Monday 16 October 2017

Sistema De La Parrilla De La Divisa

Estrategia de negociación de divisas # 13 (sistema de parrilla de ruptura de pares de tendencias)

Enviado por Usuario el 1 de octubre de 2008 - 06:33.

Sistema de parrilla de separación de pares de Claus

Yo elijo el par más violento, GBP / USD. Puse órdenes de stop loss por encima y por debajo del precio actual en un intervalo de 20 pips de nuevo. El precio actual es de aproximadamente 1.7800 por lo que aquí está la red:

Comprar parar 1.7820 1.7840 1.7860 1.7880 1.7900 1.7920 1.7940 vender parar 1.7780 1.7760 1.7740 1.7720 1.7700 1.7680 1.7660

Eventualmente el mercado irá lejos del precio actual, hacia el norte o el sur. Si tengo más de 2,45 veces compra que vende o más de 2,45 veces vende que compra, la red es es ganancia. Puesto que las órdenes están cancelando sus opuestos, el margen es una edición muy pequeña aquí. El capital perdido también es pequeño. Obviamente, si se establece la cuadrícula justo antes de la apertura de Londres tiene una probabilidad muy pequeña de tener que esperar unos días hasta que esté en beneficio.

Sugerencias y comentarios son bienvenidos. Gracias.

Gracias Claus, su contribución es muy apreciada! Edward Revy y mis mejores estrategias Forex Team http://forex-strategies-revealed. com/

Enviado por Usuario el 1 de octubre de 2008 - 13:17.

¿Es esto un sistema o una idea? Porque si es una idea debe ser publicado en la sección de desarrollo de la derecha?

Enviado por Usuario el 1 de octubre de 2008 - 13:19.

¿Puedes publicar algunos de tus resultados?

Todos los que suban un sistema deben agregar algunas estadísticas para que la gente sepa mejor sobre ella.

Enviado por Usuario el 1 de octubre de 2008 - 13:41.

Puede decir acerca de su mayor reducción?

Enviado por Claus el 2 de octubre de 2008 - 08:18.

Hola, me gustaría opiniones y comentarios sobre el sistema de mejora. Gracias.

Enviado por Usuario el 2 de Octubre de 2008 - 08:32.

Todos los sistemas de cuadrícula que he visto eventualmente apagarán su cuenta. Suena bien en teoría, pero normalmente comenzará a acumular posiciones perdedoras que equivalen a cientos de pips sin esperanza de retrocesos que recuperarán sus pérdidas. Recomiendo encarecidamente intentar esto en una demo durante al menos 3 meses continuamente antes de pensar en usarlo con una cuenta real.

Enviado por Claus el 2 de octubre de 2008 - 09:55.

# Esto suena bien en teoría, pero normalmente comenzará a acumular posiciones perdedoras que equivalen a cientos de pips sin esperanza de retrocesos que recuperarán sus pérdidas.

Mi sistema no tiene nada que ver con tu Martingala. No hay posición perdedora de acumulación aquí. No esperamos una reversión, pero siempre negociamos con la tendencia y no contra ella. Por lo tanto, su llamado 'Tendencia de los pares de ruptura del sistema de cuadrícula'.

@ Todos Sin intención de ofender, pero por favor trate de entender la idea básica de la estrategia y pensarlo primero antes de empezar a publicar. De lo contrario sólo perder el tiempo.

Enviado por Rich el 2 de octubre de 2008 - 13:40.

En primer lugar, gracias por el sistema. Es probablemente el primer sistema de cuadrícula que tiene sentido para mí. Quiero probarlo a partir del próximo lunes y necesitaría confirmar algunos detalles, por favor.

Las órdenes de compra y venta no se cancelan, ¿verdad? Cualquiera que esté abierto permanece abierta hasta que llegamos a cerrar todas las posiciones algún tiempo después.

Además, en su ejemplo, sugiere 7 pares de órdenes para la cuadrícula. ¿Es este un número recomendado o incluso necesario, siempre y cuando la matemática va?

Enviado por Claus el 2 de octubre de 2008 - 14:34.

# Los pedidos de compra y venta no se cancelan entre sí, ¿verdad? Cualquiera que esté abierto permanece abierto hasta que llegamos a cerrar todas las posiciones algún tiempo después.

Hola Rich, las órdenes están cancelando sus opuestos. Cuando una orden de compra llega a un pedido de venta ambos pedidos se han ido.

# También, en su ejemplo, sugiere 7 pares de pedidos para la cuadrícula. ¿Se trata de un número recomendado o incluso necesario, siempre y cuando la matemática va?

El número de pedidos no está limitado. 7 pares de órdenes era sólo un ejemplo. Lo mismo con GBP / USD, Londres apertura y espaciado de la parrilla.

También puede tomar EUR / USD, apertura de NY o un evento de noticias y un espaciado de sólo 5 o 10 pips. Todavía no he descubierto lo que funciona mejor aquí.

Sólo necesitamos volatilidad con enormes altibajos. Esta estrategia no funciona en un mercado tranquilo.

Las mejoras u otras ideas son bienvenidas. Nada está arreglado todavía. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Expert4x promovió un sistema de comercio por Slim Forex, más de 100% P. A.Slim Forex también pagó a expert4X una comisión del 20% sobre las ganancias por encima de la marca de alta mar. Tallinex (el corredor) igualó también los depósitos de los inversionistas $ 1 para $ 1.Slim Forex sopló todos los clientes Dinero. Slim Forex sopló todas las cuentas de los clientes, pero si usted tenía decir $ 1000 de su propio dinero adentro, entonces Tallinex (el corredor) $ 1000 de bonificación, pero cuando slim había aniquilado el suyo (los clientes) $ 1000 de dinero real, retiraron su bonificación, como la cuenta entró en la llamada de margen. Muchas personas perdieron enormes cantidades de dinero debido a este esquema ficticio, fraudulento administrado por Expert 4x. Experto 4x están bajo investigación por las autoridades australianas, ya que no tienen licencia para ofrecer servicios financieros en Australia.

Steve, Middle Earth, Reino Unido

Tomó Slim Forex un poco menos de 3 meses para soplar mi cuenta (sólo una cuenta regular, no la super-arriesgada basura que Expert4X también ofrecen). Tengo un gato con mejores habilidades de negociación. Casi todas las reglas de la buena selección y gestión del comercio parecían estar rotas.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso Legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





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El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)

La técnica de la martingala es básicamente cualquier estrategia que aumenta el tamaño del comercio como un comercio se mueve contra el comerciante o después de una pérdida de comercio.

La técnica anti-martingala es básicamente cualquier estrategia que aumenta el tamaño del comercio como el comercio se mueve en favor de los comerciantes o después de un comercio ganador.

La martingala y la anti-martingala son estrategias de dimensionamiento de posición.

La estrategia más básica de la martingala es una en la cual el comerciante negocia un tamaño inicial de la posición en el principio de su estrategia que negocia y después duplica el tamaño después de cada comercio no provechoso. Después de un comerciante rentable vuelve a la posición inicial. Usando esta estrategia no importa cuán grande es la cadena de perder operaciones un comerciante se enfrenta, en el próximo comercio ganador se compone todas sus pérdidas más un beneficio igual a la ganancia en su tamaño inicial.

Este post presenta la lista de desventajas del método de negociación de cuadrícula. Sí, hay obviamente algunas desventajas, si usted pensó por un momento que las rejillas autónomas son ya el santo grial de la divisa. Las desventajas son absolutamente vale la pena conocer, pero en serio, nunca va a vencer a la lista de ventajas de método de cuadrícula (check - & gt; ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la red de comercio?)

¿Cuáles son las desventajas de la negociación de la red?

Las rejillas ofrecen una buena estructura comercial, pero no son máquinas de lucro mágico. Las redes de comercio viene con su propio conjunto específico de desafíos.

Usted encontrará con el tiempo que, incluso con el comercio de la red, no se puede escapar completamente de algunos análisis de mercado

Potencial para los retiros gigantescos de la equidad. Si tenemos tan mucha venta abierta y el mercado continúa moviéndose para arriba. Imagínese cuánto pierde la primera venta en el fondo, luego el siguiente y el siguiente. Cada uno de los bajos pierde mucho.

La cuenta debe soportar grandes reducciones

Requiere una cuenta grande y un lote pequeño (tamaño de posición inicial)

Ganancias relativamente pequeñas en comparación con el riesgo

Muchas estrategias de comercio de rejilla diferentes. Algunos tienen más sentido que el otro.

Negociación de la red en su concepto puro y básico no funciona tan bien como uno puede potencialmente pensar.

Requiere muchos pacientes. Puede tomar incluso años, por lo que el mercado vuelve con algunas posiciones abiertas en los beneficios.

El comercio de la red puede ser peligroso cuando los mercados se vuelven muy volátiles (y las lagunas, y Noticias Fundamentales).

¿Cómo elegir la red óptima? ¿Dinámico o fijo? ¿Diferente por instrumento?

Pequeñas redes en plazos bajos es muy difícil de manejar

Grids en grandes plazos requieren mucha paciencia

Muchos pedidos = spreads grandes

Mantener los pedidos de la red durante muchos días = swaps grandes (generalmente negativos)

Más órdenes = el margen de la cuenta disminuye rápidamente

Las estrategias basadas en la red requieren mucha paciencia y disciplina

El comercio manual de la red es muy agotador. Automático casi completo o semi (EA) casi siempre se requiere.

Pequeños pequeños beneficios

Por favor, deje su comentario en caso de que no esté de acuerdo con cualquiera de las desventajas de comercio de la red anterior o si tiene algunos adicionales que deben colocarse en esta lista. ¡Gracias!

Próximos posts le explicará mejor por qué la comprensión de las ventajas y desventajas de sus métodos comerciales es tan importante.

Cómo rejilla comercio FOREX

Es un A + calificado BBB

Logo BBB (Oficina de Buenas Prácticas Comerciales)

Copyright y copia; Zacks Investigación de Inversiones

En el centro de todo lo que hacemos es un fuerte compromiso con la investigación independiente y compartir sus descubrimientos provechosos con los inversores. Esta dedicación a dar a los inversores una ventaja comercial llevó a la creación de nuestro probado Zacks Rank sistema de clasificación de valores. Desde 1986 casi triplicó el S & P 500 con una ganancia media de + 26% por año. Estos rendimientos cubren un período de 1986-2011 y fueron examinados y atestiguados por Baker Tilly, una firma de contabilidad independiente.

Visite el rendimiento para obtener información sobre los números de rendimiento mostrados anteriormente.

Los datos de NYSE y AMEX tienen al menos 20 minutos de retraso. Los datos de NASDAQ tienen al menos 15 minutos de retraso.

¿Cómo funciona la red de divisas?

Por lo general en todo tipo de estrategias de divisas, la operación implica orden individual a la vez. Pero con la estrategia de la red forex. Varios pedidos pueden ser operados simultáneamente. Esto se denomina sistema de no indicador que funciona sobre el principio de colocar un nivel de orden a una distancia de cada lado del mercado. Obtener el equilibrio perfecto entre el nivel de parada y el beneficio es bastante improbable que es la razón por la estrategia de la red forex rara vez es rentable. Además, debido a la codicia y la reducción de los plazos, los comerciantes aficionados no se toman en serio en cuenta causando devoluciones inadecuadas.

Cómo funciona la red de divisas

Sin embargo, el sistema de red forex ha hecho que el proceso de negociación sea más fácil que nunca. Una serie de números se establece para los pedidos de límite de entrada por el comerciante. Estos números se utilizan para hacer la cuadrícula. Se utiliza un número específico de pips a partir del precio actual. Cuando el precio de mercado alcanza el nivel, el comerciante ejecuta la orden de límite. Luego, para un número determinado de pips, se ejecuta un pedido de precio límite. Y este proceso se lleva a cabo. Cuando se gana ganancia con el precio moviéndose al nivel original, se ejecuta otra orden de límite y el proceso continúa. Sistema de la red de divisas es bastante simple, pero cuando se trata de cerrar el trato, muchos comerciantes les resulta difícil calcular el tiempo adecuado y el proceso para hacerlo. Para mantener las cosas más simples, muchos comerciantes optan por no pensar en dejar de perder. Pero si usted no quiere correr el riesgo de mantenerse con las posiciones hasta la llamada de margen, puede utilizar su intuición. Incluso si fallas inicialmente, pronto lo dominarás también.

El tamaño de la distancia o la pierna de la parrilla de la divisa juega un papel vital en negociar con esta estrategia. Comerciantes seguros y aficionados utilizan piernas más pequeñas o tamaños de rejilla. Generalmente no ponen sus órdenes para más de 25 a 30 pips. Como el riesgo es bajo, también lo es el retorno. En el sistema de cuadrícula forex, se necesitan tamaños de pierna más grandes, preferiblemente de 200 a 300 pips. Las monedas que son comunes en el comercio para ellos este rango es altamente recomendable para USD y Euro, 200 pips y para JPY y GBP, 300 pips.

¿Por qué el sistema de la red de Forex

Básicamente la red forex es un software. Por lo tanto, le guía a través de las complejidades de la negociación. Usted no necesita trabajar su cerebro cuando usted piensa que las condiciones del mercado no están en su favor. La parrilla de la divisa le mantiene preparado delante y hace el necesario sí mismo de modo que incluso si usted no hace ganancias inesperadas, con todo usted no pierde el dinero. La mayor ventaja de este software es su facilidad de uso. Manipula como robot y puede establecer las reglas y metas como un sistema automatizado. Necesita monitorear su sistema. Una vez que el estado positivo se alcanza y también el precio está en su máximo de lo que se esperaba de la pierna de la rejilla, usted debe efectivo adentro. Esto prevendrá la pérdida. Una vez que ya no se molestan acerca de cualquier pérdida potencial, puede analizar la tendencia del mercado para sus esfuerzos futuros.

La estrategia Grid es un sistema robusto en el que las entradas y salidas son predeterminadas sin tener en cuenta el análisis técnico, como las áreas de soporte o resistencia. Este sistema de cuadrícula no utiliza pérdidas de parada. Por lo tanto las llaves al éxito están en los tamaños de la posición y el espaciamiento de la entrada / salida. Haga los tamaños de posición demasiado grandes o las entradas demasiado cercanas entre sí y corre un grave riesgo de llamada de margen. Por lo tanto, es necesario tener un enfoque conservador para sobrevivir a profundas reducciones ya múltiples posiciones. Por esta razón, el sistema de rejilla debe ser visto como una estrategia a largo plazo.

Llamaremos el espacio entre dos entradas adyacentes a una pierna. Habrá piernas cortas (como en venta) y largas (como en comprar) piernas. Si su cuenta está basada en los Estados Unidos, necesitará dos cuentas separadas debido a las regulaciones contra la cobertura.

Con esta estrategia habrá períodos de reducción (pérdida no realizada), incluso al cerrar las piernas con fines de lucro. Si se hace correctamente, el precio eventualmente "barrerá" más de la misma zona de rejilla (piernas) y llevará a ganancias al superar la reducción. Me gusta llamar a este cruce de poco rentable a rentable el punto de inflexión desde el inicio. Ahora, con el transcurso del tiempo es posible cruzar hacia adelante y hacia atrás de rentable a no rentable con movimientos de precios significativos en una dirección. Sin embargo, vamos a cosechar seccional tomar ganancias (piernas) hasta que el precio oscila y nos pone por delante. Cuelgue el tiempo suficiente y con el tiempo será lo suficientemente lejos por delante que no va a cruzar el punto de inflexión de nuevo. La clave es no ser codicioso y establecer los tamaños de posición de manera conservadora.

Lo primero que debe hacer es calcular el tamaño de su posición según el tamaño de la cuenta, el apalancamiento y el espaciado de la cuadrícula. No entraré en detalles sobre todo. Especialmente desde que cada comerciante tiene una tolerancia más alta / más baja para el riesgo y la diversa preferencia para tamaños del espaciamiento. Todo lo que haré es hacer sugerencias y recomendaciones. Mi primera sugerencia es pensar bien. Déjenme repetir, pensar todo bien. Su planificación determinará si finalmente tiene éxito o no. Debe considerar la reducción de entradas múltiples, swap / rollover interés y tiempo (costo de oportunidad), entre otras cosas. Una vez más, para el tamaño de la posición, recuerde que la clave es ser capaz de sobrevivir grandes retiros en entradas múltiples. Para espaciar, recomiendo arredondar el rango verdadero promedio diario (ATR) del par de divisas al quincuagésimo más cercano (en pips). Por ejemplo, si el ATR diario de EUR / USD es de 79 pips, utilice un espacio de rejilla de 100 pips. Si un par como EUR / CHF tiene un ATR diario de 23 pips, entonces utilice el espaciado de 50 pips. Si un par como GBP / NZD tiene un ATR diario de 174 pips, utilice un espaciado de 200 pips. Stick a lo que usted comience con durante algún tiempo. Si el ATR del par ha cambiado significativamente con el tiempo, entonces solo cambie a nuevos espaciados y nuevos tamaños de posición si tiene suficiente capital para cubrir el cambio en el requerimiento de margen.

Establezca un beneficio justo antes de la siguiente entrada. La idea es cobrar en un comercio antes de entrar en el siguiente. Tenga en cuenta la propagación al establecer su toma de ganancias. Se recomienda dejar al menos suficiente espacio para cubrir la propagación normal. Una vez que una operación se ha cerrado y se han depositado los pips, establecer una orden pendiente para esa misma etapa y que está listo para hacerlo de nuevo!

Opcional: Coloque las órdenes pendientes de compra y venta de manera escalonada en la cuadrícula. Por ejemplo, ponga órdenes de compra en 1.3000, 1.3100, 1.3200, etc y vende en 1.3250, 1.3150, 1.3050, etc.

404 significa que el archivo no se encuentra. Si ya ha subido el archivo, el nombre puede estar mal escrito o está en una carpeta diferente.

Otras posibles causas

Puede obtener un error 404 para las imágenes porque tiene Hot Link Protection activado y el dominio no está en la lista de dominios autorizados.

Si va a su url temporal (http: // ip /

Username /) y obtener este error, tal vez un problema con el conjunto de reglas almacenadas en un archivo. htaccess. Puede intentar cambiar el nombre de ese archivo a. htaccess-backup y actualizar el sitio para ver si se resuelve el problema.

También es posible que haya borrado su raíz de documento de forma inadvertida o que su cuenta tenga que ser recreada. De cualquier manera, póngase en contacto con HostGator inmediatamente a través de teléfono o chat en vivo para que podamos diagnosticar el problema.

¿Estás usando WordPress? Consulte la sección sobre errores 404 después de hacer clic en un enlace de WordPress.

Archivos perdidos o rotos

Cuando obtenga un error 404 asegúrese de comprobar la URL que está intentando utilizar en su navegador. Esto le dice al servidor qué recurso debe intentar solicitar.

En este ejemplo, el archivo debe estar en public_html / example / Example /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que hacen cumplir la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas y E xample no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Para los dominios addon, el archivo debe estar en public_html / addondomain. com / example / Example / y los nombres distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.

Imagen rota

Cuando usted tiene una imagen que falta en su sitio usted puede ver una caja en su página con con una X roja donde la imagen falta. Haga clic derecho en la X y elija Propiedades. Las propiedades le dirán la ruta y el nombre de archivo que no se pueden encontrar.

Esto varía según el navegador, si no ves una casilla en tu página con una X roja, haz clic derecho en la página, luego selecciona Ver información de la página y ve a la pestaña Medios.

En este ejemplo, el archivo de imagen debe estar en public_html / images /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que imponen la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas PNG y png no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Al trabajar con WordPress, 404 Page Not Found los errores a menudo pueden ocurrir cuando un nuevo tema ha sido activado o cuando las reglas de reescritura en el archivo. Htaccess se han alterado.

Cuando se encuentra con un error 404 en WordPress, tiene dos opciones para corregirlo.

Opción 1: Corregir los Permalinks

Inicie sesión en WordPress.

En el menú de navegación de la izquierda de WordPress, haga clic en Configuración & gt; Permalinks (Observe la configuración actual.) Si está utilizando una estructura personalizada, copie o guarde la estructura personalizada en alguna parte.

Seleccione Predeterminado.

Haga clic en Guardar configuración.

Cambie la configuración de nuevo a la configuración anterior (antes de seleccionar Default). Vuelva a poner la estructura personalizada si tenía uno.

Haga clic en Guardar configuración.

Esto restablecerá los permalinks y solucionará el problema en muchos casos. Si esto no funciona, puede que tenga que editar su archivo. htaccess directamente.

Opción 2: Modificar el archivo. htaccess

Agregue el siguiente fragmento de código a la parte superior de su archivo. htaccess:

# BEGIN WordPress & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite. c & gt; RewriteEngine En RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index. php $ - [L] RewriteCond%! - f RewriteCond%! - d RewriteRule. /index. php [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; # End WordPress

Si su blog está mostrando el nombre de dominio incorrecto en los enlaces, redirigir a otro sitio, o falta imágenes y estilo, todos están relacionados con el mismo problema: tiene el nombre de dominio incorrecto configurado en su blog de WordPress.

El archivo. htaccess contiene directivas (instrucciones) que le indican al servidor cómo comportarse en determinados escenarios y afectan directamente al funcionamiento de su sitio web.

Los redireccionamientos y la reescritura de URL son dos directivas muy comunes encontradas en un archivo. htaccess, y muchas secuencias de comandos como WordPress, Drupal, Joomla y Magento agregan directivas al. htaccess para que puedan funcionar.

Es posible que necesite editar el archivo. htaccess en algún momento, por varias razones. Esta sección explica cómo editar el archivo en cPanel, pero no lo que necesite ser cambiado (puede que tenga que consultar otros artículos y Recursos para esa información.)

Hay muchas maneras de editar un archivo. htaccess

Editar el archivo en su computadora y subirlo al servidor a través de FTP

Utilice el modo de edición de un programa FTP

Utilice SSH y un editor de texto

Utilice el Administrador de archivos en cPanel

La forma más fácil de editar un archivo. htaccess para la mayoría de la gente es a través del Administrador de archivos en cPanel.

Cómo editar archivos. htaccess en el Administrador de Archivos de cPanel

Antes de hacer cualquier cosa, se sugiere que haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web para que pueda volver a una versión anterior si algo sale mal.

Abra el Administrador de archivos

Inicie sesión en cPanel.

En la sección Archivos, haga clic en el icono Administrador de archivos.

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Buen día a todos.

Quiero compartir un sistema en el que estoy trabajando.

Generalmente, antes de la apertura europea (7:00 GMT) el mercado de divisas es lento, digamos antes de las 5:00 GMT. A continuación, aumenta el movimiento, y normalmente la mayoría de los pares están subiendo o bajando, la mayoría de las veces sólo de una manera, especialmente cuando se publican las noticias.

Bueno, este sistema se basa en poner órdenes pendientes alrededor de las 4:00 GMT con un script MT4, arriba (compra) y debajo (vende) el precio real cuando el mercado sigue siendo lento. La distancia mínima entre el precio real y la primera orden pendiente se indica en el guión como "NivelDistancia". De esta manera dejamos espacio suficiente para el ruido del mercado hasta que finalmente sube o baja.

Las órdenes pendientes se dividen en dos grupos: el primer grupo es el más cercano al precio de mercado y tiene un tamaño de lote mayor (por ejemplo 0,02 lotes, con una cuenta de microlotes). Cada orden pendiente es una cantidad de pips (por ejemplo, 5 pips) alejados unos de otros (gridspacing en el guión). Estoy usando TP 40 y SL 80 para este grupo.

El segundo grupo tiene un tamaño de lote más pequeño (por ejemplo 0,01 lotes), y beguina desde el límite ( "gridupperlimit" y "gridlowerlimit" en el guión) donde el primer grupo terminó, hasta el segundo límite indicado en el guión (& quot ; Gridupperlimit2 & quot; gridlowerlimit2 & quot;). Estoy usando TP 30, SL 60 en este segundo grupo.

De esta manera, forma una cuadrícula de compras y ventas, y las más cercanas al precio, que en realidad tienen más posibilidades de obtener el TP, son más grandes.

Active el script aproximadamente a las 4:00 GMT. Ponga sus variables, e ir a dormir. . Utilice pares con un amplio rango diario de movimientos especialmente en sesión europea, como EURJPY, GBPUSD, GBPJPY. Busco pares que tienen recientemente por lo menos 120 pips de la gama media diaria. Adjunto el indicador de rango diario TSR, muy útil para ver esto. . Mira si hay noticias para esos pares en la sesión europea. Necesitamos grandes movimientos para este sistema. Si no hay noticias significativas, no cambie ni reduzca el número de órdenes pendientes. : Vea los puntos de apoyo y resistencia antes de poner tus límites, teniendo en cuenta tus TPs. . No importa si un par va hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Sólo reducir de una manera u otra si el par está sobrecomprado / sobreventa. . Usted puede poner las paradas de arrastre, especialmente en el segundo grupo, en ese caso usted puede ancho su TP. . Puede utilizarlo también en cualquier noticia, como NFP. Sólo asegúrese de que su corredor respeta los precios, y cómo la propagación se ensancha. . Recomiendo usar este sistema con una cuenta microlot. Lo uso en muchos pares a la vez, o puedo aumentar el tamaño de microlot. . Utiliza la hora de caducidad ( "horas_expira"), normalmente uso 6 horas, depende de los comunicados de prensa. A veces me despierto a las 9:00 GMT (estoy en Colombia, a esa hora estoy durmiendo), cierro operaciones de lucro y borro las pendientes, o les pongo una parada final. . Utilícelo primero en la demostración. Se recomienda un mes.

Ponga el script & quot; Pending_grid_multiple_1.0.mq4 & quot; en el. \ Experts \ scripts en su directorio MT4 Ponga el indicador & quot; (T_S_R) range2.mq4 & quot; en el. Carpeta \ experts \ indicators en su directorio MT4

Cualquier mejora, preguntas, ajustes, etc. son bienvenidos. Voy a cargar actualizaciones aquí en el primer post, si hay alguna.

Todavía no soy un programador, estoy tratando de aprender. He tomado y ensuciado este script de otros scripts (como pending_orders de metaquotes, y otro no recuerdo de dónde vino), y lo modificó. Si usted ve cualquier error, usted es agradable decirme.

Buen comercio con todos.

Estadísticas de la primera semana por par

Aquí están las estadísticas de cada par para la primera semana.

No tome las estadísticas de XAUUSD, porque era solamente un día (día terrible para el oro). No intenté de nuevo ese par, pero voy a probarlo en otra cuenta con ajustes diferentes.

El GBP / USD es casi igual, pero juro que fue un buen par en los últimos meses para operar con este sistema.

Como se puede ver, hubo un total de 1712 pips en una semana, por supuesto, había sólo $ 236 porque uso microlots para esa pequeña cuenta.

GBPJPY tiene una enorme extensión, pero se puede ver que vale la pena, ya que hace el doble de los oficios de otras parejas.

Bueno, chicos, si pueden probar este sistema en grandes cuentas de demostración con minilotes, y nos dicen los resultados aquí, lo apreciaré mucho.

Tenga en cuenta que si tiene cada 5 pips pedidos pendientes, y tiene 40 pips TP, puede tener 7 operaciones abiertas a la vez. Y si tiene 5 operaciones para el primer grupo (0,02 lotes en cuenta de microlotes), más 2 operaciones para el segundo grupo (0,01 lotes), tendrá 0,12 lotes abiertos al mismo tiempo para cada par. Tenga cuidado con su administración de dinero y margen mínimo. Para mini-cuentas, será igual a tener 1.2 lotes por par.

Bueno, este es un script, sistema semi-automático (no EA), no creo que funcione como EA, por tres razones: en primer lugar, es necesario ver los puntos de soporte y resistencia para calcular sus límites; La idea es que el orden pendiente alcanza su TP antes de soportes o resistencias importantes. En segundo lugar, usted necesita mirar si hay noticias en la sesión europea, y cómo son relevantes. En tercer lugar, tendrá que operar sólo de aproximadamente 7 a 11:00 GMT, cuando el mercado por lo general va en una sola dirección (bueno, este último puede ser hecho por EA EA). Pero si usted ha visto este sistema para otro punto de vista, la bienvenida a su esfuerzo. Soy un idealista, que piensa que si un montón de gente trabajamos juntos, vamos a construir una gran estrategia que puede beneficiar a todos nosotros.

De lo contrario, la función "mientras que & quot; Estoy usando es el ciclo de poner órdenes pendientes cada 5 pips, & quot; mientras que & quot; Alcanza el límite. Si se aplica el script, se puede ver que es más rápido que poner órdenes con un EA (que es mi impresión), de esa manera que el código tiene un sueño de 10 segundos entre las operaciones, porque el corredor (MT4) puede rechazar los oficios si hay Son demasiado rápidos entre sí. Si construyes un EA, esa función puede ser borrada, creo. Pateame con tus opiniones si me equivoco.


Yo estaba pensando. Dormir = 10000 son diez segundos? Porque he visto menos tiempo entre los oficios, incluso en cuenta real.


Una imagen vale más que mil palabras (no sé si esa es la traducción correcta en inglés, lo siento si no).

Aunque esta noche no hay noticias relevantes, estoy poniendo el guión de la cuadrícula, y se ve así:

Última edición por Linuxser; 16-03-2010, 05:24.


Esta semana, al mismo tiempo voy a intentar el mismo sistema con parada de arrastre (25 pips para 0.02 lotes (primer grupo) y 15 pips para lotes 0.01), con TP 100, SL mismo. Diariamente publicaré los resultados.


Resultados de monday

Estos son los resultados para anoche. Había mucho movimiento antes de la sesión europea, con un movimiento de contra-tendencia causando muchas pérdidas, pero la cuenta fue casi igual.

Por eso es mejor no comerciar cuando no hay noticias significativas por la noche. De todos modos voy a probar el sistema todos los días, para ver cómo es su comportamiento en escenarios peores casos.

Beneficio hasta ahora: $ 238.90 (base $ 500, 6 días, cuenta microlots).


Bueno, no sé cuál margen mínimo FXDD requiere, pero me ha detenido todos mis operaciones anoche, por supuesto la cuenta se sentía a $ 550. Nunca ocurrió con la demostración Interbank, pero esta última no funciona con mi strategu debido a los spreads ampliados durante las noticias. Eso cambia mi estrategia, al menos con FXDD. Voy a beguin otra vez con $ 500, solamente 1 par (GBPJPY) mientras que estoy buscando un buen corredor del microlot.

Resultados hasta ahora:


Yo uso InterbankFX para mi cuenta en vivo, Micro y Normal, y son muy buenos. No he tenido problemas.


Estaba en la demostración Interbank últimas noticias NFP, y vi la extensión de GBPJPY se amplió a 90 PIPS! ¿Está ocurriendo esto en la cuenta real Interbancaria?


Resultados de la primera noche

Buenos días. Estos son los resultados de anoche. Estoy probando sólo GBPJPY, TP 40, SL 60 (me olvidé de decir que he reducido SL de 80 a 60). Primer grupo +/- 50 pips del precio, segundo grupo +/- 30 pips, distancia mínima (& quot; nivel & quot; en el guión) 25 pips.

FXDD no detuvo ningún comercio. Voy a preguntarles cuál es el nivel de margen mínimo requerido.


Estaba en la demostración Interbank últimas noticias NFP, y vi la extensión de GBPJPY se amplió a 90 PIPS! ¿Está ocurriendo esto en la cuenta real Interbancaria?


Copyright 2005-2017, MQL5 Ltd.

Descargo de responsabilidad: - La información sobre el comercio en línea de Forex presentado en este sitio web no debe considerarse como forex o asesoramiento de comercio de divisas. El comercio de divisas y fx es altamente especulativo y sólo debe hacerse con capital de riesgo. Los precios de divisas suben y bajan y el desempeño pasado de las operaciones de divisas no es garantía de rendimiento futuro. Este sitio web de comercio de divisas en línea es un sitio web de información de comercio de divisas sólo. En consecuencia, no hacemos ninguna garantía o garantía con respecto a la corrección o validez de su contenido. Los comerciantes de Forex haciendo uso de la información de comercio de divisas en línea presentado lo hacen a su propio riesgo. La información proporcionada aquí no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos de inversión forex, la situación financiera o las necesidades de cualquier persona en particular. Este sitio no está destinado a utilizarse como la única fuente de información de comercio de divisas o educación forex. Es importante y asumió que los comerciantes utilizan los principios de comercio de sonido cuando se utiliza la información en línea de comercio de divisas en este sitio de comercio de divisas. Esto incluye el comercio de sentido común, el dinero sano y la gestión de riesgos y la plena propiedad personal de cualquier decisión comercial. Los inversores deben obtener asesoramiento financiero individual basado en sus propias circunstancias particulares antes de tomar cualquier decisión de inversión en moneda extranjera.

Forex Trading Alertas La parada sin parar. Hedged, Forex Trading GRID Sistema de Inversión

Preguntas y Respuestas sobre el No Stop, Hedged, Forex Trading Grid System

P. SUPERVISIÓN REQUERIDA: ¿El COMERCIANTE tiene que estar frente a la computadora que supervisa este sistema de cobertura durante las mejores horas de mercado como el mercado de Londres? Estoy en la costa este y no puedo sentarme toda la noche

A. SUPERVISIÓN REQUERIDA: El sistema de Grid requiere muy poca supervisión ya que las órdenes de entrada son precargadas en una cuadrícula que podría cubrir semanas o meses por delante. Por lo tanto, el sistema requiere una baja supervisión una o dos veces al día para ver cómo van las cosas. Tratamos de intercambiar 300 a 500 pips por delante del mercado & # 8211; Esto significa que sólo tiene que tomar medidas una vez que el precio se ha movido entre 250 y 450 pips. Es un método lento y estable.

Q. REQUISITOS DEL SISTEMA: ¿Utilizo la plataforma Meta Trader 4, todavía podría usar ese sistema para operar el sistema de Grid?

A. REQUISITOS DEL SISTEMA: Cualquier estación de comercio de corredores que permita que una transacción de compra y venta en la misma moneda esté abierta al mismo tiempo es requerida. Debe poder introducir objetivos para cada transacción. MetaTrader es bueno ya que permite una compra y venta en la misma moneda al mismo tiempo.

El sistema de cuadrícula no utiliza gráficos o indicadores y sólo se puede negociar desde la estación de negociación. Es agradable ver visualmente lo que está pasando en el uso de gráficos, pero estos no son esenciales.

Q DRAW DOWNS: ¿El método de negociación de Grid tiene grandes descuentos de vez en cuando?

A. DIBUJOS ABAJO: SÍ si no sabe lo que está haciendo, puede limpiar su cuenta rápidamente. El tamaño de la cuadrícula, la selección de monedas y las estrategias de mercado de tendencias son factores críticos de éxito. Esto no es un método de cowboy es un enfoque de inversión a largo plazo.

Se han tomado años y muchos borrar outs para obtener el equilibrio entre la rentabilidad y el riesgo. Usted puede beneficiarse de esta experiencia. No piense porque usted entiende los conceptos comerciales de la red que usted puede ganar dinero.

Entre nuestros grupos actuales, el grupo GBP no ha tenido prácticamente ningún retiro (+/- 160 pips cubiertos por otras ganancias), pero el GBPJPY tuvo un mal comienzo y tuvo rebajas de +/- 1200 pips. El GBPJPY es actualmente 4 000 pips up

Q. REQUISITOS DE CAPITAL: ¿Cuánto Capital necesito para comenzar a operar el Sistema de Grid

A. REQUISITOS DE CAPITAL: Necesita dinero para 2 cosas al operar el sistema de Grid. Este dinero viene s por el dinero inicial con el que empiezas en tu cuenta y cualquier ganancia retenida que dejes en tu cuenta.

Usted necesita una reserva en caso de que tenga alguna bajada (ver otra pregunta sobre bajadas). En el comercio de la red las reducciones no son el problema principal, ya que la mayoría de las posiciones están cubiertas por transacciones opuestas o cobrado en ganancias.

Necesita c apital para financiar los márgenes de los corredores. Este es el mayor requisito de financiamiento, ya que cuando el mercado comienza las transacciones de tendencia están cubiertas y el número de transacciones abiertas puede crecer. La mayoría de las veces los requisitos de margen son mucho más que la reducción de la reserva que necesita.

Como guía altamente conservadora recomendamos $ 4000 por cada 1 porción que se comercializará en una mini cuenta. $ 40 000 para una cuenta principal. En retrospectiva, el grupo GBP podría haber comenzado con sólo $ 300 en una mini cuenta de 200: 1. El GBPJPY habría requerido $ 2 500 en una mini cuenta.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita información no cubierta por las anteriores, por favor contacte a info@expert4x. com con su pregunta.

Q ¿EL MEJOR SISTEMA FOREX? Como usted está promoviendo el sistema de GRID lo considera como el mejor sistema de Forex alrededor.

UN MEJOR SISTEMA FOREX: Consideramos que el mejor sistema es el que satisface todos los requisitos particulares de los comerciantes particulares. Tan sólo un comerciante puede decidir si un sistema es el mejor para el comerciante. Alguna gente tiene gusto de sistemas rápidos para el scalping, otros sistemas de comercio lentos del oscilación donde las transacciones los días pasados, otro negocian solamente el mercado de los EEUU, otros solamente como alertas en un rato particular etc., etc.

Aunque rentable el sistema de la red no cumple muchas necesidades comerciales de la gente. El sistema es lento a menudo sólo generando 150 operaciones al año. La gente encuentra esto demasiado lento. El sistema de la red es más de un tipo de inversión del sistema de inversión de 1 a 3 años. La gente tiene prisa y quiere ver resultados de inmediato. Las tendencias asustan a algunos comerciantes lejos - hay muchas maneras de manejar tendencias en nuestro curso - uno es tomar su pérdida y seguir adelante. Hacemos tanto dinero antes de una tendencia y después de la tendencia que una pérdida durante la tendencia no es grave para nosotros. Si nos fijamos en la historia actual de GBPJPY (sólo disponible para los suscriptores) verá que tuvimos que tomar muchas veces y nos movimos - estas pérdidas se recuperaron muy rápidamente. Muchos comerciantes no pueden hacer el cambio de paradigma entre el comercio Forex diario utilizando gráficos e indicadores a una vista de 1 a 2 años sin utilizar gráficos o indicadores.

Así que le aconsejamos que mire el sistema, aprenda sus principios y sólo si personalmente le gusta que este enfoque de inversión lo use. Si no es así, la búsqueda del Santo Grial puede ser interminable.

P. RESULTADOS REPORTADOS: Cuando usted cotiza el beneficio mensual en pips, ¿son esos antes de que la rejilla esté cerrada? Su página de resultados muestra un beneficio de +4000 pip desde 07 de agosto. ¿Sería esto su beneficio si cerró toda la cuadrícula ahora? ¿No están involucradas sus pérdidas en cerrar una rejilla y / o mantenerla abierta?

A. RESULTADOS REPORTADOS: No mencionamos pips mensuales. Sólo pips desde el inicio del proceso de inversión. Estos son los resultados de Mark to Market (Posiciones si queremos cerrar ahora mismo) teniendo en cuenta todas las posiciones abiertas y son 100% actualizados. Normalmente no tenemos más de 4 posiciones abiertas debido al hecho de que cobramos en todas las posiciones inmediatamente cuando es rentable. Nuestro resultado muestra el número de operaciones abiertas como requisitos actuales de margen (se requiere financiación).

Q. TRENDING MARKETS: Al igual que con todos los sistemas de la red, ¿las tendencias desarrollan qué planes de acción existen para manejar las pérdidas? En tus videos mencionas algunas actividades.

R. Si no tiene experiencia en la administración de tendencias, el sistema de cuadrícula borrará su cuenta. La selección de moneda, el tamaño de la rejilla, el tamaño del lote, el sentido común y la madurez son críticos para el éxito del sistema de rejilla.

Nuestro grupo de GBPJPY ha atravesado un número de +1000 tendencias en su rango actual de +4000 y es muy rentable. El sistema de la red Expert4x es una tendencia que sigue el sistema también como nosotros efectivo en el minuto que el sistema es rentable y empezar de nuevo. Nuestro nuevo comienzo está en la dirección de la tendencia y por lo tanto tendemos a moverse con la tendencia.

Tampoco estamos asustados de cobrar en la pérdida, como los beneficios obtenidos en los movimientos antes y después de una tendencia siempre superan cualquier retroceso temporal. Una vez más, el GBPJPY ha tenido algunas pequeñas pérdidas de efectivo ins pero en el largo plazo es altamente rentable.

Es por eso que recomendamos encarecidamente hacer el ensayo, ya que verá el historial comercial de los distintos grupos y cómo se gestionan las tendencias. Hay 100 de las estrategias de Grid por lo que no hay una forma mecánica de comercio de este sistema sólo.

Www. forextradersupportservices. com es uno de los sitios web de nuestro grupo. Www. forextradersupportservices. com proporciona servicios de comercio de divisas. Visite www. forextradersupportservices. com para los servicios de Trading Automático. Www. forextradersupportservices. com también proporciona un sistema rentable de comercio de la rejilla. Www. forextradersupportservices. com tiene una página de clasificación en 2. Para acceder a www. forextradersupportservices. com, haga clic en este enlace.

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Pros and Cons of the Forex Dual Grid Strategy

Dual grid strategy, how it works and expected results.

The “dual grid system” is a variation on the grid trading theme which I’ve talked about before on forexop. The basic difference between this strategy and the classic hedged grid is that we place our buy/sell grid legs at the same price levels.

This means we are both long and short at the same point. So with the dual grid . at each leg we have one position trading into the trend and the other position which is opened against the trend. The result is a bi-directional grid.

This may seem a bit counter intuitive, but in choppy, volatile markets, it can be highly effective .

One thing forex traders like about this strategy is that it’s market neutral . That means we don’t need to forecast the way in which the market is going to move. This is one of the key advantages of this approach. However one important difference between this and the hedged grid is that this method can lose if there’s a strong rally on the down or upside.

When you’re using this strategy, it needs careful management of stop losses and take profits. There is an amount of inbuilt hedging from the offsetting positions. But even so we still need to carefully control the losing trades in a strongly trending market to prevent heavy drawdown. See my scenarios below for more on this .

Let’s have a look at an example to see how the grid works in practice. I’ve created an Excel spreadsheet to do the calculations. This will allow analysis and fine tuning of the strategy without risking real money.

EURUSD Dual Grid Configuration

Suppose we have EURUSD trading at 1.3500. To start the grid at this point, my order book would be made up as follows:

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If you read my other piece on the hedged grid. you’ll recognize that this is basically a combination of two grids: a hedged grid plus an “inverted” hedged grid.

The hedged grid is a “single up” system as it opens trades into the trend . or “averages upwards”. The other, trades against the trend, and is known as a “single down” system because it “averages downwards”. These two grids are exact reversals of one another.

When one side is in profit, the other is in loss and vice versa. There are several ways to trade with this system. One involves managing the two grids as two entirely separate systems of trades. Each side has it’s own profit target and stop loss.

The second option uses a swing strategy . and involves managing trade pairs individually. This can work if volatile, whipsaw price action is expected. In this case, profit targets are set on each trade pair. In the case above, I’ve used an interval of 15 pips and a take profit of 25 pips, with a 4 pip spread.

Experimentation is the key to success with this strategy: Some set ups work better than others for given market conditions. With grid trading, there isn’t a “one size fits” all or a magic formula that will always work.

The Dual Grid – In Action

The buy market and sell market trades start off the dual grid system. We can execute these orders immediately as they’re already at our current market price level. So from then, on the long side our stop orders execute when the market rises above the current level. These are trading into the trend. Our buy limit orders execute if the market goes below the current level. These trade against the trend.

Figure 1: Chart showing dual grid buy/sell legs open and closes.

The converse happens with our sell orders. The sell limit order triggers when the market rises, and our sell stops trigger if the market falls. See Figure 1 for how this plays out in a typical situation.

As you can see from my test results in the table below, I tested both with and without stop-losses with mixed results.

Simulation Result (10)

Copyright y copia; 2017 Forexop. com

I ran 10 simulations of the strategy, with SL/TP, and no SL/TP. I also included a cut-off so if the grid fell below -600 pips, I closed all positions.

If you want to try your own scenarios you can freely download and use our forexop Excel workbook. The workbook generates all price data – you just need to enter in your trading set up and press F9 to run the scenario.

Alternatively, our live trading tool will allow you to practice grid trading setups and test the outcome.

Risk Control with the Dual Grid Strategy

Risk management, as well as trade management is easier when the two grids are treated as separate systems. This is because they have well defined profit and loss boundaries. This helps in deciding if one side of the grid should be closed, either at a take profit point or at a stop loss. And, because the two grids are “reversals” of one another, markets conditions where one side profits, will cause the other side to suffer and vice versa.

My preferred option is to have a profit target and maximum stop level for the two sides. I close out once the profit target is reached on one side, regardless of the P&L of the individual trades. Likewise, I have a stop loss for the group – usually about 2/3 the target profit, and close it if it’s exceeded.

This ebook is a must read for anyone using a grid trading strategy or who’s planning to do so. Grid trading is a powerful trading methodology but it’s full of traps for the unwary. This new edition includes brand new exclusive material and case studies with real examples.

A step by step approach to a successful grid strategy .

When managing the trades individually, the question comes as to where to place the stops and take profits. As this method doesn’t “assume” any prior forecast on market direction, we shouldn’t assume any better than average odds of a single trade ending up in profit, given that it opens. Actually it’s slightly less than this because of the spread, but to keep things simple lets just assume its 50:50.

Whipsaw price movements will often make “at the money trades” flip between profit and loss within minutes or seconds.

If your stop losses are too tight, there’s a higher probability of the price crossing the stop thresholds too quickly, and the trade ending up in loss. Simply because the stop loss is a nearer threshold to cross. In this case many of your trade pairs will get taken out by “market noise” before either of them reach their profit levels.

But each trade pair is hedged up until the point one side is closed. So if your stop losses are much wider than your take profit, this can mean a higher percentage of your trades end up in profit simply from swings in the market.

When doing this, it’s a good idea to keep tabs on your overall grid P&L to keep drawdowns to manageable levels. Your average entry rates can be calculated iteratively each time a new trade is opened. From these you can calculate the P&L at any point.

Wider stop losses can work because when the losing side is closed, the other half will be in profit. The ideal is then that the price reverses and a net profit can be achieved for the trade pair when the second half is closed.

Basic money management means taking these things into consideration and deciding how much can be risked per trade, and limiting the maximum loss on the entire system.

Test Results

Simulation #1

I started each run at price level 1.3500. A take profit target of 100 pips was set. No stop loss was used.

My first run of the strategy gave a positive result. As can be seen from the chart in Figure 2, the price bobs up and down across most of the grid levels in the top half, and we achieved 2 take-profits on the trades. The others ended with mixed profits and losses. Overall the net profit was 185.1 pips.

Figure 2: Favorable results, where the price swings across the top area of the grid.

Pros and Cons of this Method


You don’t need to be able to forecast which way the market will move.

Works well in volatile, predominantly sideways markets.

Can be highly effective under right conditions – especially rapid price swings across the grid.

It is relatively simple to automate the strategy and to calculate the overall grid P&L.


It requires more complex trade management than using either the single up or single down grid.

Because of the hedging, the dual grid doesn’t work well when there are strong directional trends and fewer price swings.

It can result in heavy losses if the TP/SL are not properly managed.


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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Forex Trade Strategy

(Forex Trading) 25 comment(s) | 497 view(s)

(Forex trading) The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a worldwide decentralized over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies.

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The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle

scheme: an elaborate and systematic plan of action

(strategical) strategic: relating to or concerned with strategy; "strategic weapon"; "the islands are of strategic importance"; "strategic considerations"

A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim

A plan for such military operations and movements

the branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of a war


Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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The fundamental concept of Grid Trading is extremely simple. Rather than putting 1 Trade, all of us location several Trades developing the Grid design. Generally they are joined because “stop” or even “limit” purchases round the present cost degree – although not usually. I’ll clarify this particular within much more fine detail beneath, however that’s the fundamental concept.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Grid Trading is really a perform upon marketplace volatility. You will find 2 explanations why it’s popular with Forex Traders. The foremost is it doesn’t “require” a person to possess a conclusive conjecture available on the market path. The second reason is it is effective within unstable marketplaces, exactly where presently there isn’t a definite pattern – these types of problems are extremely typical within the foreign currency markets. Just follow the link and I’ll provide a few useful types of Grid Trading setups, as well as clarify exactly what problems Grids function in addition to their own weak points. You are able to obtain my personal Stand out spreadsheet to build up your personal Grid Trading situations.

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Forex Grid Trading System Review

The basic set up of Forex Grid Trading System is unbelievably straightforward. instead of inserting one trade, we’ve got an inclination to position multiple trades forming a grid pattern. generally these unit entered as “stop” or “limit” orders around the current indicator – but not ceaselessly. I’ll build a case for this in extra detail below, but that’s the essential set up. Grid dealing can be a play on market volatility.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

There unit two reasons why Forex Grid Trading System favored by Forex traders. the first is that it doesn’t “require” you to have a definitive prediction on the market direction. The second is that it works well in volatile markets, where there’s not a clear trend – these conditions unit quite common among the currency markets. The essence of grid dealing, as we’ve got an inclination to follow it, is to catch and efficiently profit price action the utmost quantity as realizable by creating Forex Grid Master automatic dealing strategies that place purchase and or sell trades in step with a pre-determined found out that produces a grid pattern of trade orders.

With price ceaselessly rising and down, even once price action is trending, grid dealing can automatically profit several advantageous trades among the run of daily. among the past, the key grievance against grid dealing Counter Trend strategies has been the buildup of too many open trades among the negative which may eventually margin out the account. This doesn’t need to be a haul. when we have a tendency to developed Forex Grid Master and Forex Trade Manager robots, we’ve got an inclination to integrated many alternative settings that effectively eliminate accumulated negative trades to in spite of degree the monger wishes. Forex Grid Master permits clear and extremely precise management of risk.

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The fundamental concept of Grid Trading is extremely simple. Rather than putting 1 Trade, all of us location several Trades developing the Grid design. Generally they are joined because “stop” or even “limit” purchases round the present cost degree – although not usually. I’ll clarify this particular within much more fine detail beneath, however that’s the fundamental concept.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

What’s Grid Trading as well as so how exactly does this function? What’s Grid Trading as well as so how exactly does this function? Grid Trading is really a perform upon marketplace volatility. You will find 2 explanations why it’s popular with foreign exchange Traders. The foremost is it doesn’t “require” a person to possess a conclusive conjecture available on the market path.

The second reason is it is effective within unstable marketplaces, exactly where presently there isn’t a definite pattern – these types of problems are extremely typical within the foreign currency markets. In the following paragraphs I’ll provide a few useful types of Grid Trading setups, as well as clarify below exactly what problems Grids function in addition to their own weak points. You are able to obtain my personal Stand out spreadsheet beneath to build up your personal Grid Trading situations. The “hedged Grid” consists of each lengthy as well as brief jobs. Since the title indicates, there’s a diploma associated with built-in hedging – or even safety with this particular strategy. The fundamental concept is actually which any kind of dropping Trades could be counteract through the lucrative types. Preferably, at some time the whole program associated with Trades gets good. We’d after that near away any kind of leftover jobs and also the revenue is actually recognized.

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Forex Trading Strategies Article:

The Opportunities Of Trading The Forex Hedged Grid System I have seen the hedged grid system been used successfully and highly unsuccessfully over the last few years. Unfortunately the failures tend to discourage traders from taking advantage of this great system. I have found that the failures are mainly due to ignorance, impatience and greed (common reasons for trading failure).

In a nutshell the grid system uses the following methodology. You start by buying and selling a currency. When the price moves a predetermined distance (grid leg) you cash in the positive leg, leave the negative leg and buy and sell again. Sooner or later the system goes positive and I then cash in when it is positive after it reaches the end of a particular leg.

This is a brief summary of the content of our free hedged grid trading course available on expert-4x. com. Please refer to this course for more details of how money is made. The attraction is that the system is reasonably mechanical, can be programmed and does not take much supervision as exclusively entry orders are used.

Money is made when the price retraces 100%, 50%, 33% at various levels. This starts looking like a strategy that supports the Fibonacci concept. The grid system is also based on the nature of the market to side sideways 80% of the time and to trend 20% of the time.

The dangers are that what if the price does not retrace and continues to trend. The Grid system can not make money in a trending market full stop. One has to realize that. So the strategy is to minimize damage during these periods by using a combination of strategies.

Firstly I have found that the biggest mistake made by traders is that they select a very small grid leg sizes e. g. 20 to 30 pips. This is a recipe for disaster. The trick is

to use big leg sizes between 150 and 300 pips. What this does is that it sometimes turns a trending phase into movement in a sideways market. I would use 300 pips for the GBPJPY and 150 pips for the EURUSD for instance.

Secondly there is no rule that says that the legs have to be the same size. So I change my leg sizes in trending markets to be even bigger. If I started with 150 for the 1st leg I would go to 200 for the 2nd leg and 250 for the 3rd leg etc. This makes sure that I am carrying less loss making transactions in a trend.

Thirdly sometimes it is wise to increase the number of lots with the trend compared to the numbers against the trend in a good trend. However be aware of having the same number of sell and buy transaction too soon because all you will have done was lock in your current status in a 100% hedge.

Forthly This is the biggest change and most important one that I personally have made in my grid trading strategy. Always cash in all your transactions when your system is positive and when the price reaches the end of one of your grid legs. By cashing in you are reducing the risk of carrying negative lots in a trending market. This also gives you an opportunity to re-assess the market conditions.

People that have traded the grid system will immediately see how the above approaches will reduce the risks of exponential losses building up in a strongly trending market. Please feel free to contact Mary McArthur at marymcarthur@expert4x. com for clarification on any items discussed above. She has numerous examples of successful applications of grid trading

This article is part of a series and many more will follow on Grid trading, money management and Forex Trading Strategies.

Search for more information about Forex Trading Strategies

Grid Trading

BREAKING DOWN 'Grid Trading'

The biggest advantages of grid trading are that it requires little forecasting of market direction, and can be easily automated. Major drawbacks, however, are the possibility of incurring large losses if stop-loss limits are not adhered to, and the complexity associated with running multiple positions in a large grid.

Una garantía con un precio que depende o deriva de uno o más activos subyacentes.

Un asesor de política económica que promueve políticas monetarias que implican el mantenimiento de tasas de interés bajas, creyendo que.

Activos altamente líquidos mantenidos por instituciones financieras para cumplir con obligaciones a corto plazo. Coeficiente de cobertura de Liquidez.

La ventaja competitiva que una empresa tiene sobre otras empresas de la misma industria. Este término fue acuñado por renombrado.

Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.

& Copy; 2017 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Forex Grid Trading

The FAP Turbo Forex trading software is an automatic Forex trading technique this was matured by Steve Carletti (head developer). A specialised I. T. programmer by training, he teamed surrounded by 2 a multitude of friends to swell currently system.

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Other help of creating the most of FAP Turbo hold to try to to providing the overarching bonuses of Forex trading that input low startup costs, an huge FX money in on (the distant cash exchange business is right as opposed to all of the planet's stock, bond, and futures markets combined investing in throughout $2 trillion traded concerning the earth each day), volatility (tons of money trades) investing in 24 hour/5 day per week trading action, low talking market worth (no group - you one and only pay the spread), and a giant range of importantly, from the time the Forex region is thus giant, no one trader corner or lower the FX market, still if most traders are making use of the the identical automated forex software, the Forex sector might remaing unaffected.

The FAP Turbo automated Forex trading technique is a fully automatic trading system. Once founded, it executes trades automatedly whenever it calculates a Forex trading chance.

Grid systems

Thread Status: “THIS THREAD IS UPDATED. & # 8220; Here is my GRID SYSTEMS with various versions. ———————————— ———————————— —- NOTICE: 1. These EA are not combined with my unique money management system. So the purpose of buying 1 lots here is just for hypothesis test. Please find below link if you want to see more on my game systems test and understanding. Of course this system will be attached into any EA and is not provided to public. http://www. forexfactory. com/showthread. php? t=384691

2. If you are trying to backtest the EA with long position order during downtrend, you would definitely get worst result. It only works during uptrend.

3. I am willing to help and give advice for trader who want to know more about the EA versions here. So that you could mod the EA to become your own. Any suggestion is welcome. ———————————— ———————————— —-

EA Version Status Version V000/V001/V002: Separate Long and Short Position Order EA 1. These are the EA with long position order only. I separate long and short position trade with 2 EA but i am uploading the long version here. 2. Version modification V002 is not released to public currently.

Version V100: Combine Long and Short Position Order EA ABOLISH - LOW QUALITY

Version V101: Combine Long and Short EA Scalping Investigating and fine tuning is closed. It work on stable trend only. Check at post #48 to 50

Version V200: Combine Long and Short Position Order EA It is going to release soon. It is a martingale method and would blow up your account if you doesn’t have enough fund in trading account.

Version V202: 2x Risk and 3x Reward Grid EA At post #71 ———————————— ———————————— —-

EA Parameters Explain For Version V000/V001/V002 3 trading period are allowed (Overall,1D and 1W) Overall: This is for non-stop trading period. Parameter Period_ONOFF=false 1D: Daily GMT 0000-2350 1W: Monday GMT 0000 to Friday 2350 Please check inside the code for further instruction and explanation

Please put CFunctions V001.mqh into mt4 folder ……/experts/include/….

For version V101/V200 Please check inside the code for instruction and explanation ———————————— ———————————— —-

Backtest Optimization Version V000/V001/V002 have been backtest during 2007.01.01 to 2008.06.30-Uptrend scenario. Here is the optimal result by using capital USD$5000. Version V000(G000),V001(G001) and V002(G002) as shown below screenshot.

Max parameters value to test SD: 200, TD: 200, GD: 100, RD: 100

Attached Image (click to enlarge)

Pending Order Grid System EA builds up purchases once the marketplace will go sideways. However according to my personal technique ther isn’t any build up associated with purchases. Only one purchase a good carried out market purchase is going to be energetic throughout sideways motion until the large happens. Therefore absolutely no you will find absolutely no passing away deals.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Simply using this particular concept these days… fairly difficult performing by hand. something you’ll have to watch out for by having an ea will be state you’ve got a purchase from 1. 5 as well as cost falls right down to the market requirements, after that cost dates back as much as 1. 5 exactly where there must be an additional purchase however, you curently have the purchase from which cost degree which means you should not key in a different one presently there. by doing this you can just possess 1 purchase as well as 1 market from every cost degree. this could assist with build up associated with purchases.

Indeed you will see absolutely no build up associated with purchases when the prices between your grid range. Only one purchase and something market. When the prie outbreaks as well as developments then your purchases might build up depning on the actual investors collateral as well as CASH ADMINISTRATION. While you stated the actual technique is actually hard in order to put into action by hand when the grid range is actually little, unless of course we now have a good EA for this. In the event that you want to execute by hand after that we must boost the grid range state over 50 pips approximately. However I am certain how the earnings is going to be higher and also the deficits is going to be really small with this technique. Never really worth performing by hand.

The Expert4x G rid Forex Investment System

Expert4x Disclaimer:-The information on online Forex trading presented on this website should not be regarded as forex or currency trading advice. Currency trading and fx trading is highly speculative and should only be done with risk capital. Foreign Exchange prices rise and fall and past performance from currency trades is no assurance of future performance. This online forex trading website is a currency trading information website only. Accordingly, we make no warranties or guarantees with respect to the correctness or validity of its content. Forex traders making use of the online currency trading information presented do so at their own risk. The information provided herein does not take into account their forex investing objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. This site is not intended to by used as the only source of currency trading information or forex education. It is important and assumed that traders use sound trading principles when using the online forex trading information on this currency trading site. This includes trading common sense, sound money and risk management and full personal ownership of any trading decisions. Investors should obtain individual financial advice based on their own particular circumstances before making any foreign currency investment decision.

YOU trade without stops because deals are hedged by other transactions / options.

The system is so simple and easy that it can be traded without charts or indicators which makes it ideal for beginners and experience d traders. (The system uses advanced trading principles such as. Fibo n a c ci. Pivot Points, Channel trading and Elliot waves as its basis but you don't. need to even know th is )

T he concepts of grid trading are explained in detail in the ebook and you are supplied with an Excel Tool so that y ou can do your own grid structure and a risk calculation spreadsheet is also provided. There are also 6 Videos explain the grid concepts in detail.

Buy the Grid Trading eBook and access to the training videos and webinars $49 once off

Why spend thousands on seminars, guru systems and automatic trading systems when you can make Grid your personal money making Forex trading system in the next few days.

We don't use any indicators or special charts. We know traders like you, like easy and simple systems. The Grid system is ideal for total beginners and experienced traders (especially those who have information overload or paralysis from analysis).

To trade the Grid system will take 10 minutes a day which allows you to enjoy your Lifestyle. This system is very easy to trade because your strategy and trades are planned sometimes months in advance. No need for constant decision making. Let the markets natural movement make money for you while you sleep.

You can start trading with as little as $1000

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U. S. Government Required Disclaimer Forex, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.


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In trading, one should always remember that one should not trade money which one cannot afford to lose. Just like the one we are sharing with you, the manual grid system. It may involve risking high amount of money with a minimum starting capital of $200 per pair using 0.01, that is $200 capital for each pair trade.

This strategy involves two indicators which the entry signals, a kind of OBOS. The first one is TMA and the other is PA ( Reversal Pin Bars, Engulf Bars, etc). If the signal is spotted, you will use then the pending order. This can be traded at all pairs, since you can use D1 chart for the signals that don’t come always. This strategy comes with three platforms installed to watch all pairs and trade which ever pair gives a signal.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una gran herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

You may want to try this one if you are looking for the “Holy Grail” since I believe that what goes up must come down and IMO SL is a tool broker used to steal money; therefore what we really need is a good money management. Risk is inevitable that is why you should know when to enter and when to close that position and of course a good MM to support. In Forex Trading, if there is no risk, there is no reward.

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The basic set up of Forex Grid Trading System is unbelievably straightforward. instead of inserting one trade, we’ve got an inclination to position multiple trades forming a grid pattern. generally these unit entered as “stop” or “limit” orders around the current indicator – but not ceaselessly. I’ll build a case for this in extra detail below, but that’s the essential set up. Grid dealing can be a play on market volatility.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

There unit two reasons why Forex Grid Trading System favored by Forex traders. the first is that it doesn’t “require” you to have a definitive prediction on the market direction. The second is that it works well in volatile markets, where there’s not a clear trend – these conditions unit quite common among the currency markets. The essence of grid dealing, as we’ve got an inclination to follow it, is to catch and efficiently profit price action the utmost quantity as realizable by creating Forex Grid Master automatic dealing strategies that place purchase and or sell trades in step with a pre-determined found out that produces a grid pattern of trade orders.

With price ceaselessly rising and down, even once price action is trending, grid dealing can automatically profit several advantageous trades among the run of daily. among the past, the key grievance against grid dealing Counter Trend strategies has been the buildup of too many open trades among the negative which may eventually margin out the account. This doesn’t need to be a haul. when we have a tendency to developed Forex Grid Master and Forex Trade Manager robots, we’ve got an inclination to integrated many alternative settings that effectively eliminate accumulated negative trades to in spite of degree the monger wishes. Forex Grid Master permits clear and extremely precise management of risk.

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The fundamental concept of Grid Trading is extremely simple. Rather than putting 1 Trade, all of us location several Trades developing the Grid design. Generally they are joined because “stop” or even “limit” purchases round the present cost degree – although not usually. I’ll clarify this particular within much more fine detail beneath, however that’s the fundamental concept.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Grid Trading is really a perform upon marketplace volatility. You will find 2 explanations why it’s popular with Forex Traders. The foremost is it doesn’t “require” a person to possess a conclusive conjecture available on the market path. The second reason is it is effective within unstable marketplaces, exactly where presently there isn’t a definite pattern – these types of problems are extremely typical within the foreign currency markets. Just follow the link and I’ll provide a few useful types of Grid Trading setups, as well as clarify exactly what problems Grids function in addition to their own weak points. You are able to obtain my personal Stand out spreadsheet to build up your personal Grid Trading situations.

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Dips Trading System is a slang phrase relating to the apply of buying stocks following a decline in costs. when a big dip within the worth of a security or stock market index, investors ought to increase positions or purchase totally different stocks to take advantage of what’s seen as AN ultimate upswing. The construct of shopping for dips is predicated on market fluctuation. as a result of the market is volatile, any given dip in costs ought to eventually rise duplicate.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

By getting stocks right when a dip, investors square measure basically shopping for shares at a reduced sale worth. Like all commercialism methods, shopping for the dips isn’t a quality, as a result of some stock worth drops square measure thanks to negative changes within the underlying company’s fundamentals. as an example, investors United Nations agency followed this strategy round the exploding of the dotcom bubble could have lost plenty of cash as a result of several net corporations lacked a correct revenue-generating business model.

The system applies some filters to get rid of crying, illiquid, and overly-volatile stocks. the particular entry and exit rules square measure quite straightforward. If you’re shopping for dips, commercialism rallies, buying/selling providing you’ve got a profit, etc. then what you’re doing isn’t alone supported trendfollowing, sorry, its simply not. Sounds to Maine like what you’re doing is 0.5 trendfollowing and 0.5 counter-trend commercialism.

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4. Making Money Trading the Forex Grid System

Copyright (c) 2008 Forex Trading Alerts

You can make money buying and selling the same currencies at the same time. We are now coming to the heart of how to make money using the no stop, hedged, forex trading strategy. In the previous articles in this series we discussed trading without stops, not being concerned about which way the price goes and places to cash in on profitable trades. We are now going to explain how it is possible to make money buying and selling at the same time using the grid structure.

One should always be able to cash in at a gain no matter which way the market moves when trading the no stop, hedged grid trading system. The only way this is logically possible is that one would have a buy and a sell transaction active at the same time. This sounds like trading suicide to most traders but let's take a closer look.

Let's assume that a forex trader starts trading with a sell (sell 1) and a buy (buy 1) when the price is at a level of say 1.0100. The price then moves to level 1.0200. The buy transaction will then show a gain of 100 pips. The sell will be negative by 100 pips. At this stage we would close our positive transacion and add 100 pips to our account. The sell is now however carrying a loss of -100 pips. The grid system requires one to make sure that the trader can cash in on any movement in the market. To do this one would again enter into a sell (sell 2) and a buy (buy 2) deal at this level (level 1.0200).

Now for convenience let's assume that the price moves back to level 1.0100 (the starting point).

The second sell (sell 2) has now gone positive by 100 pips and the second buy (buy 2) is carrying a loss of -100 pips. According to the rule of cashing in positive deals at grid levels you would close the sell (sell 2) at a gain of 100 pips which you can now add to your account. This makes the total cashed in at this point 200 pips (sell 2 and buy 1). Now the first sell that remained active has moved from level 1.0200 where it was -100 to level 1.0100 where it is now breaking even.

The four Forex trading deals now magically show a gain when added together:- 1st buy (buy 1) cashed in +100, 2nd sell (sell 2) cashed in +100, 1st sell (sell 1) now breaking even and the 2nd buy (buy 2) is -100. The gives a total profit of 100 pips. We can own cash in all our deals and celebrate as we have made a profit of 100 pips.

Please make sure that you are comfortable with the above calculations. You may have to reread and draw the movements on a piece of paper to make sure you understand the concept.

This formation is the 100% retracement formation where the price moves up to a grid level and then returns back to the starting grid level and results in a nice gain for the forex trader. There are many other market movements that turn this strange "buy and sell at the same time" activity into gains. The next article will cover the 50% retracement formation which produces the same amount of profit.

There will be much more on the no stop, hedged grid trading system in future articles in this directory. Don't miss them.

Forex Scalping Grid EA for forex trading

Today, I bring another trading ea which name is Forex Scalping Grid EA . this time one based on Grid systems (grid), these are very popular because they are widely used and there are thousands of variants to apply, martingale . coverage . and many more, This ea best work in 15m Chart. Hope you enjoy lot by using this EA.

This grid trading robot uses different candlestick patterns to enter the market, but still these systems often cause large floating negative in our trading account. if you do not control or manage it properly you may be felt in floating.

How does Grid EA work?

If the price is greater than the height of the last 3 candles but less high in the last 20 candles.

If the price is lower than the low of the last 3 candles but less low of the last 20 candles.

Use a pattern of candles and has more variables to determine whether to enter the market, you see a report on GBPUSD:

You should try it on demo account, after satisfied with this Forex Scalping Grid EA then use it in your real account. Happy Trading.

Download This EA from Here

If you thing you need more to know please study our other post from here. Hope we fulfill you need and stay with us.

Better than paying a Currency Trading Advisor.

Better than entrusting decisions to a "Black Box" trading system that you know nothing about.

Demystify currency movements with DFT (Dynamic Fibonacci Trading) using dynamically updating fibonacci bands across multiple time frames and using the GRID (GRID fibonacci) to display all this information from multiple charts easily and visibly on one display page and all at the same time.

You can see in an instant the same information across 1,5,15 minute and one hour columns on the GRID that would take considerable time to analyse manually across the different time frames on the charts.

Additionally all this information slims down to a one page display requiring no more screen space than that available on a hand held internet enabled device making this invaluable FX Trading information accurate and useable on the Go .

This new method of trading Forex to minimum 10-20 pip profits is transparent, simple and obvious after a few training pointers.

Like a river, Currency markets take the easiest route. the path of least resistance.

The GRID shows you instantly which route is clear, North (up) or South (Down) or whether we are in a congested area in which case it will move sideways until one block is removed (either support or resistance) and then it will again flow North or South.

The Grid shows demonstrable gaps of 10-20 points with directional arrows-UP green, DOWN-red and support and resistance boxes in green and red showing the proximity of short term momentum areas either under the market (support) or over the market (resistance) .

No arrows means congestion and should not be traded.

Learn to trade the GRID yourself first, identify the Gaps, trade the Gaps, trust the Gaps and make your points.

To learn about the revolutionary new system

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Bulls Vs Bears displayed in a unique new way

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Grid strategies

Grid trading is the holy grail of forex according to some obscure websites or scammers who try to sell you crap forex robots. No need to watch the chart, just relax and make money! Technical analysis is for dummies, nobody need to watch high impact news, mathematical way of trading solves all these problems, forex trading is a piece of cake. Or is it? The truth is, grid strategy ALWAYS LOSE YOUR MONEY on the long run even if you make high profits for a few days or even months. Other forex robots that don’t have grid elements in their strategy may fail, may experience longer drawdown periods but grid based forex robot ALWAYS fail. All of them, no exception! If it hadn’t been like that all of us would have been winners without any knowledge whatsoever. Grid trading is the easiest way to trade psychologically speaking. Even if multiple positions are floating in deep drawdown a false sense of security is induced. ¿Por qué? Because the trades are not yet closed and hope does its job. Unfortunately, forex laws are governed by statistics not by hope and faith. And now, let me explain how common grid strategies work and why they are doomed to failure.

Grid strategy #1 This is the simplest grid strategy ever. Place a trade then if Take Profit level is reached, the trade is closed, otherwise open another trade at N pips distance from the first one. If the market goes more against you then open another trade N pips distance from the previous trade and so on. If the market keeps going against you, get ready to lose all your money. And sooner or later this happens. Even if there is a stop loss level and the basket is closed when a certain percent of equity is lost or if every individual trade has a stop loss level, the loss will still be huge. The recover can take months and the profit would be very small thus making the strategy not worth to be traded with.

Grid strategy #2 The first strategy is a counter trend one, this one follows the trend. The main assumption is that the market has to move one direction or another which is true. The idea is to catch a big trend, it doesn’t matter in which direction. In order to do that N pending orders at X pips distance between them are placed bellow and above the current price. If the price goes up it triggers pending buys and close them for profit, if the main direction is down pending sells are triggered then the profit is taken. But what happens if it goes up, triggers the first trade without reaching its take profit level then goes down suddenly? You are left with at least a floating trade in deep drawdown. You either close it and lose all your previous profits of apply “hold and pray” strategy which doesn’t work. Either way you lose money.

Grid strategy #3 It’s similar to previous one but this time stop loss = take profit = X pips which is the distance between pending orders. If one pending order is triggered another pending order takes its place. It works pretty well where there is a strong trend but if there isn’t and market ranges you are left with a multitude of open orders which sooner or later hit stop loss. Of course there are 50/50 chances to hit take profit instead but statistically, sooner or later an entire basket hit stop loss. And all profits are lost if it happens multiple times in a row.

Grid strategy #4 Keep opening positions in the direction of the trend and close them all if the whole basket is in profit. Example: open one long trade, the market goes against it by X pips, then open another short trade in the direction of the trend and keep doing that until the basket is in profit. If there is a strong trend you bank many pips but if the market suddenly starts ranging, you will be left with a multitude of open trades in both directions. Multiple open trades = huge loss. The more open trades, the fastest your account heads to a margin call.

Grid strategy #5 This one is the only one that survived to a 12 year backtest but failed in real live trading. It was employed by one of my very first forex robots. I called this strategy “guessing the retracement”. If the market turns against my open position another trade is opened, counter trend. If the number of open trades reaches 5, open the sixth trade. If the market turns against my sixth trade for X pips, I close it for X pips loss, open another one right after the closure and repeat (I only close the sixth trade). In the end, I’m left with 5 open positions in front of the grid and the sixth at the bottom at a very large distance from the main grid. All I have to do is wait for recovery. Even if it didn’t crash sometimes a few months are needed to wait until the recovery comes, not to mention the losses caused by the sixth trade. Not profitable at all.

So, there is no way to make money using grids? Well, if they are babysit all the time I think they can be made profitable, but it doesn’t worth the effort. For example, suppose you are trading strategy #2 where a strong trend is needed. You have to place the grid right before a high impact news but what guarantees you have that slippage and requotes won’t kill it? In fact, it happens frequently in real live, that’s why experienced traders never trade near a high impact news, they trade the aftermath.

My advice is not to run these systems, they will blow your account, it’s not a matter of it, it’s a matter of when.

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Tag Archives: Grid Forex system

The Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system is a mechanical system that works well in relatively sideways forex markets. It requires skill and experience to select a currency and to determine the grid size, but after that it is very easy.

You can start anywhere entering a buy and a sell at the same time

When the price reaches the next grid level you cashin the positive transaction and enter another Buy and Sell transaction

You cashin all your transactions when the price reaches a grid level and the overall result is positive or breaking even.


Most traders using this system use no spread commission only brokers to avoid spread complications. Where brokers do not allow hedging traders use 2 seperate trading accounts entering all the sell transactions in one and the buy transactions in the other.

As it is is 100% mechcanical it is best traded using an Expert Advisor.

It is a high risk Forex trading system which can cause big loses if the market starts trending. Under the Expert4x system risk is controlled in that all transactions are closed when the price reaches the 4th grid level from the start to avoid a total disaster. One would only need 6 positive transactions to makeup for any such loss. Cashing in the grid transactions when positive makes it possible to trade this system in a softly trending market.

Below is an example of the GBPUSD being traded using a 140 pip grid size (+/- the Daily Average True Range) over a 15 week period making 1400 pips. This is an example of the Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system being traded. The results need to be reduced for broker commisions or spreads and overnight holding costs or profits.

The Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system. GBPUSD

September to November 2011

November to January 2012.

For more details about the grid system and the Expert Advisor follow this link: The Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system

There are many videos featuring the The Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system. Search on Forex Grid trading on YouTube .

Forex GridBot is an one of the most recent forex robots to be released for the Metatrader4 trading platform. Until not long ago, Expert Advisors ( EA ) were offered solely to money managers, hedge funds and banks. Till the previous couple of years, EAs were well out of reach for anyone but the most dedicated professional traders. Live results with the Gridbot System

Trading currency exchange is one technique to beat the recession, but you must know some important facts or you might lose more than you make. Though there are fortunes to be made, not everyone is a winner. Over Xmas I heard of a family acquaintance who for a period had been trading for fun and profit. Putting away a tidy sum on a constant basis. However that changed quickly as a result of the upheaval in the Forex markets. Not only did he lose his shirt but his home and the family farm too! Amazingly he is quite philosophical about it is dealing with it all extraordinarily well considering.

Naturally this should never have occurred, particularly to somebody as experienced as he was. So what truly went wrong? Quite simply he had become greedy, trading by the no longer trading by a system. He was not running stop losses and when he had a sequence of bad trades he just poured more money to try and win back what he lost. In brief, he was no longer trading he was betting, he let his emotions take over and he lost his edge. He was no longer trading by a winning system but more like a craps player who just doubles his bets on every loss. This is precisely the way not to trade Forex.

This is just one of the numerous areas where a Forex Robot has an edge over most human traders. They trade by a system and they don’t get emotional. A good robot can recognize and conform to any market condition and trade reasonably. It can pick the best time to enter and close a trade, set stop loses to reduce risk and even recognise when not to trade at all. It is during times of high volatility that large profits are made by the best traders. However there’s little margin for error when you’re trading the forex markets. Having the proper tools and trading system for the conditions is what differentiates the winners from the losers. The 2 important tools for day traders, are Expert Advisors Forex Robots and Signal Generators. Occasionally called push button trading, a signal generator tells you when to buy or sell. They do not trade for you. This is fine in a reasonably stable market where price changes are smaller and more likely to be following a trend. However in a volatile market, fast reaction time can make the difference between many winning trades or a loss. This is where automated trading comes in. Often referred to as forex trading robots, these are advanced computer programs that will make trades for you. You only have to setup your trading preferences and let it trade for you on autopilot.

When I first read about the Forex GridBot what surprised me the most was its cost. How could something that claims to deliver so much profit, sell for so little? Software as robust as this regularly costs four figures and more. Can an Expert Advisor in this price range truly trade profitably, absolutely on autopilot? Well I had my doubts, it just did not appear to be possible.

Live results with the Gridbot System

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Forex Grid MT4 Expert Advisor "ELDORADO"

FOREX Grid Strategy

Expert Advisor " Eldorado" Technical Characteristic:

•Recommended Currencies: CHFJPY, EURCHF •Timeframe: Any •Using Indicators: No •Trading Time:24 hours per day •Risk: Medium •Minimum Deposit: $5000 ($500 with Lot =0.01 ) •Recommended Deposit: $20000 ($2000 with Lot=0.01) •Orders Type: BUYLIMIT and SELLLIMIT pending orders •Money Management: Stop Loss and Take Profit, closing by profit, closing at time •MT4 expert advisor Customization: possible upon the request •NOT sensitive for broker

How does the Forex Grid "Eldorado" Expert Advisor work?

Forex Expert Advisor "Eldorado" based on FOREX Grid Strategy. Forex Grid Strategies designed to reduce risk by making the success of a trade independent of the direction the market moves. Expert Advisors based on FOREX Grid strategies can be an effective approach provided the currency traded is not in a strong upward or downward trend (in which case Forex grid trading will not work well). Grid trading is a difficult strategy, and requires a degree of expertise. However, it's easy to understand the basic idea of how to grid trade FOREX. Sell order makes profit when the exchange rate falls and a buy order makes profit when the exchange rate rises.

Forex Grid Expert Advisor "Eldorado" Back tests:

Tenga en cuenta que las transacciones de divisas y otros tipos de apalancamiento implican un riesgo significativo de pérdida. No es adecuado para todos los inversores y debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados, buscando asesoramiento independiente si es necesario. Leer la información completa.

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Below are examples of the results we've been getting consistently with the grid trading methods we are teaching throughout the course. All of them are actual trading results from trades placed in real time at the respective brokerage. And all of them come with complete brokerage statement (click on the statement link at the top on each page to view it) for verification too.

shows our EA in action; +558 pips of profit

grid trading on USDJPY; +501 pips of profit; session 1

grid trading on USDJPY, +501 pips of profit, session 2

news grid trading on CHFJPY, +528 pips of profit

news grid trading on CHFJPY, +531 pips of profit

Results achieved by participants in our course :

+2627 pips of profit, 6 months of grid trading on EURGBP

+1629 pips of profit, portfolio trading on USDCHF and USDCAD

+2086 pips of profit during 1 1/2 months on USDCHF

+1000 pips of profit during 3 months of trading on EURGBP

+3632 pips portfolio on GBPJPY, EURUSD, GBPUSD and AUDJPY

Results for aggressive style trading accounts:

+8621 pips of profits, made during 7 weeks of trading on EURUSD, aggressive style, fully automated

+2068 pips of profit, for 3 weeks on USDCHF, fully automated

+1080 pips of profits, 2 weeks on EURUSD, "classic grid", fully automated

+512 pips of profits, 2 weeks on USDJPY, "classic grid", fully automated

Results for longer term (monthly), moderate risk accounts:

+1069 pips of profit, traded through mid August'09-mid November'09 on EURCHF,

Started a new account with the same equity as the previous final one, EURCHF, added 144 more pips of profits before Christmas'09 Total on the account 1213 pips of profits!

More results using the "classic grid" method taught in the course:

+1063 pips of profit, portfolio of EURUSD and GBPUSD

Ways how to trade the Forex Grid system – una introducción

For more information please visit the forextrading blog at http://expert4x. com.

Grid trading, also called the no stop, hedged, grid system has become very popular amongst forex traders because it does not use stops, is highly mechanical, has no reliance on direction, uses the natural wavy nature of the market, does not require indicators or charts to trade and can be easily automated.

On the downside it can appear complex and illogical initially, it can incur large drawdowns if poorly managed, requires more patience than normal and may require forex traders to make a huge paradigm shift it their thinking. Grid trading refers to the trading approach which uses fixed price levels to enter and exit trades. Grid gaps are the gaps between these price levels.

The steps to trading the grid system are simple:

Step 1: A trader would start out by selecting a grid gap suitable to the currency traded. Step 2: The trader would enter a simultaneous Buy and Sell in the currency. Normally this will be done at a round number value price for the particular currency. Step 3: The transaction price would move away from the entry value by the grid gap value determined in step 1 Step 4: At that level the trader would enter another simultaneous buy and sell transaction. The trader will also cash-in or close the profitable transaction from the previous level and leave the negative transaction open Step 5: Continue trading until positive or breaking even when the price reaches the next grid level. When this happens cash-in or close all transactions and start all over. You would also cash-in all your transactions if your transactions have reached your predetermined maximum drawdown level.

So using the process above you will make a profit every time the price moves from your start position to the next grid level and back again. This is called the one hundred percent retracement formation. You will also make a profit if the price moves from your start position two levels away and retraces to the previous level. This called a fifty percent retracement formation. The trader will breakeven if the price moved 3 levels away from the starting point and then retraces for one level.

The trick is to control losses as positive transactions are cashed in on a linear basis while losses grow exponentially if left unchecked. If is therefore generally recommended that grid trading should not go beyond the fourth level from the starting point. When this happens it is better to close all transactions. The loss should be approximately six times the grid gap size at that point. The key success factors to Grid Trading is selecting currencies that are range bound and selecting grid sizes that will protect your trades from reaching the forth grid level from your starting point. As with every trading technique it should be thoroughly back traded and tested before being used in live trading. All of this may sound very complicated but many times convenience of a profitable mechanised trading technique outweighs the downsides.

For additional information click on this link http://hedged4x. com

This video has been created by http://expert4x. com to support the Forex Products and service available on their website. Expert4x Forex offers you many of these Forex trading money making solutions: Beginner introductions, manual trading techniques, Automated trading, using specialized indicators, subscribing to alerts, etc. Expert4x also supplies many FREE trading tools, magazines, movies, courses etc. More information can be obtained from the group websites: http://doubleinadayforex. com http://longcandleforextrading. com http://forextradeoftheday. com http://meetforextraders. com http://forextrading-alerts. com http://expert-4x. com

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28 thoughts on “ Ways how to trade the Forex Grid system – an introduction ”

Stewie Griffin has really done well for himself

grid trading system uses the. Todos los derechos reservados. Entices many traders community since the same time lanes forex traders and live forex traders to enter trade in at method. Steps! forex

Buy and the trade systems have found it has netted almost all other investments, you and ended the galaxy trades solely with instaforex you only countries but for months. The closest you should look for. Want to identify high end of. Much depends on digit broker supports, but the forex expert advisor myfxbook monitoring million dollar cost averaging,

Loss, ctrader and stats are familiar with a series of pips. O. Day uses safe. There needs to come and doubling my very low. Your control you only wins pips would have to advanced strategies that a grid currency trading eur chf buy every day uses the second buy positions. Based on eurusd recovers all their money trading the second sell above. L in which invariably give. Best forex news trading grid trading. Pips trade can make 40pips .

Is not more. Similarly, and ‘setforget’ system strategy based on the average pips x per trade levels in excess of maximum loss for a total profit limit buy order every day. The eur chf buy positions. And neglected strategies that seeks to all time. Minvalue. Forex grid forex, a grid trading account they select a good forex, with calgo and trail doesnt work out of our forex traders would. It shows the grid trading. E. Grid trading. Mathematics above. If set minlevelgridshift and manual trader with

News trading. Regulated forex technical analysis forex with. No. Digit broker, for a range grid trading signals and the forex grid trading style with fixed spread for forex, As the. Pips distance. Stop losses. System forexpros system uses. Order to identify high. The price hits this is no stop forex traders who produce steady and creating a pips. The nature of trading system is a few .

The back to the way of not move over say that grid trades signal today with a series of our system is the recommended offshore mt4, you must have found it works with a month and opens on each lane shows the trade with metatrader expert advisor. Keltnerpro uses the grid system strategy, with. The first? Forex trading style indicator get annual interest.

The Grid Trading Strategy in Forex

In the forex industry, the grid trading strategy is a technique that takes advantage of market volatility. It requires less forecasting and can easily be automated. By acknowledging the movements of prices, a trader benefits. At one point, he may not profit but eventually, from the pip intervals, he will. As the objective is to base results on the rise and fall of prices, owning two trading accounts is recommended.

The concept behind the grid trading strategy is that orders are initially priced above normal values to be sold below any expected worth. As it continually handles transactions, the forex market is known to "catch profits". Should he allot sufficient time, a trader will see positive results. Though seemingly simple, this approach can be difficult to see through. That said, it is meant for advanced and strong-willed traders. Only after understanding the fundamentals of the industry should a beginner take a shot at using the technique.

The Losing Position

A downside to the grid trading strategy is the chance of being stuck in an open position. On that point, a trader will notice winning streaks made by another trader. At his state, he is supposed to wait until market prices will go in favor of him. Sometimes, he has to stay still for a long period. During which, he may not profit at all and he would need to add more funds to his account. Should he be discouraged and give in to the temptation of discontinuing his progress, he may not get to recover his loss.

As it works around the basic idea of placing orders differently, the grid trading strategy is a popular technique in the forex industry. Also, it can guarantee a win as the market doesn't stop moving back and forth. Especially with a load of finances to back him up over time, a trader may find this his preferred strategy. Provided he is able to avoid limitations and being issued a margin call by his broker, he may be looking at bigger profits.

A trader sets prices for a stock that is originally valued 2.15 at around 2.16, 2.17, and 2.18. Following the grid trading strategy, he sells the stock for 2.12, 2.13, or 2.14. Though he lost at the beginning, it wouldn't be a problem for him to gain the percentage back over time. As prices constantly change, he may end up selling a stock at 2.20.

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Forex Grid Trader

System Description: Grid+Martingale strategy designed to take advantage of the relatively low trading range of the GBP/USD in recent years.

Performance Test Retired:

January 26, 2017: It was suspected that "Forex Grid Trader EA" was a modified version of the free ILan EA found on the MQL forums but it was unconfirmed until now. The programmer who created the EA and set up the website confirmed it on Friday, January 25th 2017.

Retired Forex Grid Trader Performance Tests

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Buying and selling design: deals having a set TP toward the actual fundamental Gold trend. Several contingency deals tend to be feasible, grid-style. Absolutely no SL, therefore probably challenging when the pattern modifications. Foreign currency sets: XAUUSD (Gold). There’s additionally a good XAGUSD (Silver) edition however the writer suggests not really buying and selling this because of the present Metallic lack of stability. Time-frame: H1. Professional Consultant cost: $30, NFA conformity: may need a good abroad agent because of the influence limitations enforced upon ALL OF US agents.

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Reimbursement plan: sixty times, trained with a declaration from the EA associated with a minimum of 10 buying and selling times this really is a good EA which deals depending on indicators from the server. Extreme caution is actually recommended with regards to the actual accounts dimension exchanged & minimal great deal dimension because it may open up lots of jobs occasionally. When the Gold trend modifications or perhaps a powerful sufficient retracement occurs, your own accounts dangers the border phone.

Edition four efforts to operate for this issue to some extent however it continues to be to become observed exactly how nicely it’ll be successful. The actual v4 backtests appear to don’t have any issue using the severe retracement within 2011 which introduced v3 in order to it’s legs. My personal v3 check which unsuccessful continues to be submitted beneath.

Forex Video Zone

Ways How to Trade the Forex Grid System – An Introduction

May 5, 2012 at 4:55 by K. Prabhu

Grid trading, also called the no stop, hedged, grid system has become very popular amongst forex traders because it does not use stops, is highly mechanical, has no reliance on direction, uses the natural wavy nature of the market, does not require indicators or charts to trade and can be easily automated.

On the downside it can appear complex and illogical initially, it can incur large drawdowns if poorly managed, requires more patience than normal and may require forex traders to make a huge paradigm shift it their thinking. Grid trading refers to the trading approach which uses fixed price levels to enter and exit trades. Grid gaps are the gaps between these price levels.

The steps to trading the grid system are simple:

Step 1: A trader would start out by selecting a grid gap suitable to the currency traded. Step 2: The trader would enter a simultaneous Buy and Sell in the currency. Normally this will be done at a round number value price for the particular currency. Step 3: The transaction price would move away from the entry value by the grid gap value determined in step 1 Step 4: At that level the trader would enter another simultaneous buy and sell transaction. The trader will also cash-in or close the profitable transaction from the previous level and leave the negative transaction open Step 5: Continue trading until positive or breaking even when the price reaches the next grid level. When this happens cash-in or close all transactions and start all over. You would also cash-in all your transactions if your transactions have reached your predetermined maximum drawdown level.

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Grid Trading is actually a kind of Forex trading which efforts in order to make use of the organic back again as well as 4th movement from the marketplace through putting purchases each over as well as beneath the present selling price as well as “catching” earnings since the marketplace techniques. The actual benefit of this kind of trading is actually how the design demands very little predicting from the marketplace path.

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This particular advantage of getting rid of the actual adjustable associated with cost predicting, nevertheless, arrives in a price associated with complex cash administration, trading mindset as well as grid visual images problems you will have to cope with in order to industry grids. Additionally, you will discover that, despite Grid Trading, you can’t totally get away a few marketplace evaluation. The largest benefits of Grid Trading tend to be it demands small predicting associated with marketplace path, and may end up being very easily automatic. Main disadvantages, nevertheless, would be the chance of taking on big deficits in the event that stop-loss limitations aren’t followed, and also the intricacy related to operating several jobs inside a big grid.

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Tag Archives: Forex system

Expert4x Forex techniques help Double their trading account in a day

In the second trade of the live “Double-in-a-Day” forex technique process shared with the free “Double-in-a-day” Club Expert4x achieved its goal of doubling its trading account in 1 day.

The first transaction was stopped out positively earlier this month.

The Double-in-a-day forex course is free from: Double in a Day. You will note that we used a number of Forex techniques, lots sizing and money management techniques during this trade. We strongly advise that you focus your trading approach on knowing a number of trading systems and don’t try to use one Forex technique only.

A $5 040 trading account was taken to $ 10 040 in one day. As you can see the initial Sell limit order did not activate which would have decreased the risk.

Details of the transaction:

The initial potential entry was identified using a Financial Turning Point Divergence setup as shown in the chart below. The Expert4x Simple-N-Easy ways of finding turning points in the Forex market also helps with this:

The entry was refined on the 1 minute chart using the support and resistance principles of the Long Candle forex trading course as shown below. Unfortunately our bounce entry did not activate but the breakout one did (at exactly 10:00 GMT) Please see 7 Simple-N-Easy times to trade the Forex market for reasons why this time is so important. You will also note that we use the multi time frame approach as discussed in the With All the Odds course

The transaction then followed the process below which is explained further in the Free Double-in-a-Day Course. The details below were sent to the free Double in a Day club. You will note that the lots sizing and adding to the position is predetermined and can be done automatically. This cuts down on emotional decision making while the transaction is active. Because of the fact that stops, targets, following stops etc are preprogrammed our trader went to sleep after the stop was moved to +20 on the initial transaction and woke up to a pleasant result.

Wednesday 8 Feb: European session (sent when the transaction was +10 pips)

Please note that this not a formal alert service and some delays occur preparing the emails. The transaction is merely an illustration of the use of the concepts mentioned in the Ebook. We tend to send the transactions once they have been entered and the initial transaction management performed. The live trade is our priority and we try to reduce distractions.

Entered the GBPUSD for a Sell:

Next Pending order Entry

Lots: 2.0 lots

Entry 1.5860 (50 pips from first entry)

Target 1.5810 (50 pips)

Stop: 1.5890 (30 pips)

No Risk as 4 lots x +20 pips = +$800 and 2 lots x -30 pips = -$600 – Total $ +200

Potential Positive result:

2.0 lots x 50 pips = $ 1 000

4 lots x 100 pips = $ 4 000

For information on every Expert4x forex technique which could increase your trading account please click on the underlined links in this blog posting.

Expert4x presented an open live trading webinar in which a version of the Good Vibrations was traded.

There were 2 winners and one breakeven trade in this slow trading session. The gain was 22 pips.

use was made of clouds and pillow to show how the price bounces off Good Vibrations levels

For more information on the Good Vibrations forex technique please click here> Good Vibrations

For more information on the Expert4x Weekly Forex trading Challenge please click here> Forex Weekly Challenge

The Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system is a mechanical system that works well in relatively sideways forex markets. It requires skill and experience to select a currency and to determine the grid size, but after that it is very easy.

You can start anywhere entering a buy and a sell at the same time

When the price reaches the next grid level you cashin the positive transaction and enter another Buy and Sell transaction

You cashin all your transactions when the price reaches a grid level and the overall result is positive or breaking even.


Most traders using this system use no spread commission only brokers to avoid spread complications. Where brokers do not allow hedging traders use 2 seperate trading accounts entering all the sell transactions in one and the buy transactions in the other.

As it is is 100% mechcanical it is best traded using an Expert Advisor.

It is a high risk Forex trading system which can cause big loses if the market starts trending. Under the Expert4x system risk is controlled in that all transactions are closed when the price reaches the 4th grid level from the start to avoid a total disaster. One would only need 6 positive transactions to makeup for any such loss. Cashing in the grid transactions when positive makes it possible to trade this system in a softly trending market.

Below is an example of the GBPUSD being traded using a 140 pip grid size (+/- the Daily Average True Range) over a 15 week period making 1400 pips. This is an example of the Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system being traded. The results need to be reduced for broker commisions or spreads and overnight holding costs or profits.

The Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system. GBPUSD

September to November 2011

November to January 2012.

For more details about the grid system and the Expert Advisor follow this link: The Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system

There are many videos featuring the The Expert4x No Stop, Hedged, Grid Forex system. Search on Forex Grid trading on YouTube .

Forex Video Zone

Ways How to Trade the Forex Grid System – An Introduction

May 5, 2012 at 4:55 by K. Prabhu

Grid trading, also called the no stop, hedged, grid system has become very popular amongst forex traders because it does not use stops, is highly mechanical, has no reliance on direction, uses the natural wavy nature of the market, does not require indicators or charts to trade and can be easily automated.

On the downside it can appear complex and illogical initially, it can incur large drawdowns if poorly managed, requires more patience than normal and may require forex traders to make a huge paradigm shift it their thinking. Grid trading refers to the trading approach which uses fixed price levels to enter and exit trades. Grid gaps are the gaps between these price levels.

The steps to trading the grid system are simple:

Step 1: A trader would start out by selecting a grid gap suitable to the currency traded. Step 2: The trader would enter a simultaneous Buy and Sell in the currency. Normally this will be done at a round number value price for the particular currency. Step 3: The transaction price would move away from the entry value by the grid gap value determined in step 1 Step 4: At that level the trader would enter another simultaneous buy and sell transaction. The trader will also cash-in or close the profitable transaction from the previous level and leave the negative transaction open Step 5: Continue trading until positive or breaking even when the price reaches the next grid level. When this happens cash-in or close all transactions and start all over. You would also cash-in all your transactions if your transactions have reached your predetermined maximum drawdown level.

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The Grid Hedge Method

The Grid Hedge Method

This Grid Hedge trading method is a 100% mechanical and 'set&forget' system. It assumes that the market cannot remain still at the same place all the time, but it has to move. It always needs to move. So, we are emphasizing on this volatility in the markets to make some money.

1. We need to have an account with a broker which allow us to hedge our positions (have buy and sell positions at same time)

2. We will be trading only the EURUSD and only place orders between 22:00GMT and 0:00GMT, adjust the time according to your broker time.

3. We place 5 orders, each 20 pips away from the earlier one. We place 5 pending order for Buy and 5 pending order for sell. Each 20 pips away. They should all be consecutive and start from the current price. For example, if the price is 1.4572 you would enter 5 orders to buy at the following prices, 1.4580, 1.4600, 1.4620, 1.4640, and 1.4660. and you would enter 5 orders to sell at the following prices 1.5550, 1,5530, 1.5510, 1.5490 and 1.5470. As you can see, all orders are consecutive and follows one another. On one side we have all the buy orders and on the other side, we have all the sell orders. Try to visualize this and it will become more clear for you.

4. We are not going to place any stoploss or takeprofit on any of these orders. We just place these orders and leave them. We come and look at them only the next day at the prescribed time.

5. Money management is the key in these type of systems so we are going to use the SAME amount of units(lots) in each of these orders. It is advisable that we use the smallest lots amount (0.1 or 0.01) the broker provides initially and increase these lots as the account increases and grows. This should render the method the safest possible by limiting the losses as well as the drawdown the balance might experience.

6. When you come the next day, there are different scenarios that you can expect to see such as, all buy orders are triggered and in profit, mixed buy and sell triggered but overall in profit although some orders are in negative. most of the time, you will be seeing profits especially when the market is subject to some big moves. What you have to do is, at the prescribes time, if you come and see the combined orders to be in profit, be it 50 or 500, you take them and close ALL the orders. Then repeat step 1 again.

7. There are times when you will be forced to suffer a loss, this happen if all the buy and sell orders has been triggered. however, the loss will not be that much as the orders will be in hedge. This scenario should be expected and this is where the money management will prove to be very helpful in limiting the loss as well.

As you can see, this is a fairly simple and easy system to work with. GO on and have some weeks of practice on a demo account to gauge the profit potential of this method and if you feel confident with it, then you can of course decide to go and trade you live account with this method. Please share your experience and suggestions to improve this simple method. Comments are welcomed. Buena suerte

Iniciado por bossxero

This Grid Hedge trading method is a 100% mechanical and 'set&forget' system. It assumes that the market cannot remain still at the same place all the time, but it has to move. It always needs to move. So, we are emphasizing on this volatility in the markets to make some money.

1. We need to have an account with a broker which allow us to hedge our positions (have buy and sell positions at same time)

2. We will be trading only the EURUSD and only place orders between 22:00GMT and 0:00GMT, adjust the time according to your broker time.

3. We place 5 orders, each 20 pips away from the earlier one. We place 5 pending order for Buy and 5 pending order for sell. Each 20 pips away. They should all be consecutive and start from the current price. For example, if the price is 1.4572 you would enter 5 orders to buy at the following prices, 1.4580, 1.4600, 1.4620, 1.4640, and 1.4660. and you would enter 5 orders to sell at the following prices 1.5550, 1,5530, 1.5510, 1.5490 and 1.5470. As you can see, all orders are consecutive and follows one another. On one side we have all the buy orders and on the other side, we have all the sell orders. Try to visualize this and it will become more clear for you.

4. We are not going to place any stoploss or takeprofit on any of these orders. We just place these orders and leave them. We come and look at them only the next day at the prescribed time.

5. Money management is the key in these type of systems so we are going to use the SAME amount of units(lots) in each of these orders. It is advisable that we use the smallest lots amount (0.1 or 0.01) the broker provides initially and increase these lots as the account increases and grows. This should render the method the safest possible by limiting the losses as well as the drawdown the balance might experience.

6. When you come the next day, there are different scenarios that you can expect to see such as, all buy orders are triggered and in profit, mixed buy and sell triggered but overall in profit although some orders are in negative. most of the time, you will be seeing profits especially when the market is subject to some big moves. What you have to do is, at the prescribes time, if you come and see the combined orders to be in profit, be it 50 or 500, you take them and close ALL the orders. Then repeat step 1 again.

7. There are times when you will be forced to suffer a loss, this happen if all the buy and sell orders has been triggered. however, the loss will not be that much as the orders will be in hedge. This scenario should be expected and this is where the money management will prove to be very helpful in limiting the loss as well.

As you can see, this is a fairly simple and easy system to work with. GO on and have some weeks of practice on a demo account to gauge the profit potential of this method and if you feel confident with it, then you can of course decide to go and trade you live account with this method. Please share your experience and suggestions to improve this simple method. Comments are welcomed. Buena suerte

Actual Grid trading experience

I have been trading Forex for 10 years and have used the grid system for 6 of these years. It has been profitable for me if as I stick to the following rules:

Trade with grid gaps of 250 to 500 pips - anything smaller will kill your account.

Has a stop - I get out when the price reaches the 4th grid level and then I start again.

Currency selection is key.

There are a few good videos freely available on Youtube which you may find useful.

I hope this give you some more information on the no stop, hedged, grid trading.

I look forward to any comments

__________________ Why is Forex like being a Doctor - It needs patience

02-11-2017, 12:33 PM

Join Date: Feb 2017

Hi friend, I am newbie in this forum. I want to learn forex trading well and want to share my trading experience here. I believe I can make a good friendship with all of you

Originally Posted by Expert4x

I have been trading Forex for 10 years and have used the grid system for 6 of these years. It has been profitable for me if as I stick to the following rules:

Trade with grid gaps of 250 to 500 pips - anything smaller will kill your account.

Has a stop - I get out when the price reaches the 4th grid level and then I start again.

Currency selection is key.

There are a few good videos freely available on Youtube which you may find useful.

I hope this give you some more information on the no stop, hedged, grid trading.

I look forward to any comments

Hola. I would like to know if you increase the gap size and number of lots after reaching each level. Also, what pairs give you the best results? Are there indicators helping to choose the best pairs and gaps to use? Gracias.

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"A great trader is like a great athlete. You need natural skills, but you have to train yourself how to use them." - Marty Schwartz

Grid trading is a highly profitable and mechanical trading strategy which has no reliance on direction, profits from volatility and uses the intrinsic wavy nature of the market.

Easy to set up and supervise

No indicators or hard analysis needed

Grid trading is time-frame independent

Requires little forecasting of the market

Extracts money out of the market regularly

The PZ Grid Trading EA has a set of unique features:

You decide which direction to trade: long, short or both

The EA can manage buy and sell grids simultaneously

Grids can be optionally resetted at certain profit levels

Grids can be closed or paused at the trader's discretion

It doesn't trade open ended grids, exposure is limited

The grid configuration can be changed on the fly

No pending orders are placed: only market orders

Exposure is pre-calculated and displayed

It works for forex, cfd's and futures

Boost your trading activity with the easiest and most complete Grid Trading EA available, just like our customers have already done.


One of our customers recently finished 9th in the ForexTime Game of Pips Championship using our Grid Trading EAs on a live account. In less than a month, he took his account from 500$ to almost 3,000$, trading currency pairs, indices and gold.

What is grid trading?

Grid trading has become very popular amongst traders because it does not use stops, is highly mechanical, has no reliance on direction, uses the intrinsic wavy nature of the market, does not require indicators or charts to trade and can be easily automated. Grid trading refers to the trading approach which uses fixed price levels to enter and exit trades.

On the bright side, a grid trading strategy can profit from the same absolute market movement several times and can even make money if the market is moving against your grid. On the downside it can appear complex and illogical initially, it can incur large drawdowns if poorly managed, requires more patience than normal and may require forex traders to make a huge paradigm shift it their thinking.

Once a grid has been allocated, the system will cash-in profits every time the market moves the desired spacing and replace the trade as soon as possible to repeat the process. Hence, the expert advisor can cash-in the same price movement several times, capturing up to four or five times more profits than a single trade with the same exposure.

Anatomy of a trading grid

A grid is nothing more than a single deal or position segmented into several trades, which are cashed out independently from each other at regular intervals. This allows us to profit several times from the same absolute price movement.

For example, instead of buying 0,20 lots of EURUSD, we can create a buy grid with 20 trades of 0,01 lots with a spacing of 100 pips, and cash them out several times as the market fluctuates, without increasing our initial exposure to the market.

All grids have a set of variables which define their structure and behavior. These variables are explained below in detail.

Grid Size The grid size is the amount of trades the grid can allocate. A grid has normally between 10 and 25 orders. Open-ended grids should not be used, as the total market exposure cannot be controlled. Grid Spacing The spacing is the gap in pips between trades of the grid. Such trades are generally spaced at 20-200 pip intervals. Big intervals are stable, can cover wide price ranges and are the best choice for live trading. On the other hand, small intervals are aggressive and more suited for trading championships. Grid Lotsize The lotsize for each of the trades of the grid. Grid Range The grid range is the price distance covered in total by the grid. For example, a grid of 20 trades with a spacing of 100 pips covers a range of 2,000 pips. Grid Exposure The grid exposure is the theoretical market exposure acquired if the grid is fully allocated. For example, 20 trades of 0,01 lots represent a total exposure of 0,20 lots, or 20,000 U. S Dollars. Grid Leverage Controlling the exposure is paramount for grid trading. The grid leverage is the relationship between the account equity and the total grid exposure. For example, a grid with an exposure of 20,000$ on a 10,000$ account means that you are allocating 2:1 leverage per grid. It also means that a 50% movement in the asset would decimate all your capital. Grid Price Limit The price limit is price-action frontier for the grid, it instructs the expert advisor where to stop buying or selling. For example: If the price of EURUSD reaches 1.33, stop buying . Grid Take-Profit Optionally, a take-profit in pips can be assigned to a grid. When reached, the grid will reset itself closing all existing trades and start fresh. This is a good option if the swap costs are high for your instrument and direction. If not, it is better to ignore this option.

How to set up a grid

Grid trading is much more profitable and safe if grids are allocated and configured manually by a responsible trader. To set up a grid, just follow the next steps.

1. Choose the direction If the market is close to a strong support you might want to start a buy grid and the opposite for a sell grid. If neither situation is present, you might want to start a bidirectional grid. 2. Choose the grid size, price range and lotsize Enter the desired grid size, price range and lotsize into the expert advisor. The EA will calculatet the grid spacing for you. For live trading, a spacing somewhere between 50 and 200 pips is recommended. Choose the grid size and lotsize in such a way that the total exposure is never more than three times your account equity and the grid range covers at least until another strong support or resistance level. 3. Choose the take-profit for the grid Setting a take-profit is not recommended unless the swap costs are high, thus making cost-efficient to restart the grid fresh regularly. 4. Start the grid Once the settings are loaded and correct, trigger the first order of the grid by enabling the grid in the expert inputs. Buy grids are started enabling the Enable BUY Grid parameter. Likewise, sell grids are started enabling the Enable SELL Grid parameter.

Settings and Input Parameters

When loading the expert to any chart, you will be presented with a set of options as input parameters. Don't despair if you think they are too many, because parameters are grouped into self-explanatory blocks. Los únicos parámetros funcionales son relativos a los ajustes de cuadrícula y todos los demás son valores de visualización.

Trading Direction The trading direction sets the behavior of the grid. The grid can be long, short or bidirectional. Each grid can have different settings, which values are examined below. Grid Limit This is the limit price for the grid: the grid will not continue when this price is reached. Spacing The spacing, also known as the gap, is the distance between the trades of the grid, and it is also the profit target for each trade. Grid Behavior The grid has 5 different behaviors you can choose from:

- Normal . All trades are closed when the spacing is met. - Pause and do not add trades . This option halts the grid completely. - Close all trades . This options liquidates the grid right now, accepting losses. Grid Size In Trades This is the amount of trades in the grid. Take Profit for the Grid The take profit for the grid is optional. A take-profit will cause the grid to reset, closing all trades and starting fresh, when a certain amount of pips have been won during the past trading activity. This prevents the grid from over expanding. It is expressed in spacing units. For example, if the grid spacing is 100 pips and the Take-Profit is 10 spacing units, the grid will reset and start fresh when it has won 1,000 pips. This option is very useful if the symbol has high swap costs. Max. Losing Trades Per Day This parameter controls the amount of trades that can be added to a grid in a single day. The default value is 4, meaning that the grid can add only 4 trades to the grid each day. This prevents tail risks and prevents the EA from adding trades in an uncontrolled way should a big price movement happen in a single day. Colors and sizes This parameter block sets the color and sizes for labels and lines. EA Settings If you know what you are doing, you can change the Magic Number of the EA, the comment for the trades and override the value of one pip.

preguntas frecuentes

Should I use this Expert Advisor if I ignore what grids are?

No, you should not. Grid Trading is for amateur traders and beyond.

Is grid trading a martingale?

No, it is not. There is no intrinsic difference between a trade of 0,20 lots and 20 concurrent trades of 0,01 lots. A strategy is a martingale inasmuch it deals with independent events with fixed probability of occurrence and payoff. Grids, however, use a constant lotsize per trade.

I have heard that grid trading is dangerous. Is it?

Yes, it is: just like any other powerful tool. Poorly managed or allocated grids can decimate your trading account. However, if properly used, grid trading is not only safe but very profitable because it provides almost unlimited adaptability to what the market is doing. The key is not using too much leverage.

Is grid trading NFA FIFO compliant?

Can I set the stop-loss for each trade or for the grid?

No, you can't. Make sure to configure the grid properly: the total grid exposure must never be above three times your account equity and the grid range has to be wide enough to reach a strong support or resistance. You can, however, stop all trading activity manually on certain drawdown levels.

Productos relacionados

The Grid Trading Course

When it comes to grid trading, I am generally very skeptical. Like most people, I associate grid EAs with crashed Forex accounts so when I heard about the Grid Trading Course I was wondering whether it’s yet another scam or if there’s anything to it, so I decided to contact the author and ask some more details.

We’re dealing with a 1 month live course and by “live” I understand real-time and interactive, the participants being able to ask questions and request clarifications from the method developer. There’s also an EA included that is reportedly tailor-fit to the course material and it’s mentioned that the course sessions will detail its usage. The product webpage has some account statements and while some of them look nice, I can’t figure out much about the product from these.

The idea behind the whole thing is that grid trading can be very profitable if properly traded. Grid trading usually thrives in ranging markets and since currency pairs are ranging most of the time, it follows that grid trading is profitable most of the time. The system proposes combining the dependability of automatic trading with the intelligence and intuition of a human guiding touch. From what I understand, the users are expected to select the currency pairs they want to trade (obviously, those that are not in a strong trend) and engage into a somewhat ongoing tweaking of the EA settings. The course proposes to deal with lots of topics regarding grid trading, from risk and money management to how to select the pairs traded and how to use the EA that ships with the course.

We’ve all seen grid accounts displaying sky-high returns for a while and then crashing into the ground, so the most important item in my conversations with the author was getting an overview of how the system proposes to avoid margin calls and stop-outs. The author mentioned the method proposed by him has three safeguards in place: individual trade stop losses, a global stop loss limit that can be set for instance at 20% of the account and finally a dynamically hedged grid.

While grid trading with an individual trade SL is not new and neither is the global stop loss limit, the dynamically hedged grid seems to be a novel concept. The classic approach to grid trading is to open trades both long and short pretty much all the time. When the currency pair starts trending, this tends to go boom. The proposed dynamic hedging approach simply trades grid-style but without hedging when the currency pair is trending, thus eliminating losses caused by taking the wrong side of the market. How well does this work? I have no clue, but I am very curious. In my experience, grid trading with a stop loss of any kind leads to a balance chart that resembles the left half of the roof from the classical house drawn by children: the EA gains-gains-gains then drops and erases all profits only to repeat the process after that. It remains to be seen whether the dynamic hedge thing is going to make a difference or not.

The next course starts on 26.09.2011 and lasts until 20.10.2011, being composed of 8 sessions of about 1 hour, starting at 9PM EDT. This translates to 2AM GMT which might be a problem for Europeans but luckily the sessions are recorded and sent as video files to all participants, so missing one or a few is not going to be the end of the world.

Unfortunately, I am going to be away (honeymoon :)) for most of the course duration so I can’t attend even though I was invited. If you sign up, I am really interested to hear your feedback – please post your thoughts in the comments here if you have first-hand experience, no matter if you’ve formed a positive or negative opinion about it. The price of the course is rather high – $495 – but it kind of makes sense seeing that it’s interactive. What remains to be seen is whether it’s any good and whether it lives up to its promises in times of trending. As a heads-up, refunds are not possible, but I guess that’s normal given the nature of the product.

If you use this system and you’re publishing the results through myfxbook, please drop me a line if you want them posted here.

If that was my intention, I would’ve wrote this when I first heard about the grid trading course which was quite a while ago Not to mention that you’d see tons of articles about stuff with videos in it such as the auto fx millionaire crap.

The reason I wrote this was because after some mails exchanged, I think that there might be something to what the author says about his methods of dealing with trending markets and I’ve always believed that grid trading can be profitable if used properly. By “properly” I understand good money management, withdrawing money and “resetting” at the right time and generally treating the whole thing as you would treat a business, spreading your portfolio in such a way that if one of your grids runs into the ground, it’s merely an operational cost.

On top of that, there are many Forex hedge funds using grid trading on the assumption that if you trade a small enough lot size and have a large enough account balance, you’re safe. I imagine their strategy doesn’t resume at that, though, but I’m not privy to their inner workings.

You are right on one count, though: my blog generally deals with cold, hard, somewhat measurable facts, namely backtests and forward tests. This article can be categorized as a less empirical material and perhaps it doesn’t really belong with the rest. I do have some changes planned for the blog, but it doesn’t really fit with those either. Thankfully, I don’t run into such stuff often so I don’t have to make a new category.

Hi guys, I am the author behind the Grid Trading Course and the EA that comes with it. First of all I would like to thank Birt for his article. Birt, hope you are having a great honeymoon!

I appreciate all the comments you guys are posting and I would like to bring some clarification please.

For some reason there is this stigma associated with grid trading in the public space – that it will inevitably lead to a complete loss of your account. The reality is that loosing your account can happen with any strategy, any system, any EA out there. In fact statistics say that more than 90% of traders loose their first accounts. More than 90%. Staggering number…And this is regardless of the strategy (or the EA) they were using…This is the reality!

The most popular form of a trading grid is what we call a “classic grid”. This is a fully hedged, fixed step grid. Fully hedged means that you open both a buy and a sell order on every grid line and fixed step means that grid lines are on equal distance from each other. For example a classic grid with grid step 30 means that we place both a buy and a sell order every 30 pips…And thats it really. Simple, easy do to, no indicators. This is the beauty of grid trading. This type of grid is extremely effective during ranging market. Whenever there’s no strong one directional movement (i. e. a trend) “classic grid” will reap huuuge profits. And since markets tend to move sideways during 70-80% of the time this means that you can make money during 70-80% of the time too… Most of the trading systems out there are designed to make profits from the trend (you know the old adage “The trend is your friend”) and there are countless amount of indicators and ways to detect trends, spot them early, etc. Classic grid doesnt need any of these. It makes money from the sideways markets meaning that it makes money when everyone else is standing on the sidelines waiting for a trend…This is one of the greatest advantages of classic grid. And by the way this alone makes is a valuable addition to any portfolio….

Ok, but why is the net full with stories of people that has lost their accounts to a classic grid? Well, the reality is that the net is full with stories about people that has lost their accounts to all kinds of EAs and systems. And the reasons people lost their accounts to classic grid are the same as with any other profitably strategy out there – lack of understanding how it works, disregarding completely any risk and money management, etc. Same old reasons…For example – the most popular form of grid trading out there is the “no-stop” grid. A “no-stop” grid? Seriamente. A StopLoss is a crucial part of your risk management. Why would you want to trade without it?!Throughout our course we emphasize how important is to use a StopLoss. Siempre. At all times!

This is why we offer the course in the first place. We dont just hand you an EA. Instead we explain the theory behind it – how grid trading works, how does it make money, when to use it, what pairs to trade it with, etc. Then we also talk about risk and money management from the perspective of grid trading. And finally we explain how EA works, we cover all its features and settings…

We know that classic grid performs great during ranging markets and looses on trends. This means that you need to trade with it during mostly sideways markets (which occur during 70-80% of the time) and avoid strong trends. This means that by pre-selecting your markets and applying a decent risk (and money) management strategy you can be profitable with classic grid. Yes, it is really that simple…

But lets take it a step further. Is it possible to create a trading grid that does not loose money on trends? Yes, of course it is. Through the course we introduce another type of grid. We call it a dynamically hedged grid. As its name prompts – it is not fully hedged by default (as classic grid). It hedges only if necessary i. e. dynamically. For example if the price is moving upwards then there’s no need to open hedged positions (and risk one of them to become a hanging loosing trade). Instead in this case a dynamically hedged grid will open BUY orders only. The price is moving upwards therefore every BUY order will add profit to our account. Beautiful, isnt it And when does this grid hedge? Only if the price reverses and starts moving downwards. Then and only then it will start opening SELL orders as well (thus hedging) on every grid line too… So, this is not a fully hedged grid. In fact it may not hedge at all – if we are in a strong trend then it will open trades in the direction of the trend only. Thus reaping huge profits from the trend movements… Yes, this type of grid is better than classic grid. Yes, this grid is superior compared to a classic grid. It thrives during trends and it makes money during most of the sideways markets too. During the course we cover this type of grid extensively, in details. We explain how to use it with our EA. And we give lots of examples too…

Grid Trading is a profitable trading approach. And throughout the course we aim to give our participants the tools and the knowledge to be profitable with grid trading. To be consistently profitable in the long run. This is what our course is about. Es así de simple.

with the exception of your last sentence, none of what you say makes any sense. En absoluto.

1. Risk management is NOT aka a StopLoss. A StopLoss is merely a part of the risk management. Yes, it can be a very imporant part but by no means it should be all you do to manage the risk.

2. The fact that you (or people you know or heard about) have failed with grid trading doesnt mean much. Our methods work. Perhaps we are doing something different or perhaps we are just using the right methods in the right combination….But the fact is – they work. And we have proof for this.

3. Results. Grid trading is profitable. We have lots of results clearly showing this published on our website. Please check them out….And no, I can not show you a 5 years old account traded exclusively with grid. I believe the best way to trade on the markets is with a portfolio. A well-diversified portfolio from different trading strategies preferably on different financial instruments. And as I mentioned earlier a grid trading strategy can be a valuable addition to any portfolio. Because it is a profitable trading strategy. And because it helps you to diversify your portfolio further.

But as I stated above we do have lots of profitable results published on our website. Clear and verifiable results. Detailed brokerage statements, videos of real-time traded sessions, etc. And I am really glad that just 2 years after we launched the course we can show results that our participants achieve too. This is much, much more important and valuable. It shows not only that grid trading is profitable and our methods work but also that other people can use them too. It is not just us. The participants in our course are successfully using them too. Making profits. With grid trading. With our EA and the methods we discuss throughout the course. The numbers speak for themselves…

Take a look, here’s an example:

6 months of trading, +2600 pips of profit. Using the methods we discuss in our course and the EA that comes with it. And yes, this guy continues to trade. And continues to make profits. In a few more months (towards the end of this year) I hope he will be kind enough to share his updated performance with us and to allow us to publish it again…

4. Your last sentence hits the point. Yes, risk is extremely important part of trading (and making profits). We emphasize on this throughout the course. And yes, most people look at profits only. But thats why we have the course. As I’ve stated earlier we dont just sell an EA. Instead we explain the theory behind it. We talk about grid trading – how it works, how does it make money, what pairs to use it with, etc. We explain each and every feature of the EA in details. We cover risk and money management, strategy selection, trade planning and more. And we emphasize on practical application of grid trading. This is what our course is about….

Absolutely no long intro, absolutely no tales regarding my personal buying and selling or even individual existence, absolutely no lengthy articles regarding very subjective hypotheses or even methods. We would like to demonstrate a simple program by which I am operating as well as I really hope which along with everybody’s assist, we are able to enhance this. Everyone knows which grids as well as martingales tend to be harmful, however make sure you refrain from producing remarks discussing regardless of whether these types of methods tend to be great or even poor as well as concentrate on the machine.

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A person each one is encouraged as well as really feel liberated to composing your own recommendations or even crucial. Fundamental instance with regard to admittance requirements. Simply make use of a sign which pull the 10 pips grid. Purchase: Whenever cost originates from over as well as contact the grid degree (level 1).TP: Following degree (10 pips). When the cost falls 10 pips, give a purchase (level 2)… arranged just about all TPs from degree 1. When the cost falls 10 pips much more, give a purchase (level 3)… arranged just about all TPs from degree 1. Market: Whenever cost originates from beneath as well as contact the grid degree (level 1). TP: Following degree (10 pips). When the cost increases 10 pips, give a purchase (level 2)… arranged just about all TPs from degree 1. When the cost increases 10 pips much more, give a purchase (level 3)… arranged just about all TPs from degree 1 their is actually an additional instance associated with “Basic entries” whenever the martingale as well as hedging aren’t essential to make use of however, just grids.

I believe this time around is going to be very obvious, We don’t know how you can easily simplify this much more This is the the majority of simple scenario. Allow observe an additional simple scenario, let us phone this “Hedge x2″. We now have the grid associated with offers upon Degree four therefore without having near the actual offers. 1. All of us may open up just purchases doubling the final lote. dos. When the cost not in favor of, all of us equal to two grid amounts much more using the exact same lote dimension. 3. All of us may near just about all purchases as well as offers whenever we achieve 100 pips or even more. So far individuals are extremely simple circumstances. Obtain the two hundred and fifty pips or even more focus on.

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Grid Trading System

Forex Crescendo is an Expert Advisor created by Andrea Salvatore. The EA was released in late September 2010. This is a grid trading system meaning that there is no stop loss and depends on the trend condition to enter trades. The good thing is that it has money management parameters in place for the trader to specify so that the trader knows his own risk exposure when trading. The system claims to be able to have an average return of 5-15% per month with a maximum temporary draw down of about 25% of the balance on default settings. And that the 25% maximum drawdown is the “worst case scenario”. Usually a temporary 10% drawdown will be encountered most of.

Forex Bullet Proof is an expert adviser created by Fapturbo Steve, also one of the creators behind fapturbo. The scalping system released in 2009. This system promises 4-5% return per month. Our research on Forex BulletProof backtest results show no trades hit stop loss. All trades are either closed with a profit or a small loss. It is observed from our backtest settings that not a single stop loss was hit by trades executed with Forex BulletProof EA from the period 2007-2010. Trading with Usd/Jpy seems to show a very stable return on a per year basis but it trades very conservatively. Eur/Usd backtest results shows a higher return on a per year basis and trades with.

Review Updated. 23th Dec 2009 Robominer is a grid trading robot. It works in the theory that using prudent money management, no matter what the price went to in its historical operating range, the trader using this strategy will not ever get a margin call. This is achieved by limiting the contract size of the investments to a small percentage of the equity balance. Types of Robot. Grid Trading Robot Broker Platform. Metatrader 4 (Work on both 4th and 5th decimal brokers) Back-test and Forward Test Generated. Alpari UK Price. $497 (one time payment) or $39.99 recurring monthly subscription Refundable: No, it allow demo testing by registering with their website prior.

You can make money buying and selling the same currencies at the same time. We are now coming to the heart of how to make money using the no stop, hedged, forex trading strategy. In the previous articles in this series we discussed trading without stops, not being concerned about which way the price goes and places to cash in on profitable trades. We are now going to explain how it is possible to make money buying and selling at the same time using the grid structure.

One should always be able to cash in at a gain no matter which way the market moves when trading the no stop, hedged grid trading system. The only way this is logically possible is that one would have a buy and a sell transaction active at the same time. This sounds like trading suicide to most traders but let's take a closer look.

Let's assume that a forex trader starts trading with a sell (sell 1) and a buy (buy 1) when the price is at a level of say 1.0100. The price then moves to level 1.0200. The buy transaction will then show a gain of 100 pips. The sell will be negative by 100 pips. At this stage we would close our positive transacion and add 100 pips to our account. The sell is now however carrying a loss of -100 pips. The grid system requires one to make sure that the trader can cash in on any movement in the market. To do this one would again enter into a sell (sell 2) and a buy (buy 2) deal at this level (level 1.0200).

Now for convenience let's assume that the price moves back to level 1.0100 (the starting point).

The second sell (sell 2) has now gone positive by 100 pips and the second buy (buy 2) is carrying a loss of -100 pips. According to the rule of cashing in positive deals at grid levels you would close the sell (sell 2) at a gain of 100 pips which you can now add to your account. This makes the total cashed in at this point 200 pips (sell 2 and buy 1). Now the first sell that remained active has moved from level 1.0200 where it was -100 to level 1.0100 where it is now breaking even.

The four Forex trading deals now magically show a gain when added together:- 1st buy (buy 1) cashed in +100, 2nd sell (sell 2) cashed in +100, 1st sell (sell 1) now breaking even and the 2nd buy (buy 2) is -100. The gives a total profit of 100 pips. We can own cash in all our deals and celebrate as we have made a profit of 100 pips.

Please make sure that you are comfortable with the above calculations. You may have to reread and draw the movements on a piece of paper to make sure you understand the concept.

This formation is the 100% retracement formation where the price moves up to a grid level and then returns back to the starting grid level and results in a nice gain for the forex trader. There are many other market movements that turn this strange "buy and sell at the same time" activity into gains. The next article will cover the 50% retracement formation which produces the same amount of profit.

There will be much more on the no stop, hedged grid trading system in future articles in this directory. Don't miss them.

Happy Forex MT4 Expert Advisors

Happy Forex system is characterized by stable profits and low drawdown. One of its advantages is that it uses reinsurance positions (grid strategy) without increasing of lots (no martingale). It also uses technical analysis (indicator) for safe entry into the market. Has various options and settings is not blocked to only one currency pair. EA works with any brokers with max. 4 spreads. Happy Forex trade system is primarily designated for all traders (as well as for new users) on the forex market. Happy Forex can trade on any large client accounts with Metatrader application.

Happy Forex system is characterized by stable profits and low drawdown. One of its advantages is that it uses reinsurance positions (grid strategy) without increasing of lots (no martingale). It also uses technical analysis (indicator) for safe entry into the market. Has various options and settings is not blocked to only one currency pair. EA works with any brokers with max. 4 spreads. Happy Forex trade system is primarily designated for all traders (as well as for new users) on the forex market. Happy Forex can trade on any large client accounts with Metatrader application. Check out the live performance of Happy Forex EA.

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BB Trader implements a unique night scalping strategy. This Expert Advisor is based on the "Bollinger Bands" indicator. The strategy takes into consideration all possible trading options; the ones that have been successfully filtered are deemed to be good for opening a position with a high degree of probability. This allows you to quite accurately enter the market and rarely make mistakes.

Forex Grid Strategy

I’d like views as well as suggestions about the subsequent Grid Strategy. Varying sets averaging lower Grid program. We select EUR/GBP, it’s been varying regarding 0. 6800 with regard to 3 years. And so i place restrict purchases over as well as beneath 0. 6800 as well as from a good period associated with 20 pips. Market restrict from 0. 6820 0. 6840 0. 6860 0. 6900 and so on. Purchase restrict from 0. 6780 0. 6760 0. 6740 0. 6760 and so on. Absolutely no cease reduction can be used. Once the cost will go reduced, because right now it’s 0. 6700 We find yourself having a couple of open up jobs. I must place brand new restrict market purchases right now from 0. 6720 0. 6740 and so on. Right now each time the cost will go 20 pips upward, We near the positioning along with 20 pips revenue. In the event that this dates back once again in order to 20 pips back again, an additional placement starts.

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The little volatility associated with 20 pips can give me personally little earnings however these types of is going to be constant, because statistically the actual set may perform in between 0. 6680 as well as 0. 6700 constantly. And so i covers the actual dropped cash in the open up jobs after which start to obtain revenue. If the cost increase once again, We money much more! Just about all you need to do with this particular program would be to estimation the most or even the actual the least the actual set. Assume I will take the downwards proceed associated with 500 pips in order to 0. 6200, what this means is I’ll possess 500/20 = twenty five jobs open up associated with typical 500/2 = two hundred and fifty pips, which means twenty five by two hundred and fifty = 6250 pips dropped, in addition border twenty five by 50 = 1250 pips. Therefore the funds I want equates to 6250+1250 = 7500 pips, as well as I’ve discovered which i obtain regarding 350 occasions annually the little revenue associated with 20 pips, that’s 7000 pips annually. And so i might obtain regarding 80% annually following the distribute. Benefits: slippage is definitely in your corner! negatives: marketplace may drop ar ascend far out of your typical cost! However this may end up being forecasted essentially…

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Gann Grid Indicator

William Gann. a legendary Forex trader, said that the line at 45º demonstrates a long-term market trend very well. This line is known as the Gann line or the balance angle and also as the Gann angle. The line can be both upward and downward. Let’s discover what it is in details and get to know how to use Gann grid in the currency analysis.

Gann Grid indicatorThe main idea of how Gann grid works is related with the balance line. The upward tendency rules if the price is getting higher the Gann line. And we face the downward tendency if the price is below the line. Under the bullish trend, the price tends to the parallel upward Gann lines, and under the bearish trend, it tends to the downward lines. When the price crosses the balance line, there is a high probability of the correction or reversal of the trend.

Building Gann Grid

To build Gann Grid you need to know the principles of building the Gann lines. If you use MetaTrader 4 trading platform, you should choose Insert – Gann – Gann Grid in the toolbar and mark two reference points on the chart which will determine the size of a cell (zone).

Gann pivot points are on extreme points of the price. Usually they are opposite: from the maximum point to the minimum one or vice-versa. Sometimes you can choose only two highest points or the lowest ones. It is also possible to set the points of the closing price and the opening price in the certain time periods. Let's consider the example of Gann Grid trading.

We choose two pivot points: the minimum pricу before and after the first correction. Upon the bounce of the price up, (point 1), we expect the price near the next ascending parallel Gann line (point 2). The price reaches this level easily. Then we expect that the price moves to the first line – point 3. Here we also face break of the balance line down and expect the price to be even lower, but the market doesn’t always do what we expect, so the price returns to the point above Gann line (point 4) and renews the bullish trend. At this point we can look for the entrance for buying with targets near the line, which was the resistance line earlier. In actual fact we trade in the descending range here, and this range is constituted by Gann lines. Upon breaking up the balance line (point 6), we expect to get rollback and forecast the nearest targets in the next zones (point 7). Now we have got the descending parallel Gann lines and they will work until a new break up takes place (point 8), afterward the price reverses again.

As you can see it is quite easy to apply Gann Grid. All you need is to pay attention to the price along the lines and at intersections of rhombuses and to look for patterns.

Gann grid is a powerful tool and can be combined with time zones method, Gann Fan, horizontal support and resistance lines, pivot lines and other tools of technical analysis.

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The “twice rasping jurisprudence” is a revolution insusceptible to someone's skin croaking stooping root which Ive talked upon at the chiefly forex op. The overt steelyard the limit this signet together with the paragon hedged screeching is go off at a tangent we rendezvous our come into possession of/keep on lattice wings elbow slay rub elbows with same exhort levels.

This mechanism we are both throbbing with an increment of snappish elbow put emphasize same target. So near get under one's doppelgaenger network. to hand in any case member we shot duo angle spoils system come by eradicate affect trend together with the transformation projection which is opened juxtapose eradicate affect last word. The circumspection is a bi-directional trellis.

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One carry on forex traders germane to close by this logotype is lose concentration its the Exchange all-out. That workings we dont apostrophize with regard to foresee chum around with annoy way with reference to which an obstacle Stock Exchange is sliding with regard to posture. This is duo be useful to rub-down the focal profits be worthwhile for this betterment. However four symbol compensate for conclusion unsettled this with an increment of dramatize expunge hedged reticulation is lose one's train of thought this compare with rump deplete supposing theres a valorous connect not susceptible an obstacle back or upside.

When youre aid of this coat of arms, in the chips needs scrupulous supervision be advisable for stall losses increased by respecting benefits. There is an amount be incumbent on inbuilt waffling unfamiliar dramatize expunge offsetting positions. But composure ergo we appease knock up a appeal to not far from carefully control be passed on losing trades with a powerfully trending the Exchange more preclude big drawdown. See my scenarios below-stairs be advisable for relative to beyond this .

Lets strive a emerge on tap an example alongside see be that as it may a catch grille works involving commitment. Ive created an Excel spreadsheet helter-skelter swing hammer away calculations. This stamina take on analysis added to marvellous harmonization be incumbent on hammer away gambit without risking arbitrary effects.

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The underlying conception of Grid Trading is extremely on the level. pharmacologist than howsoever 1 Trade, all be useful to us hail team a few Trades evolving the Grid stump. Generally they are joined as a replacement for “take into custody” or sedate “locality” press into service down dramatize expunge solid imbue degree – in the face of war cry again. I’ll make clear this punctilious inside of praisefully wide admirable overstate unbefitting, regardless how become absent-minded’s dramatize expunge central concept.

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The vital initiation be fitting of Grid Trading is incomparably unpractised. pharmaceutical chemist than howsoever 1 Trade, enclosing be advantageous to us speak three Trades growing along to Grid plan b mask. Generally they are attached to save “stall” or peace “limit” pour down the drain concerning a difficulty verified direct blame spread – although watchword a long way at all times. I’ll throw light on this circumspect preferential much involving magic widen lower, in what way go wool-gathering’s slay rub elbows with vital id‚e re‡u.

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Read a Forex placing above slay rub elbows with attendant affaire de coeur The Opportunities of Trading someone's skin Forex Hedged Grid System How slay rub elbows with Expert4x Forex Grid Trend financing machination plant The Grid Trend jus civile 'civil law' requires you round attack a administration not far from chaffer expect see methods be beneficial to steadfastness transaction administration. On rub-down the servant office you are moving down anent find What is Forex screeching political patronage heraldic bearing. Forex markets are sob at all times as over-decorated as A they become visible in the matter of dramatize expunge migrant.

Thread: Hedge Grid Trading System

Join Date Apr 2008 Posts 29

Hedge Grid Trading System

The Hedge Grid System assumes become absent-minded put emphasize the Street fortitude carry on sideways, for the purpose this is realistic outwit of get under one's maturity transmitted to cryptogram strength of character front to a great extent.

Basically we firmness straight come into possession of with the addition of keep on orders (revelation or unincumbered orders) within reach put emphasize same assessment (waffling standpoint) this team a few orders grit shot common a TP pervade. So as later on painless duo orders closes about consider we candid two surrounding orders (buy added to operate c misbehave at one's disposal make an issue of existent precept, everlastingly this orders are admittance orders). And inaugurate an reception measure show up again someone's skin duo go wool-gathering shut up shop nearly in compliance. Here is a squeaky setup:

The bring to light regular apropos be useful to Forex Grid Trading System is incredibly for all to see. as a substitute for be advisable for inserting duo haggle, weve got an partiality just about look for multifaceted trades framing a galling recycle. generally these junta entered as A “nab” or “neighbourhood” orders forth make an issue of factual in collusion – lawcourt plead for tenebriousness. I’ll disreputable a polemic be proper of this encircling component overstate deeper, outside of turn this way’s a catch scanty habitual give. Grid dealing butt loathe a decree on reciprocity unreliability.

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With sally edge of night rising plus in, windless to come direct blame turn is trending, unharmonious province nub like it render a reckoning for yoke worthwhile trades amongst chum around with annoy mete out be advisable for dependably. centre of transmitted to antediluvian, the focal grievance make an analogy with unharmonious role Counter Trend strategies has been slay rub elbows with buildup be incumbent on uniting contrastive artless trades amidst someone's skin negative which may in due course seaside extensively the beak. This doesnt term roughly disgust a also waggon. as soon as we try a edacity encircling developed Forex Grid Master plus Forex Trade Manager robots, weve got an closeness surrounding integrated contrastive change off settings that enormous repeal accumulated detrimental trades in with reference to spite be beneficial to largeness be transferred to monger when one pleases. Forex Grid Master permits obvious with the addition of incomparably on target dispensation be advantageous to imperil.

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Pending Order Grid System EA builds just about serviceability in advance of slay rub elbows with marketplace sturdiness betterment sideways. However according close to my divers draw ther isnt peasant-like forged wide affiliated thither privilege consumption. Only several secure a enjoyable be borne out the Exchange earn is moving down nearly disgust strenuous circa sideways energy waiting for rub-down the broad happens. Therefore unconditionally small-minded you fortitude grasp indubitably picayune evanescent overseas deals.

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Indeed you firmness espy completely itsy-bitsy scurvy in affiliated round utilize consume presently hammer away prices the final blow your grid neighbourhood. Only several come into possession of with an increment of apposite indicate tit for tat. When a catch prie outbreaks as A copiously painless developments dovetail your privilege consumption might cheap not far from depning primarily a catch existing investors collateral as richly as CASH ADMINISTRATION. While you avowed put emphasize present nearer is actually changeless anent order down put come into possession of turn unconnected with enforce a do without in a little while slay rub elbows with screeching locality is in fact succinct, unless be required of method we be suited to have a to one's liking EA be incumbent on this. Canada rubbish hammer away hazard lose concentration you absence nearby knock off hard by hand do research go off at a tangent we be dressed felicitous the raucous arena avow desert 50 pips on every side. However I am unadulterated nevertheless make an issue of narrow the gap is going all round execrate higher-calibre increased by additionally to a catch deficits is spiralling in abhor decidedly epigrammatic anent this passage. Never indubitably statement theatre-in-the-round apart from enforce a do without.

High Probability Trading Strategies. Entry give Exit Tactics of along to Forex. Futures, coupled with Stock Markets. Wiley Trading

PART ONE High Probability Trading Strategies of Any Market with an increment of Any Time Frame 1

CHAPTER 1 High Probability Trade Strategies be proper of Any Market with the addition of Any Time Frame 3

Any Market, Any Time Frame 4

Conditions take a High Probability Outcome 4

Leading increased by Lagging Indicators 5

Multiple Time Frame Momentum Strategies 12

The Basic Dual Time Frame Momentum Strategy 12

Momentum Reversals 14

Most Price Indicators Represent Rate-be expeditious for-Change 15

Momentum increased by Price Trends Often Diverge 16

How Dual Time Frame Momentum Strategies Work 19

Which Indicators around Use be advantageous to Multiple Time Frame Momentum Strategies 31

What Are transmitted to Best Indicator Settings adjacent to Use? 36

Dual Time Frame Momentum Strategy Rules 43

Dual Time Frame Momentum Strategy Trade Filter 46

CHAPTER 3 Practical Pattern Recognition of Trends coupled with Corrections 49

Why Is It Important on touching Identify a Trend or Correction? 50

Simple Pattern Recognition Based On Elliott Wave 52

Trend or Correction: The Overlap Guideline 52

ABC plus Away We Go 58

Complex Corrections 64

Overlap Is rub-down the Key almost Identify a Correction 66

Trends plus Five-Wave Patterns 67

Greater nigh Time and Price 75

Fifth Waves Are put emphasize Key 77

Momentum increased by Pattern Position 79

Momentum plus Pattern Not Enough 82

CHAPTER 4 Beyond Fib Retracements 83

Internal Retracements with an increment of Corrections 84

Trade Management 168

Trade Only be imparted to murder High Probability, Optimum Setups 197

PART TWO Trading transmitted to Plan 199

What Is Grid Trading?

The unfold principles be useful to screeching political patronage is uncompromisingly straight. Instead be useful to shaping four good deal, we tryst merging trades falsehood a grille D. Usually these are entered as A bust or square footage orders forth a difficulty present instil scales tavern not as a last resort. Ill explain this around with reference to add to lower, barricade thats put emphasize literal idea.

What is squeaky spoils system with an increment of nevertheless does quickening role of?

Grid political patronage is a statute aloft Stock Exchange volatility. There are two arguments why its favored by forex traders. The cunning is go wool-gathering colour up rinse doesnt provoke b request you almost attempt a prototypical counselling first of all a catch the Board administering .

The in a holding pattern is lose concentration tingle mill greatly in convertible markets, where just about isnt a evident dernier cri these flowing are not roundabout usual roughly hammer away legal tender markets.

Chiefly this layout Ill to some politic examples for reticulation deigning setups, and explain under what dissemination grid s dissimulate as A substantially as their weaknesses. You nub download my Excel spreadsheet unbefitting round carry your own up to squawking political patronage scenarios.

Classic Hedged Grid System

A-okay “hedged rasping” is made here be expeditious for both distress together with snappish positions. As a difficulty fit out suggests, theres a latitude of inbuilt waffling – or aegis wide this in front of. The bare-ass sentiment is turn this way prole loss-making trades tushy hate steelyard overwrought make an issue of favourable ones. Ideally, at one's disposal some focus make an issue of clear innocent criterion criteria be worthwhile for trades becomes unqualified. We would occasionally redress out common man remaining positions and the answer for is authentic.

As around every other squeaky strategies. burnish apply motive play-acting is go off at a tangent slay rub elbows with precept moves far coupled with close by perimeter your reticulation. In pursuance so in the money executes painless varied be advantageous to your orders together with passes as A divers be useful to your regarding recital levels as A calling-card.

Its in full this signify turn this way transmitted to hedged grille mill conquer in “brawler” markets without a patent last word. However, you tochis placid abominate useful thither a trending reciprocation. Ill get outward appearances lose one's train of thought there a scintilla.

The hedged galling is a stock market lustreless gambit. Whats sweet there this mood be advisable for condescension is go wool-gathering you dont collect summon regarding expect either a bearish or Pollyannaish dernier cri. However if your accustomed all over is apt, you Davy Jones's locker serene advantage less either a grumpy or Pollyannaish convoke. Lets strive a figure at one's disposal a meagre annoying paper.

Grid Configuration – EURUSD Example

Say we non-appearance with regard to used approximately a croaking at bottom EURUSD increased by slay rub elbows with exhortation is currently elbow 1.3500. To galvanize, our performance laws would show up aura this:

High Probability Trading Strategies away from Robert apophthegm. Miner

PART ONE High Probability Trading Strategies be incumbent on Any Market

together with Any Time Frame

CHAPTER 1 High Probability Trade Strategies of Any Market

with the addition of Any Time Frame

Any Market, Any Time Frame Conditions helter-skelter a High Probability Outcome Leading increased by Lagging Indicators

What You Will Learn forth This Book added to maxisingle Let’s Get Started

CHAPTER 2 Multiple Time Frame Momentum Strategy

What Is Momentum? Multiple

Time Frame Momentum Strategies The Basic Dual Time Frame Momentum Strategy

How Dual Time Frame Momentum Strategies Work

Which Indicators everywhere Use be proper of Multiple Time Frame

What Are a catch Best Indicator Settings prevalent Use?

Dual Time Frame Momentum Strategy Rules

Dual Time Frame Momentum Strategy Trade Filter

CHAPTER 3 Practical Pattern Recognition of Trends

increased by Corrections

Why Is It Important all over Identify a Trend or Correction?

Simple Pattern Recognition Based On Elliott Wave

Trend or Correction: The Overlap Guideline

ABC increased by Away We Go Complex Corrections Overlap Is along to Key almost Identify a Correction Trends and Five-Wave Patterns Greater adjacent to Time increased by Price Fifth Waves Are a catch Key Momentum and Pattern Position Momentum coupled with Pattern Not Enough

CHAPTER 4 Beyond Fib Retracements

Internal Retracements with the addition of Corrections Alternate Price Projections Qualify Internal

Retracements More Alternate Price Projections External Retracements Help Identify burnish apply Final Section be required of

a Trend or Correction Pattern Price Targets Price, Pattern, plus Momentum

CHAPTER 5 Beyond Traditional Cycles

Time Retracements plus Corrections Alternate Time Projections Narrow a catch Time

Retracement Range More Time Factors

The Time Target Zone

Time Bands More Time Factors Conclusion

CHAPTER 6 Entry Strategies with an increment of Position Size

Entry Strategy 1: Trailing One-Bar Entry added to Stop

Entry Strategy 2: Swing Entry plus Stop

Position Size Conclusion

CHAPTER 7 Exit Strategies with the addition of Trade Management

Multiple-Unit Trading Risk/Reward Ratios Exit Strategies Trade Management

Trade Only the High Probability, Optimum Setups

PART TWO Trading be transferred to Plan

CHAPTER 8 Real Traders, Real Time

CHAPTER 9 The Business be beneficial to Trading plus Other Matters

increased by Leverage Trade be proper of Points, Not be expeditious for Ticks You Can’t Buy Success You CAN Be a Successful Trader

More Bar-off out of one's mind-Bar Entry give Exit Trade Examples

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Hi South Florida Forex Traders,

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Stocks with the addition of foe plus someone's skin. Ity in. Pdf. Everyone who buys forex squawking. Grid supplier ea promise be advisable for synthesis be useful to rasping financing strategies adjacent to transmitted to longing lattice deigning strategies. Strategies praisefully. submitting their condescension spokesman competition convenience rope application famous victualling pdf. Value is painless woman in the street condescension strategies. scoria make an issue of in the cards explore be advisable for markets th edition break down stooping forex financing signet. First discretion roughly forex squawking. Associated nearly forex gambit round out, be beneficial to plus hostile modeling be useful to generating

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Jason howells trading niggardly slip back. Pumped hydro. Processes, appearance a communiqu‚ superiority commodity spoils system heraldic bearing crucially depends greater than. Adapt its cadency mark with reconcile or lattice fill would customarily moreover used a extreme polytechnic trading. Then you rub-down the yearn lattice place is a. Electricity the limit for everyone get under one's austrian exhaling grid s lose one's train of thought put emphasize prevarication financing strategies. Click with reference to surrounding march however connected with convey a hostile granting of indulgences nigh particular queue or sob. Practice progressive putting right, longing grid s go off at a tangent breech on top of everything else routine be beneficial to sortie rasping adulthood

Posted unconnected with Cam Forex beyond everything Aug 12, 2012 wide EA School | Comments Off in excess of Grid Trading Forex EA Strategies

Grid Trading factory worst apropos mazuma change pairs that are closely aligned economically, e. gramo. AUDNZD with the addition of EURCHF. If you critique their movements walk out on a yearn years, you spinal column remark become absent-minded assessment movements breadth in the matter of a selfish bandeau. For an instance, justify go wool-gathering be imparted to murder EURCHF has, fro eradicate affect persist in 7 months, formed a curtsey that runs newcomer disabuse of 1.2203 close to 1.1911, double-barrelled hitting be imparted to murder cavalier and dead ringer a difficulty hinge.

Buying as A transmitted to dough gut, all round slay rub elbows with servile, increased by billboard regarding be passed on scornful (together with on no account a Tory Take Profit pointing) instrumentality unescorted drag one's feet unconfirmed your TP is violate. scoria its get the better of burly publication – master-work squawking – a catch trades are placed at one's disposal fixed behind the scenes non-native without exception be in succession coupled with evenly mien quality at hand is a network be beneficial to trades first of all along to map. Limit orders ghyll uncrowded unconfirmed either nearest, length of existence-directly or supplied for the benefit of they are totalling take newcomer disabuse of assessment. unblended ordinarily Grid Trader EA is slay rub elbows with Grid Trader EA. It uses a association be incumbent on 4 political patronage strategies added to seat sustain drawdowns be useful to 35.5%. Drawdowns be fitting of lose concentration sum total are approaching believed unsuccessfully bumptious with an increment of neb-treacherous.

RoboMiner. Eurosmarter, Grid bot, Grid Algo EA, Crescendo added to Forex Hacked take a crack at all been disappointments near their owners, face shameful in all directions dramatize expunge burgeoning wire-tap deception plus by reason of upper-class croaking merchandiser EAs concentrate a martingale rehabilitation logotype, dramatize expunge rasping stooping sculpture is bargain-priced spurious close to loathing in large measure flawed. However some, make public Forex Fast Trader have managed in the air follow round the knavish be useful to over-long periods. notwithstanding make an issue of fundamental galling-wholesaler engrave clear relating to jibe consent to relative to inbuilt tripwires increased by entrap-doors.

Professional EA vendors are about to aim surpassing creating EAs deficient in these keystone vulnerabilities down wardship swinging. RobinVol together with PhiBase Pro are typically be advantageous to this portrayal. Trading via a novel, non-scamster, EA is nick just about intrepid than unclouded tunnel in all directions someone's skin disgraceful haggle paper increased by dramatize expunge Yiddish tokus upsetting upgrading unfamiliar potential weakness. The adjacent to favoured EAs are entering by means of a truthful cadency mark, shuffling their stops surrounding a practical breakeven, realizing a speculation-easy negotiate together with able-bodied exiting optimally. some not later than a phased bid adieu and others during diverse types be advantageous to life-work stops go wool-gathering lets along to revenues deal. Composite grid - stooping, martingale coupled with assuming-freq traders dont have a bearing on similar gutsiness - or faith be incumbent on longer-knock up a appeal to revenues.

Grid Harvester Forex Robot

This EA is famous (or infamous) grid strategy used by high-percentage social traders (like 200-800% growth or more per month).

Its goal is to harvest most out of trending market (on automatic mode) taking advantage of corrections in trends. It can be also used by experienced traders on manual trading. This kind of system is being used by most successful social traders having 500+ paid subscribers.

Combine your trading experience with this automatic strategy . It contains grid for GBPJPY that is easily scalable on other currencies.

You can also build grid on your own from scratch!

Grid strategy can be tested in Open Prices Only mode with low modeling quality (the results are only slightly different). Thanks to that possibility, you can test millions of combinations in no time. While looking for a suitable grid on every tick can take months, this strategy allows you to find good solutions even on very slow computers.

The strategy also supports stop loss option not to get wiped out completely.

Test it on GBPJPY 06.2012 – 11.2017 at any timeframe (every tick). For open prices only, you should use M1 timeframe.


Can be also tested on any other currency pair with a trending market (for example, GBPUSD 06.2017-11.2017) or oscillating market.

The Expert Advisor is very easy to configure. Send me private messages for more details or watch the MetaTrader 4 version video tutorial.

Become a successful signal provider with tons of subscriptions or simply trade your own account and make big profits with a well-known system.

Watch YouTube presentation and screenshots.

Of course, a backtest cannot tell you everything you need. For example, GBPUSD is now changing direction to a downward trend (at

1.64000 on 02.12.2017).

It’s a good opportunity to use the grid strategy to benefit from that fall. Test previous up and down trends to adjust the best grid for this pair. You need to use a little brain to have results with this strategy, not just run it wild. Or “run it wild” only when you think the up/down trend is going to continue.

JPY pairs are good for automated trading as Japan is facing default and inflating its currency (yet it does not guarantee success).

The strategy has both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 versions.

1.25 versions additionally supports:

A bool variable with a possibility of automatically adjusting lot size and money management, if easy_lot size is too small for certain account (for example, non-micro accounts).

Added option for the script to wait for certain start price. It helps to trade and makes testing and counting drawdawns a little bit easier.

Trailing stop in percentage of the maximum profit (set to 75%, closes position if profit draws down below 75% of the maximum profit).

Also allows to set minimum basket size to use trailing stop (small basket trailing stop is not so beneficial as with bigger basket).

Watch my MetaTrader 4 signals to see implementation of the script (both manual and automatic).

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FOREX Grid Trading Strategy

One of the most difficult aspects of any trading system is predicting future price direction. The Forex grid trading strategy removes the need to predict the future by using a method designed to capture profits regardless of which direction the price turns. Forex, or foreign exchange, is the world’s currency market, where various currencies can be exchanged. Currency in the Forex market is paired with currency from another country. For example, the USD/EUR pair represents the price people are willing to pay for the U. S. dollar with Euros.

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Profit in Both Directions

When trading Forex, it is possible to make money whether the price is rising or falling. If the price is rising, you make money by selling for a higher price than you paid. You can profit from falling prices using a technique called short selling. Short selling involves borrowing a currency pair from your broker, selling it to someone else and then buying it back later. If the price you are able to buy it back is lower, you profit from the difference.


Forex pair price movement is measured in percentage points called pips. A pip is the smallest percentage point a pair can move. For example, one pip for the EUR/USD is 0.0001. Grids in the Forex grid trading system are randomly chosen price intervals, usually representing round numbers, such as 10, 20, 30 pips. Some traders may use 50-pip grids, while others may use 100-pip grids.

Buying and Selling


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How to Make a Grid Chart

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Forex Grid Trader EA Review results of many years of innovative investigation

Forex Grid Trader EA Review results of many years of innovative investigation into automatic buying and selling of the Forex Market.

Forex Grid Trader EA runs on the straightforward procedure for computerized buying and selling and has simply recently been sucessful more than series of tests.

This expert advisor offers a special management of their bucks approach in which chases the value to increase your results.

Forex Metered Investor Inc. is honored along with credibility and simplicity using the services and products it offers.

With Foreign exchange Power grid Dealer Corporation. the world thinks learning the undelying method utilised by virtually any system is extremely essential to its profitablility. Our own assist group is prepared Round the clock to lead you to have a great as well as worthwhile encounter using our own Forex trading. Forex trading Grid Trader Robot runs on the blend of Four trading methods. Whilst the entry regulations will vary the cash Treating requests is the same. The principle targeted of all investigation is to discover the right route with the market development and find the very best entry point.

The Foreign exchange Power company Speculator Robot furthermore evaluate the combination of their particular brings about manage to find the best choice.

Posted 3 years ago

Forex Grid Trader Ea

Forex Grid Trader Ea will depend on a whole new era technologies which allows anyone with a few keys to press to install, work and commence earning money. You don’t need to always be professional. Everybody is able to get it done. It’s totally automatically and also the complete procedure is actually 100% computerized. How can i obtain MT4 (Mt4) trading system?

MT4 is often a no cost investing podium. You can obtain that from the standard web sites of one’s broker. Here’s the list of most popular brokers: FXCM, FXDD, Alpari NZ, Alpari British, IBFX, FXOpen, FXPro. My spouse and i don’t cash cash. Exactly what is the minimum sum had to start off investing?

We realize how the funds include the main problem. We understand nicely that lots of men and women don’t cash money to get going. The automatic robot was created to be capable of do business with a minimum amount of money. Your minimal amount will depend on for a broker agent organization way too. You could start investing with a little bit as $100-$500. However don’t neglect the fact that investing with a little bit could possibly be drawback since you are only in a position to trade industry inside small sizes. The recommended F orex Grid Trader Ea Review is actually $1,000-$5,1000 no doubt you can test that along with Demonstration bank account first.

Posted 3 years ago

Forex Grid Trader Ea Review Created by Gabor

Forex Grid Trader Ea Review You probably have seen another Forex Power grid Investor EA Assessment but none of which teaches you that will Foreign exchange Metered Investor Ea Rip-off or definitely not. In our Neutral and also Sincere one particular, could show you just how currency trading power company speculator ea put a lot of things regarding Forex trading Power company Dealer EA that selection on your need…

Obtain look the knowledge associated with Forex Power grid Trader Ea Review below:

Foreign exchange Power company Investor Expert advisor Assessment. Will it Really Work or otherwise not?

Forex Grid Trader EA is experienced consultant (software) for the Meta Investor Several platform. It makes trades around the Forex market automatically, and it is built to end up being 100% programmed. It had been appropriately made and also manufactured by a new staff regarding market place analysts along with creates ECN and coping desk brokerages.

The author in the item, Gabor, claims to have experienced remarkable benefits and offers are living evidence upon his website. He says: ” Forex Metered Speculator is the result of years of innovative investigation into computerized exchanging of the Forex Market”.

Forex Power company Speculator ea utilizes a easy way of computerized investing and it has only recently been sucessful over group of checks. This kind of expert advisor provides a special management of their money strategy that chases the price to increase your benefits.

Designed to suit each and every trader’s requirements, from your amateur towards the professional 100% automated, automatically, needs virtually no man input Professionally developed as well as developed by any staff involving marketplace specialists. Works upon ECN and also Interacting Desk Brokers User pleasant installment guide

What is Forex trading?

Foreign exchange Metered Speculator EAThe foreign exchange market (forex, Forex, as well as currencies market) is often a throughout the world decentralized over-the-counter financial niche for the exchanging associated with stock markets. The foreign currency market may be the greatest and a lot fluid economic industry on the globe. Dealers incorporate huge financial institutions, key banks, forex investors, businesses, authorities, along with other loan companies. The average everyday volume inside the international foreign exchange along with linked market segments will be growing. Daily return has been considered to be over People $3.Ninety-eight trillion throughout 04 2010 from the Financial institution pertaining to Worldwide Agreements Precisely what is EA (Forex trading)?

Expert Advisors (EA) are utilized to make the particular trading process computerized making it possible for in order to exempt the particular dealer from continuous viewing the marketplace. A lot of skilled dealers have a big volume of trading systems letting them are employed in various areas and underneath distinct problems. EA is automatic script designed in MQ4 vocabulary. It might operate in the Metatrader 4 trading platform. We have no training with Currency trading Robots. Could it be simple to operate?

Posted 3 years ago

Forex Grid Trader EA Evaluation - Does It Really Work or Not?

If you intend to finding data associated with “Forex Grid Trader EA Review ” Of course! you might be exactly right. Right now is the fortuitous day! We’ve got researched concerning Forex Metered Trader Expert advisor in your case and also wants to share together with you. Don’t miss this chance! This device is a wonderful reward to suit your needs. In addition the text files, you could discovered a great deal of photographs, movies with regard to cause you to crystal clear and straightforward decide. Thus don’t hold out notice currently!

Forex Grid Trader EA May be the Result Of Years Of Progressive Investigation Into Automated Trading With the Foreign exchange. Forex trading Metered Dealer Expert Advisor Runs on the Basic Approach To Automated Exchanging And contains Simply Already been Successfu Above Series Of Tests. All merchandise & service information and prices are stored on the website. You will observe this before you purchase. A number of products/service available for free trial. If you want to try it ahead of decide to purchase the idea. You may commit a little money to locate a great success. Many of us sincerely hope that this will help achieve you would like together with Currency trading Power grid Speculator Twenty million.

Posted 3 years ago

The Hedged Grid Forex Trading

Foreign exchange traders are innocent on using hedged grid forex trade. The method of hedged grid commonly decreases the investor's encouragement. Even though there are visible flaws in this trading method, it is still viable to gain knowledge on processes of preventing or lessening forex errors. Hence, we have to search for the knowledge on starting trade using hedged grid.

First, the knowledge on what hedged grid is should be the initial step. When a trader decides buy and sell a currency, the next thing to implement is the observation of trend movement. This comes in a particular distance, what they call as "the grid leg." Then, the foreign exchange trader should determine the legs in positive or negative predicative result that can manifest the appropriate withdrawal of money. Commonly, withdrawing money obviously has the positive leg being the source. During money withdrawal, an occurrence of buy and sell triggers observation of system. The forex trader should continuously analyze the grid trend.

There are different percentages of price range that might start from thirty percent or increase up to one hundred percent. The process of price trending is comparable to another forex market strategy, which is the Fibronacci. This type of forex market strategy relies on the nature of market movement. Commonly, the market trade nature originates from eighty percent to twenty percent and again, this depends on trend.

However, there are certain risky acts that persistently deny forex traders of using the hedged grid, which are retracing trends and the alterations. If the grid system exhibits persistent movements, no profit can be gained. Therefore, traders must continuously search for ways or methods of preventing risks in the method of hedged grid.

For one, forex traders choose minor grids as a starter, which is inefficient. These are pips with sizes of 20 to 30. Although there are minor grids, the trend movement is very large that defines smaller profit. Most of the professional foreign exchange traders are developing huge grids with sizes of 150 to 200 pips. With this kind of grid leg, markets move on the side.

Subsequently, trader should keep in mind that grid size constantly changes. Frequently, larger grids are necessary for handling the trend market compared to other market forms. For example, the first leg can give 150 pips but on the other leg, the appropriate size is larger than 150 pips. This can lessen the profit loss with every trend turn.

There are 4 different Robot expert advisors inside 1 Forex Bling package. $99.00 - Perfect!

Forex Bling is the first forex trading software package to provide 4 types of the most common trading methods - Trend Following Trading. Breakout Trading. Scalping Trading, Grid Trading. In FOREX Trading, we are not dependant on scalping trading strategy only, watching the trends alone, or working just with breakout strategy. A good FOREX trading strategy contains ALL OF THEM! Forex Bling is the least expensive and best forex trading robot EA package in the world.

Scalping - Trend - Breakout & Grid

Scalping Trading.

Forex bling gives you seperate EA robots dedicated to scalping techniques. Thunder storm robot and Thunder bolt robot.

Trend Following Trading.

Once again forex bling trading system gives you a dedicated trend trading robot EA called Freedom EA.

Breakout Trading .

The Evolution Robot EA is designed and dedicated to Breakout trading techniques.

Grid Trading

The Grid specialist robot EA is dedicated to grid trading. Included as part of the forex bling package.

Complete Trading Robot EA

Forex Bling is the first EA to address the fact that there are different ways a trader needs to trade to stay successful.

Best Robot EA to Trade Forex.

Only $99 and using newer technologies than the old standby's most traders are trading with.

Forex Bling Complete Trading Robot System

Forex Bling set out to create a new standard for FOREX trading systems! If you are one of the traders who think a trading strategy cannot be traded exclusively across a career, Forex Bling is the trading robot you need! Our team is constantly doing research to find the best algorithms for scalping, trend trading and breakout to incorporate into the forex bling system of ea's.

The complete system is a combination of several trading strategies: trend following, breakout trading, scalping trading and grid trading. Forex Bling is the first EA robot to address the fact that no one robot can be successful in all trading methods so It's continuously updated from automatic servers, and it produces consistent profit no matter what the market conditions are like.

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Grid Trading is actually a kind of Forex trading which efforts in order to make use of the organic back again as well as 4th movement from the marketplace through putting purchases each over as well as beneath the present selling price as well as “catching” earnings since the marketplace techniques. The actual benefit of this kind of trading is actually how the design demands very little predicting from the marketplace path.

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This particular advantage of getting rid of the actual adjustable associated with cost predicting, nevertheless, arrives in a price associated with complex cash administration, trading mindset as well as grid visual images problems you will have to cope with in order to industry grids. Additionally, you will discover that, despite Grid Trading, you can’t totally get away a few marketplace evaluation. The largest benefits of Grid Trading tend to be it demands small predicting associated with marketplace path, and may end up being very easily automatic. Main disadvantages, nevertheless, would be the chance of taking on big deficits in the event that stop-loss limitations aren’t followed, and also the intricacy related to operating several jobs inside a big grid.

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Absolutely no long intro, absolutely no tales regarding my personal buying and selling or even individual existence, absolutely no lengthy articles regarding very subjective hypotheses or even methods. We would like to demonstrate a simple program by which I am operating as well as I really hope which along with everybody’s assist, we are able to enhance this. Everyone knows which grids as well as martingales tend to be harmful, however make sure you refrain from producing remarks discussing regardless of whether these types of methods tend to be great or even poor as well as concentrate on the machine.

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A person each one is encouraged as well as really feel liberated to composing your own recommendations or even crucial. Fundamental instance with regard to admittance requirements. Simply make use of a sign which pull the 10 pips grid. Purchase: Whenever cost originates from over as well as contact the grid degree (level 1).TP: Following degree (10 pips). When the cost falls 10 pips, give a purchase (level 2)… arranged just about all TPs from degree 1. When the cost falls 10 pips much more, give a purchase (level 3)… arranged just about all TPs from degree 1. Market: Whenever cost originates from beneath as well as contact the grid degree (level 1). TP: Following degree (10 pips). When the cost increases 10 pips, give a purchase (level 2)… arranged just about all TPs from degree 1. When the cost increases 10 pips much more, give a purchase (level 3)… arranged just about all TPs from degree 1 their is actually an additional instance associated with “Basic entries” whenever the martingale as well as hedging aren’t essential to make use of however, just grids.

I believe this time around is going to be very obvious, We don’t know how you can easily simplify this much more This is the the majority of simple scenario. Allow observe an additional simple scenario, let us phone this “Hedge x2″. We now have the grid associated with offers upon Degree four therefore without having near the actual offers. 1. All of us may open up just purchases doubling the final lote. dos. When the cost not in favor of, all of us equal to two grid amounts much more using the exact same lote dimension. 3. All of us may near just about all purchases as well as offers whenever we achieve 100 pips or even more. So far individuals are extremely simple circumstances. Obtain the two hundred and fifty pips or even more focus on.

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What is The Forex Bling Grid Trading System?

Forex Bling Grid Trading is a sort of foreign exchange trading that tries to use the natural back and 4th motion of the market by placing orders above or below the current market price and'catching' profits as the market moves. This benefit of removing the variable of price predicting comes at a cost of complicated cash management, trading psychology and grid visualization issues you will need to deal with to trade grids.

Get your Forex Bling Exclusive Report Here. Forex Bling The basic plan of the Forex Bling Grid Trading would be to set up buy orders above this price and sell orders below the price at certain preset intervals each with a uniform take profit target and no Stop loss orders. When the price moves up the buy orders will be opened and closed out in profit as the price continues up to their take profit level. If the price turns and moves down sell orders will be opened and closed out in profit as the price moves down. New orders replace positions that are closed out.

One of the drawbacks of grid trading is the tendency to get caught with an open position ( or positions ) a great distance away from the market price on which you are losing cash. In fact, one of the most significant facets of grid trading is your ability - both financially and psychologically - to deal with carrying losing positions for a period.

The finance facet of carrying losing positions on a grid is comparatively easy to see. the position lowers your account's balance/equity and eats into your margin. You will even find yourself paying swap if the market does not move back and clear it out by the end of the trading day. You have to have enough cash in your account to ride this out. The most common problem with grids is that traders collect losing positions and get the margin called and closed out, which ends the chance of the market moving back in the losing position's favor. Managing losing positions at the top or the bottom of Grid Trading is one of the central challenges of Forex Bling Grid Trading. First and most essentially, a good Grid Trader must have a sufficient quantity of cash in the account to give room to work with as the grid functions in the ever-fluctuating market. Second, ask yourself for how long and how far you are prepared for carry the position that is sitting at a loss.

It is important to remember that you will be working with the issue for pretty much all the time you spend trading a grid. money management and an eye fixed on the available margin are imperative trading Grids because margin calls are a large danger in a trending market. A good money management in Grid Trading is a discipline to exit all positions after x% of equity has been in losing positions. Advantage of Grid Trading is easy to visualise and can easily be automated employing a good Grid Robot with strict cash management control. Forex Bling Trading System forForex Bling Grid Trading is Grid expert EA

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The Grid Trading

In this article we will discuss a technique called grid trading trading, whose name comes from the appearance presented charts that traders use. Those who use this system claim that their principles are completely opposed to what is usually taught about money management and operating in the market at a general level, but also claim that it works and that if used appropriately can generate profits so constant. But others say it is merely a siren and only ends causing losses. Here we present the principles of Trading Grid so that yourselves your opinion forming.

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What is Grid Trading? We can define the Trading Grid as a famous trading strategy that allows the operator to enter the market regardless of the movement that you have. As mentioned at the beginning, the philosophy behind this system is against the principles accepted by the majority of money management and trading in general. In this case, the benefits you get when once an order is executed, for example, the price moves up to the next higher band where a sell order or other purchase is executed. As discussed below, it is a system that requires discipline, patience and capital by the trader. Those who regularly operate based on the Trading Grid, claim that over time come to get outstanding profits and have the advantage of not requiring to be constantly aware of the market trend.

Also, may be employed to operate 24 hours a day or stop operating anytime, it is also possible to remove the capital in the desired time.

This system involves drawing a series of horizontal lines on a price chart so that there is always the same distance between one level and it has to match. Each corresponds to a line drawn in all price and a buy order and a sell is placed, which carry some profit taking (Take Profit) which is equal to the spacing between levels. In any event type associated stop orders. All these drawn lines give the graphic one aspect grid (grid) which take their name, as shown below:

Grid Trading graph

The Grid is defined by a number of variables that provide a huge range of possibilities when using it as a system of trading and how to configure them with an infinite number of values. Depending on these parameters, the Trading Grid based systems can be very different from each other and even opposed. In this article we will focus primarily on the “Classic” version to call in some way, which does not use stop loss, where the levels are equidistant and fixed and Take Profit associated with each operation is equal to the distance points between the different levels.

During the time, a Grid Classic accumulates latent losses on account of the trader, while at the same time the balance increases linearly. Therefore, the profitability of the Grid depends entirely on the number of occasions when the asset price crosses various levels. Thus, if we have a grid of an amplitude and a defined density levels, a minimum number of crossings is needed levels occurring continuously (without the escape rate limits), from which the system produces benefits, as the total profit reaches greater than the sum of latent losses that accumulate

To understand how the grids work we will give an example. First imagine that you have a graph of candles in the EUR / USD in a time frame of 30 minutes which covers several days, including the weekend, which later was included to study the effect of roll overs.

Now we put grid lines every 30 pips, separating lines Bid Ask type and kind of using the spread, which for purposes of the chart we can assume constant and about 2 pips. Thus, when we open two operations at the same point, the purchase opens in the Ask and the Bid sale. When we closed the positions, the purchase makes the level Bid and Ask elo sales level they deserve.

This should take into account when making the calculations, since every winning trade that closes at the next level will have a gain of 28 pips which correspond to 30 pips away between different levels of less than 2 pips spread.

The positions that are left open contribute what is known as a latent loss is calculated by adding the distance between the levels and spread paid for each operation. For example, a losing trade which closed at a distance of 1 level builds an unrealized loss of 32 pips. If the distance to the entry price is two levels the cumulative loss is 64 pips.

The different variables of a Grid Grids can have an infinite variety of variables for configuration, however, no matter how complex, they are all characterized by having a few variables that are used to define the main structure and which we will mention below:

-The Range is the distance in pips between two adjacent grid lines. It is one of the main variables and it depends on the final performance that can provide the Grid to the trader. If lines very separation is used, there will be a very active Grid, which will be more prone to rollovers and all will be exposed to long-term trends, as they can not take advantage reversals in trends so that offset losses from breaks new levels. By contrast, very stuck levels create a grid of much greater activity, which makes good use of constant changes trend and market noise, but are more complex when it comes to replenishing orders and solve various problems inherent in the operation as They are requotes, loss of connection, gaps, and other stops. Likewise, they are likely to be affected by short-term trends. For example, a session that present a strong intraday trend may result in higher losses in a very dense grid, without being able to exploit the normal corrections usually occur in any such trend. The range between the lines of the grid should be adjusted according to market volatility, the instrument with which we operate and complexity. Generally, the range is usually fixed, but can be variable.

-Take Profit for open trades . Typically profit taking every position is equal to the distrancia between adjacent levels of the Grid less the spread charged for each transaction. Depending on the broker, in a market like Forex, spreads are usually fixed and constant, although depending on the conditions, sometimes vary. In other markets the spread is constantly changing so landslides that complicate a Grid operating system occur.

-stop To open operations Loss . This variable allows you to control the level of losses bearable for each open position. In traditional Grids, it operates without Stops Loss partners. However, this does not mean that the grid does not have a general stop, in fact, everything should have a general Grid stop that serves as a protection against excessive losses that the trader can not afford. This stop is responsible for closing all positions when it reaches a price level established.

-stop General Loss of Grid . This is a very important parameter that allows us to establish the amount of capital in our mind that we are willing to lose if we operate with a classic or Open Grid. It is best to configure it according to the principles of monetary management and apply it to any Grid we use so that it reaches not suffering a margin call. We must never forget that the Trading Grid is a high-risk system and assume otherwise can be dangerous.

-Size Of the Grid . This parameter is determined by the maximum number of lines that can open the Grid and determines the level of risk taken by the trader with the trading system.

-Volume Per operation . This variable determines the number of lots or contracts that are open in each line of the grid. In the simplest Grids volume it is constant, but in more complex sometimes varies. For such systems small batch sizes are recommended as a correct dimensioning of these is essential for a Grid does not reach the point of margin call or overall level of Stop Loss Grid with only a few open levels.

-Take Profit for closing the Grid . This very important variable to determine the cumulative from which to close the Grid gain. In fact, the greater or lesser success of Trading Grid system in the medium and long term largely depends on the correct setting of this variable and the overall Stop Loss. Traductor de Google para empresas:Google Translator ToolkitTraductor de sitios webGlobal M

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Saturday, May 17th, 2017 -

The strategy also supports stop loss option not to get wiped out completely.

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successful grid tradin systems

Is the Forex Grid Bot just another automated trading system scam? After testing out various currency trading systems and software, I came across this robot called FX Grid Bot that promised to trade and make money for me automatically. It can be installed in five minutes or less and runs on the MetaTrader 4 platform. Having tested this software for a few weeks now since its launch, I am now making a steady income with it without me having to analyze the price charts manually myself.

1. Does the Forex Grid Bot Really Work, or Is It Just a Scam?

I knew I had my doubts about automated Forex trading software at first. In fact, most of my tests with other versions of robots have been major failures, losing me a lot of money in the process. Luckily, I did not give up my search for a profitable software system. I eventually decided to purchase the Forex Grid Bot after finding out that it was used by hedge funds and banks to profit from the Foreign Exchange.

2. Why I Like Using the Forex Grid Bot to Trade for Me Now

Once I downloaded and installed this software, I did not have to touch or make any more changes to its settings. It runs completely automated for me, making trades in various currency pairs. It also has built in advanced money management features that calculate maximum possible losses and limit draw-downs by increasing and decreasing lot trading sizes accordingly.

3. Downloading and Installing the Forex Grid Bot

Before you purchase this software, you should ensure that you have the right hardware and software requirements. You can see this information on its main website. Then, you will need to get a MetaTrader 4 platform setup on your PC to attach this robot onto it before you can start making money with it.

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Grid systems on Forex

Grid systems on Forex

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Grid trading system

Grid trading system

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Forex hedge grid

Forex hedge grid

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Without question, or below the first, the trendline will be awkwardly angled, and thus not useful. This section will help the investor ascertain which indicators provide the most and least win-to-loss ratio as well as the in terms of possible losses.

There are two types of options: calls and forex hedge grid. Hack strategy language teaching 2017 gotten involved with over daily will. Litting a sigaret with a candle It is not good to lit a sigaret in a candle. The waves that are numbered (1,2,3,4,5) are in the direction of the Trend. As a trader, you need a clean way to understand when a stock is trending and when things have taken a turn for the worse. Thus, a trader may experience a delay inpleting all the legs of the spread.

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Forex hedge grid

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And if you fix your disqus handle to hyperlink to your homepage youll then get traffic from it. Though Max von Sydow takes over the role when the character reappears in Season 6. The plan specifies that each participating employee may receive options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, or any combination of each, for no more than 20,000 shares over the life of the plan. We can enjoy everlasting success with positive expectancy. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted.

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Day trading forex

Day trading forex

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