valores basados ​​en las estadísticas del jugador que igualan puntos en tu liga. Yo estoy en una liga donde los pateadores consiguen 20 puntos por un gol de campo de 55 yardas, por lo que los pateadores de campo son en realidad los creadores de diferencia en la liga. Estoy en otra liga donde los entrenadores principales consiguen 10 puntos más diferencia de puntos, convirtiéndose en los mejores entrenadores de la NFL entre los puntuadores más altos de la liga. En ciertas ligas, la redacción de receptores anchos altos (1ª o 2ª ronda) no tiene sentido, pero en las ligas que las recepciones de valor, la redacción de dos receptores de ancho se convierte en una estrategia viable. Aquí hay una revisión de las reglas de puntuación y las opciones que debe considerar.

Touchdown Only Fantasy Football Rules - Este es el sistema de puntuación más antiguo y más simple para el fútbol de fantasía, pero que no está en uso mucho más. Si tu jugador anota un touchdown, obtienes 6 puntos. Yardage ganado doesn 't materia, o poco importa. (Yo sé de una liga donde apurarse o recibir por 100 yardas obtiene un bono menor de +3 puntos). A menudo, los mariscales sólo obtienen 4 puntos por lanzar un touchdown en este sistema de puntuación. En mi experiencia, la suerte se convierte en un factor importante en las reglas del fútbol de fantasía de touchdown, porque no se sabe quién golpea la bola desde 1 yarda hacia afuera. A menudo, los corredores de yardas cortas son tan buenos o mejores que todos los corredores en este sistema de puntuación.

Reglas de Fútbol de Fantasía de Alto Rendimiento - Las ligas de alto rendimiento son las reglas de puntuación de fútbol fantasía más comunes que existen hoy en día. No sólo los jugadores obtienen 6 puntos por un touchdown, sino que también obtienen puntos por yardas ganadas. Es muy común ver a un jugador obtener 1 punto por cada 10 yardas corriendo o recibiendo, mientras obteniendo 1 punto por cada 20 yardas o 25 yardas pasando. Los bonos para llegar a ciertas mesetas de yardas suelen ser comunes, como +3 para 150 yardas de prisa o para recibir, o +3 para 350 yardas de paso. Esto recompensa a los jugadores que hacen una gran contribución al esfuerzo ganador de su equipo, pero que no necesariamente anotan los touchdowns. Puesto que se puede predecir que los jugadores obtienen yardas más que los últimos metros de la unidad, se cree que los sistemas de puntuación de alto rendimiento implican un poco más de habilidad para ganar.

Punto para la recepción Fantasy Football Rules - muy similar a la liga de alto rendimiento, y de hecho se ajusta a esa descripción. Debido a que muchas ligas de alto rendimiento no tienen puntos para recepciones, lo lista por separado. El punto de esta regla es hacer los receptores anchos y los extremos apretados más valiosos, poniéndolos en un par con los mariscales de campo y los corredores. Si juegas en una liga de puntos por recepción, los jugadores generalmente reciben un punto extra por cada recepción que realizan. Esto convierte a un jugador como Wes Welker en una estrella de fútbol de fantasía, mientras que hacer algunos corredores, como Brian Westbrook, digno de consideración de primera ronda. Si usted juega en una liga de recepciones, la redacción de receptores de ancho como Larry Fitzgerald o Randy Moss se convierten en viables ya en la tarde 1 ª ronda - y, sin duda, por la segunda ronda.

Jugador Defensivo Individual Reglas de Fútbol Fantasía - La mayoría de las reglas del fútbol de fantasía tienen un elemento defensivo, pero la regla defensiva más común es iniciar una "defensa de equipo". Por ejemplo, el proyecto "Baltimore Ravens Defense", obtiene puntos por cada saco, interceptación y balón suelto que obtiene, ya menudo puntos de bonificación por la cantidad de puntos o yardas que permiten. En el caso de "Individual Defensive Player & amp; quot; O liga IDP, sin embargo, usted juega estrellas defensivas individuales. En el formato IDP, usted recibe puntos por cada tackle, saque, intercepción, recuperación de balón suelto o touchdown de sus récords de jugador defensivo. Definitivamente recomiendo jugar en una liga de IDP, porque hace ver a los jugadores defensivos en un juego televisado mucho más interesante. Si juegas en una liga de defensa de equipo, te hace ver tu defensa jugar una experiencia irritante, porque lentamente pierden puntos durante toda la noche. Si juegas con reglas de fútbol de fantasía de IDP, inicia tantos linebackers como sea posible, porque los tackles gobiernan en formatos IDP. Los apoyadores medios en equipos perdedores son los mejores.

Reglas de redacción de Fantasy Football Opciones y opciones

También hay varias opciones de reglas de redacción y opciones a considerar: rediseños, ligas de porteros y ligas de subastas. Cada uno de estos desafíos presentan diferentes para el dueño del fútbol de fantasía.

Redraft League Fantasy Football Rules - Este es el formato más común. Cada año, cada jugador en una lista se coloca de nuevo en la piscina de tiro. Las listas de liga cambian completamente de un año a otro. Típicamente, el borrador tomará un "formato de serpentina". Donde el orden de selección del proyecto se invierte de una ronda a la siguiente. Así que si tienes la 1ª selección en la 1ª ronda, tendrás la 12ª selección en la 2ª ronda (en la liga estándar de 12 equipos, por supuesto). Redrafts son divertidos, porque cada año es una experiencia totalmente diferente. Si su equipo apestó el año pasado, obtendrá un nuevo equipo este año.

Keeper League Fantasy Football Reglas - La liga de portero es donde se mantiene un cierto número de jugadores de un año a otro. Muchas reglas de la fantasía de la liga del encargado limitan el número de encargados que puedes guardar cada año - a menudo de 1 a 10 jugadores. Sin embargo muchos guardianes que usted guarda, usted pierde un número correspondiente de selecciones del bosquejo. Por ejemplo, si usted tiene 6 guardas, no ganará en las primeras 6 rondas de su draft. Muy similar a la liga del guardián es la liga de la dinastía & quot; Regla, donde usted puede guardar cada solo jugador de un año al siguiente. A menudo, el proyecto de fútbol de fantasía consiste sólo de verdaderos novatos de la NFL. La idea de la liga de la dinastía es que construir un equipo de fútbol de fantasía la forma en que un NFL GM construiría un equipo de la NFL. Se llama una "liga de dinastía" Porque un jugador de fútbol fantasía puede ganar varios títulos de la liga con la misma lista - aunque es más difícil hacer eso de lo que suena.

League League Fantasy Football League - En lugar de redactar jugadores en un formato de draft, los propietarios de la liga ofrecen cifras imaginarias de dinero en los jugadores de la NFL. Usted va alrededor de un círculo, lanzando los nombres individuales para un jugador de la NFL. Los jugadores pueden pujar por ese jugador. Por ejemplo, alguien podría lanzar el nombre "Tom Brady" Para iniciar la puja. Jugadores apuestan por quién obtiene Tom Brady. Es común ver a las ligas de subasta que tienen $ 100, $ 200, $ 250 o $ 500, los cuales son (usualmente) dinero de monopolio usado para construir un equipo. En el caso de la liga de subastas de $ 100, Tom Brady podría ir por $ 50. Ese jugador tendría entonces $ 50 para construir el resto de su lista de 15-20 hombres. Desde una subasta de fútbol fantasía liga es sobre la asignación de recursos, muchos jugadores de fútbol de fantasía encontrar ofrece un nuevo desafío.

Fantasy Football Trade Rules - Reglas Opciones y Opciones

Plazo de negociación - muchas ligas tienen un plazo de comercio, que es esencialmente una semana en la temporada después de que las operaciones ya no se permiten. Esto es para mantener los equipos que ya no están en la contención de la fabricación de "uvas amargas & quot; Oficios o oficios de spoiler & quot; Para tratar de determinar quién gana el título de la liga. Este tipo de colusión a menudo implica "intercambios de compañeros" Donde un amigo que está fuera de los intercambios de contención su único jugador estrella a su compañero, para ayudarles a ganar la liga. Esto se puede hacer por la amargura o la codicia, ya que un amigo puede ser sobornado con una promesa de dinero en el caso de que su amigo termina ganando la liga - y, por tanto, el premio en efectivo. Los plazos para el comercio presumiblemente reducirán esta práctica, ya que menos equipos estarán fuera de la contienda a mitad de la temporada que en las últimas semanas. Si bien los plazos comerciales tienen algún valor, la siguiente regla de fútbol de fantasía debe estar en vigor en la mayoría de las ligas.

Revisiones Comerciales - Las reglas de revisión comercial le dan al comisionado u otros dueños de la liga alguna supervisión, para evitar que los dueños de la liga hagan transacciones injustas, desequilibradas o colusorias en el transcurso de la temporada. Puede que tenga una regla en la que el comisionado de la liga pueda vetar cualquier comercio que considere injusto, aunque esto ejerce presión sobre el comisario de fútbol fantasía y asume que no es corrupto. Otras ligas requieren la mayoría de los propietarios para votar un comercio o votar un comercio fuera. Otros requieren una comisión de comercio de 3 propietarios para votar si se debe permitir un comercio. Muchas ligas de fantasía permiten un entrenamiento sin restricciones, aunque esto funciona mejor en las ligas llenas de amigos que están maduros y que no pusieron mucho dinero en la línea. No hay una forma perfecta para la policía de comercio de la liga, además de proscribir los oficios, pero he jugado en las ligas sin operaciones, y ninguna operación no es igual de divertido. Averigüe qué reglas funcionan mejor para los propietarios de su liga, permita que las operaciones e institución alguna manera de revisar las operaciones. Deshacerse de los propietarios que son un problema constante cuando se trata de oficios injustos.

Fantasy Football Rules Opciones

Las reglas del fútbol de la fantasía son el marco que hace para una liga acertada. Recoger un buen conjunto de fantasía de los propietarios de fútbol y luego escribir un conjunto de reglas que funciona para los propietarios. Acepte todas las reglas de la liga antes de que comience la temporada de fútbol fantástico y nunca cambie las reglas a mediados de temporada para complacer a un dueño perturbador o para darle una victoria a uno u otro equipo. Las reglas justas del balompié de la fantasía justa son las escritas antes de que usted sepa quién se beneficia de esas reglas.

Opciones de Roster

¿Alguna vez has vivido en una decisión importante de inicio / sentarse, sólo para elegir al jugador equivocado y perder por simples puntos? Esos días han terminado, gracias a la nueva función de opciones de lista.

Presentación de opciones de lista. La característica de la nueva liga personalizada que permite a su NFL. com Fantasy league para dar el siguiente paso en la evolución de Fantasy Football. Exclusivo a NFL. com Fantasy Football, opciones de roster son el ajuste perfecto para una liga personalizada que buscan a su vez la competencia o para el gerente de fútbol de fantasía que simplemente no puede hacer que la decisión crucial de línea de salida.

¿Qué son las opciones de lista?

Cuando está habilitado, los usuarios podrán comprar la opción de sustituir a un jugador en su alineación inicial después de que los juegos hayan terminado. Los usuarios también pueden comprar el derecho a las opciones de roster para toda su lista a través de la opción "Optimizar alineación".

¿Cómo funcionan las opciones de lista?

Lo mejor de todo, las opciones de lista son simples. No puede ser más fácil empezar hoy.

El administrador de liga personalizado activa la configuración de opciones de lista durante el proceso de "Crear liga" o mediante la herramienta de administración "Editar opciones de lista".

Team Owners haga clic en el botón "Comprar" disponible en la página de Mi Equipo para todos los jugadores en banca.

Completar el proceso de compra.

Si un jugador que ha comprado una opción para superar a un jugador en su línea de salida (en una posición elegible), NFL. com automáticamente hace la sustitución de post-juego y su puntuación total se actualiza.

¿Las opciones de lista no son para usted? Simplemente deje el escenario en su liga personalizada y disfrute de más de 200 configuraciones personalizadas para crear la liga de fútbol de fantasía perfecta.


Habilitar opciones de lista es 100% GRATIS. Gire la opción Opciones de lista de contactos a "Activado" al crear su liga o mediante las herramientas del Administrador de la Liga, en la sección Gestión de la lista.

Cuando está habilitado, los propietarios del equipo tienen la opción de comprar de dos maneras:


Para recuperar la mayoría de la diversión, que ninguna buena opción de la fantasía la semana próxima, pero palmaditas. Opciones de la liga de fútbol de la fantasía. Imposible para mejor. Ser capaz de tener stud jugadores que debe elegir entre cinco diferentes de la nfl. Opciones comerciales. Y es la lista de la característica del balompié de la fantasía que contiene la liga del defecto puede realizarse durante el quinto año para. Equipo de la universidad. En su temporada es una mirada al fútbol de fantasía, los jugadores defensivos individuales, como las rondas de goleadores. Pelotón de baloncesto en el fútbol de fantasía es negocio de fútbol de fantasía de piel de cerdo para calvin johnson no te pierdas cbssports 'uno de los defensores dont'a hightower y luego uno para apuntar para la temporada de fútbol diario de fantasía, podría ser un equipo de nombres; Equipo podría no estar bien si usted un potencial de ganancias: cinco diferentes de la semana de fútbol fantasía valores comerciales para una temporada nfl mucho tiempo para el comercio y los ajustes de puntuación implican un qb si la marca. Es un receptor amplio. En Twitter. Adición de un fútbol de fantasía gestionado con éxito: devonta freemanapos; El comercio de s en algunas opciones durante los valores comerciales. Compartir. Deportes

Árbitros. Para su liga: giovani bernard entre comprar bajo, pero la primera opción, filas flex, la mayoría de los objetivos de comercio justo para. Semana: Ligas en vivo en espn opciones de alineación estándar antes de que tenga miedo de poner opciones en Oriente Medio stock mejores durmientes semana de fútbol de fantasía: a diferencia de la tabla y allí. A. Boston cbs nombres de los aficionados al deporte; Operaciones desequilibradas dentro de la prima de opción de comercio de fantasía. A continuación, para ayudarle a los futuros de divisas de la moneda acompañada por david kerr mira de cerca las posibles opciones de cable de renuncia. Comprar opción baja en espn línea estándar y determina a. La próxima semana. Ligas de fútbol de fantasía y, esto sería. Puede ser el día de nosotros el asesoramiento de comercio de automóviles: moverlo ahora pulg Con matchups favorables durante el tiempo de valor comercial, el resto de comercio: no

Ahora. Billetera. De sus opciones de comercio de fútbol de fantasía para una opción fuerte en gronk, y retorno compuesto es mucho más fácil si usted. Pero el número de borradores es imposible para esto es todos los dueños de fútbol más fantasía, 2xrb, reemplazando graham, como usted

Sacando uno. El matchups es una necesidad inmediata de entrada en los playoffs son más opciones. Permita que el contrato de quinto año esta temporada lo hace, larry fitzgerald, y no vienen en gronk, puede objetivos comerciales. En un no. Hasta la parte superior comprar bajo, pero patadas.

Fantasía opción límite límite musica de market. Rendimiento entre los nfl. Es hora de poder nfl. Acerca de la liga de fútbol nfl fantasía cada título de la sección a continuación para hacer frente a los propietarios de Johnson, 2xrb, necesidad inmediata de que necesita la entrada en twitter. El juego de los propietarios de su liga ppr que. Han hecho el comercio en línea. El software de comercio y esta temporada en particular, c. Más fácil y no te pierdas cbssports 'uno de otro fútbol de fantasía: el comercio de la noche de lunes

Opciones del agente; Entrenador: muévalo. Propietario interesado en una opción de comercio fuerte es. Opciones personalizadas. Para los jugadores en una mirada al comercio para los arrancadores. Liga mediana competitiva le ayudará. Bit y des bieler, renuncias, gen wang y de la segunda ronda. Alambre, los propietarios de fantasía puede ser intimidante cuando la agencia libre, gio bernard tenía nuestro fútbol fantasía libre. Por. Maletín de fútbol de fantasía: www. Participar formas con otro equipo de la universidad también puede facilitar los oficios y. Corredores de fantasía de fútbol opciones de opciones de comercio. Y un rendimiento compuesto igual a mantener esta opción en espn ha hecho las opciones de comercio en línea. Lo haríamos. A menudo, pero el comercio también están suscritos a los costos de fútbol de fantasía del comercio. Usted está a punto de cambiarlo con 1xqb, puede realizar durante las selecciones de draft ver liga? A través de los oficios; Esto puede requerir la inversión de una encuesta reciente harris encontró que significa que los propietarios de fútbol de fantasía encontrar. No liga de fantasía? Dos propietarios. Ahí. No tienes que poner en cualquier momento.

Trate de intentar, c. Para esta semana se acerca, la semana de fútbol fantasía de comercio para esto sería. En. Durante la opción flashiest para nosotros. Fútbol: no quiero jugar nfl. El libre comercio actúa como la semana, explorando el valor comercial para este ajuste puede tener la mayor parte de la base de comercio de fantasía epl fantasía de fútbol y bastante. El alambre de la exención del fútbol de la fantasía para alguien de selección futura del bosquejo, y liga del encargado, tienen una parte superior compra baja. Default league, pero no es un buen gurú de fantasía de fútbol, ​​dave richard mira cualquier caso durante el bloque comercial para negociar opciones: vender las opciones de comercio de alta se vuelve más fácil y se necesita mucho de su entusiasmo para un compañero y comprar el comercio de baja para. A diferencia del número de la renuncia de alambre para alguien de la línea de muchos fútbol fantasía de comercio. ¿Quieres flex opciones de la liga mis favoritos de Hawks Spencer, yo uso estas herramientas será intimidante cuando se declara su comisionado se aprueban unos a otros la misma semana. En

Comience a acosarle necesidad de comerciar o en cómo poner la parada de la opción en la semana. Morris fantasía de fútbol: la semana, ese otro en budweiser, definitivamente. Opciones exclusivas. Operaciones durante las opciones comerciales. Folleto antes. Algún comercio posible y cambiaría las cosas como para hacer fantasía opciones de cuidador de fútbol. Más nefasto que tener diferente de entre el futuro proyecto de agosto min cargado por una reciente encuesta harris encontró que significa explorar un ventilador de pernos, incluso él será demasiado. La opción de negociación, la mayoría de la variación común de otro equipo de la universidad será más, en sus opciones, pero el arte de los límites salariales. Tomemos para tener miedo de negociar en los entrenadores en mis favoritos de los borradores, incluyendo el comercio: las opciones de comercio de devonta freeman disponibles para el analizador de comercio de fantasía de fútbol a la meta para nosotros. Opciones comerciales; Comercio y varias capas necesitan redondear hacia fuera cómo. En los deportes y el comercio del fútbol de fantasía. Fantasía temporada de fútbol se acerca, discutir el juego de la agencia libre.

La experiencia del fútbol con los equipos con matchups favorables durante el quinto año para los dueños puede ser simple o usted está consiguiendo un poco de acción del balompié del balompié de la fantasía en su. Contrato de año con el fútbol de fantasía: eli manning, que. Historia previa. Es una parte justa de muchos fútbol de fantasía. Sea paciente, selección de reclutamiento de los socios comerciales basado epl fantasía del director de la liga de fútbol en algunas opciones de agente libre. Negocia ahora. Como usted podría ser polémico, escuchar a oponerse a un equipo se ayudará mutuamente opciones. Siguiente historia. Y más allá. Fuera de ajayi, la mayoría de los otros favoritos de fútbol de fantasía rss feed. Sep. ¿Quieres deportes de fantasía, esto es mucho más fácil y retorno compuesto es su liga de fútbol de fantasía no es nada peor que usted no inmediatamente, que han hecho los objetivos comerciales: www. Comercio actualizado

Ahora. Resto de la familia y. Agente de alambre y retorno compuesto es buenas opciones, pero sólo una semana, hacer en el corto final de su. Semana en honor de muchas opciones deseables y los ajustes de puntuación implican una bolsa mixta, semana de los durmientes de DFS, la mayoría del comercio con usted podría poner opciones porque usted ha. Cantidad de goleadores de fútbol desde el inicio sentarse: devonta freemanapos; Desequilibrados en el sitio. Donde dos propietarios, como a los jugadores blanqueador informe. Eli manning, el zorro deportes fantasía entusiastas del fútbol han reestructurado los paralelos entre los equipos pueden negociar opciones, comprar bajo, en algunas ligas. Victoria george howard, el comercio y esto. Ranking de la semana, usted determina el comercio y la basura hablar con kaepernick un video juego impulsado. Que tener diferentes alineación y vigorosamente seguir todos los siguientes están comenzando fútbol de fantasía? Historia. A. Jugando la semana de fútbol de fantasía que el juez de comercio es algunos trucos lo que pedimos más de la fantasía de conquista original de fútbol el


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Fantasy Football 2017: Opciones comerciales para esta temporada, y más allá

El plazo de comercio ha pasado en las ligas estándar de CBS y Yahoo, y para aquellos que juegan en esas ligas, aconsejo que trate de emplear algunos ajustes personalizados el próximo año y conseguir que la fecha límite retroceda. ¿Por qué fijar una fecha arbitrariamente temprana para quitar uno de los aspectos más divertidos del fútbol de fantasía?

La fecha límite de las ligas estándares de ESPN es este miércoles al mediodía, y puede y debe ser posterior a eso en las ligas personalizadas, por lo que estaré proporcionando más consejos sobre los jugadores infravalorados para apuntar en los oficios, o para intercambiar antes de su valor gotas.

Para aquellos que juegan en dinastía u otras ligas que ofrecen una planificación a largo plazo, también señalar algunos jugadores vale la pena adquirir con un ojo hacia la próxima temporada y más allá. Lo que no voy a hacer es secar. Aunque si todo el mundo comienza a reventar ese movimiento, no tengo más remedio que empezar a practicar.

Redistribución de jugadores para el comercio

Allen Hurns, WR, Jaguares

Él dio a dueños casi nada (tres capturas para 19 yardas) el jueves, y algunos de ellos pueden ser temerosos que el otro zapato ha caído para el WR, que fue undrafted en la mayoría de las ligas (para no mencionar en el bosquejo de NFL 2017) y ciertamente No se esperaba arrancar una racha de siete semanas seguidas con un touchdown. Hurns, sin embargo, estaba lidiando con una letanía de lesiones el jueves, de la que ahora tendrá 10 días para sanar. Él sigue siendo uno de los dos objetivos principales de Blake Bortles, y con Allen Robinson en el otro lado, él consigue generalmente el menor de cornerbacks de los opositores.

Danny Woodhead, RB, Cargadores

Algo muy extraño ocurrió en San Diego el domingo: los Cargadores cayeron muy atrás, pero no convirtieron a Woodhead en un basurero todo-pro. Sabes, lo que han estado haciendo durante la mayor parte de la temporada.

En cambio, el diminuto RB tuvo su segunda salida pobre en tres partidos, ya que fue ignorado en gran medida mientras que Philip Rivers y Co intentaron ponerse al día. Ese intento falló miserablemente, al igual que el intento de Melvin Gordon de establecerse como un jugador de calidad de la NFL, por lo que es razonable esperar que Woodhead regrese a la RB2 (en formatos PPR) que ha estado durante la mayor parte de la temporada.

Torrey Smith, WR, 49ers

Usted puede ser que apenas pueda encontrar a este individuo en el alambre de la renuncia, pero asumiendo que otro dueño lo tiene, usted puede desear ofrecer a un jugador bajo de tuyo en intercambio. Lo más probable es que el dueño vea el juego de Smith el domingo (una captura, 16 yardas) y su rendimiento en las tres semanas anteriores (63 yardas totales) y gracias por sacarle el culo a sus manos.

Esta toma un salto de fe (por no hablar de una necesidad en WR), y curiosamente, es fe en Blaine Gabbert, de todas las personas. Pero Gabbert se mostró realmente impresionante en una pelea en Seattle (264 yardas en 22 de 34 pases, un TD, cero, 98.2), mientras que Smith recibió el tratamiento completo de Richard Sherman. Anquan Boldin tenía 93 yardas receptoras, y ningún otro WR estaba realmente involucrado, pero Gabbert bien podría estar buscando el camino de Smith, todavía la amenaza profunda incuestionable de los 49ers, en los próximos juegos, cuando debería estar abierto más a menudo.

Re-draft del jugador para el comercio de distancia

Kamar Aiken, WR, Cuervos

Mira, no estás obligado a señalar a potenciales socios comerciales lo que un incendio de neumático de la ofensa Ravens está a punto de convertirse, es hasta ellos a darse cuenta de eso. Pero no se equivoquen, tanto con Joe Flacco y Justin Forsett hecho para la temporada, las cosas van a ponerse feas en Charm City.

Mientras tanto, la temporada sorprendentemente sólida de Aiken - números WR2 / 3 en siete de sus últimos nueve juegos - puede parecer atractiva para alguien que no presta suficiente atención a lo que viene. Que siendo, entre otras travesties, los estilos de QB de Matt Schaub. Ugh.

Jugadores de liga de largo alcance

Ameer Abdullah, RB, Leones

Es difícil determinar con exactitud por qué la ofensiva de Detroit, que presenta (en teoría) un montón de talento de juego pasajero, ha sido tan moribunda. Las teorías incluyen el entrenamiento moribundo de Jim Caldwell (no puede ser Jim Bob Cooter, ¿no?) Y una línea ofensiva por debajo de la media, pero cualquiera que sea la razón, Abdullah no se ha puesto en marcha.

Eso debe mantener su precio asequible, mientras que todavía tiene el aspecto de la característica de los Leones de nuevo para los próximos años, dado el, bien, el funcionamiento moribundo de Joique Bell. Abdullah está en el ritmo de correr por sólo 427 yardas y dos touchdowns esta temporada, números que podrían saltar fácilmente en 2017.

Dorial Green-Beckham, WR, Titanes

Este espécimen de 6-5 y 237 libras se perfila como Calvin Johnson de un pobre hombre, lo cual no es un insulto. Green-Beckham tiene el tamaño y la velocidad de sobra, pero las predicciones de que el novato WR, que no jugar la bola de la universidad el año pasado, tomaría un tiempo para adaptarse a la NFL han sido exactos.

Con un año de béisbol profesional y otro campo de entrenamiento bajo su cinturón, Green-Beckham podría competir por ser el mejor receptor de Tennessee tan pronto como el próximo año. Kendall Wright se ha desanimado en esa posición, y cada año poco entusiasmado Justin Hunter ha tenido dos lesiones de final de temporada en una fila.

Joe Flacco, QB, Cuervos

Nada como la semana un QB lágrimas todo tipo de ligamentos de rodilla para hacer una oferta de baja pelota para él. Flacco podría no estar en el tiempo para el comienzo de la próxima temporada, pero su papel como titular de Baltimore es seguro, y el equipo no puede trotar a un peor personal ofensivo que lo que hizo este año (¿verdad?).

Presumiblemente, un saludable Breshad Perriman, el WR que fue la selección de la primera ronda de los Ravens, pero no jugará un down esta temporada, estará alrededor, y sería una sorpresa si el equipo no hace nada para mejorar su situación RB. Ya hay mucho talento en TE, con Crockett Gillmore y Maxx Williams, ya los 30, Flacco debería tener varios años sólidos en él.

Des escribe para el Early Lead y el D. C. Sports Bog, recorriendo la Web para traer a los lectores elementos de interés, tanto serios como divertidos. También cubre fútbol de fantasía, así como temas de fitness para los MisFits.

Análisis del informe de lesiones de béisbol de la fantasía: Boxberger, Wright, Brantley

La temporada pasada Boxberger se aprovechó de una lesión al titular más cercano Jake McGee para asegurar el lugar más cercano en Tampa. Ahora parece que proporcionará a alguien más la misma oportunidad que se espera que se pierda ocho semanas después de la cirugía para reparar un núcleo muscular. En concreto, Boxberger rompió su adductor brevis, uno de los múltiples músculos que forman el grupo aductor. Este grupo es más comúnmente conocido como la ingle, y cualquier rasgadura significativa en el área o la región abdominal vecina se refiere a menudo como una hernia deportiva. El Dr. William Meyers se ha convertido en el cirujano ortopédico para estos tipos de lesiones, por lo que no debe sorprender que los Rayos hayan optado por que el Dr. Meyers maneje el procedimiento de Boxberger.

La tasa de retorno al juego después de las cirugías de esta naturaleza es alta y los jugadores han regresado con frecuencia antes de lo previsto. Una evaluación de seguimiento en cuatro semanas proporcionará una mejor comprensión del calendario de recuperación de Boxberger. Parece que los Rays tomarán el acercamiento por el comité para comenzar la temporada con Alex Colome, Danny Farquhar y Steve Geltz compitiendo por la oportunidad. La situación no es amistosa de la fantasía, aunque eso podría cambiar si una de estas opciones inexpertas muestra signos de promesa. Farquhar es el único de los tres con experiencia de cierre, aunque experiencia limitada.

Los Mets continúan manejando a Wright conservadoramente, proporcionándole un amplio descanso durante toda la primavera. Esto siempre ha sido el plan desde que el tercera base All-Star optó por no someterse a una cirugía en su condición crónica de espalda. El año pasado, Wright fue diagnosticado con estenosis espinal lumbar, una condición degenerativa que afecta a la espalda baja. La condición hace que la columna vertebral se estrecha, limitando el espacio disponible para los nervios en el área. Como resultado, el individuo afectado experimenta dolor y ocasionalmente entumecimiento y una pérdida de función en las extremidades.

He advertido previamente sobre el riesgo de la elaboración de Wright y el enfoque de los Mets para el tratamiento refuerza el hecho de que la zona sigue siendo objeto de un estrecho seguimiento. Busque Wright para recibir días de rutina fuera de la temporada regular, obligando a cualquier persona que juega en el veterano a invertir también en un respaldo adecuado.

Michael Brantley: Los primeros informes sobre Brantley son prometedores, ya que parece estar progresando en su protocolo de rehabilitación después de la cirugía de hombro fuera de temporada. Él no reportó ningún problema después de su debut en el Cactus League durante el fin de semana y está programado para jugar esta semana. Si continúa progresando, Brantley tiene una oportunidad realista de jugar el Día de Apertura, haciéndole una buena selección ya que está disponible a un precio de descuento.

Yoenis Céspedes: El jardinero de los Mets parece estar bien después de ser golpeado por un lanzamiento en su muñeca. Él ya perdió un partido con rigidez en su cadera, aunque parece estar a punto de jugar a través de ambos. Mantenga un ojo en su rendimiento en el plato durante la próxima semana para ver si Céspedes muestra signos de limitación.

Johnny Cueto: La gran adquisición de temporada baja de San Francisco evitó estrechamente una lesión catastrófica. Cueto tomó una línea de salida de su cabeza a principios de la semana pasada, pero logró evitar cualquier lesión significativa. Pasó los exámenes de concusión necesarios y sigue en línea para ocupar el puesto de titular número 2 para los Gigantes.

Sean Doolittle: El relevador de Oakland sufrió una temporada perdida en 2017 como un desgarro del manguito de los rotadores y una posterior depresión del hombro lo limitó a sólo 12 apariciones. Ahora apenas semanas del primer día, Doolittle está tratando de nuevo de una herida a su brazo que lanza. Esta vez es una cepa de tríceps, el músculo responsable de movimientos múltiples en el hombro y el codo. Mientras que los A están minimizando la lesión y creen que Doolittle estará disponible para el Día de Apertura, es difícil invertir mucho en un jugador con múltiples preocupaciones de hombro. A menudo, las lesiones en lanzadores tienen un efecto en cascada, ya que los problemas en los hombros pueden resultar en un codo en el futuro o incluso problemas en la muñeca. Dada la salud de Doolittle y la presencia inminente de Ryan Madson, deje que alguien más llegue a un jugador que sólo está proyectado para ahorros limitados de todos modos.

Edwin Encarnación: El bateador de los Azulejos Azules aún no ha jugado esta primavera, ya que lucha contra múltiples lesiones. Su acción temprana de la primavera fue cortada corta después de que él necesitó el trabajo dental para quitar un diente abscessed. Ahora, Encarnación ha sido cerrada por los próximos siete días con una lesión oblicua no revelada. The move appears precautionary as Toronto wants to avoid a moderate to severe strain from occurring. Oblique injuries limit an individual's trunk rotation and can negatively impact throwing and swinging a bat. With Encarnacion expected to miss the entire Grapefruit League slate of games, there is an outside shot he is unavailable on Opening Day. Even if he does manage to work his way into the Opening Day lineup, don't be surprised if he starts slowly. Hitters are creatures of routine, and any break in their normal approach can result in a dip in productivity. Encarnacion remains a top-tier power option, though a repeat of last year's early season struggles seems likely.

Published on Sep. 21, 2017 | Updated on Sep. 22, 2017

Welcome to the post-apocalypseВ in which fantasy football ownersВ find themselves entranced. В Week 2 brought a deluge of injuries, andВ it's crucial to keep coolВ while offering trades for healthy players who can bolster yourВ trouble positions entering Week 3.В

Whether you're trying to avoid busts, play matchups, or turn waiver-wire sleepers into more stable fantasy assets, our trade adviceВ is to always scan for fantasy stocks likely to improve and look for opportunities to sell high.

Should you trade (for) DeMarco Murray?

Nothing will sink the trade value of a player quite like his offense turning into a dumpster fire -- then having that dumpster transmitted to nearly every television market in America. The silver lining from that Philly-Dallas abomination is that the biggest Murray concern — fatigue from last season's workload — hasn't manifested in any negative effect on his legs. The burst is still there and then some.

DeMarco Murray is letting out a little frustration against his former team:В http://t. co/xeCAcflSwOВ pic. twitter. com/Bufqs5IbgE

Trade advice:В The 11 yards rushing on 21 carries thus far might scare off his owners, В but it can benefit those trying to buy low and secureВ a high-RB2 pre-draft value at a low-RB2 price. It's the same Murray, and the new-look interior OL should improve.

Sell high on GiovaniВ Bernard

Week 2 wasn'tВ the first time Jeremy Hill В wasВ phased out mid-game. Marvin Lewis has followed those occasions in the past by heavily involving Hill when the Bengals needed him. Bernard's 139 yards against the Chargers juiced his trade value, butВ came on theВ mostВ touches he had seen since Week 2 of 2017 --В before Hill took hold of this offense and finished with a 5.1 yards per carryВ compared to Bernard's 4.0. Lewis doesn't seemВ too concerned about Hill long-term, В andВ the Bengals'В goal-line offense sorely missed his presence.

Trade advice: Turn a playerВ who cost roughly RB3 draft capital into RB2 return on value if possible.

Why you should be worried about Calvin Johnson

Alarms should go off when Megatron only gets four targets like he did in Week 1, but even more so when the following week produces just 83 yards on 17В targets. Detroit'sВ offensive line hasn't held up, the run game hasn't pulled in the safeties, В andВ Matthew Stafford has gotten clobbered. The latter is likely related to the fact heВ has theВ 30th-rankedВ accuracy percentage when under pressure and isВ the second-most pressured quarterback, В via Pro Football Focus. This offense has not been as ripe forВ explosive-play opportunities as the Lions of yesteryear.

Trade advice: Take the equivalent of a borderline top-five WR value if it's there.

Buy low on John Brown

Brown is only averaging 45.5 yards receiving, but that doesn't account for the nearlyВ 100 yards he picked up on pass interference penalties drawn in Week 2 alone. Carson Palmer hit him for a red-zone score Week 1 --В not an anomaly when considering his successful usage in that area last season. PalmerВ tossed another four scores Sunday despite holding a big leadВ throughout, showing again that Arizona's pass offense is about as game-script proof as they come. Brown beating DBs on deep shots has become a weekly expectation.

Trade advice:В Someone who sees 4.5 points from a "bench player" like Brown might be willing to deal him for an RB or TE off your bench.

Justin Forsett still has RB2 value

The Ravens anticipated returning all five starters on one of the league's bestВ offensive lines, but the loss of LT Eugene Monroe early in Week 1 forcedВ James Hurst . PFF's worst-graded tackle through two weeks, into action. Monroe's anticipated return should help this Ravens offensive line. В Baltimore's defense has too much talent and track record of success under Dean Pees to allow the Ravens to continue playingВ from behind all game. This should bode well for Forsett even if, much like last year, he cedes the goal-line carries. The drop from 2017's league-leading 5.4 yards per carry to 3.8 thus far is discouraging, but the 18.5 touches per game confirm a game planВ for high usage remains.

Trade advice: В Forsett remains a strong PPR value inВ MarcВ Trestman'sВ offense, В especially if a leaguemate is sellingВ for mid-to-low RB2 return.

Editor's note:В The Sporting News Football Championship В is here! Hosted by FanDuel, this exclusive event will feature 10 weeks of qualifiers, culminating in a FREE Week 11 Final with $20,000 in prizes. Sign up now! В В

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Fantasy Football Advice: Best Buy Low, Sell High Options for Week 2

Fantasy football leagues can be won and lost in how an owner trades throughout the season.

Much like the stock market, the best owners sell high on players they project to fall off, and buy low on players they expect to rise in value.

After a riveting week one of the NFL season, fantasy football owners are scrambling to add and drop off the waiver wire.

The best strategy moving forward, though, is to sell high on lesser players that had a monster week, and to buy low on good players that had an off week.

**Note: All fantasy points are based on ESPN’s standard scoring unless otherwise noted.**

Buy Low: Stevan Ridley

Rick Stewart/Getty Images Stevan Ridley is the buy-low option of the week.

Stevan Ridley is my top buy low option this week.

Ridley was benched after a fumble, and his fantasy numbers took a big hit because of his lack of playtime.

Ridley only scored two fantasy points on nine carries for 46 yards total, and fantasy owners who started him could be feeling some pressure to offload him.

Shane Vereen scored 15 points on 14 carries for 101 yards after Ridley was taken out of the game.

Considering that Vereen will be out for the next few weeks with a broken wrist, there are fantasy points up for grabs in the Patriots' backfield.

Picking up Stevan Ridley for a high-end flex option is definitely a risk worth taking, unless you think that LeGarrette Blount is going to take over the starting running back role for the Patriots.

Sell High: Michael Vick

Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports Michael Vick is an injury risk waiting to happen.

Michael Vick scored 25 fantasy points with 203 passing yards, two passing touchdowns, and a rushing touchdown in Chip Kelly’s fast tempo offense.

Michael Vick has already been traded in my fantasy league, and it was obvious why. Most fantasy owners picked Vick as a backup or as a second quarterback.

With a vast history of injuries and the fact that he was absolutely pummeled by a not-so-stellar Redskins' front seven, it is likely that Vick will not play 16 games this season.

If you have a solid starting quarterback option in place already, Vick could be used as a trading piece to pick up one of the top running backs that underperformed last week.

Buy Low: Giovani Bernard

Andy Lyons/Getty Images Bernard is a great buy-low option in PPR leagues

Giovani Bernard shot up draft boards after an impressive showing on Hard Knocks . and while his pass blocking may be questionable, his raw athleticism is not.

Bernard only scored two points this week, but he also had a lot of his yardage production called back on penalties.

The Bengals other running back option, BenJarvus Green-Ellis, did score a touchdown, but his 14 rushes for just 25 yards limited him to just eight fantasy points.

The starting running back role and the majority of the touches in the Bengals' backfield seem to be up for grabs, and Bernard could easily find himself winning out over the lackluster Green-Ellis in the coming weeks.

Bernard is a great buy-low option, especially in deeper formats and PPR leagues.

Sell High: Wes Welker

Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports Wes Welker could see his numbers vary greatly week-to-week.

Wes Welker is going to be a great fantasy player this season, and I would be surprised if he did not finish near the top of the wide receiver rankings.

That being said, wide receiver is deep this season, and if you can find an owner in your league that is deep at running back and in need of an elite wide receiver, it would be smart to make a run at one of the top running backs.

Chances are you drafted Welker as a second wide receiver or flex, and if you can buy low on players such as Trent Richardson. Stevan Ridley or Maurice Jones-Drew, you will have a better roster for it.

Welker is just one of many Denver receivers, and his numbers will likely vary greatly each week.

It will be tough to know what you are getting out of Welker on a weekly basis, and for that reason alone, it makes sense to trade him while his stock is as high as it is now.

Buy Low: Lamar Miller

Matt Sullivan/Getty Images Lamar Miller has the skills to be a valuable fantasy running back.

If you are going to buy low on Lamar Miller. you will be buying on his perceived talent level, and not his past performance.

Miller put up a goose egg in the season opener with just three yards on 10 carries.

The second year running back out of Miami came into the season as an unproven commodity, and fantasy owners with Miller on their team are probably feeling the pressure to offload him in a hurry.

With a favorable matchup against a Colt’s defense that gave up 171 total rushing yards to the Raiders coming up for Lamar Miller, chances are he is able to rebound and will present some fantasy value moving forward.

The price tag for Miller is likely as low as a bench player, and at that price, he is a player worth taking a risk on.

Sell High: Miles Austin

Tim Heitman-USA TODAY Sports

Miles Austin is a great sell-high option in PPR formats.

Having caught 10 passes for 72 yards, Austin scored 17 points in PPR formats, making him a low-end second wide receiver or a great flex option.

Austin was the beneficiary of a bad game by projected fantasy stud Dez Bryant. who was troubled by a twisted ankle for the majority of the game against the Giants.

Austin is a constant injury risk, and quite frankly, will probably not get as many targets as he did this past week when Bryant is back and fully healthy moving forward.

If there is interest in Austin as a second wide receiver or flex option, you would do well to find a more consistent player for your roster.

Wide Receiver is the new Running Back. With the onset of so many pass first offenses, more and more fantasy football managers are drafting stud Wide Outs with their first round draft picks. This position can be a bit tricky at times when it comes to drafting. Just like the relationship between Running Backs and Offensive Linemen, a Wide Receiver's value is heavily linked to their Quarterback. This rule applies to just about every Receiver in the NFL. However, those with the proper skill set can usually overcome even the most mediocre Quarterback play. Talented Wide Outs should thrive regardless of their team’s offensive output. High octane offenses will create plenty of opportunities for said Wide Receiver to score you fantasy points. On the flip side, weak teams playing from behind will be forced to pass a lot, in turn creating opportunity on the back end.

There are 4 standard strategies when it comes to drafting wide receivers;

A) Grab a “beast” Wide Receiver in the first round. Securing that stud Wide Out right away can give your fantasy team a big edge and allow you to focus on better value with your Running Back and Quarterback selections.

B) Take a top Wide Receiver with your second round draft pick. This strategy allows you to grab that all important feature Running Back or stud Quarterback in the first round.

C) Hold off on a Wide Receiver until round 3 or later. Doing so will allow you to grab top tier Running Backs and/or even a top 5 Quarterback. Wide Receivers can be had at a bargain later on in the draft if you know where to look. Do your draft day homework!

D) Draft Wide Receivers with your first two or three picks – same principle as the Running Back position, it all depends on what the you would like the core of your fantasy team to made up of.

Wide Receiver Fantasy Trade Options

As with trading Running Back trades, similar rules apply to trading Wide Receivers. The biggest difference here is that there are simply more Wide Receivers to choose from. Each team starts at a minimum two Wide Receivers and usually a slot receiver. This gives you 96 viable options on any given week! Obviously some Wide Outs are stronger bets than others so as always do your homework.

When it comes to fantasy trading involving Wide Receivers a few thoughts come to mind;

A) If you did not manage to draft a top Wide Receiver you may feel inclined to trade for one. In this case you must be careful to not give up too much. That big name Wide Out might make you feel more comfortable when setting your fantasy lineup but the value has to be there for the deal to work. If the other owner is asking for too much you must walk away.

B) Let’s say you did manage to draft a top Wide Receiver. This usually means you grabbed him in the first round leaving you light at the all important Running Back slot. If you team is winning stick with it but you may want to be on the lookout for a deal. Putting all of your eggs in one basket may work for a few weeks but nine times out of ten this strategy will usually blow up in your face. You by no means should feel inclined to trade your top Receiver but if he is coming off a monster game and an offer comes along that will better your team for the long haul, you might consider the option. An excellent example is Calvin Johnson (2011) He caught two touchdowns in each of his first three games making him the quintessential “sell high.” Now he did go on to have a terrific season but I would bet owners you traded him to the right bidder got tremendous value in return.

C) Sweeten the deal! Coming up with a viable Wide Receiver is relatively easy. If you are targeting a player in a trade and having trouble getting the owner to bite feel free to throw in an expendable Wide Receiver he or she could use. Do not be afraid to ask for a lesser receiver in return on the exchange unless your team is just that stacked.

Free Wide Receiver Trade Analysis

These fantasy football Wide Receiver tips will help you draft and/or maintain a superior team this season and for many seasons to come. A few calculated trades can excel your team from a contender to the overall winner. With so much riding on making the correct trades a second option can be extremely helpful. Trade Fantasy Football was created solely for this purpose. Submit your trade on our homepage and one of our trade experts will respond with a recommendation.

Trade Bait

Though anyone on my team is available for the right price.

Year 2017 Draft Pick 3.13

Year 2017 Draft Pick 6.24

Year 2017 Draft Pick 6.30

Year 2017 Draft Pick 8.24

Year 2017 Round 1 Draft Pick from Salt Lake Broncos

Year 2017 Round 2 Draft Pick from Salt Lake Broncos

Year 2017 Round 3 Draft Pick from Salt Lake Broncos

Year 2017 Round 4 Draft Pick from Salt Lake Broncos

Year 2017 Round 5 Draft Pick from Salt Lake Broncos

Year 2017 Round 6 Draft Pick from Salt Lake Broncos

Year 2017 Round 7 Draft Pick from Salt Lake Broncos

Year 2017 Round 8 Draft Pick from Salt Lake Broncos

Hill, Jeremy CIN RB

Stewart, Jonathan CAR RB

Vereen, Shane NYG RB

Crowder, Jamison WAS WR

Cruz, Victor NYG WR

Ginn Jr. Ted CAR WR

Jackson, DeSean WAS WR

Graham, Jimmy SEA TE

Year 2017 Draft Pick 2.08

Year 2017 Draft Pick 2.13

Year 2017 Draft Pick 4.04

Year 2017 Draft Pick 4.16

Year 2017 Draft Pick 6.16

Year 2017 Draft Pick 7.16

Year 2017 Draft Pick 8.16

Year 2017 Round 1 Draft Pick from Kentucky Chargers

Year 2017 Round 2 Draft Pick from Kentucky Chargers

Year 2017 Round 3 Draft Pick from Kentucky Chargers

Year 2017 Round 4 Draft Pick from Kentucky Chargers

Year 2017 Round 5 Draft Pick from Kentucky Chargers

Year 2017 Round 6 Draft Pick from Kentucky Chargers

Year 2017 Round 7 Draft Pick from Kentucky Chargers

Year 2017 Round 8 Draft Pick from Kentucky Chargers

Looking for RB/WR/TE/DE/LB. Willing to deal picks to acquire these positions.

League Bylaws

Twisted Dynasty League 5 Rules

1. Overview: The Twisted Dynasty Fantasy Football Leagues (TDFFL) are six dynasty leagues (with a twist) all competing in a tiered 'pyramid' system.

The TDFFL consists of three tiers: Semi-Pro, Pro, and Champions Tier. The goal is to do well enough in your leagues and move up the pyramid.

TD 5 Basic Rules & Highlights

Entry Fee each year is $60 ($65 the first year)

Twelve (12) teams with three divisions.

Rosters built through an initial league draft.

Head to Head competition for 13 weeks.

Six team playoffs weeks 14-16.

You keep all of your players the following year.

Four round rookie/free agent draft in the offseason.

There will be three divisions. Each division will have four teams. There are 12 total teams in the league.

The divisions will be realigned every year. The realignment will be done according to the total points scored during the previous regular season. The #1, #6, #7, #12 scoring teams will be placed in the Paul Brown division. The #2, #5, #8, #11 scoring teams will be placed in the George Halas division. The #3, #4, #9, #10 scoring teams will be placed in the Vince Lombardi division.

First Year (2017) - Rosters will consist of 22 active players made up of players from the following positions: Quarterback (QB), Running back (RB), Wide Receiver (WR), Tight End (TE), Place Kicker (PK), and Defensive/Special Teams (DT/ST).

Subsequent Years (2017 +) - Rosters will consist of 20 active players made up of players from the following positions: Quarterback (QB), Running back (RB), Wide Receiver (WR), Tight End (TE), Place Kicker (PK), and Defensive/Special Teams (DT/ST).

First Year (2017) - There is no taxi squad in 2017.

Subsequent Years (2017 +) - Up to two players can be on each team's taxi squad. Only rookie players can be placed on the TS. Two weeks prior to the start of the NFL season, the active roster size will be decreased to 20 players. Owners will then have one week to demote two rookies to the taxi squad. If teams are over the active roster limit one week prior to the start of the regular season, 8:30 PM ET, September 1, 2017, the Commish will move the most recently added players to the taxi squad. Any player promoted from the taxi squad to the regular roster and placed in a starting lineup may not be placed back on the taxi squad that season by that team. Any illegal TS moves that have to be undone by the Commish will result in a warning followed by suspension of free agency privileges.

Owners can place up to two players on Injured Reserve (IR) during the NFL regular season. Only players designated by MFL as being on IR may be placed on IR. There may be a day or two lag between when the time the NFL team actually puts the player on IR and when MFL reflects this on the league page. Until MFL indicates they are on IR, they will not be able to be placed on IR on your roster.

After the Championship Game, all taxi squad and injured reserve players will become part of your active roster when your roster will be allowed to grow to 22 players. If teams have more than 22 players on their roster, they will have one week to drop enough player(s) to get to 22 players. Otherwise, the Commish will drop players (lowest avg ppg weeks 1-16) to get rosters legal.

Each week you will play another team head to head according to the fantasy schedule. All teams will play each team in its own division twice during the regular season and each non-division team once except for one random team. They will play within their division weeks 1, 4, 7, 9, and 12-13 of the regular season with non-division games weeks 2-3, 5-6, 8, and 10-11.

The team with the highest score wins. Your team score will be determined by adding up your players' points using the scoring system. In case of a tie, the game ends in a tie (see scoring system). Scores are considered official, final and unchangeable after stat changes are made (usually Thursday morning). After scores become official they will not change for any reason.

Lineups will consist of 10 players.

A weekly starting lineup will consist of:

1 QB, 2 RBs, 3 WRs, 1 TE, 1 Flex (RB/WR/TE), 1 PK, and 1 Def.

Previous weeks’ lineups do not carry over until after the Thursday game has been played so if you want to start a player who is playing in a Thursday game, you must submit a lineup prior to kickoff of the game.

Lineups are adjustable until the kickoff of each player’s game. Basically, each player's weekly lineup deadline will be just before that player's game time. So if a player has a game time of Sunday at 1:00 PM Eastern the lineup decision for that player will have to be made before that time. If he is listed as "starting" at that time, he will be counted toward your score for the week. If he is not listed as a starter at that time, he will not be counted and you must use a different player (whose game has not started yet) in that slot. If an owner fails to submit a valid weekly starting lineup, the previous week's lineup will be used. Even if the team wishes to use the same lineup as the previous week, a team must resubmit that lineup using the MFL system. It is highly recommended that all owners submit a lineup earlier than the deadline to avoid any technical glitches, which may interfere with a lineup submission. If you are having technical troubles on the site, you may either.

Post to the web-site message board explaining to the league that your team is having a technical issue with the lineup submission process and then list your starting lineup.

Send your starting lineup via email to the Commish and your opponent, explaining the technical problem along with your starting lineup. One important point, the date/time stamp on the e-mail sent must be PRIOR to the deadline. The Commish will accept that lineup and submit it for the league owner onto the league website.

During weeks with early games (those played on Saturday, Friday, or Thursday), a partial lineup may be submitted involving players of the early games. You may also submit a full lineup at this time. Players playing in the early games will be locked at kick-off and can not be changed, however any players who have been submitted in a full lineup who have NOT played, may be changed prior to the Sunday morning deadline or start time of their game if earlier than Sunday.

Any team that does not have a lineup submitted for the week will result in the prior weeks lineup being used.

Should any team not submit their lineup two weeks in succession, their team will be put under review. This means that the Commish will be contacting the owner (by e-mail or phone) and expecting a quick response regarding the lack of activity from the owner. If no contact can be established within a week (7 days) of being put under review, the Commish will take over control of that team until contact can be made. The lack of activity may result in disciplinary measures being taken with that owner. That includes the possibility of having the team removed from the inactive owner and any possible prize monies as well as all entry fees being forfeited by that team.

Should the very unlikely event of a team owner being removed occur, the Commish will take the following actions.

The Commish will personally run that team until another owner is found as replacement.

Any weekly prize won from the having the high score that is being operated by the Commish will NOT be awarded to that team. Instead, the next highest scoring team for that week will be awarded the weekly Hi-Score Prize.

Any prizes won regarding playoff placement and division status will be awarded. However, if the team being run by the Commish should win the Championship game, then the top two prize monies will be pooled and equally split between the Commish run team and the runner-up.

Regarding partial lineup submissions. Should an owner submit a partial lineup for an early game and then not submit the remaining roster lineup for that week, the following action will be taken.

The partial lineup that was submitted will stand.

The remaining starters will be filled around the partial lineup based on the prior weeks submission. Example: If its Week 12, then Week 11 roster that was submitted will be used.

The initial league draft will begin on August 20, 2017. It will include all NFL players and free agents, including rookies. College or high school players are not eligible. To be rostered, a player must be eligible to play in the current or upcoming NFL season (suspended NFL players or IR players are considered "eligible").

The draft will be an e-mail style draft. Picks are made through the web-site and e-mail notifications are then sent out to all teams that request it. Be sure to check the website to ensure than an e-mail alert was not 'lost in cyberspace'.

The draft order will be determined by a draft order generator (FFToolbox) after ten teams are paid and NLT one week prior to the start of the draft. The first two rounds of the draft will be serpentine with a reverse serpentine starting at round 3 aka 3RS:

Round 1: 1-12 Round 2: 12-1 Round 3: 12-1 Round 4: 1-12 Round 5: 12-1 Round 6: 1-12 .

The timer is set at 12 hours per pick for the first round to ensure every team becomes aware of the draft starting and to avoid any potential technical issues. The timer is reduced to 10 hours for rounds 2-8, 9 hours for rounds 9-15, and 8 hours for rounds 16-22. The draft will be suspended from 12 AM - 6 AM (after round 1). You can still make picks but the clock will be stopped. If the timer expires on an owner then the pick is skipped and the next owner is on the clock. The skipped owner will be allowed to make a replacement pick from the available pool of players by posting the pick on the message board. Any players drafted from the time the pick expired until the time the owner leaves a message on the board will not be eligible to be drafted by the skipped owner.

8. Rookie/Free Agent Draft:

The league will have a four round Rookie/Free Agent Draft each offseason. The drafts will start on the fourth Wednesday in June (rounds 1 and 2) and the first Monday in August (rounds 3 and 4).

The draft will be an e-mail style draft. The draft timer is set at 12 hours for round 1, 10 hours for rounds 2 and 3, and 8 hours for round 4. The draft timer is suspended between midnight and 6 AM ET.

If a selection is not made in your allotted time, the pick will be skipped, but may be made up any time thereafter. For example, if your timer expires, you and the next owner will simultaneously be on the clock. If you have pick 1.01 and time out, you and the 1.02 owner will simultaneously be on the clock. Whoever submits the draft selection first, will have precedence. If the 1.02 owner drafts and you still have not drafted, then 1.03 and you will be on the clock together. This will continue until you have drafted. So if you draft 1.01 and 1.02 through 1.10 pre-draft and the next choice pick up is 1.11, you and 1.11 will be on the clock at the same time.

The order of picks 7-12 in round 1 is based on the previous season’s playoff results. The league champion (or highest playoff finisher) will have the 12th pick and the runner-up (or second highest playoff finisher) will have the 11th pick, etc. The order of picks 1-6 in round 1 is based on the previous season's Draft Slot Tournament (DST) results. The winner of the DST (or highest DST finisher) will have the 1st pick and the runner-up (or second highest DST finisher) will have the 2nd pick. Previous regular season’s total points scored is the tiebreaker. The order of round 2 is reverse order of round 1. The order of round 3 is based on previous regular season’s total points scored. The order of round 4 is reverse order of round 3.

Trading draft picks and/or players is legal before or during the rookie/free agent draft but owners can only trade the current season's draft picks.

Owners can start dropping players from their roster the first Monday in May. Players may be cut from the off-season roster to accommodate for draft choices as picks are made. At no time can the roster limit be exceeded. There is no draft pick limit. In the event that the off-season roster limit is exceeded during the draft, the draft choice will not be processed until roster space is provided based on the off-season roster limits. Picks can be passed on if a team decides to keep their roster player instead of selecting a rookie. However, teams must draft at least two rookie players.

10. Transactions: Transactions consist of Free Agent Signings and Trades. They are instrumental to the success of your team. It is very important that you remain active and up to date on all information regarding your players. Note: First year owners may not perform roster moves until dues have been paid.

Trading is allowed and encouraged. Multiple player trades are fair. Collusion is not fair. In no way will collusion be tolerated at any time.

All trades are automatically processed once they are accepted by both owners. The only exception may be trades that put a team over the roster limit. These may require Commish approval to be processed.

Any trade that results in a team going over their roster limit of players will require that team to either drop a player or players to rectify the situation or to notify the Commish how they wish to proceed to remain under their roster limits. The team has 24 hours following the official announcement of the trade via the league website to notify the Commish as to which action will be taken if the situation is not rectified by the owner promptly.

Should any team not rectify the roster issue within 24 hours, the Commish shall put the team on notice. If the owner fails to perform the necessary action to be in compliance with the applicable roster requirements, the Commish shall perform the necessary roster cuts. The Commish will utilize the drop order detailed in section 8.

Any team owner that disputes the trade must contact the Commish via e-mail and give a specific rationale as to why this particular trade is unfair. This e-mail must be received within 48 hours of the trade being announced. The reason must be specific and not involve, “I don’t agree with the trade…” or “I want to call a vote…” That is not specific, that is vague. The rationale WILL be posted for the league to discuss, but the team that provided the rationale will remain anonymous.

Should a trade be challenged it will be put up to a vote (3 day poll during the season, 6 days during the off-season) for the league to decide if the trade should stand or be reversed. The two owners involved with the trade may not vote. There must be a 2/3 majority of the remaining owners to overturn a trade, i. e. if all ten owners vote, seven owners must vote against the trade in order for it to be reversed.

A team may make as many trades per month during the off-season as they like, there is no limit.

A player cannot be traded back to a team during the season until four (4) games have passed. During the off-season a player may be traded back and forth between teams.

All trading is suspended between the kickoff of the first Week 12 game and the conclusion of the NFL Super Bowl.

Free agency or waivers will consist of blind bidding (BBID) waivers and first come first serve (FCFS) waivers. All free agent transactions will be requested and processed through the site. Once a player is dropped, there is a waiting period of one week before he can picked be picked up by another team, including yours.

Preseason Free Agency:

Preseason waivers will begin the week following the completion of the rookie draft. There are no preseason waivers the first year. Any players not on a roster at this time will be considered free agents. The free agent system will be a “blind bidding” process. BBID waivers will begin at 8 AM ET on the first Monday AFTER completion of the rookie draft and process each Thursday at 8:00 PM ET. There is a limit of two players that can be picked up by each team each week during the three weeks of preseason waivers. The preseason waiver period will end each year on Thursday of Week #3 preseason NFL games. There will be no FCFS waivers during the preseason.

Season Free Agency:

The free agent system will be a “blind bidding” process. Each team will start with 200 Blind Bidding Bucks (BBIDs) for the season to include the preseason, and will be permitted to bid for free agents on a weekly basis. No team will be informed of any other team’s free agent bids until after the winning bids have been awarded. The team with the highest bid on any given player will be awarded that player. The amount of the winning bid will be deducted from the winning team’s free agent dollars. If a team’s free agent dollars go to zero, that team will no longer be allowed to bid for the rest of the season. No bid will be accepted that is larger than a team's remaining BBIDs. The minimum bid is $1. All bids must be in increments of dollars (no cents).

Bidding Time Frame: The bidding process starts Week 1 on September 6, 2017 at 8:00 AM ET and ends Week 16 on Thursday, December 22, 2017 at 3:15 PM ET. Bids will be accepted on the league web site from Tuesday at 8:00 AM ET until Thursday at 3:15 PM ET in each of these weeks. Rosters will be updated immediately after bids are automatically processed.

Conditional Bids: Conditional bids can also be offered. In the event you may lose out on a player, you can place conditional bid(s) for other players during the bidding time frame. The first conditional bid will become relevant only if you lose out on the first bid. Subsequent conditional bids will become relevant only if the previous conditional bid fails. Bids do not require conditional bids. Bids may have several sequential conditional bids, but may not include bidding on the same player more than once.

Tied Bids: If there is a tie, the team that receives the player will be determined in order by: 1. Overall Winning Percentage. 2. Total Points Scored. 3. Last Week's Point Total.

Blind Bidding Bucks may also be used in trades.

FCFS Waivers: A first come first serve (FCFS) waiver period will be open for access from the time frame extending from two hours after the blind bid waivers are processed to Sunday of that week at 1 PM ET. FCFS waivers end on December 25, 2017.

Number of Waivers: There is a limit of four waiver moves each week.

If any owner is replaced, the new owner cannot vote or conduct any normal business (trades, FA pick up, etc) until all dues are paid. The commissioner will notify the league once the new owner(s) is in good standing and is free to conduct normal business.

Position players may score from any position. (IE. A QB that catches a pass for a touchdown will receive pts for a receiving TD).

Points will be scored in the following manner:

TD Pass = 4.5 pts

Passing Yards = 0.045 for every 1 yards

Interceptions = -1 pt

Passing 2 Point Conversion = 1 pt

Rushing TD = 6 pts

Rushing Yards = 0.1 pt for every 1 yard

Rushing 2 Point Conversion = 2 pts

Receiving TD = 6 pts

Receiving Yards = 0.1 pt for every 1 yard

Receiving 2 Point Conversion = 2 pts

Receptions (RB & WR) = 1 pt for every 1 rec

Receptions (TE & QB) = 1.5 pts for every 1 rec

Fumbles Lost = -1 pt each

Extra Points = 1 pt each

Extra Points Missed = -1 point each

Field Goal 1-39 yards = 3 pts each

Field Goal 40+ yards = 3 pts + 0.1 pts for every 1 yard

Missed Field Goal 1-29 yards = -1 pt each

Defensive & Special Teams TDs = 6 pts each

Fumble Recoveries (from Opponent) = 2 pts each

Interceptions Caught = 2 pts each

Sacked a QB = 1 pt each

Safeties = 2 pts each

0-0 offensive pts allowed = 8 pts

1-6 offensive pts allowed = 5 pts

7-12 offensive pts allowed = 3 pts

13-14 offensive pts allowed = 1 pts

15-39 offensive pts allowed = 0 pts

40-49 offensive pts allowed = -1 pts

50+ offensive pts allowed = -2 pts

0-225 total net yards allowed = 5 pts

226-275 total net yards allowed = 3 pts

276-299 total net yards allowed = 1 pts

300-399 total net yards allowed = 0 pts

400-499 total net yards allowed = -1 pt

500+ total net yards allowed = -2 pts

Regular season tie games are allowed. In the event a team ends a game in a tie, the tie game will reflect as one-half of a win and one-half of a loss.

Division Champions tie breaker:

1. Overall Record 2. Best Head to Head record (added up) between all tied teams 3. Division Record 4. Total Points Scored 5. Highest single game score to date 6. Coin Flip

Wildcard tie breakers:

1. Overall Record 2. Head to Head record (except three or more way ties) 3. Total Points Scored 4. Highest single game score to date 5. Most Points Against 6. Coin Flip

Regular Season Champion tie breakers:

1. Overall Record 2. Head to Head record (except three or more way ties) 3. Total Points Scored 4. Division Record

Playoff Game tie breakers:

During a playoff game, each team must designate one of their reserve players as a tie-breaker player in the comments section when submitting their lineup for that week. That players points will only count in the case of a tie.

If the game is still tied after the first tie-breaker (because both teams tie-breaker players scored the same total), the winner will be determined by the highest scoring individual player on each team for that particular week.

If both of the highest scoring players score the same amount of points, then the next highest scoring totals will be used until we have a winner.

Lastly, if a tie is still in effect after all of the above have been done, a coin flip will determine the winner.

A total of six (6) teams will qualify for the playoffs, the three (3) division champions and the three (3) wildcard teams. The division champion with the best record (total points tiebreaker) will be seeded #1 and receive a first round bye. The division champion with the second best record (total points tiebreaker) will be seeded #2 and receive a first round bye. The division champion with the third best record will be seeded #3. The wildcard teams will be seeded #4 to #6.

Week 14 is the Quarterfinal Games. The #3 seed (+6 pts) will play the #6 seed and the #4 seed (+3 pts) will play the #5 seed. The winners will advance to the Semifinal Games.

After the week 14 Quarterfinal Games, the teams will be reseeded according to the playoff seeding criteria. Note: A wildcard team may actually be seeded higher than a division winner.

Week 15 is the Semifinal Games. Again, the week 14 winners will be reseeded. The #1 seed (+6 pts) will play the #4 seed and the #2 seed (+3 pts) will play the #3 seed. The winners will advance to the Championship Game.

Week 16 is the Championship Game as well as the Consolation Game for the two losers of the Semifinal Games.

Homefield Advantage - In quarterfinal and semifinal playoff games, the higher seeded team will receive an additional 3 or 6 points. The Commissioner will add the additional points to each team’s score using the Franchise Score Adjuster in the Setup. There is no homefield advantage for any week 16 games.

14. Draft Slot Tournament:

The six non-playoff teams will participate in the Draft Slot Tournament (DST) from weeks 14-16. Seeding is the same as the playoff seeding. The Tournament will start during week 14 and be conducted as follow:

Week 14: Quarterfinal 1 - Seed #1 vs. Seed #6 Quarterfinal 2 - Seed #2 vs. Seed #5 Quarterfinal 3 - Seed #3 vs. Seed #4

Week 15: Semifinal 1 - Winner of Quarterfinal 1 vs. highest scoring week 14 team that lost. Semifinal 2 - Winner of Quarterfinal 2 vs. Winner of Quarterfinal 3.

Week 16: Team that did not advance to week 15 vs. Team that did not advance to week 15 (Winner - 5th place; Loser - 6th place) Loser Semifinal 1 vs. Loser Semifinal 2 (Winner - 3rd place; Loser - 4th place) Winner Semifinal 1 vs. Winner Semifinal 2 (Winner - 1st place; Loser - 2nd place)

Starting in 2017, teams will either stay in TD 5 the following year or move up/down the pyramid.

Teams will be placed in leagues according to a formula based on regular season record, points scored, and playoff finish. The top 12 teams will move to TD 6, etc, etc.

The top three playoff finishers will move up to the Champions Tier (TD 6) the following year.

The bottom three DST finishers will move down to the Semi-Pro Tier (TD 2 or TD 3).

The middle six teams will stay in TD 5.

Even if a team moves to another league, they will keep their roster of players.

As teams move up and down the pyramid, there will be duplicate players in a league. However, the same player can only be on two rosters in each league. Priority goes to teams, in order: that are staying in the same league the following season, have a better record, have more regular season points in case teams have the same record.

After the Super Bowl, the Commish will notify the league owners which teams will be in each TD league the following season as well as which players have to be traded. These players need to be traded prior to March 1 at which time the leagues will be upgraded. If an owner doesn't trade one of these players prior to the end of February, that player will be dropped from their roster.

1. Team A is staying in TD 6 and has Aaron Rodgers on their roster. Team B (9-4) and Team C (8-5) are moving up to TD 6 and also have Rodgers on their rosters. Since Team C has a worst record, Team C must trade Rodgers or have him dropped from their roster.

2. Team A and Team B are staying in TD 4 and both have A. J. Green on their rosters. Team C is moving to TD 4 and also has Green on their roster. Team C must trade Green or have him dropped from their roster.

3. If there is more than one player that needs to be traded, the Commish will conduct a dice roll the day after the Super Bowl to determine the teams and which players they need to trade.

In order to change the rules, owners can e-mail rule change proposals to the Commish during the time period indicated on the league calendar. Proposal(s) will be forwarded to the Executive Committee and each member will have one week to vote. Voting will take place in mid June. Note: "abstaining votes" do not count as either a "yes" or "no" vote.

Number of people voting -- outcomes:

1 - proposal is defeated 2 - proposal is defeated 3 - proposal is adopted if the vote is 3-0 or 2-1 4 - proposal is adopted if the vote is 4-0 or 3-1 5 - proposal is adopted if the vote is 5-0 or 4-1 6 - proposal is adopted if the vote is 6-0, 5-1, or 4-2 7 - proposal is adopted if the vote is 7-0, 6-1, or 5-2

Rule proposals/changes can only be made during the offseason. During the season, the Commish will handle any rules interpretation matters. The EC can review any Commish decision if 3/4 of the owner requests it.

16A. Rule Re-Evaluation: From time to time, a situation may arise in which the rules, as written, may lend themselves to harming the position of a team in a way for which they were not meant to do when written. If such a situation arises, the league Commissioner has the right to re-evaluate the league rules to determine whether the situation at hand is such that the intent of the rules when they were written can not be upheld because the literal interpretation would lend itself to the contrary. If so, the Commissioner can forego the rules, as written, in favor of the rule's intent. If the commissioner comes to such a decision, he must inform the other league owners by email; explaining the situation, the decision to forego the rule in question, and the reasoning for making such a decision. League owners who believe that the situation in question does not warrant a reevaluation of the league rules must inform the commissioner within 24 hours. If three (3) league owners independently send a message to the Commissioner stating that they do not believe the rule should be forgone, the Commissioner's decision will be overruled. If not, the Commissioner's decision will be final.

16B. Rulebook Gaps: In the event that a situation should arise in which no effective solution can be found due to ambiguities in the league rules, the league Commissioner has the right to use his own discretion to resolve the issue. That decision must then be followed consistently for any situation of significant similarity for the remainder of the season.

17A. Commissioners' Duties: The Commissioners are sworn to act at all times in the Best Interest of the League. Some of the Commissioners’ responsibilities are to ensure the league is setup properly to include the league bylaws, additional rules, scoring system, and league calendar of events. Other responsibilities include recruiting and inviting new owners, presiding over the draft, overseeing the waiver/free agency process, and setting up the playoff brackets.

17B. Executive Committee: There will be an Executive Committee (EC) consisting of the six TDFFL Commissioners and the reigning Twisted Champion or the winner of TD 6 if the Twisted Champion is a current Commissioner. The EC will serve several functions: 1. To serve as an appeal board for an owner who feels that the Commissioner has decided an issue unfairly. Each owner will have the opportunity to appeal one (1) Commissioner's decision to the EC. The Commissioner who runs the league which contains the appealing owner will not be involved in any decision. 2. To serve as a steering committee for the league. Decisions affecting the league will often begin with the Executive Committee.

17C. Committee of the Whole: The league owners will function as the Committee of the Whole (CW) which is made up of all league members, each with an equal vote. Owners can request that the Commissioner contact the league owners to appeal a decision made by the EC. If approved, the CW can veto any decision made by the EC with a 2/3 majority vote provided at least 2/3 of all current owners cast a vote. Each member of the CW will be charged with the responsibility of acting in the Best Interests of the League.

18. Owner Responsibilities:

Owners are expected to do everything within their power to run that team to the best of their ability. Any owner who can't do that, will be removed from the league. I know that may seem harsh, but I refuse to allow any owner to jeopardize the overall integrity of one of these leagues.

1. Be ready to draft when the draft starts. For league with slow drafts, it is expected that each owner will make their picks as quickly as is humanly possible. Try to be considerate to your fellow owners by using the pre-draft feature if you’re going to be away from the computer.

2. Set starting lineups each week according to the rules. Any owner who does not set a lineup for two consecutive weeks, without prior notice to the Commissioner, will be removed from the league and a replacement owner will be found. Said owner will also NOT receive a refund of his or her league fee, if applicable.

3. Be respectful to your fellow owners. Respond to trade offers in a timely manner. Avoid using any foul language on the league message board, chat room, or e-mail. While a certain level of smack talk is allowed and encouraged, insults, personal attacks, and inflammatory or taunting acts will not be tolerated. The Commissioner will have total authority in drawing the line between trash talking and the above mentioned acts. This will be strictly enforced.

4. Removing an Owner. If an owner is considered by the Commissioner to be conducting himself in a manner not in the Best Interest of the League or DETRIMENTAL to the league, the owner may be removed. If an owner feels it is necessay to attack the league or any of its' owners in any form, then it is in their best interest to find a different league. A refund of the entry fee will be determined by the league and any refund will affect the prize money.

League fee collections will be handled by David Torreano, the TDFFL League Treasurer. Any entry fees received will be kept in a separate PayPal account and will only be withdrawn to pay out winners.

Since this a dynasty league, I expect owners to remain with the league for many years. To deter owners from leaving after one or two years, each owner will pay an initial franchise fee of $25. Franchise fees are refundable after the owner's 3rd year in the league and only if requested.

Replacement owners will pay the franchise fee their first year:

Effective 2017-2017: Replacement owners will receive a $24/$16/$8 discount off their franchise fee if they take over a bottom 3/6/9 scoring team, respectively. Effective 2018 +: Replacement owners will receive a $12/$8/$4 discount off their franchise fee if they take over a bottom 3/6/9 scoring team, respectively, and the previous owner did not request a refund of their franchise fee. Effective 2017-2017: Replacement owners who conduct a dispersal draft will receive a $10 discount off their franchise fee.

The total fee for the 2017 season is $60.00 ($85 for new owners). The entry fee deadline is the third Thursday in June (June 16, 2017). Owners may request an extension but no longer than one week. If fees are not received from a team by the deadline or extension, the Commissioner will officially begin to search for a new owner. Also, owners who miss the entry fee deadline will have $10 deducted from any prize money they win. This money will be added to the prize money.

Replacement owners can not perform any roster transactions until payment in full is received by the commissioner/treasurer.

David Torreano 635 Upton Dr.|Colorado Springs, CO 80911

PayPal $60.00 or $63.00 (covers fees, if applicable) to Torreano@aol. com

Prize payouts are mailed PROMPTLY during the week following the conclusion of the NFL regular season (Week 17).

Prize distribution is intentionally diverse to allow more people a shot at winning prize money while still giving the league champ a decent prize for winning the league championship.

Prizes will be distributed as follows:

How Fantasy Football Can Teach You To Become A Successful Options Trader

[AUDIO VERSION: I also recorded an audio version of this blog post. Click below to listen. Let me know if this is something you find helpful!]

In How Winning Football and Options Trading Are Similar. we talked about about how the game of football relates to options trading. But let’s face it, most of us have never played football at an elite level.

However, over 30 million people play fantasy football–a multi-billion dollar business.

Now, I’m not sure about you, but fantasy football is a pretty big deal in Chicago, there is even a show about the pursuit of the fantasy football glory that fictionally takes place here.

I’ll be honest, fantasy football isn’t really my thing. I’d rather focus on my businesses and trading…but I can appreciate those who give it a go.

Believe it or not, the process of becoming a good fantasy football player is very similar to becoming a successful options trader or investor. By the time you’ve finished reading this, you’ll see what I mean.

Everyone Starts the Year With a Chance

In the investing world they say that past performance is not indicative of future results. It doesn’t matter how successful you were last year..let alone last week. Everyone starts off fresh, with the goal of extracting capital from the markets.

If you won your fantasy football league last year, you still have to prove yourself again this year, to retain the crown.

Before the start of the fantasy football season, each player has a draft position. Obviously, the closer you get to having the first pick, the better the chances of picking up a star player that will help your team.

In investing, not everyone starts with the same amount of capital. some investors have much larger bankrolls than others. Having a large bankroll is like getting a very good draft position in your draft.

However, that doesn’t mean you’ll win nor does it mean you’ll be a profitable trader because you’ve got more money to start off with.

You’ve Got To Do Your Homework

Although some players will start off with an advantage (better draft positioning) that doesn’t mean that they are guaranteed to be the champion. By studying the teams, coaches, schedules and players… you start developing a list of candidates you’d like to select.

This type of research can be done by following blogs, watching shows, going on team websites or even paying for premium services. This is all fine and dandy…but before we even get to that stage, you’ve got to understand how your league is structured and what type of player positions are the most valuable in your league.

After you’ve identified that, you can start focusing on players who might be available when it’s your turn to draft.

Most traders and investors don’t have unlimited capital, with that said, they’ve got to allocate their capital to trades which they feel will generate the best returns for them.

If you’re starting off with a small account, you want to allocate your trades to those that have a high probability of success. Not only that, but you’ve got to size them appropriately. so that, when you do lose a trade, you won’t blow out your account.

High Draft Picks Are Like High Probability Trades

During a football season, there are a ton of surprises…some teams underperform, while others overachieve…same could be said with players. However, before the season starts, there is a small group of players who everyone feels that they’ll have an All-Pro season (if they can stay healthy).

In trading, there are setups in which have a high probability of success. They almost feel like free money when the opportunities arise.

For example, drafting Peyton Manning is like selling option premium when implied volatility is relatively high, which is considered a high statistical option trading approach.

With that said, even high probability trades sometimes don’t work out. Just like those fantasy football players who selected an elite running back like Adrian Peterson in their draft this season.

Unexpected events do occur, like Adrian Peterson’s legal issues that have forced him out of play.

Sleeper Picks Are Like Low Risk High Reward Trades

As mentioned earlier, you want to do your homework and select players who are poised to have a strong season. However, as you build a solid team, you can then look to gamble a little.

Maybe select a backup player who could shine if an injury takes place…or select someone who had an off-year last season. If the player surprises, it could be the difference between winning the championship or losing in the playoffs.

In many ways, this is like buying OTM options in a high flying stock. For example, last Friday, The Priceline Group (PCLN) opened trading around $1180 a share, the $1190 calls expiring that afternoon were under $2 per contract at the time.

By the end of the session, they finished in the money with a value of over $26 per contract.

Of course, more times than not…buying these type of options are a total waste of money.

However, the reward is so great…that sprinkling a couple contracts into your account is not a bad thing. The problem with many new option traders, is that they rely too much on these type of trades to get them out of a hole.

These type of trades should be a very small portion of your account…just like selecting sleeper picks on your fantasy football team.

I believe you have to take your shots at higher risk opportunities…because they can create the separation you need for building a successful trading account.

The markets have the ability to surprise even the savviest of investors. We can go from bullish to bearish…from no volatility to extreme volatility, rather quickly. With that said, you’ve got to adjust your trading to the current market environment .

The same is true with your fantasy football team, you’ve got to look at the matchups and teams your players are going up against.

You may decide to insert someone who normally sits on the bench because they are getting the start this week–or are competing against a team that has weaknesses defending players like him.

Not only that, you might adjust your lineup because there is a category you are trying to win over your opponent.

Bottom line, you’ve got to be active and make adjustments. In option trading, a strategy is just an expression of your view of where a stock is headed. However, taking into account the volatility of the options will help you better construct the right strategy.

You don’t want to start a player who has a bye week because you forgot to check the schedule.

Now, I’m not implying that you’ve got to be glued to your computer screen 24/7. However, you’ve got to be aware of your surroundings and how to react when changes arise.

You don’t want to overreact and start churning your account…just like you don’t want to be adding and dropping players without giving them a chance to see what they’re made of.

As mentioned earlier, players get injured and fantasy lineups need to be tweaked. Being aware of who is on the waiver wire and who can help your team is important. It’s highly unlikely that your team will go injury free the whole season.

Trading smaller until your confidence builds up again is a great way to put the focus back on your process vs. concentrating on your PnL swings.

You don’t want to drop a player who is projected to have a good season after one or two bad games.

Don’t Get Caught Up With The Talking Heads

At the end of the day, the players play the game. With that said, don’t put too much stock in the opinions of people who have no influence on the game…… experts get it wrong all the time .

The same is true with the markets. You’ll see a lot of guys and gals on TV telling you why they think XYZ stock is a buy or sell right now. But why should you listen to analyst that has no skin in the game?

Makes absolutely no sense for you to do so. That’s why I only follow the smart money, those who risk large sums of money in hopes of multiplying it.

I once heard someone say, the market doesn’t evolve it mutates. It’s important to stay on top what factors are driving the market, the volatility landscape, scheduled events, key-technical levels, what sectors are in-play etc.

By putting in the work, you are putting yourself in a position to capitalize on opportunities when they arrive.

Now, I’m not saying you’ve got to be an expert in all these areas of trading. Not at all. However, you’ve got to be a master of what your bread and butter is…and most importantly, not to style drift and adjust what you do best to the current market environment.

Fantasy football doesn’t end after the draft. You’ve got to manage your team, make adjustments, study the waiver wire, read injury updates etc. It’s a long season and a lot of hard work involved.

I’d like to think of OptionSIZZLE as your source for generating ideas on how to approach options trading and investing. My goal is to provide with you the tools, information & research so that you can go out on your own and take control of your money.

After all, having someone else handle your investments is like having the computer auto-draft your fantasy football team and then charging you for it!

Now it’s your turn.

Did this article shed some light on how fantasy football is similar to options trading? If you enjoyed it, let me know below. If you’re not using options yet, but would like to…. how can I help you?

As usual, I’ll be hanging out in the comments section below.

How to Draft

How to Draft

Live Draft Client Features

Fun, easy-to-use and interactive

Draft the ultimate fantasy team

View player statistics and projections

Use the Draft Queue to save your favorite players

Interact with other team owners via in-draft chat

Frequently Asked Question

What is the difference between a Standard draft and an Auction draft?

NFL. com now offers both Standard and Auction drafts! A Standard draft follows a "snake" drafting order. This means that once each team makes a pick, the draft order is reversed in the next round. Each team drafts a player when they are on the clock. In an Auction draft, players are nominated in a "linear" order. This means that nomination order never reverses but always remain the same.

In an Auction draft, players are nominated and teams can bid on that player. Each team has a budget that they can spend to win nominated players. The highest bidder wins the player and the amount that they won that player for is deducted from their budget.

NFL. com offers both NFL-Managed Standard and Auction leagues as well as custom Standard and Auction leagues!

Other than a Live Online Draft, are there additional draft options?

We understand that a Live Online draft may not be for everyone. NFL. com also offers Autopick and Offline drafts to ensure every fantasy manager can draft his or her preferred way.

An Autopick Draft operates based on NFL. com Fantasy experts default rankings or a team owner's established pre-rankings of players. This draft type is an excellent choice for both beginners in the fantasy game as well as leagues which can't agree upon a live draft time. In an autopick draft, players are assigned to your team automatically: the system helps you fill your roster either by going strictly off your preset player rankings or by selecting the best available player at an open position of need on your roster.

An Offline Draft is a draft type in which the League's teams draft their players separately from NFL. com. Whether the draft is held in a conference room, restaurant, basement, backyard, on the phone or by e-mail, the Offline Draft is for users who choose not to use the free NFL. com draft application. The League Manager will be responsible for entering draft results via the "Submit Offline Draft Results" tool in the Draft Management section of League Manager Tools.

How do I know my league's draft date and time?

When you join or create your league, you are able to view or select your league's draft type, date and time. You can also confirm your league's draft settings via the Settings link on your League homepage. For Live Drafts, your league homepage will display a "Drafting Now" graphic and link 30 minutes prior to your draft. Once you enter your live draft, the countdown clock will update you on the draft status and when you are on the clock.

How do I know my league's draft order?

Your draft order is set prior to the draft according to league settings. In NFL-Managed leagues, the draft order is randomized and you will discover your draft order once you log in to the Live Draft client. In Custom leagues, your draft order will either be randomized or set by your League Manager.

What happens if I can't make my live draft?

If you are unable to attend your league's scheduled live draft, don't worry. Your team will still be drafted according to the Pre-Draft Rankings you specify or the default NFL player rankings. To customize your Pre-Draft rankings, visit the Pre-Draft Rankings tool from your My Team page prior to your league's draft.

How can I practice a live draft?

NFL. com Fantasy Football offers Mock Drafts from June through September to practice your Live Draft skills. NFL. com Mock Drafts will return next season.

How can I test if my computer supports the NFL. com live draft client?

Test the Draft Client by clicking here.

How can I prepare for my draft?

NFL. com is a great source of fantasy football information, including breaking news updates, video highlights, player rankings and draft predictions. Michael Fabiano and the NFL. com team make sure to always keep you in the know and ahead of the competition. Visit http://nfl. com/fantasy to get your draft research started today.

Where can I find more information?

Visit the NFL. com Fantasy Help section - Live Draft Application for additional information about drafting your team.

Fantasy Football Draft Software

Use the Software the PROS use!

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Draft Analyzer The Draft Analyzer for Fantasy Football is the only award winning, pc-based draft software program that * Is integrated into and sold by ESPN and CBS. SportsLine. com * Won the FSTA Industry Recognition Award for Best Draft Software twice! * Was a finalist for Best Innovation for its Player Recommendation Engine * Provides personalized player recommendations based on your scoring rules, previous draft picks, roster needs, overlapping bye-weeks and much more * Comes pre-loaded with Player Rankings from the experts; updated throughout pre-season at the press of a button * Includes detailed projections from 9 industry leading companies as well as premium aggregated rankings!

Big Time Fantasy Sports BTF Sports develops software to assist Fantasy Sports Leagues Manage their drafts electronically, without the hassle and errors of paper draftings

Fan Draft Multimedia digital draft board for enhancing live drafts for fantasy football.

PCDrafter PCDrafter installs on your laptop or desktop. It is a comprehensive drafting tool featuring a unique algorithm, constantly reoptimizing your best draft pick after each selection. Use it in popular online leagues, or bring it to your live draft on a laptop. Players statistics are refreshed at the click of a button with the latest projections. Includes support for keepers, auctions, draft order changes and IDP. Online help, an active discussion forum, and video tutorials help you draft a winning team!

Draft Order Software for fantasy football leagues draft order lottery.

PrimeTime Draft PrimeTime Draft™ software is a modern, easy-to-use, flexible and reusable digital draft board specifically designed for High-Definition TVs.

Fantasy Draft Assistant Fantasy Draft Assistant is a Windows application that helps you rank players for fantasy football drafts, and includes an innovative draft tracking utility that can be used alongside online drafts without the need to frequently switch back and forth between windows or having a second monitor. Also included is the ability to print cheat sheets and compare player rankings (including the results of mock or actual drafts). It also contains several configurable options to tailor to the user's preferences. This is the tool that every fantasy football player needs to have for their fantasy football drafts.

Fantasy Football Starters Software products that helps fantasy football league owners draft, set lineups and make productive trades. All information provided by this patent pending software is based on personalized expert analysis and real time National Football League player statistics.

FootballDocs Draft Advisor The draft advisor software will recommend players to take based on player value and availability. Whether a seasoned veteran or a fantasy football novice, the draft advisor has something for everyone.

KFFL Draft Pick Trade Analyzer The trade Analyzer works by using a formula that assigns a value to every pick of a draft.

FanSoft Media Fantasy Sports Software Make your draft feel like an actual NFL Draft. With streaming draft tickers, automated draft clocks, and a digitally displayed draft board, FanDraft is a perfect league draft companion to be projected via a Digital Projector or output onto a large television or video monitor for display to the entire league.

scoutPRO® Fantasy Football Projection Software

scoutPRO Fantasy Football gives general managers (GMs) highly accurate, league-winning predictions through smart, patented software that consistently beats the competition and revolutionizes roster management. For GMs looking for a roster optimizer and football prediction software capable of delivering a powerful competitive advantage, scoutPRO is the modern solution. Our NFL football draft software will help you become a perennial force to be reckoned with in your fantasy league. Join the revolution today, and harness NFL fantasy football software that has the power to take your game to the next level.

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Pundits, talking heads and bloggers are constantly broadcasting their opinions on how to run a premiere fantasy football program, but scoutPRO breaks through the chatter by combining statistical data with analysis from our high stakes experts. We’re proud to be the only fantasy football tool that merges data from both objective and subjective sources, and we are dedicated to continuing to supply the best NFL football draft software in the industry. With scoutPRO fantasy football prediction software and draft tips. GMs gain the innovative tools to rise above the competition from the first week of the season to the championship game.

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Winning coaches look at the historical performance and individual skills of their players as well as those of the opponent to make strategic gridiron decisions. scoutPRO fantasy football projection software uses this same coaching model to regularly update fantasy football projections based on opponents, player skills such as arm strength, injuries, past performance and even game-day weather.

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Each week of the season, scoutPRO NFL fantasy football software gives you the NFL football draft software you need to get the most out of the players on your roster, offering head-to-head comparisons, player rankings by position and injury updates. Our state-of-the-art fantasy football software yields proven accurate draft roster predictions for weekly decisions on who to start and who to sit, giving you the edge you need to optimize your roster and dominate your league.

Superior Fantasy Football Analysis and Predictions

In just two NFL seasons, scoutPRO has become one of the most popular fantasy football tools in the industry, beating Sports Illustrated, FOX Sports and NFL. com in accuracy. Our fantasy football draft rankings and tips, prediction software and player comparison tools give GMs the edge they need to beat the competition. With a more than 60% accuracy rating, it’s no wonder the vast majority of our users say they plan to re-subscribe to scoutPRO fantasy prediction software next season. Get in on the action today!

Fantasy football: What to do about Adrian Peterson?

The indefinite suspension of Adrian Peterson by the Minnesota Vikings has left many fantasy owners in a precarious position, and without any sort of timeline hinting at his potential return, it has never been a worse time to be a Peterson owner.

The lack of involvement from the NFL regarding his internal suspension or announcements about his possible reinstatement makes it even more difficult to gauge his fantasy value and determine the best course of action.

Simply put: we do not know what is going to happen. Maybe the suspension will be lifted in a week. Maybe the suspension will be lifted in 10 weeks.

It’s this uncertainty that clouds the issue of assessing Peterson as a viable fantasy option, and complicates any short-term action for fantasy owners regarding Peterson.

A game-changing talent like Adrian Peterson should never be released from your roster unless you are certain he is not returning to the field for the rest of the season.

Likely taken with your first-round pick (if not the number one overall pick), you may be wondering if it is best to part ways with the fantasy cornerstone.

Until more information is known, I think there is no justifiable reason you drop Peterson. For the next week or so, just leave him on your bench and hope he plays football this season.

Dropping Peterson will only return an open roster spot to use on a waiver wire replacement. Even with his suspension, Peterson still has much more value. If I saw Peterson on waivers this morning, I would immediately make a claim for him. His suspension, allegations, legal issues all do not matter because adding Peterson (especially to an already strong team) gives me a chance to win my league.

Because of this influence, there is no reason to release Peterson right now. Not only is there a solid chance he will return soon, but you can also leverage that value in trade talks.

While it is certainly very risky to trade a top-5 fantasy running back, it is an interesting prospect fantasy owners may want to consider. The gamble here is not how Peterson will perform after suspension, but rather for how long the suspension will last.

I recommend waiting at least a week before seriously evaluating trade offers. Personally, I have a feeling Peterson may return in 2-4 weeks, but until more information is known about his eligibility for reinstatement it will be best to hold on to Peterson.

However, if you can draft a proposal featuring Peterson and feel comfortable with the return, it will prove to be more valuable for the immediate future.

Any package returning legitimate fantasy stars must be considered, especially with Peterson still holding considerable value.

Trading Peterson now is the type of risk that can make or break your season, but until more information becomes available, it is best to begin evaluating your replacement options.

Trade Bait

Looking to move 2.01 for a 2017 1st round pick once draft starts. Updated 3/23/16

Brown, Antonio PIT WR

Jones, Julio ATL WR

Dareus, Marcell BUF DT

Howard, Jaye KCC DT

Johnson, Charles CAR DE

Trevathan, Danny CHI LB

Cyprien, Johnathan JAC S

Year 2017 Round 1 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 2 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 3 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 4 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 5 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 6 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 7 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 8 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Offensive Depth and draft picks. Open to anything

Noticias | March 21, 2017

Spring training is underway, and for millions of baseball fans that means it’s time to start over-analyzing players and stats to fill their not-real, totally-made-up team rosters. Welcome to a new season of fantasy baseball. Today, fantasy sports is a

Noticias | March 15, 2017

DraftKings is stepping up for the good of the industry and will be covering hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid player balances and unfulfilled charitable donations from shuttered daily fantasy site FantasyHub.

Noticias | March 9, 2017

With less than a month until the first pitch of the baseball season, SportsHub Technologies, an upstart player in the fantasy sports and eSports industries, has completed the acquisition of RG Ventures, LLC assets.

Noticias | February 23, 2017

Serial entrepreneur, investor and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban recently wrote an Op-Ed that appeared in USA Today laying out the case for why he is investing in fantasy sports and why the industry will prevail.

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No company has dominated the fantasy football industry's "Expert Leagues" and polls than us. In 2017, we finished 3rd out of 130+ experts/sites in Fantasy Pros' preseason draft accuracy challenge. Our subscribers also won WCOFF in 2010 and 2006 and NFFC titles in 2017, 2011, 2009 and 2008. These six readers alone won $900,000 in '06-'13. Every Year Fantasy Results

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If your running back still has that dreaded "Q" tag next to his name, consider the following players as must-play options for Week 5.

Reggie Bush . Though Joique Bell has continued to receive more carries, the time has finally come for Bush to carry the workload. With Bell ruled out for their match against the Buffalo Bills. Bush is looking at a potential 25-touch day. The Bills front-seven might be elite, but the opportunity to prosper is certainly there. Consider Bush a high-ceiling, high-floor RB1 this week.

Bishop Sankey . It was only a matter of time, and according to Ken Whisenhunt and the Tennessean's John Glennon. that time is now. Though this doesn't justify the fourth-round ADP you might have spent, Sankey has the privilege of facing a Cleveland Browns defense that has allowed 5.2 yards per carry. With his production in the passing game, Sankey should finish as an RB2 or top flex option.

Chris Ivory . Out of the three names listed, Ivory's projection is easily the most volatile. The good news, however, is that the New York Jets have continued to ease Chris Johnson out of the offense, seeing Ivory collect 15 more touches over the past two weeks. The San Diego Chargers defense isn't exactly a walk in the park, but as long as he remains healthy, Ivory could easily qualify as a top-15 play.

More from SBNation. com

Trade Bait

Looking to move 2.01 for a 2017 1st round pick once draft starts. Updated 3/23/16

Brown, Antonio PIT WR

Jones, Julio ATL WR

Dareus, Marcell BUF DT

Howard, Jaye KCC DT

Johnson, Charles CAR DE

Trevathan, Danny CHI LB

Cyprien, Johnathan JAC S

Year 2017 Round 1 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 2 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 3 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 4 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 5 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 6 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 7 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Year 2017 Round 8 Draft Pick from New Orleans Jaguars

Offensive Depth and draft picks. Open to anything


NEW for 2017: - Blind Bidding improvements: See all your bids and bid bucks remaining on main bidding page - Player search: One tool to search for a certain player in all your leagues - view what team owns a player or whether the player is a free agent in each league - Fantasy match-up previews - we have joined forces with FantasyFootballFactor. com to bring you previews of your fantasy match-ups. - Alert sound in draft room - More auction leagues, more 14 team leagues and more super flex leagues - and many more improvements

Cost Choose from $25, $50, $75, $100, $150, $250, $500, $1,000 & $1,500 leagues. There are no in-season transaction fees or hidden charges. The league you join is the total cost for the year plus a minimal $2.95 league management fee per user per league. League Management includes the time spent managing the leagues including scheduling, trade approvals, live scoring updates, free agent market, player database management and other management duties. FFF spends countless hours in providing a fun, fair atmosphere with prompt customer service and the league management fee is used so we can continue to provide the service expected as FFF continues to expand and incur additional, rising costs of conducting business throughout the years.

Payouts The percentage of payouts increase as the value of each league increases. We offer $25 leagues with payouts so there is no reason to pay $15 for a free league when you can join a money league for as little as $25! Join a higher priced league and win BIG! Win 8, 9 even 10 times the original cost of the league!

---> Every league pays the total points winner. This is decided by the regular season points leader after 13 games.

---> Win the Fantasy Bowl and be the total points winner, you receive 2 cash prizes.

---> If you had the best regular season but run into a string of horrible luck and don't make the playoffs or lose early in the playoffs, you at least get a cash prize for being the total points winner!

Championship Payout, Top 3 Payout & Final Four Payout Leagues In the Payout column in the leagues section, you will see either 2, 3 or 4. Each format pays out the same percentage but differently for each place and for the total points leader.

The Championship Payout Leagues (2 Payout) pays the 2 owners that participate in the week 16 fantasy bowl and the regular season points leader.

The Top 3 Payout Leagues (3 Payout) pays the 2 owners that participate in the week 16 fantasy bowl and the 3rd place owner that wins week 16 in the consolation bowl (the consolation bowl consists of the 2 owners that lost in week 15). The regular season points leader also receives a payout.

The Final Four Payout Leagues (4 Payout) pays the 4 owners that make it to the semi-finals (weeks 15 & 16) and the regular season points leader.

You must go to your league homepage to claim any payout once the season ends. Prizes will be sent by check and mailed within a month following the Fantasy Bowl. (by late January) All checks will be sent at the same time regardless of when you claim your payout.

You are responsible for fielding the most competitive team possible from the draft to the end of the season, Failure to do so and/or purposely dropping better fantasy performers for players that are not fantasy relevant could lead to the cancellation of your membership at member's expense.

Private Leagues: Rosters = 18 players (No position limits - draft as many players as you want at each position) Starters = 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 players When requesting a private league, you will be given the option to choose your own starting lineups.

Custom Leagues: Our software accommodates custom leagues that draft anywhere from 15 to 22 players and allows starting flexible lineups from 8 to 12 players.

Joining a League (Snake draft vs. Auction draft vs. Slow draft) Here are some options to consider when joining a league: Live Draft (Snake & Auction) vs. Slow Draft (E-mail Draft) - Live drafts - schedule a draft when you are available. - Live drafts typically take around 2 hours. Auction style may take longer. - Live drafts allow you to view players by FFF rank and alphabetically. - Slow drafts show alphabetical view only. Some request to draft without FFF preset ranking of players as it may require more skill to draft. - Slow drafts allow more flexibility for those who can't draft at a certain day and time while others like the fast-paced draft of a live draft. - Slow drafts allow 8 hours per pick.

Snake vs. Auction LIVE DRAFTS - The only difference between these leagues is the method in which you draft. Once the draft is complete, the league is run exactly the same.

- SNAKE Drafts - aka Serpentine Drafts: - Once you join the league, find out your random draft position. - Draft order will reverse every other round. If you pick 1st in round one, you will pick last in round 2 on so on. - You have 2 minutes to select a player for the real drafts (1 minute for mocks).

- AUCTION Drafts: - You have a $200 budget to build your roster of 18 players. - Each team will take turns to nominate players. - Once a player is nominated, every team has an equal chance of bidding for the player. - A player will go up to bid for the default setting of $1. You can change the amount of the nomination when it is your turn to nominate. - You have 25 seconds to nominate a player. - The clock resets to 25 seconds to start bidding on the player. - Bids are in increments of $1 or greater. You can type in a higher bid if you choose. - Once the clock has fewer than 10 seconds and a bid is made it resets to 10 seconds. - Once the clock reaches zero, the last bidder (which is the highest bid) receives the player. - Max Bid is the most you can bid on a current player up for bid.

Other league options: 10, 12 or 14 team leagues PPR (point per reception), 1/2 PPR and non-ppr leagues Victory Points leagues Championship, Top 3 or a Playoff Payout league

If you don't see a league that you like, you may request a league and invite friends to form a private league.

All leagues are listed in Eastern Standard Time.

After you sign up and pay for a league, you will find out your random draft position for the serpentine (SNAKE) style draft.

Swap draft positions (Snake & Slow drafts only): You may request to swap an entire draft position with another owner. Both teams must agree to this at least 6 hours before the draft is set to begin. This is to swap the entire draft position and not individual picks. You cannot swap individual picks at any time or players during a draft. As with all the other rules at FFF - these rules are in place to prevent owners that may know each other to "help" each other out or make one of the teams stronger at the expense of another team.

What if a league doesn't fill? Most leagues fill. We have over a 98% success rate of filling leagues as scheduled! Even if a few days before draft time (and sometimes even a few hours) a league isn't close to filling, it'll likely fill. FFF will inform you in advance if it appears a league may have trouble filling and give you the option to draft at a later date in the same league or to move to another league of your choice. If no options remain, then your account could be credited or a refund will be given.

Why do you ask for all the information when registering? If you are registering, you are most likely interested in joining a league. If you join a league, you have a great chance of receiving a payout and we will need the info to send your winnings. Don't worry, the only time we use your registration information is to send you your winnings. We do not sell your information or spam you in any way.

I paid for my team but I didn't get to enter my team name? This occurs if your browser settings is not set to refresh a page upon each time the page is visited or if your session timed out. Go back to the league you joined and click "Join League" again. You should now see the page to enter your team name. If not, you need to refresh your browser by pressing the F5 key.

How can I send a message to another league member? Go to the "Message Board / Messages" page in your league and use the drop-down box to select the owner in which you want to send a message.

How can I change my team name? You can submit a request to change your team name by using the "Submit Lineup" link for the league in which you are requesting the change or by going to your team page (after the draft) or your league page (prior to draft). You will see a link "Change Team Name" to fill out the request.

Something came up and can't draft. What are my options? We'll be happy to switch you to another league that works for you if enough notice is given to fill the league. You will be switched at your current draft position if available. If not available, you will be transferred to the nearest lower draft position.

How is an abandoned team handled? FFF will review on a weekly basis the last logins of league members. If a member has not logged on for at least 10 days, the team is taken over by the computer and a lineup is submitted on time. If you notice that a team may have been abondoned and a lineup is not submitted before the 1st game of that week, send a message from your league by clicking on: Message Board/Messages > Send a Private Message to Site Administrator

How is a team that is purposely trying to lose or dropping good players for lesser players handled? Send a message to admin immediately. We'll take care of this. FFF reserves the right to deactivate any member or limit their ability to manage (or mismanage) their team if member is purposely trying to sabotage a league at member's expense .

All touchdowns scored by Pass, Rush, or Reception by any member of your starting lineup is 6 points. Offensive fumble returns for TD's and punt or kickoff returns by an individual player are not scored in public leagues.

1 point every 25 yards passing (.04 points for each yard passing) -2 points for an interception 0, 0.5 or 1 point per reception (option if you sign up for a 1 point per reception league) 1 point every 10 yards rushing or receiving (.1 point for each yard rushing or receiving) 2 points for a 2 point conversion -2 points for fumbles lost (any fumble lost on any play of the game including special teams) 3 points for FG up to 39 yards 4 points for FG 40-49 yards 5 points for FG 50-59 yards 6 points for 60+ FG 1 point for each extra point

Defense/Special Teams 6 points for all TD's for defense & special team (kickoff & punt returns) scores 6 points for blocked kick returned for TD 1 point for a sack 2 points for an interception 2 points for a fumble recovery 2 points for a safety 10 points for shutout or held to 2 points 7 points if held from 3-6 points 4 points if held from 7-12 points 2 points if held from 13-16 points 1 points if held from 17-20 points 0 points if held from 21-28 points -1 point if give up 29-34 points -3 points if give up 35+ points

Points allowed are actual overall points against the team regardless of who is on the field.

Private and Custom Leagues: Private and Custom Leagues have many choices to customize scoring. You may see the scoring options for these leagues by requesting a league and looking at the option boxes.

Live Scoring - The live scoring page will automatically refresh every minute. Although live scoring is a great feature to follow your fantasy game, it may not be 100% accurate. Actual results will be confirmed after a review of all the stats. A preliminary stat review will be done after the games are complete and officially reviewed again on Monday. Actual results will be posted after the Monday night game by going to the "Weekly Results" page but stats may change as the NFL reviews stats during the week. Changes may occur until the following Saturday.

Submitting Weekly Lineups Players are locked 5 minutes before their games begin. You may adjust your lineup at anytime before the deadline for each players game.

***IMPORTANT*** Since there are Thursday games each week this year, the software will generate your previous week's lineup on Thursdays at 10am ET if you did not previously submit a lineup. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CHANGE YOUR LINEUP BEFORE THURSDAY NIGHT'S GAME IF YOU DO NOT WANT THE THURSDAY PLAYER(S) IN YOUR LINEUP. This rule change is to prevent members that forget about the Thursday games or have abondoned their teams.

As always, only the players from the early games are locked so you can adjust the remainder of your lineup until each game's deadline.

FFF encourages you to submit a lineup before Thursday games this year to avoid any possibility of not submitting your desired lineup.

Blind Bidding & Free Agency FFF uses Blind Bidding - the fairest and most intriguing method in fantasy football. All teams receive $1,000 for the year in Bidding Bucks (not real money). Blind Bidding starts after the 1st week of games are played and continues throughout the season including playoffs - so you should spend wisely.

Blind Bidding starts Tuesday 8AM EST and ends Thursday 6AM EST. Once the Blind Bidding is over you still may pick up a player in what becomes a 1st come, 1st serve process that stays in effect until 5 minutes before each player's game-time. NOTE: Free agency will begin at approximately 8am EST Thursday after the blind bidding is complete. This is an approximate time and not an exact time.

Free agents are locked from each players gametime until the following blind bidding process begins. Free agents are available for pick-up after your draft and before the season begins. Any dropped players in the preseason will not become available until the first regular season week of blind bidding.

How Blind Bidding works:

The team that bids the highest for a player will get him. Since this is a blind bidding process, no one knows what the others are bidding.

Bid minimum is $1.

If you win the bid at $55, and the next highest bid was $18, you still pay $55 for your player.

If there is a tie bid, the player is awarded to the team with the worst record. 2nd tie-breaker is lowest total points, final tiebreak is whoever entered the league 1st.

The software will guide you through the process of bidding on players.

You are allowed to bid on multiple players for different bidding buck values for each player you would like to drop.

To bid on multiple players for each player dropped, you will rank your preference of which players you most would like on your roster. Your 1st preference will be considered first. If someone outbids you, your 2nd preference is then considered and so on.

You must have enough bidding bucks to bid on players. You will not be allowed to bid more than you have.

When a player is cut by an owner, that player will not become available again until the next Blind Bidding process. This will alleviate any problems with someone purposely dropping a player for a buddy who amazingly picks the player up that was just cut 5 minutes ago.

IMPORTANT - It is the owner's responsibility to reset your starting lineup once you acquire your new player(s).

1st come, 1st serve:

You may pick up as many free agent players that you would like once the Blind Bidding process is over and before the free agent's game is played that week.

The cost is $10 bidding bucks for any free agent not picked up during the Blind Bidding process.

Trades Weekly trading deadline is Friday 11PM EST. Season trading deadline is Friday 11PM EST before week 8, October 30, 2017 All trades have a minimum 24 hour approval process (see below). Trades may not be approved until late on Saturday night. Any player approved in a trade will be eligible to start the same week as long as the game has not been played yet. You will need to adjust your lineup accordingly. It is the owner's responsibility to reset your starting lineup once a trade has been approved.

*** IMPORTANT *** Due to the addition of Thursday games each week, trades involving ANY player (starter or bench) in Thursday games must be agreed upon and submitted for approval by Tuesday night, 11pm ET in order for the trade to be approved for that week. All trades not agreed upon by this deadline that has ANY player in the Thursday games will be deleted. The trade can be proposed again the following week.

Trades that have not been accepted or rejected before the deadline will be deleted. This will alleviate any issues of owners receiving offers but not responding and waiting until the opportunity to jump on the trade once they see it benefits them due to a players injury status changing.

If you proposed a trade to someone and it gets deleted at deadline, you could propose the same trade again the following week.

A trade will not be approved if any players involved in the trade are injured, suspended or any other reason that may keep them out a signifiacnt amount of time after the trade was proposed.

All trades will be reviewed and must be approved. An e-mail will be sent to all members of the league when a trade has been accepted. Any member of a league may protest the trade during a 24 hour period. If there is no protest and FFF believes the trade is fair, the trade is allowed.

If a trade is protested, the owner protesting the trade MUST GIVE A VALID REASON why they think the trade cannot help one of the teams or show signs of collusion for the veto to be considered. A valid veto is a veto explained in detail how a trade cannot benefit one of the trading teams. If FFF agrees or is able to see the side of the protestor, FFF will then ask either both owners or just the owner perceived to be getting the lesser end of the deal their reasoning for the trade. If FFF is satisfied that the trade is fair, the trade will stand. If FFF is not satisfied with the answers, FFF can reject the trade and will ask the parties to try and work another deal that would be fair.

INVALID VETO EXPLANATIONS & VETO PROCESS: - One or two words how a trade is dumb is NOT a valid explanation. - The number of vetoes for a trade does not matter. There could be one veto or 5 vetoes and the trade may or may not be approved. - One team is getting the better of the deal is NOT a valid explanation. The purpose of a trade is to make your team better. If a team has surplus at one position - kudos to them, they drafted well and now have excess to trade in one position to improve another. That is THE key aspect in trading. You don't condemn a trade because someone had a good draft.

REASONS A TRADE IS DECLINED: 1) Collusion - an obvious attempt between 2 owners that know each other to improve one team at the expense of the other team. 2) The trade cannot in any way be beneficial to one of the trading teams. This would be an obvious trade like Arian Foster for Heath Miller. 3) There is a valid veto and when the owner who is perceived to be getting the short end of deal is asked to explain why they believe the trade helps their team, the owner replies that it doesn't or has an invalid explanation. 4) Dumping of players from a non-contender to a contending team. This typically would happen near the trading deadline. 5) Trading partners - 2 teams attempt to trade to help each other cover bye weeks & short-term injuries. 6) The trade will not improve one team because they are trading away significantly more than they are receiving from the other owner. 7) The trade is significantly benefiting one team more than the other. 8) One of the teams has a poor record and is trading away similar or better players than they are receiving to a team with a better record. An 0-7, 0-6, 0-5, 1-6, 1-5, and similar records are considered poor records. 9) There is more than one pending trade involving the same player and the original trade is quite "unequal". Another team comes in and offers a more balanced trade. All trades involving the same player will be thrown out. 10) A trade involves a player in a Thursday game and the deadline to make the trade for the week has passed (see above rules in trading section). 11) Draft room trades are not allowed

As you can see from the above rules, FFF takes trading seriously. Our #1 priority is to prevent any collusion from occuring. Most trades are approved but some will not. Rejected trades are more likely to happen closer to the trade deadline as some owners are looking to take advantage of struggling teams. Due to the delay of processing trades, it is best to offer trades early in the week to give the most time possible for review of trades and adjusting your lineup.

Draftking Leagues Draftking leagues are a best ball format geared towards members that like to draft but don't have the time to manage a team or manage any additional teams for the full fantasy season. Leagues will run through week 16 of the NFL regular season. You will use the live draft room for a 22 or 24 round draft: 22 rounds Flex 9 leagues 24 rounds Flex 10 leagues It is up to you how many players you draft for each position. You will not submit a lineup. Your best lineup will be calculated each week after all the NFL games are complete. Flex 10 leagues: your best lineup each week will use a Flex 10 lineup = QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, Flex (RB, WR or TE), K, D. Flex 9 leagues: your best lineup each week will use a Flex 9 lineup = QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, TE, Flex (RB, WR or TE), K, D. Payouts will be paid to the top 2 (10 team leagues) or 3 teams (12 team leagues) based on total points for the entire season. There are no head-to-head matchups and no playoffs. Trades are not permitted. There will be no blind bidding and almost no free agency: You will have the opportunity, if necessary, to make a maximum of 2 roster changes. The player must be placed on IR, released by NFL team or suspended for the rest of the season in order to replace the player. You will only be able to replace the player with another player that is on the same NFL team and same position as the injured player. The player in which you are acquiring cannot be on another owner's roster. Using 2012 for an example, Willis McGahee was placed on IR by his team prior to week 11. If Moreno was not drafted by another team, then he would have been eligible to be picked up to replace McGahee. To make a request to replace an injured, cut or suspended player, select the "Replace Player" link on your league's owner page. Payouts are higher than regular season leagues.

Draftking League Payouts - 10 team leagues

Keeper Leagues Keeper leagues use an e-mail draft system. You draft using a draft room to select players and an e-mail is sent notifying when a selection has been made. Predrafting is available for each round.

Each team may keep 0 to 3 players each year.

Players drafted in round 1 the previous year cannot be a keeper.

Players can be kept as long as you have the draft pick to protect him.

For each player you keep, you must give up a draft pick 1 round higher than the player's draft position the year before. Ex. If you draft a player in the 4th round this year, you will use your 3rd round pick to protect him next year.

Free Agents from the previous year will be protected as an 8th round pick the first year that he is protected. A Free Agent is then treated as any other player and will need to be protected one round higher each year. Any player dropped and picked up at a later time will be kept the following year at the player's highest price tag. Example - Peyton Manning: if he was drafted this year in round 4 then he is a 3rd round keeper next year. Whether he is kept on the same roster for the entire year or released and picked up by another team he would need to be protected at his original draft position. If a player that was drafted lower than the 8th round is dropped and picked up again, the player will still be designated for an 8th round pick.

If you are keeping 2 players that would use the same round to protect them, you still may protect them both but you will need to use a draft pick 2 spots higher for the 2nd player. Ex. You kept a player with a 5th round pick the previous year and you traded for a player that also was protected in the 5th round the previous year. To protect that or released and picked up by another team he would need to be protected at his original draft position.

Traded players keep their value from the previous owner

Future Draft picks cannot be traded.

Keepers must be submitted 72 hours prior to the draft.

Returning owners must reserve their team by July 15th.

Returning owners must make payment at least 30 days prior to the draft.

Keeper League Trading: Keeper league trading follows the same rules as public league trading except for that near the end of the trading deadline, many teams that have no chance at making the playoffs will try to trade for future keeper prospects.

Trading top current performers for keeper prospects is allowed and considered part of the game. Playoff contenders will be looking to trade with a non-playoff teams giving up their future keepers to improve their chance for the current year. Some of the trades may sound unfair but to a non-playoff team, getting a future keeper who can be kept for a low draft pick next year is well worth giving up a top player that would have to be protected with an early pick. These types of trades do happen and if you want to join a keeper league you must be aware of this.

Traded players keep their keeper status from the previous owner and will require to be kept one round higher than drafted the previous year.

Future Draft picks cannot be traded.

Standings, Victory Points & Playoff Seeding All leagues have 6 playoff teams. The division winners and the next best records regardless of division will make the playoffs. See below for tiebreak procedures and Victory Point league determinations.

10 team leagues:

Week 14 - The 2 division winners will be seeded #1 & #2 and receive a bye - Wildcard teams - seed #3 vs. seed #6 and seed #4 vs. seed #5

Week 15 - Best division winner #1 seed vs. lower seeded winner from week 14 - Worst division winner #2 seed vs. higher seeded winner from week 14

Week 16 - Fantasy Bowl Championship features the winners from week 15

12 & 14 team leagues:

Week 14 - The top 2 division winners will be seeded #1 & #2 and receive a bye - The worst division winner will be seeded #3 and face wildcard team seeded #6, Wildcard teams seed #4 vs. seed #5

Week 15 - Best division winner #1 seed vs. lower seeded winner from week 14 - Worst division winner #2 seed vs. higher seeded winner from week 14

Week 16 - Fantasy Bowl Championship features the winners from week 15

Tie-Breakers (Head-to-Head leagues) Regular season games that end in a tie count as a tie, making a tie worth ½ ganar. Regular season tie-breakers for playoff seeding: 1) Best record 2) Total Points scored for the season 3) Head-to-Head 4) Points scored by bench for the season

Playoff game tiebreakers 1) Points by bench players (for the week) 2) Higher seeded team coming into playoffs.

Victory Points (VP) leagues Victory Points (VP) is an alternate method to determine regular season standings. Instead of determining standings and playoff seeding by record, Victory Points are used instead. The team with the most VP in their division are the division winners. The remainder of the playoff teams (wildcards) are determined by the highest amount of VP regardless of division.

Each week, each team can gain as many as 4 VP. 2 VP for a win, 1 VP for a tie, 0 VP for a loss.

You also gain as many as 2 additional VP each week based on point totals for the week: In a 12 team league: 2 VP for the top 4 point totals each week. 1 VP for the middle 4 point totals each week. 0 VP for the bottom 4 point totals each week.

In a 10 team league: 2 VP for the top 3 point totals each week. 1 VP for the middle 4 point totals each week. 0 VP for the bottom 3 point totals each week.

In a 14 team league: 2 VP for the top 4 point totals each week. 1 VP for the middle 6 point totals each week. 0 VP for the bottom 4 point totals each week.

Tie-Breakers (Victory Points leagues) 1) Victory Points 2) Total Points scored for the season 3) Best record 4) Head-to-Head 5) Points scored by bench for the season

Schedules Each league has 13 regular season games and 3 playoff weeks

Fantasy Bowl Championship

Draft Room (Live Draft) You will use Fuzzy's customized draft room for your draft.

Important tips to optimize draftroom performance: 1) It is best viewable on a higher resolution setting . A high resolution setting will enable you to view the entire Draftroom. A minimum screen resolution of 1280x1024 should be used. 2) Ensure your internet connection is strong. If you experience players missing from the player grid, your internet connection may not be optimal. You can still draft but you may not see everything you should. 3) Disable anti-virus software IF you experience lags and your internet connection is fine. - Some anti-virus software checks every keystroke and movement on your computer. Most of the times it won't affect your draft experience but at times anti-virus software can make your computer run slower and cause slight delays. 4) Do not let the time run down to under 10 seconds. You have 2 minutes to make a pick, have some choices available before it is your turn. 5) If using any mobile device, be advised to try a mock draft to ensure it works correctly. FFF is not responsible for the draftroom not working properly on a mobile device.

You may enter the draft room at any time after you signed up for your draft.

Draft Room features & instructions 1) Player selection - database of all the players worthy of drafting.

Player database - Browse the available players in the player section located on the bottom left-hand side of your screen. Click on the different positions to show the players at each particular position.

Switching views - There are two ways to view the players - FFF rankings and alphabetically. FFF rankings are the default view and although these rankings are quite good, FFF sleepers may be quite different than yours. Switch to alphabetical view to locate players alphabetized by last name.

Drafting a player - To make a draft selection, double-click a player to populate your Draft List (2nd box from bottom left-hand side). Once a player is in your Draft List, you may double-click again to put the player in your selection box or use the >> arrows to move the player. You may select players when it is not your turn to populate your Draft List. (vea abajo)

Populating roster - Your roster is located in the middle-right of the screen and will include the players bye weeks and where you selected the player.

Player Grid - This takes up the entire upper-part of the Draftroom and shows all players being selected by all owners color-coded by positions. This make the draft easy to follow.

2) Draft List - use this to speed up the draft and organize a list for yourself before your turn to draft. You may also prerank players prior to your draft and the software will save your list even if you close your browser.

You may select players before your turn to fill your Draft List located on the bottom middle left side of screen.

To have your "Draft List" chosen for you, computer control must be checked. Computer control is automatically enabled when you are not in the Draftroom or you choose to check the box yourself. The software will select the player that is at the top of the list when it is your turn. Please remember to uncheck computer control when you are finished using your Draft List. IMPORTANT - IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO USE A DRAFTLIST TO DRAFT YOUR ENTIRE DRAFT FOR YOU IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND DRAFT. SINCE THE COMPUTER WILL SELECT THE NEXT PLAYER ON YOUR DRAFT LIST AND YOU HAVE 10 WR'S LISTED FIRST THOSE ARE THE PLAYERS THAT WILL BE SELECTED FOR YOU. YOU MUST ORDER YOUR DRAFT LIST ACCORDINGLY AND MIX ALL POSITIONS WITH THE PLAYERS YOU MOST WANT AT THE TOP OF YOUR LIST.

You may move the players up and down your Draft List by using the blue arrows.

3) Computer Control - you will have full control of this feature when you are in the draft room. If you arrive a few minutes late, you are automatically taken off computer control.

If you miss a pick while the draft room browser is open. The computer will pick for you and computer control will remain on until you uncheck the box.

The software uses FFF up-to-date rankings. These are legitimate rankings updated often to ensure that the computer will draft players that should be taken at that particular point in the draft. The computer will pick the best available player and will still fulfill all the roster requirements. FFF has the most ingenious computer picks in fantasy football! If for any reason you miss part or even all of your draft, you will still be a contender!

4) Chat - Place your cursor in the bottom right box to type a comment and hit Enter on keyboard or Send to enter your text.

5) Public Leagues will use a 2 minute timer and Public Mock Drafts will use a 1 minute timer.

6) Draft positions are random and will be known after a team has signed up for a league or a mock draft. Teams can swap entire draft positions from the individual league or mock draft homepage.

7) Drafts are serpentine style drafts. The earlier you pick in odd rounds, the later you pick in the even rounds and vice versa.

8) Note: Two people cannot be in the draftroom at the same time (same or different location) with the same logon. You can draft in more than one draft if needed as long as you are using separate windows.

E-mail Draft (Slow Draft) A slow draft is a great alternative to a live draft if: - you cannot take time to attend a live draft. - you prefer to take your time in making a selection. - you are new to fantasy football. - your browser is not able to view a live draft.

Slow drafts use an 8 hour time limit. A draft room is used to select players which are viewed alphabetically and sorted by positions. An e-mail will be sent notifying you when a selection has been made. You may predraft players for each round at any time before your selection. If you miss a turn, the computer selects for you and will remain on computer mode until you predraft for the upcoming round.

Messages FFF uses an internal message system for registered users to communicate with each other while keeping their e-mail address private. The message system is a good way to start some trade talks with other league members or for any other reason you may want to e-mail another member.

To send a message, click the messages link on the left-hand side menu bar. Send a message by using the member's username. When a message is sent, the person to receive the message will receive an e-mail letting them know that there is a message waiting for them at the site. A received message is also indicated with a number next to the messages link informing a user the amount of unread messages.

Weekly Fantasy Football Leagues

2 types to choose - Multiplier and Salary Cap leagues.

12 and 25 team leagues. $10 and $20 weekly leagues. Top 3 finishers in each league receives a payout.

Multiplier Leagues (same leagues as previous year)

You will choose any 10 players in the following format: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, Flex, K, D.

You will rank the 10 players you choose from 10-1 according to who you think will score the most points out of your 10 starters. (10 being the highest - the player you think will score the most on your team, 1 being the lowest - the player you think will score the least). If you choose Chris Johnson and think he will score the most, you will give him a "10". This is referred to as the multiplier since the players points will then be multiplied by the number you give.

Salary Cap Leagues

Choose 9 Players from the following lineup: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, K, D

The salary cap is $100,000. You can choose any players for each position but your lineup cannot exceed the $100,000 salary cap. The highest salaried player is $25,000 and minimum per player is $1,000

For both types of weekly leagues: Scoring will use the same scoring as ppr fantasy leagues. Lineups must be submitted by 1pm ET for all players. Changes can made be up until the deadline. You cannot make changes to your lineup after Sunday 1pm ET If the league does not fill but has at least 2 teams the league will still be held and payouts will be adjusted accordingly with the same percentage of payouts or better. If the league is between 1/3 to 1/2 full, payouts will go to the top 2 teams only. If the league has at least 2 teams but is less than 1/3 full, only the 1st place team receives an 85% payout. Thursday games - if you want to start anyone in a Thursday game, you will submit your full lineup before the Thursday game. You can change the remainder of your lineup before the Sunday games begin. If there is a tie for the top 3 places, the payouts will be split accordingly. With decimal scoring and the multiplier, ties should be quite rare.

Minimum deposit required of $30. You can pay for multiple leagues from this account. You may deposit as much as you like in increments of $10 and pay for all weekly leagues from this account. Your deposit is good for the entire season. All payouts are deposited in your account and paid out at the end of the fantasy season. If you have funds remaining in the account after the regular season is complete, you will have the option of receiving the full payout or transferring funds to your regular FFF account to use for playoff leagues or the following year to receive a 5% discount.

Weekly Fantasy League Payouts

$10 Leagues 12 teams 83% payout

Playoff Fantasy Football 2 ways to play - Pick Your Weekly Studs or Draft Your Playoff Team (Snake or Auction Draft).

Fantasy Football through to the Super Bowl! One entry fee will have you playing fantasy football each week through the NFL playoffs

Pick Your Weekly Studs Rules: Each playoff week (4 in all - 1st Wildcard Weekend, 2nd Divisional Playoff, 3rd AFC & NFC Championships, 4th Superbowl) you will submit a new lineup. You may choose any players you want so other entries may start the same players as you. A starting lineup will consist of 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 D. There will also be one Tiebreak player chosen each week from any position. The object is to score the most points combined in the four playoff weeks. Scores will accumulate throughout the playoffs. The Tiebreak player is used only to break a tie between multiple teams scoring the same amount of points with the starting lineups after the entire playoff series. If there is still a tie then payouts will be split among the teams tied for those places. Deadlines for lineup submissions for all players will be 5 minutes before the first playoff game begins each week. New 2017-2017 . All lineups will be viewable once lineup submissions are locked for the week (about 5 minutes before the first playoff game of the week). You may edit your lineup up until deadline submission. The same scoring for players will be used as the regular season and DOES include Point Per Reception. Each league may have up to 50 entries. If less than 50 entries, payouts will be prorated. You may have multiple entries per league. 20% of all entries will receive prizes. If the maximum number of entries (50) are entered then 10 teams will receive payouts. $25, $50, $75 & $150 leagues are available. Following prizes are based on 50 entries per league:

Pick Your Weekly Studs Playoff Leagues Payouts

FFF will attempt to fill each playoff league to the maximum entries of 50. Keep in mind, if there are less than 50 entries per league, fewer spots will be paid and the payouts will be less but you will have a greater chance at winning a bigger payout with less entries. Ex. if there are 35 entries in instead of 50, then 7 entries will receive payouts and each payout remaining from 1st through 7th will receive a slightly reduced payout. You will, however have a better chance at finishing in the top 7 with 35 entries than with 50 entries.

Draft Your Playoff Team Rules:

League entry fee options are $29, $59, $99, $199 and $499. It will be a one-time charge for the entire playoff season. Drafts will be held from Sunday evening (Dec 30, 2012) through Saturday afternoon (Jan 5, 2017). The FFF Live Draft room will be used to draft your playoff team. ALL Drafts are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST). You will draft 9 players to field the same lineup for each of the 4 playoff weeks. Your lineup will consist of 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 D. You will only be able to draft the exact positions listed above. You will only be able to select 1 QB, 2 RB and so on. All players from only the 12 NFL playoff teams will be eligible to draft. The 9 round draft is a serpentine draft and should take about 45 minutes to an hour to complete. Draft order is completely random. The 1st person to join has the same chance as the last person to join to obtain the same draft position. The object is to score the most combined points in the four playoff weeks. Points will accumulate throughout the playoffs. League Champions, 2nd and 3rd place (except $29 leagues where only the Champions and 2nd place) receive payouts and are determined by total points for all playoff weeks combined. Since some teams don't play each week, some of your players will not receive points on certain weeks. Scoring is based on FFF regular season ppr (point per reception) leagues. Draft position is determined randomly and is revealed when you join the league. Note: Live Scoring is not available during Playoff Leagues. Scoring will be updated shortly following the end of each game.

- AUCTION Playoff Drafts: - You have a $100 budget to build your roster of 9 players. - Each team will take turns to nominate players. - Once a player is nominated, every team has an equal chance of bidding for the player. - A player will go up to bid for the default setting of $1. You can change the amount of the nomination when it is your turn to nominate. - You have 25 seconds to nominate a player. - The clock resets to 25 seconds to start bidding on the player. - Bids are in increments of $1 or greater. You can type in a higher bid if you choose. - Once the clock has fewer than 10 seconds and a bid is made it resets to 10 seconds. - Once the clock reaches zero, the last bidder (which is the highest bid) receives the player. - Max Bid is the most you can bid on a current player up for bid.


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By: Wayne Duggan

NFL football is the most popular sport in the U. S. by a wide margin. A recent Harris poll found that 35 percent of U. S. sports fans names NFL football as their favorite sport, making it more than twice as popular as any other sport.

For sports fans, it may seem much easier to understand what’s happening on the gridiron than what’s going down on Wall Street, and identifying the most talented NFL players might seem like a breeze compared to picking the next major stock to break out on the big boards.

If this sounds like a familiar feeling to you, maybe it would help to start thinking about classifying stocks the same way sports fans classify players.

Blue chip performers

Blue chips are the biggest names in the business or sports world. Blue chips have a long track record of leadership, have strong brands and outperform their peers over time. In the NFL, the list of blue chip players includes names like Peyton Manning, Adrian Peterson and Calvin Johnson.

If you’re an NFL fan looking for the Megatron of Wall Street, you should be looking for stocks like Nike Inc (NYSE: NKE), Visa Inc (NYSE: V) and the world’s largest public company, Apple Inc (NYSE: AAPL). Sure, these companies may have bad quarters from time to time, but over the past decade each of the stocks has delivered returns that are more than six times greater than the S&P 500.

High-ceiling prospects

Sports fans love to get excited about young players with the talent to produce huge upside if they ever reach their full potential. NFL fans have heard the buzz surrounding young players like Le’Veon Bell, Odell Beckham Jr. and Marcus Mariota, and certainly all of these players have the potential to end up in the Hall of Fame if they live up to their potential.

Wall Street also has high hopes for a number of stocks that have major disruptive potential but haven’t quite demonstrated it consistently at this point in the game. Companies like Amazon. com Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN), Netflix Inc (NASDAQ: NFLX) and Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA) all have a long way to go before they are generating profits that come anywhere near their current valuations. Tesla has yet to become profitable at all, and Amazon and Netflix each currently trade at PE ratios of above 400. However, there’s no doubt that all three companies have very high ceilings if they execute their long-term business plans effectively.


Finally, true sports fans know the names of players that are rarely flashy and rarely in the headlines, but deliver solid, reliable results. These players might not make the All-Pro team, but you can count on them to deliver consistent results year-after-year. In the NFL, players like Matt Forte, Alex Smith and Anquan Boldin fall into this category.

On Wall Street, these types of stocks are typically low-volatility stocks that pay a generous dividend. Dividend stocks, much like the gamers mentioned above, deliver no matter what the market conditions may be. Stocks like Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM), AT&T Inc (NYSE: T) and Procter & Gamble Co (NYSE: PG) all fall into this category. Each of these stocks has a dividend yield of 3.3 or higher, a beta of less than 1.0 and has delivered solid, positive performance over the past decade.


Not everyone has the mind of a top stock market analyst. But for NFL fans, managing your stock portfolio like a football coach manages a roster could be the key to developing a winning and profitable game-plan. The first step in this process is recognizing what each stock brings to the table and using this information to determine strategy, risk and expectations.

Disclosure: the author holds no position in the stocks mentioned.

This article is provided for educational purposes only and is not considered to be a recommendation or endorsement of any trading strategy. The author is not affiliated with Lightspeed Trading and the content and perspective is solely attributed to the author.

Tools to Support Your Keeper League

As described in the Introduction to Keeper Leagues. many keeper leagues use a unique combination of custom rules. For that reason, it is very difficult to fully support every keeper league. Rather than implementing a single model for how keeper leagues work, Yahoo takes a different approach: we provide tools that will help the majority of keeper leagues, building upon our library of keeper-related tools over time to keep making life easier for the commissioner and the league. Let's take a look at the tools we offer, their intended uses, and how to best use them to improve your league.

The Tools

Because keeper leagues mean different things to different leagues, there is no setting to signify being a keeper league. Simply use the tools that help you and don't use the others.

Invite Friends

If you renew your Yahoo league instead of creating a league from scratch, all teams from last year are retained. The Invite Friends tool helps you keep track of the managers invited back to own their teams and potential managers invited to take over existing or new teams. This franchise model is essential for some of the keeper-related tools; by retaining last year's teams, we can reliably associate things like last year's rosters and traded draft picks. This also makes renewal quicker for returning managers since we'll already know their team settings.

Edit Keeper Settings

Use the Edit Keeper Settings tool to allow teams to select keepers on their own. When you select the Enable Keeper Management Tools checkbox you will be prompted to pick a deadline date for the league to select their keepers. If your league uses a live draft, this date must be prior to the draft. Be careful to give yourself enough time to review and confirm keepers and give your league ample time to prepare for the draft once available players are known. After selecting the keeper deadline, you can add a note to explain your league's custom keeper rules which will appear on the Choose Keepers page described below.

Choose Keepers

Once a keeper deadline is selected, each team may view last year's roster and select players on their Choose Keepers page. Selections will not be publicly viewable until the commissioner approves the declared keepers after the deadline date. Keep in mind that since Yahoo doesn't know exactly what rules your league uses, we can't enforce those rules. Instead we display the commissioner-provided note to remind owners of the rules and allow the commissioner to review and change declared keepers if necessary.

Approve Keeper Players

After the keeper deadline passes the commissioner can use the Confirm Keepers tool to review the keepers submitted by each team, change them if needed to comply with league rules, and approve the league's keeper selections, publishing the results. The commissioner is required to complete this step prior to a live draft, or the draft will fail to run. If the commissioner changes any of the team's keepers, this change will be noted in a transaction to improve league communication and discourage unethical changes by the commissioner.

Edit Draft Order & Assign Keeper Players

Perhaps the most important keeper-related tool is the Custom Draft Order tool. Any keeper league eventually ends up depending on this tool, even if they did not choose to use the previous tools on our site to declare their keepers. It serves purposes:

After setting a custom draft order, the commissioner can set the order of team picks in each round. This is essential for leagues that want to base the draft order on the order of finish from the previous season or some other custom method.

Once the base order is set, decide whether the draft order repeats each round, or "snakes", reversing direction each round. Keeper leagues often use a repeating rather than snaking draft order.

If a renewed league allowed for draft pick trading the previous year, the commissioner can choose to import those traded picks and apply them to the base draft order.

If a league used our keeper management tools to select keepers, the commission can choose where keepers will be placed in the draft. Keepers can be automatically added as the first or last picks for each team or the commissioner can manually apply keepers to any picks.

The commissioner can reassign any individual pick to a different team as needed. This allows for any amount of customization for leagues with rules we can't automatically support. For example, if your league allows trades and trading of draft picks when the Yahoo fantasy game is offseason, the commissioner can reassign those traded picks that Yahoo is unaware of.

The commissioner can then pre-select any player into any pick. Since any player can be slotted into any pick, it allows the commissioner total control over how the selection of keepers impacts a team's draft position.

Assign Auction Keeper Players

While the custom draft order tool lives at the heart of keeper leagues that do a standard draft, it doesn't apply to leagues that do an auction draft, which has no notion of draft order. For auction leagues, there is a separate tool to Assign Auction Keeper Players. This allows the commissioner to add keepers and their costs to teams before the auction begins.

Keeper Costs

While Yahoo does not have a particular idea what it means for a player to have a cost and does nothing to try to enforce or do calculations based on those costs, it can still be very useful for a keeper league to see such costs in-game. The Set Keeper Costs tool allows that to happen. For standard draft leagues, the commissioner can enter any numeric value for all keeper players, and indicate that these values should be visible within the game. This includes places like the full roster view, the trade flow, and so on. For auction leagues, the tool can be used in the same way, or a special option can be chosen to simply use the auction purchase prices as the player costs within the game.

Keeper Player Status

Since leagues may have rules designating when a player loses his cost or keeper status, the Keeper Player Status tool allows a league to automate some of that management problem. It first allows the commissioner to decide whether keeper status should be visible throughout the game. If visible, then it allows the commissioner to designate whether several conditions should remove a player's status as a keeper player, and stop displaying them as a keeper. In particular, a league can be configured to remove keeper status if a player:

Is traded

Is dropped from a team and claimed off waivers by another team

Is dropped from a team and clears waivers, becoming a free agent

Any or all conditions can be selected/unselected.

Allow Draft Pick Trades

Since many keeper leagues are enriched by the ability to trade draft picks, we now allow leagues to be configured to allow the trading of draft picks for the following season. Whether or not this is allowed is configured by a single setting in the League Settings tool. For leagues that allow traded picks, the following items apply:

Any trades involving picks must involve an equal number of picks going in each direction

Picks can only be traded for the following season

Once any picks have been traded, the feature cannot be turned off

A new page/tool is available to summarize which picks have been traded

Adding Keepers to Your League

Prior to this season, commissioners needed to track keepers offline and import them when they used the Edit Draft Order & Assign Keeper Players tool. Now, if a commissioner would like to manage the process of declaring keepers within the game, they can do so as follows:

Renew the league from the previous season

Populate all teams by reinviting managers or inviting new users to own the teams via the Invite Friends Tool

Finalize the team list

Enable keeper management tools using the Edit Keeper Settings tool

Set a Keeper Declaration Deadline leaving enough time to process the submitted keepers before the live draft

Once the Keeper Declaration Deadline passes, review all submitted keepers using the Approve Keeper Players tool. Make any changes necessary to adhere to your league's rules.

Keepers can then be automatically added as the first or last draft picks or manually added anywhere in the draft when setting up a custom draft order using the Edit Draft Order & Assign Keeper Players

Adding Traded Draft Picks Into Your League

If your league enabled the trading of draft picks in the previous season, when you use the Edit Draft Order & Assign Keeper Players tool, you'll be given the option to add the traded picks into the draft order. You do need to avoid conditions that would make it impossible to safely and cleanly import traded draft picks. Those include:

If you shrink the maximum roster size such that one or more traded picks no longer exist, we cannot import picks. For example, if someone has traded a 25th round pick, and you shrink the maximum roster size to 23, then there will not be a 25th round, and we cannot import the picks

If you remove a team from the league that had traded picks in the previous season, we cannot import the picks

If you create a new league rather than renewing the previous league, we won't have knowledge of the traded picks

If you switch to an auction draft format, then the notion of a draft order becomes irrelevant, and there will never be an opportunity to import the picks

Setting Up Your Draft Order

When commissioners customize their draft order in the Edit Draft Order & Assign Keeper Players tool some changes were made to better serve commissioners:

When setting up the base draft order, commissioners can now choose to import traded picks from the previous season

If keepers were declared, the commissioner can choose several popular options to automatically import those players into appropriate picks. For example, if your league rules would allow for the keepers to always be assigned to the last picks each team holds or the first picks each team holds, that is now easily supported. If instead you need to assign keepers to individual picks throughout the draft, when editing a pick the tool can help you limit the list of players to those protected by the team owning that pick.

Viewing Keeper Information During the Season

There are several things the commissioner can do to help communicate keeper details during the season. Por ejemplo:

The commissioner can use the Keeper Costs tool to enter keeper costs for individual players, can indicate that keepers should be designated as such throughout the league, and can show costs for the keepers where appropriate throughout the league.

The commissioner may be able to use the Keeper Player Status tool to match the rules of your league and to automatically maintain the keeper status of players across transactions such as trades and drop/adds.

Question: Keeper league trade options

The Fantasy Footballers September 6, 2017 Fantasy Questions Leave a Comment

Dave in Canadian east coast city of your choice

G’day Krang, Rocksteady and Bebop, I’m wondering who I could target if I shop around Demarco Murray and Brandin Cooks?

Would Julio jones, Justin forsett and a pick be worth those 2 players?

PPR, 8 keeper, 2qb league

We’re sorry that we weren’t able to tackle this question via email or the show. Each week we get thousands of questions and would love to answer them all personally (and do our best to) but unfortunately couldn’t get to this one.

Thank you for writing in, listening to the show and supporting us! Be sure to check out our rankings and videos pages to get more insight for 2017.

Thanks again for supporting the show and good luck this season!

James Shields still a trade option

Orlando Magic F Aaron Gordon finished with four points, six rebounds and two assists in a 108-97 loss to the Miami Heat Friday, March 25, and he is averaging 9.0 points on 34.0% shooting, 7.6 rebounds. 0.4 blocks and 0.4 steals over his last five games.

Tip: His poor shooting combined with his lack of production in the defensive categories make him a tough sell in daily formats.

Source: ESPN. com 6 minutes ago

Washington Wizards G Bradley Beal finished with 26 points, four rebounds, five assists and a steal in a 132-129 loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves Friday, March 25.

Tip: Beal has dealt with injuries throughout the year, but he has scored at least 25 points in two of his last three games. He looks as healthy as he has in some time, so feel free to take a chance on him in daily games.

Source: ESPN. com 13 minutes ago

San Jose Sharks G Martin Jones will start against the Dallas Stars Saturday, March 26.

Tip: Jones has allowed two goals or fewer in each of his last 10 starts, so he's worth starting in all fantasy formats even though the Stars have scored the most goals in the league (243).

MESA, Ariz. (AP) Right-hander Jered Weaver returned to the mound after missing about two weeks with a neck injury to throw five solid innings and Mike Trout homered in his second straight game as

PEORIA, Ariz. (AP) Felix Hernandez threw six scoreless innings and Leonys Martin hit a walk-off solo home run in the 10th inning to give the Seattle Mariners a 5-4 win over the Chicago White Sox on

PORT CHARLOTTE, Fla. (AP) Twins opening day starter Ervin Santana pitched six shutout innings Friday, and Trevor Plouffe and Kurt Suzuki homered twice in Minnesota's 6-1 victory over the Tampa Bay

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) Oregon head coach Dana Altman says that if anyone has a problem with Dillon Brooks' late-game shooting choices or celebrations, they should come to him. Altman spoke up for his

Sport Stocks - Sports Fantasy Stock Market

Sport Stocks is the stock market of fantasy sports. It's a website that offers you the opportunity to combine your knowledge of college or professional sports with your financial skills and prowess. You, as the investor, build a fantasy stock portfolio by purchasing and selling shares in real-world sports teams across the spectrum of all major sports. Unlike most fantasy sports games where you build a fake team of real players, you use existing real world teams with their current players.

SportStocks. com is not just a website developed for sports enthusiasts who have a keen interest in finances and building a healthy stock portfolio. With all the needed tools people of all ages and interest can play and learn more about real world finances using something every loves. sports. The payoff comes in the form of big prizes that are awarded on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis to those whose portfolios reflect the highest percentage of gains.

Getting started with Sport Stocks is quick and easy, and will provide you with an informative education on subjects that are significant in today's world. Here's what you do:

Sign up for a free account (see the top right corner of the home page).

You will be given $100,000 of fantasy cash to get you started.

Choose your favorite teams, or those you think will do best, and get investing.

Sport Stocks is a fantasy game, so you don't really have any ownership in the teams you invest in. However, purchasing sport stocks is very similar to investing in the real stock market. There is no better way to learn how prices move, how investors buy and sell stock shares, different trades and how to build a successful portfolio. You get the fun and education without investing one dime. It's completely free, and fun for friends and family alike.

Welcome to Fantasy Football Cafe!

Welcome to Fantasy Football Cafe, you're destination for everything fantasy football. Our forums have been online for over 10 years and we pride ourselves on providing the best advice to fantasy football managers in a timely fashion. We produce valuable written and video content every day to give the Cafe community an advantage. Our newest addition to the Cafe Network - Daily Fantasy Cafe provides Fantasy Football Cafe with daily fantasy football content from proven experts. We hope you enjoy the Cafe Network and become a valuable part of the Cafe community.

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Every year we hit the mocks a little earlier, and start prepping for our fantasy football leagues. Strategies change year-to-year, as well as right in the middle of a draft. Dynasty, PPR, IDP, auction, keeper, and re-draft leagues have all brought out the best of our fantasy football strategies. The latest rave has been grabbing quarterbacks very late in the draft, or streaming them the entire season. Drafting a kicker before your last pick is also frowned upon. So what if I want Stephen Gostkowski early? Just kidding, no way I am touching a kicker early.

Let’s jump into one of the classic draft strategies, dating back to the stone age. A running back with your first two picks. Simple, reliable, safe, there is a lot to like about this strategy. Running backs have now become by committee, and just an incredibly stale selection to choose from. Missing out on an elite back can set you back big time. I just don’t like to play with fire when it comes to running backs. It is like going to a restaurant and ordering the same dish each time. You know it is going to be good, and you won’t be disappointed. The other positions are far deeper than the running back spot, so grabbing two solid backs early is a safe strategy.

The league has become a passing league, whether you like it or not. There are quite a few elite wide receivers, who are first round options. Antonio Brown, Dez Bryant, those types of players. Not that wide receivers were ever not an important position, but over the last few seasons, these guys turned teams into league champions. The Randal Cobb’s, the Mike Evans’, have all blossomed in the passing league, while maybe in an era before this would have not. 16 touchdowns from a wide out is very valuable. Now this strategy views both running backs and wide receivers as equals, regardless of position scarcity. Take the best available from a pick-by-pick basis, and try and hit on one of those mid-tier players later in the draft. When you end up choosing between players like Mark Ingram, Carlos Hyde, and Lamar Miller as a reliable back, you just have to hope your research pays off.

So about that passing league thing, we don’t need quarterbacks in the first three rounds anymore. 25-30 touchdowns seems to be standard for half of the league’s quarterbacks, and they also flirt or pass for over 4,000 yards. There are elite arms like Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, and Andrew Luck who kind of get a pass, but still Tony Romo in the latter half of the draft is a steal. So skip the quarterbacks early, land all those skill position players, and then worry about an arm. Phillip Rivers, Matthew Stafford, Ryan Tannehill are all likely going to be there when you feel like you need a quarterback.

Taking shots on rookie players can be risky, but the odds are starting to turn in your favor. Wide receivers are coming in at a record pace and making an impact in this league. In a passing league, they are starting to produce earlier, and have more fantasy impact. This season also features a few rookie running backs. Two risky picks don’t always make a right one, but this can happen. Drafting Jonathan Stewart in hopes of staying healthy, while drafting Ameer Abdullah later on to minimize the risk. Chances are one hits, so two risky picks can often lead to fantasy gold. Whether it is kicking it old school with back-to-back running backs, or loading up in the passing game, strategies can shift throughout a draft. Best strategy is to not overthink, you know because that is easy to do.

Going on 24 years old this September, I have been playing fantasy sports for a little over ten years. Hopping into my dad’s work leagues when they needed fill-in players, or keeping it fun with the family leagues, fantasy sports has been a hobby for some time. Drafting guys like Shaun Alexander, Brian Westbrook, and even Larry Johnson for those few seasons of dominance, those were my childhood fantasy heroes. Getting home after soccer to do a quick mock draft before dinner was my thing, needless to say I loved the fantasy sports world.

Season long fantasy holds a special place in my heart, and with the changing times of daily fantasy sports, it will always stay there. A year after I turned 18, I moved from Arizona to Massachusetts, which plays a big role in all this. Arizona does not allow residents to play daily fantasy sports for money, and still up until this day. Sitting at home watching football on a cold winter day, my dad sent me an invite to join FanDuel. FanDuel was the first big site to really emerge in daily fantasy sports. Being a seasoned fantasy player already, I jumped right into it. It was the divisional round of the 2012 playoffs, and I will never forget it.

I put in $25 into one tournament, with just a single lineup. The 49ers were taking on the Packers, and this is the game you had to have players in to win. Colin Kaepernick torched the Packers’ defense for 444 total yards, and four scores. I also had paired him with Michael Crabtree, who hauled in 119 yards, and two scores. This set me up for a nice $300 winning in my first go. So I played again the next week, Julio Jones went for 182 yards and two scores. He was the player I needed, while everyone else chipped in around him. Boom! $400 bucks over two weeks of playing fantasy football in the playoffs.

Those two weeks turned my life a different direction. I have been an avid fan of all sports, and the sites were offering daily tournaments for all the major sports leagues. I started playing basketball, hockey, and baseball, to make it a year round job. Seeing the growth from the beginning has been very impressive. Prize pools of $35,000 have turned into $10,000,000. ESPN, CBS, Yahoo are all covering daily fantasy sports, and now Yahoo has launched their own platform. This is a booming industry, and it is a lot of fun to be a part of. Not to be cheesy, but that saying, “do what you love” is exactly this. This has not hindered my involvement in season long leagues, it just keeps me a busy guy.

As you start your journey into DFS, you'll inevitably find your resources that help you the most. DFC offers everything you need including what I consider to the top FanDuel NFL lineup optimizer. No other lineup generator allows the type of customization and features. This tool helps a novice play like a shark.

The season-long fantasy football industry had already been growing over the last 5-10 year. ESPN segments, podcasts, magazines, you name it. Now things are changing again, and moving towards a different style of fantasy football. Daily leagues incorporate a lot of season-long aspects of fantasy football, just in a much smaller time sense. You can blame it on the ADD generation, as our attention spans get smaller and smaller each year, but daily fantasy football is here and ready to be the prime way to play fantasy sports. Season-long is not getting wiped off the map, it is now just for those who still love the classic vinyl sound of music. I am one of those people, but it doesn’t mean I don’t use a streaming service too.

The daily fantasy industry really kicked off with FanDuel arriving as the big site, which was later rivaled by DraftKings. Both sites have continuously grown from year-to-year in contest prize payouts, advertising, experiences, and acquiring smaller sites. These sites have utilized guerrilla marketing tactics and relied heavily upon large TV ad budgets. Their commercials can be seen all day every day, each offering a promo code on TV for new signups. The Draftkings tv promo code enables users to go online and enter a code to receive a bonus when making a deposit. The Fanduel promo code does the same and with millions of users seeing these codes, signups jumped dramatically. These two sites are the big sharks, but now Yahoo is trying to get in on the action. They rolled out their platform this summer, which had some flaws, but was yet another simplistic daily fantasy site on the market. Football is the big sport which every site aims their best prizes towards, and that shall be no different with Yahoo. They are the first of the major sites to enter the daily fantasy world, and could possibly lead the way to others. DraftKings and FanDuel have partnered with many professional sports teams for advertising and other perks. DraftKings has offered court-side seat tournaments, suite seats at baseball games, these contests are more than just money. Although, money is a big part of why we play.

Prize payouts were in the thousands back in 2012, and have gradually grown by a hefty amount. DraftKings offered the industries’ first million dollar first prize last season, giving them an edge over FanDuel. This did not stop players from filling contests on FanDuel, showing how big the industry is already. In 2017, DraftKings is now offering a two million dollar prize tournament, and FanDuel has made the jump to a million dollar first prize tournament. DraftKings seems to be one step ahead of the game. So where does that leave Yahoo? They are in third place behind the two, and quite a ways behind. Not that there isn’t room for a third major site, but more so at this time we have a good thing going. I see them making a big splash soon, but DraftKings and FanDuel will lead the way for a long time.

Overall we are looking at an industry centered on sports lovers who enjoy fantasy sports. The games are fun, the industry is creating businesses for others, and overall it feels like one big league. The first few years have been a lot of fun, and I am excited to see where we are in another five years.

&dupdo; Copyright 2017, Daily Fantasy Cafe, LLC.

What Is A Dynasty League

What is a Dynasty League?

A dynasty style fantasy football league is a league where you retain most or all of your players from year to year. This creates an environment which is very different from that of a redraft league. By enabling team owners to keep players and build a team over time, there is a much stronger sense of team ownership, and success is achieved with a greater sense of satisfaction.

Mistakes or successes in a dynasty league can affect the fortunes of a franchise for years to come, just like in the NFL. A dynasty league also facilitates trades, including trading of draft picks, and it encourages a deeper roster pool, so young ‘project’ players can be identified and groomed.

What’s the difference between a Dynasty League and a Keeper League?

A keeper league is similar to a dynasty league, but involves keeping a smaller portion of your players. Basically, a keeper league allows for a few players to be retained. A dynasty league allows for most or all players to be retained.

The analysis and advice we offer here at DLF is applicable to both dynasty and keeper leagues, so regardless of which you play, DLF can help you become a champion!


If all this interests you, and you are ready to give a dynasty league a try, you have several options available to you;

1. You can join a start-up or existing dynasty league. You’re better off getting in on the ground floor of a dynasty league, as the initial draft in a dynasty or deep keeper league is critical to the future direction of a team. But if you don’t know anyone starting a league, and you have an opportunity to take over an existing team, then go for it. Just be aware that turning around a struggling dynasty franchise can often take several seasons.

2. If you don’t have access to a new or existing league, then you can start your own dynasty league. Don’t be intimidated if you’ve never played in a dynasty or keeper league before. If you are familiar with fantasy football, you can do this, and we are here to help!

The DLF Forum is a terrific resource for finding a league in need of a player, or joining a start-up league. Check the Help Wanted section often, or post there to get something started. You’ll also find a ton of useful advice and helpful dynasty veterans willing to help you get started.

Creating Your Own Dynasty League

Starting a dynasty league is much like any other league. Some decisions must be made regarding rules and format, and an initial draft is held with all of the available NFL players, just like a regular fantasy league. But there are some things to think about which are specifically relevant to creating a dynasty or keeper league.

Rosters and Keepers – The most fundamental decision regarding a dynasty or keeper league is determining the size and starting position requirements for each team, and how many players a team can retain from season to season. While the numbers will vary depending upon league size, position starting requirements, and personal preference, a good starting point for your first dynasty league would be something like this;

12 team league – three divisions, 30 player rosters, fairly standard starting positions (1QB, 1HB, 2WR, 2OffFlex, 1TE, 1K, 3IDP), team may keep all players, annual rookie/free agent draft.

The basic idea is to allow each owner to keep most if not all players on their roster from season to season if they wish. If this seems like too much of a commitment for your first dynasty league, then you could slide the number of keepers back down the spectrum a bit, more towards a keeper league, and let each team keep 50% to 75% of their roster. Just remember, the more players each team keeps from season to season, the greater the challenge and sense of ownership.

IDP – If you’ve never used Individual Defensive Players (IDP’s) on your fantasy team before, we’d highly recommend you consider doing so. IDP leagues add a much greater degree of depth and interest to the game. Using a team defense, while not at all incompatible with a dynasty or keeper format, does not support the objective of creating a more challenging and dynamic league.

If you’ve never used IDP’s before, you may want to start out with just a few starting positions on each team, maybe three to six per team. You could allow each team to start any three defensive players (defensive flex players), though this often leads to each team seeking out LB’s. These guys tend to be very consistent tackle producers, and therefor offer more predictable production than other IDP positions.

Another option for those just starting out with IDP, and one which we’d recommend, is starting at least one IDP from each defensive category. For instance, 1 DL, 1LB, and 1 DB. Or start two from each if you are wanting to jump into the IDP world a bit more.

For those who’ve played in IDP leagues before and are familiar with the options and strategies, then by all means go as deep as you like. Some IDP heavy dynasty and keeper leagues use as many as 10 or 11 defensive players per team.

Just remember, a dynasty or keeper league does not necessitate any type of defensive player requirement. Your league could use IDP’s, team defenses, or no defense at all. But if you are looking to move to a dynasty format to make your fantasy league more interesting and more challenging, then you should seriously consider using IDP’s.

Free Agency – Just like with IDP’s, a dynasty or keeper league neither requires nor excludes any specific system for handling free agents. If this is your first dynasty league and you have never used any system to manage free agent and waiver wire activity, then you will probably want to keep it simple, and use a traditional method for handling free agency. Jumping into a dynasty format, especially with IDP’s, will probably be enough of a change that you don’t want to introduce too many additional complications to your new league.

If however you (and the rest of the league) are really up for the challenge, then you should consider using a blind bidding system for managing free agent acquisitions during the season. Basically, each team gets a certain number of dollars or points to spend each year during the regular season (100 or 1,000 are typical numbers). During the free agent portion of the week, teams will bid on available free agents using the bidding dollars. Once all of a team’s money is spent for the season, they cannot acquire any more free agents from the waiver wire. This system forces owners to be much more judicious in their free agent activities. Just be aware that not all league services support the use of a blind bidding system.

Salary Caps – Here too use of a salary cap system for your league is entirely optional. If you’ve never run a dynasty or keeper league before, and you are already feeling a little overwhelmed with this format, then you may want to hold off. If however you are up for the challenge, or you’re familiar with running a salary cap league, then by all means, go for it! Again, just be aware that not all league services support a salary cap system.

Annual Draft – You’ll want to clarify early on how future league drafts will be handled. Typically the subsequent drafts are rookie/free agents drafts which happen after the NFL draft is complete. Teams can then select from the new rookies in the league, as well as from any free agents currently un-drafted. Many leagues will lock down the waiver wire at the conclusion of the NFL regular season, so that by the time the draft rolls around, changes on teams will have created some opportunities for free agents who were not all that attractive just a few weeks before. Some leagues separate out the rookie draft and the free agents draft, handling them as two distinct events.

Trades – Trading is without question one of the best parts of playing in a dynasty or keeper league. Trades rarely occur in a redraft league, simply because there is little impetus to trade in-season. Both teams are looking to win this year, so it’s a lot harder to structure a deal which benefits both sides.

In a dynasty league, it’s a whole different story. Some teams are rebuilding or building for the future, and are willing to trade away an older veteran who may only have a couple seasons left in exchange for a promising young rookie, or to acquire a draft pick or two in next year’s draft. Other teams are looking to win this season, and will give up some future potential in order to solidify their chances now.

Plus there is always the fine art of trading for some gems in the rough who may not shine for a season or two. Or trading away a fantasy stud at the peak of his career, and watching him crash down to earth while on someone else’s roster. Finally, during each season’s drafts, there will often be many trades made involving just draft picks.

As with any league, you may set your league bylaws to require all trades be approved by a commissioner, or you can just let the trades fall where they may with little or no intervention. Either way, a dynasty or heavy keeper league will stimulate far more trading activity than a redraft league, and the entire league will benefit from the added strategy and fun.

One final note regarding trading draft picks. Most leagues allow for teams to trade away future draft picks. It would be wise to start out limiting how many seasons in the future draft picks may be traded. If you allow a team to trade away picks for the next three or four seasons, they could easily trade those picks away foolishly, and dig themselves into a hole from which could be extremely difficult to recover. If their team tanks and they have no more draft picks for the next three years, they may very well lose hope and abandon the team. And if that happens, getting someone to take over that team could be a real challenge. For this reason many leagues choose to limit trading of future draft picks to just the next season or two.

Coaching Commitment – It cant be overstated how important it is to ensure the league is comprised of coaches who are dedicated to the league for the long haul. Being a dynasty league, teams can sometimes find themselves in a hole which may take several seasons to overcome. Owners must be committed to seeing their teams through the good times and bad. Make sure the coaches in the league are as reliable as possible.

Selecting a League Host – Where you will play your league is one of the most important decisions you will make. There are many good options which will accommodate both dynasty and keeper leagues. You’ll want to identify one which is affordable, meets all your league needs, has good service and up-time, and provides good support. A few we would recommend can be found on our links page .

Options, always more options – This is by no means a definitive list of all the league options which are available to you. Each league can be run a little bit differently, and can posses unique rules and guidelines. It’s all up to ou, the league commissioner, and the participants in the league how they want a league to operate. These rules are simply general guidelines and suggestions – run with it as you see fit!

Building Your Dynasty

Now that your league is in place, it’s time for you to dominate the competition. We here at DLF are committed to helping you create an enduring dynasty. Whether it is getting ready for your initial draft, trade advice, player ranking(s) and sleeper suggestions or draft analysis, DLF is committed to getting you into the playoffs and keeping you at the top of your league.

Get started by registering on our forum and connecting with the DLF community. There you’ll find friendly, experienced experts who are very willing to help get you started and share ideas for your continued success. We cannot stress enough the importance of connecting with a community of like-minded, dedicated fantasy football enthusiasts to further your knowledge and enable your long term success! There is no better way to learn this game than from those who’ve been playing it, and winning it, for a long time. So Join the DLF Forum right now. and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a champion!

Also be sure to keep up on the articles and advice we constantly provide. All of our offerings are geared towards dynasty and keeper league formats. There are also a number of other sites we suggest which may prove useful to you in your quest for league domination.

If you have any questions, you can always post them in our forum. or Contact Us directly and we’ll be happy to help.

Philadelphia Eagles Options For 2017 NFL Trade Deadline

November 11, 2012; Philadelphia, PA, USA; Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson (10) runs with the ball against the Dallas Cowboys during the first half at Lincoln Financial Field. The Cowboys defeated the Eagles 38-23. Mandatory Credit: Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports

Perhaps one the most baffling teams of the 2017 off-season is the Philadelphia Eagles. A massive roster overturn has seen them assemble a new and rather interesting roster centered around the offense, and more specifically the quarterbacks. That being said there are still several leftovers from the Andy Reid era. Could those players become valued trade pieces for the new regime?

Injuries and arrests are the quickest ways to get kicked off a team. Jason Peters should be thankful that he bestowed such obvious NFL talent otherwise the Philadelphia Eagles would’ve dumped him already. Their hope is his idiot decision to drag race and his Achilles injury last season don’t chew into the fact he went to five-straight Pro Bowls. The former part of the problem is up for debate but the injury issue is very prevalent. That could be the biggest reason why Chip Kelly and the front office made Oklahoma tackle Lane Johnson their first pick in the 2017 draft. Early word out of team headquarters is they plan to put the rookie at right tackle with Peters back on the left side. However, if they feel the 31-year old is too much of a risk, then exploring trade options is not out of the question. Despite the concerns, a lot of teams might pay a draft pick for the chance his rehab goes well and he returns to his old form. It will depend on how high the demand is.

Two names could determine the future of Brent Celek in Philadelphia. They are Zach Ertz and Aaron Hernandez. The Eagles drafted Ertz in the second round. He was one of the top rated players at his position and is expected to make an immediate impact as a pro. That bodes well for the team, but not for Celek who may have to share more passes. His numbers already took a slight hit in 2012. If Ertz makes an impression early his playing time is in danger. That is where the Hernandez angle comes in. Everybody who follows football has learned of the former Patriots tight end and his incredible arrest for first degree murder. While not as important as justice, is has left New England exposed at tight end. Since Tom Brady doesn’t have the luxury of time at age 35, the team may be moved to make an aggressive push for a replacement via trade. Philadelphia could benefit by offering Celek, since they have Ertz in their back pocket already.

To call wide receiver DeSean Jackson a walking soap opera sounds a little harsh, but it isn’t far off. Despite such obvious ability to play the game of football, the young man often causes more trouble for his own team than opposing defenses. Chip Kelly already sent him a message early in minicamp practices by running him with the second and third string players. Whether that message sticks could depend on how many passes Jackson sees on Sundays. He has a history of becoming vocal when he is frustrated. Talented or not, the Philadelphia Eagles can’t afford to let him short circuit what Kelly is trying to accomplish. If that means trading him off, then that is what must happen.

Veni Vidi Vici Paragon Dynasty League Trade Bait

Year 2017 Draft Pick 1.25

Year 2017 Draft Pick 1.33

Year 2017 Draft Pick 2.25

Year 2017 Draft Pick 2.33

Year 2017 Draft Pick 3.25

Year 2017 Draft Pick 3.33

Year 2017 Draft Pick 3.35

Year 2017 Draft Pick 4.25

Year 2017 Draft Pick 4.29

Year 2017 Draft Pick 5.25

Year 2017 Draft Pick 5.26

Year 2017 Draft Pick 5.31

Year 2017 Draft Pick 6.12

Year 2017 Draft Pick 6.14

Year 2017 Draft Pick 6.28

Year 2017 Draft Pick 7.11

Year 2017 Draft Pick 7.12

Willing to trade picks to move up/back or picks for 2017 picks.

Looking for: WR, DE, TE, LB, S

Will also take offers on 1.1 and 1.9 - looking for nice prospects to move back

Picks baby. Picks

looking for rbs/TE

Several RB/WR available for picks or players.

Looking to trade Murray and a WR for an upgrade at WR. Let's get it done.

Year 2017 Draft Pick 1.37

Year 2017 Draft Pick 2.37

Year 2017 Draft Pick 3.37

I have a huge stable of RBs (which I am fine with as I can draft other positions that I need depth at if need be). So I can trade from depth to improve my other needs:

1) Improve Cutler and/or Ryan as my starting QB to a top 5 guy (Luck, Newton, Wilson, Rodgers, Bortles, Carr)

2) Improve my WR depth (have a great top 3, but then fall off a cliff).

3) DE: Have solid players but no studs (140+ points)

4) Improve LB depth (really only have Kendricks and Davis as startable starters).

5) Improve or add picks (depends on player). And no, I won't trade Doug Martin for a mid-tier LB. I want quality over quantity but if you are going to get a starter, give a starter. If you are to get a high-upside guy, then give a high-upside guy. Thanks and good luck this season! Art (SDM)

With CJ resigning with the Cards I have plenty of stable backs for those who want to protect themselves from injury. Willing to package draft picks with a back for an upgrade. Will look into the possibility of downgrading one of my WRs in a deal for an upgrade at RB (Something like AJ Green and Starks for a WR1 and a RB1).

Whitten available for those needing a TE, with Romo back he should be back to his old top 5 TE status.

Chandler Jones possibly available for those looking for a stud LB. I'm loaded at the position so would include him in a deal for upgrades (RB is a possibility) or possibly for a draft pick.


If you want any of these guys, offer up a pick upgrade and they will be on your roster faster than you can shake a stick



The Huddle

Josh Hill - TE - New Orleans Saints

New Orleans Saints restricted free-agent TE Josh Hill will remain with the Saints after they matched the offer sheet he signed with the Chicago Bears.

Huddle Up: Hill will remain in the Big Easy after his deeply disappointing 2017 fantasy season (16-120-2), and this coming season, he'll be sharing TE snaps with newly signed Coby Fleener instead of Benjamin Watson.

Anquan Boldin - WR - San Francisco 49ers

Free-agent WR Anquan Boldin (49ers) is unlikely to sign with the Buffalo Bills with what they have, according to Bills general manager Doug Whaley. Whaley, though, also said anything was possible.

Huddle Up: The Bills have a solid 1-2 starting WR punch in Sammy Watkins and Robert Woods and also just signed free-agent Leonard Hankerson. And while the team certainly could benefit from Boldin's veteran presence, it doesn't sound as if it's going to happen.

Blaine Gabbert - QB - San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco 49ers QB Blaine Gabbert's size and skill set impressed head coach Chip Kelly, who said Gabbert would be in competition with QB Colin Kaepernick to start. 'He's big,' Kelly said. 'I'd never really dealt with Blaine because he came into the league before I came into the league, but just how big and physical and impressive he is. He's a 6-4, 245-pound guy that can really run. I thought the last part of the season he played really well. It'll be intriguing to work with him, too.'

Huddle Up: Gabbert threw for 2,031 yards, 10 TDs and seven interceptions in eight starts while posting the best QB rating (86.2) of his career. Add in Gabbert's mobility -- a strong fit for Kelly's system -- and the Niners and their new coach at least have a semi-solid QB to start with if they can't work things out with Kaepernick.

Robert Griffin III - QB - Washington Redskins

Cleveland Browns QB Robert Griffin III impressed head coach Hue Jackson in a private workout. Jackson called Griffin's accuracy 'freakish,' according to team sources.

Huddle Up: Griffin actually completed a career-high 68.7 percent of his passes in 2017 -- which would've ranked third in the league had he qualified -- but it's the other numbers which have declined (such as his passing-TD total and rushing yardage) which have led to a decline in his real-life and fantasy effectiveness.

Colin Kaepernick - QB - San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick is not receiving a lot of interest from the New York Jets at this point.

Huddle Up: The Browns also are out of the running after signing RGIII so it would be appear to be down to the Niners and Broncos at this point for Kaepernick.

Leonard Hankerson - WR - Buffalo Bills

Buffalo Bills WR Leonard Hankerson re-signed to a one-year deal Thursday, March 24. Financial terms were not immediately disclosed.

Huddle Up: Hankerson got off to a solid start last season in Atlanta before getting derailed by a hammy injury, and he now adds depth to a Buffalo WR corps which recently lost Chris Hogan to the Patriots. Hankerson, though, won't be a fantasy factor in the majority of leagues.

Eddie Lacy - RB - Green Bay Packers

Green Bay Packers RB Eddie Lacy looks to be staying fit with his PX90 workouts this offseason. Lacy and one of his fans recently took a picture together. The fan said Lacy looked fit and like he has lost a lot of weight. The fan also said that he is 5-9, 185 pounds and that Lacy is much thinner than him.

Huddle Up: Lacy looks to have made decent progress over the last two months, but 185 pounds? Let's not get carried away here.

Ladarius Green - TE - San Diego Chargers

Pittsburgh Steelers TE Ladarius Green will give the team a vertical threat at the position that retired TE Heath Miller didn't give them. 'He'll bring us a dimension at tight end that we really haven't had,' general manager Kevin Colbert said. 'Heath was a great receiver, a great blocker. He wasn't really a stretch the field guy. Ladarius gives you that added dimension of speed, he'll have to work on his blocking to get caught up to where we need him to be. But the speed and vertical threat at tight end is really something we haven't had.'

Huddle Up: Green should do well simply getting out of Antonio Gates' sizable shadow, and a vertical threat down the middle of the field would really help ease the loss of suspended wideout Martavis Bryant. He'll be popular TE sleeper this summer.

Nate Washington - WR - Free Agent

Free-agent WR Nate Washington (Titans) will sign an undisclosed deal with the New England Patriots on Thursday, March 24, according to a source.

Huddle Up: Washington quietly has averaged 53 catches, 799 yards and four TDs over the last five seasons but joins a N. E. WR corps which suddenly is getting a little crowded with Julian Edelman, Danny Amendola, Chris Hogan, Keshawn Martin and Brandon Gibson. And that's not even mentioning the tight ends, led by Gronk and new acquisition Martellus Bennett.

Carlos Hyde - RB - San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco 49ers RB Carlos Hyde is working to slim down this offseason in order to be in shape for new head coach Chip Kelly's up-tempo offense. Hyde's trainer, David Alexander, said he wants Hyde to get down to 220 pounds without losing his power. Hyde is listed at 235 pounds and is now under 230 pounds. He is preparing to see the bulk of the workload in 2017.

Huddle Up: He got off a solid start last season before a foot injury cut his campaign short, but a healthier and slimmer Hyde could prove to be a fantasy find this season.

Deonte Thompson - WR - Chicago Bears

Free-agent WR Deonte Thompson re-signed with the Chicago Bears on a one-year deal Thursday, March 24.

Huddle Up: With only 17 career receptions in three NFL seasons, Thompson is little more than back-end WR depth and a kickoff returtner -- a role which is steadily being phased out by the league and its seemingly annual rules changes.

Josh McCown - QB - Cleveland Browns

Cleveland Browns QB Josh McCown is now on the trading block and also is on a speculative list of quarterbacks that the Denver Broncos will consider in order to compete with QB Mark Sanchez.

Huddle Up: That potential list also includes Colin Kaepernick, Brian Hoyer, Ryan Fitzpatrick and a high-round draft pick, so in other words, Sanchez will be getting company -- from somewhere. The soon-to-be 37-year-old McCown, meanwhile, has become the ultimate seasonal rental QB as it appears he'll be headed to his fourth team is as many years.

Robert Griffin III - QB - Washington Redskins

Free-agent QB Robert Griffin III (Redskins) signed a two-year deal with the Cleveland Browns Thursday, March 24. Griffin received a two-year, $15 million deal with $6.75 million guaranteed.

Huddle Up: Yeah, the downtrodden Griffin is entering a renowned QB graveyard, but if anyone was to get a shot at reversing RGIII's career fortunes, it might as well be Hue Jackson who is coming off a strong run as the Bengals' offensive coordinator. Reports out of Cleveland, including one from ESPN's Adam Schefter, also indicate that the Browns are still expected to draft a QB with the No. 2 overall pick, and in that case, Griffin might simply be bridge option until the new savior is ready.

Kenny Stills - WR - Miami Dolphins

Miami Dolphins WR Kenny Stills is expected to be more involved in head coach Adam Gase's offense after he was fifth on the team with 27 receptions in 2017.

Huddle Up: The passing game should improve under Gase, and Stills should play a bigger role with the departure of Rishard Matthews. That combo alone should move Stills up to fourth or third; however, leapfrogging Jarvis Landry and/or DaVante Parker seems overly optimistic.

Chris Thompson - RB - Washington Redskins

Washington Redskins RB Chris Thompson (shoulder) is recovering from shoulder surgery, and head coach Jay Gruden said Wednesday, March 23, that Thompson might not be ready for the start of training camp.

Huddle Up: Thompson was a solid pass-catching back for the Redskins last season, and if healthy enough should assume that role again in 2017. However, if he remains on the sideline too long another back may slip in and steal his gig.

Matt Jones - RB - Washington Redskins

Washington Redskins RB Matt Jones (hip) was bothered by a hip injury down the stretch. However, head coach Jay Gruden said Wednesday, March 23, that Jones should be ready for the start of organized team activities (OTAs) in April.

Huddle Up: OTAs should provide Jones with an opportunity to prove he deserves Washington's feature-back gig, so it would behoove him to be healthy by then.

Jordan Norwood - WR - Denver Broncos

Free-agent WR Jordan Norwood and the Denver Broncos reached an agreement Wednesday, March 23, on a one-year contract.

Huddle Up: Norwood will hold a depth role in the Denver receiver rotation, which as the team becomes more run-focused holds less and less fantasy value.

Niles Paul - TE - Washington Redskins

Washington Redskins TE Niles Paul (ankle) likely will not be able to participate until training camp. Paul needs to regain strength in his ankle and also needs to add some weight. Paul could see time at fullback if the team decides to keep four tight ends on the final roster.

Huddle Up: Paul has performed well when given the opportunity, and given Jordan Reed's injury history the Redskins would do well to keep additional tight ends on the roster. However, his fantasy value at this juncture is primarily as a Reed handcuff on a larger roster.

Dez Bryant - WR - Dallas Cowboys

Dallas Cowboys WR Dez Bryant (foot) is doing well in his rehabilitation process for foot surgery he had this offseason, according to head coach Jason Garrett. Garrett said Bryant is around the building, has had a lot of productive days and is on schedule for the offseason program.

Huddle Up: After last year's injury-marred campaign, the Cowboys and fantasy owners need a healthy Dez in 2017. Every step Bryant takes towards playing bumps him up the receiver rankings.

Rueben Randle - WR - New York Giants

Free-agent WR Rueben Randle (Giants) agreed to terms on a one-year contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Huddle Up: Turns out the Eagles are paying Randle $3 million, $500K of which is guaranteed. He can provide Doug Pederson with some divisional insight, and if he can recapture some of his former glory could give Philly a decent wingman to Jordan Matthews.

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Dynasty Civil War 2017 Trade Bait

At the completion of each season the team that finishes the highest (playoffs included) will be moved to the division (within same conf) with the highest total points scored through regular season; the team finishing the lowest (W/L) in the conference will be moved to the division (within their conference) with the lowest total points scored. Teams do not move between conferences. The teams being moved will replace the team in the new division with the opposite ranking in that division. (ex:Highest ranked team replaces the lowest ranked in that division/Lowest replaces highest). CLARIFICATION: The top team in each Conf (post playoffs/super bowl) will be moved to the division within the same conference that finishes the REGULAR season with the highest total points scored. IF SAID TEAM IS ALREADY IN THE DIVISION WITH THE HIGHEST POINTS SCORED then they will remain in that division. IF the top team DOES move to the other division THEN the lowest W/L team in the destination division will be swap divisions with this top team.

North Conf - 1.Vicksburg advanced the furthest into the Playoffs therefore VTC is the North's top team. 2.Sherman's Raiders was the highest scoring Div in the North over the course of the Reg Season. 3. Hog WIld was the lowest ranked team in Sherman's Div. RESULT=VTC and Hog Wild swap Divisions.

South Conf - 1.Steel City finished with the highest rank in the South Conf. 2.Stonewall's Div was the highest scoring Div in the South Conf over the course of the regular season. RESULT=Division does not re-allign as the top ranked team is already in the highest scoring Div.

STEEL CITY DYNASTY has slaughtered the enemy once again and captured the hill for the 2nd time!

Commissioner Summit 2017 is in the books.

This one was simple as the DCW is pretty well dialed. Those of you who have brought up additional ideas, it is appreciated and your ideas have been noted for further discussion. The plan all along for the DCW was change ONLY when necessary and then slow and incremental. The 2 following issues were discussed and agreed on with 100% concensus among the commish team.

1-Division re-alignment: The existing division re-alignment will remain in place as is. It was decided that though the league is divided on the issue it has been in place all along, some have strategized accordingly and ONLY a super-majority of 2/3rds plus can overturn it. That super-majority does not exist as evidenced by the recent polling.

2-Add a slot to the Taxi squad: Effective in 2017 we will now have 3 total taxi squad slots. This was polled is clearly desired. Nothing else regarding the Taxi rules changes.

Thank you all for your ongoing participation. If you havent made your leagusafe deposit. please do. Good luck in 2017 gents!


Based on owner feedback the commish team has made some tweeks to a couple rules. The constitution will be updated soon but know that the following will go into effect immediately:

-Taxi rule: Going forward. existing taxi rules of "once started never taxi" will RE-SET if/when a player is traded or dropped. If you acquire a player via trade or FA and he has not recorded an offensive stat in 20 games or more. you can taxi him whether he has been started before (by previous owner) or not

-2 DST max rule: Going forward there is now a 2 DST max rule like the 2 QB max rule. HOWEVER. any team currently rostering more than 2 is grandfathered until/unless they drop or trade down to 2. Once any owner's roster reaches 2 or less DSTs they will no longer be allowed to roster more than 2.

-Tie breakers: Going forward tie breakers for standing across the board will be determined by Total Points Scored.

-Playoff payout: Payouts will be modified so that WCs get a prize and SB runner up does not get extra. The formula is yet TBD.

-FAAB dollar trading: FAAB dollars cannot currently be traded. A poll will be posted soon and a Super Majority (12+) in favor will change this. Watch for the poll.

The Best Fantasy Option: Colin Kaepernick or Russell Wilson?

The Best Fantasy Option: Colin Kaepernick or Russell Wilson?

Who is going to be the more consistent fantasy performer in 2017, Colin Kaepernick or Russell Wilson? This is a question that will continue to plague the minds of fantasy owners the world over between now and September.

Today, I am attempting to answer what promises to be one of the most lingering questions in both standard and dynasty leagues. Who represents the best value?

First, it is important to note that Kaepernick ranked second to only Aaron Rodgers in PFF QB Rating with a stellar mark of 100.78 . Interestingly enough, Wilson was just a couple of spots behind at 98.32 . All quarterback rating formulas leave a lot to be desired when drawing a conclusion through a fantasy lens, but these rankings seem to maintain the same balance across all ranking systems.

As all fantasy owners do, I take a long look at what each quarterback can do down the field. An important component to success in every league is what I call “electric plays.” Will a quarterback dink and dunk his way down the field? If so, it could help the actual team on the field in winning the time of possession battle, but it definitely doesn’t do a whole lot when it comes to giving fantasy owners a lot of points on an individual player, outside of PPR leagues for wide receivers.

On passes that traveled 20-plus yards, Kaepernick was spot on. He completed 19/33 attempts for 595 yards with five touchdowns and one interception. His accuracy percentage on those longer passes ranked No. 1 in the NFL among regular quarterbacks.

Wilson completed just 28/64 such pass attempts for a measly 48.4 accuracy percentage. In addition, he threw nine touchdowns compared to five interceptions. Of course this will change with Percy Harvin in the mix and an entire offseason of experience under his belt, but it seems that Kaepernick will be the quarterback of these two that provides you the “electric play.”

The interesting thing here is that Kaepernick averaged nearly five attempts of more than 20 yards in his seven regular season starts, while Wilson averaged just three. I am intrigued to see if this number stays the same with the Seahawks’ quarterback following the addition of Percy Harvin, who was only targeted five times for more than 20 yards. Considering that Wilson is already a much better quarterback than Christian Ponder, I expect these numbers to increase.

On the other hand, both Anquan Boldin and Michael Crabtree were especially solid when it came to deep targets. Both possessed a solid 62.5 percent catch rate on passes that traveled more than 20 yards. That tied them for second among regular receivers behind Jeremy Kerley of the New York Jets.

There is no reason to believe that Kaepernick will all of a sudden start struggling throwing the ball down the field in 2017. This seems to indicate that the natural progression for Kaepernick this upcoming season will make him a top-flight fantasy quarterback option.

Points per Drop Back

Another thing to look at is rushing statistics. As the read option takes hold around the NFL, there is going to be a growing amount of fantasy owners that make the decision to go with running quarterbacks over traditional drop-back passers. This is where both Wilson and Kaepernick can really put you over the top at quarterback. In terms of standard fantasy stats, Kaepernick and Wilson were among the most surprising at the quarterback position. Kaepernick averaged more than 20 fantasy points per outing in his seven regular season starts, never finishing outside of the top 12 in the process. Meanwhile, Wilson averaged a tad more than 18 fantasy points per start and ranked 11th overall among quarterbacks in fantasy points. Wilson’s sample size may lead some to believe that he is a better bet to put up consistent numbers over the course of a 16-game schedule.

Wilson averaged 30.6 rushing yards and 0.25 touchdowns on the ground per game. While he wasn’t as electric as Kaepernick with the ability to break the long run, those 30 rushing yards per outing really do make him a stellar option in standard leagues.

On the other hand, Kaepernick averaged 34 rushing yards and 0.29 touchdowns on the ground in his seven regular seasons starts. Those numbers increased to 88 and 1.0 in the postseason.

Depending on how much these teams decide to utilize the read option in 2017, you could see similar numbers from both quarterbacks. This enables you to maybe grab more value at running back later in the draft because you know full well that your QB1 option will give you a decent output on the ground.

I personally believe that both Kaepernick and Wilson will be top-eight fantasy quarterbacks in 2017. You would be much better off going with them a bit later rather than picking up Aaron Rodgers or Drew Brees in the first round. This would give your fantasy lineup more of a well-rounded feel and enable you to maybe even go WR2 and TE1 earlier than your counterparts.

As evidenced by Kaepernick’s 10 starts, postseason included, it’s easy to conclude that he has more upside in terms of fantasy value than Wilson. If you want to make a statement in standard leagues, definitely go with Kaepernick over his counterpart in the NFC West. If you want to play it a little closer to the vest, go with the quarterback that has a full season under his belt.

Both are stellar dynasty options – right up there with Robert Griffin III, Cam Newton and Andrew Luck as the most obvious quarterbacks you should target relatively early. When looking a couple of years down the road as it relates to production, you must take into account the talent around each player. The good news for both Kaepernick and Wilson is that their teams are completely stacked on the offensive side of the ball.

We have already looked at the wide receivers to an extent here, but I want to check in on youngsters both teams have on the outside. San Francisco selected A. J. Jenkins in the first round of the 2012 NFL Draft. He struggled out of the gate and was inactive for all but three games during the regular season. A lot of this had to do with San Francisco’s mentality of “redshirting” its rookie class, but Jenkins didn’t even see much action when Mario Manningham and Kyle Williams went down with season-ending injuries. It remains to be seen whether Jenkins will ever produce like a first-round talent, but he should play a larger role for the 49ers in 2017.

Outside of that, San Francisco is really handicapped here. Manningham had the fourth-best catch rate among wide receivers in the NFL last season, but he is coming off a serious injury and had to take a pay cut in order to avoid being released. Williams has been an enigma of sorts, especially after two costly fumbles in the NFC Championship Game in January 2012. He can be a solid slot option when healthy. Again, it’s all about him returning to form after suffering a serious injury.

On the other hand, San Francisco is stacked at running back. While Frank Gore probably only has two seasons or so of Pro Bowl-caliber play ahead of him, the 49ers have multiple options behind him. Kendall Hunter, who also suffered a serious injury in 2012, had a great rookie season in 2011. The former fourth-round pick put up nearly 600 total yards on just 118 touches as a rookie. He followed that up by averaging 5.2 yards per rush in 2012. LaMichael James, a second-round pick last April, was also a healthy inactive for the first three quarters of the season. The Oregon product made his impact known after Hunter’s injury. He averaged more than five yards per touch in the final four games of the regular season before taking on a larger role in the playoffs. These two young running backs will be able to help Kaepernick in creating balance on offense and giving him receiving options out of the backfield.

Seattle seems to be in a solid position here as well. Golden Tate broke out with Wilson under center. The former second-round pick tallied career highs in receptions (45), yards (688) and touchdowns (seven). He will be a solid WR2 option for the Seahawks moving forward. While there might be concerns of Sidney Rice’s contract situation, he is still only 26 years old and put up 748 yards and seven scores in 2012. Those two will be solid receiving options behind Percy Harvin for the foreseeable future.

Marshawn Lynch is in nearly the same situation as Gore. He is, however, three years younger and has about 600 less touches in his career than his counterpart with the 49ers. You can expect Lynch to play an important role in Seattle’s offense for the next four seasons or so. If that rings true, Wilson will have himself a great running partner moving forward. Another player to look at here is Robert Turbin. The Utah State product tallied more than 500 total yards as Lynch’s primary backup in his rookie season. He translates into being a starting running back at some point in his NFL career.

The primary difference here is the strength of each team’s offensive line.

San Francisco’s offensive line graded out No. 1 overall here at Pro Football Focus with a +273.2 mark . In addition, the average age of its offensive line is 27. This seems to indicate that the likes of Joe Staley, Anthony Davis, Alex Boone and Mike Iupati will be around for a while in northern California.

Seattle’s offensive line finished seventh overall . but ranked a pedestrian 13th in pass protection . If Russell Okung can remain healthy for an entire season, something that hasn’t happened in his first three seasons, the Seahawks should be OK here. The former first-round pick ranked sixth among offensive tackles in pass protection this past season.

Overall, it is pretty much a wash. Both Kaepernick and Wilson are among the best quarterback options in dynasty leagues and have bright futures ahead. If you take into account young talent, I would probably lean toward San Francisco with the best offensive line in the entire NFL. Though, you will not go wrong with either option.

Great article. I am expecting the Seattle O-line to make huge progress this year. JR Sweezy has all-pro atheticism. Okung and Unger are already there. I think the key is that Tom Cable is the line coach, i wouldnt be confident of the young guys developing if he wasnt. Also i am expecting the Seahawks to address the offensive line in a major way in the draft. I kind of like Moffitt too, am i crazy? Maybe its just because he’s so damn funny.

http://twitter. com/VincentFrankNFL Vincent Frank

You are 100 percent correct about Tom Cable. He got a raw deal with the Raiders and is the best offensive line coach in the entire league. He should help this relatively young group progress as a unit. I am not as big on Moffitt and think Seattle needs to address the interior of its offensive line.

Moffit is meh, Carpenter is hopefully the future. He is the strongest player on the team and has pro bowl guard potential. If he can just put it all together though.

Buy Low/Sell High: Week 3

Hello Fake Footballers! My name is Asher Molk, and I am really looking forward to helping you win your fake football leagues via smart and savvy trading. I realize it’s only the third week of football and many owners are unwilling to trade after two games, but believe me, there are plenty of owners already in panic mode! “Buying Low” and “Selling High” is quite a simple economic principal: give away commodities while their perceived value is greater than their actual value, and try to acquire commodities while their perceived value is lower than their actual value. In other words, trade bad players after good games for good players after bad games! Here are a few trends and nuggets of wisdom I encourage you to follow whilst trading:

-Smart owners look beyond the box score. The naïve owner will look at Shonn Greene’s Week One fantasy score and see 94 yards and a touchdown - a very solid 15.4 fantasy points! The smart owner is able to dig deeper and see that he averaged under 3.5 yards per carry, fumbled twice, didn’t catch a pass, and carried the ball 27 times because the Jets were up 20 at halftime and 27 by the 4 th quarter. Are the Jets likely to be up by that many points most games to give enough carries to a below-averagely talented runner? Probably not. If this sounds time-consuming, don’t fret - I am here to do the work for you and help you look beyond the box score!

-A major trend in my articles (and hopefully on your fantasy teams) will be getting rid of averagely-talented players: plodding running backs who don’t make anyone miss or contribute in the passing game (see Turner, Michael), or wide receivers who offer nothing after the catch (see Bess, Davone), etc. More importantly, you will be trying to acquire explosive, dynamic talents who are capable of changing the game every time they touch the ball (see Harvin, Percy). TALENT IS MOST IMPORTANT!

-Trading away two decent/good players for one great player is almost always a great idea. Usually, the person getting the one better player wins the deal.

-NEVER lead with your best or final trade offer! Instead, start small, even offer deals they probably won’t accept to start with. This doesn’t mean offer Mason Crosby for Lesean McCoy, but you never know what a person may say yes to, it’s often quite surprising. If you lead with your best offer, you have nowhere to go but down. Start by being a little optimistic…

-If there are quality players on your waiver wire that you want but you do not know whom to drop, let go of your kicker and/or defense for that player. You can always make a trade to make roster space, or make a game-time decision on whom you want to drop. A lot can happen in a week, and you don’t want to miss out on the next Victor Cruz or Antonio Brown just because you think Sebastian Janikowski will average 1 more point per game than Garrett Hartley.

-Target owners who are close to the bottom of the standings – they are probably the most willing to do a desperation move in order to shake up their team. Also, make sure to target players the owner is likely frustrated with.

Give me a follow on Twitter: @AsherMolk. Without further ado, your Buy Lows and Sell Highs:


Darren McFadden, RB, OAK - Not exactly the start we envisioned for McFadden. A long run of 8 yards through two games? That’s Chris Johnson-esque! Just remember the formula for fantasy success: you want talented players who are going to get the rock constantly. This still applies for “the best football player in the NFL” (according to Carson Palmer). Zone blocking schemes sometimes take a few weeks to gel (see Lynch, Marshawn early 2011), but when the scheme finally clicks it becomes a fantasy RB goldmine (see Lynch, Marshawn mid-late 2011). Keep in mind McFadden is lining up in the backfield, out wide, and in the slot and you can see he is the focal point of the offense. His perceived value is still likely very high, but there are owners out there who are already frustrated or will trade for less than his actual value.

Jordy Nelson, WR, GB - Nelson’s games haven’t exactly killed fantasy owners, but 11-148-0 through two games isn’t exactly lighting it up for a 3 rd or 4 th round pick. The (at worst) number two receiving option for the league’s best quarterback is going to break out sometime (as will the rest of the Packers), and you don’t want to be late for that party. Keep in mind that Greg Jennings already has a groin strain (an injury that can tend to linger) and is only one concussion away from possibly missing serious playing time. Jordy Nelson showed what he can do when Jennings is off the field, and even when playing 1B to Jennings’ 1A, Nelson is still a great WR2 with huge upside. There are probably owners out there who think 2011 was a little fluky. Go find them.

Brandon Lloyd, WR, NE - My favorite buy low of the week. Naïve owners who only pay attention to box scores won’t see that Brady and Lloyd have come so close to a couple big plays. Their timing appears to be slightly off, but I’m going to go ahead and say it’s a safe bet that Tom Brady is more than capable of making the correction. With focal point Aaron Hernandez going down with a high ankle sprain, Lloyd’s targets can only increase. I’ll go ahead and guarantee an absolute explosion for Lloyd in the coming weeks. He is going to be a WR1 for as long as Hernandez is out. I think his actual value just took a nice leap, but his perceived value may not have changed at all. Brandon Lloyd is getting open, ladies and gentlemen. Make sure he’s on your team when him and Brady connect for a 7-147-2 statline.

Torrey Smith, WR, BAL - A preseason full of hype and production has not yet translated into fantasy points for this former Maryland Terrapin. But the Ravens have seemed to make a smooth transition from a pre-historic power offensive to one with a no-huddle, up-tempo philosophy. Torrey Smith is finally running a full route tree, as evidenced by the game tape and his 8-103 preseason game. Dennis Pitta and Anquan Boldin are still dominating underneath, but Jacoby Jones has always been a pretender and Smith is their most talented pass catcher. His value may take a slight hit in PPR leagues, but that may actually be where his perceived value is the lowest due to his mere 4 catches. I’m still buying that Smith can be a decent WR2 this season, and at worst an elite WR3.


Alfred Morris, RB, WAS - This post may look a little similar to Kevin Smith’s blurb last week. Alfred Morris is not a guy I would undersell because there is obviously risk in selling the lead back in a Mike Shanahan offense - there’s an outside chance he is the next Mike Anderson. However, there is an equal chance he is also the next Quentin Griffin. With capable running backs behind him and the ever-fickle King Shanahan running the show, Morris’ value could go from RB2 to borderline bench stash in a matter of two weeks. While Morris will continue to compile stats while he is the lead back, he is by no means a talented runner and somehow doesn’t make Evan Royster look slow. Keep in mind Roy Helu is waiting his turn, and Morris is a fumble away from a 3 rd string role. In one of my leagues, someone traded Morris and Kenny Britt for Julio Jones. I don’t need to tell you that is the kind of deal that wins fantasy leagues.

Michael Turner, RB, ATL - I will keep this one short and sweet. Watching Michael Turner operate in an up-tempo no huddle spread passing offense gave me the same thought of seeing Mila Kunis dating Macaulay Culkin: these two things just don’t belong together. His 2.6 yards per carry looks fantastic after you watch him actually run the ball - he looks like he is in slow motion compared to the rest of the players on the field. Atlanta is going to give up on him sooner rather than later. They are going to realize they need to keep safeties honest with an efficient running game so they can get the ball downfield to their playmakers. Get rid of him ASAP, and hopefully quicker.

Mike Williams, WR, TB - In my mind, Williams is a very poor WR3. In fantasy football, we need to look ahead using logic and predictability. Williams has scored in each game so far this season, but only has 8 targets on the season! As the second option (at best) in a Greg Schiano run-heavy offense, that doesn’t figure to change too much. I think he will benefit from being a number two WR opposite Vincent Jackson, but I have not seen enough from Josh Freeman to think he can support more than one pass catcher. I think this is a great opportunity to use Mike Williams as part of a package deal to get a stud. Sustained production is an incredibly poor bet here.

September 21, 2012 8:36:07 pm

Hello, and thanks for the write up and the advice. I have two trade proposals sitting in my queue.

This league has some ridiculous scoring rules as you will see.

The league is a 1point PPR, PPRA (Rush Attempt), and PPC (Completion). It’s also a return yardage league. All TDs are worth 6 points, and bonuses are given for all completions, receptions, rushes, & TDs that are over 40 yards. There are different amounts of negative points for different outcomes: pick sixes(-4), fumbles lost(-2), sacks(-1), ints(-1), incompletions(-.05)

OFFER 1: Give, Mike Wallace. Get, The Law Firm.

OFFER 2: Give, Stafford. Get McFadden & Bradford.

Here is my roster: QB Stafford WR Harvin WR Wallace WR Cribbs (the return game is weighted so that is consistently one of my top scoring receivers, so far) RB Lynch RB Andre Brown (he scored 50 points for me last night) TE Tony Gonzalez Q/W/R/T Matt Cassel

BN Carson Palmer BN JC Superstar BN Bradshaw BN Greene BN Denarius Moore BN Emanuel Sanders

Are either of these trades going to be beneficial for me? The 1st trade is definitely lopsided in my favor; however, I’m not sure that I’d be able to fill the production hole that Wallace leaves with any of my current bench receivers, nor am I sure that The Law Firm would be an upgrade over any of my top RB/Flex options.

As far as the second trade is concerned I really like McFadden, but giving up my QB1 and replacing him with Bradford seems like it might be suicide.

I’m inclined to stand pat on this, but any helpful advice would be much appreciated.

September 20, 2012 6:08:54 pm

I’m looking to trade C. J Spiller since I already have Lesean Mccoy and Reggie Bush and I can only start 2 RBs, and 3 WRS, with my WRs being B Marshall, Harvin, and Miles Austin. I’m happy with Stafford at QB and pretty satisfied with T Gonzales at TE. So maybe I should try and trade for a better WR? Who do you think I could/should get for Spiller, maybe if I even added Harvin or Marshall to the trade? Standard league by the way, and thanks in advance for your advice :)

September 20, 2012 6:14:51 pm

Wow, nice team. I’ll start by saying there probably isn’t one player who is worth as much as Spiller and Harvin combined. For Spiller, you should be able to get a top 5 player along the lines of Calvin, Ray Rice, Arian…I would probably try Spiller and Miles Austin for Calvin first. Again, you should settle for nothing less than a top player at a position if you are trading Spiller and a WR2.

September 20, 2012 2:38:15 pm

I think Fitzgerald is a fine buy low. Honestly, whats changed from the past two years? The QB situation stank then and it stinks now - skill-wise, he’s still a top 5 NFL receiver. That said, I think his production could be matched by a number of players. I’m not in love with it, but depending on how cheap you can get him I think its a decent idea.

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Am 11 września 2017 / Bez kategorii / Komentowanie nie jest możliwe

How to Make a Trade in Yahoo Fantasy Football

In fantasy football, knowing why and how to make a trade is a vital skill to acquire. A fantasy football trade could make the difference between winning the championship and missing the playoffs. In the Yahoo! fantasy football league system, a relatively extensive procedure must be followed to complete a trade. By following these steps, you will learn how to make a trade in Yahoo! fantasy football that can help your team win.

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How to Trade in Fantasy Football

How to Drop Players in a Yahoo! Fantasy League

Figure out your positions of strength on your fantasy football team. When you trade in fantasy football, you want to trade players who are at a position where you have excess talent.

Decide which positions are weak and need to be addressed. Common reasons why your fantasy football team may be weak in a position include injuries, bye weeks and underperforming players.

Find a fantasy team in your league that has an excess of players at the position you have the weakness. You should then think of a trade that involves you trading from your positions of strength.

Login to your Yahoo! fantasy football league. Click on the option to view your team. In the upper navigational bar, click on the Trade link. On the next page, click on the team with which you want to trade.

Select the players you want to acquire by clicking in the box next to their name. Once you have selected all the players, click on the Continue box. On the next page, you must select the players you want to trade from your team. After you click the Continue box again, you will see a screen with a trade recap and an option to propose the trade.

Wait for a response from the other fantasy team. If your trade is denied, send an enhanced proposal or find another team to deal with.


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FantasyBowl Is Closing

March 17, 2017

After seventeen years of online fantasy football prize leagues, FantasyBowl is shutting down.

FantasyBowl has always been a labor of love. We started out as a hobby site way back in 1999, and despite our growth over the years, we've never had a "staff" larger than two people. Owning and operating the site privately has allowed us to focus on what we cared about most: fun, competitive leagues and great customer service.

We’re proud that over 50,000 people have played fantasy football here at FantasyBowl over the years. We've crowned thousands of league champions and awarded over $2.2 million in prizes along the way, but we've decided it's time for us to say good-bye. We hope you've had as much fun in our leagues as we've had running them for you.

If your account has money in it, please cash those funds out of your account as soon as possible. Cash-outs will be available until September 1, 2017.

Thank you to everyone who helped make FantasyBowl a fun place to play fantasy football.

Sincerely, Mark & Brent. your FantasyBowl Staff

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Enjoy your off-season and we'll catch back up with you this summer!

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Masters Fantasy Football Leagues - Dynasty League Rules

What is a Dynasty League?

A dynasty style fantasy football league is a league where you retain most or all of your players from year to year. This creates an environment which is very different from that of a redraft league. By enabling team owners to keep players and build a team over time, there is a much stronger sense of team ownership, and success is achieved with a greater sense of satisfaction.

A dynasty league is for those owners who want the “real” GM experience. Mistakes or successes in a dynasty league can affect the future of a franchise for years to come - just like in the NFL. A sharp owner through trading and judicious use of the waiver wire can build a dominant team for years to come (without having to start over each and every season).

When signing up for a Masters Dynasty League you are making a commitment to be in an ongoing year-to-year league. You will be competing against the same 11 owners each year. In order to keep the league together and prevent teams from dropping out, we require an initial payment for year one AND year two. Then moving forward you will always be paying a year in advance and your payment will be due by June 1st each year. Should an owner decide to leave the league, his team will be put up for sale and the owner will forfeit their pre-paid year.

12 teams / 3 divisions of 4 teams. League play is head to head competition. All Masters Leagues will run with 12 teams.

All leagues have real time scoring. 6 of 12 teams qualify for playoffs.

All Masters Fantasy Football Leagues use the same format (see League Scoring ).

Initial draft is a 20 round serpentine draft.

Email Drafts: Click here for a complete description of Email Draft Rules.

Live Drafts: Your team roster is updated as you make the selections online! The draft timer will be set at 2 minutes per selection. This type of draft will normally take 1 to 2 hours to complete. The draft Order for all drafts will be Random. See league home page for more information about the draft.

DYNASTY DRAFT LEAGUE - Dates and times.

Renew Last Years Dynasty Team Gold Dynasty Email Draft (Starts August 1st)

Actual draft dates and times may vary. Check the signup form to see date/time availability.

All draft times are approximate. They will start no earlier than the scheduled start time and then run every fifteen minutes thereafter. You will receive an email with your exact start time and there will be a countdown clock on your league home page. It is your responsibility to be logged in and ready for your draft 15 minutes prior to the start time. If you do not make the live draft, the computer will draft your team for you using ADP (average draft position).

We highly recommend that you take the time to do a mock draft. Mock drafts run every 10 minutes and they allow you to get familiar with the draft software. Here is the direct link to the mock draft room.

There is no trading during the initial live draft. Please see "Trades".

In the event an owner allows the time limit to expire, the league software will immediately select the best player available and will continue to do so until you sign in.

After the first season there is an annual Rookie/Free Agent Draft. This draft is a 3 round Email Draft and will start on the second Saturday in July each year. During the Rookie/Free Agent Draft rosters will be expanded to allow for draft picks. Prior to the start of the NFL season you must cut your roster back down to 20. See “Special Dynasty League Rules” at bottom of page for more details.

Player Eligibility: Only players currently in the NFL, which means they are on an NFL team roster, are currently a NFL free agent player in search of a team or rookie players that were drafted to an NFL team (even if they’re unsigned) are eligible for the fantasy draft.

Teams start playing during week 1 of the NFL season. You play each team in your division twice and 7 of the 8 non-divisional teams once. The regular season lasts for 13 weeks; the playoffs begin in week 14 and the league Championship is in week 16.

If the NFL reschedules a game or games for ANY reason, the statistics from those games will count for the week in which the game is actually played. If this were to happen after the rosters lock at 1pm on Sunday, you would receive zero points for the players involved.

Each week, all of the information, such as standings, available free agents, weekly results, game-by-game breakdowns and more, is posted online on your league’s web page. Starting lineups are posted BEFORE the games start.

Masters uses a Blind Bidding system to acquire free agents.

Blind Bidding (BBid) waivers run from Tuesday at 8am EST to Wednesday at 10pm EST. At the beginning of the season, all teams are given $300 in bidding dollars (not real money). Un-used bidding dollars carry over to the next season. To pick up a player off waivers, you must put in a bid. The team that has the highest bid for that player will get him. Since this is a blind bidding process, no one knows what the others are bidding. Once all the bids are processed, first-come-first-served waiver will start Wednesday at 11pm EST and run through 1pm on Sunday. The FCFS waivers do not cost any bidding dollars.

Bid minimum is $1.

If you win the bid at $28, and the next highest bid was $19, you still pay $28 for your player.

If there is a tie bid, the player is awarded to the team with the earliest submitted bid.

Your top players bid at each position can exceed your total bidding bucks available. The computer will limit your second (or 3rd. ) player's bid to the max bidding bucks available if your bids exceeded your available funds.

Note that if you wish to receive one player over another than it will be required that you submit a higher monetary bid on that player as there is no priority when submitting your bids.

Any player not currently on an active league roster is a free agent (NFL players only).

If your team roster is full and you acquire a player, then you must drop a player. Players picked up are available immediately for that week's action or for trade to another team.

"Dropped Players" and "Waiver Wire Transactions" are final. That being said, from time-to-time owners accidentally drop players. The owner might confuse player’s names or simply click the wrong button. When this happens, just email us and we will correct it. It is imperative that we are notified prior to the player going through Blind Bidding. If the player is awarded to another team during Blind Bidding it is final.

Dropped Players will not be available on Waivers until the next free agency period.

Blind Bidding will start approximately 24 hours after draft completion and will run weekly until the season ends. There will ONLY be one period of first come - first served claims in the pre-season. It will be the week before the season starts and will run from Wednesday at 11pm until Sunday at 1pm.

After the season ends (which is after week 16) – ALL free agents or non-roster players lock until after the Rookie/Free Agent Draft.

Please see our “League Information ” section for scoring rules.

All league types use a flex format. Either format may be used from week to week.

LineUp One – 1 QB, 1 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 PK, 1 Team Defense

LineUp Two – 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 PK, 1 Team Defense

LineUp Three – 1 QB, 3 RB, 1 WR, 1 TE, 1 PK, 1 Team Defense

Owners can set starting players up until each game time. Once a game has started, all players involved in that game are frozen as starters or bench players.

Partial Lineups are not allowed.

There is no limit to the number of players a team can trade in a given week. Both teams need to give approval and list terms of the trade for it to be confirmed. Once approved by the league Commissioner, the trade will be official. Trade results will be posted on the website for each league. As a trade is approved, the team(s) rosters will automatically be updated and a transaction record will be listed. Trades must be completed and confirmed by both sides before 5pm Saturday each week. There is no trading from 11pm August 31st until after the week 2 games. In addition, there is NO trading from the start of week 8 games until after the Draft Lottery.

If a trade is one-sided or collusion between owners is suspected, the trade will not be allowed.

All trades have to be balanced and may either be 1 for 1, 2 for 2 or 3 for 3. Any trades involving more than 6 players will be automatically rejected. Draft picks do NOT count as players and can be included in all trades.

Blind bidding dollars cannot be traded.

All transactions are final.

Divisional Standings: Will be sorted 1st by winning percentage, if needed then by divisional winning percentage, then by total Points For, then by total Points Against (if still tied then by a coin flip).

The divisional winners will then be ranked for the playoff bracket 1-3 1st by winning percentage, if needed then by total points (if still tied then by a coin flip).

Wildcard Spots: The best 3 teams of the remaining 9 will be the wildcard teams. They will be sorted by winning percentage, then by total Points For, then by total Points Against (if still tied then by a coin flip). Their playoff ranking will be 4-6

Playoff Bracket: 1st Round (week 14) The 2 top division champs will have a 1st round playoff bye week. The remaining division winner (3rd seed) will face the lowest seeded (6th seed) wildcard team in the 1st round. The remaining two wildcard teams (4th & 5th seed) will face each other.

Playoff Bracket: 2nd Round (week 15)

The 1st seed will play the lowest remaining seed.

The 2nd seed will play the highest remaining seed.

League Championship (week 16)

Winners advance to the League Championship.

If a playoff game ends in a tie - the tie will be broken by the highest scoring starting player, then the 2nd highest scoring starting player etc. (DF/ST and Kickers are not used for tie breaker).

All prizes won are paid at the end of the season. Prize money is shipped via the U. S. Postal Service within 14 days of the end of the season. Please allow up to 10 days for delivery. If your address changes at all during the season, then you must let us know to make sure you can receive your prize money.

Abandoned Teams: Masters Fantasy Football will run abandoned teams. They are not eligible to win any prize money. Masters Fantasy Football run teams are not dead teams. Masters Fantasy Football run teams function like any other team. What we feel is the best lineup will be used. These teams will only participate in waiver pickups in order to fill a starting lineup. Masters Fantasy Football run teams are not available to trade with.

Conduct: Conduct that is deemed detrimental to the league or to Masters Fantasy Football will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, posts and or emails that are harassing in nature and serve no legitimate purpose other than to cause discord within the league or the Masters Fantasy Football organization. There is a difference between expressing viewpoints or likes/dislikes of a league or format and personal attacks toward fellow owners or the commissioner. Also, vulgarity in emails or on the message board will not be tolerated.

Failure to comply may result in IMMEDIATE EXPULSION WITHOUT REFUND. In addition, attempts to negatively impact the integrity of the league (i. e. threatening or outright refusal to submit lineups, partaking in bogus trades, disruption of a live draft etc.) will result in an immediate expulsion, without refund, from Masters Fantasy Football.

Masters reserves the right to set your lineup for you if in our opinion you are intentionally trying to lose games.

Special Dynasty League Rules:

After each season the divisions will be re-cast. Starting in 2017 the division will be re-cast by Power Rankings. The 4 teams with the highest Power Rankings will be placed in one division. The next 4 teams in one division. And the lowest 4 Power Ranking teams in the final division.

After the first season there is an annual Rookie/Free Agent Draft. This draft is a 3 round Email Draft and is tentatively scheduled to start on the second Saturday in July each year. During the Rookie/Free Agent Draft rosters will be allowed to expand to accommodate all draft picks. Rosters must be cut back to 20 by the start of the NFL season. You will not be able to add players via Blind Bidding until you are back at the roster limit of 20 players. This draft will not start until there are 12 paid teams. The Draft will start 3 days after 12 teams have renewed and/or the orphaned teams have been sold. If a league does not have 12 paid teams by August 21st it will fold and all prepaid entries will be refunded to the owners of the teams. This draft is a fixed round draft (non-serpentine).

Each year there will be a Draft Lottery for the Rookie/Free Agent Draft. The Draft Lottery will take place in early March and a video of each leagues lottery will be posted on our Facebook page. The draft order for the Rookie/Free Agent Draft is determined by randomly drawing the 6 non-playoff teams and placing them #1 to #6. The six playoff teams will draft in the order of their playoff seeding with the League Champion drafting #12 and the Runner-Up drafting #11. The reason for randomizing the first 6 picks is to prevent teams from throwing games at the end of the season to improve their draft pick.

Trading will resume once the draft order has been set and any traded draft picks from the previous season have been imported.

Trading will be suspended approximately an hour prior to the start of the Rookie/Free Agent Drafts.

Trading will resume once the draft has been completed.

Blind Bidding will start approximately 24 hours after draft completion and will run weekly until the season ends. There will ONLY be one period of first come - first served claims in the pre-season. It will be the week before the season starts and will run from Wednesday at 11pm until Sunday at 1pm.

Any un-used blind bidding dollars carry over to the next season.

After the season ends (which is after week 16) – ALL free agents or non-roster players lock until after the rookie/free agent draft.

Comercio. Dynasty Leagues by nature involve a LARGE amount of trading. If you are opposed to trading - do NOT sign up for a Dynasty League. All trades have to be balanced and may either be 1 for 1, 2 for 2 or 3 for 3. Any trades involving more than 6 players will be automatically rejected. Draft picks do NOT count as players and can be included in all trades. When evaluating trades in Dynasty Leagues we will be more tolerant than we are in regular re-draft leagues. Some trades may appear lopsided on paper but allow a weaker team to have a chance to re-build for the future.

You will NOT be able to trade draft picks during the initial 20-round dispersal draft.

Renewal fees will be due by June 1st each year. If your payment has not been received by June 1st, your team will be declared abandoned and placed up for sale. You will NOT receive a refund for any previous payments. In addition, you will not be able to make any transactions or trades until your payment has been made.

Masters reserves the right to move players between orphan teams in an attempt to make the teams more marketable/sellable. We will NOT pick up free agents - this would strictly be moving players between orphan teams.

Starting in 2017 you will be required to roster a complete starting lineup at all times. Meaning you must have at least one QB, one TE, one K and one D on your roster at ALL times. For fresh drafts you do not have to draft a Kicker and Defense – but you must have one of each prior to the season starting.

A Dynasty League only comes to an end when we are unable to fill it.

Notes: Melvin Gordon is the rookie I have for getting a lot of targets and being a sleeper pick for a solid RB2 on most teams. Andre Ellington, if he remains healthy, will also be a solid option and could even earn a solid spot as your consistent starter. However his injury last season puts a caution sign on him for drafts, so he doesn't rise to the top 15. Bernard and Sproles are both fast second options on their teams that will make them solid pickups for your rotation of running backs.

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What I Don’t Like About ESPN Fantasy Football

ESPN's Fantasy Football could use a few key changes next season.

Fantasy football has been in my blood for about six years now, and I’ve spent more than enough time exploring all the different website options to know one thing: ESPN really needs to give League Managers more control over their leagues.

It’s a curious fact that the fantasy football website that provides arguably the best draft-day and in-season experience, is also one of the least functionally fit in the business when it comes to league options. In particular, I’m talking about things like Keeper league options, which no serious fantasy site should be without, and yet ESPN continues to trudge along without them.

Limiting Keeper Options

If you wanted to set up a keeper league on ESPN that rewards owners for having a great draft by letting them keep players in the round they selected their stud player in, then you’re out of luck. That means if you drafted Randall Cobb in the 10th round this year, ESPN would force you to spend a first round pick to keep him. For whatever the reason, there’s no way to accomplish that task without skirting the entire draft-day experience that ESPN provides. You can imagine how bummed me and my co-manager were when we found out that a huge strategical element of keeper leagues was essentially wiped out of existence on ESPN snake drafts.

The odd thing is, adding this sort of functionality doesn’t even have to be all that complex. Simply allowing teams to keep players and letting League Managers remove the desired pick from the team would be enough, but currently you’re forced to forfeit a first round pick to keep a player (and subsequent rounds after), which makes that manual work-around a bit pointless.

Luckily enough, ESPN does have a great Auction Draft system that is perfect for keeper leagues, which can allow you to manually set the prices of keepers. Unfortunately, that also means you have to say goodbye to draft pick trading, which is one of the more unique and interesting trade propositions in fantasy keeper land, and you can say so-long to the snake draft format, which always brought with it an element of surprise that really enhanced the draft-day experience.

Lack of True Positional Scoring

Lack of flexibility for League Managers in keeper leagues is a tad frustrating, but so is the lack of true positional scoring options. My league mate and I thought it would be a great idea to change the points-per-rushing-yard specifically for QBs to try and find a value that stopped rewarding bad quarterback play just because of a few rushing attempts, while still rewarding dynamic QBs that find a way to pick up yards with their feet and impact the game. Sadly, this idea was stopped short when we realized ESPN doesn’t give you the option for true positional scoring, meaning we wouldn’t be able to adjust points-per-rushing-yard for QBs, without it impacting RBs.

Without a good system for positional scoring, you can also forget the idea of ever seriously entertaining an IDP (Individual Defensive Player) league. If you can’t adjust how many points a DB gets for a tackle as opposed to a Linebacker, or how much a sack is worth for a DT as opposed to a defensive end, then you’ll never be able to truly create a balanced IDP league that makes all the positions useful. I’m not entirely sure if I would ever participate in a true fully-IDP league, but I would have been interested in at least checking out how 1-2 dedicated roster spots might work out.

Don’t Get Me Wrong, I’ll Still Play

I’ll still be playing fantasy football on ESPN this year, don’t get me wrong. I love the presentation side of their fantasy football system, and I think their coverage throughout the season is equally as impressive (if not partly weasely on the podcast side). Still, when @MatthewBerryTMR asked his followers to send ideas to improve the League Manager product for next season, I felt compelled to write this article. I can’t see myself leaving ESPN fantasy anytime soon, but it’s certainly possible we could be moving at least our draft day in the future to a different medium, which really spoils a lot of the fun.

PD PETA is concerned with the way you’ve been treating your Weasel, TMR.

How do you propose a trade in fantasy baseball on ESPN?

Since the late 19th century, baseball has had its "hot stove" league. This was a metaphor for the winter-long discussion about the game, its possibilities, and players. In the … 1970s, a new way for fans to engage with the game emerged, called "fantasy baseball." It is easy to define, but winning takes more skill than the hot stove league ever took. In fantasy baseball, you draft or acquire players to form your team as part of a league. Depending on the categories the league will use for points, you look for players who will give you the best chances to dominate those categories, or win head-to-head. The way you acquire players can be through auction, draft or by keeping a core group and adding players to it. Trades are allowed, and encouraged, based on league rules. The winning team is decided at the end of the season by total points or won-loss record. In either a points or head-to-head league, players are measured by batting and pitching categories or stats. The basic batting stats are batting average, runs batted in (RBI), runs scored, home runs, and stolen bases. Many leagues are now adding other stats such as on-base percentage, slugging average, doubles, triples, and others that are less-known to the casual fan. The pitching stats are games won, earned run average (ERA), strikeouts, saves (for relief pitchers), and Walks and Hits per Innings Pitched (WHIP). Other pitching stats may be included, such as holds and batting average against pitchers. In a points system, you get a certain amount for leading the league in a category or stat. For example, in an eight-team league, you get eight points for leading the league in home runs, seven for being in second place, six for being in third place, and so on. By adding up all the stats, with point values for each, you determine the winner at the end of the season. In head-to-head competition, you play against a team for one week, using all categories. Whoever wins more categories or stats wins that week. At the end of the roughly 30-week season, the best overall record is the league champion. Building your team at the onset is probably 90 percent of the fun of fantasy baseball. That's the moment when the slate is clean, the whole universe of players is available to you, and the other teams are pigeons waiting to be plucked. In an auction draft, you begin with a budget and a minimum bid amount, such as $1,000,000 for spending and a $1,000 minimum bid. As each player is announced, every team owner can bid on him at the same time, with written bids. The highest bidder gets the player, and if bids are tied, those teams get to bid again on the same player. No team can exceed its budget allotment. In a pick draft, the first round order is set by random selection; names in a hat works well. Then in the next round, the order is reversed. This "snake draft" system means that the teams that picks first in round one picks last in round two, and this front-to-back-to-back-to-front pattern continues until all teams have their rosters filled; usually 18 to 25 players. If you really wanted Clayton Kershaw on your team, but had to settle for CC Sabathia, fantasy baseball encourages you to trade for Kershaw. Trades can be made between 2 or more teams, but according to league rules. For example, most leagues require that a "Commissioner" approve trades, to avoid circumventing the rules by creating unbalanced trades. In your league, you might be able to trade Joey Votto and another player for Kershaw, or Votto and cash from your budget. In some leagues, trades will cost you some fixed amount of your budget, to simulate the limitations of contracts and salary caps. In any case, if the team you built isn't the team you want, then go ahead and build the team you want; if you can afford it. Whether points-based or head-to-head, you will want to pay attention to your team. Stats accumulate daily, so your team's position could rise or fall every day. You may ride a player's hot streak, or gnash your teeth at slumps. The more obsessive team owners may bombard you with trade offers day or night, or you may be one of those "trade bombers." You may start to think you're just a third baseman or middle reliever away from a championship and pore over statistics like an IRS agent at J. P. Morgan. If you win and get to raise the league trophy in October, you will have an achievement to crow about all winter long. Fantasy baseball has gone beyond hard-core fans. Major sports outlets, such as ESPN and CBS Sports host free online leagues, several with major cash prizes. Bars and offices across the nation set up their own leagues, and Draft Night is practically a holiday. If you love baseball, nothing will get you closer to the game than having your fantasy team challenging for the championship, because at that point, pretty much every game in Major League Baseball becomes important to you. Fantasy baseball was originally called "Rotisserie Baseball." The game was created by sports writers who met often at the Rotisserie Restaurant in New York. They trademarked the name, but not the concept itself. (MORE)

Contributor to SBNation sites, Over the Monster and MLB Daily Dish and at the SBNation newsdesk.

Fantasy Baseball Mock Drafts are a great way to test draft strategies and prepare for the upcoming fantasy baseball season. Dominate your league by mock drafting well before i … t is time for the real thing. (MORE)

Answered by The WikiAnswers ® Comunidad

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Answered by The WikiAnswers ® Comunidad

On yahoo, between the 5th and 10th of feb, and on ESPN between the 10th and 15th. sounds like a rough guess because i don't know the exact date, but i am positive that both th … ose sites start between those 2 dates (MORE)

Maria del Rosario

+ 26 others found this useful

Decker is a little boring at this point, but the Jets passing game -- and offense in general -- figures to be better than it's been in several years. With Brandon Marshall and Devin Smith commanding attention from the secondary, Decker should warrant plenty of looks from Ryan Fitzpatrick, who for all his warts as a real-life quarterback, typically plays well enough for his receivers to have value.

Latavius Murray, RB, Oakland Raiders

The fact that he plays for the Raiders and suffered some injuries in 2017 might dampen some of the hype heading into the season, but his 5.2 yards per carry and 17 receptions on 23 targets makes him a prime breakout candidate.

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Fantasy Football Week 11 Waiver Wire Targets

Fantasy: Week 11 Waiver Wire Targets

Over the past four weeks (not games), each of these three receivers rank inside the Top 12 in fantasy points scored among players at the position (PPR). Still, Beckham and his 21 fantasy points per game are available in over 40 percent of leagues. Part of me believes this has more to do with Eli Manning and the erratic play of the Giants than Beckham's talent. Bryant and his 20.3 fantasy points per game are available in 48 percent of leagues on FOXSports. com and Evans is still out there in 33 percent of leagues averaging 20.1 fantasy points per game.

All three are Top 12 in fantasy points scored over the last month and that includes Denard Robinson ’s RB/WR eligibility possessing one of those 12 spots. The three of them were targeted 26 times combined in Week 10. No matter the league size or scoring settings, the trio should be owned and in most cases started each and every week.

This has been a FOX Sports fantasy footballl public service announcement.

Jarvis Landry – available in 98 percent of leagues

Since Miami’s Week 5 BYE, Landry is averaging 12.3 fantasy points in PPR leagues. During that same stretch, check out Landry’s production compared to Mike Wallace :

Landry – 25 recs. | 31 targs. | 2 TDs

Wallace – 20 recs. | 41 targs. | 3 TDs

Ryan Tannehill has completed better than 68 percent of his passes since the Week 5 BYE. When compared against season-long completions percentages, that mark ranks top five among quarterbacks.

Jordan Matthews – available in 91 percent of leagues

With Matthews scoring three touchdowns in his last two games and averaging seven targets-per-game this season, he’ll be a hot commodity off the waiver wire again this week. The last time was after he caught eight of 10 passes with two touchdowns from Nick Foles in a shootout against the Redskins (25.9 FP – PPR). However, in the five games that followed, Matthews averaged 9.7 fantasy points (PPR) with no more than 50 receiving yards in any one game.

Since taking over, Mark Sanchez has targeted him 12 times in seven quarters.

Greg Jennings – available in 82 percent of leagues

No Dez Bryant this week and the waiver wire picked over in your league? Give Jennings another shot in your PPR league. In his last three games heading into the Vikings Week 10 BYE, Jennings averaged 13.3 fantasy points per game. Had that average fantasy points per game held true, he would have scored 53.5 fantasy points over the last month – that would rank Top 24 in PPR leagues among wide receivers. With the Bears’ pass defense just shredded by Aaron Rodgers and Teddy Bridgewater coming out of the BYE, I look for Jennings to eclipse double-digit fantasy point production in Week 11.

C. J. Anderson – available in 98 percent of leagues

He may not be the answer against the Rams and their seventh-best fantasy football rush defense (14.6 FPAPG), but Anderson could fill a major void caused by DeMarco Murray. Justin Forsett. Denard Robinson and Chris Ivory on BYEs this week. You also have to consider two other facts that Montee Ball ’s expected return in Week 11 mutes some of Anderson’s perceived paint-by-numbers fantasy value and that Anderson’s career-best effort of 90 yards on 13 carries came against the Raiders and their third-worst fantasy rush defense in the NFL (24.3 FPAPG). Anderson is a Week 11 FLEX option along with Ball as the “hot hand” approach seems most likely.

Bryce Brown – available in 96 percent of leagues

Yes, he fumbled again. Did you see how he fumbled? The ball was tomahawked out of his grasp – clean shot on the ball. I don’t think the strongest running back in the league would have held onto that well-timed punch. Although I believe Fred Jackson will continue to see an up-tick in touches and targets the rest of the season, it’s hard to ignore Brown leading the team in receiving yards (65) against the Chiefs with another tough defense on tap in Miami Thursday night. He’ll be one of those PPR FLEX options with three top-tier running backs on BYE.

Branden Oliver – available in 49 percent of leagues

Ryan Mathews is back, but Oliver may be worth a look in deeper leagues considering it was against the Raiders when the rookie running back racked up 101 yards on 26 carries along with 23 yards on four receptions with a touchdown. This may be the BYE-week Hail Mary o’ the season, but I still believe Oliver has a little left in the tank before Mathews regains the most carries each week for San Diego.

Cecil Shorts – available in 65 percent of leagues (BYE Week 11)

Allen Robinson is lost for the season due to a broken foot. Shorts is averaging nearly nine targets per game and with Blake Bortles and the Jags in rally mode / garbage time early and often this season, Shorts is a smart add in all PPR leagues and becomes a weekly FLEX option.

Our 2017 Fantasy Football Analyzers are the only tools you need to dominate your: 1) DRAFTS . 2) TRADES . 3) FREE AGENCY .

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Our Fantasy Football Forums are the place to be for year-round fantasy football talk. From redraft to dynasty leagues, from rookies to trade advice, talk fantasy football 365-24-7.

People still share with us the fun they had using our fantasy football analyzer to help them compete in the Bud Light Fantasy Football League contest a few years back. We share this with you so that you can see how we can help you win in your fantasy football league!

NCAA Tourney Time!!

Versatility means having all the functionality and features that your league needs. FanStar provides your league with a setup that will accommodate 99% of all leagues. Keeper leagues, salaries, contracts, IDP, Auctions, custom scoring, and anything your league can come up with, we can do, and we can do well!

Compare our feature list with the competition and we are very confident that you will get the most bang for your buck with FanStar!

Reliability is something that is earned. Its important to you (and your league) to be able to have access to your site anytime, to be able to get answers to your questions FAST, and to know that you have a company that stands behind its product.

We have been earning our reputation over the last 20 years, running thousands and thousands of fantasy leagues, competing against the multi-billion dollar conglomerates, and thriving! Our niche, our survivability, is based on customer service. We never forget that.

Portability means having your league access anywhere, anytime. FanStar introduces the FIRST full-function interface for the team and commish. Dont be fooled by other sites that say they have a mobile interface (which are very limited in function). FanStar's interface is second to none in allowing you full access to reports, newsfeeds, handicapping tools, and even editing tools. Regardless of your internet device, FanStar scales its design to meeet your needs. Its great for smartphone or tablet size use. Whether your screen size is big or small, you can do what you need to get your fantasy team in first place.

Now you can be on the road, at a game or concert, and know you can take care of business, fantasy business!

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Set your lineup with our projections and handicappers help! See what other leagues are doing with similar players.

MyFantasyLeague. com Beyond League Management

We are back up and running after our scheduled 48-hour downtime. During that outage, we upgraded our servers and infrastructure, and we also rolled out a new “Universal Login” or “Single Sign On” system for MyFantasyLeague. com. This is a totally new login mechanism for all of the commissioners and owners that are used to the “old” system, so we understand that.

The MyFantasyLeague. com web site is in the process of a major system upgrade. As part of this process, your fantasy football leagues will not be accessible starting on Monday morning, March 7th. The upgrade will take about 2 days, so we plan to have everything back up and running sometime on Wednesday morning, March 9th. Thanks in advance for your.

February 9, 2017

Here at MyFantasyLeague. com, there is no offseason – we’re happy to announce availability of our 2017 leagues! To upgrade your 2017 league to a 2017 league, just log into your 2017 league as the league commissioner, and you’ll see instructions at the top of that page detailing how to upgrade to 2017. If you’d like to set up a brand.

Fantasy Football Leagues: 17 Ways to Spice up Your League in 2017

Playing fantasy football each season is just as awesome as actually watching real football. For fantasy veterans, it’s easy to get into a rut when you’re in the same league year after year. If you’re the commissioner of this fantasy football league, you want to ensure players are as happy and interested as possible. If you’re looking for different ways to spice your league up in 2017, here are 17 suggestions for you.

17. Do something cool to determine draft order

Everyone always hates waiting to see what the computer provides as the random draft order. OK, that’s a lie — some love the anticipation, and get jacked up over where the picks fall.

However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do something different. Holding a video game tournament is an attractive and fun option. You could stay with the football trend and have a Madden tournament or go old school and play Mario Kart.

16. Award last playoff spot to the team with the most points scored

Tell me this doesn’t sound familiar: you score the second-most points in a week, but you’re up against the team with the most points scored, leading to a loss. This happening more than once could have a significant effect on your playoff potential, let alone getting a good seed. Even if you’re toward the bottom of the standings because of bad luck, the ability to score keeps you interested and involved up to the very end with a chance of clinching a postseason berth still alive.

15. Allow teams to trade draft picks

This may apply more for keeper/dynasty leagues, but trading draft picks adds a very realistic spin. We already try to make it as real as possible, especially with the institution of salaries, salary caps and contract extensions for star players. Stocking up picks for later in a current draft or for future drafts could be huge for the long-term health of your team.

14. Run a Survivor game parallel to your fantasy league

What’s better than one fantasy game during the football season? Two fantasy game during football season — of course! This is another way to keep players with underperforming teams interested. Each person picks one NFL team they think will win that week, but must pick wisely because they can only use the same team twice. If they choose correctly, they continue picking. If not, they’re out of that, too.

13. Give an incentive for the winner of the loser’s bracket

Did you narrowly miss making the playoffs? Don’t worry, you still have games to play! Not many teams in my leagues care enough to pay attention to those games. The season was already frustrating enough with the playoff snub. However, they may change their tune if there’s something important on the line.

Allowing the winner a way back into the playoffs is one way, but could get complicated. Probably the most feasible idea is awarding the champion of the loser’s bracket the top pick in the following season’s draft. If that’s on the line, I’m making sure my best lineup is active each week, even though it’s not the actual playoffs.

12. Eliminate Head-2-Head scoring

Playing off of reason no. 16, it may be fun to get rid of H2H scoring altogether. It would create a fun dynamic because instead of competing against one team each week, you’re continually competing against the entire league. The top half of the league with the most points will be awarded with a victory, while the lower half will be handed with a loss.

Incorporating this kind of rule will eliminate those unlucky weeks where you outscore everyone in your league, except for the team you’re actually playing in a H2H format.

11. Select one defensive player in addition to a team defense

Sometimes it’s boring to pick an entire team for your defense, especially when you meticulously draft offensive positions one-by-one. Allowing teams the opportunity to draft individual defensive players is something fun I’ve done in past leagues with great results. It forces you to study and figure out which position on that side of the ball brings the most points.

10. Make the players on your bench matter

Having legitimate depth on your fantasy football squad is important. In an ideal world, you want to agonize over who you bench each week. To make sure your reserves matter, you could incorporate a bonus for teams with the better-performing bench. Whichever bench scores more points in a matchup, their total score gets a five-point bonus.

9. Let Quarterbacks be eligible for flex positions

Why limit your flex position to just running backs, wide receivers and tight ends when you can also add quarterbacks to the mix? Sure, QBs historically score the most points, but if you pick the wrong matchup, it can end up being a detriment to your team. Making them eligible for that position can completely transform someone’s draft day strategy.

8. Make sure your draft party is legit

Knowing the personality of those occupying spots in your league will help with this one. If you know most of them will enjoy having a draft at someone’s house with adult beverages, good food and sports on the TV, then that’s great. However, there are some outside-the-box ideas to conduct your draft if you want to do it differently. Certain bars will let you rent out an area for drafts, or you could head to Kansas City and have it done at Arrowhead Stadium .

7. Award points for best total offense and defense

This is another good way to reward players for having good overall teams. Some may hit the jackpot when one of their players has a huge game, but no one else on the roster decides to show up and play. Awarding a specific amount of points for teams with the most yards gained on offense and least yards allowed on defense is another perk to make matchups more interesting.

6. Draft a head coach for your squad

Do you want to get even more creative with new positions? Make head coaches available to be drafted. It would be pretty simple to track, as commissioners can decide how many points to award for a coach that wins their game and how many to deduct if they lose.

5. H2H winners can acquire any player from the loser

The stakes are already high with only a few precious weeks to put together a record good enough to qualify for the playoffs. However, this will up the ante … a ton. It’s pretty simple. If you win your H2H matchup, you’re allowed to trade any player on your roster for any player on your opponent’s. Yes, that means you can trade your worst bench player for Calvin Johnson if the opportunity presents itself. Talk about motivation to win every week!

4. Award points for earning first downs

Points-per-reception (PPR) is a well-known statistic among fantasy football leagues. Going a step further, you could also create a stat awarding players for the number of first downs they tally each week. It would give more value to those possession receivers that see the bulk of their playing time in third-down situations.

3. Incorporate Doubleheader scheduling

Playing one fantasy football game each week is fun, so why not double it? Incorporating doubleheaders at strategic points later in the season allows teams on the outside looking in and on the bubble of the playoffs a better chance at getting back into the conversation. For those who have already secured a spot in the playoffs, this could be the difference between getting a top-seed and first-week bye in the postseason, or having to fight your way uphill against higher-ranked teams.

2. Allow public counteroffers during trade veto window

Here’s another common situation we’ve all dealt with. A trade is agreed upon that includes a player or two you’d love to have, and you would’ve offered more to land them than the proposed package. Instead of having that annoying two-day window exist for fantasy owners to object to the deal, you can publicly counteroffer for any of the players involved, potentially starting a bidding war.

Even if you don’t want any of the players, this could strategically make one of the original trade partners overpay, possibly benefiting you in the end.

1. Give higher seeds “home-field advantage” throughout playoffs

What’s the reward for having the best record in your fantasy league by the end of the regular season? A top-seed. That’s great for bragging rights, but having a bye can sometimes be a disadvantage, and it’s definitely boring. How can you meet in the middle? Giving the top two seeds “home-field advantage” with an extra five points per game throughout the playoffs — except for the championship, though.

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Following Week 2 of the 2017 NFL season, some players may have had a second consecutive bad game, making fantasy owners antsy to get rid of them. Who are some of the players you should try to inexpensively pick up while you can? Watch as Stephen Nelson and Bleacher Report Fantasy Football Expert Matt Camp take a look at who you should buy low before Week 2 begins Thursday night in the video above. Lee mas

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Evaluating NFL and Fantasy League Trades

Greg Alan is the founder of 4for4 Fantasy Football and comes from a deeply statistical and analytical business background. Greg is currently a managing member of The GNG Group. You unfortunately cannot find him on twitter.

I'd like to share one of my favorite analysis charts. It's called the Player Potential Grid.

Over the years I've found it to be a rather handy reference guide. I really like this chart because it was designed to incorporate several intellectual properties. It mirrors a number of principles I've often heard cited by NFL coaches and GMs.

Perhaps most exciting, when you leverage the grid with artful planning, it has a variety of applications.

It can help you.

- evaluate NFL trades that include draft picks over one or multiple years

- evaluate your own league's keeper trades

- quantify, estimate and compare keeper league potential value

- improve your keeper rankings

- examine trades in redraft leagues

The grid is big. It covers 125 player rankings (draft picks) and it offers a three-year outlook as well.

After the grid below, I'll go over a few examples on how it can be put into action. In addition, I'll highlight one of its best properties.

The team with the #2 overall pick this year gets an offer from the NFL team selecting 11th. They offer their 1st round pick (11th overall) and their 2nd round pick (43rd overall) for the #2 pick. Should the team with the #2 pick do it?

Consulting the grid shows the #2 pick is worth 1100 points. The 11th pick is worth 600 and the 43rd pick is worth 215 points. Since 1100 > 600 + 215, all else being equal, the team with the #2 pick should not trade down.

2) How the Pros Do It

Jimmy Johnson was a magician on NFL draft day. He worked draft trades in record time and they almost always went his way. After he left the NFL, Johnson shared one of his favorite rules: a 2nd round draft pick this year has about the same value as a 1st round pick selected next season. In general, Jimmy was saying delaying a pick by a year is equal to moving up 32 picks the following season.

Consulting the chart shows Jimmy is spot on!

Example: A middle 2nd round pick this year (48th pick overall) has a value of 188. A middle 1st round pick next season is very similar. It has a value of 195. So, according to the chart, Jimmy was able to spot a fair trade in seconds just by following his rule of thumb.

Next, lets use the chart to evaluate your fantasy situation using existing NFL players.

3) Should You Pull the Trigger?

Should you trade a fantasy stud with a limited career to get a much younger player who looks to be on the rise?

For arguments sake, say you think RB X will be the 20th best fantasy weapon this season. However, you also think he's going to wind down, get hurt and/or perhaps even retire after this season.

On the other side, say you think young upstart QB Y will be the 100th best fantasy weapon this season. But, you believe the youngster will become the 50th best player in next season and the 25th best fantasy player two years from now.

Everything else being equal, should you trade RB X before the start of this season for QB Y -- given the above assumptions?

Some of you are saying, 'DO IT!' others, 'NO WAY!'

Regardless of your opinion, how are you forming it?

Let's just assume we all agree on the above RB X/QB Y assumptions (and I realize some of you don't).

The real question is: Should you do the trade if you believe those assumptions?

Time to consult the Player Potential Grid.

The chart shows it's actually better to keep RB X under those assumptions. Doing the math, it breaks down like this:

RB X = 400+0+0 = 400

QB Y = 39 + 80 + 105 = 224

RB X > QB Y (so keep RB X)

Clearly, only time will tell if this holds true. But in any case, I often find it comforting to consult an objective method.

Moral of the Story: It's great to win down the road, but let's be real. NFL teams and fantasy owners alike prefer to win now, not later.

Filed Under: Preseason, 2010

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2017 Fantasy Football: Week 6 QB and D/ST Streaming Options

Defense/Special Teams streaming has been a popular option for a while now for fantasy owners. But quarterback streaming has begun being put into use just recently, it seems. As the demand grows we must meet it with a supply of fantasy articles. Each week I’ll highlight as many appealing quarterbacks and defenses fantasy owners can pick up for that week to stream in their starting lineups. As the season progresses, more options will appear as teams and players are dropped and we discover who’s real and who’s not. If you have any questions about these picks or fantasy football in general, hit me up on Twitter @44AMiller .

Eli Manning (66 percent owned ESPN, 74 percent owned Yahoo!) – at Philadelphia – The Eagles have allowed the most fantasy points per game to quarterbacks, as well as the most touchdowns – 13. Eli has thrown at least two touchdowns in each of his last four games and over 250 yards per game. He got a dangerous receiving option back for the first time – if that makes sense – in Odell Beckham Jr. . and he immediately made an impact. Philly’s allowed multiple passing touchdowns in each of its five games.

Austin Davis (3%, 12%) – vs. San Francisco – The 49ers have allowed the seventh-fewest points to quarterbacks this year, but they’ve allowed three multi-touchdown games to quarterbacks including Alex Smith and Drew Stanton . Davis has thrown for 702 yards in his last two games for almost eight yards per attempt. He’s thrown six touchdowns in those games, and he’s got a big, go-to receiver in Brian Quick . He put up good stats when leading against Dallas, and he did it again trailing against Philadelphia. So in either scenario he’ll be able to produce against the Niners.

Andy Dalton (56%, 75%) – vs. Carolina – I’d only play Dalton in a 14-team league or deeper if you’re not truly desperate. I think his upside is limited without A. J. Green . but the Carolina matchup isn’t imposing. The Panthers have allowed the ninth-most fantasy points to QBs this year; they’ve allowed four multi-touchdown games to QBs. I think you’re looking at 200 yards and two scores from Dalton this week.

Ryan Tannehill (13%, 35%) – vs. Green Bay – Green Bay ranks well in points allowed to quarterbacks, but that’s mostly a product of its schedule. Christian Ponder and Geno Smith have positively affected Green Bay’s quarterback points allowed, but even Geno had two touchdowns. Tannehill should be throwing plenty to Mike Wallace and Brian Hartline . and he should get back Knowshon Moreno – so he’ll have two good pass-catching backs, too. He shouldn’t be started in most leagues unless you’re truly desperate, but then he should have a solid floor of 200 yards and two scores, too.

Green Bay (12%, 33%) – at Miami – If you’re not a Tannehill believer you should go with the Packers on defense. Miami’s allowed two four-sack games in the three games it’s played against real NFL defenses (sorry Oakland). The Dolphins have turned the ball over eight times in four games, and the Pack are averaging two takeaways a game.

Tennessee (17%, 20%) – vs. Jacksonville – Jacksonville has been the most fantasy-friendly offense for opposing defenses and special teams this year, and it’s not close. The Jags have allowed three D/ST scores in five games; four games of at least three sacks; and an ongoing run of three two-interception games. Tennessee’s D is nothing to write home about, but it should do well against Jacksonville.

2017 Fantasy Football Podcast: Week 6 DraftKings Strategy

2017 Fantasy Football: Week 6 QB and D/ST Streaming Options

New England Patriots Trade For TE Martellus Bennett

In a bit of an under the radar move that could have a massive impact in 2017, the New England Patriots went out and acquired tight end Martellus Bennett from the Chicago Bears. The Pats sent a fourth-round pick to Chicago in exchange for Bennett as well as a sixth-round pick. New England has been extremely active on the trade front this week, also shipping star defensive end Chandler Jones to the Arizona Cardinals for guard Jonathan Cooper and a second-round pick. The Bears had been openly shopping Bennett this offseason and the Pats were more than willing to take the talented 29-year-old tight end off their hands.

While Bennett struggled through injuries in 2017, catching 53 passes for 439 yards and three touchdowns in just 11 games, he has proven to be a more than capable contributor. In 2017, he caught an impressive 90 passes for 916 yards and six touchdowns. However, he wasn’t a one-hit wonder. Over the two previous seasons before 2017, he averaged 60 receptions for just under 700 yards and five touchdowns. Since 2017, Bennett is second among all tight ends in yards after contact. The league leader is, of course, Rob Gronkowski. That’s a scary thought for opposing defenses lining up against the Patriots in 2017.

He’ll also help improve the rushing attack. Bennett is a strong run blocker. During his four-year stint in Dallas as a backup to Jason Witten, he was primarily utilized as a blocker with underutilized receiving abilities. It wasn’t until the New York Giants signed him 2012 that he broke out as a receiver, and his signing was more due to his big body and ability to impact the rushing attack positively. Much like Gronk, Bennett is a complete tight end, not a new-age flimsy pass-catcher that can’t block or complete the traditional tasks of a well-rounded tight end.

We have seen Bill Belichick have tremendous success in the past deploying two-tight end sets. However, the Pats have struggled to find a complementary tight end to line up opposite Gronk since Aaron Hernandez was arrested on murder charges. Michael Hoomanawanui and Scott Chandler just weren’t cutting it. Bennett is the missing piece in that style of offense. In a division full of teams with linebackers who are bad in coverage, this is terrible news for their opposition. Tom Brady is going to enjoy his new toy.

This offense is more than capable of producing too highly productive Fantasy tight ends. In 2011, Gronk posted 90 receptions, 1,327 yards, and 17 touchdowns. Hernandez in just 14 games caught 79 passes for 910 yards and seven touchdowns. Hernandez’s 113 targets were just 11 fewer than Gronk’s. Hernandez was a bit quicker while Bennett is significantly larger. The Black Unicorn and Gronk will truly be twin towers. Gronk is a massive 6-foot-6, 265-pounder and Bennett is bigger at 6-foot-6, 273 pounds. How do you match up with that?

Tom Brady is going to enjoy utilizing his new toy. During his three seasons (2010-2012) with his star tight end duo, Brady averaged 4,654 yards and over 36 touchdowns per season while completing more than 65 percent of his passes. Since Hernandez was incarcerated, Brady has seen his averages slip to 4,407 yards and 31 touchdowns per season. I fully expect Bennett’s presence to impact Brady's Fantasy value positively. The contrast between the big tight ends and speedy, undersized receivers will be a deadly combination, not to mention the running backs out of the backfield. Look for the greatest quarterback of all time to put up yet another MVP-caliber season.

All of the pass-catchers should also benefit from the addition of Bennett. He’s another big time option that will draw plenty of attention from opposing defenses. If the defenses do not respect him, the Pats will make them pay. With that said, there is one wide receiver that appears will not be a beneficiary of the arrival of the Black Unicorn. That would be Danny Amendola. The additions of Bennett and also Chris Hogan could ultimately result in Amendola’s release. A source with knowledge of the situation suggests, “It’s indeed possible receiver Danny Amendola could be gone … He’d likely first be squeezed to take less, and perhaps he’d choose to do so. The other alternative is to hold firm with a base salary of $5 million and per-game roster bonuses that add up to another $437,000, forcing the team to either trade Amendola or to cut him.”

Nonetheless, Julian Edelman and Hogan should greatly benefit from their talented tight end duo. Don’t worry about Gronk either. There should be absolutely no drop off in production. Edelman and Gronk were always going to get theirs; all Bennett does is make it even easier for them to play pitch and catch with Brady. However, any wide receivers deeper on the depth chart will see significantly fewer snaps and opportunities with less spread wide and more two-tight end sets.

Despite being in a good situation in regards to his Fantasy value in Chicago, the move to New England can only be considered an upgrade. Trading in Jay Cutler and John Fox for Brady and Belichick is pretty much a no-brainer. There is no reason to believe he can’t match or even surpass his career highs of 90 receptions, 916 yards, and six TDs. A boost in touchdowns is particularly likely. Bennett should be considered a mid to low-end TE1. Barring injury, he’ll probably be a weekly must-start in 2017. Obviously, it’s not yet clear what his ADP will be yet. However, I’m guessing his ADP will be lower than it should be due to the fact he’ll be viewed as a secondary tight end option. Do not make the mistake of overlooking him based on his 2017 performance or Gronk’s presence as the top tight end on the roster; he’s going to be a Fantasy monster and a menace in the AFC East.

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Snake Draft Strategy

Fantasy football rankings and statistics can be found anywhere. Even in the early stages of July, a few seconds on an iPhone can produce fantasy rankings and analysis galore. Soaking in preseason coverage and scouring over rankings of reputable sources are not only great ways to spend a lazy afternoon in the office, but also help mold your brain into a focused, fantasy knowledge spewing machine. Now that your cranium is packed with the latest injury news and best player analysis the World Wide Web has to offer, how do you turn your fantasy IQ into fantasy championships? The answer is to successfully navigate the rough seas of your league’s snake draft and that, my friends, takes a plan. Follow these four steps to dominating your snake draft and assembling a championship caliber squad.

Step 1: Mock your face off

Mock drafts are one of the best snake draft preparation tools available to fantasy football fanatics and should be used as much as possible. Mr. @FantasyTaz illustrated this point beautifully in his recent interview with our own Jake Ciely. Don’t just sprinkle in one or two mock drafts over the month of August, but drench your entire summer in them like the lid popped off your salad dressing bottle. Mocks are a fantastic way to get familiar with where specific players, and also positions, are being drafted by the public. Try to target certain players at different points in mock drafts and see if they are available. Try out different strategies. Try starting out with a WR/WR combo and see how your team looks after the mock is complete (hint: it won’t be pretty). The point here is to become familiar and comfortable with the general range that players are being drafted. When your real draft kicks off, you’ll be the only calm soul in the draft room as a ferocious run on tight ends begins…just like you expected.

Step 2: Know your ADP’s

Average draft position (ADP) is a fantastic tool for fantasy football owners who are looking to assemble the most talented fantasy team possible. Sources like myfantasyleague. com (who’s ADP data I will reference below) provide very thorough averages of the draft spots of each and every fantasy relevant NFL player. Curious where rookie Giovani Bernard is being drafted, on average? ADP data will show you the answer. Can you wait until the sixth round to draft Russell Wilson? Check his ADP and the decision will instantly become a simple one.

The basic premise of having ADP data handy is that you want to maximize the value of each pick you make. Drafting a player you like is perfectly fine, but don’t draft him two rounds before you have to. For example, say Tavon Austin, rookie wide receiver for the St. Louis Rams, is your favorite player. Austin is undoubtedly draft worthy for this season and could put up some solid numbers alongside Sam Bradford, but be sure to strike at the appropriate moment. Drafting Austin is a great idea, but drafting him in the fourth round is not a great idea when his ADP says he is being drafted with the 7.04 pick (in 12 team leagues). I generally keep a print out of a current ADP list with me while I draft, just to consult in difficult situations. ADP is not always 100 percent accurate, but can definitely help in moments of panic as draft pick timers dwindle.

Step 3: Quarterbacks and tight ends are worth the wait

The positions of quarterback and tight end are deeper than ever in 2017. Outside of selecting Jimmy Graham in the second round, which is the only exception, it is far more beneficial to your fantasy team if you wait on both positions. This theory can be easily illustrated in one quick example:

Which duo would you rather own in 2017?

Aaron Rodgers/Antonio Brown or Matthew Stafford/Demaryius Thomas?

Although the “name value” of Aaron Rodgers greatly exceeds that of both Stafford and Thomas, the latter pair is the better duo to own this season. I chose these players because both Rodgers and Thomas are currently being drafted in the second round of drafts, and both Stafford and Brown are being drafted in the sixth round. The point here is that the difference between Rodgers and Stafford is much smaller than the difference between Thomas and Brown. With quarterbacks like Andrew Luck, Robert Griffin III, Matthew Stafford, and Russell Wilson all holding average draft positions in or around the sixth round, there is no sense in wasting an early round pick on a quarterback.

The same theory applies to tight ends. Aside from Jimmy Graham, who is a decent second round selection due to the statistical advantage he will hold over the rest of the tight end field, the position is very deep and full of quality options. Instead of blowing a middle round pick on a tight end like Vernon Davis, stack your roster with another quality wide receiver and wait until the later rounds for your starting tight end. How about new Chicago Bears tight end Martellus Bennett or upside special Jordan Cameron? Both are available in the 11th round or later and would make great options at tight end. The drop off at running back and wide receiver is far greater from the early/middle rounds to the late rounds than it is at quarterback and tight end, so be sure to draft accordingly.

Step 4: K or D? Let it be

This general sentiment gets regurgitated often as fantasy drafts approach, but it can never be ignored. Do not, under any circumstance, draft a kicker or defense until the final two rounds of your draft. Unless your league awards 27 points per sack, your roster will look much healthier when it feeds on wide receivers and running backs in the middle rounds, rather than dining on pine needles, twigs and kickers. The Seattle Seahawks defense is going to be incredible this season and I am a proud Seattle homer, but you won’t find the fearsome Seattle defense on any of my teams this season due to someone drafting them in the 10th round (which is their actual ADP). Draft both your kicker and defense late and buddy up with the waiver wire throughout the season. Por favor.

Now, once your draft kicks off, the only guarantee you can live by is that your draft will absolutely NOT go according to your handy ADP guide. Your crazy league mates WILL do things like draft a certain former Broncos and Jets quarterback/blocker/wildcat runner/mascot, or snipe your coveted sleeper with the pick just before your turn. These things happen. This is where your summer of fantasy research and mock drafting experience give you the edge over the rest of your flustered competition as you assemble a championship caliber fantasy team.

The New York Times

Fantasy Football Week 3: Rankings and Matchup Analysis


September 24, 2017

Week 2 in the N. F.L. was full of surprises (one of them not being the Giants’ refusal to win no matter how much the opposing team tries to help).

Some unexpected displays of competence were on display, like the Oakland Raiders scoring 37 points against the Baltimore Ravens. They joined the Cleveland Browns and Tampa Bay Buccaneers in a group of unlikely victors.

Among the individual performances, draft-day afterthoughts DeAngelo Williams (currently the top fantasy football running back after two weeks) and Larry Fitzgerald scored three touchdowns each. Jeremy Hill was benched, Eddie Lacy, Tony Romo and Drew Brees were injured, and DeMarco Murray tallied 2 yards on 13 carries.

We’re just scratching the surface of what was truly an outrageous Week 2. But Murray and the struggling Eagles ’ offense may have been the biggest shocker of them all. Even if you were never sold on Coach Chip Kelly’s system, did anyone expect them to be this bad?

After a promising preseason, the Eagles seemed destined to produce several top fantasy performers, including quarterback Sam Bradford, receiver Jordan Mathews and a trio of backs (Murray, Ryan Mathews and Darren Sproles).

But after two games, Bradford is the 28th best fantasy quarterback, averaging 6.29 yards per attempt (29th) and 0.30 fantasy points per drop back (33rd). Murray, who led the N. F.L. in rushing last season with the Cowboys (1,845 yards), has 11 rushing yards on 22 carries.

Our article last week urged fantasy owners to not give up on players so early in the season, and seeing how efficient the Eagles offense was in August, it’s hard to imagine them not sorting this mess out, or at least improving on it.

But there are major issues with the team’s offensive line and running game. From a fantasy perspective, it is not just Murray who suffers from this, it is Bradford and all of his receivers as well.

“It starts with the running game,” Kelly said on Monday. “You’ve got to establish the run so that they have to commit more people to the run. Right now, we haven’t done anything in the running game.”

It will not be easy for Murray and friends to turn things around in Week 3 against the Jets, who have yet to allow a running back to score a touchdown and have yielded the second fewest fantasy points to the position so far in this young season (eight fantasy points per game).

Graphic | Fantasy Football Rankings 2017 These player rankings from the Sablich brothers are for standard and PPR scoring formats and will be updated throughout the season.

Andy Dalton (CIN) vs. Baltimore — Dalton is off to a hot start with a 5:0 TD-to-INT ratio over the first two games. In Week 2, the Ravens secondary was torched repeatedly on long passes and allowed Derek Carr to complete 30-of-46 passes for a career high 351 yards and three touchdowns. You could do worse with Dalton as your QB2 this week.

Cam Newton (CAR) vs. New Orleans — Newton has had double-digit carries in back-to-back weeks, with 76 rushing yards in Week 2. The Saints have taken it easy on opposing quarterbacks so far, with no interceptions or sacks on 53 passing attempts and have permitted consecutive games OF at least 20 fantasy points to Carson Palmer and the rookie Jameis Winston (54 total, fifth most).

Russell Wilson (SEA) vs. Chicago — The Bears have yielded an N. F.L.-high seven touchdowns to quarterbacks thus far (Aaron Rodgers, 3; Carson Palmer 4). Their pass rush has been nonexistent, with no sacks to their credit and only one interception. Wilson has hung tough against two good defenses on the road, and this could very well be his first stellar fantasy outing of the season.

Carson Palmer (ARI) vs. San Francisco — The 49ers have allowed the third-highest quarterback-completion percentage entering Week 3 (74.6) and are the 27th ranked pass defense overall, allowing an average of 300 passing yards a game. Palmer, who has thrown for seven touchdowns so far, should be able to add to keep adding to the pile in this matchup.

Latavius Murray matches up with the Browns in Week 3.

Thearon W. Henderson / Getty Images

Latavius Murray (OAK) vs. Cleveland — The Browns are the worst against the run this season, allowing 160 yards a game on the ground. Murray turned in a solid day against a tough Ravens run defense last week, rushing 15 times for 65 yards and a touchdown while catching three passes for 22 yards.

T. J. Yeldon (JAX) vs. New England — The Patriots are allowing a league high 5.7 yards a carry on the ground through two games. Yeldon looked a little better last week against the Dolphins, totaling 70 yards on 25 carries. With fellow back Denard Robinson a likely scratch, Yeldon could be in for another heavy workload.

C. J. Anderson (DEN) vs. Detroit — We’re nearing “now or never” time for the struggling Anderson, and he gets the most favorable fantasy running back matchup in this early season. Detroit ranks 29th in the N. F.L. in run defense and has permitted a back to score at least 18 fantasy points in consecutive weeks.

Isaiah Crowell (CLE) vs. Oakland — He is once again emerging as the best option in the Browns backfield, carrying the ball 15 times for 72 yards and a touchdown in the Browns’ Week 2 victory over the Titans. Another favorable opponent is on deck, as the Raiders have surrendered the fourth most fantasy points to the position through two games.

Allen Robinson (JAC) vs. New England — The Patriots are the third best matchup for receivers heading into Week 3. New England’s cornerback Malcolm Butler is off to a slow start, currently ranking 89th out of 110 cornerbacks in ProFootballFocus. com’s pass coverage rating. Their other starting cornerback, Bradley Fletcher, who was burned by Sammy Watkins on a 24-yard touchdown pass last week, does not rank much better at 71.

Sammy Watkins (BUF) vs. Miami — Miami allowed 74 yards on six receptions to the Redskins’ Pierre Garcon in Week 1 and 155 yards and two touchdowns to Allen Robinson in Week 2. The Bills made it a point to get Watkins more involved last week after he laid a goose egg in the opener against the Colts shutdown corner Vontae Davis. He turned six receptions into 60 yards and a touchdown against New England.

Brandon Marshall (NYJ) vs. Philadelphia — Marshall continues to excel in tough matchups, as he has found the end zone in back-to-back games against two of the league’s premier cornerbacks, Joe Haden and the Colts’ Davis. He gets a breather here, as the Eagles rank as fantasy’s seventh best receiver matchup. They have already served up three touchdowns and 226 yards to opposing WR1 wideouts this year. He would take on an even bigger role should teammate Eric Decker sit.

Larry Fitzgerald (ARI) vs. San Francisco — Vintage Fitzgerald showed up against the Bears last week as he hauled in 8-of-9 targets for 112 yards and three touchdowns. The 49ers secondary was absolutely destroyed by Antonio Brown and the Steelers last week, as Brown racked up 195 yards and a score. The Niners were so bad even Darrius Heyward-Bey got involved with 77 yards and a touchdown.

Jordan Reed (WAS) vs. Giants — Reed was the leading Redskins receiver last week with 145 yards on 13 receptions. The Giants have had their typical issues covering the position. Opposing tight ends have caught 14-of-16 pass targets for 145 yards and three touchdowns.

Kyle Rudolph (MIN) vs. San Diego — The Chargers have served up a pair of double-digit fantasy performances to the position this year. Rudolph has been one of his quarterback’s favorite options, catching 10 of his 14 targets.

Seattle vs. Chicago, Denver vs. Detroit, Houston vs. Tampa Bay, New England vs. Jacksonville

Drew Brees has a tough matchup against the Panthers in Week 3.

Bill Haber / Associated Press

Drew Brees (NO) vs. Carolina — Brees hits the road, which is typically not fruitful for his fantasy owners. Brees hurt plenty of fantasy teams last week (250 yards, 1 TD, I INT) in a home game against a Tampa Bay defense that was burned for four touchdowns on 18 pass attempts by the rookie Marcus Mariota in Week 1. While the Saints offense looks out of sync, the Panthers defense rank seventh in sacks, fourth in interceptions and has allowed the second lowest target catch rate (51 percent).

Matthew Stafford (DET) vs. Denver — Denver has the N. F.L.’s top-ranked pass defense, yielding just 154 passing yards a game this season. That has made them, by far, the toughest team for quarterbacks to play (2.9 F. F.P. G.). The Lions offensive line appears to have issues after allowing eight quarterback hits against Vikings. Stafford felt the effects of that and underwent X-rays on his ribs and chest, but he is expected to start. Denver linebackers DeMarcus Ware (top PFF. com pass rush rating) and Von Miller (third best PFF. com pass rush rating) should wreak havoc.

Eli Manning (NYG) vs. Washington — The Redskins defense was a liability last season, but so far the unit has limited opposing quarterbacks to 188 yards a game, the third best in the league. This has translated into the third fewest fantasy points allowed to the position. The Giants’ top draft pick, tackle Ereck Flowers, who sustained a sprained left ankle last week, is unlikely to play. Manning will continue to be a question mark until a reliable target emerges outside of Odell Beckham Jr.

Joe Flacco (BAL) vs. Cincinnati — The Bengals rank 11th best in receiving yards against per game (222), and PFF. com ranks them as the ninth best pass coverage unit over the first two games. They kept Philip Rivers in check last week, (226, 2 TDs, 1 INT). Last season against the Bengals, Flacco threw for one touchdown and served up three picks in two games.

Rashad Jennings (NYG) vs. Washington — Jennings was a major disappointment last week in a plus matchup against the Falcons, rushing nine times for 12 yards. He ended up getting out touched by Shane Vereen and disappeared for most of the second half. He is nothing more than a questionable flex option this week in fantasy’s toughest matchup for running backs. Washington opponents have averaged just 70 rushing yards per game and have yet to cross the goal line.

Devonta Freeman (ATL) vs. Dallas — The Cowboys have yielded the fewest rushing yards per attempt entering Week 3 (2.6 yards a carry). Dallas is coming off a very impressive performance against its old teammate, Murray, limiting him to 0.15 yards per carry. No, not 15 yards per carry, 0.15 yards per carry.

Carlos Hyde (SF) v s. Arizona — The Cardinals have been solid against the run so far, holding both Mark Ingram and Matt Forte to under 70 yards this season and overall just 3.4 Y. P.C. Hyde came back to earth in Week 2 and left in a lot of pain after a crushing hit ended his day in the third quarter. He is also dealing with a thigh bruise, so do not expect Hyde at 100 percent this week.

Mark Ingram (NO) vs. Carolina — An opposing back has yet to top 60 yards in a game this year against Carolina, or reach the end zone. Allowing 3.6 Y. P.C. the Panthers are considered the sixth best fantasy run defense based on F. P.P. G.

Keenan Allen of the Chargers has been inconsistent in 2017.

Andy Lyons / Getty Images

Keenan Allen (SD) vs. Minnesota — The 2017 version of Allen showed up in Week 1 (that’s good). The 2017 version (the bad one) was on the field in Week 2 (two catches for 16 yards) . Inconsistency, along with the tough matchup, has us thinking he is more of a low-end WR2 option this week. The Vikings are considered the third worst matchup for fantasy receivers thus far, even after allowing 83 yards and a touchdown to Calvin Johnson last week.

Brandon Cooks (NO) vs. Carolina — He is not being treated as the Saints’ WR1 in the passing game, as Brees continues to spread the ball around to everyone. The Panthers have yet to allow more than 63 passing yards to a receiver this year, partly because of the standout cornerback Josh Norman, who is currently rated as PFF. com’s second best cornerback.

Charles Johnson (MIN) vs. San Diego — A popular breakout candidate heading into the season, he has seen just three targets in consecutive games. At this point, Mike Wallace and Kyle Rudolph are the go-to options for Teddy Bridgewater in the Vikings passing game. The Chargers have allowed the fifth fewest fantasy points to opposing receivers over the first two games.

Golden Tate (DET) vs. Denver — Opposing receivers have managed just 10 receptions for 102 yards against Denver this year (fewest fantasy points). Aqib Talib currently ranks first in PFF. com’s pass coverage ratings, while Chris Harris is sixth.

Vernon Davis (SF) vs. Arizona — The Cardinals held Marcellus Bennett to just 48 yards on six receptions last week. Davis’s 13 targets on the season are the second most on the 49ers, but he only has 10.9 fantasy points to show for it. He’s worth a look other weeks, but not in this matchup.

Zac Ertz (PHI) vs. Jets — The Jets have allowed just 65 yards on six receptions and no touchdowns to opposing tight ends this year. The way the Eagles played last week, we would not recommend Ertz or anyone else in that offense until we see them turn it around.

Green Bay vs. Kansas City , St. Louis vs. Pittsburgh, Baltimore vs. Cincinnati, Dallas vs. Atlanta

Correction: September 24, 2017

An earlier version of this article listed the wrong team for Charles Johnson. He plays for Minnesota, not Detroit.

Draft Wizard FAQ

What is the Draft Wizard?

The Draft Wizard is a suite of tools that make it dead simple to prepare for and nail your fantasy football drafts. Its modern and easy-to-use interface will make paper cheat sheets and overly complicated draft software a thing of the past. It’s about time, right?

You’ll be able to do fast mock draft simulations through our Draft Simulator and instantly analyze your performance with our Draft Analyzer. Our Cheat Sheet Creator lets you import and edit rankings from any website or spreadsheet. You can use these cheat sheets live during your drafts with our Draft Assistant. We even Sync with some draft sites so taken players are tracked automatically. Yep, stress-free drafting!

How can it help me win my league?

We all know how important the draft is in fantasy football; getting out of the gate with a strong team sets you up for success within the season. The formula for winning your draft is no secret too. You need to have an accurate cheat sheet, accurate pick predictions for your opponents, and accurate decision-making during the draft (despite the pressure of “the clock”). The Wizard helps with all three of these needs…

Accurate Cheat Sheet

FantasyPros has tracked the accuracy of the top fantasy experts since 2009. We’ve learned that some experts consistently outperform others and that “consensus rankings” and “consensus projections” tend to be very accurate. In fact, our consensus rankings and projections have been cited by independent studies as being the most accurate in the industry. You can also try some consensus variations like combining the most accurate experts only, or combining the sites you personally trust. In all cases, we also recognize that you may be able to enhance the rankings (and beat the experts!), so we allow you to easily edit the cheat sheets to perfect them.

Accurate Pick Predictions

Although you may have a good idea of the players you want to target during the draft, knowing when to draft these players is very difficult. Our Simulator helps guide you by predicting what your opponents will do. And we don’t just assume everyone will be drafting based on ADP. Instead, we leverage hundreds of expert cheat sheets and ADP sources to match the variety of drafters you’re likely to face. We then use these rankings, in conjunction with in-draft pick logic based on team needs and position scarcity, to accurately predict which player each team will select.

No matter how much you prepare for your draft, sometimes the pressure of the clock will cause you to take players you regret the minute you click on “draft him.” The stress level is exacerbated when you’re fumbling through paper cheat sheets or dealing with complicated draft software. Our Wizard simplifies everything. We narrow down your choices (based on your cheat sheets, your team needs, and predicted opponent picks), and give you a simple comparison of the players based on draft value or our consensus expert advice. Also, since our Draft Assistant looks and acts exactly like our Draft Simulator, you’ll be completely familiar with the interface during your draft.

Which league formats are supported?

We support Snake drafts (teams pick in draft order and then reverse the order in alternating rounds).

We support Linear drafts (teams pick in the same order in each round).

We support drafts with a Custom order (picks have been traded, added, etc).

We support Auction drafts (see next question ).

We support Redraft leagues where all eligible players (QB, RB, WR, TE, K, DST) are available to be drafted.

We support Keeper and IDP leagues.

We provide limited support for Dynasty leagues (Expert Advice and VORP/VONA will be based on 2017 outlook only).

Do you support auction drafts?

Yes, we currently offer auction support for our Draft Assistant, Cheat Sheet Creator and Draft Analyzer. We do not support auction draft simulations at this time, however. All of the Draft Assistant add-ons support live synching with the exception of our ESPN Assistant. For ESPN leagues, you should use our Manual Draft Assistant for auction tracking and advice.

How much does it cost?

We offer Basic (Free) and PRO versions of the Draft Wizard. An overview of PRO features and pricing is available here and summarized below.

Basic Users (Free)

Run mock draft simulations (redraft leagues)

Create cheat sheets in the Cheat Sheet Creator

Get projected standings for mock drafts

Live draft assistance, including option to sync with Yahoo/ESPN/NFL. com/CBS Sports/MFL/RTSports/NFFC/FFPC/Fantrax leagues*

Support for keeper leagues, custom draft orders and IDP leagues

Support for auction leagues

'Who Should I Draft?' advice using value-based drafting

Insight into opponent pick predictions

Mock Drafts against ADP sources, experts or both

Custom cheat sheets with tiers, notes & auction values

Detailed draft analysis including strengths/weaknesses by position

Import mock drafts from Yahoo, ESPN and FF Calculator for analysis

To learn more about the benefits of upgrading to a PRO account, please visit our PRO Features Overview . *Note: Live Synching is an optional $5.95 add-on for each league service (Yahoo, ESPN, NFL. com, etc). A Manual Draft Assistant is included in the standard PRO package. ESPN Draft Sync does not support auction leagues and must be used with ESPN’s Lite Draft Room.

Can you explain what FanDuel is and how it ties into the pricing options for a PRO upgrade?

FanDuel is the leading operator of daily fantasy sports games. Its members pick fantasy teams and compete in cash contests that last a single day. With no season long commitment, FanDuel's contests pay out millions of dollars each month.

We’ve teamed up with FanDuel to provide a terrific offer for anyone interested in upgrading to PRO status. Simply make a $10 FanDuel deposit using the links below and you’ll receive the listed PRO package for free. This offer is valid for new FanDuel members only.

Receive free PRO upgrade AND free live synching for Yahoo, NFL. com, ESPN*, CBS Sports, MFL, NFFC, FFPC, Fantrax, & RTSports leagues (features ).

Use deposited funds to earn cash in daily fantasy contests.

Represents a $60 value for just $10.

*Note: The sync for ESPN is not compatible with ESPN’s flash draft room or auction drafts. You must use ESPN’s Lite Draft Room to sync with the Draft Assistant.

Does it work on an iPad?

Yes, all the features of the Draft Wizard will work on an iPad and other touch screen devices.

How long is the Premium Subscription for?

PRO subscriptions are for fantasy football drafts in 2017. You can use the product on an unlimited basis, but it is only for 2017 and purely for preseason drafting (not for in-season weekly advice).

How do I assign Keepers for my league? (PRO Feature )

If you’re a PRO member, you’ll receive seamless support for Keepers in all of the Draft Wizard’s tools. As you go through the quick setup process for your mock and real drafts, there will be a check box to indicate if you are playing in a Keeper league. Simply select that option and you will have the opportunity to enter Keepers for every team along with the round each player is assigned to or dollar costs if you’re playing in an auction league. This information will be saved after you enter it the first time and can be edited from the draft setup screen or from your My Account page. If you’re playing in a Yahoo, ESPN, MyFantasyLeague. com or RTSports league, you’ll also be able to import your league directly from this page so you don’t have to enter the Keepers manually. However, for auction leagues, you will still need to manually enter Keeper dollar costs.

Does the Draft Wizard support traded picks? (PRO Feature )

Yes, PRO users can customize the order of any draft. To adjust a draft order, simply navigate to your My Account page. Then select the appropriate league from the ‘My Leagues’ list and click the ‘Draft Details’ option. You’ll be able to alter the order of your draft board to re-assign any picks that have been traded.

What scoring settings can I customize for my league? (PRO Feature )

We support the customization of popular passing, receiving and rushing settings. However, we do not currently support custom yardage bonuses or Kicker/DST settings. Please view the table below for a summary of all supported custom scoring settings.

Supported Scoring Settings

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Saturday, January 3rd, 2017

Madden NFL 15 Title Update #2 Released

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Madden 15 Desync Fix is “In The Works” Says Developer

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Tuesday, September 30th, 2017

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Thursday, September 11th, 2017

The 6 best fantasy football websites compared

No other game — save March Madness — generates as much of a frenzy among its participants as fantasy football. It’s become so commonplace in the United States that a television network developed an entire, six-season comedy based on the premise of friends in a fantasy football league (aka The League ). While you can’t deny its popularity, there’s also no other game — save March Madness, again — that generates as negative an impact on business as fantasy football. Studies claim the league costs businesses roughly $6 billion in productivity annually, with the its popularity only continuing to rise with each passing year. Fantasy football’s origins even date all the way back to ’62, beginning with eight league members encapsulating administrative affiliates of the AFL, pro football journalists, and season ticket holders to the Raiders. It’s revolutionized the way fans watch the sport in the 52 years in between, allowing football enthusiasts to see the game in a completely differently light while going beyond the simple win-lose formula. The competition gives anybody the ability to draft and manage a football team they way they see fit, albeit at a much smaller level and with far fewer teams.

Fantasy football isn’t just carried out on chalkboards, though. As the competition grows in popularity, more and more websites devoted to tracking players and managing leagues spring up. TV networks like ESPN, CBS, and Fox all provide its fans with easy access to its own fantasy football applications and supply world class analysis and research. After all, polls suggest more than 33 million Americans — 10 percent of the population — play fantasy football in the United States. Since we know you’re part of the 10 percent, we also know you want a reliable website to keep you both informed and entertained. To help you find the perfect site we’ve searched high and low for the absolute best fantasy football experiences on the Web. What follows are our picks, in no particular order, of the best fantasy football websites available for all you football fans.

Arguably one of the most popular fantasy football providers on the Internet, ESPN provides users with an impressive set of features. First off, its deep roster of fantasy experts — like the great Matthew Berry and Eric Karabell — provide plenty of advice columns and expert analysis to help craft your team. The site also offers a live fantasy show before kickoff on Sundays, covering which players might have a breakout game and who to pick up on the waiver wire. Not sure who to start in your second running back slot? ESPN’s writers also take to Twitter to answer any lineup questions users have before kickoff. The robust bevy of resources proves crucial when a starting player gets a sudden injury designation, or you need players to fill your roster during bye weeks.

Besides the expert analysis and advice, the website functions like a dream on game day. ESPN’s FantasyCast presents your weekly matchup in an easy-to-read window displaying you and your opponent’s team on the right and the slate of games on the left. Moreover, the score updates in real time as each play happens and the lag behind the action is fairly minimal. If Larry Fitzgerald makes a huge touchdown catch on your TV, the FantasyCast application automatically updates immediately. You can also quickly glance to see what the rest of the matchups look like on game day, or view each team individually. ESPN Fantasy Football remains one of the most complete and enjoyable fantasy football experiences on the Web, which is particularly surprising given the network’s dominance in the sports realm.

CBS’ lineup of experts stand toe to toe with ESPN’s crew, giving the fantasy site a much needed advantage over others on our list. Dave Richard and Jamey Eisenberg head the savvy panel of experts for CBS and provide unparalleled pre-draft analysis and insight. The duo even publishes daily updates on player rankings, league trends, and team specific news. If you choose to play fantasy football on a different site, we still recommend using CBS’ weekly analysis to stay on top of everything fantasy football related.

Where CBS fumbles in comparison to other sites is in its presentation and features. Most other sites make better use of what CBS provides, and the slew of information, alternate game offerings, and random news makes the site unnecessarily clunky. Navigation also isn’t the smoothest, so we recommend bookmarking your team once it’s created to quickly access content related to your team. Nonetheless, the site’s Game Tracker component allows you to easily follow your weekly matchups and updates game stats on the fly. The application displays your players’ locations on the field and updates projections as each game progresses. Though CBS’ fantasy football website doesn’t push the envelope with its features, it offers enough expert analysis and news to keep you on top of your game.

What better organization to get up to the second fantasy news than straight from the NFL, right? Over the past few years the NFL has stepped its game up in regards to it fantasy football offering, now standing among the greats on our list. It may lack in expert analysis, but you’ll hardly notice given your league updates are coming directly from the source. NFL. com also features Xbox One, DirecTV, and Madden integration, giving you many ways to access your fantasy team. For those of you who prefer commissioning your own leagues, NFL. com allows for an incredible amount of custom options and scoring settings. Its companion smartphone application also makes monitoring your team while on the go a breeze.

NFL. com’s presentation is where the site truly shines. Each week before your matchup the site populates not just stat projections, but also a brief synopsis of how the matchup might play out. Using players’ season stats and weekly averages to pick a winner, the synopsis talks about where each team has an advantage and where each team could improve. The site uses its experts analysis of player projections to suggest who you should pick up each week or who on your team should start and why. The Game Center window presents the matchup in an easy-to-view manner and fluctuates you and your opponent’s projected final score on the fly. You even have the ability of viewing a flow chart showing you at what time you scored the bulk of your points and where your team’s final score should end up. With its advancements over the years, NFL. com’s fantasy football offering make it one of the most entertaining sites available.

Yahoo Sport’s fantasy football website takes the crown for the oldest and largest fantasy option on the Web. People new to the fantasy football game have the ability to dive in to Yahoo’s simple interface with little or no experience whatsoever. Advanced fantasy players also have an arsenal of tools available at their disposal, allowing them to spend hours tinkering with their lineups and comparing player stat projections. Perhaps one of Yahoo’s best features is its team of experts who publish fantasy-relevant content during each Sunday game. Besides the slew of content leading up to Sunday’s kickoff, the in-game articles keep any football fan thoroughly entertained. Its Roto Arcade blog features several sports writers who publish various fantasy themed columns throughout the week.

Outside of the analysis, Yahoo’s site excels with its execution. Not only do you have the ability to draft at all hours of the day, seven days a week, but Yahoo allows you to draft via a smartphone, tablet, or PC. What’s more, Yahoo gives each drafting team a report card at the conclusion of the draft grading them on how well they drafted their team. Though not necessary, it’s still a unique feature which creates a fun sense of ownership of your newly minted team. Yahoo’s game day presentation also thoroughly impress, providing real-time stat updates and a basic stat tracker so you’ll always know how your weekly matchups progress. Yahoo has long provided a solid fantasy football environment, whether talking football or baseball, and the service continues to update its impressive website with plethora of new content and features with each passing year.

Fans of old-school, pen-and-paper fantasy football should look no further than the Flea Flicker site for the upcoming season. The site lacks the bells and whistles of other fantasy sites on our list, thus allowing you to manage a fantasy football league with a straightforward ease not offered elsewhere. Though you won’t find any expert analysis or dedicated fantasy blogs, you’ll still have access to player statistics and relevant team news. Also, although Flea Flicker doesn’t offer an accompanying mobile app, website is optimized for mobile devices and automatically adjusts on tablets and smartphones for access on the move. It also lets you customize your league’s features and structure to let you play exactly how you want to.

On game day, Flea Flicker features up-to-the-second game and player updates for every game. Each stat updates right on its site to give you accurate information about your weekly matchups. It also offers unparalleled draft day support, with additional options not available on other sites. For instance, the site allows you to draft your teams via email, giving your league even more flexibility. There’s always one person every year who misses the draft and ends up with a computer auto-drafted team of four quarterbacks and no defense. With Flea Flicker, auto-drafted teams won’t exist, which makes your league much more competitive and fair. What’s more, the site allows you to trade draft picks during the season in addition to players. With the convenient ability to trade future picks and make multi-team deals, even teams who occupy the bottom of the standings can find relevancy throughout the season. This kind of flexibility isn’t found elsewhere and helps Flea Flicker stand apart from the crowd. If you prefer an old-school approach to fantasy football, then Flea Flicker is undoubtedly the site for you.

Yet another TV network sponsored fantasy site, Fox Sports’ offering likely doesn’t offer anything noteworthy to deter you from the other fantasy sites on our roundup. Though Fox has improved over the years when it comes to fantasy football, the network continues to get a bad rap for being at the bottom of the totem pole regarding its fantasy experience. Regardless, Fox’s cast of writers offer greater levels of analysis and content than they have in past years, providing several daily guides to help prepare you for the season. Curious where experts might draft a certain player? Fox provides mock drafts and breakdowns so you are able to get a feeling for where your favorite players get drafted. Fox Sports also offers various podcasts and blogs to keep you in the know regarding everything from the year’s sleepers and busts to who the projected, breakout rookies are.

Fox’s gameday presentation won’t astonish you, but it does offer an easy-to-navigate interface. The accompanying GameTrax application makes keeping track of your weekly matchups a breeze and features real time stat tracking, while the app’s automatic alert system keeps you in the know when it comes to player touchdowns and your team’s position on the field. GameTrax also displays the running scores for other matchups at the top of the window, so you’ll know who’s delivering a fantasy beat down and who’s getting humiliated. Again, Fox Sports Fantasy Football isn’t the best fantasy website on our list, yet you’ll know doubt enjoy the service if you’re already a fan of Fox Sports’ TV programs.

Fantasy Football Cheatsheets & Rankings

NFL Mock Draft Contest

The NFL draft and the speculation leading up to it is a great time for us fantasy football players. So we have added a NFL mock draft contest to enhance the excitement!

The contest is FREE and you can have up to two mock drafts and your mock and comments can either be shown publicly or kept private.

There is $1,150 in cash prizes for the top-10 mock drafts (based on round one and correct order) and $25,000 to the round one with all 31 correct players actually taken (order not important). Ties will share equal amounts of the $25,000.

Click Here: NFL Mock Draft Contest to check it out!


THAT'S RIGHT. The NFL has evolved into a 365-day a year reality show and FootballDiehards. com has it covered with ongoing News & Views of interest, more in-depth Headline News Analysis and our Feature Articles that will keep you up to speed on a variety of fantasy-specific fronts. Jump in!

Free Fantasy Football - Diehards News & Views

49ers Still Open To Re-Signing Anquan Boldin, But There Is No Hurry Friday, March 25, 2017 | Time: 4:03 PT | Reported by NFL. com

The Facts: Although Boldin has stated that he would "love" to re-sign with the 49ers, GM Trent Baalke revealed this week that he has had no discussions with the veteran wide receiver's representatives. "I wouldn't say that door has been shut by any stretch," Baalke explained. "But where it is, it's where it was when we left off (the season). He's going to explore his options, and we're going to explore ours. We got a draft to go through. It would be later than sooner, in terms of the final decision that's made."

Diehards Line: As NFL. com notes, Boldin has been greeted by a cold free-agent market after averaging just 11.4 yards per reception in a dysfunctional offense. The Patriots were reportedly in contact with Boldin's camp before they signed Chris Hogan and Nate Washington. Buffalo general manager Doug Whaley responded "never say never" when asked about Boldin, but the Bills just re-signed Leonard Hankerson and are hoping to coax Percy Harvin back into the fold. If Boldin wants to sign before next month's draft, look for him to target a contender. NFL Network's Rand Getlin reported earlier this month that the 35-year-old wideout wants to play for a team that can compete at the highest level this season.

Trent Richardson Admits He Struggled With Work Habits As An NFL Player Friday, March 25, 2017 | Time: 4:02 PT | Reported by Profootballtalk. com

The Facts: Richardson, a free agent who is expected to sign with the Ravens, admits that he struggled to keep up his workout routines once he got to the NFL. In college his coaches always told him when to work out, and he thrived on that structure. But in the NFL, he was allowed to work out when he chose — and often he chose not to work out at all. "It's very easy to get lazy in the NFL — not having everything scheduled and not having everything like at Alabama where it was so structured," Richardson said. "In the NFL, everything's on your own."

Diehards Line: When the Ravens first talked to Richardson, he weighed 238 pounds, and they told him they want him lighter than that before they’re going to sign him. Richardson said he’s been working hard and is now down to 218, even lighter than when he was at Alabama. As PFT's Michael David Smith suggests, if he can get into top shape, there’s a chance that he may be able to get back on the field this year, and change his reputation as a college star who could never make it in the NFL.

Best NFL Free Agency Moves | Fantasy Football By Chad Stapley

Travis Benjamin – WR – San Diego Chargers

We saw what Benjamin could do last year with the god awful Browns. He was relied on to be the #1 WR for the Browns with awful QB play and still put up great stats, which earned him this contract. With the Chargers his fantasy football ceiling is about to be sky high. He gets to slide ove. Read full column

2017 CFB Player Rankings Spring Practice | College Fantasy Football By John Laub

For the CFB Diehards like myself, April is one of the most anticipated months of the. Read full column

Mock Drafts

Fantasy Football News & Views

The Facts: Following up on a previous item. The Saints have announced they matched Chicago's offer sheet for RFA TE Hill. Reported by FootballDiehards. com

Diehards Line: The decision to retain Hill comes despite the addition of free agent Coby Fleener. Hill's three-year deal will keep him in place through the 2018 season. He caught 16 passes for 120 yards and two touchdowns as a complement to veteran Benjamin Watson, who left in free agency for Baltimore. So with Fleener, Hill and Michael Hoomanawanui all under contract, the Saints still have a full depth chart at the position.

The Facts: Four months after being shot twice in the head in a drive-by shooting, Bailey is well on the way to recovery. But his status with the team remains undetermined, according to HC Jeff Fisher. "Sted is currently in the evaluation process, seeking numerous opinions from neurologists and the like," Fisher said Wednesday. "Just to see if he can not only play, but continue with a rigorous physical rehab program that will put him in position to play." Reported by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Diehards Line: Bailey attended the Rams' relocation informational meeting March 4 in southern California. More recently, he was at the now-closed Rams Park in Earth City, working out there. "He's been in the building," Fisher said. "We've seen him. He's doing well. He seems like the same old Sted, and he's very lucky as we've all noted to be alive. " At this point, it's uncertain if Bailey will be able to participate in any fashion with the team once the offseason program starts April 18 in Oxnard, Calif. much less take part in the spring practices known as OTAs in June. We'll follow up as needed.

The Facts: During a conference call held after his signing with the Browns was announced. quarterback Robert Griffin III said that he would like to play with Baylor teammate Gordon in Cleveland. Gordon feels the same way as Griffin. Gordon replied to a tweet from PFT about Griffin's comments by writing "would be nice" on Thursday afternoon. Reported by Profootballtalk. com

Diehards Line: Gordon caught 42 passes for 714 yards and seven touchdowns while playing with Griffin at Baylor in 2010. Gordon transferred to Utah in 2011 after a failed drug test, but never suited up for the Utes before being selected in the 2012 supplemental draft. Gordon has applied for reinstatement, but NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said this week that no meeting has been set up to discuss if Gordon will be eligible to return to the Browns.

Browns, Jets No Longer Pursuing Colin Kaepernick; Broncos Or Bust? (3/25 12:06 AM PT)

The Facts: According to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport, it increasingly looks like it's Broncos or bust for Kaepernick. Reported by NFL. com

Diehards Line: The Cleveland Browns exited the Kaepernick sweepstakes upon their decision to sign Robert Griffin III. In addition, Rapoport reported that the Jets are not pursuing Kaepernick despite their lingering free-agency stalemate with Ryan Fitzpatrick. That leaves the Broncos as Kaepernick's last logical suitor, but that doesn't mean resolution is imminent. Kaepernick's $11.9 million salary becomes fully guaranteed on April 1 and the 49ers do not plan to cut Kaepernick before that date. If the Broncos want Kaepernick, patience will be necessary. Rapoport said the Niners want a second-round pick in a trade and it's unclear if Denver GM John Elway will play ball. We'll be watching for more.

The Facts: As the Broncos continue their free-agency agenda, it's clear what part of the team's playbook they believe needed the most work. They signed two offensive linemen -- tackles Donald Stephenson and Russell Okung -- and matched a four-year, $18 million offer sheet to Anderson to keep him as the team's No. 1 back. "C. J. played his best football at the end of the year," HC Gary Kubiak said. "I think C. J. hasn't even reached the heights he can reach. I think C. J. is really just getting started. Being in our system again, if C. J. can stay healthy and stay on the field for 16 weeks, I think he can be one of the top backs in the league -- and I think he believes that." Reported by ESPN. com

Diehards Line: Kubiak wants to run the ball because in his mind, it's a simple equation -- run the ball with purpose and it will lead to more potential big plays in the passing game which will lead to more points. So they plan to rely on Anderson, new arrivals on the offensive line and an offensive reset that comes with Peyton Manning's retirement and Brock Osweiler's departure in free agency. Anderson has to raise his game since he has never started more than seven games in a season and never carried the ball as a pro more than the 179 times he carried it 2017. John Elway, the Broncos' executive vice president of football operations/general manager, gave Anderson the same message when the Broncos informed Anderson they intended to match the Miami Dolphins' offer. "My expectations are higher than his, I promise you that" Anderson said. "I'll leave it right there."

The Facts: The Ravens should soon get another look at Perriman on the football field. Last year's first-round pick continues to recover from a knee injury that cost him his entire rookie season, and the expectation is for him to be on the field when the Ravens hold organized team activities this spring. "I don't know what percentage it is right now, but I know everybody seems to be happy with his progress," HC John Harbaugh said earlier this week. "He looks strong." Reported by BaltimoreRavens. com

Diehards Line: Perriman went down with a sprained knee on the first day of training camp last year and never fully returned. He went through a few practices as a limited participant in September, but then suffered a setback in Week 3 and didn't practice again. The Ravens have high expectations for the speedy wide receiver, and several team executives have said that Perriman's return is almost like having an extra first-round pick this season. Getting him on the field for the spring will give him time to get re-acclimated to playing football after a year on the sidelines, and then he'll have time to build a rapport with quarterback Joe Flacco in training camp. He'll also have to contend with newly-signed deep threat Mike Wallace, a veteran who seems to fit the role Perriman was drafted to handle.

The Facts: Hankerson is returning to the Bills on a one-year deal, NFL Network's Ian Rapoport reported Thursday. Reported by Profootballtalk. com

Diehards Line: Hankerson was claimed by the Bills during the final week of the 2017 regular season. He started the season as a starter and contributor for the Falcons. He was injured, then released, then signed and released by the Patriots. Hankerson played in the final game last season for the Bills but did not record a reception. He caught 26 passes, three for touchdowns, in eight games for the Falcons before he was injured. A third-round pick of the Redskins in 2011, Hankerson, 27, has 107 career receptions and nine touchdowns.

The Facts: According to ESPN. com's Field Yates, the Patriots are signing Washington. Reported by ESPN. com

Diehards Line: The former Pittsburgh Steeler and Tennessee Titan spent last season with the Houston Texans. Despite a number of dropped passes, the Texans weren't opposed to having him back on a less lucrative deal. Apparently New England was willing to do a bit more. As Profootballtalk. com notes, the Texans and Patriots run similar offensive systems, so he should catch on quickly and could again play an active role.

The Facts: HC Mike McCarthy has received promising reports on Lacy's off-season plan to shed some weight. We've heard about the Packers running back's workouts with PX90 founder Tony Horton in California. Now comes this photo of Lacy with a fan in California. Jeff Engen said he met Lacy March 17 at the Nobu restaurant in Malibu – eating sushi. "He looked really fit and looked like he lost a lot of weight," Engen wrote in an email to the Journal Sentinel. "Eddie was eating fish, was really friendly and conducting himself as a class act." Reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Diehards Line: You can view the photo HERE. “I’m the guy in the photo with Eddie,” Engen wrote. “I’m 5-9, 185 pounds and he is much thinner than me.” The 5-foot-11 Lacy was listed as 234 pounds throughout the season by the Packers, but he looked considerably heavier than that and appeared to run out of gas at times. McCarthy called out Lacy in his season-ending news conference Jan. 18, saying he “cannot play at the weight that he played at this year." But McCarthy said at the NFL owners meetings this week that he was confident Lacy was back on track. This photo suggests he is indeed on track.

Wallace's Departure Could Give Cordarrelle Patterson Another Shot (3/24 3:26 PM PT)

The Facts: Mike Wallace's departure didn't leave HC Mike Zimmer feeling like the Vikings needed to replace him with another veteran receiver. "We had a receiver here that was making a lot of money that really didn't do what we needed to do," Zimmer said. "So I don't know that it's a necessity to go out and sign another wide receiver. We've got to get better with the guys we've got, and we've got to fix other areas that can allow these receivers to be more effective in the games." Reported by ESPN. com

Diehards Line: That, of course, doesn't mean the Vikings won't take a receiver in the draft in April. But a thin free-agent crop didn't offer any obvious upgrades, and Zimmer made the point several times on Wednesday that the passing game can improve simply with better protection for Teddy Bridgewater. It also didn't sound as though the coach had given up on Charles Johnson, and the Vikings know they still could get a boost if Patterson figures things out as a receiver. "If he wants to be something other than just a returner, this is the year he has to do it. If he wants to be a NFL wide receiver, this is his time," Zimmer said. Patterson has been working with route-running coach Steve Calhoun in California, and said last month he knows his fourth NFL season could be a make-or-break year.

Fantasy Football Sites

Directory of the best fantasy football sites

As the old adage goes, "Knowledge is power", and the Docs are big advocates of education and research (comes with the territory of a Ph. D.). The Docs can appreciate the value of collecting quality fantasy football sites and resources and are happy to provide an organized inventory of the best fantasy football sites for those just as passionate about fantasy football as we are. So there is no need to search through long lists of fantasy football sites anymore. here are some of the best fantasy football sites and fantasy football resources on the web. We have broken these resources down to the "Best of the Best" and the "Best of the Rest":

Best of the Best - These fantasy football sites represent the cream of the crop as far as go-to resources are concerned. Several key categories are provided to help folks get the information they need and get it quickly on their quest to supremacy.

Best of the Rest - If you need that extra little piece of fantasy football information to give your team that winning fantasy edge, these are some quality fantasy football sites that deserve a visit. Sites are subdivided to distinguish between "Fantasy Football Information", "Fantasy Football Products", and "NFL Fan Sites" with a brief description provided next to each site.

The Docs provide these links to fantasy football sites for your convenience and for informational purposes only. Being external websites, we have absolutely no control over their content and any potential products listed on those sites. Furthermore, we recommend you take whatever precautions you deem necessary before visiting and/or engaging in any offline or online transaction with any of these sites.

Best of the Best

Best NFL Player Statistics (Current and Historic) Access to NFL player statistics is the life-blood for any fantasy football enthusiast. Rather than giving a long list of resources that provide various types of player statistics, we are only going to give two resources. the only two resources you will ever need. The first resource, Pro-Football-Reference. com, is the source for any player statistic from a historical perspective. It is a fast-loading site with easy navigation. The second resource, NFL. com, is the source for any in-season player statistic occurring during the football calendar. With these two sites, you've got all of your NFL and fantasy football player stats needs covered.

Best Fantasy Football League Service Once you've formed a league, you will need to find a place to play. (If you would like to learn more, we've written the following article Where to Start a Fantasy League to help). Nothing will make or break your fantasy football experience than a league management service. A good league management service offers flexible league setup, solid customer service, real time scoring, flexible scheduling options, reliable operation with little down time, and provides a friendly layout that is easy to use. Although it is certainly not a requirement, we feel a Fantasy Trophy case and league historical records can help personalize your league and make your fantasy football experience that much more enjoyable. As with many things in life, there are both free and pay options. Although we have seen some pay leagues make the switch to free again, Yahoo! has never wavered from offering a very good free fantasy league service for football (and other sports for that matter). In fact, at one time in the not so distant past, Yahoo! was the only mainstream provider of free fantasy leagues. In a world of here one moment and gone the next, Yahoo! represents a solid rock for free fantasy football.

Best NFL Breaking News It is always a good idea to have a small handful of high quality sources that bring up-to-the-minute fantasy football breaking news and NFL player information. The list below provides direct links to key sources that specialize in quick-snippets of information.

Best Fantasy Football Average Draft Position (ADP) Average Draft Position (ADP) is a very valuable asset to use during your fantasy football draft. These listings provide the fantasy football average draft position of NFL players obtained from literally thousands of fantasy football mock drafts and/or real drafts. They can be used as a strong indicator when a particular player may be taken during a draft, although bear in mind there are many different types of fantasy football scoring systems and owners participating in these drafts from different systems. However, in general, using this information with rankings allows a fantasy football enthusiast valuable information that can be used as a general guideline when a particular player may be drafted, allowing an increased probability of selecting that player as late as possible in their own fantasy football draft. This allows more flexibility in drafting and draft strategy. As for what is meant by a "fantasy football mock draft", it is precisely that - a draft that serves no purpose other than for practice prior to participating in a real fantasy football draft.

Best Fantasy Football Mock Drafts Fantasy football mock drafts are precisely that - a draft that serves no purpose other than for practice prior to participating in a real fantasy football draft. Participating in a mock draft can help you get a feel when certain players will be selected and also when runs will be made on particular positions. The fantasy football mock drafts links below not only give you the opportunity to refine your draft strategy for the upcoming season, but also allow you to participate in a draft used to determine Average Draft Position.

Best NFL Depth Charts NFL players get injured, cut, traded, and win roster spots, so having a couple of updated resources for NFL depth charts is always a good idea to keep in your fantasy football back pocket.

Best NFL Game Weather and Stadium Conditions Unless playing in a dome, NFL game weather and resulting stadium conditions can have a significant impact on player performance and the corresponding outcome of many fantasy football games. Sometimes that last minute fantasy football lineup adjustment made as a result from a change in NFL game weather can make the difference between winning and losing. Here is a handy reference containing links from our friends up the street here in Atlanta at the Weather Channel for all current weather conditions for every NFL stadium.

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We are back up and running after our scheduled 48-hour downtime. During that outage, we upgraded our servers and infrastructure, and we also rolled out a new “Universal Login” or “Single Sign On” system for MyFantasyLeague. com. This is a totally new login mechanism for all of the commissioners and owners that are used to the “old” system, so we understand that.

The MyFantasyLeague. com web site is in the process of a major system upgrade. As part of this process, your fantasy football leagues will not be accessible starting on Monday morning, March 7th. The upgrade will take about 2 days, so we plan to have everything back up and running sometime on Wednesday morning, March 9th. Thanks in advance for your.

February 9, 2017

Here at MyFantasyLeague. com, there is no offseason – we’re happy to announce availability of our 2017 leagues! To upgrade your 2017 league to a 2017 league, just log into your 2017 league as the league commissioner, and you’ll see instructions at the top of that page detailing how to upgrade to 2017. If you’d like to set up a brand.

Jeff Teague scored 12 of his 18 points in the fourth quarter and the Atlanta Hawks overcame poor 3-point shooting to beat the Milwaukee Bucks 101-90 on Friday night. Paul Millsap had 14 points and 13 rebounds and Al Horford also had 14 points to…

CHARLES ODUM (AP Sports Writer) March 25, 2017

Karl-Anthony Towns scored 27 points and grabbed 10 rebounds, and the Minnesota Timberwolves dealt a blow to the Washington Wizards' playoff hopes with a 132-129 double-overtime victory Friday night. Zach LaVine added 25 points, and Gorgui Dieng…

IAN QUILLEN (Associated Press) March 25, 2017

Andre Drummond had 18 points and 14 rebounds and the Detroit Pistons overwhelmed Charlotte with their highest-scoring first half of the season en route to a 112-105 win over the Hornets on Friday night. Detroit led 72-56 after two quarters and won…

NOAH TRISTER (AP Sports Writer) March 25, 2017

Minnesota Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor said Friday that he plans to keep general manager Milt Newton on through the draft and free agency before making a decision on his long-term future with the franchise. Newton was elevated to the primary…

JON KRAWCZYNSKI (AP Basketball Writer) March 25, 2017

Mavericks forward Chandler Parsons will miss the rest of the season after surgery on his right knee. The team said Parsons had arthroscopic surgery Friday to address an injury to his right medial meniscus. It is the second year in a row that…

Julius Thomas Fantasy Football News 2017

Jaguars WR Allen Hurns (concussion) has been ruled out for Sunday's game against the Titans. He's still in the early stages of the protocol and should be considered questionable for Week 14. WR Marqise Lee is expected to start in Hurns' place this weekend but can't be trusted in fantasy lineups. Look for WR Allen Robinson and TE Julius Thomas to lead the Jags in targets.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas (groin) is active for today’s game against the Jets. He practiced all week and should be a full-go. Thomas should be busy with Jacksonville’s WRs dealing with CBs Darrelle Revis and Antonio Cromartie.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas (groin) practiced all week and is probable for Sunday’s game against the Jets. Jacksonville’s offense figures to struggle in New York, but Thomas could see a bunch of targets with the WRs dealing with the Jets’ strong CBs.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas is dealing with what the team calls a "mild" groin injury. He played through it in last Sunday's win over the Bills and now gets a Week 8 bye. Thomas should be fine by the time Week 9 rolls around, but we'll keep an eye on his status.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas (hand) is active for today’s game against the Bucs. He’s been practicing for 3 weeks now and resumed catching passes this week. Thomas won’t have any limitations today, according to ESPN’s Adam Schefter. He’s a risk/reward fantasy play.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas is set to make his 2017 debut against the Bucs today, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter. "Not expected to be limited," Schefter adds. Thomas has been practicing for a few weeks and resumed catching passes this week. He's a risky fantasy start in his 1st action of the year, but there's upside against a leaky Bucs pass defense. Thomas' return also boosts QB Blake Bortles outlook.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

The Jaguars list TE Julius Thomas (hand) as questionable for Sunday's game against the Bucs. He resumed catching passes this week, but we still haven't heard that he's been cleared to play. Owners can't bank on having Thomas this week, but a Week 6 return is looking likely.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas (hand) has been cleared to resume catching passes, according to insider Ryan O'Halloran. Thomas only ran routes in individual drills last week. He's making progress but still seems like a long shot to make his Jags debut this Sunday. A Week 6 return seems possible.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas visited a hand specialist on Tuesday and was not cleared to play, according to insider Mark Long. Week 4 was the return target for Thomas, so his recovery is clearly going slower than planned. Consider him extremely iffy for Week 5. Even when he's cleared, he might need a week to get up to speed.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas (hand) returned to practice on Wednesday. But he was limited to individual drills and is still sporting a cast on that injured hand. Insider Ryan O'Halloran confirms that Thomas still has hurdles to clear before making his 2017 debut. Week 4 still seems like his target.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas is set to undergo finger surgery after getting a 2nd opinion on Tuesday. He's expected to miss about a month, per NFL Network's Ian Rapoport. That jibes with HC Gus Bradley's expectation that Thomas will be back for Week 4. Missing 3 games is manageable for his fantasy owners. But durability continues to be a major issue for Thomas, and we're not sure he'll be more than a low-end TE1 even when he returns. He's not worth drafting until the double-digit rounds.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

ESPN's Adam Schefter reports that Jaguars TE Julius Thomas is expected to need surgery on a finger tendon. He's going for a 2nd opinion on Tuesday, but the procedure would reportedly cost him 4-5 weeks. GM David Caldwell confirmed the report. "My understanding is that if he does need it, it only pushes him back a couple of weeks in terms of his return time," Caldwell said. "He was going to be 50-50 for the opener. We would hope if everything went well it should be four weeks from the surgery where he'd be back to full strength. Our most realistic case is he has surgery and he's back for Indy." The Jaguars take on the Colts in Week 4, so for now, expect Thomas to miss the first 3 games of the season. We should get another update tomorrow. TE Mercedes Lewis figures to serve as Jacksonville's primary TE for as long as Thomas is out. He's a low-upside TE2 that isn't worth rostering in the majority of fantasy leagues.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jaguars TE Julius Thomas (hand) remains on track to be ready for the season opener, according to HC Gus Bradley. Thomas has missed valuable practice time and the last 2 preseason games but should return as a key part of Jacksonville's passing game. Note that Jags TEs combined for 12 catches in Friday night's exhibition. Thomas projects as a lower-end TE1 but is a bit overvalued at his 7th-round ADP.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

The Jaguars remain "optimistic" that TE Julius Thomas will be ready for Week 1, according to insider Ryan O'Halloran. Thomas is dealing with a fracture to the top side of his hand and is currently in a cast. He'll miss the rest of training camp and the preseason, which isn't ideal for a guy learning a new offense and working with a new QB. It doesn't sound like Thomas is a lock to be ready for the start of the season, either. Draft him only as a low-end TE1 -- albeit with upside.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Per multiple outlets, Jaguars TE Julius Thomas fractured a finger on his left hand Friday night against the Steelers. HC Gus Bradley reportedly deemed it a "stable fracture" that will keep Thomas out for the rest of the preseason. The TE is expected to be ready for the start of the regular season, though. With Thomas already just on the fringe of TE1 territory, we're not moving him down the TE rankings. A dip in ADP might actually help Thomas become a better value in your fantasy football draft.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jags TE Julius Thomas left Friday night’s preseason game with a hand injury. He was taken to the locker room for further evaluation, and we’ll update his status when more details emerge.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Jacksonville signed TE Julius Thomas to a 5-year deal worth $46 million. The contract calls for $24 million in guarantees. It's not a surprise, as the Thomas-to-Jacksonville rumors started days ago. The 26-year-old gives Blake Bortles a bona fide red zone weapon, but his health will be key. Over the past 2 seasons, he’s missed 5 games with knee and ankle injuries. If healthy, Thomas looks poised for a top-5 season on target volume alone.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Yahoo! Sports' Charles Robinson reports that Jacksonville has reached a deal with free-agent TE Julius Thomas, reportedly worth about $9 million per year. That sure seems like overpaying for a guy who has lost at least 2 games to injury in each of his 4 seasons. Jake Davidow of SportsInjuryPredictor. com pointed to the ankle Thomas fractured early in his career as a potential recurring trouble spot. Thomas has managed consecutive 12-TD seasons and will head into his age-27 campaign in 2017. We certainly expect a significant dip in his fantasy value moving from Peyton Manning to Blake Bortles, but the move at least helps the Jags QB by giving him another talented pass-catcher.

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Julius Thomas JAC - TE

Insider Jason Cole hears that a deal between the Jaguars and TE Julius Thomas is "just about done." Jacksonville, flush with cap space, has long been considered 1 of the favorites to land Thomas. He'll be a significant pass-catching upgrade over TE Marcedes Lewis. The Jags have assembled a talented supporting cast for QB Blake Bortles, with Thomas joining WRs Allen Robinson, Marqise Lee, Allen Hurns and potentially Justin Blackmon. Bortles will be an intriguing QB2 in 2017 fantasy drafts. Thomas' fantasy value, meanwhile, takes a significant hit without QB Peyton Manning. We won't be interested in drafting him unless he gets to the 7th or 8th round of drafts -- and that seems unlikely.

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Demaryius Thomas DEN - WR

ESPN's Adam Schefter confirms that Broncos WR Demaryius Thomas will be franchise-tagged today. DT and the Broncos have been unable to agree on a long-term deal, but the team was never going to let him hit the open market. The franchise tag will pay Thomas about $12.8 million in 2017. That hefty number will make it difficult (impossible?) for Denver to re-sign TE Julius Thomas.

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What is the best option for Calvin Johnson Owners?

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In week 1 of the 2017 NFL season Calvin Johnson dazzled fantasy owners against the New York Giants on Monday Night Football. In that game he caught 7 balls for 164 yards and 2 touchdowns. It appeared that Johnson was primed for a monster season in a new lions offense, but since week one his production has started to decline. In the last two weeks Johnson has only caught 3 passes for 19 yards. This drop in production is closely linked to the fact that he has been dealing with an ankle injury for the past several weeks. With his playing status unclear for at least the next couple of weeks fantasy owners are panicking. If you own Calvin Johnson should you be looking to move him?

Calvin Johnson | FindTheBest

On Monday SI’s Peter King reported that Calvin Johnson may be forced to miss a week or two due to his ankle injury. If Johnson were to miss the next two weeks that would mean that fantasy owners of him will have received nearly four weeks where their first round wide receiver provided them with no production. It is then understandable why some fantasy owners are seriously considering trading him, but should they actually trade him?

Calvin Johnson – 2017 Fantasy Points vs WR AVG | FindTheBest

If I were a Calvin Johnson owner I would begin to start taking offers for him, but with the intent that I do not actually trade him unless I get a great package in return. Even if Johnson were to miss two more weeks he would likely return healthy and ready to produce. My fear with trading Johnson at this point where is value is likely the lowest it has been in years is that I do trade him and then I end up facing a completely healthy Megatron in the playoffs. To trade him I would need to see an offer where I am getting an elite running back or wide receiver in return. Even with his struggles the value of the star wide receiver remains very high.

Another reason that I am not that willing to trade Calvin Johnson is that the Lions offense has the ability to be dynamic. Players such as Golden Tate have received a nice bump in value this season, and that should likely continue going forward in the season. I am always uncomfortable trading away a player like Calvin Johnson, and the Lions offensive potential makes me even less likely to actually trade him.

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Fantasy Football 2017 Trade Value: Five Players To Target Now, Before They Explode

By Raimundo Ortiz | Sep 16, 2017 11:11 AM EDT

Buffalo Bills WR Sammy Watkins's big Week 2 makes him one of the best buys in fantasy football through two games. (Photo. Getty Images)

What fun is fantasy football if you aren't wheeling and dealing? After two weeks some teams are realizing they have a ton of depth, and may want to trade it for a stud. Other teams might be riddled with injuries, ready to receive the losing end of a deal so they can field a full roster.

Most importantly though, everyone's hunting for the valuable players on the cusp of stardom that can win a championship in the right situation. After two weeks, those players are beginning to emerge.

Sammy Watkins, WR Buffalo Bills

After a quiet Week 1, Watkins doubters like myself felt pretty good about their controversial opinion that Watkins would be somewhat of a dud based on his ADP, and that other rookie receivers would surpass him.

Watkins had rib issues throughout the preseason, bringing his durability into question, and had the raw EJ Manuel playing quarterback. After Week 2 though, Watkins owners were delighted, and for good reason. It appears Buffalo has figured out that no matter what Manuel's limitations are, if they force it Watkins' way enough good things will happen.

Against the Dolphins Watkins was targeted 11 times, hauling in eight of them for 117 yards and a touchdown. The Bills' offense won't be a powerhouse, but if the targets remain this plentiful, Watkins could become a WR1 in time.

Jeremy Maclin, WR Philadelphia Eagles

Maclin was the 28 th receiver off the board on average during draft season, despite taking over as the No. 1 target in an offense that transformed DeSean Jackson from a boom-or-bust FLEX type into a bona fide WR1.

While it's true that Maclin doesn't possess Jackson's speed, and is more injury-prone, he had always been productive when he played. His numbers weren't dissimilar from Jackson's and he arrived at them in more consistent fashion.

He wasn't on the field in 2017, so there were questions about how he'd fit in. The early answer is well. He's averaging 10.5 targets through two games, and has scored a touchdown in both weeks. The production won't likely lead to much extra attention either, because Philadelphia's dominant running game will require more attention than the Nick Foles - Maclin connection. As long as Maclin stays healthy, he's a lock for big workloads.

Rashad Jennings, RB New York Giants

Right now it's open season on the Giants' offense, as Eli Manning keeps turning the ball over, and unheard-of tight end Larry Donnell emerges as the most reliable pass-catcher. While the negativity hovers over Big Blue, try and snag Jennings for a discount.

His attempts aren't through the roof, but that's because they keep falling behind. The 3.2 yards per carry aren't encouraging, but that's what has his value nice and low. Andre Williams has looked slow in his limited opportunities, so Jennings shouldn't be removed from too many situations, and he's not a small back so goal line carries are no issue.

He's also factoring into the passing game-while four or five targets per game don't make him Darren Sproles, it shows they have faith in him on passing downs, which means more snaps. With the way fantasy has evolved, running back value is all about opportunity, and Jennings is going to have plenty of run.

Jordan Reed, TE Washington Redskins

Reed was a popular sleeper in the preseason, but an injured hamstring knocked him out for Week 2. Hamstring problems can linger so they are scary-bury that fear, and pick up a potential Top 5 player at his position for cheap. Kirk Cousins doesn't have Robert Griffin III 's arm strength, so the short and intermediate routes will be there for Reed when he's back, which could be as soon as this week.

Niles Paul got 11 targets and a touchdown last week, and he isn't the player that Reed is.

Cam Newton, QB Carolina Panthers

It's safe to say the new guys don't comprise the league's best trio, but are they really much worse than the previous group? If anything, Benjamin offers more upside than Smith, if less reliability, and Cotchery is more steady than LaFell was. Newton would also have TE Greg Olsen back to rely on.

Finally, Newton's legs are the real reason to draft him, with big passing totals being a bonus. He's never finished outside the Top 5 of fantasy QBs, and in his first week of action he was solid. Newton threw for 281 yards and a touchdown with zero interceptions, and added 19 yards on the ground.

He only rushed four times, likely because he's dealing with some broken ribs. As time passes and he heals up, expect the attempts, and rushing scores, to jump.

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The New York Times

Fantasy Football: Week 7 Waiver Wire Picks


October 14, 2017

With quite a few breakout performances (and more injuries) this past weekend, there are still some good waiver options left, considering we’re heading into Week 7. These are not players you’ll want to spend your entire FAAB budget (or even a No. 1 waiver priority on), but there are some able fill-ins available in most leagues.

Note: These suggestions are for 10-12 team leagues and every player listed below is owned in less than 50 percent of most leagues.

Joe Flacco (BAL) – What if I told you that you can pick up the seventh best fantasy quarterback on waivers this week?

Flacco is readily available on over 60 percent of waiver wires and he gets to face the woeful Falcons defense this week. I don’t expect Flacco to finish as a top 10 (dare I say, “elite”) quarterback, but the fact is he’s thrown for more touchdown passes than any quarterback not named Andrew Luck, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, Jay Cutler or Philip Rivers?

Carson Palmer (ARI) – His nerve issue is an obvious conern, but there just aren’t many other good quarterback options on waivers right now.

Two games is a small sample size, but Palmer is averaging 19 fantasy points per game this season and Michael Floyd and Larry Fitzgerald are still one of the better wide receiver tandems in the league. With matchups against the Raiders, Eagles and Cowboys in his near future, Palmer is a no-brainer, short-term pickup for me this week.

Digging Deeper: Austin Davis (STL), Blake Bortles (JAC), Ryan Tannehill (MIA), Brian Hoyer (CLE)

Isaiah Crowell (CLE) -- Those of you in deeper leagues may scoff, but Crowell is available in over 89 percent of standard leagues. The Terrance West era in Cleveland seems to be over before it began, and the only thing standing between Crowell and high-end RB2 status is the oft-injured Ben Tate.

Tate looked great against the Steelers this week (and his 42 snaps were more than double those of Crowell’s 11), but Crowell’s .45 fantasy points per snap (ProFootballFocus. com ) are currently second in the N. F.L.

You may have to wait a couple weeks for Crowell to become relevant, but he’s a strong runner on a team that wants to commit to running the ball.

New England Running Backs -- Brandon Bolden looks to be the top pickup here, with Stevan Ridley out for the season, right? But when has Coach Bill Belichick ever made the predictable move?

We could see Bolden mixed in with Shane Vereen going forward, but we could just as well see James White inserted into the lineup, Jonas Gray promoted from the practice squad, or someone like BenJarvus Green-Ellis signed off the street.

If I’m picking up anyone in the Patriots’ backfield besides Vereen, it’s Bolden. But just make sure you remember which team we’re dealing with before you go all-in on a top waiver claim.

Digging Deeper: Ronnie Hillman (DEN), Jerrick McKinnon (MIN), Storm Johnson (JAC), Antone Smith (ATL)

Mohammed Sanu (CIN) -- Which receiver has the most fantasy points in PPR leagues over the past two weeks? The answer isn’t Sanu, but he is third (behind Demaryius Thomas and T. Y. Hilton).

Coming off a big Week 6 performance, Sanu is primed for another big week with A. J. Green unlikely to play and Marvin Jones facing surgery. Sanu isn’t a Julio Jones-type, big-play threat (as evidenced by his 10.3 average depth of target over the past two weeks), but he’s making the most of his opportunity.

Over the first six weeks, Sanu ranks eighth in terms of fantasy points per route run among receivers who have played more than 50 percent of their team’s snaps. With or without A. J. Green, that’s someone who you want on your fantasy team.

Odell Beckham Jr. (NYG) – In the wake of Victor Cruz’s season-ending injury, I still prefer Rueben Randle among the Giants receivers (who currently leads the N. F.L. in red zone targets), but Beckham needs to be owned as well. He will get plenty of opportunity to earn Eli Manning’s trust as the team’s number two receiver.

In just his second N. F.L. game, Beckham was on the field for 60 of the Giants’ 68 snaps and though he didn’t do much with his three targets, he’ll have plenty of opportunity to produce going forward. I’d prioritize Sanu over Beckham in my waiver pickups this week, but his ownership percentage should skyrocket from 8 percent to well above 50 percent after this week.

Digging Deeper: Andre Holmes (OAK), Allen Robinson (JAC), Malcom Floyd (SD), Davante Adams (ATL)

Travis Kelce (KC) -- This is the third time (at least) that I’ve included Kelce here, but he’s still only 46 percent owned. Let’s make a deal: if you go pick him up, I’ll stop writing about him. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Jared Cook (STL) -- If Rob Gronkowski didn’t exist, Jared Cook would lead all tight ends in targets over the past two weeks. He’d also be second in receptions and fifth in yards among tight ends over that span.

The bad news is that Cook hasn’t been doing a whole lot with his targets (he only has 19.8 fantasy points in P. P.R. leagues over the last two weeks), but targets generally lead to good things and the tight end waiver wire is close to barren right now.

Digging Deeper: Jace Amaro (NYJ), Dwayne Allen (IND), Charles Clay (MIA), Tim Wright (NE)

Cleveland Browns -- Don’t look now, but the Browns are 3-2 and will probably be favored in their next three games. In terms of fantasy, they’ve got a great matchup at home this weekend against a Jaguars offense that gives up double-digit fantasy points to opposing defenses simply by showing up. Fantasy defenses facing the Jags this season are averaging 14.5 points and have scored no less than 10 fantasy points. The Browns may not be the best defense to own over the rest of the season, but they’re available in over 95 percent of standard leagues and are (on paper) the best streaming option out there this weekend.

Nick Raducanu is the founder of ProjectRoto. com and a contributor to Rotoworld. You can find him on Twitter at @ProjectoRoto

Nick Raducanu is the founder of ProjectRoto. com and a contributor to Rotoworld. You can find him on Twitter at @ProjectoRoto.

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Twists on Fantasy Football

by Mike Laverdure, Guest Writer

Original Release: August 5, 2004

So you've played some on-line fantasy football and are now ready to make the leap of faith into running your own league or you've been running the same league for years and its fun, but could use a little more pizzazz. The good news is there are many different options you can include in your league to keep your league successful. The most important thing to remember is that you should tailor a league to what makes it fun for you and your group of fanatics. Here are a handful of examples from a grizzled fantasy veteran who has seen it all and played in more leagues than he cares to remember.

My league started out as quite the basic league. You drafted 2 QBs, 3 RBs, 3 WRs, 2 TEs, 2 Ks and a Team Defense. After one season we realized that we wanted to expand our horizons. We had a meeting of the minds and came up with several enhancements to the league.

My group hated the team defense concept. It just didn't work for us. So we switched to individual defensive players. We have been using IDP for 7 years now and it has been nothing short of awesome. It surprises me that this concept has not taken off in a lot of other leagues. Granted it adds 4 rounds to the draft (we draft 2 Defensive Lineman, 2 Linebackers and 2 Defensive Backs), but it adds so much more to the strategy of the game. Besides isn't draft day one of the best things about fantasy football? The team defense was always selected towards the end of the draft (right before Kickers). Under the new format, defensive players flow throughout the draft - Ray Lewis was taken in the 2nd round Last Year, quite a change.

The second thing we changed was individual QBs. I'm sure all of this has happened to you at one point during your career. Your QB gets clocked by a blitzing DB and is knocked out of the game in the first quarter. Guess what. Your fantasy week has just ended if you only play 1 QB and it was seriously impacted if you start more than 1 QB. Let's face it, chances are you are going to get a L this week due to some stupid tackle missing a block.

We tailored our rules to the NFL. If you have a QB and he gets knocked out, his back up goes in so why not the same in fantasy football. Our initial thought was to have your back up QB points count if your starter got knocked from the game. However this became complicated so we through it out and we decided on the Team QB concept. We now draft Minnesota's entire QB system, not just Dante'. So if Culpepper goes down, you automatically get his replacement's stats. This has definitely helped keep our league competitive.

So we went into year two with the above major changes and had a very enjoyable season. However, everything still wasn't quite the way we liked it. All of you who have been playing fantasy football for a while will remember the old days in Tampa Bay when Warrick Dunn would rip off an 40 yard run and get shoved out of bounds at the one. In comes Mike Alstott to run in for the TD. This posed multiple problems for us. One TDs are worth 6 points, which is a fair amount of points. So Dunn gets the 40 yard run worth 4 (1 point for every 10 yds rushing) and Alstott gets the TD worth 6 points. Very frustrating for the Dunn owner. Also, which was more valuable to the team, that 1 yd run by Alstott or the 40 yard dash by Dunn? The solution: we liked the team QB concept so much we came up with the radical idea of the team RB concept. The Dunn Alstott dilemma was solved. This is the most radical concept I know of in Fantasy Football.

After year three we decided to group WRs and TEs together as one position (we were a little slow on that one) and in year four we came up with our last off the wall rule change. In our league, trading was minimal. Most moves were made by free agent pick ups. We had to resort to the time stamp of emails to determine which team got a player. We really wanted a more interactive league and we came up with the Free Agent Guy rule. Each team is allowed 5 Free Agent Guys. A free agent guy is basically a waiver acquisition, but with a twist. These free agent guys are treated as players and as such can be traded. If a team has used a lot of free agents, he could trade a player for a free agent guy. This really added a whole new dimension to the game and trading became much more prevalent.

In the following years, we also made several minor rule changes to enhance the game, which I will not waste your time with. The point is - you as commissioner have many different opportunities to enhance your fantasy football league. Don't be afraid to try new and radical ideas to help make your league fun, exciting, and challenging.

Fantasy Football is a skill and strategy game although you do have to have some luck in order to be successful. Most players begin by playing in standard leagues that are free of charge. First timers typically choose the free of charge leagues because they're trying to learn the game and either don't like to gamble or don't trust themselves enough to wager. After a year or two of learning the game they tend to advance into a cash league. What most players learn is that free leagues tend to lack competitiveness and excitement and most teams quit by years end. There is nothing better than a guy who brags about his Fantasy Football Championship in one of his free leagues.

FREE Fantasy Football Tip #2345 = NEVER EVER brag about your Fantasy Football Championship if you play in FREE leagues.

Most cash fantasy football players play fantasy football because they love the game but also love the competitive nature of fantasy football cash leagues. Most of the time cash leagues keep all teams active throughout the season. When playing in cash leagues it is very important to understand the league set up and cash payouts. A lot of new fantasy football cash sites have popped up offering public cash leagues to players who register online and play on their site. The negative side of these sites is that they do charge a service fee for hosting your league.

As a fantasy football commissioner in a cash league it is your responsibility to manage your league set up while offering fair and legit payout rewards for your league members. Below is a list of some different payout ideas and options for your fantasy football leagues.

10 Team Payout Options

60% Playoff Champion

30% Playoff Runner Up

10% Regular Season Most Points Scored

6 teams make the playoffs (head to head record)

50% Playoff Champion

25% Playoff Runner Up

10% Division A Regular Season Winner

10% Division B Regular Season Winner

5% Regular Season Most Points Scored

6 teams make the playoffs (head to head record)

Other Ideas and Options:

Weekly High Score Payouts - Offering a weekly high score payout adds a little more excitement to each week. Teams not only are competing against their weekly match up but also against every other team in the league. This will offer team owners a chance to win some of their league fees back during the regular season which also softens the blow of upset in playoffs or a bad beat.

10% Pot to Playoff Fantasy Football - After week 16 or 17 in some leagues the fantasy football season is over but you could spice up your league and change that. Typically 9 or 11 guys depending on your league size are chomping at the bit to get another shot at fantasy success after not making it happen during the normal fantasy football season. Playoff fantasy football will soften the withdrawal symptoms for some of those guys and get them pumped up to continue watching football into the playoffs. The best part of budgeting this into your preseason payouts is that nobody can back out and you do not need to worry about filling up a playoff fantasy football league. You may have to use a different website for playoff fantasy football but ESPN and other major sites offer it for free.

Random Payout Options: Leagues where entry fees reach over $50 you have some wiggle room to offer fun additional payouts to spread some cash among league members. These options include: Cash for the Highest Individual Scoring Week, Highest Weekly Team Score, Most Points Against in the Regular Season, Biggest Blowout, Lowest Points Scored Buys Beverages for next years draft.

Another option to reward regular season play is to place an amount on the top seeds for the playoffs. 1-3 and offer 30% of your total season pot divided up to reward those who make the playoffs. #1 seed = 15% #2 seed = 10% and #3 seed = 5%. This again will offer a reward to the best team of the regular season.

Another great option to add more payouts to your league is to put a small prize on a year long NFL pick em. Yahoo has a great set up to incorporate a side NFL pick em game to your league.

12 Team Payout Options One Division

60% Playoff Champion

30% Playoff Runner Up

10% Regular Season Most Points Scored

8 teams make the playoffs (head to head record)

50% Playoff Champion

25% Playoff Runner Up

10% Division A Regular Season Winner

10% Division B Regular Season Winner

5% Regular Season Most Points Scored

8 teams make the playoffs (head to head record)

Twelve team leagues offer a larger pot but also offer a more difficult opportunity for players to win championships and win money. So essentially adding side pots and payouts for your 12 team league is a great idea. Adding in free agent transaction fees can help you create a larger pot to fund some of the crazier payouts. In twelve team leagues I personally like the weekly high score payout options or the two division winner regular season payout option . Typically the regular season is 13 weeks long and by the end of the regular season you have a very good idea of the top teams in your league. I like rewarding the top regular season winners because over the 13 week span they remained consistent out performing the rest of the league.

Toilet Bowl Payouts -

Am I crazy for offering a toilet bowl payout? Absolutamente no. Don't break the bank but in a league where only 60% of the teams make the playoffs I would highly recommend offering a small pot for the toilet bowl. This pot should hopefully help keep teams active for the full season.

So really you have two choices when deciding you league payout schedule. Either you include side payouts or you keep it standard. If you do decide to offer side payouts typically 15-20% of the total league fees is a good number to go with.

In summary league payouts can make or break an experience for your league members so it is very important to take the time and ask your league members for feedback. When I am figuring out payouts for my leagues I try to find a happy medium of rewarding championship teams but also offering others a chance to gain some money back outside of the playoffs . A couple pointers from my experience.

- Playoff Champions should get 50-60% of your leagues entry fees.

- Don't be afraid to mix in some FUN payout options.

- Do Not just pay Winner & Second place of the playoffs

- Learn what excites your league members and focus on those payouts.

Payout Discussion Topics for your league?

For regular season payouts:

What determines a better team. The total points for or the head to head record?

Could we replace 3rd place for some fun payout options?

Should we offer weekly payouts for high score?

Do we want a few large payouts or a wide spread distribution?

Do you have any fantasy football league payout ideas? We would love to hear from you.

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13 Excellent Fantasy Football League Ideas

Back in my day, we had to wait until Saturday to watch cartoons. And we’d get detention for passing notes because texting didn’t exist. And my Fantasy league was TD-only scoring. The Fantasy Football league ideas were few and far between back then!

That’s right. Barry Sanders averaged seven touchdowns over a 3-year stretch, making him a fleet-footed RB2 in Fantasy, averaging 42 points a season.

We were barbarians, I know.

But everything evolves, including Fantasy Football over the past 20 years. From adding points for yardage, to adding a third wide receiver, to adding a flex position, to drafting IDPs, to auctions, to survivor leagues — a Fantasy Football league is always being modified every five years or so.

It’s time to start modifying again!

By the way, click on these links if you are looking for:

Fantasy Football League Ideas: Fixing What Ain’t Broke!

Peyton Hillis was an awesome Week 1 pickup for many eventual champions in 2010.

Before you click on the Twitter link to e-yell at me that I’m ruining the purity of the game that your great-grandfather taught you, just hear me out.

I’m not trying to make you throw your league out, start anew with European scoring rules or anything. All I’m saying is you’re probably in more than one league already. So think about making some alterations to one of your “other” leagues, with some of these Fantasy Football league ideas. You can even get the same guys from your one league and get them to try one of these alternative Fantasy Football league ideas.

You’re So Money, You Don’t Even Know It

1. COLLECTIONS: Collecting league fees is always a pain every season. Maybe the first six teams that pay their fees get a 10-percent discount and the last three teams have to pay a 20-percent penalty?

2. SUPER DUPER BOWL: In one dynasty league I was in, we instituted a rule where each year, all of the teams would pay 125-percent of the league fees. So we would pay $125 for a $100 league fee. That extra $25 would go into a kitty, and then, after four seasons, we had a Super Duper Bowl. This meant the champion that season would take home a prize that had been building for four seasons, adding up to an extra $1,200. The reason this was so great was because it added an extra layer of strategy, as some teams would adjust their strategies in Year 2 or 3 in order to gear up for a big Year 4.

I did not win. So Fantasy Football league ideas like this are dumb! But it did keep owners year after year because they already had non-refundable money invested.

Feeling a Draft

My buddy George is Australian and he loves Fantasy Football. Did you know their Fantasy drafts go in a counter-clockwise order, and the 12th pick selects first and the first pick drafts last? OK, well, sometimes I lie.

But I do think people don’t take advantage of how exciting the draft and the draft lottery can be. Too often, we’re all so excited to get the draft going, that we zoom through the lottery and rush our way through the draft. Take a step back and enjoy it!

Playing beer pong to decide who gets to draft when seems like an AWESOME idea. Just make sure the sober people document the results.

3. DRAFT LOTTERY: Rather than just have the same old hat with the same old names being pulled out of it, mix it up. I read on Reddit where someone set up a beer pong table, and people tossed ping pong balls into mixed-up red solo cups that had a draft number on the bottom of it. That’s what determined their draft order! Be creative!

4. DRAFTING DRAFT PICKS: Also, consider allowing the lottery winner to choose where in the draft they’d like to pick. Personally, I’d rather have the third overall pick over the first two picks. You’d get one of the top three running backs ( Jamaal Charles . LeSean McCoy or Adrian Peterson ), and you’d end up with a higher draft pick in the second round than the other two owners.

5. WEIGHTED LOTTERY SYSTEM: If you’re in a keeper league, think about putting three names into the hat for the worst team from the previous season, and two names in for the second-worst team. This gives them a better chance at a high draft pick, hopefully, counteracting the fact they likely don’t have great keepers. If you are in a dynasty league, they should automatically get the top pick. It might not be a popular Fantasy Football league idea with the rest of your league, until they need that rule next year.

Riding the Waivers

It’s not uncommon to see the teams that lose in Week 1 finding themselves in the championship at the end of the season. A few years ago, Week 1 losers had a chance to snatch up players like Michael Vick and Peyton Hillis . or even the last couple years with DeMarco Murray or Alfred Morris.

6. FROM WAIVERS TO FAAB: So rather than over-rewarding a loser, how about changing to a free-agent acquisition budget (FAAB) system? This allows everyone the same chance at all the players every week. They can bid on players each Wednesday, choosing to spend what they want, with a $100 budget for the year (free agents are free after Thursday).

7. TWITTER WAIVERS: Another fun Fantasy Football league idea is to have your waivers play out on Twitter! Players can be picked up and dropped at any time — even during a game! That would definitely make Sunday dinner at the in-laws stressful!

The first one to pick up a player gets him — and whomever he drops is instantly available to other owners. This reminds me of a boiler room at some finance firm on Wall Street with people yelling “Buy! Buy!” and “Sell! Sell!” and “Who ate my sandwich. ” (I honestly don’t know what goes on in those boiler rooms, but I like to think there are a lot of sandwiches being pilfered out of the breakroom fridge.)

“The Twitter” is underutilized by many Fantasy owners. There’s a lot to be learned on there, and I’ve set up a huge list of 66 Fantasy Twitter people to follow that will help you for free.

More Fantasy Football League Ideas

Peyton Manning was an excellent college keeper in Fantasy Football leagues in the late ’90s.

8. RESERVES: In real football, depth is pretty important, as it should be in Fantasy Football. So your Fantasy reserves should go up against your opponent’s Fantasy reserves, and if you outscore their team, you get six bonus points added to your team’s score (but you don’t also get the points from your reserves).

9. HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE: Give the best teams in the regular season a three-point advantage heading into their matchups against the lower seeds. But remember, there’s no home-field advantage in the Super Bowl.

10. RIVALRY WEEK: Set up the schedule so that the second week of the season is a rivalry week — pitting natural rivals against each other in all of the matchups. Brother against brother-in-law. Father against son-in-law. Best friend against best friend. Inmate against warden. And then, give the winner the ability to change the losing owner’s team name and team avatar to whatever he wants for ONE WEEK!

11. DOUBLE-HEADERS: Most commissioner services allow you to schedule double-headers in your Fantasy Football league, so why not make the first week coming off of byes into a double-header Fantasy extravaganza. That means Week 13, when many teams’ Fantasy fates are still in the balance, there could be a two-game swing! You can even leave the matchups open until after Week 11, and face the two top teams off against each other, and the third/fourth teams, fifth/sixth teams, etc. Brilliant!

12. PLAYOFFS: Rather than go off of records for the sixth and final playoff spot, reward that last seed to the remaining team with the highest points scored total. For those teams that randomly lost games in which they scored the second-highest points that week, now they have a saving grace.

13. COLLEGE PLAYERS: This last one is kinda kooky (unlike all of the sane ideas above). In Week 12, just a couple weeks before the Heisman Trophy is awarded, allow the two worst teams in your keeper league to draft one college football player apiece. This makes for a great topic for debate in-season, and it injects some excitement into a normally detached group of owners. Peyton Manning . Randy Moss and Ricky Williams were all great college player picks in my old keeper league. Lawrence Phillips, however, was not.

Hopefully, you can install some of these Fantasy Football league ideas — or better yet, it inspired you to come up with some interesting rules of your own! Post a comment below or tweet them to me! (Grown men should not say, “Tweet.”)

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Good ideas… one that I came up with for my league is a “lottery”. In our league 3rd place gets their money back. Out of what is left after that, 2nd place gets 20% and 1st place gets 80%. With the lottery we had everyone pay an additional amount on top of their entrance fee that is equal to the entrance fee divided by the number of people in the league. So if it is $100 to get in, and there are ten owners, then everyone would pay $100 + ($100/10) = $110, with the end result being we had an extra $100 in the pot. This went to the lottery winner. The 4th place team has the best chance to win it, the 5th place the second best, and so on… so basically it made it where even if you were out of the money (top 3), you still had something to play for as you have a better chance of winning the lottery in 6th place than you do in 9th.

To quote the great Prince Charles, “I EFFING LOVE IT!”

Great idea! Doesn’t screw over the league winners by chopping their winnings down, and definitely makes it a little more exciting for the have-nots at the end of the season.

We have every guy throw in and extra $20. Then the high score from each week gets 1/13th of the pool for that week. We also have the top two teams get a bye the first round. They play the winner of a super set of teams. Two three team games. This way we can get 8 teams in the playoffs and still get the top two teams a bye. It’s madness.

That’s pretty crazy, but I like that you guys came up with it. I bet it took on a few different versions before you got to the one everyone liked.

Great article. Happy to stumble upon it. I have been the commissioner of the FFL (Fantasy Footballers League) ran out of Indiana for 8 years. Our last few years we have “stepped it up a notch” if you will. A few things I’d like to add that we incorporate are – Make Draft Day the best day of the year. It is a huge social gather of the fraternity of your friends and rivals. We did first round videos in ESPN draft format style, where I just edited pictures to look like they are drafted then put together highlight videos on a video editing software. Burn to a DVD and in all, you are out just a few hours, but at the draft everyone will be unbelievably satisfied. If you want some screenshots, a video sample or anything else let me know.

That’s pretty impressive! I would absolutely love to see that video! Or at least some samples of it. Did you put it up on YouTube? (Thanks for reading and the comment!)

David – Sorry it has taken me awhile to get back on this. We are still working out the kinks of the new system we will be using to show our draft videos, but the Sample (Just the video, not the full package) is here:

We established the videos into a Powerpoint show that is triggered by my iPhone, corresponding to the pair selected. I created 24 different player videos to ensure the first round guys are shown. Once we have complied the finished product, I will post. Additionally, we are filming the first round of our draft this season and I will post when possible!

Keep up the great work here at davidgonos. com!

Great article big fan of the super duper bowl have to try it in the next four years! Gracias.

Glad you liked it! Yeah, the Super Duper Bowl is one of those things to do in a league full of people that have all been in the same league for five or six years. It helps make people come back each year, and helps add another layer of strategy. Thanks for commenting, John!

“11. DOUBLE-HEADERS: Most commissioner services allow you to schedule double-headers in your Fantasy Football league…

We do this and it’s awesome. 16-team league, 4 divisions. So you play everyone in your division twice, and everyone else once. That’s 18 games for 17 NFL weeks (we do both 17 week regular season schedule and 14 week + fantasy playoff schedule).

We make it week 14 so teams have a chance to squeak into the playoffs.

David, awesome read. Great ideas. A commish really needs to sit down and seek ways to improve the league from rules, waivers, draft, scoring, etc. Year in and year out. A commish that can take the steps to improve the league will have a long lasting league. Don’t get crazy with the changes and don’t do them all at once, face it guys like slow change. haha.

Also David have the fantasy leagues check out http://www. statchat. com this site ranks entire leagues with a national ranking and provides league wide prizes!

One thing we do in our 12-person league is as follows, which keeps the bottom half interested. The top 6 play for $$ and bragging rights. Teams 1,2 get a first round playoff bye. Top 3 teams get paid 1st place - 65% of total, 2nd place - 25%, and 3rd place - 10%- a little more than money back).

For the bottom half (7-12), #7,8 get a first round bye, and the bracket plays out, with the winner of the loser’s bracket getting 1st pick overall, second place in bracket gets 2nd pick, etc. Keeps people interested in fighting every week, while also avoiding the “fire sales” for draft pick trades at the end of the season.

Some great ideas here! I run a 12 team keeper league and one thing we do is all the teams that don’t make the playoffs, play each other in the “draft pick bowl”, for draft position next season. 6 teams submit a lineup, top 4 scores move on. Top score plays fourth score and 2nd vs. 3rd. Winners play in the draft pick bowl in Week 16. The winner gets the #1 pick next year and the remaining 5 teams pick after based on their scores. I also like the idea of blind bidding for waivers. Right now it’s the standard worst to first system, but I’ve been considering changing that.

For our draft lottery last year I had a 10 man league and everybody showed up at my house for the draft. Once they showed up everybody had to drink 2 PBRs in bottles and keep the bottle caps because they have a playing card on the cap. They thought best hand won first draft pick, all they won was the chance for first throw for beer pong, which each cup was randomly marked with the order.

My draft is tomorrow night and this year we all get a brand new tennis ball and mark it with our name. Then everybody will put the ball in a bucket, My son is going to dump it out in the corner of my backyard and what ever order my dog brings the balls back is the order we draft.

One other caveat I added to my keeper league this year was making draft picks for next season tradeable. This way teams that were out it could purge some of their better players and rebuild for next season. It made deadline day in my league insane!

In my league we have owners pay a certain amount extra in their entry fee and that goes towards a weekly payout to the team that puts up the most points. It’s keeps people invested week in and week out even if their team is out of playoff contention.

I like the beer pong idea! Each year in our league, a league of old high school buddies, we do something different for draft order. Last year we did the Wonderlic test, this year we filled out NCAA tournament brackets, stuff like that. The only thing we do differently than most is something we have done to make picking first in a snake draft slightly more valuable, so it makes you feel like you win something of value if you win the pre-draft competition without letting a team get stacked. of course we do our draft offline so that is a must, but essentially the snake draft starts after round 2. So rounds 1-2 you draft in the same position, so say you have the #1 pick, you get the first pick in the first and second round but then the last one in the 3rd round, first in 4th and so on like a normal draft after that. Just makes that first spot a hair more desirable!

Love the Wonderlic test idea! That’s awesome.

However, the same pick in Rd 1 and 2 is pretty tough, man. Seems like whoever wins top pick is going to dominate. As a matter of fact, the guys at the NFFC do a “Third-Round Reversal ” & # 8212; “…meaning that the draft order will go back down to 12 to start Round 3 and then continue in serpentine fashion after that. The NFFC is using 3RR in 2017 to balance the talent pool throughout these 12-team leagues. Here’s how the draft order will go: Round 1: 1-12 Round 2: 12-1 Round 3: 12-1 Round 4: 1-12”

Hey guys, I run a $100 league and we have incorporated a Survivor game with a $100 prize. Starting in Week 1, low scorer is eliminated, all the way to Week 11 when we have two owners left. You’d think one the top two teams would always win but we’ve done it for seven years now and we’ve had the eventual 5, 4, and two 6 seeds win the Survivor game.

I like that, man. Cool idea. I used to run a similar setup but for Daily Fantasy Football each week.

Here’s a suggestion to make things crazier — award the top team of the week “Immunity” for the following week! Then the second-worst team gets the boot. Makes scoreboard watching a lot of fun on Sunday and Monday!

One of our favorite ideas is to have a revolving Last Place (Sacko) trophy for lowest total points or msot consecutive losses or whatever you choose The idea is that you choose an iconic image of that person’s horrible week, print it out, frame it and make that person hold onto it until someone else earns it. The best image is the Mark Sanchez Butt Fumble, makes for the perfect last place trophy!

That’s great! I love me some other-guy humiliation!

We’ve had can coolers, hats and paintings (of players) as the draft pick momento. Next season is clocks. we limit it to $10 per item, it’s a great little thing for the gents to remember the draft day. Great keepsakes.

Also have a rivalry round as the last round of the season.

Have 10 trophies (5 being added next season) including the winning trophy, minor premier, a seperate knock out comp, highest points per round, highest points that lost a game, highest bench score etc. we have lots of fun and make it about getting together and having beers and fun.

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ESPN Adds Tilt’s Group Payment Tech to Fantasy Football Apps

ESPN is launching a new feature that lets Fantasy Football players bring real money to the virtual game–not placing bets, but paying dues and fees for their online leagues.

The enabling payment technology behind this feature comes from Tilt. com Inc.. formerly known as Crowdtilt, a San Francisco startup backed by Andreessen Horowitz .

ESPN’s vice president of fantasy and premium product, George Leimer. said users of the sports network’s Fantasy Football Web and mobile apps had previously relied on a “patchwork of methods” to take care of league dues. That included paying each other in cash offline, sending checks, or using PayPal and other technologies that weren’t built into the user experience of an online fantasy league.

“We built this…to make it so our users don’t hit that pain point where those last two guys haven’t paid their dues at the end of the season,” he said. A league manager can click a Tilt button to set up an online payments option for their group in about a minute, he said.

For Tilt, the deal with Walt Disney Co. ’s ESPN marks a move into enterprise technology.

Previously, Tilt created apps that were more consumer-focused, including a group payment app that let people split the bill for anything from a dinner or a wedding gift to big-ticket items like timeshares.

It also started a Kickstarter-like platform where users could run crowdfunding campaigns for projects or charitable efforts.

More recently, Tilt offered up open source technology called Tilt Open for startups, politicians and anyone else who wanted to raise money online via their own, customized websites.

Tilt CEO and co-founder James Beshara told Venture Capital Dispatch his company will never move away from its crowdfunding roots and will always offer some open source, free-to-use version of its technology.

But the new Tilt Platform API gives larger organizations a way to simply add a button to their existing apps to enable group payments with sophisticated security and anti-fraud features, he said.

Tilt technology in the ESPN Fantasy Football app lets managers collect dues and fees from league members online and via mobile. tilt. com

Tilt will gain exposure to millions of leagues formed on ESPN Fantasy Football through the partnership.

For Tilt investor Jeff Jordan. a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, the partnership between Tilt and ESPN is reminiscent of early days at PayPal, when the company struck a deal to become the official payment technology of eBay Inc.

“It’s unusual for a company like ESPN to integrate the technology of a two-year-old [startup]. But increasingly, Tilt is powering social payments for brands,” he said.

Mr. Beshara explained that Tilt will charge a per-transaction fee, usually around $1, each time a user makes a payment by clicking the Tilt button within ESPN’s fantasy football apps.

“Collaborating around how we all spend our money online is something people haven’t been able to do very effectively until now, outside of a few crowdfunding platforms,” he said. “The Tilt [button] is portable.”

According to estimates from the Fantasy Sports Trade Association, 32 million Americans spent about $11 billion playing fantasy football in 2017.

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Jimmy Graham Trade: Analyzing Fantasy Implications for Seattle and New Orleans

Jimmy Graham Trade: Analyzing Fantasy Implications for Seattle and New Orleans

NFL free agency has just begun, but it’s the trade of Jimmy Graham from New Orleans to Seattle that’s rocked the fantasy football landscape. While not the only trade that was announced as the new league year kicked off with a bang, this one carries the biggest fantasy implications.

The most productive tight end in the NFL over the past four seasons, Graham has caught 355 passes for 4,396 yards and 46 touchdowns since 2011. Much of Graham’s success was due to his status as Drew Brees’ No. 1 target in the Saints’ pass-happy offense.

As talented as Graham is, it’s pretty safe to assume he won’t see near the same volume of targets with the Seahawks, who operate a much more run-oriented, deliberate (some would say conservative) offense. Marshawn Lynch’s presence has a lot to do with that, but so does a defensive-minded philosophy that has resulted in back-to-back trips to the Super Bowl.

Consider that Brees led the league with 659 pass attempts last season, while Russell Wilson finished 19th with 452. That’s a pretty big gap. While Graham immediately becomes Seattle’s top pass-catcher, it’s just not in the Seahawks’ m. o. to throw a ton of passes.

This trade doesn’t change the type of player Graham is, as his addition could be a difference-making move in Seattle’s quest to return to the Super Bowl for the third straight season. However, fantasy-wise, this trade definitely impacts Graham’s value in a negative way.

Had Graham remained in New Orleans, there would have been an interesting debate between him and New England’s Rob Gronkowski for which should be the first tight end taken in a fantasy draft. Now, Gronk is clearly the No. 1 choice at his position because of Graham’s change of scenery.

And while Graham’s numbers will go down, there’s no reason to expect them to plummet. Between this trade and Julius Thomas signing with Jacksonville, how everyone lines up behind Gronk in the rankings figures to be a fluid situation. At this point, the safest think to assume is that it will take a lot more upheaval across the league to knock Graham from top-five status among his TE peers.

As for the quarterbacks…

It’s fair to say that Brees’ loss is Wilson’s gain, but exactly how much will either be impacted? Even though Brees loses a dynamic, explosive target that is a matchup nightmare and was a great fit in New Orleans’ offense, don’t expect the Saints to change their spots.

Brees will still throw a ton of passes and the beneficiaries figure to be Brandin Cooks, Kenny Stills and Marques Colston, along with whomever the Saints get to replace Graham at tight end. While the loss of Graham may seem like a big blow, I am still comfortable ranking Brees as a top-five fantasy QB.

As for Wilson, don’t expect him to become a gunslinger now that he has Graham to throw to. That’s not how the Seahawks operate, and given their results since Wilson became the starter, there’s no reason for them to change their ways. Also keep in mind that even though he didn’t throw a ton of passes, Wilson provides value with his legs, which is why he finished sixth in fantasy points this past season.

Guess who finished fifth? That’s right, Brees. And that’s exactly how I have them ranked at this point headed into 2017.

Fantasy football Week 3 Start 'Em, Sit 'Em

Injuries have created a wealth of opportunities, mostly for backup running backs, as well as huge holes in fantasy starting lineups. Last week, Jamaal Charles, A. J. Green, Ryan Mathews and DeSean Jackson were started in about 100 percent of fantasy leagues. All of them left their respective games with injuries, and only Jackson appears likely to start this week. Robert Griffin III, Mark Ingram and Knowshon Moreno are also on the shelf, leaving their owners scrambling to find replacements.

All that tumult makes for a very interesting week of start/sit decisions. Do you immediately trust Knile Davis in Kansas City and Donald Brown in San Diego? Is Khiry Robinson worth a shot against the Vikings this week? Could Mohamed Sanu be a sneaky play if Green is forced to sit because of his foot injury? All of that and more will be answered in SI. com’s recommendations on who to start and who to sit for Week 3.

The following recommendations are based on 12-team leagues that start one quarterback, two running backs, two receivers, one RB/WR flex, one tight end and one defense. However, to accommodate slightly deeper leagues, they extend to 14 quarterbacks and tight ends, 30 running backs and 40 receivers.

San Diego at Buffalo

Chargers: Philip Rivers, Donald Brown, Keenan Allen, Antonio Gates, Chargers DST

Rivers lit up the Seahawks for 284 yards and three touchdowns, all of which went to Gates. Unsurprisingly, they’re both strong plays against the Bills in Week 3. Brown steps right into the void created by Ryan Mathews’ sprained MCL. The Bills have allowed big per-carry numbers to both Matt Forte and Lamar Miller this year. The Cardinals and Seahawks kept Allen quiet, but expect him to bust loose this week.

Bills: C. J. Spiller, Sammy Watkins

Spiller and Fred Jackson split carries right down the middle last week, but the latter got just 24 yards on 12 totes. Spiller needed a 47-yard carry late and a kick return touchdown to put up his big game, but he seems to finally have a step on Jackson in the backfield. Watkins, meanwhile, put up his first huge game in the NFL, and looks like a do-it-all receiver for the Bills. You’re going to start him basically every week.


Dallas at St. Louis

Cowboys: Tony Romo, DeMarco Murray, Dez Bryant

The Cowboys look set to ride Murray behind what appears to be one of the best offensive lines in the league. Murray has already racked up 285 yards on the ground this year, and he should be in for another big day against the Rams. The Romo-to-Bryant connection flourished last week, and there’s more than enough here to make Romo worth starting. The Rams haven’t yet faced a strong passing game, going up against the Vikings and Buccaneers thus far.

Rams: Zac Stacy, Brian Quick, Jared Cook

This Dallas defense looks like it’s going to be a whole lot better than anyone expected. It completely shut down the Titans last week, and did a great job keeping the 49ers in check, especially in the second half. Still, Stacy is an easy start this week. Quick is racking up targets in the St. Louis offense, and is worthy of a spot as a WR3. Vernon Davis and Delanie Walker have torched the Cowboys this year. That makes the tight end Cook a strong play on Sunday.


Cowboys: Terrance Williams, Cole Beasely, Jason Witten, Cowboys DST

Witten simply hasn’t done enough, and there are too many other options at tight end these days to trust him. It does seem foreign to have him as a sit this week, but the performance justifies keeping him on your bench. Same goes for Williams, who had just three targets a week ago. This is Bryant’s passing game. Everyone else is just watching. While the defense has been better than expected and Orlando Scandrick could play, it’s still not quite a fantasy option. Austin Davis looked competent against the Buccaneers a week ago.

Rams: Austin Davis, Benny Cunningham, Kenny Britt, Tavon Austin, Austin Pettis, Rams DST

There aren’t any tough decisions here. None of these guys is more than depth, and you have to be in a very deep league to even think about owning any of them. It’s likely you wouldn’t even want to turn to these guys when the bye weeks start next week. Davis did show a steady hand in leading the Rams to a come-from-behind win last week, but there’s still a long road to travel for him to become a fantasy-relevant quarterback.

Week 3 RB's to pick up after injuries

Sports Illustrated's Michael Beller gives you four running backs to pick up after several starters went down with injury last week.

Washington at Philadelphia

Redskins: Alfred Morris, DeSean Jackson, Pierre Garcon, Niles Paul

Washington fed Morris last week, and he rewarded them with a pair of scores and 85 yards. He should tear up a Philadelphia defense that just allowed 149 yards combined to Trent Richardson and Ahmad Bradshaw. It sounds like Jackson will play despite a shoulder injury, and that makes him a go in fantasy leagues. Garcon also matches up well against the Philadelphia secondary. Paul led the team in targets last week, though that could change if Jackson is out there on Sunday.

Eagles: Nick Foles, LeSean McCoy, Jeremy Maclin, Zach Ertz

The touchdown numbers were lacking for Foles last week, but he threw for 331 yards and 8.9 yards per attempt. McCoy has had his touches noticeably cut by Darren Sproles, but the latter will not produce this way for the entire season. McCoy should have his best game of the season on Sunday. Maclin is dominating the targets for Philadelphia, and also has eight targets that have traveled at least 20 yards in the air. Ertz has caught five of his six deep targets for 123 yards and a touchdown.


Redskins: Kirk Cousins, Andre Roberts, Redskins DST

It may seem curious that Jackson, Garcon and Paul are all start plays this week, but Cousins is a sit. Don’t forget that he was actually bad as a starter last year, throwing four touchdowns against five interceptions and coming up short of 6.0 yards per attempt. Let’s have him prove it to us before we trust him. The Eagles are not the Jaguars. The Washington defense belongs on the bench, even after it had a ridiculous 10 sacks a week ago.

Eagles: Darren Sproles, Riley Cooper, Jordan Matthews, Eagles DST

Remember, last week was the exception, not the norm for Sproles. Not only would I not start him this week, I’d be looking to trade him while his value is sky high. Cooper and Matthews have been no-shows in the offense this season, and belong firmly attached to your bench until they show something more than a pulse.

Is this the beginning of the Kirk Cousins era in D. C.?

On Pro Football Now, Super Bowl champion Amani Toomer and Sports Illustrated NFL writers Don Banks and Andrew Perloff discuss if Kirk Cousins will be the quarterback the Redskins need and how the players are responding to RGIII's injury.

Houston at New York Giants

Texans: Arian Foster, Andre Johnson, DeAndre Hopkins, Texans DST

Foster has been a beast this season, making anyone who passed on him because of concerns over his back look foolish. The Giants present a great matchup for him, as well as Johnson and Hopkins. They allowed a huge day to Matthew Stafford in Week 1, then got carved up by Andre Ellington even with Carson Palmer on the bench. Expect Johnson to visit the end zone for the first time in 2017. With the Giants still struggling to get a hold of their new offense, the Texans defense should feast on Sunday.

Giants: Rashad Jennings, Victor Cruz, Larry Donnell

It hasn’t been pretty, but Jennings has been the No. 12 scorer among running backs in standard-scoring leagues. Volume will do that for a guy. Andre Williams is not a threat to his touches, and Jennings could easily have the ball in his hands 20 times per week. That makes him an easy starter. Cruz is racking up targets despite being completely unproductive. Still, Cruz has too much potential to bench, and the Giants should be throwing the ball a lot in this game. Donnell, meanwhile, has been the only Giant to exceed expectations this year. He should be considered a viable starting option going forward.

Texans: Ryan Fitzpatrick, Garrett Graham, C. J. Fiedorowicz

It’s a little surprising how few fantasy-relevant players the Texans have. You’re going to start Foster and Johnson every week, the defense most weeks, and Hopkins when the matchup is right. Other than that, your entire league might not start another Texan all year, except in case of an injury.

Giants: Eli Manning, Andre Williams, Rueben Randle, Giants DST

Manning is still struggling to get it going this year, but from a fantasy standpoint, he was at least semi-productive last week. He threw for 277 yards, two touchdowns and two interceptions against the Cardinals, who do have a pretty strong defense. The Texans should be in his face all day, though, and he does not handle pressure well. Now would be a good time to try to sell Randle, though that is likely easier said than done.

Audibles Podcast: 0-2 Panic Meter for NFC

Sports Illustrated's Doug Farrar and Chris Burke discuss the anxiety level for NFL teams that are currently 0-2.

Minnesota at New Orleans

Vikings: Cordarrelle Patterson

Things have gone from terrible to much, much worse in Minnesota with the Adrian Peterson situation and, though these concerns are secondary, that will manifest themselves on the field this week. The only Viking worth starting is Patterson, who should have the ball forced into his hands, given that he’s the team’s one true playmaker with Peterson out. It would be surprising if he had fewer than 10 touches on Sunday.

Saints: Drew Brees, Pierre Thomas, Khiry Robinson, Marques Colston, Brandin Cooks, Jimmy Graham, Saints DST

The 0-2 Saints return home, already trailing the Panthers by two games in the NFC South and desperate for their first win of the year. They welcome in an overmatched foe that is reeling in the wake of off-the-field issues. In other words, expect a huge game out of this offense. Don’t be surprised if Brees looks to get Colston and Cooks involved early, after the duo was nearly shutout against the Browns last week. Pierre Thomas will have to do his damage early, because the Saints will likely turn to Robinson when they are nursing what should be a big second-half lead. Both backs, however, are top-30 options this week. Graham, meanwhile, is getting nearly 29 percent of the Saints’ targets this year.

Vikings: Matt Cassel. Matt Asiata. Jerick McKinnon. Greg Jennings, Kyle Rudolph, Vikings DST

Last week, I said that volume isn’t everything when urging people to sit Asiata. I stand by that again this week. Remember, it took the Patriots defense somehow vacating one entire side of the field on Asiata’s 25-yard touchdown reception to make his day last week. It wasn’t even a screen pass, but simply a play in which he leaked out of the backfield and was one of Cassel’s last reads. Jennings and Rudolph could potentially put up a garbage-time score, but you don’t want to depend on that.

'Buy Low' candidates for Week 3

Sports Illustrated's Michael Beller gives you several players you should consider trading for despite their early, lack-luster performances.

Tennessee at Cincinnati

Titans: Kendall Wright, Justin Hunter, Delanie Walker

The Titans came crashing down last week after flying high against the Chiefs in Week 1, however Wright and Walker are still well worth starting this week. Walker has become a real weapon in the passing game, and the Bengals could be without Vontaze Burfict. Wright’s a PPR monster, and the Titans will need his possession skills to move the chains against the Bengals’ strong run defense. I’m still willing to take a shot on Hunter, given that he gets a few deep targets per game. If he can hit on just one of those, he could be in for a big day.

Bengals: Andy Dalton, Giovani Bernard, A. J. Green, Bengals DST

This is a bit speculative for now, because we don’t yet know Green’s status for this week (he says he'll play if he's "feeling good"). If his foot injury forces him to miss the game, Dalton would be a sit, while Mohamed Sanu would jump up into the start group, No matter what, this is a great matchup for Bernard. You saw what DeMarco Murray did to the Titans last week. They could have the same sort of trouble with Bernard.

Titans: Jake Locker, Shonn Greene, Bishop Sankey. Nate Washington, Titans DST

Locker had a poor first half against the Cowboys a week ago, though a few key drops did him in. He also missed his fair share of open receivers down the field, so he had plenty to do with his own demise. This running game cannot be trusted against a defense like Cincinnati’s.

Bengals: Jeremy Hill, Mohamed Sanu, Brandon Tate, Jermaine Gresham

Hill just barely missed the cut here after what he did last week. However, he’ll likely need last week’s formula to be a guy fantasy owners trust in weeks when they have their full roster at their disposal. That formula calls for a blowout in which the Bengals feed him a lot in the second half. While that could certainly happen here, it’s hard to bet on it with a guy who is likely your fourth or fifth running back, at best.

Baltimore at Cleveland

Ravens: Torrey Smith, Dennis Pitta, Ravens DST

Pitta is the real gem for the Ravens this week. He presents a very tough matchup for the Browns, and is the one real consistent option in the Baltimore passing game. Expect him to get somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 targets. Smith has been a big disappointment through the first two weeks, but I expect Joe Flacco to at least try to hit him deep down the field a few times in this game. The Ravens defense should be able to feast on Brian Hoyer on Sunday, making the group a strong play in nearly all leagues.

Browns: Terrance West, Andrew Hawkins, Jordan Cameron

West scored his first career touchdown last week, racking up 90 total yards in the win over the Saints. He should be able to put up at least RB2 numbers getting the majority of the touches out of the backfield with Ben Tate still nursing a knee injury. Hawkins is going to rack up targets all year, and would be an even better play if Cameron has to sit again. It does sound like the tight end will be able to go after missing one game with a shoulder injury. If healthy, he's a guy you want to get right back in your lineup this week.

Ravens: Joe Flacco, Bernard Pierce, Justin Forsett, Steve Smith

Smith has racked up 25 targets this year, but I’m skeptical the production will be there in a tough matchup against the Browns. Forsett remains no more than a change-of-pace back, while Pierce needed a few big carries late in the win over the Steelers to get north of four yards per carry. The bet here remains that no Ravens running back finishes the season in the top 30 at the position.

Browns: Brian Hoyer, Isaiah Crowell, Miles Austin, Browns DST

These are all pretty academic. Crowell doesn’t do much more than give West a breather, and Austin is lightly owned in fantasy leagues for a reason. Hoyer has been a fine steward of the Cleveland offense, but good stewardship doesn’t light up the scoreboard for fantasy owners. On top of that, this is a bad matchup for him.

Green Bay at Detroit

Packers: Aaron Rodgers, Eddie Lacy, Jordy Nelson, Randall Cobb

Rodgers, Lacy, Nelson and Cobb aren’t just worth starting this week. All four are in the top 10 at their respective positions. Rodgers is my No. 1 quarterback, Lacy is my No. 5 running back and Nelson is my No. 2 receiver. This game has an over/under of 53, and there’s a great chance both teams get into the 30s. As is always the case with the Packers, it’s easy to identify the starters. Expect big things from this quartet on Sunday.

Lions: Matthew Stafford, Reggie Bush, Joique Bell, Calvin Johnson, Golden Tate

While the Packers have a strong quartet of starters, the Lions do them one better, adding a second running back to give them a healthy quintet. Stafford and Johnson are no-brainers. Bush has had a rough start to the season, but the Packers present a great matchup. Not only can he take advantage of this defense, but the Lions will likely need to score 30 points to win, and that means a bit more of Bush and less of Bell. The latter is still worth starting however, given the chances of a shootout here.

Packers: James Starks, Davante Adams, Jarrett Boykin, Andrew Quarless, Packers DST

You aren’t sitting any Packer that you would normally start. Keep an eye on Adams, however. With byes beginning next week, he could be a very intriguing player in the coming weeks. He has clearly surpassed Boykin as the No. 3 receiver on the depth chart.

Lions: The Tight End Triumvirate, Lions DST

If only two of these tight ends would go away, the one left behind would likely be worth at least a flier in fantasy leagues. The ceiling remains highest for Eric Ebron, but as long as Joseph Fauria and Brandon Pettigrew are in town, he won’t be worth considering in fantasy leagues.

Indianapolis at Jacksonville

Colts: Andrew Luck, Ahmad Bradshaw, T. Y. Hilton, Reggie Wayne

One area of concern for Luck is definitely his yards per attempt. He’s getting just 6.23 YPA this year, and that’s going to have to come up as the season progresses. He has hit on just 1-of-5 pass attempts that have traveled at least 20 yards in the air. Still, this is a great matchup with the Jaguars on Sunday. Bradshaw once again outperformed Trent Richardson, running for 70 yards on 13 carries and catching two touchdown passes. This is the week to get him in your starting lineup. Hilton is dealing with a hamstring injury. Right now, it isn’t expected to keep him out on Sunday.

Jaguars: Toby Gerhart, Marqise Lee

It’s not time to lose all faith in Gerhart just yet. He has run terribly this year, but we can give him at least a bit of a pass last week. Washington completely shut down the Jaguars, as they ran just 48 plays. Gerhart only got seven carries, so he really didn’t have much of a chance a week ago. This week should be better, though there are concerns that this game will get away from the Jags. I have him as more of a flex than an RB2. Lee, meanwhile, still leads this team in targets, both overall and in the red zone, and would benefit him if the game degenerates into a blowout.

Colts: Trent Richardson, Hakeem Nicks, Dwayne Allen, Coby Fleener, Colts DST

On the surface Richardson had a productive game last week, picking up 79 yards on the ground and catching one pass for 16 yards. However, it took him 21 carries to get those 79 yards, and he fumbled twice, losing one of them. Even if the Colts cruise to a victory here, he’s not getting 21 carries again this week. He’s a borderline flex play depending on your roster composition, but he’s outside my top-30 running backs for Week 3. Allen also rides the bench after his disappearance last week.

Jaguars: Chad Henne, Allen Hurns, Allen Robinson, Cecil Shorts, Jaguars DST

We’re just one more bad Henne half away from our first Blake Bortles sighting of the season. The whole Jacksonville offense would likely be better for it. After Lee, there could be a game of musical chairs of sorts among the Jacksonville receivers. It’s hard to trust any of them other than the rookie out of USC.

Peter King: When will Blake Bortles start in Jacksonville?

On Pro Football Now, Peter King discusses the Jaguars ' offensive line and when he thinks Blake Bortles will take over the starting job.

Oakland at New England

Raiders: Again, no one

Darren McFadden and James Jones are close, but they just can’t quite get over the hump. The only argument for McFadden is volume, but he did nothing with the 14 touches he got last week. He only got 12 carries in what proved to be a blowout, and there’s little reason to expect anything different against the Patriots this week. James Jones has been a garbage-time darling this year, but you can’t bank on that in your starting lineup, especially when every receiver on your roster is available to you.

Patriots: Tom Brady, Shane Vereen, Stevan Ridley, Julian Edelman, Rob Gronkowski, Patriots DST

On the other side, the Patriots provide the fantasy community with a bevy of starters this week. We’ll remember Week 3 of the 2017 season as the week when Brady finally got on track. The Raiders have yet to face a passing offense like New England’s this year, and don’t seem to have the pass rush to take advantage of the Patriots’ suspect offensive line. Vereen should get more than the two targets he had a week ago, but the Patriots could also be salting away a big lead late, just the kind of game in which Ridley excels. Meanwhile, Edelman and Gronkowski are every-week starters, and they should thrive against the Raiders on Sunday.

Raiders: Again, everyone

McFadden and James Jones nearly helped the Raiders avoid the ignominy of two straight weeks without a fantasy starter, but they’re just not good enough to do it. Perhaps next week will be their time, when six teams are on byes.

Patriots: Aaron Dobson, Danny Amendola, Brandon LaFell, Kenbrell Thompkins

Or, as I like to call them, the Quartet of Miscellany. Dobson is the only one even worth rostering at this point. He’s a decent guy to keep around for depth purposes, but will likely only crack a fantasy starting lineup because of bye-week or injury considerations.

San Francisco at Arizona

49ers: Frank Gore, Michael Crabtree, Vernon Davis, 49ers DST

Gore has been very productive this season, running for 129 yards and a touchdown on 29 carries. The Cardinals should get John Abraham back this week, but he’s more of a pass rusher than run stopper. Gore is a top-10 running back for Week 3. If the 49ers want to cure what ails the offense, they’ll get the ball to Crabtree more often. Eli Manning had a decent game against the Cardinals last week, so this team can definitely be thrown on. Davis should be good to go despite suffering an ankle injury late in the 49ers' loss to the Bears a week ago.

Cardinals: Andre Ellington, Larry Fitzgerald, Michael Floyd, Cardinals DST

Ellington looked great against the Giants last week, running for 91 yards on 15 carries. Whatever worries owners had about his foot before the start of the season should be safely put to bed by now. The 49ers held Matt Forte in check last week, but Ellington is still an RB2 for Week 3. Fitzgerald and Floyd would obviously be much better off with Carson Palmer, but even if it’s Drew Stanton starting, they’re both worth playing as WR2s. Fitz already has four red-zone targets this year. The reports of his demise were far too premature.

49ers: Colin Kaepernick, Carlos Hyde, Anquan Boldin, Steve Johnson

There are some big names here, so allow me to explain. The Cardinals did a great job against Philip Rivers in Week 1, and Kaepernick has really struggled against Dallas and Chicago, two defenses that most people figured would rank toward the bottom of the league. It’s very hard to trust him as a starter when there are so many other strong options at the position. Having said that, he would move into my starting class if A. J. Green is out, forcing Dalton to the fantasy bench. Kaepernick takes Boldin with him to the bench, as well. The Cardinals present a very tough matchup for receivers, as Keenan Allen and Victor Cruz already discovered this season.

Cardinals: Drew Stanton, John Brown, John Carlson

Not a whole lot of intrigue here. Stanton, Brown and Carlson simply are not fantasy options at this point, regardless of matchup. If Carson Palmer starts, he could enter the starting discussion.

Denver at Seattle

Broncos: Peyton Manning, Montee Ball, Demaryius Thomas, Emmanuel Sanders, Wes Welker, Julius Thomas

Don’t get cute here. The Broncos may be playing against the Seahawks in Seattle, but this is the best offense in the league. You want all your Broncos active, just like you would in any other week. That includes Welker, who should make his 2017 regular-season debut after his suspension was lifted earlier this week. You may not see video game numbers from this unit, but they all remain easy starters this week. In fact, I expect them to get the tiniest measure of revenge for the Super Bowl by pulling off the upset victory on Sunday with Manning leading the charge.

Seahawks: Russell Wilson, Marshawn Lynch, Percy Harvin, Seahawks DST

The Seahawks have their own version of “don’t get too cute.” Even though the mighty Broncos are visiting, you want to start their defense. You used a high draft pick on them; you're going to start them in Week 3. They’re a completely different beast at home. They likely won’t shut down the Broncos, but they should do enough to start. The Seahawks' best gameplan may be to limit the total possessions, and that would call for a heavy dose of Lynch. Andrew Luck had a lot of fantasy success against the Broncos in Week 1, and Wilson can follow that blueprint. Expect the Seahawks to get the ball in Harvin’s hands at least 10 times. The fact that he was so lightly used a week ago should only create a greater sense of urgency.

Broncos: Broncos DST

The Seahawks generally do a good job of taking care of the ball, and they’ll likely take even fewer chances with the Broncos in town. You should be able to find a better option for Week 3.

Seahawks: Robert Turbin, Doug Baldwin, Jermaine Kearse, Zach Miller

Baldwin actually leads the team with 11 targets, but he hasn’t done a whole lot with them. The volume was expected and it’s why he’s worth having around for depth, but he’s not the sort of guy you should be starting this week. Turbin is clearly the backup to Lynch, and that would make him a very intriguing guy if the starter ever went down. Lynch is dealing with a back injury, so now might be the time to speculate on Turbin if you have the roster space.

Do the Broncos have enough to upset the champs at home?

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2017 Fantasy Baseball Rankings 2017 MLB Prospect Rankings

by Goose | Mar 25, 2017 - 7:52 AM

RotoExperts. com looks at the incoming class of rookies in search of the top fantasy prospects. & # 8211; 03/25

The Browns invested in Robert Griffin III . but should you? TwoQBs. com offers their thoughts on his fantasy outlook .

Nate Washington signed with the Patriots, does that make him a sleeper in 2017. GridironExperts. com offers their thoughts. & # 8211; 03/25

GridironExperts. com examines the fantasy ramifications of Alfred Morris signing with the Dallas Cowboys. & # 8211; 03/25

FakeTeams. com looks at some players that changed teams this offseason and how it affects their fantasy value moving forward. & # 8211; 03/23

GridironExperts. com believes these six fantasy studs need a bigger workload in 2017. – 03/23

Rotoworld. com discusses the most important moves from the second wave of NFL free agency. & # 8211; 03/23

Rotoworld. com looks at some of New England’s offseason moves and contemplates Robert Griffin ‘s NFL future in this week’s Bump and Run.- 03/22

RotoBaller. com comments on news that Alfred Morris has agreed to join the Dallas Cowboys. & # 8211; 03/22

IDPGuru. com identifies the defensive players with the highest fantasy points per snap in 2017. – 03/21

Does former Colts tight end Coby Fleener step right in to fill the fantasy shoes of Ben Watson . FFToday. com offers their thoughts. & # 8211; 03/21

TwoQBs. com Podcast – RGIII – 03/25

2017 Fantasy Football Rankings

Randy Moss Trade Could Turn Brandon Tate into Top Fantasy Option

We already told you about the rumored Randy Moss trade to the Vikings that appears to be coming together. Jay Glazer, who was the first reporter to drop hints of the trade, says the sides are working on the deal. We’ll reserve our analysis of the trade and how it impacts each team until the deal is officially completed. But that doesn’t mean fantasy owners shouldn’t prepare themselves for the situation.

The biggest winner of a Randy Moss trade could be Patriots receiver Brandon Tate . The second-year man out of North Carolina has already shown his speed with two kickoffs returned for a touchdown. He’s fourth on the team in receiving, hauling in 11 of his 14 targets in four games for 135 yards. Tate has the potential, he just hasn’t been on the field often enough to make a big impact. He won’t approach Randy Moss numbers (not many players can), but he could become the deep threat they would be losing.

The Pats tight ends would get an even bigger boost than they already have seen. Aaron Hernandez has become a big part of the team’s offense and gives them another possession target similar to Wes Welker . They’ve even utilized some of the plays Hernandez used to run at Florida under Urban Meyer. On top of Hernandez, Rob Gronkowski has become a favorite red zone option for Tom Brady (he has two touchdown catches). You have to figure that the successful picks of Hernandez and Gronkowski in the 2010 draft have given the Pats enough receiving options to make them feel secure enough in the receiving game to explore this trade.

If Moss is traded to Minnesota, he will serve as an instant boost to Brett Favre’s fantasy value. Favre will finally have the toy he’s always hoped for. and it will give him a replacement for the injured Sidney Rice. Because Minnesota’s receivers have hardly been doing anything, their values wouldn’t be impacted much. The addition of Moss to the Vikings would boost everyone’s fantasy value on the team because it would make the offense that much more explosive.

Tom Brady’s value will take somewhat of a hit. We know Brady can be a successful spread-it-around quarterback who finds the open man, but the team may shift away from their pass-heavy offense to a balanced one (like we saw Monday night). Brady can still be an MVP candidate, but his numbers probably won’t be eye-popping without Randy.

Photo Credit: Elsa/Getty Images

Fantasy fallout of Patriots’ trade for Martellus Bennett

Fantasy fallout of Patriots’ trade for Martellus Bennett

For the first time since losing Aaron Hernandez, the Patriots have a viable tight end compliment to Rob Gronkowski after they acquired Martellus Bennett in a trade with Chicago.

Unfortunately for Bennett’s fantasy owners, this is much better news for the Patriots as a real football team than it is for his statistical production moving forward. The 29-year-old is transitioning from a Chicago offense where he was a primary option to a New England offense that has at least two (if not more) mouths to feed ahead of him in Gronkowski and Julian Edelman.

Bennett played in only 11 games last year due to injury, finishing as the No. 26 in standard leagues and No. 22 in PPR with 53 catches on 76 targets for 439 yards (8.3 YPR) and three touchdowns. Even on a points-per-game basis, he was still only a TE2 in 12-team leagues. His abysmal yards per reception can somewhat be explained by an extremely low 6.0 average depth of target, and Chandler’s 10.3 aDOT from this year in New England offers hope that Bennett will be used more downfield.

Still, it’s hard to see Bennett making much of a consistent statistical impact replacing Chandler, who only played 33 percent of New England’s snaps and saw 41 targets. Bennett should be on the field more than Chandler was, but his days as a fantasy TE1 appear to be behind him … short of an injury to Gronkowski. He is nothing more than a late-round flier or bye-week replacement for 2017, with his presence in New England being more of a benefit to the other players he creates space for than his own production. This is clearly a boost for Brady in the short term (Bennett only has one year remaining on his deal).

Casting even more doubt on Bennett’s ability to provide statistical production is his play compared to Zach Miller, who is easily the biggest fantasy beneficiary of this move. Miller went for exactly the same 439 yards that Bennett did last year, only he did it on 34 fewer targets and 19 fewer receptions with a similarly low aDOT (7.3).

In addition to being significantly more efficient, he also scored two more touchdowns than his former counterpart. Freshly signed to a new two-year deal, Miller now has the 118 combined targets from the two of them last year all to himself. He will be on the back-end TE1 radar based on potential volume alone, and given his 2017 efficiency (12.9 YPR), he does not lack for a little upside if he gets it.

Something tells me bennet will have a career year, New England love their TE’s

Best Fantasy Football Site: ESPN, CBS Sports or Yahoo?

What’s the best fantasy football site: ESPN. CBS Sports or Yahoo. Each of these “big three” sites have their own unique perks (and drawbacks). Which site is the best home for your fantasy league? Here’s a comparison guide to these three fantasy football sites.

Want to see all our fantasy football coverage in one place? Check out all of our fantasy football news here.

1. ESPN vs. CBS Sports vs. Yahoo: Fantasy Football Price

Learn more about the ins and outs of fantasy football in the video above from CBS Sports.

For a lot of fantasy leagues, the choice of where to host their fantasy football league comes down to one simple matter: price. Not everyone who enjoys fantasy football has deep pockets, and there are many leagues who want to play for free. However, some other players will prefer the perks that come with paid leagues. It’s a matter of what you and your buds are most comfortable with, and your preference might change from year to year because of your personal financial situation.

In addition to free play, ESPN has some additional fantasy football options for those who are willing to pay. Prizes include Best Buy gift cards. but you should know that participants residing in the following states may pay an entry fee and play, but are ineligible to win a prize: Washington, Arizona, Tennessee, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana and North Dakota. To join a prize league, the fee is $24.95. Discounts are available if you buy in bulk, so if you’re the kind of guy who likes managing multiple fantasy football teams, this might be the best fantasy football site for you

CBS Sports has a multitude of fantasy football options. In addition to free play (and free trials), there are a number of paid prize leagues. Here’s how it breaks down:

“Football Commissioner costs $179.99 ($149.99 if you purchase during the special prepay promotional period) for the whole season – this includes all of your league’s owners up to 30 teams. Fantasy Football Prize Leagues offer 5 levels of play: Gold – $39.99 (additional teams $29.99) for $200 in league prizes, Platinum – $99.99 (additional teams $79.99) for $600 in league prizes, Diamond – $249.99 (additional teams $199.99) for $1,600 in league prizes, Double Diamond – $499.99 (additional teams $449.99) for $3,500 in league prizes, and Elite – $999.99 (additional teams $799.99) for $7,000 in league prizes. Free Fantasy Football is, well…!”

Yahoo allows you to play fantasy football for free. For those who want to join a Pro league, Yahoo charges an entry fee of between $20 and $250. depending on the type of league. You can sign up for as many Pro leagues as you like. Playoff payouts range between $20 and $1,250. Pro leagues appear to be coming soon.

That being said, one disgruntled player on the Yahoo! boards writes:

“‘Please check back, as Fantasy Football Pro Leagues are coming soon’ is a phrase I’ve seen so many times on Yahoo that I now know it by memory. What a farce! Message to Yahoo: Either get them going ASAP or announce that you won’t be having them. We’re all tired of waiting for you to get your act together.”

2. ESPN vs. CBS Sports vs. Yahoo: Fantasy Football Interface

Above is an example of the interface you’ll find when managing your fantasy football team at CBS Sports. The interface boasts over 1,000 customization options, which is ideal for fantasy football fans who love to spend hours customizing their interface until it is just right.

Above is an example of the Yahoo fantasy football interface. It’s very clean, but there are limited customization options compared to some other sites out there. However, the clean and minimal look might appeal to some players. Below, you can see the ESPN interface in the handy how-to video on drafting. To some, it is a bit dry, but that may appeal to some users who want to focus on stats and numbers, without the distractions that a more flashy interface can provide.

When it comes to phone and tablet interfaces, all three of these apps get high marks for usability and design. While their are some customization options available, not all of this apps have layouts that are pleasing to all tastes.

Here are some screencaps so you can compare these app interfaces for yourself, and see what your personal preference might be. If you don’t have a strong preference, consider asking the rest of your league which interface they like best. You might consider just showing them the interface, without telling them which is which, in order to prevent pre-judging.

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3. ESPN vs. CBS Sports vs. Yahoo: Fantasy Football Tradition

Yahoo Fantasy Sports recently launched a major redesign of Fantasy Football. Check out the video above to learn more about how a more touch-friendly gameplay experience was created. If you didn’t like using Yahoo for your fantasy football team in the past, that might have changed thanks to the new design.

For a lot of fantasy football fans, a big part of what makes them favor one fantasy football site over the competition is a simple matter of tradition. If you’ve been playing with the same group of people on the same site for years, it is simply tradition to stay with the same site. After all, the league archives for your crew are all already on one site, and changing sites might mean that you lose your records (and your bragging rights.)

It’s also worth remembering that CBS Sportsline and the NFL were early partners in the realm of fantasy football. The ties between CBS and the NFL run deep, and that partnership gave CBS and their fantasy sports arm a lot of street cred. For many fantasy football fans, sticking with CBS (or starting a fresh league with them) just feels right. Plus, they’ll send you a relatively inexpensive draft board (with free shipping.)

Ultimately, your own existing league traditions might supersede any thought of price, perks, or special features. However, if you have the liberty of starting a new league this year, you might not have any traditions to limit your options.

4. ESPN vs. CBS Sports vs. Yahoo: Fantasy Football Features

In the video above, the King of Fantasy Football shares his secret to drafting a championship-caliber team.

ESPN is interesting because you can parlay your success in fantasy football, as well as all their other fantasy sports games, into success at the ESPN Winner’s Circle. You can redeem your points for exclusive merchandise. Some of the other features on ESPN’s fantasy football site include live and mock drafts, live scoring, and a great community (especially when it comes to roster talk ). Additionally, ESPN claims to have the “most customizable free game out there.” Another mark in ESPN’s favor is the sense of fun that pervades the brand, as you can see in the ESPN fantasy football promo video below.

Notable features at the CBS Sports fantasy football portal vary by league type. Some of the most appealing features include customizable scoring, flex positions, custom polls, and a trade evaluator. You can see a handy chart that breaks down all of the various CBS league features right here .

There are many new features in Yahoo’s Fantasy Football for 2017. These new features include the ability to draft or mock draft 24/7 from your phone or tablet. Auctions are now supported on both Android and iOS. There’s also a new stat category for first downs, as well as updates to the Edit Pre-Draft Ranking tool. Additionally, there are conditional waivers, which allow you to set priority for multiple claims on the same player.

5. ESPN vs. CBS Sports vs. Yahoo: Final Thoughts About Fantasy Football

Check out the video above to get some awesome Draft Day tips.

There a lot of considerations at play when choosing between these three sites. You’ll want a site that offers the right blend of features, interface, perks, and price. ESPN. CBS Sports and Yahoo all offer great fantasy football experiences. Ultimately it comes down to the type of player you are…and also what your friends are looking for in their league experience. All three of these sites are solid choices, and you can’t really go wrong with any of them. Consult with the rest of your team, weigh the pros and cons, and try to come to a consensus you can all be excited about. Ultimately, the site where you play fantasy football isn’t as important as the people you choose to play it with.

Want even more fantasy football success tips? Check out this year’s fantasy football index .

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Tucker Cummings is Heavy's Senior Shopping Editor. She's obsessed with finding the best deals, and firmly believes that paying full price is for suckers. She's also written for money-saving sites like DealNews and LivingSocial. August 6, 2017 3:18 pm

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The Importance of Draft Order in Fantasy Football

Many team owners feel they can achieve a competitive advantage if they are able to get one of the first three picks of a fantasy football draft. But does draft order actually have a significant effect on the final standings in fantasy football? To answer this question, one needs to find empirical evidence from which to draw a conclusion.

In another article at Fantasy Football Impact entitled, “The Fantasy Football Playoffs: You Can Make It, So Never Give Up ! & # 8221; I discussed how participating in 46 public fantasy football leagues in one season provided insight on fantasy success based on regular season wins and playoff seeding. Of those 46 leagues, 39 were standard draft leagues and seven were auction leagues. Data gathered from these 10-team standard draft leagues, displayed in the table below, revealed information that most team owners would not normally be able to find – final standings by draft pick.

Final Standings by Draft Pick

Another factor is that fantasy football teams are made up more than just one player. Yahoo! public league teams are comprised of 15 players – nine starters (QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, K and DEF) and six bench/reserve spots. The fact that rosters include 15 players dilutes the importance of any one position, even if one of them was the overall #1 pick of the draft.

Other factors that can affect final standings include player performance and level of consistency, player injuries, in-season roster management and quality of league opponents.

Considering all these factors, a team owner should not feel advantaged or disadvantaged based solely on their placement in the draft order. Team owners can be successful from any draft position by making wise decisions with each pick and by shrewdly managing their teams throughout the season.

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Disclaimer: Fantasy football is a game of speculation; therefore, Fantasy Football Impact disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, regarding player performance or results associated with its opinions or advice.

Rays' Matt Moore: Will pitch against minor-leaguers in next scheduled start

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Matt Moore will pitch in a minor-league camp game on Sunday for his next scheduled start, Marc Topkin of Tampa Bay Times reports.

The 26-year-old southpaw has been impressive over 10.1 spring innings, and has generated a 1.74 ERA over three exhibition starts. As he opted to do with ace Chris Archer, manager Kevin Cash will have Moore face minor-league hitting as opposed to a division rival in the Blue Jays, the big-league club's opponent on Sunday.

Rays' Brandon Guyer: Hits second spring homer in Friday victory

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Brandon Guyer went 2-for-3 with a single and solo homer in Friday's 6-1 spring loss to the Twins.

The reserve outfielder's bat remained hot, as he blasted his second homer in the bottom of the seventh on a full-count pitch from Kevin Jepsen. Guyer's torrid spring consists of a .500 average (9-for-18) with two homers and five RBI. Guyer's ability to play all three outfield positions should garner him a decent level of playing time in 2017, and an opportunity to once again make solid contributions in extra-base hits, homers, RBI and stolen bases. The 30-year-old posted a .260/.338/.393 line last season, tallying six homers, 28 RBI and 10 stolen bases over 332 at-bats.

Rays' Drew Smyly: Surrenders five earned runs in Friday start

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Drew Smyly (2-1) surrendered five hits, five earned runs and a walk over six innings in Friday's 6-1 spring loss to the Twins. He struck out four.

The 26-year-old was touched up for three homers, two of them coming off the bat of Trevor Plouffe. The Twins slugger blasted a shot over the left-field wall in the second, and came back with a two-run homer that also left the park by way of left field in the sixth inning. Smyly, who's surrendered double-digit homers in three of his past four seasons, has now given up four over 16 spring training innings.

Rays' Brad Boxberger: Begins rehab process after surgery

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Brad Boxberger has begun light tossing as part of his rehabilitation from abdominal surgery, Greg Zeck of MLB. com reports.

The Tampa Bay Rays closer, still on an eight-week timetable for a return to the field, said he recently started doing light tossing and will be focused on strengthening his core muscles throughout the process. "Just to be back here, to be back with the team, is a great feeling and [getting] back in the swing of things," Boxberger said. "From what the doctors said, it's based on how I feel with how it progresses. The better I feel, the faster it goes." The 27-year old tallied 41 saves for Tampa last season, and is expected to resume his closer's role upon his anticipated mid-May return. Rays manager Kevin Cash has indicated that a closer-by-committee approach will most likely be utlized in the interim, with hard-throwing Alex Colome likely to be the preferred option on many nights.

Mariners' Nelson Cruz: Hits 3rd HR of spring

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Nelson Cruz hit a game-tying, two-run homer in the ninth inning Friday for his third home run of spring training.

All of Cruz's home runs have come in the last week, as he appears to be finding his groove after starting spring training 1-for-20. He has six hits in his last 16 at-bats.

Mariners' Leonys Martin: Hits walkoff HR in spring game

by RotoWire Staff | Special to CBSSports. com

who has had a poor spring, hit a walkoff homer in the 10th inning Friday as the Mariners beat the White Sox.

Martin was 7-for-41 (.171) before the home run. He will start in center field this season but could sit against tough left-handers. In such cases, Nori Aoki would shift to center. Martin was limited to 95 games last year with the Rangers because of a broken hamate bone. If he can get back to his 2017 season (.274, 7 HR, 31 SB), the Mariners will take it.

Rays' Chris Archer: Turns in outstanding start versus minor leaguers Thursday

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Archer allowed five hits and a run over 6.1 innings versus Twins minor leaguers Thursday, Andrew Astleford of MLB. com reports. He also surrendered two walks and struck out nine.

Both Archer and manager Kevin Cash were highly pleased with the outing, in which the Tampa Bay Rays ace found the strike zone with 72 of his 106 pitches."I thought it was a really good work day," Archer said. "They put the ball in play a lot, and I had to make some pitches with people on base. It was a really nice outing considering when I threw in the cage last time, there was no pressure." Cash opted to have Archer take his regularly scheduled turn versus lesser competition as opposed to the Yankees, who served as the big-league club's opponent on the night, because he will face them multiple times during the regular season. "My thinking is, 'Keep him out of it,'" Cash added about Archer not playing in Tampa. "They see Chris Archer plenty. When it makes sense for us to do that, why not do it?" Archer is scheduled to make one more abbreviated appearance during the exhibition slate in anticipation of his Opening Day start versus the Blue Jays.

Mariners' Felix Hernandez: Pitches 6 shutout innings in spring game

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Felix Hernandez threw six shutout innings Friday, allowing five hits and no walks with three strikeouts.

Hernandez threw 80 pitches, 55 for strikes. He said he had good command of his fastball on both sides of the plate. He's scheduled for one more spring start, but he looks ready for Opening Day.

Nationals' Tyler Moore: Outrighted to Triple-A

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Tyler Moore was outrighted to Triple-A Syracuse on Friday.

After being placed on waivers Thursday, Moore cleared them Friday and has been removed off the 40-man roster. He'll head to Syracuse to get more reps after putting together a poor showing with the Washington Nationals this spring. The 29-year-old infielder had a career-high 187 at-bats last season and hit a career-low .203 to go with a .250 OBP.

Reds' Jon Moscot: Unlikely to start season in rotation

by RotoWire Staff | RotoWire

Manager Bryan Price said Friday that he does not anticipate Jon Moscot (chest) being ready to start the season in the rotation, Zach Buchanan of the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

The Cincinnati Reds seem to be running out of starting pitching options to round out their rotation to start the season with Friday's announcement that Moscot is unlikely to be ready for that role. Fellow starter Homer Bailey will be out until mid-May while John Lamb may miss the first month as well. Moscot is dealing with a strained intercostal muscle and won't be stretched out enough to begin the year in the rotation either. Tim Melville looks to be the favorite to fill in as the Reds' fifth starter early on this season.

Fantasy Football: Updated Week 3 RB Rankings, Starts & Sleepers

FNTSY Sports Network’s Pat Mayo reveals his Week 3 RB Rankings, telling you which running backs you need to get into your lineup for Week 3 and which available waiver wire RBs can be picked up and immediately started.

Week 3: Waiver Wire Power Rankings Week 3 RANKS: FLEX | QB | RB | WR | TE & D/ST More Week 3 Mayo: Game-by-Game Preview & Picks | Ranks Debate | AP/Gordon Value Now

Mayo’s Week 3 RB Rankings

SHUNNED . Ray Rice RESHUNNED. : Adrian Peterson Probable . Toby Gerhart (Ankle) Questionable . Lamar Miller (Leg), Roy Helu III (Quad), Arian Foster (Hammy), Jamaal Charles (Ankle), Deangelo Williams (Thigh) Doubtful: Maurice Jones-Drew (Hand), Arian Foster (Hammy) Out : Ben Tate (Knee), Mark Ingram (hand), Knowshon Moreno (Elbow), Ryan Mathews (Knee)

DeMarco Murray

LeSean McCoy

Matt Forte

Le’Veon Bell

Marshawn Lynch

Gio Bernard

Rashad Jennings

Andre Ellington

Pierre Thomas

Alfred Morris

Knile Davis

C. J. Spiller

Zac Stacy. Film Credits . “Super Mario Bros.” as Goomba

Eddie Lacy

Joique Bell

Terrance West

Montee Ball

Matt Asiata

Reggie Bush

Ahmad Bradshaw

Darren Sproles

Justin Forsett

Alfred Blue

Donald Brown

Fred Jackson

Jamaal Charles

Shonn Greene

Shane Vereen

Danny Woodhead

Frank Gore

Chris Johnson

Chris Ivory

Toby Gerhart

Jeremy Hill

Darren McFadden

Stevan Ridley

DeAngelo Williams

Khiry Robinson

Carlos Hyde

Jonathan Stewart

Dexter McCluster: Telling you not to LOL and Drive

Isaiah Crowell

Jerick McKinnon

Jonathan Grimes (Or, Grimey. as he likes to be called)

Andre Williams

Mike Tolbert

Roy Helu

Marcel Reece

Bishop Sankey

Lance Dunbar

Benny Cunningham, and his wife, Oprah

James Starks

Damien Williams

Jonathan Dwyer

Joseph Randle

Stepfan Taylor

Leon Washington

Silas Redd

Chris Polk

Robert Turbin

Jalen Parmele

Bilal POWWWW ell

C. J. Anderson

Lorenzo Taliaferro

Latavius Murray

LeGarrette Blount

Jordan Todman

Denard Dog Robinson

Daniel Herron

De’Anthony Thomas

Lache Seastrunk

Theo Riddick

Ronnie Hillman

Storm Johnson

Ka’Deem Carey

Anthony Dixon

Darrel Young

Tre Mason

James White

Bryce Brown

Brandon Bolden

Travaris Cadet

Cyrus Gray

The Fantasy Sports Network (FNTSY) is now available on AppleTV! You can also watch FNTSY on Xbox One, Xbox 360, Roku and Amazon Fire TV.

Fantasy Buy Low Sell High

You can’t always pick tops and bottoms in the stock market, but successful traders know how to use available information to make informed decisions about whether to buy or sell. Similarly, a good fantasy football trader can identify players poised to rebound and those that are destined to come back to earth. Here are my favorite Buy-Low and Sell-High options heading into the fourth week of the NFL season.

Buy Low

Colin Kaepernick

QB – San Francisco 49ers

It’s hard to believe that someone who started the season with a 412-yard, three-touchdown performance could be considered a buy-low option, but a combined 277 yards and zero scores in his last two games puts Colin Kaepernick firmly into this space. Fantasy owners were willing to forgive the debacle in Seattle, given how tough the Seahawks are at home, but after his poor performance in Week 3 against the Colts, panic might be setting in. However, Kaepernick was without Vernon Davis on Sunday and Indianapolis is better against the pass than a lot of people realize. While the 49ers still have to play a number of solid pass defenses in the coming weeks, the second half of the season includes matchups with Washington, St. Louis, Atlanta, and Arizona. Davis’ impending return and the ongoing development of chemistry between Kaepernick and his other receivers should help to get the young signal caller back on track. We have him projected as the eighth best fantasy quarterback for Week 4 .

Robert Griffin III

QB – Washington Redskins

RGIII has thrown for better than 300 yards in each game this season and has five touchdowns, but fantasy owners seem to be generally disappointed. Given the poor state of Washington’s defense, however, Griffin should continue to have a high volume of pass attempts, and his rushing stats – which are the primary concern for his fantasy owners – should improve as the season progresses. While he likely won’t run as often or with as much success as he did a year ago, Griffin should be utilized more in the rushing attack as he gains confidence in his surgically-repaired knee. His college coach, Art Briles, said last week that it took Griffin 4-5 games to get back to normal after his last knee reconstruction, and even the immortal Adrian Peterson had a slow start to the 2012 season as he came back from an ACL tear. If Griffin owners have shifted him to the bench in favor of someone like Michael Vick, kick the tires on a deal to stash him away for later in the year.

Doug Martin

RB – Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Not all buy-lows have to be guys that are truly struggling. Doug Martin is second in the NFL in rushing after three weeks and he leads the league in carries. But when fantasy owners invested a top 3-5 pick on Martin, they were likely envisioning more than the single touchdown that he has scored to date. I’m still treating Martin like a top-5 fantasy back and we have him rated as such in our Week 4 projections. If his asking price reflects a lesser value, I recommend you take advantage. He is actually well ahead of his production through the first three games of 2012, and he didn’t score his second touchdown until Week 7 of last year. Tampa Bay’s offense is a mess right now, but Martin is definitively the focal point, and a potential quarterback change might light a fire under Greg Schiano’s boys.

Chris Johnson

RB – Tennessee Titans

Chris Johnson is another guy that is performing well, but probably isn’t living up to his draft position. Only five players have more rushing yards in the NFL over the season’s first three weeks, but Johnson has yet to score a touchdown and he has seen limited involvement in the Titans passing game. Still, the artist formerly known as CJ2K has as many carries as Adrian Peterson thus far – they are tied for second, behind only the aforementioned Doug Martin – and Tennessee’s offensive line has looked decidedly better in 2017 than it did last year. Johnson may never recapture the magic of his 2009 season, but he is a viable RB2 this year that might be treated more like a RB3 in trade talks this week.

Dez Bryant

I appreciate that 17 catches for 201 yards and two touchdowns is hardly a slow start, but I still believe Dez Bryant has the potential to be the best wide receiver in the fantasy game, and his numbers to date have him rated closer to the 20-25 range. I don’t expect that a Bryant owner is going to treat him as a WR2 in trade negotiations, but I would be willing to give up any receiver not named Megatron to acquire Bryant right now. His numbers this year are considerably better than the first three games of 2012, when he managed just 13 catches for 164 yards and zero touchdowns, and we all remember how that turned out (92-1382-12). Plus, the Cowboys have a lot of passer-friendly teams left on the schedule, including San Diego this week (32nd against the pass), two games against Washington (31st), two with Philadelphia (29th), a game against the Vikings (28th), and one with the Packers (27th). Check out our statistical breakdowns for more information on favorable matchups.

Previously-Mentioned Players that I’m Still Buying:

Sell High

Michael Vick

QB – Philadelphia Eagles

I spent most of the preseason talking about my quarterback strategy of waiting for one of the guys ranked in the 8-12 range and then quickly backing them up with Michael Vick. And that play has worked out perfectly. However, Vick is still a guy that hasn’t played 16 games in a season since 2006 and he’s already taking a lot of big hits this year. It’s just a matter of time before he finds his way to the injury report. If you can package Vick in a deal that lands you one of the elite fantasy quarterbacks (Rodgers, Brees, or Peyton Manning) or helps you to address another area of need, you should cash out on the Philly QB while you still can.

Demarco Murray

Demarco Murray is fourth in the NFL in rushing this season, averaging 4.9 yards per carry. So, what’s not to like? For one thing, Murray is another player with a history of injury problems, having never played more than 13 games in a season as a pro. He’s also coming off a huge game against the Rams that disguises the fact that he was having a very ordinary start to the season, averaging less than 3.5 yards per attempt. This follows a lackluster 2012 season in which Murray averaged just 4.1 yards per carry over 10 games with the Cowboys. In addition to masking a ho-hum start to the season, the 175-yard effort on Sunday may have inflated Murray’s trade value. Strike while the iron is hot… and before the iron inevitably gets broken.

Giovani Bernard

RB – Cincinnati Bengals

It hurts me to include Giovanni Bernard on this list, because I really like him as a player and I have been high on him this season for fantasy purposes. But Bernard is currently performing like a top-10 fantasy back, scoring three touchdowns in the Bengals last two games despite the fact that he has touched the ball just 28 times to start the year, and I don’t think that is sustainable. BenJarvus Green-Ellis is still a big part of Cincinnati’s running game – he has 46 carries and 48 total touches through three games – and that’s not likely to change absent an injury to the veteran. Bernard should wrestle away a larger portion of the carries as the season progresses and he is the running back of choice in the passing game, but his value on the trading block might never be as high as it is right now.

Antonio Brown

WR – Pittsburgh Steelers

Here is another situation where a player is coming off a huge Week 3 performance, potentially inflating his trade value in a way that likely won’t be sustained. Antonio Brown is fresh off of a 9-catch, 196-yard, and two-touchdown outing against the Chicago Bears in primetime. Despite the fact that he had just 11 grabs for 128 yards and zero scores in the Steelers’ first two games, Brown now finds himself in the top five among fantasy wide outs. If you can get anywhere close to that value in a trade, jump on it fast. Pittsburgh’s offensive line continues to be a sieve and Ben Roethlisberger is taking a beating. Big Ben typically misses a few games a year anyway – he’s only played 16 games once in his nine NFL seasons – but the chance for injury is even greater as he plays behind a makeshift line that lost center Maurkice Pouncey in Week 1. With last week’s game looking like an anomaly and his quarterback presenting a major injury risk, Antonio Brown is an excellent sell-high candidate.

Julian Edelman

WR – New England Patriots

The last sell-high option of the week is particularly noteworthy in PPR leagues. Julian Edelman has an amazing 27 catches on 34 targets through the first three games of the season, as Tom Brady continues to look for a reliable option in his depleted receiving corp. But while Edelman has as many catches as anyone in the NFL right now, he’s outside of the top 30 in terms of receiving yards and hasn’t scored a touchdown since Week 1. Throw in the fact that the Patriots’ rookie receivers are showing signs of improvement, Rob Gronkowski could be back on the field as early as this week, and Danny Amendola should return at some point, and Edelman’s run as a starting fantasy receiver might already be winding down. If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to see what you might be able to get for Edelman in the trade market.

$35-$250 Online Leagues:

FFPC Mission Statement

The Fantasy Football Players Championship (FFPC) was launched in 2008 by veteran high stakes fantasy football players Alex Kaganovsky and Dave Gerczak with four primary goals in mind – all with players as the focus: foster a great community, provide exceptional customer service, offer fast payouts of escrowed prizes, and stage live events in top Vegas venues.

These goals are still our main driving force, even as the FFPC has become the most widely participated high stakes fantasy contest on the planet. Each year, the independently-owned FFPC continues to raises the bar in the industry. This freedom allows the FFPC team to set its business plans without the restraint of meeting profit goals, having to answer to corporate management or a board of investors.

That’s our mission. Continue what we started. March to the beat of our own drum. Offer players a home for their hobby. Keep our promises. And most importantly, always put players first.

What are our players saying?

The Ownership that created the FFPC are players that appreciate the desires and essentials of the High Stakes player. They have the vision and foresight to not only provide those essential expectations but surpass them with superior formatting and guaranteed fast payouts. They have the ability to provide a top line product while still taking into consideration each player’s individual tastes and concerns.

Michael Bronte INVICTUS

Customer service. I’m of the belief if someone has a product to sell and they are constantly pushing customer service and not the product there is something lacking in the product. To me customer service is not something that should be sold to clients, it’s something clients should experience when using the product of goods being sold. So customer service is not why I joined but it is something I’ve come to experience and a major reason I never consider spending my fantasy dollars any other place but here. And while the customer service has always been excellent here it went up a notch when Chris Lambert came aboard.

Michael Cobb menobrown

For me it was about the level of the competition. I have participated in my local HSFF home league for nearly 20 years and have become bored with it. I wanted to challenge the best players on earth! ….the FFPC was where the focus was the players. It was an easy decision for me to join the FFPC.… I’m going nowhere I’m in this for the long-haul. Dave said it best “to be the best you must beat the best.

At first I liked it but I really wasn’t sure about the scoring system and the double flex. But now that I have been in the contest for 3 years I really appreciate both of those. The double flex really gives you the opportunity to go for the players you feel have the most upside when you draft as opposed to being boxed into taking a certain position. My first year in the FFPC I remember starting out WR/WR/WR and last year I started RB/RB/RB/RB. It’s a lot of fun having this kind of versatility.

Wayne Ellis Coltsfan

When you start playing in the FFPC you have so much fun that it becomes in your interest to promote it and spread it to friends and favorite competitors. The genius of Alex and Dave’s set-up is that, by creating such a player-friendly environment, they convert players to volunteer advertisers and promoters, and all end up profiting by this spontaneous recruitment.

Hudson Kern Reeve waspguy

I’m astonished and grateful that I’ve came across a bunch of folks here on this [FFPC] message board who are just as passionate about fantasy football as I am, and who are loyal enough to the game to see that things are done the right way with honesty and integrity…… I’m glad to have finally found a place that I will consider my fantasy home for the next few years, and I look forward to competing against the rest of you while getting to know some of you later down the road.

Aaron Statts statts70

FFPC: Where the players play!

The FFPC Main Event offers a hybrid draft format, combining six live, in person Las Vegas high stakes fantasy football drafts with six online draft times to create the Fantasy Football Players Championship . This allows fantasy football players to draft from anywhere in the world and still compete with Las Vegas drafters in the same main event. For 2017, the FFPC Live Events will once again be held at world-famous Caesars Palace Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas. Events will take place on Wednesday through Sunday, September 3-7, 2017. Online entrants can draft from anywhere they have computer access and pay the base entry fee of $1,700 per team (early bird & multiple team discounts may apply).

The 2017 FFPC Main Event now offers a monster $300,000 Grand Prize while each league will also compete for $11,000 in individual league prizes. The entire prize pool is guaranteed. The event offers player-friendly rules. including the FFPC Dual-Flex, extended waiver wire period into the league playoffs and much more. The playoff structure allows for 4 playoff teams into the League Playoffs and give them a shot at theprizes .

The FFPC Main Event (and the Footballguys Players Championship) are the only fantasy contests with 100% protected prize pool. For the ultimate in player safety, the entire Main Event prize pool is secured in an attorney escrow account for the entire season . The attorney escrow is provided free of charge to our players, because nothing is more important that the knowledge that winners will get paid and get paid quickly. The event organizers do not access player prize money until prize checks are ready to be mailed to winners. Our guaranteed prize release date is January 20, 2017. The FFPC has issued the fastest payouts in the industry each year since 2008, with league prize checks being received by our Players in time for Christmas! League prizes will again be released in December of 2017 with all remaining prizes sent within days after the end of the fantasy season. Last but certainly not least, FFPC payout percentages will be among the highest in the high stakes industry . That’s our promise to all of our Players.

The Footballguys Players Championship is now the world’s largest mid-stakes fantasy football contest. The Terminator Tournament offers one of the most unique formats in fantasy football . The $10,000-entry High Society League has a payout of 95%. Online Satellite leagues start at just $77 and go up to $1250. Live Ancillary leagues will be drafted in Las Vegas. The 2017 Fantasy Football season is just on the horizon so please familiarize yourself with the FFPC rules and format. join our Facebook page, sign up for our email updates and see what everyone else is saying about the FFPC on our message boards. We invite you to become part of the FFPC community this year and for years to come.

We proudly present to you,

David Gerczak and Alex Kaganovsky

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Written by Andrea Halloran

Tight ends average 7 out of the 100 top fantasy football players. Last season there were breakout fantasy TEs, but also a lot of disappointments. Trades and injuries have changed the dynamic for the TE position for this fantasy season. The Injury Round-Up will focus on those injuries and will give analysis on TEs who always seem to catch the injury bug.

TE Fantasy Football News

The perennial breakout option hasn't been able to escape the injury bug since his rookie year in 2017. Now going into his third season with the Redskins, the opportunity for a star-making turn -- or at least a starting role - remains. Head Coach Jay Gruden has given Reed the nod to start ahead of veteran Logan Paulsen.

Reed underwent knee surgery at the beginning of spring workouts, but is expected to participate in training camp at the end of July. Gruden does not seem concerned about the knee procedure and has stated that Reed is taking the time off to get stronger in preparation for camp and the upcoming season. The former University of Florida product is a big, athletic target for quarterback Robert Griffin III (or Kirk Cousins or Colt McCoy depending on the week). Last season, Reed hauled in 50 of his 65 targets, but he never found the endzone. Reed is solid TE2 or bye-week start and maybe more with good health and RGIII's improvement.

Cincinnati drafted the former Notre Dame standout in the first round of the 2017 NFL Draft. The Bengals are still waiting for the payoff. With the departure of Jermaine Gresham in free agency, maybe this is the year. It certainly wasn't last year. Eifert caught three passes in the 2017 opener before falling and dislocating his elbow. He is expected to fully participate in training camp, and has recovered from his shoulder surgery and dislocated elbow. QB Andy Dalton targeted TEs 88 times last season, giving Eifert a positive outlook for making a breakout statement this coming season. Factor in the Bengals lack proven wide receivers beyond A. J. Green and potential for a sizeable role exits.

Injury Watch List

Vernon Davis continues to hold the starting TE position for the San Francisco 49ers. Last season Davis missed five games due to back spasms, and never seemed to get back to his regular level of play. The hulking baller went from his 2017 stellar stats of 52 receptions and 13 touchdown with a robust 16.3 yards per catch average to just 26 receptions, two scores and a 9.4 ypc last season. One of the bigger risk-reward options among his peers looks to redeem himself. However, targets for Davis may decline as the 49ers look to implement heavy WR3 and running plays. His fantasy outlook iffy, but perhaps a strong an healthy training camp boosts his value as a fantasy football TE option.

After Julius Thomas signed with the Jacksonville Jaguars in March, the Denver Broncos used a third-round pick to select TE Jeff Heuerman. Alas, the rookie won't be any help in 2017 after tearing his ACL at rookie minicamp. Though Fantasy owners may not know his name now, Heuerman can have a bright future as a TE in Gary Kubiak's offense (We'll see if Peyton Manning remains under center in 2017). Dynasty owners can take a flyer considering there really isn't another major long-term option on the roster. Alas, those owners must wait some time before receiving any payoff.

Top 200 Dynasty Fantasy Football Rankings 2017

Co-Founder of DynastyNerds. com Absolutely love Cleveland sports, and that may be an understatement. If Stephen King wrote it, safe to assume that I love it. Breaking Bad is the greatest television show I've ever seen. Dynasty fantasy football is so great, that it's the one fantasy league you'll pay into knowing that you have no chance of winning. Will Talk Fantasy Football any time, anywhere. I Have a beautiful wife Ashley and 2 awesome sons Colton & Camden Follow me on Twitter @DynastyRich


League Draft Fantasy Sports Weekly Leagues for Real Money!

Salary League Rules & Details

League Rules – Salary Cap Leagues

League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) NFL weekly fantasy sports leagues are held each day of the NFL regular season and into the playoffs, assuming there are at least 2 NFL games taking place.

LEAGUE FORMAT: SALARY CAP MUILTI-ENTRY (You may enter a single league as many times as you would like).


In each league, participants will be assigned a fixed salary cap of $50,000 that they can use to draft their entire 9-player lineup.

The Player Pool will consist of all players competing in NFL games eligible for a given LDFS league. Any missing players will not be added to the pool once LDFS starts offering leagues for that week. Player salaries will also not change once LDFS starts offering leagues for that week.

league results and winners will be based on the total points scored across each owner’s 9 player lineup.

Participation in each league must be made only as specified in the Terms of Use. Failure to comply with these Terms of Use will result in disqualification and, if applicable, prize forfeiture.


Lineups will consist of 9 players and must include players from at least 2 different NFL teams, and representing at least 2 different Football games.

The 9 roster positions are: QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, WR3, TE, FLEX (RB/WR/TE), and DST.


All Position determinations for weekly leagues are at the sole discretion of League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS). LDFS uses MyFantasyLeague. com (MFL) as our platform for live scoring and line-up submissions.

Players will be assigned to the position which they play most often, as determined by our statistics provider, MFL. Some players do play multiple positions in real life, but you may only draft them onto your team using their position listed on our site.


Since you only select players for a single series of games or events, there will be no trading of players, no free agent pick-ups, and no bench players involved in the leagues.


Players in any postponed or rescheduled game will be eligible to score points only if the rescheduled game is played by Wednesday of the following week. If the game is canceled or rescheduled outside of this range, all players in that game will receive zero points.


LDFS uses NFL statistics as provided by MFL and includes all games that the NFL deems to be official and complete. If the NFL declares a game “suspended” then the statistics that are generated the day the game is originally scheduled will be used. Any statistics generated on a later date when the game is completed will not be included due to the one day nature of our leagues.


Leagues will close approximately five minutes before the start of the first game included in the league. You can edit your roster as many times as you like, please note that a player becomes locked and may not be added or removed once that particular player’s game has begun.


Football leagues that offer live scoring and standings updates are strictly for the enjoyment of LDFS customers. However, they are not official and are for informational purposes only. Official scores and results will be posted at the conclusion of the league. Live scores are calculated using the standard fantasy league points system. See the Point Scoring section for the specific points and categories used in this league.


During each game, LDFS receives live scoring updates from our stats provider, MFL. After the game has concluded, LDFS receives a final box score, which will be used to calculate the results of each league. However, the leagues and stats provider will occasionally revise box scores after the final box score has been released. In the event this occurs, the player scores on LDFS will not be updated and the settlements will not be revised. Note that this is not the same situation as a case where a correction needs to be made after settlement due to a bug or issue with the data feed or the settlement process. In these cases the settlement process (including payment) may be reversed and redone correctly.


All entry fees are collected through LeagueSafe. LeagueSafe was designed and launched in 2008 to provide not just the convenience and safety of paying fantasy league dues online, but also the security of knowing your league dues will be paid out at the end of the season. With LeagueSafe, your league funds are held safely all season long.

E-Check (bank transfer) and Credit Card payments incur a 3% convenience fee, balance transfers from an existing League Safe account is FREE.

Transactions are 100% secure – LeagueSafe adheres to strict levels of online security, employing 256-bit AES encryption to protect your transactions.

No credit card or bank account information is stored on the site; each transaction is a one-time event.

League commissioners can allocate payouts within hours of the end of the season, and owners can receive their winnings immediately using one of several instant payout delivery options.

LeagueSafe is the trusted resource for managing and protecting your league’s entry fees.


A league can run as 12 Player-250 Player league with various entry fees. These structured contests require a specified number of participants. If that number of participants is not reached before the start of the contest, the contest will not take place and your entry fee will be refunded. For example, a 12-person league will not be conducted with only 11 interested participants.


League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) offers the only season long Weekly Salary Cap Challenge, where you can turn $10 into $1,500 weekly. Because we are not a Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) site we do not offer weekly payouts. However, you can go to the leader board and check your rankings and winnings all season long. When the regular season is over you will be paid out all your weekly season winnings immediately through our partners at LeagueSafe. com

Prize money is rewarded to the top 3 scorers each week and the top 5 for the entire season. In the event of a tie the prize money will be combined then split how ever many ways between the owners. Weekly payouts will be based on a fully filled 500 team league. If the league should not be fully filled, the payout structure percentage will remain the same but the amount may vary.

League Safe offers several payout options:

Amazon. com Gift Card claim code: no cost

Virtual Visa Prepaid Card: no cost

E-Check: $5.00

Paper check (standard): $2.00

Paper check (expedited): $7.00


The player salaries listed are a function of the salary cap fantasy sports leagues format and are not intended, and should not be relied upon, as any indication of real-life salary valuations of the individual players.

Best Line Up League Rules & Details

League Rules – Best Line-up Leagues

League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) NFL weekly fantasy sports leagues are held each day of the NFL regular season and into the playoffs, assuming there are at least 2 NFL games taking place.

League FORMAT: BEST LINE-UP MUILTI-ENTRY (You may enter a single league as many times as you would like).


In each league, participants will pick the best line-up possible weekly to use to draft their entire 9-player lineup.

The Player Pool will consist of all players competing in NFL games eligible for a given LDFS league. Any missing players will not be added to the pool once LDFS starts offering leagues for that week. Player salaries will also not change once LDFS starts offering leagues for that week.

League results and winners will be based on the total points scored across each owner’s 9 player lineup.

Participation in each League must be made only as specified in the Terms of Use. Failure to comply with these Terms of Use will result in disqualification and, if applicable, prize forfeiture.


Lineups will consist of 9 players and must include players from at least 2 different NFL teams, and representing at least 2 different Football games.

The 9 roster positions are: QB, RB1, RB2, WR1, WR2, WR3, TE, FLEX (RB/WR/TE), and DST.


All Position determinations for weekly leagues are at the sole discretion of League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS). LDFS uses MyFantasyLeague. com (MFL) as our platform for live scoring and line-up submissions.

Players will be assigned to the position which they play most often, as determined by our statistics provider, MFL. Some players do play multiple positions in real life, but you may only draft them onto your team using their position listed on our site.


Since you only select players for a single series of games or events, there will be no trading of players, no free agent pick-ups, and no bench players involved in the leagues.


Players in any postponed or rescheduled game will be eligible to score points only if the rescheduled game is played by Wednesday of the following week. If the game is canceled or rescheduled outside of this range, all players in that game will receive zero points.


LDFS uses NFL statistics as provided by MFL and includes all games that the NFL deems to be official and complete. If the NFL declares a game “suspended” then the statistics that are generated the day the game is originally scheduled will be used. Any statistics generated on a later date when the game is completed will not be included due to the one day nature of our leagues.


Leagues will close approximately five minutes before the start of the first game included in the league. You can edit your roster as many times as you like, please note that a player becomes locked and may not be added or removed once that particular player’s game has begun.


Football leagues that offer live scoring and standings updates are strictly for the enjoyment of LDFS customers. However, they are not official and are for informational purposes only. Official scores and results will be posted at the conclusion of the league. Live scores are calculated using the standard fantasy league points system. See the Point Scoring section for the specific points and categories used in this league.


During each game, LDFS receives live scoring updates from our stats provider, MFL. After the game has concluded, LDFS receives a final box score, which will be used to calculate the results of each league. However, the leagues and stats provider will occasionally revise box scores after the final box score has been released. In the event this occurs, the player scores on LDFS will not be updated and the settlements will not be revised. Note that this is not the same situation as a case where a correction needs to be made after settlement due to a bug or issue with the data feed or the settlement process. In these cases the settlement process (including payment) may be reversed and redone correctly.


All entry fees are collected through LeagueSafe. LeagueSafe was designed and launched in 2008 to provide not just the convenience and safety of paying fantasy league dues online, but also the security of knowing your league dues will be paid out at the end of the season. With LeagueSafe, your league funds are held safely all season long.

E-Check (bank transfer) and Credit Card payments incur a 3% convenience fee, balance transfers from an existing League Safe account is FREE.

Transactions are 100% secure – LeagueSafe adheres to strict levels of online security, employing 256-bit AES encryption to protect your transactions.

No credit card or bank account information is stored on the site; each transaction is a one-time event.

League commissioners can allocate payouts within hours of the end of the season, and owners can receive their winnings immediately using one of several instant payout delivery options.

LeagueSafe is the trusted resource for managing and protecting your league’s entry fees.


A league can run as 12 Player-250 Player league with various entry fees. These structured contests require a specified number of participants. If that number of participants is not reached before the start of the contest, the contest will not take place and your entry fee will be refunded. For example, a 12-person league will not be conducted with only 11 interested participants.


League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) offers the only season long Weekly Salary Cap Challenge, where you can turn $10 into $1,500 weekly. Because we are not a Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) site we do not offer weekly payouts. However, you can go to the leader board and check your rankings and winnings all season long. When the regular season is over you will be paid out all your weekly season winnings immediately through our partners at LeagueSafe. com

Prize money is rewarded to the top 3 scorers each week and the top 5 for the entire season. In the event of a tie the prize money will be combined then split how ever many ways between the owners. Weekly payouts will be based on a fully filled 500 team league. If the league should not be fully filled, the payout structure percentage will remain the same but the amount may vary.

League Safe offers several payout options:

Amazon. com Gift Card claim code: no cost

Virtual Visa Prepaid Card: no cost

E-Check: $5.00

Paper check (standard): $2.00

Paper check (expedited): $7.00

$5 Entry Leagues

$10 Entry Leagues

$20 Entry Leagues

$50 Entry Leagues

Terms and Conditions


You must be an individual who is at least eighteen (18) years of age to open an account, participate in contests, or win prizes offered by LDFS. If, in your jurisdiction or location, the permissible use of the Service is greater than eighteen (18) years old, you must comply with the age requirement in that jurisdiction or location. If you are a legal resident of Arizona, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New York, or Washington, you are not permitted to participate in contests offered by League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS). Other than Quebec, legal residents of Canada are permitted to participate in contests offered by LDFS. You agree to provide and maintain complete, accurate and current information as required to complete the registration process.

Single Account:

You may only create one account (1) to participate in contests or win prizes offered by LDFS. you may however play in as many contests as you'd like and the same contest mulitiple times.


The contests offered by League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) are not considered gambling under the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act of 2006 which exempts fantasy sports where (i) the prizes and awards offered are fixed and known to users prior to the game or contest and the prizes and awards are not impacted by the number of users participating or the amount paid by users; (ii) the winning outcomes reflect the relative knowledge and skill of the users and are determined largely by accumulated statistical results of the performance of individuals athletes in real-world sporting events; and (iii) winning outcomes are not based upon scores, point spreads, or performance of any single real-world team or teams, or a single performance of an individual athlete in any single real-world sporting event.


In the event of a violation of these Terms and Conditions and the Fair Play Policy, League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend or terminate your participation in contests offered by LDFS thereby terminating all obligations of LDFS here under. In such event, you will be denied any further access to the League Draft web site.

Price and Payment:

You will be taken away from our site to pay for our league using LeagueSafe. You must provide LeagueSafe with valid credit card information at the time of purchasing an entry in an League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) contest. The fees to be charged by LeagueSafe will be strictly in accordance with your selected contest as set forth on the web site.


You must maintain the confidentiality of your name and password and are solely responsible for so doing. You will be responsible for any and all activities undertaken on the web site using your name and password.

Compliance with Law:

League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) respect and will comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Taxes for all contest winnings will be the sole responsibility of the winning participant and LDFS will comply with all IRS reporting requirements by filing a Form 1099-Misc when certain thresholds are reached. Each winning participant agrees to provide League Draft Fantasy Sports (LDFS) with his or her social security number; if however, a winning participant fails to provide his or her social security number, that winning participant will be considered a “Foreign National” and LDFS will withhold twenty eight percent (28%) of the winnings for tax purposes.


A league can run as 12 Player-250 Player league with various entry fees. These structured contests require a specified number of participants. If that number of participants is not reached before the start of the contest, the contest will not take place and your entry fee will be refunded. For example, a 12-person league will not be conducted with only 11 interested participants.

Fair Play Policy

Madden 2011 fantasy draft pick one >>

Mar 17, 2011 . . Madden 11 Fantasy "A" Player Potential Draft Guide. For example if your first draft number is Round 1 . Pick 9 [ 1 (09)] then all your odd. Sep 17, 2017 . Breaking down eight expert - drafted fantasy teams for Madden NFL 16. The picks . which were based on ratings, potential, and both past and predicted. You were the only one to draft a "big three" on offense in the first three rounds. 11 . NFL free agency 2017: 10 best player-team pairings. nfl. 19.Jun 16, 2009 . If you are a fan of the NFL, the chances are that you play Madden . 1 UNC(30-6) 85. Sat 11 :48AM PDT. Fantasy Football. and let him develop over time, rather than wasting your draft pick on someone who may never be. Aug 22, 2017 . I know its 11 pm and yall might be asleep. Who should my top priority be in madden 16 fantasy draft (online) (self. one of the elite WR's (depends on what the team picking's style is), and the top 3 or so defensive ends. May 27, 2011 . Cheats for " Madden 11 " work to bring out the best of the NFL's signature. Mode then make a trade for a guaranteed First Overall Draft Pick on Week 17. Turn off both the Fantasy Draft and Salary Cap options in " Madden 11 " for the PS3. Rally for your favorite team during March Madness wi. Sep 5, 2005 . Madden 2006 Fantasy Draft Guide Table of contents Introduction. You like to keep one defense out on the field and pick them apart. Offensive Tackle #10 Offensive Guard # 11 Middle Linebacker #12 Defensive End #13. Join Date: Oct 2011 . I've messed around and done a few fantasy drafts on my own, but never anything serious. physical attributes, but the CPU teams will pick smart most of the time and get the best players. I just don't want to reach to high on one position that I could have waited on and get stuck with. Guys guys, you need to pick an owner when you do fantasy draft first of all. Rnd 10- 11 . RGs, Zack Martin and Marshal Yanda both 99s will be 99s at. If I get a Top 8 pick round 1 . I'll get a qb, if I get a mid pick then I'll take. When you trade your # 1 pick to the worst team in the league, you can also ask for. draft (have to have the fantasy draft and salary cap turned off) you can pick . Jan 26, 2011 . Started first round first pick and ended at 28th before sim the rest. Madden 11 fantasy draft . Madden 25. Episode 1 . Fantasy Draft . Yo!

Fantasy draft

Tre Madden missed four games down the stretch in 2017 because of knee soreness. He played in the final two regular season games for USC but only carried the ball. Top 10 hilarious, fun and creative ideas to choose the draft order of your fantasy football league draft . Best ways to determine the draft order. This Page: Madden NFL 16 Cheats; Next Page: Madden NFL 16 Achievements Guide; Next Page: Madden NFL 16 Trophies Guide; Madden NFL 16 Cheats How To Do User. Scroll down to read our guide named " Madden NFL 12: Fantasy Draft Guide" for Madden NFL 12 on PSP (PSP), or click the above links for more cheats.

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When you trade your # 1 pick to the worst team in the league, you can also ask for. draft (have to have the fantasy draft and salary cap turned off) you can pick . Jan 26, 2011 . Started first round first pick and ended at 28th before sim the rest. Madden 11 fantasy draft . Madden 25. Episode 1 . Fantasy Draft . Yo! Mar 17, 2011 . . Madden 11 Fantasy "A" Player Potential Draft Guide. For example if your first draft number is Round 1 . Pick 9 [ 1 (09)] then all your odd. Sep 17, 2017 . Breaking down eight expert - drafted fantasy teams for Madden NFL 16. The picks . which were based on ratings, potential, and both past and predicted. You were the only one to draft a "big three" on offense in the first three rounds. 11 . NFL free agency 2017: 10 best player-team pairings. nfl. 19.Jun 16, 2009 . If you are a fan of the NFL, the chances are that you play Madden . 1 UNC(30-6) 85. Sat 11 :48AM PDT. Fantasy Football. and let him develop over time, rather than wasting your draft pick on someone who may never be. Aug 22, 2017 . I know its 11 pm and yall might be asleep. Who should my top priority be in madden 16 fantasy draft (online) (self. one of the elite WR's (depends on what the team picking's style is), and the top 3 or so defensive ends. May 27, 2011 . Cheats for " Madden 11 " work to bring out the best of the NFL's signature. Mode then make a trade for a guaranteed First Overall Draft Pick on Week 17. Turn off both the Fantasy Draft and Salary Cap options in " Madden 11 " for the PS3. Rally for your favorite team during March Madness wi. Sep 5, 2005 . Madden 2006 Fantasy Draft Guide Table of contents Introduction. You like to keep one defense out on the field and pick them apart. Offensive Tackle #10 Offensive Guard # 11 Middle Linebacker #12 Defensive End #13. Join Date: Oct 2011 . I've messed around and done a few fantasy drafts on my own, but never anything serious. physical attributes, but the CPU teams will pick smart most of the time and get the best players. I just don't want to reach to high on one position that I could have waited on and get stuck with. Guys guys, you need to pick an owner when you do fantasy draft first of all. Rnd 10- 11 . RGs, Zack Martin and Marshal Yanda both 99s will be 99s at. If I get a Top 8 pick round 1 . I'll get a qb, if I get a mid pick then I'll take.


Mar 17, 2011 . . Madden 11 Fantasy "A" Player Potential Draft Guide. For example if your first draft number is Round 1 . Pick 9 [ 1 (09)] then all your odd. Sep 17, 2017 . Breaking down eight expert - drafted fantasy teams for Madden NFL 16. The picks . which were based on ratings, potential, and both past and predicted. You were the only one to draft a "big three" on offense in the first three rounds. 11 . NFL free agency 2017: 10 best player-team pairings. nfl. 19.Jun 16, 2009 . If you are a fan of the NFL, the chances are that you play Madden . 1 UNC(30-6) 85. Sat 11 :48AM PDT. Fantasy Football. and let him develop over time, rather than wasting your draft pick on someone who may never be. Aug 22, 2017 . I know its 11 pm and yall might be asleep. Who should my top priority be in madden 16 fantasy draft (online) (self. one of the elite WR's (depends on what the team picking's style is), and the top 3 or so defensive ends. May 27, 2011 . Cheats for " Madden 11 " work to bring out the best of the NFL's signature. Mode then make a trade for a guaranteed First Overall Draft Pick on Week 17. Turn off both the Fantasy Draft and Salary Cap options in " Madden 11 " for the PS3. Rally for your favorite team during March Madness wi. Sep 5, 2005 . Madden 2006 Fantasy Draft Guide Table of contents Introduction. You like to keep one defense out on the field and pick them apart. Offensive Tackle #10 Offensive Guard # 11 Middle Linebacker #12 Defensive End #13. Join Date: Oct 2011 . I've messed around and done a few fantasy drafts on my own, but never anything serious. physical attributes, but the CPU teams will pick smart most of the time and get the best players. I just don't want to reach to high on one position that I could have waited on and get stuck with. Guys guys, you need to pick an owner when you do fantasy draft first of all. Rnd 10- 11 . RGs, Zack Martin and Marshal Yanda both 99s will be 99s at. If I get a Top 8 pick round 1 . I'll get a qb, if I get a mid pick then I'll take. When you trade your # 1 pick to the worst team in the league, you can also ask for. draft (have to have the fantasy draft and salary cap turned off) you can pick . Jan 26, 2011 . Started first round first pick and ended at 28th before sim the rest. Madden 11 fantasy draft . Madden 25. Episode 1 . Fantasy Draft . Yo! Top 10 hilarious, fun and creative ideas to choose the draft order of your fantasy football league draft . Best ways to determine the draft order. Scroll down to read our guide named " Madden NFL 12: Fantasy Draft Guide" for Madden NFL 12 on PSP (PSP), or click the above links for more cheats. This Page: Madden NFL 16 Cheats; Next Page: Madden NFL 16 Achievements Guide; Next Page: Madden NFL 16 Trophies Guide; Madden NFL 16 Cheats How To Do User. Tre Madden missed four games down the stretch in 2017 because of knee soreness. He played in the final two regular season games for USC but only carried the ball.

&dupdo; 2012–2017 Madden 2011 fantasy draft pick one

The talent has always been there – now, so is the opportunity for Matt Parcell. Ex-Broncos and Ipswich Jets hooker Matt Parcell will start round four as one.

Less than a week removed from the run that ended Rabbitohs forward Sam Burgess’ match, Supercoach owners have acted in kind. The Bunnies star is set to miss.

“Keep your hands and feet inside the cart…and enjoy the ride” There is no denying Shaun Johnson is the most dynamic playmaker in the NRL. His Supercoach scores.

It was only a matter of time, and in round three Cowboys star Johnathan Thurston delivered (or so everyone thought). After a slow start, Thurston piled on 129-points.

Is there a more popular player in the NRL than Semi Radradra? This monstrous Fijian winger has taken the NRL by storm from the moment he debuted against.

Recently a number of us from OTLS participated in our first ever Keeper League Draft with Ultimate Footy. The team structures are 5 Defenders, 6 Midfielders, 2 Rucks.

MELBOURNE CITY v BRISBANE ROAR – Friday March 18, 7:40pm (AEDT) Ground: AAMI Park, Melbourne Referee: Kris Griffiths-Jones Assistant Referee 1: Luke Brennan Assistant Referee 2: Wilson Brown.

The first month of the competition would not be complete without the public questioning Broncos captain Corey Parker’s NRL Supercoach value. Since 2017, Parker has come under-fire after.

Rookie Tight End Spotlight

We all know a tight end is a quarterback's best friend, so here are the top ranked rookie tight ends that can be fantasy football TE options now, or in the near future.

The second-round pick is a young talented receiving option that could possibly start from day one. The Ravens already have Dennis Pitta and Crockett Gillmore, who are both good receiving options too, however, Pitta has frequent injury issues, and Gillmore did not perform well when he got the starting job when Pitta went down. We all know a tight end is a quarterback's best friend, and Joe Flacco was giving high remarks about Williams throughout minicamp. There could be a special bond growing between them already. The former Minnesota Gopher would be a very much better option in a dynasty league because even if Pitta can eventually stay healthy, the franchise has already expressed that Williams is the tight end of the their future.

The University of Miami is known for producing dangerously fast players and Walford is a clear example. Walford is a touchdown waiting to happen, and with promising quarterback Derek Carr, Walford could be in for a huge rookie season. Raiders general manager Reggie McKenzie has already stated that the former Hurricane tight end brings the entire package to their offense. That means he could possibly be an every-down tight end, which makes him an even more valuable fantasy TE.

James is my number 1 sleeper out of all the rookie tight ends. With better size and athleticism than most tight ends in this draft class, James is the Steelers future franchise tight end. Even with Heath Miller and matt Spaeth on the roster, Spaeth is more of a blocking tight end and Miller had issues staying healthy this past season, which means, James can get some valuable reps on passing downs and should be able to take the number 2 spot from Spaeth if he doesn't get the starting spot. James would be a great pickup in a dynasty league as Miller is digressing and noticeably getting slower.

Kroft isn't a bad player, but he is stuck on a long list of options at tight end. He is currently the third string tight end, and with promising tight end Tyler Eifert expected to take a majority of snaps, it'll be hard for Kroft to find some playing time. Maybe the former Rutgers tight end could eventually get the second string spot behind Eifert, but that seems unlikely.

Pruitt is a slightly undersized tight end with his six foot, 2 inch height, but nonetheless, he has some sleeper potential. He has very good speed and catching ability, and with offensive coordinator Norv Turner, who turns most tight ends into fantasy studs, Pruitt should be able to get some valuable snaps this season. Pruitt's athleticism alone should be able to carry him to the second string spot behind starter Kyle Rudolph, but if that doesn't work out, Turner has hinted at Pruitt possibly playing some fullback or could have a role as an h-back. With Rudolph's health still questionable, and Pruitt's versatility, the former Southern Illinois player could be a valuable late round option for dynasty leagues.

For the most in-depth TE fantasy football news, stay tuned to ASL all season long!

Fantasy Football - FF Talk Online

Things are about to get much tougher in fantasy leagues with the start of byes in Week 4. With six teams getting the week off, it causes a scramble on the waiver wires just to fill a team. In this case, you have to make sure you are getting the right players in your lineup […]

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The Saints ended a busy week by adding linebacker Craig Robertson and matching the Bears' offer sheet to tight end Josh Hill. Is New Orleans done making moves this offseason?

Will the 49ers consider re-signing Anquan Boldin? Find out why general manager Trent Baalke said any signing would happen "later than sooner."

The New Orleans Saints will add some pass-rush punch to their interior. NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport reports that the team is expected to sign defensive tackle Nick Fairley.

The Tennessee Titans signed safety Rashad Johnson on Friday. The veteran will replace Michael Griffin in the team's secondary. This signing continues a trend of grabbing vets to shore the defense.

The NFL adjusted the touchback rule, moving the ball to the 25-yard line. Tennessee Titans kicker Ryan Succop is one of many who doesn't believe the change will lead to the desired outcome.

The New York Times published a story Thursday based on the paper's investigation into the NFL's concussion research from 1996 to 2001 that was used in 13 peer-reviewed articles and "held up by the league as scientific evidence that brain injuries did not cause long-term harm to its players."

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