Monday 13 November 2017

Opciones Estrategias India

Opciones Trading Strategy Guide: El mundo de las opciones de comercio

Opciones: No es un juego de suma cero

Con la posible excepción de los contratos de futuros, el comercio no es un juego de suma cero. En otras palabras, para cada ganador no tiene que haber un perdedor. Por lo tanto, debido a que hay tantas combinaciones y maneras diferentes de las opciones pueden ser protegidas unas contra otras, no tiene sentido mirar las cifras globales (por ejemplo, el número de opciones que caducan sin valor) y llegar a conclusiones sobre cuántas personas hicieron o perdieron dinero.

Para simplificar, tomemos el caso de una propagación. El hecho de que una persona haya ganado dinero comprando una mariposa no significa automáticamente que alguien perdió. En cambio, la persona que vendió la mariposa puede haber negociado fuera de la posición utilizando spreads o mediante la venta de opciones individuales. Para cada persona que sea larga una mariposa, la llamada separada, puesta la extensión, o lo que, no hay necesariamente la gente que es corta la posición correspondiente. Como tal, la rentabilidad de sus posiciones necesariamente será diferente.

Conozca su competencia

En muchos aspectos, el comercio de opciones es un juego de estrategia no muy diferente de los deportes competitivos o los torneos de ajedrez. La principal diferencia es que en el comercio hay más jugadores y múltiples agendas. Para tener éxito, es importante tener un conocimiento y apreciación de los otros jugadores. En términos generales, usted debe obtener una apreciación de la conducta y las motivaciones de los diferentes jugadores.

En los mercados de opciones, los jugadores se dividen en cuatro categorías:

Los Intercambios

Institución financiera

Creadores de mercado

Inversores individuales (minoristas)

Lo que sigue es una breve descripción de cada grupo junto con ideas sobre sus objetivos comerciales y estrategias.

El intercambio es un lugar en el que los creadores de mercado y los comerciantes se reúnen para comprar y vender acciones, opciones, bonos, futuros y otros instrumentos financieros. Desde 1973, cuando el Chicago Board Options Exchange comenzó a negociar opciones, varios otros jugadores han surgido. Al principio, los intercambios mantenían listas separadas y por lo tanto no negociaban los mismos contratos. En los últimos años esto ha cambiado.

Ahora que la EEB y NSE ambos intercambios de la lista y el comercio de los mismos contratos, que compiten entre sí. Sin embargo, aunque una acción puede ser enumerada en intercambios múltiples, un intercambio maneja generalmente la mayor parte del volumen. Esto sería considerado el cambio dominante para esa opción particular.

La competencia entre los intercambios ha sido especialmente valiosa para los operadores profesionales que han creado programas informáticos complejos para supervisar las discrepancias de precios entre los intercambios. Estas discrepancias, aunque pequeñas, pueden ser extraordinariamente rentables para los comerciantes con la capacidad y la velocidad para aprovechar. Más a menudo que no, los comerciantes profesionales simplemente utilizan múltiples intercambios para obtener los mejores precios en sus operaciones.

Decidir entre los dos sería simplemente una cuestión de elegir el intercambio que hace más comercio en este contrato. Cuanto más volumen el intercambio hace, más líquido el contrato. Mayor liquidez aumenta la probabilidad de que el comercio se llenan al mejor precio.

Las instituciones financieras son las empresas de gestión de inversión pbrofessional que suelen caer en varias categorías principales: fondos mutuos, fondos de cobertura, compañías de seguros, fondos de acciones. En cada caso, estos administradores de dinero controlan grandes carteras de acciones, opciones y otros instrumentos financieros. Aunque las estrategias individuales difieren, las instituciones comparten el mismo objetivo: superar al mercado. En un sentido muy real, su sustento depende del rendimiento porque los inversores que componen cualquier fondo tienden a ser un grupo inconstante. Cuando el fondo no funciona, los inversores a menudo son rápidos para mover dinero en busca de mayores ganancias.

Donde los inversionistas individuales podrían ser más propensos a negociar opciones de acciones relacionadas con acciones específicas, los administradores de fondos usan a menudo opciones de índice para aproximar mejor sus carteras globales. Por ejemplo, un fondo que invierte fuertemente en una amplia gama de acciones tecnológicas usará las opciones NSE Nifty Index en lugar de opciones separadas para cada acción de su cartera. Teóricamente, el desempeño de este índice estaría relativamente cerca del desempeño de un subconjunto de acciones de alta tecnología comparables que el administrador del fondo podría tener en su cartera.

Los creadores de mercado son los comerciantes en el piso de los intercambios que crean liquidez al proporcionar mercados de dos caras. En cada contador, la competencia entre los creadores de mercado mantiene el diferencial entre la oferta y la oferta relativamente estrecho. Sin embargo, es la propagación que compensa parcialmente a los creadores de mercado por el riesgo de tomar voluntariamente cualquier lado de un comercio.

Para los creadores de mercado, la situación ideal sería "cuero cabelludo" de cada comercio. Más a menudo que no, sin embargo, los creadores de mercado no se benefician de un flujo interminable de oficios perfectamente compensar al cuero cabelludo. Como resultado, tienen que encontrar otras formas de obtener beneficios. En general, hay cuatro técnicas de negociación que caracterizan cómo diferentes fabricantes de mercado negocian opciones. Cualquiera o todas estas técnicas pueden ser empleadas por el mismo creador de mercado, dependiendo de las condiciones de operación.

comerciantes de día

Vendedores Premium


Comerciantes Teóricos

Los comerciantes de día, dentro o fuera de la pantalla de negociación, tienden a utilizar posiciones pequeñas para capitalizar el movimiento intra-día del mercado. Dado que su objetivo no es mantener una posición por períodos prolongados, los comerciantes de día en general, no cubrir opciones con el stock subyacente. Al mismo tiempo, tienden a preocuparse menos por el delta, el gamma y otros aspectos altamente analíticos del precio de las opciones.

Al igual que su nombre indica, los vendedores premium tienden a concentrar sus esfuerzos vendiendo opciones de alto precio y aprovechando el factor de decaimiento del tiempo al comprarlos más tarde a un precio más bajo. Esta estrategia funciona bien en ausencia de grandes e inesperadas oscilaciones de precios, pero puede ser extremadamente riesgoso cuando la volatilidad se dispara.

Al igual que otros fabricantes de mercado, los comerciantes dispersos a menudo terminan con posiciones grandes, pero llegan allí centrándose en los diferenciales. De esta manera, incluso la mayor de las posiciones será algo naturalmente cubierto. Difundir los comerciantes emplean una variedad de estrategias de compra de ciertas opciones y la venta de otros para compensar el riesgo. Algunas de estas estrategias, como reversiones, conversiones y cajas, son utilizadas principalmente por los comerciantes de piso porque aprovechan las discrepancias de precios menores que a menudo sólo existen durante segundos. Sin embargo, los comerciantes de la extensión utilizarán estrategias como mariposas, cóndores, spreads de la llamada, y ponen los márgenes que pueden ser utilizados muy con eficacia por los inversionistas individuales.

Al hacer fácilmente los mercados de dos caras, los fabricantes de mercado a menudo se encuentran con opciones de opciones sustanciales a través de una variedad de meses y precios de ejercicio. Lo mismo sucede con los comerciantes teóricos que usan modelos matemáticos complejos para vender opciones que están sobrevaloradas y compran opciones que están relativamente subestimadas. De los cuatro grupos, los comerciantes teóricos son a menudo los más analíticos en que están constantemente evaluando su posición para determinar los efectos de los cambios en el precio, la volatilidad y el tiempo.

A medida que aumenta el volumen de la opción, el papel de los inversores individuales se vuelve más importante porque representan más del 90% del volumen. Eso es especialmente impresionante cuando se considera que el volumen de opciones en febrero de 2000 fue de 56,2 millones de contratos-un impresionante aumento del 85% respecto a febrero de 1999

La Psicología del Inversor Individual

Desde un punto de vista psicológico, los inversores individuales están en el grupo de interés porque hay probablemente tantas estrategias y objetivos como hay individuos. Para algunos, las opciones son un medio para generar ingresos adicionales a través de estrategias relativamente conservadoras como las llamadas cubiertas. Para otros, las opciones en forma de protecciones ofrecen una excelente forma de seguro para bloquear los beneficios o evitar pérdidas de nuevas posiciones. Más individuos tolerantes al riesgo usan opciones para el apalancamiento que proporcionan. Estas personas están dispuestas a negociar opciones para obtener un gran porcentaje de ganancias, incluso sabiendo que toda su inversión puede estar en juego.

En cierto sentido, tomar una posición en el mercado automáticamente significa que usted está compitiendo con un sinnúmero de inversores de las categorías descritas anteriormente. Si bien eso puede ser cierto, evitar hacer comparaciones directas cuando se trata de sus resultados comerciales. La única persona con la que debe competir es usted mismo. Mientras estés aprendiendo, mejorando y divirtiéndote, no importa cómo esté el resto del mundo.


Los comerciantes profesionales (conocidos en la industria como creadores de mercado o operadores del mercado), a menudo piensan que para el inversionista principiante, el comercio de opciones debe parecer similar a armar un rompecabezas sin la ayuda de una imagen. Usted puede encontrar la imagen si usted sabe dónde buscar. Mirar a través de los ojos de un fabricante de mercado profesional es una de las mejores maneras de aprender sobre las opciones de comercio en condiciones reales del mercado. Esta experiencia le ayudará a entender cómo los cambios en el mundo real en las variables de precios de opciones afectan el valor de una opción y los riesgos asociados con esa opción. Además, debido a que los creadores de mercado son esencialmente responsables de lo que el mercado de opciones parece, usted necesita estar familiarizado con su papel y las estrategias que utilizan para regular un mercado líquido y asegurar su propio beneficio.

Vamos a proporcionar una visión general de las prácticas de los creadores de mercado y explorar su mentalidad como los arquitectos de la opción de negocio. En primer lugar, vamos a considerar la logística de las responsabilidades de un creador de mercado. ¿Cómo responden los creadores de mercado a la oferta y la demanda para asegurar un mercado líquido? ¿Cómo se evalúa el valor de una opción en función de las condiciones y demandas del mercado? En la segunda parte de este capítulo, consideraremos los objetivos orientados a los beneficios de un creador de mercado. ¿Cómo se hace el mercado como cualquier otro negocio? ¿Cómo gana un fabricante de mercado? ¿Qué significa para cubrir una posición, y cómo un creador de mercado utiliza cobertura para minimizar el riesgo?

¿Quiénes son los creadores de mercado?

La imagen de una terminal de comercio electrónico no es desconocida para la imaginación india, pero muchas personas no pueden saber quiénes son los jugadores detrás de la pantalla. Los fabricantes de mercado, los corredores, los gestores de fondos, los comerciantes minoristas y los inversores ocupan terminales comerciales en toda la India. Miles de terminales comerciales en 250 ciudades de la India se combinan, que representan el mercado para el comercio de opciones. El propio intercambio proporciona la ubicación, el órgano regulador, la tecnología informática y el personal necesarios para apoyar y supervisar la actividad comercial. Se dice que los creadores de mercado hacen realmente el mercado de opciones, mientras que los corredores representan las órdenes públicas.

En general, los creadores de mercado pueden hacer que los mercados suban 30 o más emisiones y compitan entre sí para las órdenes de compra y venta de clientes en esas emisiones. Los fabricantes de mercado comercian con su propio capital o comercio para una empresa que les suministra capital. La actividad del creador de mercado, que se realiza cada vez más a través de la ejecución de la computadora, representa la unidad de procesamiento central de la industria de la opción. Si consideramos el cambio como la columna vertebral de la industria, la acción en las oficinas de corretaje de Mumbai representa el cerebro y la industria de la industria, el corazón. Como un catalizador para el comercio y un especulador en su propio derecho, el papel del fabricante de mercado en la industria vale la pena un examen más detallado.

Comerciante individual versus creador de mercado

La evaluación del valor de una opción por los comerciantes individuales y los creadores de mercado, respectivamente, es la base del comercio de opciones. El comerciante y el fabricante del mercado igualmente compran y venden los productos que prevean como provechosos. Desde esta perspectiva, no existe diferencia entre un creador de mercado y el operador de opción individual. Más formalmente, sin embargo, la diferencia entre usted y el creador de mercado es responsable de crear la industria de opciones, tal como la conocemos.

Esencialmente, los creadores de mercado son profesionales, comerciantes de opción de gran volumen, cuyo propio comercio sirve al público mediante la creación de liquidez y profundidad en el mercado. Diariamente, los creadores de mercado representan hasta la mitad de todo el volumen de operaciones de opciones, y gran parte de esta actividad es responsable de crear y asegurar un mercado bilateral formado por las mejores ofertas y ofertas para los clientes públicos. La actividad de negociación de un creador de mercado tiene lugar bajo las condiciones de una relación contractual con un cambio. Como miembros del intercambio, los creadores de mercado deben pagar cuotas y arrendar o tener un asiento en el piso para poder operar. Más importante aún, la relación de un creador de mercado con el intercambio requiere que él o ella intercambie todas las cuestiones que se asignan a su hoyo principal en el piso de opción. A cambio, el creador de mercado puede ocupar una posición privilegiada en el mercado de opciones: los creadores de mercado son los comerciantes en la industria de opciones; Que están en condiciones de crear el mercado (oferta y demanda) y luego comprar en su oferta y vender en su oferta.

La principal diferencia entre un creador de mercado y los comerciantes minoristas es que la posición del creador de mercado está dictada principalmente por el flujo de pedidos de los clientes. El creador de mercado no tiene el lujo de escoger y elegir su posición. Al igual que los creadores de libros en los casinos de Las Vegas que establecen las probabilidades y luego acomodar a los ganadores individuales que seleccionan qué lado de la apuesta que quieren, el trabajo de un creador de mercado es proporcionar un mercado en las opciones, una oferta y una oferta y luego Deje que el público decida si comprar o vender a esos precios, tomando así el otro lado de la apuesta.

Como los comerciantes opción oficial, los creadores de mercado están en condiciones de comprar opción al por mayor y venderlos en el comercio minorista. Dicho esto, las dos principales diferencias entre los creadores de mercado y otros comerciantes es que los fabricantes de mercado suelen vender antes de comprar, y el valor de su inventario fluctúa como el precio de las existencias fluctúa. Como con todos los comerciantes, sin embargo, una familiaridad con el producto vale la pena. Los años de experiencia del fabricante de mercado con las condiciones del mercado y las prácticas comerciales en general - incluyendo una serie de estrategias comerciales - le permite establecer una ventaja (por pequeña que sea) sobre el mercado. Esta ventaja es la base para la riqueza potencial del creador de mercado.

Estilos comerciales inteligentes de los operadores del mercado

A lo largo del día de negociación, los creadores de mercado generalmente utilizan uno de los dos estilos de negociación: comercio de scalping o posición. Scalping es un estilo de comercio más simple que un número cada vez menor de los comerciantes utilizan. Posición de comercio, que se divide en una serie de subcategorías, es utilizado por el mayor porcentaje de todos los creadores de mercado. Como hemos comentado, la posición de la mayoría de los creadores de mercado les es dictada por el flujo de pedidos del público. Cada fabricante de mercado individual acumulará y cubrirá este flujo de órdenes de manera diferente, generalmente prefiriendo un estilo de negociación sobre otro. El estilo comercial de un creador de mercado podría tener que ver con la creencia de que un estilo es más rentable que otro o podría deberse a la personalidad general de un comerciante ya la percepción del riesgo.

El scalper generalmente intenta comprar una opción en la oferta y venderla en la oferta (o vender en la oferta y comprar en la oferta) en un esfuerzo para capturar la diferencia sin crear una posición de opción. Los scalpers ganan de negociar lo que se refiere como el spread de la oferta / de la demanda, la diferencia entre el precio de la oferta y el precio de la pregunta.

Por ejemplo, si el mercado en el Nifty julio 1130 pone es 15 (oferta) - 15,98 (preguntar), este comerciante comprará una orden de opción que entra en el pozo de negociación en la oferta, junto con el resto de la multitud. Este comerciante se centra ahora en la venta de estos puestos para obtener un beneficio, en lugar de cubrir las opciones y crear una posición. Debido a la falta de comisión pagada por los creadores de mercado, este comerciante puede vender la primera oferta de 15.20 que entra en la multitud de negociación y todavía hacer un beneficio, conocido en la industria financiera como un cuero cabelludo.

El comerciante acaba de hacer un beneficio sin crear una posición. Sin embargo, a veces mantener y cubrir una posición es inevitable. Sin embargo este estilo de comercio es generalmente menos riesgoso, porque el comerciante mantendrá sólo pequeñas posiciones con poco riesgo. El scalper es menos común en estos días porque la lista de opciones en más de un intercambio (lista dual) ha aumentado la competencia y ha disminuido la propagación bid / ask. El scalper puede ganar dinero sólo cuando los clientes están comprando y vendiendo opciones en cantidades iguales. Debido a que el flujo de pedidos de los clientes suele ser unilateral (ya sea que los clientes sólo estén comprando o vendiendo) la posibilidad de opciones de cuero cabelludo es rara. Scalpers, por lo tanto, se encuentran generalmente en los pits de comercio que negocian las existencias que tienen el flujo de orden de opción grande. El scalper es una raza rara en el piso comercial, y el advenimiento de la lista dual y los intercambios competidores ha hecho a los scalpers una especie en peligro de extinción.

El operador de posición generalmente tiene una posición de opción que se crea mientras se acomoda el flujo de la orden pública y la cobertura del riesgo resultante. Este tipo de negociación es más riesgoso porque el creador de mercado podría asumir riesgos direccionales, riesgo de volatilidad o riesgo de tasa de interés, por nombrar algunos. Correspondientemente, los creadores de mercado pueden asumir una serie de posiciones relativas a estas variables. Generalmente los dos tipos comunes de los comerciantes de la posición son backspreaders o frontspreaders.

Esencialmente, los backspreaders son comerciantes que acumulan (compran) más opciones de las que venden y, por lo tanto, tienen un potencial de beneficios teóricamente grande o ilimitado. Por ejemplo, un straddle largo sería considerado un backspread. En esta situación, compramos la llamada de 50 niveles y ponemos (una huelga ATM sería delta neutral). A medida que el activo subyacente disminuye en valor, la llamada aumentará de valor. Para que la posición de beneficio, el valor de la opción de aumento debe aumentar más que el valor de la opción de disminución, o el comerciante debe negociar activamente acciones contra la posición, las acciones de scalping como deltas cambio.

La posición también podría beneficiarse de un aumento en la volatilidad, lo que aumentaría el valor tanto de la llamada y poner. A medida que aumenta la volatilidad, el comerciante podría vender la posición de un beneficio o vender opciones (a mayor volatilidad) en comparación con los que ella posee. La posición tiene un potencial de beneficio grande o ilimitado y un riesgo limitado.

Como sabemos de los capítulos anteriores, hay una multitud de riesgos asociados con tener un inventario de opciones. Generalmente, el mayor riesgo asociado con un retroceso es la decadencia del tiempo. Vega es también un factor importante. Si la volatilidad disminuye dramáticamente, un backspreader podría ser forzado a cerrar su posición a precios menos que favorables y puede sostener una pérdida grande. El backspreader se basa en el movimiento en el activo subyacente o en un aumento de la volatilidad.

Lo contrario de un backspreader, el frontspreader generalmente vende más opciones que él o ella posee y, por lo tanto, tiene un potencial de beneficio limitado y un riesgo ilimitado. Utilizando el ejemplo anterior, el difusor fronts sería el vendedor de la llamada nivel 150 y poner, cortocircuito el nivel 150 straddle. En esta situación, el creador de mercado se beneficiaría de la posición si el activo subyacente no pudo moverse fuera de la prima recibida para la venta antes de la expiración. Generalmente, el difusor frontal está buscando una disminución en la volatilidad y / o poco o ningún movimiento en el activo subyacente.

La posición también podría beneficiarse de una disminución en la volatilidad, lo que disminuiría el valor tanto de la llamada como de la put. A medida que disminuye la volatilidad, el comerciante puede comprar en la posición de un beneficio u opciones de compra (a menor volatilidad) en comparación con los que es corto. La posición tiene un potencial de beneficio limitado y un riesgo ilimitado.

Al considerar estos estilos de comercio, es importante reconocer que un comerciante puede negociar el stock subyacente para crear beneficios o gestionar el riesgo. El backspreader va a comprar acciones a medida que la acción disminuye en valor y vender las acciones a medida que el aumento de acciones, por lo tanto scalping la acción para obtener un beneficio. Scalping la acción subyacente, incluso cuando la acción está negociando dentro de un rango inferior a la prima pagada por la posición, no sólo puede pagar por la posición, pero puede crear un beneficio por encima de la inversión inicial. Backspreaders son capaces de hacer esto con un riesgo mínimo porque su posición tiene gamma positivo (curvatura). Esto significa que a medida que el activo subyacente disminuye en el precio, las posiciones acumularán deltas negativos, y el comerciante podría comprar acciones contra esos deltas. A medida que el activo subyacente aumenta de precio, la posición acumulará deltas positivos y el comerciante podría vender acciones. Generalmente, un backspreader va a comprar y vender acciones contra su posición delta para crear un cuero cabelludo positivo.

Del mismo modo, un difusor frontal puede usar la misma técnica para manejar el riesgo y mantener el potencial de ganancia de la posición. Una posición frontspread tendrá gamma negativo (curvatura negativa). Mantener el delta neutro puede ayudar a un frontspreader evitar las pérdidas. Un difusor diligente puede descalp (scalping para una pérdida) el activo subyacente y reducir sus beneficios por sólo un pequeño margen. Salvo cualquier diferencia en el activo subyacente, la compra y venta disciplinada del activo subyacente puede mantener cualquier pérdida a un mínimo.

Para complicar aún más las cosas, un backspreader o frontspreader podría iniciar una posición que tiene características especulativas. Dos ejemplos siguen.

Estos comerciantes ponen en una posición que favorece un movimiento direccional en el activo subyacente sobre otro. Este comerciante está especulando que la acción se moverá hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Este tipo de comercio puede ser extremadamente riesgoso porque el comerciante favorece una dirección con la exclusión de proteger el riesgo que se asocia con el movimiento hacia el otro lado. Por ejemplo, un comerciante que cree que el activo subyacente se ha vendido considerablemente podría comprar llamadas y vender puts. Ambas transacciones se beneficiarán de un aumento en el activo subyacente; Sin embargo, si el activo subyacente continuara hacia abajo, la posición podría perder una gran cantidad de dinero.

Volatilidad los comerciantes generalmente hacen una suposición sobre la dirección de la volatilidad de la opción. Para estos comerciantes, si comprar o vender una llamada o poner, se basa en una evaluación de la volatilidad de la opción. Pronosticar cambios en la volatilidad es típicamente un desafío del comerciante de la opción más grande. Como se comentó anteriormente, la volatilidad es importante porque es uno de los principales factores utilizados para estimar el precio de una opción. Un comerciante de la volatilidad comprará las opciones que se tasan debajo de su suposición de la volatilidad y venden las opciones que están negociando sobre la suposición. Si la cartera está equilibrada en cuanto al número de opciones compradas y vendidas (opciones con características similares como fecha de vencimiento y huelga), la posición tendrá poco riesgo vega. Sin embargo, si el comerciante vende más volatilidad de la que compra, o viceversa, la posición podría perder una gran cantidad de dinero en un movimiento de volatilidad.


En general, el creador de mercado comienza su evaluación usando una fórmula de precios para generar un valor teórico para una opción y luego crear un mercado alrededor de ese valor. Este proceso implica la creación de una oferta por debajo del valor razonable del creador de mercado y una oferta por encima del valor razonable del fabricante del mercado de la opción. Recuerde que el creador de mercado tiene la responsabilidad legal de asegurar un mercado líquido a través del suministro de un diferencial de oferta / riesgo. El público comercial entonces puede comprar o vender las opciones basadas en listados de creadores de mercado, o puede negociar con el creador de mercado por un precio que esté entre los precios de oferta / riesgo posteados (basados ​​en sus respectivos cálculos de los valores teóricos de la opción valor).

En la mayoría de los casos, la diferencia entre el creador de mercado y las ofertas y ofertas individuales de los inversores es una cuestión de peniques (lo que podríamos considerar como beneficios fraccionarios). Para el creador de mercado, sin embargo, la clave es el volumen. Al igual que un casino, el creador del mercado manejará el riesgo de modo que pueda permanecer en el juego tiempo tras tiempo y hacer un Rs.1 aquí y un Rs.5 allí. Estos beneficios se suman. Al igual que el casino, un creador de mercado experimentará pérdidas de vez en cuando; Sin embargo, a través de la gestión del riesgo, él o ella intenta permanecer en el negocio el tiempo suficiente para ganar más de lo que pierde.

Otra analogía puede encontrarse en la relación entre un comprador y un concesionario de autos usados. Un concesionario de automóviles puede hacer una oferta en un coche usado por una cantidad que es menor de lo que es capaz de revender el coche para en el mercado. Él o ella puede obtener un beneficio al comprar el coche por un precio y venderlo por un precio mayor. Al determinar la cantidad que él o ella está dispuesta a pagar, el distribuidor debe hacer una suposición del valor futuro del coche. Si él es incorrecto sobre cuánto alguien comprará el coche para, entonces el distribuidor tomará una pérdida en la transacción. Si es correcto, sin embargo, el distribuidor se pone a hacer un beneficio. Por otra parte, el dueño del coche puede rechazar la oferta original del distribuidor para el coche y pedir una cantidad de dinero más grande, así entrando entre el mercado de la oferta / de riesgo del distribuidor. Si el distribuidor evalúa que el precio que el propietario está solicitando para el coche todavía permite un beneficio, él o ella podría comprar el coche sin importar el precio más alto. Del mismo modo, cuando un creador de mercado determina si pagará (o venderá) un precio sobre otro, determinará no sólo el valor teórico de la opción de compra, ya sea que la opción sea o no específica para fines de gestión de riesgos . Puede haber momentos en que un creador de mercado renunciará a la ventaja teórica o el comercio de una ventaja teórica negativa con el único propósito de la gestión de riesgos.

Antes de continuar con nuestra discusión sobre la actividad de negociación del creador de mercado en detalle, volvamos a referirnos a la analogía del casino. La casa en un casino se beneficia en gran medida de su familiaridad con el negocio de los juegos de azar y el comportamiento de los mejores. Como institución, también se beneficia de mantener un nivel de cabeza y ciertamente de estar bien (si no mejor) informado que sus clientes sobre la logística de sus juegos y estrategias para ganar. Del mismo modo, un creador de mercado debe ser capaz de evaluar en un momento de aviso cómo responder a diversas condiciones del mercado que puede ser tan tangible como un cambio en las tasas de interés o tan intangible como un frenesí de comercio emocional basado en un reportaje. La disciplina, la educación y la experiencia son el mejor seguro de un creador de mercado. Mencionamos esto aquí porque, como inversor individual, puede utilizar estas directrices para ayudarle a competir sabiamente con un creador de mercado y convertirse en un operador de opciones exitoso.

Fabricación de mercado como empresa

En la sección anterior, nos referimos más bien conceptualmente, cómo un creador de mercado trabaja en relación con el mercado (y, en particular, en relación con usted, el comerciante individual). Las prácticas reales de un creador de mercado son dictadas por una serie de preocupaciones de negocios de fondo, sin embargo, que requieren una atención constante durante todo el día de negociación. Al igual que cualquier propietario de negocio, un creador de mercado tiene que seguir la lógica de negocio, y él o ella debe considerar los usos más sabios de su capital. Hay una serie de factores que usted debe considerar al evaluar si una opción de comercio es una buena o mala decisión de negocios. En la base, los pasos que un creador de mercado toma son los siguientes:

1. Determinación del valor razonable teórico actual de una opción. (Como hemos comentado, el creador de mercado puede realizar esta tarea con el uso de un modelo matemático de precios.)

2. Intentar determinar el valor futuro de una opción. Comprar la opción si usted piensa que aumentará en valor o vendiendo la opción si usted piensa que disminuirá en valor. Esto se hace a través de la evaluación de factores de mercado que pueden afectar el valor de una opción. Estos factores incluyen. Tipos de interés



Precio de la acción subyacente

3. Determinar si el capital se puede gastar mejor en otro lugar. Por ejemplo, si el interés ahorrado a través de la compra de una llamada (en lugar de la compra directa de la acción) excede el dividendo que se habría recibido a través de la propiedad de la acción, entonces es mejor comprar la llamada.

4. Cálculo del interés bursátil largo que se paga por los fondos de préstamo con el fin de comprar las acciones y considerar si el dinero utilizado para comprar la acción subyacente sería mejor invertido en una cuenta con intereses. Si es así, ¿compraría opciones de compra en lugar de las acciones sería un mejor comercio?

5. Cálculo de si el interés recibido de la venta de acciones cortas es más favorable que compra pone en el stock subyacente. ¿Es la combinación de poseer llamadas y vender el stock subyacente un mejor comercio que la compra directa de puts?

6. Comprobación de las posibilidades de arbitraje. Al igual que el paso anterior, esta tarea implica determinar si un oficio es mejor que otro. En la sección sobre sintéticos, exploramos la posibilidad de crear una posición con las mismas características de ganancia / pérdida que otra usando diferentes componentes. A veces, será más rentable para poner en una posición sintética. Los comerciantes de arbitraje aprovechan las diferencias de precios entre el mismo producto en diferentes mercados o productos equivalentes en el mismo mercado. Por ejemplo, un diferencial entre una opción y el stock subyacente real puede ser explotado con fines de lucro. Los tres factores para fundamentar esta decisión son los siguientes:

El nivel del activo subyacente.

La tasa de interés.

Por ejemplo, si compra una opción de compra, ahorra los intereses sobre el dinero que tendría que pagar por la acción subyacente. Por el contrario, si compra un put, pierde el interés de acciones a corto que podría estar recibiendo de la venta de la acción subyacente.

La tasa de dividendos. Si compra una opción de compra, pierde los dividendos que obtendría al retener realmente la acción.

7. Finalmente, determinar el riesgo asociado con el comercio de opciones.

Como se discutió anteriormente, todos los factores que contribuyen al precio de la opción son factores de riesgo potencial para una posición existente. Como sabemos, si los factores que determinan el precio de una opción cambian, entonces el valor de una opción cambiará. Este riesgo asociado con estos cambios puede ser aliviado a través de la compra o venta directa de una opción de compensación o el stock subyacente. Este proceso se conoce como cobertura.

El posicionamiento complejo de un market maker

Como mencionamos anteriormente, la mayor parte del comercio de un creador de mercado no se basa en la especulación del mercado, sino en el pequeño borde que puede capturarse dentro de cada comercio. Debido a que el fabricante del mercado debe comerciar en grandes volúmenes con el fin de capitalizar los beneficios fraccionarios, es imprescindible que él o ella gestionar los riesgos existentes de una posición. Por ejemplo, para conservar el borde asociado con el comercio, él o ella puede ser que necesite agregar a la posición cuando sea necesario comprando o vendiendo las partes de un activo subyacente o negociando opciones adicionales.

De hecho, no es raro que una vez que el comercio ha sido ejecutado, el comerciante una posición de mercado opuesta en el valor subyacente o en cualquier otra opción disponible. Con el tiempo, se establece una posición grande que consiste en una multitud de contratos de opciones y una posición en el stock subyacente. El trabajo del creador de mercado en este punto es continuar negociando para la ventaja teórica mientras que mantiene una posición cubierta para aliviar riesgo. In the following section, we will review the basics of risk management in the form of hedging. Although market makers are the masters of hedging, hedged positions are essential for the risk management for all option traders. It will be equally important for you to understand how to use these strategies.


Thus far, we have overviewed the logistics of the market maker's business model and have seen how it functions to both serve the trading public and the market maker simultaneously. Now we will consider how market makers work to secure their edge against the ongoing risks presented to their many positions.

An investor who chooses to invest in a particular market is exposed to the risks that are inherent in that market. The specific risk is high if the investor concentrates on one security only. The more a portfolio is diversified, the lesser the specific risk. Hedging is the most basic strategy that an investor can use in order to guard against loss. A hedge position is taken with the specific intent of lowering risk. As we have learned, option positions are susceptible to more than just simple directional price risks, and therefore, a trader must be concerned with more than simple delta neutral trading. There is risk associated with each of the variables that determine an option's value (from interest rates to time until expiration).

In order to minimize the effect of these risks to an option's value, a trader will establish a position with offsetting characteristics. Just as you hedge a bet by betting against your original bet too a lesser degree, market makers try to take on complementary positions (in stock or options) with characteristics that can potentially buffer against exposure to loss. A hedge, then, is a position that is established for the sole purpose of protecting an existing position.

Determining what risks an option position might be exposed to is one of the first steps towards determining how best to hedge risk. We have learned that six risks are associated with an option position:

Directional risk (delta risk) is the risk that an option's value will change as the underlying asset changes in value. All other factors aside, as the price of an underlying asset decreases, the value of a call will decrease while the price of the put will increase. A la inversa, a medida que el activo subyacente aumenta de valor, una llamada aumentará de valor a medida que el put disminuya su valor. Delta risk can easily be offset through the purchase or sale of an option or stock with opposing directional characteristics. Directional hedges are illustrated in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1: Delta Effects

When the Underlying Security .

Increase in Value

Interest rate risk (rho risk) is negligible to most traders. Its impact can be substantial if a position contains a large amount of long or short stock or long-term options. Decreasing the stock position, replacing stock with options is the most efficient way to reduce rho risk. Remember, longer-term options are more interest rate sensitive.

Dividend risk can be offset through the purchase or sale of options or the underlying stock. An increase in the dividend will make the call decrease in value because the holder of the call does not receive the dividend. In this situation, it is more advantageous to own the underlying asset over owning the call. Conversely, the put will increase in value when the dividend is increased because the short stock seller must pay the dividend to the lender of the stock, which makes owning the put more desirable than shorting the underlying asset.

Table 4 illustrates the effects of changing input variables on an option's theoretical value.

Varying market conditions

As market conditions change the values of.

Rise in price of the underlying.

Knowing the risks involved with options trading is the first step to successful trading while hedging these risks to create a profitable position is the second step. We have learned that there are different ways to hedge each trade, providing a market maker with the important task of determining the best hedge possible for each trade he or she executes. Determining which hedge is the best is based on knowing not only the risks of the original trade but also the corresponding risk of the hedge. Observing actual positions under a multitude of conditions is by far the best way to learn the complex nuances of options. The next two chapters will guide the reader through the fundamentals of the marketplace and setting up a trading station, giving the investor the ability to begin trading on his or her own.


Once you've made the decision to trade online, it's important to identify a brokerage firm that will meet, and preferably exceed, your expectations. This is especially true in the options trading arena because there are potentially many more factors involved than in a straightforward stock transaction. With stocks, once you have determined what stock to trade, it really becomes a question of how much to buy or sell and when. With options, the decision is much more complicated because the following factors must be considered:

Will you buy (or sell) calls or puts?

What strike price(s)?

What month(s)?

What is your strategy?

Given this level of complexity, there are a few important issues to consider before you choose an on-line broker:

Real Time Option Quotes

Whether an online broker provides real time option quotes is, perhaps, the most important consideration for even semi-serious option traders. On-line brokerage firms, especially those that specialize in stocks, are sometimes lacking in this critical area. While they might be able to provide real time quotes on individual options, the option chains (the charts showing the bid-ask, volume, and other critical information for all strike prices and expirations) are often not accurate.

With the efficiency of the exchanges and the standardization of the contracts, there is no longer a reason for option traders to pay higher commissions on option trades vs. stock trades; it's no more difficult to execute an options trade than it is to execute a stock trade.

Access to Analytics

Advanced analytical tools like implied volatilities and deltas are important to serious option traders. However, most traditional brokers do not provide customers access to this nformation. Instead, their customers are forced to trade in the dark.

Choosing an exchange (i. e. BSE or NSE)

When options are traded on multiple exchanges, it's often possible to get a slightly better price on one of the exchanges. While these discrepancies don't last very long, 0.50 or 0.25 can make a significant difference on a large block of trade. However, brokerage firms that make it difficult to execute basic spread orders are even less likely to offer customers a choice as to where their trades are executed. In fact, many customers probably aren't even aware of potential price discrepancies across exchanges. For investors who make larger trades, this can be a significant issue.

Before establishing any position it's important to establish a few guidelines for yourself:

Are you trading with money you can afford to lose?

Is the position you intend to put on sufficiently small that it won't have a major impact on your portfolio?

What is your specific objective for this position?

What is your exit strategy?

What is your downside risk?

Are you trading with money you can afford to lose?

The importance of this cannot be overstressed. If you have already earmarked the money for another use, it is not advisable to invest it in a risky position--even for a short term trade. Every day the market extracts money from people who can't afford to lose it. Don't be one of them.

Is the position you intend to put on sufficiently small that it won't have a major impact on your portfolio?

This is a guideline novice traders routinely violate. Experienced traders caution people against putting on positions that will have devastating results if the market moves the wrong way. Some traders go so far as to say that positions should be so small that putting them on seems almost meaningless. Typically, the percentage of your portfolio associated with this would be 1/2% to 1%. Keep in mind though that this applies to traders more than long-term investors. This is not to say that investors wouldn't benefit from the same advice. They probably would. It's just that a disciplined approach is particularly beneficial to option traders who could easily lose their entire investment.

What is your specific objective for this position? What is your exit strategy?

These issues are inter-related so we will examine them together.

First, whenever you put on a position, it's important to set a price target along with a strategy for what happens when you get there. For example, if you are convinced a particular Internet stock is hugely overvalued (imagine that!) and due for a correction, you might decide to buy a long put either at-the-money or slightly out-of-the-money. If the market behaves as you predict and the price drops, you have to decide how far to let your profits run and at what point to take profits.

If the stock drops 50% and your put is now deep in-the-money, this might be a good time to take profits. On the other hand, if you think the stock is still overvalued, you could buy a slightly out of the money call and let the put ride. For example, if the stock dropped from 250 to 150 and you own the 240 put, you could lock in your profit by buying a 150 call. This way, if the stock goes back up, what you lose in the put will be made up by the call. If the stock continues to drop as you hope, the put will increase in value and the call will expire worthless. Whatever you decide, it's good to have your strategy thought out in advance. This helps to take the emotion out of it.

What is your downside risk?

With option spreads and other advanced strategies, your maximum loss may be more than your initial investment. Before entering into any trade, it's important to know your maximum profit, maximum loss, and break-even. Trading surprises are seldom pleasant.

Modifying and Managing a Position Depending on market conditions, option investors may need to modify their positions either to lock in profits or protect themselves from adverse moves.

Protecting your profits and limiting your losses

Taking the easiest example, let's imagine you bought a long call and watched with interest as the stock rallied. How can you protect what is now a paper profit? Considering the additional stock commissions involved in exercising the option, we'll disregard this as a strategy and focus on other alternatives. The dilemma whenever a position makes money is when to take profits and when to let profits ride. By selling the call, you lock in profits, but you may miss additional upside. On the other hand, if you sit tight, the stock could pull back below the strike price. In this case, you would lose your additional investment as well as your paper profit. Fortunately, there are other alternatives.

The important point to note is that the riskiest course of action is to do nothing because your initial investment remains at risk along with any paper profits you have generated.


For years, the options market was shrouded in mystery as transactions took place with obscure options dealers who set the prices and terms of options contracts known as Jhota Phatak. The BSE and NSE created "listed options" that became the standard, and option prices were set in an auction market nearly identical to the stock exchanges. For the first time, this allowed the option holder to choose to sell his contract on the open market before it expired.

Trading volume in listed options has exploded in the United States and option trading on more than 1,900 different equities and indices now accounts for the equivalent of 70 million shares of stock trading each day. But many of the myths associated with options have lingered. Unfortunately, these myths have caused many investors to remain on the sidelines while they could be utilizing options profitably or for reducing risk.

Myth #1: 90% of Options Expire Worthless

This "statistic" is often bandied about by those who have no experience trading options. According to the CBOE, about 30% of all options expired worthless -- a far cry from 90%.

Myth #2: Options are Much Riskier Than Stocks or Mutual Funds

This assumes that the investor is trading options with the same amount of capital that he would devote to stocks or mutual funds. On a "rupee for rupee" basis, options are riskier. Here at STOCKWHIZO Research, we never recommend trading options in this manner. Instead we show our subscribers that options are a cheap way to reduce their overall risk. ¿Cómo? First, by limiting their total rupee exposure to a fraction of what they would invest in stocks or mutual funds. Second, by diversifying their options portfolio among different underlying equities. And third, by purchasing both call and put options, since put options are profitable when the underlying stock declines in prices.

Myth #3: Option Sellers Make Profits at the Expense of Option Buyers

Unlike the gambling casino (or the lottery or the race track) which has built-in percentage advantages for the "house," option trading is a "zero sum game" in which option sellers and buyers are always at a standoff in total. Option buying and selling differ only in the distribution of their outcomes, not in their relative profitability. Although option buyers can have more losing than winning trades, they never lose more than their original investment and their profit potential is unlimited. Option sellers profit most of the time but their potential losses are unlimited. STOCKWHIZO has always been dedicated to maximizing profit potential through option buying -- by taking full advantage of the unlimited profit potential and limited risk of this strategy.

Myth #4: Options are Too Complicated

Nonsense! Anyone who is familiar with stocks can easily learn how to trade options. The approach to option trading that we use at STOCKWHIZO is very simple. If we are bullish on a stock, we advise you to buy a call option on that stock. For a fraction of the underlying stock price, you "rent" any appreciation in the stock above a particular price for a specified time. If we are bearish on a stock, we advise you to buy a put option. Here you "rent" any decline in the underlying stock below a particular price for a specified time. It's that simple!

Myth #5: Stockbrokers Don't Understand Options and are not interested in Options Business.

While this may have been a problem in the beginning, the brokerage landscape will significantly changed for the better. A number of brokerage firms now specialize exclusively in options. Many large brokers will become "option trader friendly." As time passes by with experience. Some traditional full-service firms will developed expertise in options and the desire for options business. While we do not recommend any specific firm, STOCKWHIZO subscribers receive a list of firms that are interested in options business and have the expertise to meet the needs of option traders.

Myth #6: You can't Beat the "Option Pricing Model."

Since options are a "zero-sum game," and option prices are based upon a mathematical "option pricing model," some say it is impossible to profit from buying options in the long run. WE STRONGLY DISAGREE. First, prices for exchange-listed options are set in the marketplace by buyers and sellers, although the computerized pricing models do exert a strong influence. But more importantly, these models are based upon the mistaken assumption that all stock price movement is "random." Clearly, there are always certain stocks that are moving in well-defined price trends, as opposed to moving randomly. If you can identify those stocks whose price trends are likely to continue, you can beat the option pricing model! Much of our research has been devoted to developing indicators to determine stocks that will continue moving in such price trends, so our subscribers can profit from buying undervalued options on these stocks.

Myth #7: Options Trading Requires Too Much Time

Amateurs are rarely successful trading options because they don't have the time, information, expertise or the discipline to compete in this fast-moving market. But STOCKWHIZO subscribers have a big edge over these amateurs. First, our staff of professionals here at STOCKWHIZO Research have the information and expertise to make you a successful options trader. And second, we give you the disciplined trading rules that help you make big money and also minimize your time commitment to your options trading! We tell you how much to pay, when, and at what price to sell. And you can often leave these instructions with your broker, so your options portfolio can appreciate on "automatic pilot!"

Anyone seriously interested in trading would do well to buy a copy of Jack Schwager's books Market Wizards The New Market Wizards. Through interviews and conversations with America's top traders, Jack extracts the wisdom that separates successful traders from those who, through their trading, simply add to the wealth of successful traders.

Keeping Your Trades Small

One of the key factors mentioned by almost every good trader is discipline. Discipline, as you might imagine, takes a variety of forms. For beginning traders, one of the toughest challenges is to keep trades small. Believe it or not, more than a few top traders don't allow any one position to account for more than 1% of their total portfolio. Professionals attribute much of their success to managing risk in this way. Limiting Your Losses

Another aspect of trading that involves discipline is limiting your losses. Here, there isn't a magic formula that works for everyone. Instead, you have to determine your own threshold for pain. Whatever you decide, stick to it. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to take a position with the intention that it be a short-term trade. Then, when the position goes against them, they make a seamless and unprofitable transition from trader to long-term investor. More than a few people have gone broke waiting for the trend to reverse so they could get out at break-even. If you are going to trade, you have to be willing to accept losses--and keep them limited!

Letting Your Profits Run

Another mistake novice traders make is getting out of profitable positions too quickly. If the position is going well, it isn't healthy to worry about giving it all back. If that's a concern, you might want to liquidate part of the position or use options to lock in your profit. Then, let the rest of it ride.

It isn't uncommon for people to view trading as a fast-paced, exciting endeavor. Fast-paced? Absolutamente. Exciting? Now that's a matter of opinion.

The Importance of Remaining Cool-Tempered

More than a few traders interviewed in The New Market Wizards emphasize the importance of remaining unemotional and cool-tempered. To these people, trading is a game of strategy that has nothing to do with emotion. Emotion, for these traders, would only cloud their judgment.

In the book Jack talks about one trader who was extremely emotional. Although Jack was able to show him how to be less emotional and more detached, it became quickly apparent didn't enjoy being emotionally unattached. He found it boring. Unfortunately, emotion involvement in trading comes at a high price. Before too long, that trader went broke. The morale of the story is simple: If you insist on being emotionally attached to your trading, be prepared to be physically detached from your money.

Acceptance and Responsibility

One of the biggest mistakes traders can make is to agonize over mistakes. To beat yourself up for something you wish you hadn't done is truly counterproductive in the long run. Accept what happens, learn from it and move on. For the same reason, it's absolutely crucial to take responsibility for your trades and your mistakes. If you listen to someone else's advice, remember that you, and you alone, are responsible if you act on the advice.

Another Way to View Losses

Perhaps the most striking example of emotional distance in trading is a reaction to positions that go against thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, look at that." If only we could all be that calm! Of all the emotions we could possibly experience, fear and greed are possibly the two most damaging.

Of all the emotions that can negatively impact your trading, fear may be the worst. According to many of the traders interviewed in The New Market Wizards, trading with scared money is an absolute recipe for disaster. If you live with the constant fear that the position will go against you, you are committing a cardinal sin of trading. Before long, fear will paralyze your every move. Las oportunidades comerciales se perderán y las pérdidas aumentarán. To help deal with your fear, keep in mind what fear is

False Evidence Appearing Real

The flip side of fear is confidence. This is a quality that all great traders have in abundance. Great traders don't worry about their positions or dwell on short-term losses because they know they will win over the long term. They don't just think they'll win. And they don't just believe they'll win. They KNOW they'll win. It should never bother to lose, because one should always believe that one would make it right back. That's what it takes.

To Talk or Not to Talk

For many traders, sharing opinions and taking a particular stance only magnifies the stress. As a result, they begin to fear being wrong as much as they fear losing money. Although it may be one of the hardest lessons to learn, the ability to change your opinion without changing your opinion of yourself is an especially valuable skill to acquire. If that's too hard to do, the alternative may prove much easier: Don't talk about your trades.

Greed is a particularly ugly word in trading because it is the root cause of more than a few problems. It's greed that often leads traders to take on positions that are too large or too risky. It's greed that causes people to watch once profitable positions get wiped out because they never locked in profits and instead watched the market take it all back.

Part of the remedy for greed is to have, and stick to, a trading plan. If you faithfully set and adjust stop points, you can automate your trading to take the emotion out of the game. For example, let's say you are long the 150 calls in a stock that rises more rapidly than you ever expected. With the stock at 240, the dilemma is fairly obvious. If you sell the calls, you lock in the profit but you eliminate any additional upside potential. Rather than sell the calls, you might buy an equal number of 230 puts. The Rs.90 profit per call that you just locked in will more than offset the cost of the puts. At the same time, you've left yourself open to additional upside profit.

Gradual Entry and Exit

Another strategy successful traders use is to gradually get in and out of positions. In other words, rather than putting on a large trade all at once, buy a few contracts and see how the position behaves. When it's time to get out, you can use the same strategy. Psychologically, the problem people have implementing this strategy is that it takes away the "right" and "wrong" of the decision making process. It's impossible to be completely right or completely wrong using this strategy because, by definition, some of the trades will be put on at a better price than others.

Awareness and Instincts

For professional traders especially, instincts often play a crucial role in trading. To truly appreciate this, just close your eyes and imagine making trades in a fast market with dozens if not hundreds of people screaming around you. In this environment, it becomes absolutely essential to maintain a high level of awareness about everything going on around you. Then, to have the confidence to pull the trigger when necessary, you have to trust your instincts. It's absolutely amazing to see how some professional traders, even in a busy market, know exactly who is making what trades. For these traders, expanded awareness is often a necessary prerequisite to fully developing and trusting their instincts.

The same is true for professional traders as well. Watching how markets behave and developing a feel for the price fluctuations is truly time well spent. Unfortunately, in this era of technology, people have become so removed from their natural instincts that many are no longer in touch with their intuition. This is unfortunate because intuition functions as a wonderful inner guidance system for those who know how to use it.

One trader interviewed by Jack Schwager in The New Market Wizards relies so heavily on his intuition that he didn't want his name in the book for fear his clients would be uncomfortable with his strategy and move their money elsewhere. Speaking anonymously, he described in detail how he establishes a rhythm and "gets in sync" with the markets. In this way, he has learned to distinguish between what he "wants to happen" and what he "knows will happen." In his opinion, the intuition knows what will happen. With this knowing, the ideal trade is effortless. If it doesn't feel right, he doesn't do it.

When he doesn't feel in sync with the markets, this trader will paper trade until he feels back in rhythm. But even here, he keeps his ego and emotion out of it. His definition of out of sync is completely quantifiable. Being wrong three times in a row is out of sync. Three mistakes and it's back to the paper trading. Now there's a strategy almost everyone can benefit from.

Trading is a performance-oriented discipline and every great athlete, trader, or Performer will occasionally hit performance blocks. Every Olympic contender trained hard physically, but the difference between the ones who made the Olympic team and those who did not was the emphasis put on mental coaching by the winners. Much of a trader's early education is concentrated on strategies and market analysis. But what are the necessary ingredients for peak performance? What are the tools for both mastering the mental side of the game and busting out of the inevitable slumps that can occur along the way?

First - what is the mindset necessary for peak performance? How does one ultimately get in the groove? There is no better feeling than being in the "flow" - especially with trading. That is what many of us live for and what keeps us in the game, because trading can be a very tough business with long hours. There are several key common ingredients when you are performing your best, no matter what the field.

EXPECT success. It begins initially with your self-talk. Do you get down on yourself when you make a mistake? - or do you say to yourself - next time I will do better because I have great trade management and am a superior trader! Be your own best motivator and believer in yourself. Positive Self Talk leads to positive BELIEFS. If you believe you can do something, you WILL eventually find a way. When you have a positive belief system that the eventual outcome will be OK, then you are more mentally and physically relaxed. You then have better concentration, which leads to smoother execution, which of course leads to peak performance.

Ahora, en la otra cara de la moneda, la negativa auto-charla siembra semillas de duda. This lowers self-confidence, which leads to a negative belief system. This then creates anxiety, which leads to disrupted concentration. Now the trader becomes tense and tentative which in turn leads to poor performance. Talk about a vicious cycle!



You must be passionate about what you are doing and having fun. Pasión primero, luego actuación.

Top performance comes from having a high degree of confidence. You must have the confidence that you can take control and face adversity. You must also be confident that you will have a favorable outcome over time.

Peak performance comes from exceptional CONCENTRATION. You must concentrate on the process, though, not the outcome. A sprinter who is in the lead is thinking about the wind on their face, how relaxed their arms are, feeling the perfect stride they are totally in the moment. The person who does NOT have the edge is thinking, "Oh, that runner is pulling ahead of me I don't know if I have enough wind to catch the leader " They are tense and tight because they are thinking about the outcome, not the process.

Great performances come from being able to rebound quickly and forget about mistakes.

Great performance comes from pushing yourself and trying to overcome limitations. Staying in the safe zone becomes a monkey on your back. Desafíese a tomar ese duro comercio. Manage it. If it does not work out, so what your risk was limited and you can pat yourself on the back for taking the hard trade in the first place.


Great performance comes from turning off the brain and becoming automatic. This is being in the Zone in the groove. You can't overanalyze the markets during the trading day.

When you are relaxed, your reflexes and timing are superior because you are loose.


There are some concrete tools to break the cycle and bust out of the slump? The number one tool for starters is POSITIVE SELF TALK. We all talk to ourselves in our own head. Be aware of the things you are saying to yourself. The written word is also a powerful tool. Read affirmations and books on positive thinking. Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill. Arnold Schwarzenagger's autobiography are a few. Richard Marcinko wrote a book called the Rogue Warrior. He talked about the Will to WIN and the belief that ANY circumstances could be overcome. This is a great inspirational book for traders. Next - act like you are already where you want to be. Assume the mannerisms, posture and talk of a top trader. In addition to self-talk and reading written words, develop mental pictures. Visualize what you are going to do with your wealth or how it is that you want to live. Think of the power that money would give you to start any organization you want or to make other people's lives better. Visualize your dream house. Program your subconscious as though you are already there. Dare to dream.

OK - talk, words and pictures what is next? Look at your environment that you have surrounded yourself with. Your success in trading will also be a product of your environment and I am not just talking about office space. Look at the people you surround yourself with. Do they support your activities? Surround yourself with people who believe in you, who smile, and who are enthusiastic in anything they try or do. The top Olympic athletes had friends and family cheering them on every step of the way.


All of the above factors deal with external factors and internal belief systems. Now let's get down to the DOING part! Every trader should be prepared before the markets open because they already did their homework - right. One of the most impressive points in the Rogue Warrior book was this veteran navy seal's obsession for being totally prepared for Mr. Murphy! Siempre había un plan de respaldo para todo y esto era lo que lo mantenía vivo. Prepare your daily game plan by looking for both new setups and preparing strategies for managing existing positions.

So, assuming that you have done your daily homework as a trader, the next step is to learn how to get into the groove. No hay mejor herramienta para esto que tener rutinas y rituales. Pre-market rituals help calm the nerves, get you into a rhythm, and also help to turn off the logical part of your brain - the part that wants to overanalyze everything. If you have a chattering monkey sitting behind your ear, routines and rituals are one of the best things to shut that monkey up. Maybe there is an opening sequence of tasks you do before the market opens. Perhaps in the middle of the day you draw swing charts or take periodic readings of the market's action. Maybe you keep a journal and make notes to yourself. At the end of the day, what type of record keeping do you do for your trading activity? What do you do to unwind? Salesmen are taught to do small rituals before cold calling clients. It controls the anxieties and fears of rejection. Cricket opening Batsmen have a pre-warm up ritual. It calms their minds and puts their body on the autopilot mode. It keeps them involved in the PROCESS and not thinking about the outcome. One of the more common rituals on the trading floors was to wear the same disgusting lucky tie every day. If the mind BELIEVED that the tie was lucky, this was all the traders needed to keep the long term odds in their favor.

Here is another helpful factor: A healthy body keeps a healthy mind. EXERCISE! This gets oxygen to the brain and keeps the blood flowing. How can you expect to be a peak performer when you are eating junk food and going through insulin swings? Or perhaps you drank too much wine the night before or are jittery from drinking too much coffee. How can you concentrate well if you are not getting a full decent night's sleep? Sure, most of these are minor factors but they can all add up to major bumps in your performance. One moment of sloppiness can lead to forgetting to place stops or letting a bad trade go too long. Entonces, cuando el daño se hace, su confianza se astilla. You must treat your confidence level as something to be protected. Los buenos hábitos mantendrán su nivel de confianza alto. Once you have good habits, it will allow you to increase your trading size.

If you want to push yourself to the next level in your trading and are wondering how to increase your size, you MUST have a foundation of good habits. If you are running into a mental block in this area, it is your subconscious's way of telling you that either you have not done adequate preparation or you are not satisfied with your money management habits.

There is one more extremely important thing that contributes to your success and that is GOAL SETTING. When you set your goals, they must be concrete and measurable. You must also break them down into bite size pieces. Perhaps your larger goal is to make 8 digits over the next three years, but how do you get there? Prepare un plan de negocios más detallado que no esté orientado a la rupia, pero le ayudará a alcanzar finalmente su objetivo orientado a la rupia. Maybe it includes how many trades you should make per week, how much time you should devote each evening to preparation and studying charts, and plans for controlling risk. Both short term and long term goals help achieve peak performance.

You must also have concrete ways to measure those goals. Top cricketers know the splits that they run. They know if they are ON or OFF according to how practice goes. They know their unforced error percentage, their personal best, and their competition's stats. The same should apply to you in your trading. Know your weekly win/loss ratios, your trade frequency, and the average amount of profit or loss each month. Only by having something to measure can you tell if you are improving or not and moving closer to your goal!

The battleground isn't the markets but what's within you. The more you talk with other traders, the more you realize that everyone goes through various common experiences. Everyone makes many of the same classic mistakes. But what distinguishes the ones who can ultimately overcome them?

Recuerda que la ACTITUD es todo. How you frame out an individual experience or event will affect your success in the long run. Do you see a trading loss or bad drawdown period as a major setback, or do you see it as a learning experience from which you can figure out how to be on the RIGHT side of a trade instead of the wrong side the next time around. Muchos grandes comerciantes usan los períodos después de las retiradas para volver a la mesa de dibujo. Some of the best systems and trading ideas have come after periods of adversity. What incentive is there to learn and improve ourselves when everything is smooth sailing and we are fat and happy? But when times are tough, that is when we can rise to the occasion and prove that we can overcome any obstacle set down in our path. So many great athletes have been able to come from behind when they are down because they have learned how to seize that one opening or opportunity and CONVERT. They latch on to the tiniest shift in momentum and milk it for all it is worth. Latch on to that next winning trade and convert. The first small moral victory is the first step towards reaching the top of Mt. Everest. And if you keep making small steady steps, you will eventually reach the top. Sometimes for a trader, the greatest feeling in the world can be making back those losses, no matter how long it takes, because once you have done that, you realize you can do anything.

The most successful players are the ones who have a burning desire to win

Don't check out of the game. Never give up!

Improve your consistency. Stay active, stay involved, and keep your feet moving.

Se paciente. Do not force a trade that isn't there. Wait for the play to set up.

When you get a good trade, go for it. Manage it. Trail a stop. Don't be too eager to get out.

Be flexible - if what you are doing isn't working, change what you are doing!

When down, get a little rhythm and confidence going. Don't worry about being too ambitious.

Stay with your game. Don't let outside distractions bother you. They take energy and break your concentration.

Match your particular strengths to the type of market conditions.

Hate making stupid mistakes and unforced errors. This includes not getting out of a bad trade when you know you are wrong.

Many players will play their best game when they are coming from behind.

Copyright 2001 by Hiten Jhaveri, StockWhizo Investments. All rights reserved worldwide.

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About Options StrategyFinder

OptionBingo's StrategyFinder tool is a unique and state of the art tool for searching the best options strategies. Puede buscar estrategias de opciones basadas en su apetito de riesgo y perspectiva de tendencia. Puede ver todos los detalles relevantes sobre la estrategia seleccionada, como piernas de estrategia, precio de entrada, máximo riesgo, máximo potencial de ganancias, punto de equilibrio, etc. También puede ver el gráfico de resultados de la estrategia.

Los comerciantes que siguen las opciones de los griegos pueden ver la estrategia de red Delta, gamma, theta, vega. Estas estrategias se consideran menos riesgosas ya que la mayoría de las estrategias utilizan técnicas de cobertura para reducir el riesgo.

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OptionBingo does not make any recommendations for investments. Todos los contenidos de este documento se proporcionan únicamente con fines ilustrativos, educativos e informativos y no tienen la intención de ser recomendaciones para comprar o vender. Cualquier información proporcionada en este documento no se interpretará como un asesoramiento profesional de ninguna naturaleza. El comercio implica riesgos y se aconseja que un analista financiero certificado debe ser consultado antes de tomar cualquier decisión.

* There is no guarantee that option strategy legs would be available at recommended price at any given time. Early exercise or assignment (where ever applicable) can create risk & loss

Copyright y copia; 2009 OPTION BINGO CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED. Todos los derechos reservados.

Options Strategies

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Publicaciones recientes de Christian Landmark: Christian Landmark

What Includes with this product?

a. Book on Future and option, Book has all the essential ingredient of option study +"22 option trade tricks".

segundo. 7 hour Pre-recorded lecture on option strategy and option course

do. every month 2-3 option strategy will be given

re. Option Strategy Software

re. 1. Advance monthly and weekly trend analyser.

re. 2. Advance option greek scanner for all tradeable strike.

re. 3. All type of Calender spread strategy builder.

re. 4. Any 2-5 leg user defined option strategy builder.

re. 5. You can save and do post adjustment of any option strategy.

re. 6. You can feed data manually and check the performance of option strategy with increase or decrease volatility condition.

re. 7. 22 option strategy scanner to give user the previlege to select best option strategy.

Which segment will this work?

What is option strategy software?

1. It is a software which can give the performance of option strategy at different price interval.

2. It has an enhanced Greek analyzer and Greek scanner.

3. It will make you to form any kind of option strategy. Al igual que la estrategia básica a la estrategia de opción híbrida avanzada hasta 5 patas.

4. This software will reduce your working to derive Greek neutral or net zero Greek strategy.

5. This software will also come in the programmed edition of 22 option strategy innovated by smart finance.

How to form an option strategy?

Option strategy is formed with the multiple buy. sell of different strike call. put option may be with out of with the future long or short. The idea of forming a option strategy is to make any on of the option Greek to neutral or zero.

Example: buy 5700 ce and 5700 pe of nifty at premium 150 and 150 each one lot is known as the option strategy. Theoretically though the strategy will be at break even at 6000 is upper side and 5400 in down side but same does not makeany sense for a practical trade.

Now let me modify my requirement like this: buy 5700 ce and 5700 pe of nifty at premium 150 and 150 each one lot FOR MAXIMUM HOLDNG PERIOD OF 3 DAYS.

i need the following answer for my strategy:

a. what will be the anticipate levels nifty will move in these 3 days?

segundo. In either side movement what will be the net profit and loss of my strategy?

do. what is the net Greek of my strategy ?

Our option strategy will give the answer to these above questions.

Options and Strategies for Fiscal Consolidation in India



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Trading in Futures and Options was introduced in the early 2000’s on the NSE. Futures was more popular among the two until the market meltdown in 2008 after which the popularity of options has increased tremendously, much more than futures today. Following are the reasons which probably attributed to the increase in popularity of options on the NSE:

1. For holding a future position, you would need NSE stipulated margins which would work upwards of Rs 25000 based on what future contract you are trading whereas in options a trader with even Rs 100 in his account could take some kind of an option position.

2. Las posiciones futuras tienen un riesgo ilimitado, mientras que en la compra de opciones el riesgo se limita a la prima que está pagando.

3. El STT (Impuesto a las Transacciones de Seguridad cobrado por el gobierno) por Futuro se carga sobre el valor del contrato mientras que para las opciones se cobra sobre la prima de la opción. What this means is if you buy and sell 1 lot of nifty futures at 6000, the turnover generated is Rs 6lks( 3lks+3lks). STT is 0.017% of Rs 3lks which is Rs 51, whereas if you had bought and sold an option with premium Rs 100, the turnover would have been Rs 10,000(5000+5000) and STT of Rs 0.85.

4.Options le ofrecen la posibilidad de configurar estrategias de negociación para múltiples escenarios de mercado.

Option Strategy es una herramienta que hemos introducido en Zerodha Trader, que te sugiere y ayuda a construir estrategias de opciones. Find following brief on how to use it:

1. Login to ZT and make sure you launch plus while logging in. If you don’t know how please refer this link .

2. La herramienta de Estrategia de Opción, basada en su opinión, le sugiere varias estrategias de negociación de opciones y sus gráficos de rentabilidad. Por ejemplo, si mi opinión es que nifty se mantendrá en el rango de 5800 y 6200 para esta expiración (NOV 2017). First step is for you to add all the nifty option strikes in this range on your market watch, so add 5800 – 6200 Calls and puts with November expiry. Visite este blog para saber cómo agregar opciones al mercado.

3. See the pic below to launch Option Strategy:

4. The following window opens, follow the steps as shown in the pic:

5. Once you give a view the tool will suggest you 5 different strategies, as shown below. Para el ejemplo, mi opinión es que nifty se mantendrá entre 5800 a 6200 para noviembre de 2017 expiración. Mi visión es que el mercado seguirá siendo neutral (eso significa ni bajista ni alcista) y también siento que el mercado estará en una gama muy estrecha. Esto me sugiere 5 estrategias diferentes, como se muestra en la imagen de abajo.

6. Si no puede ver los precios en la sección de estrategia, haga clic en el botón de restauración como se muestra a continuación.

La ventana se verá como a continuación cuando haga clic en el botón de restauración y los precios deben empezar a refrescar como los datos se obtiene de su reloj del mercado. So Ensure that the option contracts mentioned is available on the market watch as mentioned in point 2.

7. Follow the steps below to look at the payoff graph for the strategy you select.

8. Create ” My Strategy” using combinations of strategies suggested, as shown below and you can look at the payoff graph and payoff table. See the Pic below:

Once you have decided to take an option trade, if it involves writing options(selling options), use the Zerodha SPAN calculator to know the exact margins required. Positions like the above will have margin benefits as they are partially hedged.*

* For all of you who are beginners to option trading, assume nifty 6000 calls is at Rs 100, if you want to buy it because you are bullish you will need only the premium which is Rs 100 x 50(lot size) so Rs 5000 in premium, the maximum you can lose is Rs 5000. But when you write options i. e Sell first and then buy back, you have chances to make unlimited loss and hence exchange blocks margin similar to how they block in futures. Así que para vender 6000 llamadas de nifty primero y luego comprar de vuelta necesitaría casi 30k para un comercio de la noche a la mañana. Este margen disminuye para una estrategia mencionada en la imagen anterior porque las diversas posiciones de opción se están neutralizando entre sí. Puede ver márgenes exactos para la escritura de opciones / posiciones múltiples en nuestra calculadora SPAN simulando el comercio.

Sí, puede cambiar opciones desnudas, es decir, comprar llamadas / corto pone si usted es alcista y comprar pone / llamadas cortas si son bajistas, pero las opciones como un producto especialmente la combinación de opciones nifty le ofrecen una oportunidad de configurar operaciones con inmenese potencial de ganancias. Utilice esta herramienta para ayudar a configurar las estrategias de opciones, estudiar el gráfico de ganancias y las opciones de negociación proft en Zerodha.

Uff, usted está comenzando en el muy básico. I’d suggest you to read this once, I’d suggest you to read the equity derivative modules on this link .

Coming back to your question,

1. If you feel market is going up

Buy Calls, if the market goes up, premium will ideally go up and you can profit. Pero hay días en que el mercado podría subir, pero las llamadas premium podrían perder su dinero cuando la volatilidad implícita cae, por ejemplo hoy en día, a pesar de que el mercado está subiendo las primas de llamadas están abajo. Cuando usted compra llamadas, las ganancias son ilimitadas, pero el riesgo se limita a la prima que usted paga.

Usted puede poner corto, cuando el mercado sube, poner los valores bajarán y por lo tanto si usted es corto pone usted puede beneficiarse. Cuando se corta opciones, el riesgo es ilimitado y el beneficio se limita a la prima que recibe cuando se corta la opción. Dado que el riesgo es ilimitado, se bloquea un margen en su cuenta de negociación similar a los futuros.

2. Similarly if you feel market is going down

Buy Puts Short Calls

Long calls and short puts, ideally will make you profit when market goes up, but they are completely different in terms of how you make money and similarly with long puts and short calls.

As explained If you want to buy 7500 CE when trading at 200, you need to have 200×50, but if you want to short 7500CE there is a margin required, which you can calculate using our SPAN calculator.

Hola Zerodha, estaba revisando la calculadora de corretaje y tenía una pregunta sobre la corredora cobrada por las opciones. If I buy 2 lots of Nifty calls for 25 and sell them for 30, my profit before any charges is 50*(30-25)=Rs. 250. Los impuestos serán muy bajos ya que se aplicarán impuestos sobre la prima. I had assumed the brokerage too would be applied on the premium, and hence would be 0.01%*50*(25+30)=Rs. 0,275. Sin embargo, la calculadora está mostrando una carga plana de Rs. 20 por pedido, de ahí una intermediación neta de Rs. 40. How is the brokerage calculated for options?

. Estaríamos fuera del negocio si cargamos la intermediación en opciones la manera que usted ha dicho. Rs 20 per executed order or 0.01% of the contract value whichever is lower. For options, the contract value is Strike+Premium * lotsize.

Hey nithin, have a few qus, 1)There are two types of options available in the Indian market — European and American. Las opciones de índice, como el nifty y sensex, son de estilo europeo. Esto significa que sólo pueden ejercitarse al vencimiento de la opción.

2)How soon can I sell the stock after I exercise a call option? and how to do it. do I PUT a new contract or excersicing means I bought it and sold it as well. I’m confused? please elaborate.

3) Si ejerce una opción, el acuerdo se produce en tres días hábiles, como si hubiera comprado o vendido acciones en un intercambio. Por ejemplo, si usted ejerció una llamada y vendió simultáneamente las acciones equivalentes de acciones, esas transacciones se compensan entre sí. Suponiendo que la opción es in-the-money, no hay necesidad de publicar el margen para las transacciones de compensación. Como siempre, usted querrá consultar con su empresa de corretaje para asegurarse de que entiende sus políticas.

4)Consider a Put 300 was bought, if at the time of expiry, market price of Reliance is Rs 320/ –. the buyer of the Put option will choose not to exercise his option to sell. In this case the investor loses the premium paid (i. e Rs 25*100 = 2500) which shall be the profit earned by the seller of the Put option. So, if cmp was 350 would the buyer still lose only the premium if yes, who does this remaining loss of (350-300) rest with. i. e.(of Rs.50 per unit) * 100 = 5000rs.

Gracias de antemano y gran trabajo con Pi. Saludos

1. All options on India are now European. Por lo tanto, sólo se puede ejercer el día de expiración. 2. Ah. Parece que eres muy nuevo. Bueno, por lo que las opciones de ejercicio en la India no tiene sentido ya que todos los contratos se liquidan en efectivo. Permítanme explicar, si usted compra Nifty 8500 pone a Rs 100 en decir 01 de agosto, se puede vender de inmediato, al día siguiente o cualquier día hasta el día de expiración del contrato. On the expiry day, if you don’t do anything, if Nifty closes below 8500 your puts get exercised automatically. Si se cierra arriba, se vence sin valor. So you don’t have to do anything to exercise. Si nifty se cierra en 8450, 8500 se pone ejercido y u obtener Rs 50 para los pone. Do check out http://zerodha. com/varsity/ and the option module. 3. Esto no está en el contexto indio. En la India, como he dicho, todo está liquidado en efectivo. 4. hmmm. ur question doesn’t really make much sense. Le aconsejo que pase por Varsity. Comience en el módulo de futuros.

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Options and strategies for fiscal consolidation in India

Sampawende J.-A. Tapsoba.


"The paper uses a multi-region DSGE model to quantify the macroeconomic implications of three adjustment scenarios for India: growth-friendly, social-friendly, and a benchmark case centered on bringing down unproductive spending and strengthening the consumption tax. Simulations indicate that fiscal consolidation yields considerable long-term benefits but also entails output costs in the near term. The scenarios in which deficit reduction is accompanied by greater investment and social spending lead to better results than the benchmark case. The consolidation package alone is not enough to maximize net gains. Other factors, such as the pace and the credibility of consolidation, the concomitant implementation of structural reforms, and global economic conditions, play a critical role in the success of fiscal consolidation"--Abstract.


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# Options and strategies for fiscal consolidation in India a schema:CreativeWork. schema:Book. schema:MediaObject ; library:oclcnum " 849904646 " ; library:placeOfPublication ; # Washington, D. C. library:placeOfPublication ; rdfs:comment " Unknown 'gen' value: igp " ; schema:about ; # India. schema:about ; # Fiscal policy schema:about ; # India schema:about ; # Fiscal policy--India schema:about ; # Economic history schema:author ; # Sampawende Jules-Armand Tapsoba schema:bookFormat schema:EBook ; schema:contributor ; # International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Department, schema:copyrightYear " 2017 " ; schema:datePublished " 2017 " ; schema:description " "The paper uses a multi-region DSGE model to quantify the macroeconomic implications of three adjustment scenarios for India: growth-friendly, social-friendly, and a benchmark case centered on bringing down unproductive spending and strengthening the consumption tax. Simulations indicate that fiscal consolidation yields considerable long-term benefits but also entails output costs in the near term. The scenarios in which deficit reduction is accompanied by greater investment and social spending lead to better results than the benchmark case. El paquete de consolidación por sí solo no es suficiente para maximizar las ganancias netas. Other factors, such as the pace and the credibility of consolidation, the concomitant implementation of structural reforms, and global economic conditions, play a critical role in the success of fiscal consolidation"--Abstract. "@en ; schema:exampleOfWork ; schema:genre " Electronic books "@en ; schema:genre " Government publication "@en ; schema:inLanguage " en " ; schema:isPartOf ; # IMF working paper ; schema:name " Options and strategies for fiscal consolidation in India "@en ; schema:productID " 849904646 " ; schema:publication ; schema:publisher ; # International Monetary Fund schema:url ; schema:url ; schema:url ; schema:url ; schema:url ; schema:workExample ; wdrs:describedby ; .

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Writing options for a living

Option writers are the only people who consistently make money (in bullish or bearish markets) and rarely ever lose!

Option writing is a profitable and interesting concept. It is interesting because the profits are limited but investments are high (margin against possible losses).

Option writers typically trade the time decay and volatility; the extent the market moves is secondary! On the contrary, the option buyer has a good chance of earning only if the market shows fast moves.

So why would anyone in his senses write options?

Recall that for option buyers, if the targeted price is not achieved within a certain number of days, he has lost money. So the option buyer needs to be sure of the trend so that he can make money. Also recall that towards expiry, the premium will progressively reduce to zero if there is no change in the value of the underlying. this is because of the time-decay factor in option premiums.

It is the premium component (time decay factor) which excites option writers. The income is fixed but certain if you get the trend right and are smart enough to do some clever hedging.

In reality, option writers rarely ever lose money.

Investment required

The investment is the same as that payable on the futures less the premium component.

Example - for writing a Nifty (call or put) option strike price 4000 with premium say Rs.100/-, the amount required is 4000*50*15% - 50*100 = Rs.30,000/-.

Here, 15% is the margin rate fixed by NSE for nifty derivatives and 50 is the market lot.

Slow and steady wins the race

Siempre. And this is true of the stock markets as well.

While most investors are driven by greed and high profit targets, option writers are satisfied with relatively low returns. They are not interested in 50% gain in a month. in fact they are very happy even if they earn 10% per month. Eventually the option writer wins as this money is assured even if the markets are bullish or bearish.

Should you write options?

Sí. If you are looking at fixed returns irrespective of market direction, then option writing could be for you.

Note that while option buyers are small investors, option writers are extremely clever and smart traders who rarely lose money.

In fact, all over the world including India, option writers are the only people to consistently make money. And this whether the markets are bullish or bearish!

Next: Option strategies

Options and strategies for fiscal consolidation in India

This paper uses a multi-region dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to study options and strategies for fiscal consolidation in India. The challenge for India is how to put public finances on a more sustainable footing while preserving the potential for high growth and attenuating the adverse consequences on the needy. We analyze the macroeconomic implications of three fiscal consolidation scenarios. A “benchmark” case based on authorities' intentions that reduces government consumption, general transfers, and strengthens consumption tax collection; a “growth-friendly” that reallocates the savings to more public investment; and a “social-friendly” scenario that equally reallocates the savings between more public investment and more transfers to households excluded from the financial system. The simulations indicate that fiscal consolidation yields considerable long-term benefits and also entails output costs in the near term. Growth outcomes are better under the growth-friendly and social-friendly scenarios. These consolidation scenarios alone are not enough to maximize net gains for India. Other factors, such as the pace of consolidation, the combination with structural reforms and external economic conditions, play a critical role in the success of fiscal consolidation.

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Anja Baum & Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro & Anke Weber, 2012. " Fiscal Multipliers and the State of the Economy ," IMF Working Papers 12/286, International Monetary Fund.

Clinton, Kevin & Kumhof, Michael & Laxton, Douglas & Mursula, Susanna, 2011. " Deficit reduction: Short-term pain for long-term gain ," European Economic Review. Elsevier, vol. 55(1), pages 118-139, January.

Satya R. Chakravarty & Rupayan Pal, 2010. " Measuring Financial Inclusion. An Axiomatic Approach ," Microeconomics Working Papers 22776, East Asian Bureau of Economic Research.

Thorsten Drautzburg & Harald F. Uhlig, 2017. " Fiscal stimulus and distortionary taxation ," Working Papers 13-46, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

Thorsten Drautzburg & Harald Uhlig, 2011. " Fiscal Stimulus and Distortionary Taxation ," Working Papers 2011-005, Becker Friedman Institute for Research In Economics.

Drautzburg, Thorsten & Uhlig, Harald, 2011. " Fiscal stimulus and distortionary taxation ," ZEW Discussion Papers 11-037, ZEW - Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung / Center for European Economic Research.

Thorsten Drautzburg & Harald F. Uhlig, 2011. " Fiscal stimulus and distortionary taxation ," FRB Atlanta CQER Working Paper 2011-01, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

Thorsten Drautzburg & Harald Uhlig, 2011. " Fiscal Stimulus and Distortionary Taxation ," NBER Working Papers 17111, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

John Taylor & John Cogan & Volker Wieland & Maik Wolters, 2012. " Fiscal Consolidation Strategy ," Discussion Papers 11-015, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.

Cogan, John F. & Taylor, John B. & Wieland, Volker & Wolters, Maik H. 2012. " Fiscal consolidation strategy ," CFS Working Paper Series 2012/12, Center for Financial Studies (CFS).

Cogan, John F. & Taylor, John B. & Wieland, Volker & Wolters, Maik Hendrik, 2012. " Fiscal consolidation strategy ," IMFS Working Paper Series 61, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS).

William G. Gale & Peter R. Orszag, 2004. " Budget Deficits, National Saving, and Interest Rates ," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Economic Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, vol. 35(2), pages 101-210.

Full references (including those not matched with items on IDEAS)

Options and Strategies for Fiscal Consolidation in India

Sampawende Tapsoba

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The paper uses a multi-region DSGE model to quantify the macroeconomic implications of three adjustment scenarios for India: growth-friendly, social-friendly, and a benchmark case centered on bringing down unproductive spending and strengthening the consumption tax. Simulations indicate that fiscal consolidation yields considerable long-term benefits but also entails output costs in the near term. The scenarios in which deficit reduction is accompanied by greater investment and social spending lead to better results than the benchmark case. El paquete de consolidación por sí solo no es suficiente para maximizar las ganancias netas. Other factors, such as the pace and the credibility of consolidation, the concomitant implementation of structural reforms, and global economic conditions, play a critical role in the success of fiscal consolidation.

Number of Pages in PDF File: 27

Keywords: Fiscal consolidation, India, Economic growth, Fiscal reforms, Economic models, fiscal consolidation, open economy macroeconomics, DSGE models, India. fiscal consolidation, fiscal policy, fiscal multipliers, fiscal tightening, fiscal balance, fiscal instruments, government expenditure, fiscal model, fiscal tools, public investment spending, fiscal multiplier, fiscal strategies, structural fiscal, fiscal adjustment, tax revenue, fiscal position, government spending, public spending, fiscal vulnerabilities, public expenditures, taxation, fiscal responsibility, fiscal imbalances, tax rates, public debt, fiscal correction, fiscal shock, fiscal authority, tax income, fiscal stance, fiscal stabili

JEL Classification: E62, F41, H62, H63

Date posted: June 18, 2017

Cita Sugerida

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On Friday, USDINR closed at lowest levels in the last 2 years at 65.83. Intraday INR touched lows of 65.91. Las monedas de EM han sido afectadas por la devaluación de Yuan la semana pasada. Coupled with prospect of US Fed rate hike in September, global markets are nervous about EM currencies. Lot of currencies like MYR (Malaysian Ringgit), ZAR (South African Rand) and RUB (Russian Ruble) have been hitting multi-year lows. MYR ha bajado por debajo de los niveles de crisis de 1997-98. Few other currencies like Kazakhstan Tenge and Vietnam Dong have been competitively devalued. In Tenge case it has been allowed to free float from peg against USD. All Oil exporting economies are suffering hard with current levels of $ 40-45 per barrel.

Don’t know if these are signs of currency war but it might turn out to be so if CNY (Chinese Yuan) depreciates further. Recently RBI governor, Raghuram Rajan commented about CNY devaluation (http://in. reuters. com/article/2017/08/20/india-rbi-rajan-idINKCN0QP09L20170820 ). As per him maybe CNY devluation is not a concern at current levels but if it depreciates further it might be a cause of worry in future. INR has been an island of calm among EM currencies and is one of the out-performer till now. I had bought August and September series USDINR futures and sold 66 calls. Buying USDINR future means you are paying roll cost which during panic scenarios like the current one turns out to be 1 percent. Esta fue mi principal preocupación al comprar futuros USDINR. This was the reason I had sold 66 calls, otherwise I would have carried naked future position.

Sun Pharma announced its Q1’FY16 nos. post market hours today. As expected, they were bad on profitability front on account of Ranbaxy integration charges. On account of Ranbaxy integration issues the drug major had already issued profit warning on 20th July. Net profit fell 60 percent YoY to 479 crore in Q1. Although revenues grew 6.7 percent YoY and EBITDA margins at 27.5 percent were also better than what market expected. Last quarter margins were disastrous at 14.5 percent. All in all, it was a mixed quarter for Sun Pharma. Ranbaxy continues to be the pain point for the drug major. Market already knew about the poor results on account of profit warning issued by company last month. So stock should not react in a big way tomorrow.

I had entered into ratio spreads in Sun pharma in July – Bought one lot of 940 call and sold 10 lots of 960 & 980 calls August series. Looks like tomorrow will be the right time to square off these ratio spreads.

Disclaimer: These are my personal views and you should do your own due diligence before acting on anything written in this blog. Please take reasonable care while trading in options, especially while selling. I am not advising anyone to sell or buy options. My purpose of writing this blog is to highlight my trading strategies

Couple of weeks back Vedanta group decided to merge Cairn India with Vedanta Ltd. It didn’t come as a surprise and it was only a matter of time before the group went along with a merger. I guess since the acquisition of Cairn India in 2010, Vedanta group had their eyes set on the cash of Cairn India.

I am not a big fan of Vedanta group corporate governance standards. But to be fair to group, sharp crude oil price fall in last 8-9 months coupled with Rs 20k crore demand from IT department had suppressed Cairn India valuations. So in the changed scenario, proposed merger might even benefit Cairn India shareholders. On the other hand, only pure play oil E&P company in India would be saddled with metal assets. Some shareholders might not like it. One of the biggest institutional shareholder LIC has opposed the merger on valuations front.

Given the sharp share price fall in Cairn India it makes sense to sell some puts of July series.

Disclaimer: These are my personal views and you should do your own due diligence before acting on anything written in this blog. Please take reasonable care while trading in options, especially while selling. I am not advising anyone to sell or buy options. My purpose of writing this blog is to highlight my trading strategies

In my last post I had written about my recent buys (https://writingoptions. wordpress. com/2017/08/27/my-recent-buys/ ). I had mentioned about Bharat Electronics (BEL). It was clear beneficiary of composite FDI+FII limit being raised to 49 percent. Usually I don’t like PSU’s and don’t invest in them. I firmly believe they are inefficient allocator of capital. But BEL was a good trading buy at that point of time. Company had 5-6k crore cash on books, MCap was 16k crore and close to 1k crore of annual profits. Stripped of cash company was available at 10 PE.

Recently BEL has rallied sharply to hit high of 3140 on Friday(5th Dec) but closed lower at 2894. I think stock has moved too sharply and valuations are also not as attractive as earlier. I have booked profits in BEL for now and will look to re-enter at lower levels.

Disclaimer: These are my personal views and you should do your own due diligence before acting on anything written in this blog. Please take reasonable care while trading in options, especially while selling. I am not advising anyone to sell or buy options. My purpose of writing this blog is to highlight my trading strategies

Indian markets are the second best performing market in 2017. BJP led NDA absolute majority in 2017 General elections has changed outlook for Indian markets. FII’s have pumped close to 10 bn USD in Indian equity markets since the beginning of 2017. It’s a shame that retail investors are not investing in equity markets the way they should have been. I have no doubt in my mind that we are going to see reasonably good run for Indian markets in the next 4-5 years. I have been consistently buying in the cash segment and stepped up my purchase after 16th May verdict. Some of my recent buys are:

1. Ashok Leyland – CV cycle recovery candidate.

2. Bharat Electronics – Composite FII+FDI limit hike to 49 percent in defence. BEL is the best proxy for it.

3. Crompton Greaves – On recovery path

4. Edelweiss financial services – Expecting strong earnings growth for next 2-3 years

5. Grasim – Cement sector exposure

6. Icici bank – Comfortable with valuations of icici bank among private sector banks

7. Jain Irrigation – Balance sheet repair, Agri exposure

8. L&T Finance holding – Trading buy

9. MCX – Sold some portion but still holding

10. Suzlon – Balance sheet repair and growth recovery

I have leveraged trades in Tata Motors Cairn India and Infosys. I have squared off Infy trade but still carrying Tata Motors trade. Cairn India is 2-3 months covered call trade. Given current brent crude levels I don’t expect Cairn India to rise sharply in short term.

Disclaimer: These are my personal views and you should do your own due diligence before acting on anything written in this blog. Please take reasonable care while trading in options, especially while selling. I am not advising anyone to sell or buy options. My purpose of writing this blog is to highlight my trading strategies

Mensaje de navegación

by Dilip Shaw on March 10, 2017

The idea to write this article came from a single comment from someone very educated, experienced and a senior person.

Of course I will not give the link to that article to hide the identity of that person. It is more about how most of us think – the collective human mindset (especially Indians) and not about that one person. Please also note that this is not a political post. It is rather my point of view on blaming someone else for our own misfortunes in stock markets or in life.

Recently someone told me that people in India do not invest in good companies shares, instead they get their hands burned by investing in blade companies like Saradha Chit funds. Rose Valley Scam. Pearls Ponzi Scheme. Agri Gold Scam. Sahara etc. So the government should launch some kind of Personal Finance Education. When will our rulers wake up to the reality and do the needful, he asked.

Conservative Options & Futures Trading Course

Hi, my conservative trading course is helping many retail traders just like you who have a job or business make consistent profits like this: (Click here for more testimonials .)

Soy Dilip Shaw. Soy un comerciante como tú. He estado negociando desde 2007, pero perdí mucho dinero hasta 2010. Entonces dejé de negociar y estudié opciones como exámenes universitarios. Comenzó a operar de nuevo desde 2011 y nunca volvió a mirar desde entonces. Hice un montón de investigación, leer libros e hizo un sinnúmero de papel de comercio antes de ser rentable. Puedes leer sobre mí aquí.

Ofrezco un curso que puede ayudarle a aprender a negociar estrategias de opciones conservadoras para el ingreso mensual. Una vez que termine el curso puede comenzar a operar de inmediato. Usted puede comenzar a operar desde cualquier día. No hay necesidad de esperar a la expiración. Usted obtendrá beneficios de manera consistente.

Este curso es bueno si usted tiene un trabajo o negocio regular. Usted NO NECESITA monitorear sus operaciones cada segundo.

What You Get? You get two conservative non-directional strategies on options, one conservative stock option strategy and two conservative directional strategies on Future & Option combination. Non directional trades are profitable 80% of the times and make 3-5% per trade (Results may vary). La estrategia direccional hace que el dinero sea rápido. No importa a qué lado se mueve la acción. De hecho usted hace más cuando usted es incorrecto en el comercio futuro. ) El comercio de opciones de acciones hace 30.000 en un comercio y si SL se golpea hay una manera de recuperar las pérdidas más hacer 30k en ese comercio.

No se requiere conocimiento técnico. No hay necesidad de supervisar los oficios cada segundo.

There are a lot of strategies available online so why do the course? If you just know a few strategies on Options, it is NOT enough - you must know HOW TO TRADE these strategies on Nifty to actually make money. There is a lot of difference between knowing a strategy and knowing how to trade that strategy. In the course you will learn HOW TO TRADE the five strategies.

For example you may trade butterfly strategy and I may also trade butterfly, but I will keep making money trading butterfly, and you will keep losing. The point is you must know how to trade the strategy, just knowing the strategy is not enough . (Butterfly no es parte del curso).

En el curso usted aprenderá cómo seleccionar los precios de la huelga. The strike selection is written in percentage terms so you can find strikes for any Stock or Index. You learn when to trade, which strikes to sell which to buy (hedging), how much profit target you should be looking for, the best place to take stop loss (disciplined trading) and what to do after taking stop loss – means how to get that money back. The success rate is more than 80%.

Since trades are properly hedged there is no stress in trading my strategies .

Estoy muy confiado que usted hará el dinero que negocia mis estrategias. Para ayudarlo a tener éxito, ofrezco un año de apoyo desde la fecha de pedido.

To know more Call/SMS/WhatsApp me on 9051143004 or email me now. Sé inglés e hindi.

You can find many testimonials in these pages:

P. S: So many years of trading has thought me one thing - it is always better to make small profits month after month, rather than lose money month after month trying to make too much money. It never happens. Pero el pequeño dinero acumulado mes tras mes puede llegar a ser muy grande en sólo unos pocos años.

The Best Options Trading Strategy

The best options trading strategies are used primarily for speculative and hedging purposes. A virtually unlimited number of strategies can be created by incorporating various option positions resulting in a strategy designed to accomplish a specific goal. The goal may be to protect currently held assets or to speculate on the anticipated price movement of an underlying financial instrument. The investor can select from the most commonly used strategies or create a custom strategy. The best trading strategy is the one that will accomplish the financial goal of the investor.

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Hedging can be a form of insurance on an asset or portfolio. The investor who owns shares of a company may want to protect the investment against an adverse price change. Buying a put is a strategy that offers the trader the right to sell the stock at a specified strike price on or before the expiration date of the option contract. The strike price is the exercise price of the contract and is selected by the trader. Index options cover a broad range of stocks and can be used to hedge a portfolio of stocks. The investor owning shares in energy related stocks may want to protect the investment by purchasing a put on an energy index. If the value of the portfolio declines, the value of the put option will typically increase, creating a hedge.


The investor anticipating an increase in the value of a stock can buy a call option to capitalize on the move. A long call offers the investor the right to buy an asset at the strike price on or before expiration of the option contract. A call will typically increase in value as the underlying stock increases in value. Buying a call is much less expensive than buying the stock, and the risk is limited to the premium paid for the call. Speculating on a decline in the value of an asset can be accomplished by buying a put option. Once again, the risk is limited to the premium paid and the trade is far less expensive than short selling the stock. The investor expecting a general market movement can speculate using index options.


Complex option strategies are used for a variety of trading opportunities. Options can be bought and sold with different strike prices and expiration dates, creating limited risk strategies. These methods enable the investor to capitalize on market conditions that could not be traded using simple long and short stock positions.

Market Strategies

Some option strategies are used to trade specific market conditions such as a trending, choppy or consolidating market. Trading a volatile or erratic market is typically accomplished using complex option strategies. Market-neutral positions can be established that lower the exposure to unexpected volatility. Option trading strategies are available for nearly every type of market condition.

Options and Strategies for Fiscal Consolidation in India

The paper uses a multi-region DSGE model to quantify the macroeconomic implications of three adjustment scenarios for India: growth-friendly, social-friendly, and a benchmark case centered on bringing down unproductive spending and strengthening the consumption tax. Simulations indicate that fiscal consolidation yields considerable long-term benefits but also entails output costs in the near term. The scenarios in which deficit reduction is accompanied by greater investment and social spending lead to better results than the benchmark case. El paquete de consolidación por sí solo no es suficiente para maximizar las ganancias netas. Other factors, such as the pace and the credibility of consolidation, the concomitant implementation of structural reforms, and global economic conditions, play a critical role in the success of fiscal consolidation.

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Option strategies – Covered call, Covered put

November 14, 2010 by priya

Covered call and Covered put are both one of the best option strategies for those who trade in F&O segment. These strategies are used for reducing the loss if trade goes against our expected trend. F&O is a risky segment which always needs protection for the trader if something goes wrong unexpectedly in the stock. These strategies are very good for positional traders as well as day traders(if the underlying stock is a market mover and shows potential movement in trend).

So what are these covered call and covered put? Es muy fácil de entender. This is not a rocket science..just simple strategy that needs to be applied with some disciplinary rules which you may consider them as conditions to apply this strategy. They can be applied for both stock as well as index futures and options.

Covered call – Take long in future(buy) and cover that with shorting the nearest call option.

Covered put – Take short in future and cover that with shorting the nearest put option.

Let me explain how this covered call works. If we expect the stock to move up then we take long position in stock future and to protect this we need to short(write) the nearest call option. Por lo tanto, si la acción sube y cumple con el objetivo, estaremos en el beneficio en FUT. At the same time, we shorted call option and when the stock moves up the call premium also increases. When the stock meets the target we need to cover the long position in future and cover the call option as well. Since we are shorting either At-the-money or the nearest Out-the-money call option, the rate of increase in premium will obviously be less than the rate at which the stock future moves. The profit that we get in future will be reduced to the extent to the premium we need to cover in the shorting of call and the difference in them is our profit earned.

Example: Take JPASSOC which was 124 last week and the 130ca option premium stands at 3.2. If we expect the stock to move up then we take long position in future and short 130ca. When the stock moved 134 then the premium went 8 from 3.2. so, we earned 10rs in Fut and lost 4.8rs in shorting. Difference is 10-4.8=5.2rs is our profit. Lot is 2k..means 5.2*2k = Rs.10400.

Assume, the stock goes down from 124 to 121. Then assume premium in 130ca goes from 3.2 to 1.5. Means, we get 3points loss in FUT but 1.7 points profit in option. So, overall 1.3 is loss but not 3. So, the advantage of this strategy is that it protects from heavy loss in future. One more merit of this concept is, assume if the stock doesn’t move much and stays at 124 till expiry. But 130ca goes from 3.2 to 0. Means there is no profit in FUT but we get 3.2rs in option..which is around Rs. 6400. In other words, if the stock is purely in sideways, this strategy works at its best, apart from purely trendy market.

Same concept applies vice-versa to covered put option strategy but in the opposite direction.

These are the following conditions which need to be taken into consideration before applying these strategies:

1. The stock needs to b a market mover. At the same time it works at its best when the stock is purely sideways.

2. It should have good liquidity in options. Otherwise due to less volume premium will have much varied bid and offer rates.

3. Choose either ATM or OTM options.

4. Both FUT and shorting the option should be taken and covered at the same time. If short not covered then it will be a naked short which is highly risky and loss is unlimited. So disclaimer of risk in shorting naked options will always be there.

Here are the few Nifty stocks which are market movers with good liquid options. SBI, Reliance, Tisco, JPAsso, Renuka, Chambal Fert, IFCI, ICICI Bank. Last but not the least in index category, Nifty Future

Comercio feliz. Priya.


Very nice and easy to understand strategy. ¿Puedo pedirle que explique en algún otro artículo - ¿Qué es vega en el comercio de opciones. Can you pls explain with an example if time permits you. I browsed through Investopedia. com and saw the definition. But I want to understand with an example. If you could help me in this regard, it will be great.

Dear Veer, thank you. Vega is a term used to indicate the variation of premium in the option related to 1% change in volatility in the underlying stock. simply saying the effect of change in volatility of the stock on its related option. We have different kinds of options. ATM, ITM, OTM, …AtTheMoney, InTheMoney, OutTheMoney. If we take ATM options, they have sensitive movement to the change in the volatility of the underlying stock. OTM are very less sensitive. Ex: Today tisco trading in the range of 10 to 15rs(608-625). So, if u take ATM calls like is also varying between 11 to 18 premium. Means 15rs change in stock tend to create nearly 7rs change in premium in the ATM call. If you consider OTM call like 640 or 680 then the movement is very less. Infact there are other terms like Gamma, delta, theta, etc.. I did not give complete meaning of vega here..but in my coming posts I will try to explain about all these terms in detail, in a separate article, once time permits. hope Im clear with this little information for overall understanding of what you asked about.

In fact today, if anyone observed Tisco and SBI both are clear examples of what we discussed here in the above article.

Tisco -- at spot 608, 620ca was around 10..when it bounced to 618 the 620ca bounced to 15.5 approx…Means, 10rs profit in Tisco fut and 5.5 to 6rs loss in the 620ca short. Over all 4rs profit. This is one cycle of covered call. Those who take more than one…multiply it with 4.

SBI -- When spot is around 3005, 3100ca trading around 48 approx…those who long in sbi fut with nearest support and short 3100ca..Later spot went 3172, and 3100ca went 107approx.. Means 168rs profit in sbi fut and 60rs loss in short call. Net profit = 168-60 = 108rs * 125 lot size = Rs.13500

SBI and Tisco both are good trades. SBI fell almost 500rs from 3500 level..means around 15%..and bounced from good support of 3000..and one could have entered in it with 2960 support as well for more conservative SL. So, friends figure out trades like these and share your observations as well.


Dear sir, I hope that this would be the most simplest form of 5-13 EMA channel system AFL formula working in amibroker 5.30 RC version

PlotOHLC(((EMA( H,5 ))*(1.0009)),((EMA( H,5 ))*(1.0009)),((EMA( L,5 ))*(.9991)),((EMA( L,5 ))*(.9991)),””, ColorBlend( colorGreen, 0.9 ), styleCloud|4096,0,0,13);

User please copy and paste this in a price chart you will get the chart


Thank you very much for your explanation (vega) with example.

As regards the article -- I have one clarification. When we are long in future and then instead of selling the call in option - can we take put option (which is actually a hedge - but it gives the same implication of covered call). Why I am asking this is -- the margin requirement will be high when you sell the call -- but when you buy the put, you have to shell out the money only to the extent of premium. Please give your opinion - the pros and cons.

No, I don’t encourage hedging with take long positions either in call or put. The following are the demerits: 1. Option premium is effected much by factors such as time and intrinsic value and volatility of the underlying stock. so, assume u long in FUT and took a Put to hedge..and if the stock doesn’t move..gud that there is no loss in FUT but as time prolongs the put premium gradually looses and by expiry it will be ZERO. So, u lose complete prm.

If you are short in the Call..then assume FUT or underlying stock didnt move at all…but the prm in call goes down and this premium is ur profit. So always perfer covered strategy.

I can give several scenarios..take Nifty few sessions bak…when Nifty is at 6350 then 65ce is around 40…when nifty comes down to 6300 then assume call is 30…and when nifty again goes to 6350…do you think call will be 40..NOWAY.

There was huge gapup during before last week and for 80points up in nifty…only 5 points up in 64ce…even sometimes ATM options also wont move….coz Writers always is poor retailers get into trap

Assume, you took Nifty short in Fut and hedged with buying a 62 or 63ca.. and last week this happened..that 80points gapup but ca didnt move at all..means you are in 80points loss in FUT and just 5points gain in it wont be a valid hedge always. Very rarely this type of hedging works..if trend is one way and expiry is far away. So, DONT HEDGE with long positions in options. Yes, it is taken for granted that margin is almost one FUT margin to short..but consider the merits of this system. Also, I want to mention here that to short options it takes not the full margin of FUT but less than FUT margin only, span margin is given exemption(which is around 5% i think.)..while shorting options. excuse me for my chat lang..(shortcut lang )

Dear mr. rajandran,

here is an afl code. but its giving some errors in 5.30 ver of ami. can u plz look into the code and rectify it. tx in adv.

_SECTION_BEGIN(“P&F Daily”); //AFL P&F Chart for Amibroker Indicator window. Based on High/low prices. //Based on code in AB help files //Reverse is 2 boxes. //Graham Kavanagh 30 Sep 2003

//Size for P&F boxes boxsize=IIf(C>=0.01 AND C=10 AND C=20 AND C=30 AND C=40 AND C=50 AND C=60 AND C=70 AND C=80 AND C=90 AND C=100 AND C=150 AND C=200 AND C=250 AND C=300 AND C=350 AND C=400 AND C=450 AND C=500 AND C=550 AND C=600 AND C=650 AND C=700 AND C=750 AND C=800 AND C=850 AND C=900 AND C=950 AND C=1000 AND C=1100 AND C=1200 AND C=1300 AND C=1400 AND C=1500 AND C=1600 AND C=1700 AND C=1800 AND C=1900 AND C=2000 AND C=2100 AND C=2200 AND C=2300 AND C=2400 AND C=2500 AND C=2600 AND C=2700 AND C=2800 AND C=2900 AND C=3000 AND C=3100 AND C=3200 AND C=3300 AND C=3400 AND C=3500 AND C=3600 AND C=3700 AND C=3800 AND C=3900 AND C=4000 AND C=4100 AND C=4200 AND C=4300 AND C=4400 AND C=4500 AND C=4600 AND C=4700 AND C=4800 AND C=4900 AND C=5000 AND C=6000 AND C=7000 AND C=8000 AND C=9000 AND C=10000 AND C=11000 AND C=12000 AND C=13000 AND C=14000 AND C=15000 AND C=16000 AND C=17000 AND C=18000 AND C=19000 AND C=20000 AND C=21000 AND C=22000 AND C=23000 AND C=24000 AND C=25000 AND C=26000 AND C=27000 AND C=28000 AND C=29000 AND C=30000 AND C=31000 AND C=32000 AND C=33000 AND C=34000 AND C<35000, 175, 200 )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))); Box = LastValue(boxsize); HX = round((H/box)*10)/10; LX = round((L/box)*10)/10; RH = floor(HX); FL = ceil(LX);

// initialize first element j = 0;

Reverse = 3; // reversal requirement

PFC[j] = FL[0]; PFO[j] = PFC[j] + 1; down = 1; // By default the first bar is a down bar. up = 0; swap = 0;

// perform the loop that produces PF Chart for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )

if( FL[i] = PFC[j] + Reverse && down) //Change direction to up j++; swap = 1; PFC[j] = RH[i]; PFO[j] = PFC[j]-1; > > if( RH[i] >= PFC[j] + 1 && up) //Continue up PFC[j] = RH[i]; PFO[j] = PFC[j] -- 1; > else if( FL[i] Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(HHV(PFC,1),-1)-1,Max(PFO, PFC))*Box; L = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(HHV(PFC,1),-1)-1,IIf(Ref(PFC,-1) PFO, 1,-1);

GraphXSpace = 2; Title =”No Jscript ” + Name()+ ” PF HiLo, H: ” + H+ “, L: ” + L+”, Box: “+ box + “, Reversal: ” + reverse;

Plot( C, “P&F Chart Close”, IIf( PFC > PFO, colorBlue, colorRed ), styleCandle+styleNoLabel+stylePointAndFigure);

hbar1 = H ; hbar2 = Ref(H,-2) ;

lbar1 = L ; lbar2 = Ref(L,-2) ;

Buy = IIf( hbar1 > hbar2 AND PFC > PFO, True, False); Sell = IIf(lbar1 < lbar2 AND PFC < PFO, True, False);

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell ); Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );

PlotShapes(shapeSmallUpTriangle * Buy, colorGreen, 0, L, -12); PlotShapes(shapeSmallDownTriangle * Sell, colorRed, 0, H, -12);

& Quot; Last Bar " + LastValue( BarIndex()-2 );

AlertIf( Sell, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Ding. wav", "Sell", 2 ); AlertIf( Buy, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Ding. wav", "Buy", 1 );

Filter = 1; /* all symbols and quotes accepted */ //filer = Buy OR Sell ; AddColumn(Open,"OPEN",1); AddColumn(High,"HIGH",1); AddColumn(Low,"LOW",1); AddColumn(Close,"CLOSE",1); AddColumn(V,"VOLUME",1); AddColumn(x,"Buy Above". 1); AddColumn(y,"Sell Below", 1); AddColumn(hbar2,"Hbar-2", 1);

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Point & Figure w Values adj" );

SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "BackGroundColor", colorBlack) );

GridColor = ParamColor( "GridColor", colorLightGrey );

Scaling = ParamList( "Scaling Method", "Traditional|Percentage|AVG True Range" );

if ( scaling == "Traditional" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 );

if ( scaling == "Percentage" )

Box = Param( "Box ", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 ) / 100 * LastValue( C );

if ( scaling == "AVG True Range" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.3, 5, 0.1 ) * LastValue( ATR ( 20 ) );

Reverse = Param( "Reverse", 3, 1, 5 );

PFL[0] = Box * ceil( Low[0] / Box ) + Box;

PFH[0] = Box * floor( High[0] / Box );

for ( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )

//Load into Indicator Builder

//Sensitivity of the levels can be changed with the variables

//Can test different numbers live with the Param function ctrl-R with open pane

RSIperiod = Param(“RSI p”,2,2,30,1);

EMAperiod = Param(“EMA p”,5,3,10,1);

Percent = Param(“ZIG %”,3,1,15,1);

HHVperiod = Param(“HHV p”,6,2,10,1);

NumLine = Param(“Num Lines”,2,1,20,1);

//Base = EMA(RSI(RSIperiod),EMAperiod); //base = CCI(14); Base = DEMA(RSI(RSIperiod),EMAperiod);

//Plot(EMA(C, 10), “EMA-10”, colorRed, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoRescale); //Plot(EMA(C, 20), “EMA-20”, colorBlue, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoRescale); //Plot(EMA(C, 50), “EMA-50”, colorBlack, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoRescale);

pp = (H + L + C)/3; //Plot(EMA(Ref(pp, -1), 3), “EMA pp”, colorWhite, styleLine|styleNoRescale);

red = green = 0; for( i = 1; i <= numline; i++ )

Plot(ValueWhen( ResBase==Base, HHV(H, HHVperiod) ), "Resist Level", colorRed, styleLine|styleNoRescale); Plot(ValueWhen( supbase==Base, LLV(L, HHVperiod) ), "Support Level", colorGreen, styleLine|styleNoRescale); red = IIf(resbase == base, 1, 0); green = IIf(supbase == base, 1, 0); >

r1[1] = 0; s1[1] = 0; for (i = 1; i <= numline; i++) resbase = LastValue(Peak(base, percent, i)); supbase = LastValue(Trough(base, percent, i));

r = SelectedValue(ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod))); s = SelectedValue(ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod)));

r1[i] = r; r1[i+numline] = s; //r1[i] = SelectedValue(ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod))); //s1[i] = SelectedValue(ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod))); >

r1 = sort(r1); "R1-1: " + WriteVal(r1[1], 1.2); "R1-2: " + WriteVal(r1[2], 1.2); "R1-3: " + WriteVal(r1[3], 1.2);

// find nearest three resistance lines (values above current high) near_r1[1] = 0; j = 1; for (i = 1; i SelectedValue(H)) near_r1[j] = r1[i]; j = j + 1; >>

“Linregslope of Close: ” + WriteVal(LinRegSlope(C, 3), 1.2); & # 8221; Current High: ” + WriteVal(H, 1.2); & # 8221; Nearest Resistance Levels: “; “R1: ” + WriteVal(near_r1[1], 1.2); “R2: ” + WriteVal(near_r1[2], 1.2);

// find nearest three nearest support lines (values below current low) near_s1[1] = 0; j = 1; for(i=numline*2; i >= 1; i--) if (r1[i] 0) near_s1[j] = r1[i]; j++; >>

& # 8221; Current Low: ” + WriteVal(L, 1.2); & # 8221; Nearest Support Levels: “; “S1: ” + WriteVal(near_s1[1], 1.2); “S2: ” + WriteVal(near_s1[2], 1.2);

// Test /* resbase = LastValue(Peak(base, percent, 1)); supbase = LastValue(Trough(base, percent, 1)); sup1 = ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod)); res1 = ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod)); “Resbase: ” + WriteVal(resbase, 1.2); “SUpbase: ” + WriteVal(supbase, 1.2); “Supp1: ” + WriteVal(sup1, 1.2); “Res1: ” + WriteVal(res1, 1.2);

resbase = LastValue(Peak(base, percent, 2)); supbase = LastValue(Trough(base, percent, 2)); sup1 = ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod)); res1 = ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod)); & # 8221; “; “Resbase2: ” + WriteVal(resbase, 1.2); “SUpbase2: ” + WriteVal(supbase, 1.2); “Supp2: ” + WriteVal(sup1, 1.2); “Res2: ” + WriteVal(res1, 1.2);

resbase = LastValue(Peak(base, percent, 3)); supbase = LastValue(Trough(base, percent, 3)); sup1 = ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod)); res1 = ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod)); & # 8221; “; “Resbase3: ” + WriteVal(resbase, 1.2); “SUpbase3: ” + WriteVal(supbase, 1.2); “Supp3: ” + WriteVal(sup1, 1.2); “Res3: ” + WriteVal(res1, 1.2);

// End test ” “; “Base: ” + WriteVal(base, 1.2); WriteIf(red, “Resistance”, “”); WriteIf(green, “Support”, “”); & # 8221; “;

“; Title = Name() + “; & # 8221; + Date() + “: Support & Resistance Levels using RSI: ” + EncodeColor(colorGreen)+ “Support Levels are Green; “+EncodeColor(colorRed)+ “Resistance Levels are Red: “+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+”Number of lines of each =”+WriteVal(numline,1) + EncodeColor(colorRed) + ” EMA-10: ” + WriteVal(EMA(C, 10), 1.2) + EncodeColor(colorBlue) + ” EMA-20: ” + WriteVal(EMA(C, 20), 1.2) + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + ” EMA-50: ” + WriteVal(EMA(C, 50), 1.2) ;

SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor(“BgTop”, colorTeal),ParamColor(“BgBottom”, colorLightGrey));

_N(Title = StrFormat(“ > -- > > Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol ” +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +” >”, O, H, L, C));

Hh = HHV(C,1) ; Ll = LLV(C,1) ;

Hh = Ref(HHV(C,1),-1) ; Ll = Ref(LLV(C,1),-1);

//Plot(Hh,”1 Bar High”,colorGreen, styleLine); //Plot(Ll,”1 Bar Low”,colorRed, styleLine);

Plot(Close,”Close”, IIf(C > Hh, colorBrightGreen, IIf(C Hh; Sell = C < Ll;

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell ); Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );

PlotShapes(shapeUpTriangle* Buy, colorGreen, 0, L ); PlotShapes(shapeDownTriangle* Sell, colorRed, 0, H ); "Jeevan's Advice: "+WriteVal(0); "Bullish if Closing Above. "+WriteVal(Hh,1.01); "Bearish if Closing Below: "+WriteVal(Ll,1.01); "Current Close. "+WriteVal(Close,1.0);

Gracias. Gracias. Thank you very much for the detailed. concise and to the point of clarification.

Please, as promised by you, ( I am requesting you also), please post your explanation of other “greeks in options” with examples whenever time permits you. You are to the point and concise.

Thanking once again for sharing the knowledge.

I am new to option strategies and i read your posts, just one thing would like to know that if i sell call or sell put do i have to buy stocks in cash in the end if the person who has purchased call or put exercise his option. Or as you have mentioned i can sell call or put and buy futures for the given stock will do.

Second one can i square off the position when i want or i have to wait till the expiry.

Kindly reply though it’s very basic question.

Thanks and do share informative articles.

This combination works for future with options. Generally people hedge stocks with options(call or put) accordingly. But if I understood correctly you asked if you already sold a call or put then to buy stocks in cash or not..this is not any type of hedging. Options itself is a hedging tool. Options tend to lose its value coz of the factors such as vega, theta, rho, etc ( value, time, interest rate respectively which I will discuss in the coming post). This kind of losing value we can encash using the strategy which I discussed about covered call and put.

Second -- regarding squaring off position -- when you close the future then strictly cover the option that you might have shorted. Otherwise it will remain as naked shorting and its very risky. You can wait till expiry also. But when you take the position for covered call or put then take them at a time without time gap and also cover them at a time. Provided you always entertain entry or exit of both at a time, you can squareoff anytime.

Thanks for quick reply.

My first question was that say i don’t have stocks in cash but still want to use the covered strategy by buying/selling future of the stock and buying/selling of call/put of that stock. So my question do i really need to have stock in cash or even if i have futures will do and than i can buy/sell call/put.

Can you elaborate on second statement of covered call without time gap you mean without much delay, so i can first buy futures and than i can short call/put without much delay.

Sorry for stupid questions.

Really appreciate your help.

Hi, what is the margin requirement for covered positions, are you paying margin on short call / put. It should not be margined since it is not naked but brokers here don’t seem to understand it. Let me know how much margin is getting blocked, thnx.

Hai Priya, I am a physically handicapped man..I was a wrong trader in nifty…I have almost quited the sharemarket..But your article made me very confident..I want to know more about this covered call strategy..Can you help me? I had lost 150000rs in option trading..can you give me some advices

hi sir my name is nagaraju how is option trade i have intrested option trade

Shankar More says

This is shankar from mumbai. wish to learn Option trading. do you conduct training on option strategies.

if you are not from mumbai then pls suggest some one good trainer for option trading.

Hi Priya is from Hyderabad and now she is no more into stock markets.

dear rajendran sir,

i need to add nse lot size and margin data to ami charts.

is there any function to do it.

i’m new to codes.

my logic thinking is if name () = NIFTY-I, then lot size = 25, margin = 20,000, else if name = tatasteel then lot = 500, margin = 50,000, ……. etc

i’m ready to change margin data on daily basis, even if its aprox. De acuerdo.

can u help in coding this.


pradeep kumar says

I wanted to go for a covered call on nifty futures. your article gave me a courage. Gracias.

Plz suggest which is better one Cover or Collar?

Anantha Raman says

I want to just sell ( for the time being SELLING PUT ONLY) nifty stock options as to avoid the time value effect. ¿Cuáles son los puntos que debo tener en cuenta para la selección de la acción para poner corto. Saludos

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​Futures trading contains substantial risk and is not suitable for every investor. Un inversionista podría perder todo o más de la inversión inicial. Capital de riesgo es el dinero que se puede perder sin poner en peligro la seguridad financiera o el estilo de vida. Sólo considerar el capital de riesgo que debe ser utilizado para el comercio y sólo aquellos con suficiente capital de riesgo debe considerar la negociación. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. CTFC RULE 4.41 – HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. DESCONOCIDO UN REGISTRO DE RENDIMIENTO REAL, LOS RESULTADOS SIMULADOS NO REPRESENTAN COMERCIO REAL. TAMBIÉN, DADO QUE LOS COMERCIOS NO HAN SIDO EJECUTADOS, LOS RESULTADOS PUEDEN TENERSE COMPARTIDOS POR EL IMPACTO, SI CUALQUIERA, DE CIERTOS FACTORES DE MERCADO COMO LA LIQUIDEZ. LOS PROGRAMAS DE COMERCIO SIMULADOS EN GENERAL ESTÁN SUJETOS AL FACTOR DE QUE SEAN DISEÑADOS CON EL BENEFICIO DE HINDSIGHT. NO SE HACE NINGUNA REPRESENTACIÓN QUE CUALQUIER CUENTA TENDRÁ O ES POSIBLE PARA LOGRAR GANANCIAS O PÉRDIDAS SIMILARES A LOS MOSTRADOS. Todos los oficios, patrones, gráficos, sistemas, etc. discutidos en este sitio web o en el anuncio son sólo con fines ilustrativos y no se interpretan como recomendaciones específicas de asesoramiento. Todas las ideas y materiales presentados aquí son para propósitos informativos y educativos solamente. Nunca se ha desarrollado ningún sistema o metodología comercial que pueda garantizar beneficios o evitar pérdidas. Los testimonios y ejemplos utilizados en este documento son resultados excepcionales que no se aplican a personas promedio y no tienen la intención de representar o garantizar que cualquier persona obtendrá los mismos resultados o resultados similares. Las operaciones que se basan en la dependencia de los sistemas de Trend Methods se toman bajo su propio riesgo para su propia cuenta. No se trata de una oferta de compra o venta de futuros.

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The Covered Call: An Income-Generating Options Strategy

by Michael C. Thomsett

The covered call provides extra income to a buy-and-hold strategy. In exchange for this income, there is a risk of lost opportunity. If the stock’s price rises well above the fixed strike price of the call, you have your 100 shares of stock called away below current market value. For some investors, this is an unacceptable risk; for others, it is gladly accepted given the potential extra returns from writing covered calls.

A Few Options Basics

The popularity of options trading has grown in recent years. Many investors and traders have realized that options can be used not only to speculate, but also as a means for managing a long-term stock portfolio, taking profits without needing to sell stock, and reducing the threat of losses. Among the dozens of possible strategies, covered call writing is especially popular for its potential to generate extra income for a portfolio.

Options are intangible contracts that provide rights to their owners. A call option provides the right to buy shares. (The second type of option, the put, gives you the right to sell.) The stock involved in every call trade is the underlying security. Call options have two other specifications: the expiration date (the date on which an option expires and becomes worthless) and the strike price (the price per share at which 100 shares of an option can be bought or sold when exercised). None of these terms can be changed.

A buyer, or owner, of an option has the right to exercise the contract. In the case of a call, this means that the right involves “calling away,” or purchasing, 100 shares of the stock at the strike price. For example, if you own a 70 call and the underlying stock moves to $85 per share, that call gives you the right to buy 100 shares at $70, or $15 per share below current market value.

Call buyers take considerable risk. About 75% of all calls expire worthless, so buying is a speculative strategy. Some traders use options to time entry and exit points to take advantage of short-term price changes, but as expiration nears, the option loses value.

This happens because part of the option’s premium (the current value of the option), its time value, falls, ending up at zero on expiration day. The rate of decline accelerates as expiration approaches, making buying options a difficult way to profit consistently. (The time to expiration impacts value because the longer the period to expiration, the greater the probability that the stock will reach and move beyond the exercise price. As the expiration date nears, time value decreases because there are fewer days during which the contract can be exercised before it expires.) Time value is a big problem for call buyers.

Selling options is a more profitable approach, for two reasons. First, when you sell an option, you receive the premium instead of paying it. Second, the decline in time value is an advantage to you as a seller. As time value declines, a short call can be closed, creating a profit. This profit is the difference between the original sale price (the option’s premium) and the lower closing purchase price. (When you write, meaning sell, an option contract, you are short the contract. The term “short call” refers to the fact that you want the call contract to decrease in value, to $0, after you have sold it.)

Selling Call Options

You can write a call that is “covered,” meaning you own the underlying shares, or “uncovered,” where you do not already hold the shares.

The Risky Uncovered Call

Selling an uncovered, or “naked,” call is one of the riskiest option strategies because a stock’s price can rise as high as the market moves it. One huge problem with selling calls when you do not own 100 shares of the underlying security is the high risk involved.

For example, if you sell an uncovered 70 call (strike price is $70 per share) and you get a premium of 4 ($400), as long as the stock price remains at or below $70, all of the premium is going to be profit. But what if the stock’s value rises to $95 before the option expiration date? In that case, you would have a net loss of $2,100 because you would need to buy the stock at the prevailing price of $95 in order to deliver it at the previously contracted price of $70. Table 1 shows the math.

The risk of selling an uncovered call is unacceptable for most traders, even though 75% of all calls expire worthless. If the stock price rises, the market risk is simply too great.

The Covered Call Alternative

Just as the uncovered call is a high-risk strategy, the covered call is on the other side of the risk spectrum, relatively speaking. It is one of the most conservative options strategies.

The primary argument against the covered call is that if the stock price rises above the strike price, profits on the stock are limited to the price specified in the contract. In other words, no matter how high the stock trades, you can only sell the stock at the price specified in the contract, which is the “strike price.”

Examples of Covered Calls

The first rule for covered call writing: Pick the company as a first step, based on your investment standards and risk tolerance. This is a huge subject area beyond the scope of covered calls; but it is invariably a mistake to use covered call writing as a primary method for picking stocks.

Assume that you have two stocks you are considering for your portfolio. In both cases, you are happy to hold these stocks for the long term but, given the right premium levels for covered calls, you are also happy to risk having shares called away.

Two stocks are used in the following examples: IBM IBM and Caterpillar CAT. A position of 100 shares in IBM purchased at $120 per share and a position of 100 shares in CAT purchased at $58 per share is assumed. Based on the stock and option values at the close of June 30, 2010, IBM closed at $123.48 and yielded a dividend of 2.1%. Caterpillar closed at $60.07 and yielded a dividend of 2.9%.

The IBM calls available as of the June 30 close are based on a limited range of strikes between 125 and 135 expiring in the three closest expiration months. The CAT calls are based on strikes between 60 and 65 expiring in the three closest expiration months. These months are always the two closest months and the next following month in a stock’s expiration cycle. IBM’s cycle is JAJO (January, April, July, October), while CAT’s cycle is FMAN (February, May, August, November). Calls for both stocks are summarized in Table 2 .

The next step is to pick the “best” strike. All of these are above the purchase price for each of the stocks. However, the premium levels are quite different. The longer the time to expiration, the higher the dollar value of the call for the contract closest to the stock’s current price—but the lower the annualized yield.

To annualize, calculate the yield by dividing the option premium by the current stock price. Then, divide the yield by the holding period (in months) and multiply by 12 (months). This creates the yield earned if the position were kept open exactly one full year. Note that because the date of these options is June 30, the time to the July expiration is 23 days, which makes the holding period about 75% of one month. Table 3 shows the math for calculating the annualized yield based on comparisons between the option premium and current value of the stock for each of the options.

Annualized returns should not be used as a yardstick to judge the value of all covered call writing. For example, a CAT July 60 call shows annualized yield of 61.8%, which is quite impressive. However, this does not mean that writing a series of similar calls is going to produce that rate of return over the coming year. Movement in the stock, changes in markets, and the timing between entry date and expiration make actual returns less certain. However, annualized yield in options analysis is valuable for making accurate comparisons between companies.

In the example above, the yields on Caterpillar are vastly higher than the yields on IBM. This means CAT is a more volatile stock, and thus includes higher market risks than IBM. So the decision to use one company or the other for writing covered calls is a matter of matching the market risk of the stock to the risk tolerance of the individual investor.

A second comparison can be made on dividend yield. Based on the June 30 prices, IBM yielded 2.1% whereas CAT yielded 2.9%. This difference in dividend should also affect the decision to use one stock over the other. The rationale is that the higher yield will produce more relative income.

Assuming you would have picked Caterpillar as a purchase choice, the next step is to compare available options. Table 3 shows that shorter-term options yield better returns than longer-term options. The CAT 60 July call offers comparatively more upside. It yields over 60% annualized while generating immediate income of $232 (the premium payment). Exposure time is about 23 days. If the stock price closes below $60 per share, this call would expire worthless. If exercised, the call writer keeps the $232 plus dividends, plus a capital gain of $200 ($60.00 – $58.00).

These examples use calls that are above the purchase price of the stock. Writing covered calls on a stock whose price has declined below your original purchase price is not recommended. The profit from selling calls with strikes above the price you originally paid for the stock will not be large enough to offset your loss in the stock itself. In this situation, you need to wait out the market until the value of the stock rises above your original cost basis.

Evaluations and Comparisons

Comparing premium income on an annualized basis as well as dividend yield creates valid comparisons in picking a covered call. Here are some additional things to consider when deciding whether or not covered call writing is an appropriate strategy for you:

What are the transaction costs for trading? Calls are quite cheap when compared to stocks; and the trading costs involved are quite low. A round-trip (buy and sell) for a call should be less than $20 if you use an online discount broker.

How about tax consequences? Income from a covered call is always treated as a short-term capital gain or rolled into the capital gain on exercised stock. A more serious tax consequence is the possibility of losing the benefit of long-term gains treatment. If you sell a call that is lower than one increment from latest closing price in most cases (meaning the strike is well below the stock’s current market value), you could be required to treat the gain as a short-term profit. IRS Publication 550 discusses tax issues involving options.

Does it make more sense to just sell the stock? Not every investor holding 100 shares of stock should write covered calls. In some cases, you are better off selling shares and taking profits. If the criteria for holding a company’s stock have changed, it makes sense to sell right away and replace it with shares of a company that do meet your criteria. It may also make sense to take profits when you have a substantial net loss in another transaction, so that losses and profits are offset in the same tax year. And it makes sense to sell when a sector is cyclically moving out of favor or when another company in the same sector has greater growth potential. Covered calls should be written only on shares of companies you would prefer to keep in your portfolio.

Common Options Terms

Call: An option granting its owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy 100 shares of a specified stock, by or before a specific date, and at a specific fixed price.

Covered call: A strategy of selling one call per 100 shares owned of the underlying security. If exercised, the market risk is eliminated because shares are available to be called away. Covered call writers receive the premium and earn dividends as long as they own the stock.

Exercise: Using an option to trade in the underlying security. This entitles the call owner to buy (or, “call away”) 100 shares of stock.

Expiration cycle: The months in which options are going to expire. There are three annual cycles: JAJO (January, April, July, October); FMAN (February, May, August, November); and MJSD (March, June, September, December).

Expiration date: The date on which an option expires and becomes worthless.

Premium: The current value of an option; the amount a buyer has to pay to acquire an option, or the amount a seller receives.

Strike price: The price per share at which 100 shares of stock can be bought or sold when an option is exercised.

Time value: The portion of an option premium based on time to expiration; as expiration approaches, time value declines at an accelerated pace.

Uncovered call: An option contract sold by an investor who does not own 100 shares of the underlying security.

Underlying security: The stock or other security the option contract is written on, which cannot be exchanged or replaced.

Four Outcomes

A covered call is going to end up in one of four ways:

The call option expires worthless. This means that the premium you received is 100% profit. As soon as a call you wrote (aka “a short call”) expires, you can immediately write another call and generate even more short-term income.

You close the position at a profit or to limit a loss. You are free to close a call option you wrote (aka “a short call”) any time before expiration. If the call’s premium drops substantially, it might make sense to execute a closing purchase transaction by buying a call with the same strike price and expiration as the one you wrote, take the profit, and then write later-expiring calls. If the stock price has risen, you can also close a short call to limit losses. This is a logical choice when the loss on the short call is lower than the appreciation in the underlying stock.

The short call is exercised. This can happen at any time, but is most common on the last trading day of the expiration month. In the case of exercise, your 100 shares are called away and your net profits include capital gains, the option premium and dividends.

The short call is rolled forward. You can avoid or delay exercising with a forward roll, a transaction in which you close one call and replace it with another that expires later. A word of caution: The forward roll can unintentionally turn a qualified covered call into an unqualified covered call. A qualified covered call does not change the tax status of the underlying stock, whereas an unqualified covered call can. If you are close to reaching long-term capital gains status on your shares of stock, but your roll creates a new position with a strike more than an increment below current market value, the period counting toward favorable long-term treatment stops. In other words, if the stock is called, you could end up paying taxes on short-term gains regardless of how long you have held the stock. Consult a tax professional about how a covered call strategy will impact your tax situation.


Here are five guidelines for writing covered calls:

Select the stock as a first step. Never buy stock only to write covered calls; apply a sensible standard for picking companies whose stock you want to own.

Be willing to accept exercise. When you sell a covered call, you are granting the right to someone else to call away your stock. You need to be happy selling 100 shares at the strike price.

Pick a strike higher than the price you paid for the stock. If a covered call is exercised, it should yield a capital gain and not a capital loss. For example, if you buy shares at $69, look at calls with strikes of 70 or above. Avoid writing covered calls with strikes below your cost. Your broker will have a table showing contracts for various months.

Include dividends in the comparison. When comparing the income from covered calls, remember that dividends represent part of the overall return. So for two or more stocks you might buy, if the fundamentals are approximately equal, opt for the higher-yielding company.

Make sure you can accept lost opportunity risk. Exercise means you lose the potential for higher capital gains in the stock. So, you must be willing to lose the occasional big profit in a stock in exchange for the income from covered call writing.

Evaluate covered call writing like any other option strategy: Be aware of the risks. For covered calls, you live with the lost opportunity risk or the sacrifice of potential profits you could earn by just owning stock when the price rises dramatically. The covered call fixes your sales price at the strike in exchange for the call premium you receive.

Other important risks are knowledge risk (the risk of entering transactions when you do not fully understand what is involved); capital risk (the need to keep money tied up in the long stock to cover the short option); and the potential risk of having stock called away that you want to keep.

With these risks in mind, if you want to write covered calls, you need to make sure you are willing to accept the premium in exchange for the potential of losing a large capital gain. También debe asegurarse de que entiende la transacción. Finally, you need to know in advance that having stock called away at the strike is an acceptable outcome.


Mike from CA posted over 5 years ago:

Using covered calls to generate monthly income from a portfolio of stocks/ETFs is a good idea in all but a strong bull market. There is a free tutorial (with examples) and a covered call screener here: http://www. borntosell. com

Richard from CA posted over 5 years ago:

I like this strategy in a stock pickers market which I believe we are in. so rather than depending upon the use of ETF to diversify my portfolio and to capture an asset allocated return for safety and marginal return I will pursue a covered call return on a limited number of well investigated "safe stocks"

Kevin from VA posted over 5 years ago:

I like the strategy also and try to find stocks that pay larger than average dividends because you can still collect those dividends therefore adding to your returns.

Samuel from FL posted over 4 years ago:

My interest is in covered calls. You cover this area extremely well. I am interested in leaps. Can you fully explain the theory governing this method. Advise .

Chris from IA posted over 4 years ago:

Writing the call with a buy/write strategy can reduce your initial purchase cost. You can even write an in-the-money (ITM) call if all the possible results are acceptable to you. Writing a (deeper) ITM call is also a way to get a bonus when you want to sell a stock if you are willing to accept the risk of holding on to the stock for a while.

Marc Abear from NH posted over 3 years ago:

Another aspect of covered calls that can work for you is recovery by call. Say you picked a stock because you liked the hypothesis, the financials look good. It becomes a long term buy and hold for you. With that said things go badly despite proper due diligence and the stock price drops below your entry point. Maybe you bought the peak, maybe the market reverses, maybe the industry leader misses earnings and the sector takes a hit. Whatever the reason the stock price dips, maybe not enough to get stopped out but below your entry point.

As long as the stock did not get away from you completely, the recovery by call strategy is to write covered calls repeatedly, usually for low premium levels. The premium collected each time is tracked and when you have recovered the difference between the entry point and the current stock price you can change the break even point of the position giving you a different and earlier decision point for exiting the position without a loss. Certainly if you continue to hold your belief in the security one could stay in the position. but occasionally we change our minds and want to try a different different opportunity.

For all of the billiards players out there, think of it as using a little English to improve your leave.

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Nifty Future Tips

by Dilip Shaw on March 14, 2017

Other than Nifty Option Conservative Course. I also offer an advisory service on Nifty Futures in partnership with India’s top Technical Analysts (TA) Mr. Manish Hathiramani. This is for those who do not have time to learn options and like to do Futures trading only.

We started this service from February 2017. We promised 50 points every month which converts to 9% return a month at current margin block by brokers. We offer money back if we cannot make 150 points in 3 months. Lets assume you have 80,000 in your account, you can trade with 2 lots:

50*(75*2) = Rs.7,500/- profit a month /80000 = 0.093 * 100 = 9.3% return a month. Note that we make more.

How Are We Doing?

Well pics can speak louder than words. Following are screen shots of calls that got triggered and the close calls. No other Nifty advisory company in India can show screen shots as proof of their service. We have made 170+ points in 1 and half months of service. So basically we exceeded what we promised we will make in 3 months, in half the time.

Here is the screen-shot as proof with date and time of the SMS:

Our First Call That Got Triggered on 10-Feb-2017 – SELL NF at 7240

Closed on 11-Feb-2017 at 7166 – 70+ Points Profit Made On Our First Call

Our Second Call Made a Profit of 36 Points – SELL NF at 7047 Close at 7011

Our 3rd call got triggered on 9-Mar-16 – BUY NF at 7504

Clients were asked to book profit at 7575 on 14-Mar-16 – 71 Points Profit

Please note that you get enough time to trade. Our call is given much before Nifty reaches the trigger level, as is clear from the SMS.

Who is Mr. Manish Hathiramani?

Manish Hathiramani, aged 32 is Proprietary Trader and Technical Analyst at Deen Dayal Investments, which is among the most successful and trusted proprietary trading firms in India. It was established by him in September 2008. With over 8 years of experience in the equity markets, he features every week on “Traders 20” on ET NOW and “Halftime Report” on CNBC TV 18. Being among the very few analysts to feature on both channels, Manish now covers over 90% of India’s TRP (Television Rating Point) and continues to be among the youngest and most consistent faces to be seen on business media forums. Armed with over 300 media appearances, Manish has spoken at many international forums namely Dubai, Amsterdam, Moscow, Singapore, Hong Kong and has also been among the fortunate few to have spoken at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva. With this rich experience, he now leaps beyond the shores of India into consulting and advisory services for index trading via RHC Investments, his latest venture in Mauritius.

You can know more about him here:

Do see the Video to know more about him.

He has been mentioned in the The Sindhian magazine in January 2017. Here is the link to download the article in pdf:

Course fee is Rs. 5000/- a month. If interested please contact me. Note that Mr. Manish does not deal with retail clients directly and that this service is exclusive by TheOptionCourse. com. It is a confidential service – you cannot sell or share this service with anyone. We keep your personal info confidential as well.

PD Since we have just started currently this offer is limited to 50 members only per month. If interested contact today.

P. P.S. This service has nothing to so with the Option Trading Course I provide. This is independent service. All calls are generated by Mr. Manish Hathiramani (TA).

Conservative Options & Futures Trading Course

Hi, my conservative trading course is helping many retail traders just like you who have a job or business make consistent profits like this: (Click here for more testimonials .)

Soy Dilip Shaw. Soy un comerciante como tú. He estado negociando desde 2007, pero perdí mucho dinero hasta 2010. Entonces dejé de negociar y estudié opciones como exámenes universitarios. Comenzó a operar de nuevo desde 2011 y nunca volvió a mirar desde entonces. Hice un montón de investigación, leer libros e hizo un sinnúmero de papel de comercio antes de ser rentable. Puedes leer sobre mí aquí.

Ofrezco un curso que puede ayudarle a aprender a negociar estrategias de opciones conservadoras para el ingreso mensual. Una vez que termine el curso puede comenzar a operar de inmediato. Usted puede comenzar a operar desde cualquier día. No hay necesidad de esperar a la expiración. Usted obtendrá beneficios de manera consistente.

Este curso es bueno si usted tiene un trabajo o negocio regular. Usted NO NECESITA monitorear sus operaciones cada segundo.

What You Get? You get two conservative non-directional strategies on options, one conservative stock option strategy and two conservative directional strategies on Future & Option combination. Non directional trades are profitable 80% of the times and make 3-5% per trade (Results may vary). La estrategia direccional hace que el dinero sea rápido. No importa a qué lado se mueve la acción. De hecho usted hace más cuando usted es incorrecto en el comercio futuro. ) El comercio de opciones de acciones hace 30.000 en un comercio y si SL se golpea hay una manera de recuperar las pérdidas más hacer 30k en ese comercio.

No se requiere conocimiento técnico. No hay necesidad de supervisar los oficios cada segundo.

There are a lot of strategies available online so why do the course? If you just know a few strategies on Options, it is NOT enough - you must know HOW TO TRADE these strategies on Nifty to actually make money. There is a lot of difference between knowing a strategy and knowing how to trade that strategy. In the course you will learn HOW TO TRADE the five strategies.

For example you may trade butterfly strategy and I may also trade butterfly, but I will keep making money trading butterfly, and you will keep losing. The point is you must know how to trade the strategy, just knowing the strategy is not enough . (Butterfly no es parte del curso).

En el curso usted aprenderá cómo seleccionar los precios de la huelga. The strike selection is written in percentage terms so you can find strikes for any Stock or Index. You learn when to trade, which strikes to sell which to buy (hedging), how much profit target you should be looking for, the best place to take stop loss (disciplined trading) and what to do after taking stop loss – means how to get that money back. The success rate is more than 80%.

Since trades are properly hedged there is no stress in trading my strategies .

Estoy muy confiado que usted hará el dinero que negocia mis estrategias. Para ayudarlo a tener éxito, ofrezco un año de apoyo desde la fecha de pedido.

To know more Call/SMS/WhatsApp me on 9051143004 or email me now. Sé inglés e hindi.

You can find many testimonials in these pages:

P. S: So many years of trading has thought me one thing - it is always better to make small profits month after month, rather than lose money month after month trying to make too much money. It never happens. Pero el pequeño dinero acumulado mes tras mes puede llegar a ser muy grande en sólo unos pocos años.


Options As A Strategic Investment: 5th Edition

Get your autographed copy of the revised edition of the Options Bible today*

Author: Lawrence G. McMillan

With more than 300,000 copies sold, this blockbuster best-seller is considered to be the bible of options trading. The new 5th edition is completely revised and updated to encompass all the latest options trading vehicles, supplying traders and serious investors with an abundance of new, strategic opportunities for managing their investments.

Don't Trade Options Without It

El mercado de opciones en la lista y los productos de opción no de capital ofrece a los inversores y comerciantes una gran cantidad de nuevas oportunidades estratégicas para gestionar sus inversiones. This updated and revised fifth edition of the bestselling Options as a Strategic Investment gives you the latest market-tested tools for improving the earnings potential of your portfolio while reducing downside risk—no matter how the market is performing.

Inside this revised edition are scores of proven techniques and business-tested tactics for investing in many of the innovative new options products available. You will find:

A complete and in-depth discussion of the newest class of listed volatility derivatives, both futures and options

Portfolio protection techniques explained in depth, using broad-based index put options or the more modern approach—volatility call options

New and updated examples and tables, using the current option symbology, lower commission rates, decimalization of prices, portfolio margin, and weekly options

Updated strategy techniques using synthetic straddles, iron condor spreads, backspreads, put ratio spreads, and dual calendar spreads

Written especially for investors who have some familiarity with the option market, this comprehensive reference also shows you the concepts and applications of various option strategies—how they work, in which situations, and why; Técnicas para el uso de opciones de índices y futuros para proteger la cartera y mejorar la rentabilidad; Y las implicaciones de las leyes fiscales para los escritores de opciones, incluyendo ganancias y pérdidas permisibles a largo plazo. Ejemplos detallados, exposiciones y listas de verificación muestran el poder de cada estrategia bajo condiciones de mercado cuidadosamente descritas.

Click Here for a detailed explanation of the differences between the 4th and 5th editions

detalles del producto

Hardcover: over 1072 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall Press; 5 edition (August 7, 2012)

Your Own Study Guide

Also available is the Options As A Strategic Investment Study Guide. With reading assignments and quizzes, this study guide will help ensure that you've grasped the key concepts of each chapter.


"The options world has a lot to offer investors and traders alike, but it can be dauntingly hard to understand. Since its original publication, Options as a Strategic Investment has answered many a question; and each succeeding edition has answered many more. It is the options reference in our office." John Bollinger - CFA, CMT, President Bollinger Capital Management, Manhattan Beach, California

"Larry McMillan's Fourth Edition of Options as a Strategic Investment is a must read. This latest version of his original classic presents his latest thinking on options. McMillan is truly the master of his field." John Murphy - President, Murphy Morris, Inc. Dallas, Texas

"Larry's book is the bible of the options community. It has established the benchmark by which all other option books are compared - and none measure up." Alex Jacobson - Vice President, International Securities Exchange, New York, New York

"Larry has taken options education into the 21st century with this book. His insights into trading concepts will always stand the test of time. Keeping up with the latest information on options is mandatory and no one does it more masterfully than Larry." Mark D. Cook - Professional Options Trader, Mark D. Cook Trading Instruction, East Sparta, Ohio

"The options product is the premier tool for managing risk, but most professionals are no longer taught about it, and individual investors shun it because of its supposed complexity. Mr. McMillan not only makes this risk management tool easy to understand, but fun to learn. Did you realize that if you own a car you own a put? Read the book and find out how you are already using options as a risk management tool without realizing it. This book should be read by everyone - professionals and individual investors alike." Thomas J. Dorsey - President, Dorsey, Wright & Assoc. Richmond, Virginia

"The best one-stop source of understandable option information that you can act on immediately. Every serious investor should read this book." Ken and Daria Dolan - Heard daily across America on the WOR radio network.

"Mr. McMillan is well established as the leading authority on options trading and information. His contributions to this body of information are well documented and acknowledged by professionals thought the securities industry. This book is an important part of any serious trader's library. I highly recommend it to both inexperienced and experienced option traders alike." Tom DeMark - System Designer and Hedge Fund Consultant, Phoenix, Arizona

Reader Testimonial

"One of the first gifts I received when I started working on a trading desk for an arb fund was your book Options As A Strategic Investment. It has been invaluable, you write very clearly and to the point. As a neophyte who had just passed the series 7 and working on the series 4, most books on options would have been absolutely overwhelming. Your book presents a clear progressive education on the topic and it is a constant resource." M. Marchese

Tabla de contenido

Click each Part below to expand the chapter contents

Part I - Basic Properties of Stock Options

Chapter 1 - Definitions

Elementary Definitions

Factors Influencing the Price of an Option

Exercise and Assignment: The Mechanics

The Options Markets

Option Symbology

Details of Option Trading

Order Entry

Profits and Profit Graphs

Part II - Call Option Strategies

Chapter 2 - Covered Call Writing

The Importance of Covered Call Writing

Covered Writing Philosophy

The Total Return Concept of Covered Writing

Computing Return on Investment

Execution of the Covered Write Order

Selecting a Covered Writing Position

Writing Against Stock Already Owned

Diversifying Return and Protection in a Covered Write

Follow-Up Action

Special Writing Situations

Covered Call Writing Summary

Chapter 3 - Call Buying

Why Buy?

Risk and Reward for the Call Buyer

Which Option to Buy?

Advanced Selection Criteria

Follow Up Action

A Further Comment on Spreads

Chapter 4 - Other Call Buying Strategies

The Protected Short Sale (or Synthetic Put)

Follow Up Actions

The Reverse Hedge (Simulated Straddle)

Follow-Up Action

Altering the Ratio of Long Calls to Short Stock


Chapter 5 - Naked Call Writing

The Uncovered (Naked) Call Option

Investment Required

The Philosophy of Selling Naked Options

Risk and Reward


Chapter 6 - Ratio Call Writing

The Ratio Write

Investment Required

Selection Criteria

The Variable Ratio Write

Follow-Up Action

An Introduction to Call Spread Strategies

Chapter 7 - Bull Spreads

Degrees of Aggressiveness

Ranking Bull Spreads

Follow-Up Action

Other Uses of Bull Spreads


Chapter 8 - Bear Spreads Using Call Options

The Bear Spread

Selecting a Bear Spread

Follow-Up Action


Chapter 9 - Calendar Spreads

The Neutral Calendar Spread

Follow-Up Action

The Bullish Calendar Spread

Follow-Up Action

Using All Three Expiration Series


Chapter 10 - The Butterfly Spread

Selecting the Spread

Follow-Up Action


Chapter 11 - Ratio Call Spreads

Differing Philosophies

Follow-Up Action


Chapter 12 - Combining Calendar and Ratio Spreads

Ratio Calendar Spread

Choosing the Spread

Follow-Up Action

Delta-Neutral Calendar Spreads

Follow-Up Action

Chapter 13 - Reverse Spreads

Reverse Calendar Spreads

Reverse Ratio Spread (Backspread)

Chapter 14 - Diagonalizing a Spread

The Diagonal Bull Spread

Owning a Call for "Free"

Diagonal Backspreads

Call Option Summary

Part III - Put Option Strategies

Chapter 15 - Put Option Basics

Put Strategies

Pricing Put Options

The Effect of Dividends on Put Option Premiums

Exercise and Assignment


Chapter 16 - Put Option Buying

Put Buying versus Short Sale

Selecting Which Put to Buy

Ranking Prospective Put Purchases

Follow-Up Action

Loss-Limiting Action

Equivalent Positions

Chapter 17 - Put Buying in Conjunction with Common Stock Ownership

Which Put to Buy

Tax Considerations

Put Buyins As Protection for the Covered Call Writer

No-Cost Collars

Chapter 18 - Buying Puts in Conjunction with Call Purchases

Straddle Buying

Selecting a Straddle Buy

Follow-Up Action

Buying a Strangle

Chapter 19 - The Sale of a Put

The Uncovered Put Sale

Follow-Up Action

Evaluating a Naked Put Write

Buying Stock below Its Market Price

The Covered Put Sale

Ratio Put Writing

Chapter 20 - The Sale of a Straddle

The Covered Straddle Write

The Uncovered Straddle Write

Selecting a Straddle Write

Follow-Up Action

Equivalent Stock Position Follow-Up

Starting Out with the Protection in Place

Strangle (Combination) Writing

Further Comments on Uncovered Straddle and Strangle Writing

Chapter 21 - Synthetic Stock Positions Created by Puts and Calls

Synthetic Long Stock

Synthetic Short Sale

Splitting the Strikes


Chapter 22 - Basic Put Spreads

Bear Spread

Bull Spread

Calendar Spread

Chapter 23 - Spreads Combining Calls & Puts

The Butterfly Spread

Combining an Option Purchase and a Spread

A Simple Follow-Up Action for Bull or Bear Spreads

Three Useful but Complex Strategies

Selecting the Spreads


Chapter 24 - Ratio Spreads Using Puts

The Ratio Put Spread

Using Deltas

The Ratio Put Calendar Spread

A Logical Extension (The Ratio Calendar Combination)

Put Option Summary

Chapter 25 - LEAPS

Los basicos

Pricing LEAPS

Comparing LEAPS and Short-Term Options

LEAPS Strategies

Speculative Option Buying with LEAPS

Selling LEAPS

Spreads Using LEAPS


Part IV - Additional Considerations

Chapter 26 - Buying Options and Treasury Bills

How the Treasury Bill/Option Strategy Operates


Chapter 27 - Arbitrage

Basic Put and Call Arbitrage ("Discounting")

Dividend Arbitrage

Conversions and Reversals

More on Carrying Costs

Back to Conversions and Reversals

Risks in Conversions and Reversals

Summary of Conversion Arbitrage

The "Interest Play"

The Box Spread

Variations on Equivalence Arbitrage

The Effects of Arbitrage

Risk Arbitrage Using Options

Pairs Trading

Facilitation (Block Positioning)

Chapter 28 - Mathematical Applications

The Black-Scholes Model

Expected Return

Applying the Calculations to Strategy Decisions

Facilitation or Institutional Block Positions

Aiding in Follow-Up Action



Part V - Index Options and Futures

Chapter 29 - Introduction to Index Option Products and Futures


Cash-Based Options


Options on Index Futures

Standard Options Strategies Using Index Options

Put-Call Ratio


Chapter 30 - Stock Index Hedging Strategies

Market Baskets

Program Trading

Index Arbitrage

Follow-Up Strategies

Market Basket Risk

Impact on the Stock Market

Simulating an Index

Trading the Tracking Error


Chapter 31 - Index Spreading

Chapter 32 - Structured Products

Part I: "Riskless" Ownership of A Stock or Index

The "Structure" of a Structured Product

Cash Value

The Cost of the Imbedded Call Option

Price Behavior Prior to Maturity


Computing the Value of the Imbedded Call When the Underlying Is Trading at a Discount

The Adjustment Factor

Other Constructs

Option Strategies Involving Structured Products

Lists of Structured Products

Part II: Pructs Designed to Provide "Income"


Call Feature

A PERCS Is a Covered Call Write

Price Behavior

PERCS Strategies

PERCS Summary

Other Structured Products

Structure Product Summary

Chapter 33 - Mathematical Considerations for Index Products


Mathematical Applications

Chapter 34 - Futures and Futures Options

Futures Contracts

Options on Futures

Futures Option Trading Strategies

Commonplace Mispricing Strategies


Chapter 35 - Futures Option Strategies for Futures Spreads

Futures Spreads

Using Futures Options in Futures Spreads


Part VI - Measuring and Trading Volatility

Chapter 36 - The Basics of Volatility Trading

Definitions of Volatility

Another Approach: GARCH

Promedios móviles

Volatilidad implícita

The Volatility of Volatility

Negociación de volatilidad

Why Does Volatility Reach Extremes?


Chapter 37 - How Volatility Affect Popular Strategies


Implied Volatility and Delta

Effects on Neutrality

Position Vega

Outright Option Purchases and Sales

Time Value Premium is a Misnomer

Volatility and the Put Option

Straddle or Strangle Buying and Selling

Call Bull Spreads

Vertical Put Spreads

Put Bear Spreads

Calendar Spreads

Ratio Spreads and Backspreads


Chapter 38 - Distribution of Stock Prices

Misconceptions about Volatility

Volatility Buyer's Rule!

The Distribution of Stock Prices

What This Means for Option Traders

Stock Price Distribution Summary

The Pricing of Options

The Probability of Stock Price Movement

Expected Return


Chapter 39 - Volatility Trading Techniques

Two Ways Volatility Predictions Can Be Wrong

Trading the Volatility Prediction

Trading the Volatility Skew

Volatility Trading Summary

Chapter 40 - Advanced Concepts

Historical and Implied Volatility

The "Greeks"

Strategy Considerations: Using the "Greeks"

Advanced Mathematical Concepts


Chapter 41 - Volatility Derivatives


Calculation of VIX

Listed Volatility Futures

Other Listed Volatility Products

Listed VIX Options

Trading Strategies: Directional Signals

Using VIX Futures Information

Using and Trading the Term Structure

Protecting a Stock Portfolio With Volatility Derivatives

Other Macro Strategies

Hedged Strategies Using Volatility Derivatives

Ratio Spreads With VIX Options

Volatility Derivatives Summary

Chapter 42 - Taxes


Basic Tax Treatment

Exercise and Assignment

Special Tax Problems


Tax Planning Strategies for Equity Options


Chapter 43 - The Best Strategy?

General Concepts: Market Attitude and Equivalent Positions

What Is Best for Me Might Not Be Best For you

Mathematical Ranking



Part VII - Appendices

Appendix A - Strategy Summary

Appendix B - Equivalent Positions

Appendix C - Formulae

Appendix D - Graphs

Appendix E - Qualified Covered Calls

Appendix F - Portfolio Margin



Order your autographed copy of the revised edition of the Options Bible today and receive FREE SHIPPING!*

*Free shipping discount can only be applied to full-priced domestic orders of the "Book Only" option. Does not apply to the Study Guide or package.

List Price: $100.00

Negociar o invertir ya sea en margen o de otro modo conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todas las personas. El apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir negociar o invertir, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y capacidad para tolerar riesgos. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial o incluso más que su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio y la inversión, y buscar el asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros. Visit the Disclosure & Policies page for full website disclosures.

Testimonials*: Testimonials are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons providing the testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Tampoco ha habido ningún intento de determinar si los testimonios son representativos de las experiencias de todas las personas que utilizan los métodos descritos en este documento o comparar las experiencias de las personas que dieron los testimonios después de los testimonios se dieron. You should not necessarily expect the same or similar results.

Performance Results: Past performance results for advisory services and educational products are shown for illustration and example only, and are hypothetical.



There are 3 simple option strategies. Straddle, Strangle and Gut.

1. Straddle is a volatile option strategy or what we call Market Neutral Strategy. Being market neutral means that a long Straddle profits no matter if the underlying asset goes up or down. Yes, a Long Straddle allows you to simply put on the position and then totally take your mind off the stock as you will be in profit no matter if the underlying asset goes up or down.(Example: when nifty is around 4100 buying 1 lot 4100 call and 1 lot 4100put)

2. Strangle is a volatile option trading strategy that profits when the stock goes up or down strongly. The Strangle is a cousin of the long Straddle and the Long Gut, making up a family of basic volatile options strategies. Learning the Straddle first makes the Strangle easy to understand.(Example: when nifty is around 4100 buying 1 lot 4200 call and 1 lot of 4000 put)

3. Gut Spread is a volatile option trading strategy designed to profit when the underlying stock moves strongly upwards or downwards. The Long Gut Spread is a cousin of the Long Straddle and the Long Strangle with the only difference being that in the money options are used instead. La propagación de intestino largo es útil cuando no en las opciones de dinero están disponibles cuando se desea utilizar un Straddle. In fact, since exactly at the money options are so rare, the Long Gut Spread using in the money options and the Long Strangle using out of the money options are far more commonly used than the Straddle. (Example: when nifty is around 4100 buying 1 lot 4000 call and 1 lot 4200 put)

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Options and Strategies for Fiscal Consolidation in India

Abstract: The paper uses a multi-region DSGE model to quantify the macroeconomic implications of three adjustment scenarios for India: growth-friendly, social-friendly, and a benchmark case centered on bringing down unproductive spending and strengthening the consumption tax. Simulations indicate that fiscal consolidation yields considerable long-term benefits but also entails output costs in the near term. The scenarios in which deficit reduction is accompanied by greater investment and social spending lead to better results than the benchmark case. El paquete de consolidación por sí solo no es suficiente para maximizar las ganancias netas. Other factors, such as the pace and the credibility of consolidation, the concomitant implementation of structural reforms, and global economic conditions, play a critical role in the success of fiscal consolidation.

Related works: Journal Article: Options and strategies for fiscal consolidation in India (2017) This item may be available elsewhere in EconPapers: Search for items with the same title.

Referencia de exportación: BibTeX RIS (EndNote, ProCite, RefMan) HTML / Texto

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Options and strategies for fiscal consolidation in India

Abstract: This paper uses a multi-region dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to study options and strategies for fiscal consolidation in India. The challenge for India is how to put public finances on a more sustainable footing while preserving the potential for high growth and attenuating the adverse consequences on the needy. We analyze the macroeconomic implications of three fiscal consolidation scenarios. A “benchmark” case based on authorities' intentions that reduces government consumption, general transfers, and strengthens consumption tax collection; a “growth-friendly” that reallocates the savings to more public investment; and a “social-friendly” scenario that equally reallocates the savings between more public investment and more transfers to households excluded from the financial system. The simulations indicate that fiscal consolidation yields considerable long-term benefits and also entails output costs in the near term. Growth outcomes are better under the growth-friendly and social-friendly scenarios. These consolidation scenarios alone are not enough to maximize net gains for India. Other factors, such as the pace of consolidation, the combination with structural reforms and external economic conditions, play a critical role in the success of fiscal consolidation.

Related works: Working Paper: Options and Strategies for Fiscal Consolidation in India (2017) This item may be available elsewhere in EconPapers: Search for items with the same title.

Referencia de exportación: BibTeX RIS (EndNote, ProCite, RefMan) HTML / Texto

Economic Modelling is currently edited by S. Hall and P. Pauly

More articles in Economic Modelling from Elsevier Series data maintained by Zhang, Lei ( ).

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ETF Options Strategies

For today we've got natural gas which is one of my favorite longs pulled back into the 8 EMA. Still looking for one -- we are due for a rest here for sure -- still looking for one little kicker bounce before we kind of go into a choppy sideways for probably like a week or so. Y luego después de eso busca un movimiento continuo más alto.

And then for USO also it held it's 21 EMA on Friday and looks pretty good here. If we can take out these highs we actually should get a nice seasonal run into Q 1. That could actually last for several weeks. So that is one that's setting up really nice right here.

And then TLT is still one of my favorite ones to the down side, i. e. buying puts. And you could see on a weekly chart that the momentum here has turned red. So we are off and running on all cylinders here for a short play, meaning buying puts.

What about the FMOC Meeting?

The one danger of course is we have the FMOC meeting this week. And so now you might ask, So what do we do in that regard? I actually just tend to look at the charts first. Charts in my experience tend to tell me what's happening correctly 80 percent of the time. So I am fine with buying puts here.

If the Fed comes out and says, you know what, we're going to keep doing quantitative easing and we're going to double it, obviously at that point TLT is going to rocket higher and I'll lose money but at this point I am willing to you know, moderate my risk obviously and then set up the trade accordingly. So something like this, if it may seem a risk, the simple answer to that, is just to trade smaller. but trust the chart, OK. It's all about probabilities. Espero eso ayude. You guys have a great night and we'll see you at the next update.

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Hi, This is Durgaa Prasad Avnii, i like this strategy very much and which one is the best to trade. in-the-money(ITM),at-the-money(ATM) or out-the-money(OTM) strike price? here same strike price is important or premium has to the same, which one is the important? and what is the difference between straddle & strangle strategy?.And is this work for writing strategy? sellcall+sellput.

Ir para las primas iguales con cerca de los contratos, en lugar de lejos. Straddle y Strangle son los mismos.

Puede que no funcione para escribir realmente. Y la escritura requerirá mayor margen, lo que significa ganancias menores. Si desea hacer la escritura, escribir cerca de la expiración y permanecer lejos es seguro. Recuerde que técnicamente hablando, las pérdidas ilimitadas son posibles por escrito.

12-03-2017 06:19 PM

Hi Manikandan sir,

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Investment needed: Rs.10,000 Suitable Trading days: 1st to 20th of every month (Better to avoid last week of expiry)

This strategy will give best returns when you expect Nifty or any stock to move either ways with big move.

Example: Nifty Spot (5700) Trade: Buy Nifty Call 5800 & Nifty Put 5600.

Say Nifty CE 5800 is 50Rs. &erio; Nifty PE 5600 50Rs. (Just a rough figure)

Buy 2 lots of Put & Call options, so total investment = 50*100+50*100=10,000Rs.

Si Nifty rompe la resistencia y sigue moviéndose más alto, el valor Nifty CE 5800 (Rs.50) aumentará. Si Nifty rompe el soporte y sigue moviéndose, disminuirá el valor de Nifty PE 5600 (Rs.50).

Say if Nifty SPOT is 5500 now, then your investment value will be Nifty CE 5800==Rs.9 & Nifty PE 5600 ==Rs.120

Total value = 9*100+120*100=Rs.12900

Total Profit=Rs.10,000-12,900= Rs.2,900.

Your Returns is 29%.

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Estrategias de negociación de opciones binarias

Binary options are a great investment to consider if you are looking for a way to earn some extra money. There are many different type of investment securities, but one that stands out the most, especially when trading online, is binary options. Its simplicity and high returns make them extremely popular. The basic principle of binary options, as with all investments, is to buy low and sell high. As you are already reading this, you are probably familiar with binary options strategies and are itching to start investing. Or, perhaps you’ve been investing for sometime and want to know how you can grow your returns on your binary option investments. Either way, you’ve come to the right place, it’s about time we talk binary options strategy.

List of Strategies

Below we’ll discuss a few investment techniques that if used correctly can generate maximize returns.

Investing in Call/Put Options

Generally in binary options the most common type of investment are Call or Put options, depending on which option you chose you can gain money if the underlying asset is trending up or down. If the investment ends “in the money”, you take 100% of the investment. If it expires “out of the money” brokers usually offer a return on invested money, usually 15%. So you don’t have to worry about losing everything.

Investing in both Call and Put options at the same time.

If you want to gain the highest returns possible, there are some binary option trading strategies that can be very effective. For example, buying a put option and a call option at the same time. How does this work? If you bought a call option which is quickly approaching expiration “out of the money”, you can purchase a put option which will expire “in the money”, hedging your losses.

Doubling Down

The above binary options trading strategies for investing are the most typical. Sin embargo, para aquellos que saben más acerca de los mercados financieros, puede optar por duplicar el valor de su inversión. For example, if you’ve purchased an option and after close observation of the price trends, you anticipate it will expire “in the money”, a very successful strategy is to buy another of the same option, significantly increasing your profits.

Following the Market

Another effective but complex binary options strategy is based on following trending news reports regarding the asset in which you choose to invest. If we consider an investment in currency pairs for example, imagine that news outlets are running reports after reports the dollar will fall. In this scenario, it would be wise to buy a put option on dollar yen currency pair.

Similarly to currency pairs, if news reports suggest a shift on the market that can be beneficial make sure to seize the opportunity. For investors with a sound understanding of financial market behavior and movements, who can analyze the news and even anticipate trends, it shouldn’t be very difficult to earn high returns on last minute investments. Obviously until you build up the analytical muscle to correctly interpret market behavior, you should avoid solely employing this strategy.

However, you should still maintain and develop your understanding about everything related to your investments. Don’t forget to follow your economic calendar as a matter of habit. Economic news is generally released at specific times like the end of quarters. This news has a large impact on your investments.

Hedging Strategy

With the proper hedging strategy, you can effectively minimize risk and maximize profits, which is ultimately the reason you want to invest. The key to a good hedging strategy is to calculate price trends of an asset in a few minutes to determine where to place your money.

If, for example, you estimate the price of EUR/USD will be between 1.79 and 1.85, you can take advantage of this knowledge to buy both a call and put option. You can buy a call option that EUR/USD will trade above 1.79 and put option that it will trade below 1.85. If the calculation was correct, both options will expire in the money.

Exploiting Market Disruption

The objective with this binary option trading strategy is to find the point where investors instigate many movements relative to a buoyant market. This is called market disruption. Identificar la interrupción del mercado no es fácil, pero con dedicación se puede diferenciar entre las rupturas falsas o los movimientos falsos.

This strategy is well suited for the binary option markets because the market is less susceptible to leverage as other markets such as Forex. There are many methods for identifying a market disruption. But the main thing to keep in mind is that market breaks generally come after there has been long term stability.

Betting against the market

To successfully implement this binary options strategy, you will need your economic calendar handy as you time your bets against emerging economic news. This might seem somewhat convoluted, but we’ve provided an example below to clarify.

If, for example, a breaking news story discusses plummeting market values is released, you can invest immediately in that market with the intention others will attempt to buy in when the price is low causing the values to rise in the next few minutes. Of course the reverse is equally true and can be more effective, especially in markets such as FTSE or Nasdaq.

What Is Hedging?

Definition Of Hedging

Hedging in financial terms is defined as entering transactions that will protect against loss through a compensatory price movement.

Hedging - Introduction

Hedging is what seperates a professional from an amateur trader. La cobertura es la razón por la que tantos profesionales son capaces de sobrevivir y obtener ganancias de acciones y opciones comerciales durante décadas. So what exactly is hedging? Is hedging something only professionals like Market Makers can do?

Hedging comes from the term "to Hedge" and is any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk. La cobertura es la instalación calculada de protección y seguro en una cartera para compensar cualquier movimiento desfavorable.

De hecho, la cobertura no se limita sólo a los riesgos financieros. Hedging is in all aspects of our lives; We buy insurance to hedge against the risk of unexpected medical expenses. Preparamos extintores para protegernos del riesgo de incendio y firmamos contratos en el negocio para protegernos contra el riesgo de incumplimiento. Por lo tanto, la cobertura es el arte de compensar los riesgos.

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How Do Traders Perform Hedging?

In the simplest form, hedging is simply buying a stock which will rise as much as the current stocks would fall. If you are holding XYZ stocks which is already profiting and you want to protect that profit if XYZ should suddenly fall, then you would buy ABC stock, which rises $1 if XYZ drops $1. In that way, if XYZ company falls by $1, your ABC company stocks would rise by $1, thereby offsetting the loss in XYZ company.

En realidad, es casi imposible encontrar acciones que se muevan perfectamente contra otra acción, sirviendo como un comercio de cobertura. Es por eso que los derivados como opciones de acciones se crean. The most classic use of stock options as a hedging tool is in what we call a "Protective Put " or "Married Put" option trading strategy where 1 contract of put options is bought for every 100 shares. Put options rises $1 for every $1 drop in the underlying stock, thereby hedging any loss sustained by the stocks. El costo de comprar la opción de venta en este caso es similar a comprar un seguro para sus acciones. Con las opciones sobre acciones, incluso los operadores aficionados pueden comenzar a cubrir una cartera de acciones contra pérdidas.

Ejemplo de cobertura. Assuming you own 100 shares of QQQQ @ $44 and you wish to hedge against downside risk using stock options. You would buy 1 contract of QQQQ $44 put options which will rise in value by $1 upon expiration for every $1 decline in the price of QQQQ. The price of this "insurance" would be the price you pay for the put options.

Hedging Stocks Using Stock Options

Hedging a portfolio of stocks is easy and convenient using stock options. Here are some popular methods:

Protective Puts . Cobertura frente a una caída en el stock subyacente utilizando opciones de venta. If the stock drops, the gain in the put options offsets the loss in the stock.

Llamadas cubiertas. Hedging contra una pequeña caída en el stock subyacente mediante la venta de opciones de compra. La prima recibida de la venta de opciones de compra sirve para amortizar contra una caída correspondiente en el stock subyacente.

Collar de llamada cubierto. Hedging frente a una gran caída en el stock subyacente utilizando opciones de venta al mismo tiempo aumentando la rentabilidad al alza a través de la venta de opciones de compra.

Hedging In Option Trading

Option traders hedging a portfolio of stock options or hedging an option position in an option trading strategy, needs to consider 4 forms of risk. Riesgo direccional (delta), cómo cambiará el riesgo direccional con los cambios en los precios de las acciones (gamma), el riesgo de volatilidad (vega) y el riesgo de decaimiento temporal (theta). Sí, estos son los griegos optativos. Estos riesgos son factores que influyen en el valor de una opción de compra de acciones y son medidos por los griegos optativos. Los operadores de opciones normalmente no realizan cobertura para el riesgo de tasa de interés (rho) ya que su impacto es muy pequeño. La cobertura de una cartera de opciones de acciones requiere entender cuál es el mayor riesgo en esa cartera. If time decay is of concern, then theta neutral hedging should be used. Si una caída en el valor de la acción subyacente es la mayor preocupación, entonces debe utilizarse la cobertura neutral delta. Todas estas coberturas se realizan de acuerdo con la ratio de cobertura.

Hedging directional risk takes on one of two techniques; Delta Neutral Hedging or Contract Neutral Hedging. Hedging the other 3 forms of risk requires a technique called "Spreading ". Una estrategia de opciones populares que hace uso de cobertura es la estrategia de reemplazo de existencias.

Why Don't Some Traders Practise Hedging?

Some stock or option traders regard themselves as long term investors who buy and hold for the long term in order to ride an overall long term gain in the stock markets, ignoring short term and mid term fluctuations. Estos comerciantes ignoran completamente la cobertura bajo la falsa sensación de seguridad de que los mercados accionarios aumentarán con el tiempo sin fallar. Si bien esto puede ser cierto en el largo plazo de unos 20 a 30 años, las zanjas a corto plazo de hasta un par de años pasan y destruyen las carteras que no están cubiertas. No cobertura en este sentido es similar a no comprar seguro de accidentes sólo porque siempre cruzar la carretera obedecer las normas de tráfico. Does that guarantee that unforeseen circumstances won't happen?

Sometimes, the cost of hedging just doesn't justify the assessed downside risk of a portfolio. We don't live in an ideal world where it costs nothing to execute trades. La cobertura implica ejecutar más operaciones, lo que cuesta más dinero. If a portfolio is assessed to have a $10,000 downside risk, you would not want to incur a hedging cost of $20,000 in order to hedge that portfolio, right? However, if the assessed downside risk is $100,000, a hedging cost of $20,000 would more than justify putting on a hedge.

La difusión es una técnica de cobertura que utiliza opciones sobre acciones para cubrir los riesgos de opciones sobre acciones. A diferencia de las estrategias de cobertura neutrales neutras o neutras, que utiliza también el stock subyacente a veces en la cobertura de riesgos direccionales.

En esencia, lo que se propaga como una técnica de cobertura realmente es simplemente vender tanto de la opción de los griegos como los que desea cubrir. Período. Si está manteniendo opciones de compra de largo plazo, cubrir el riesgo de decaimiento de tiempo requeriría que usted vendiera opciones abiertas con tanto valor de theta total como usted ya está sosteniendo tal que el valor de theta total de su posición se convierte en cero o muy cerca de cero. El efecto de esta cobertura sería tal que a medida que sus posiciones largas decaer, sus posiciones cortas también se decayan tanto, poniendo la misma cantidad de dinero en su bolsillo.

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Every single risk attributed by the option greeks can be hedged by putting on more short option positions. As stock options of different expiration date and strike prices will have different combinations of the option greeks, there is an unlimited number of ways by which one can perform spreading on one's stock option portfolio.

De hecho, todas las estrategias de negociación de opciones son técnicas de difusión por las cuales las maneras únicas de beneficiarse de movimientos específicos en una acción subyacente se puede lograr cubriendo total o parcialmente la opción específica griegos.

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Important Disclaimer . Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Los datos y la información se proporcionan para propósitos informativos solamente, y no se piensan para los propósitos de negociación. Neither optiontradingpedia. com, mastersoequity. com nor any of its data or content providers shall be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Los datos se consideran exactos pero no están garantizados ni garantizados. optiontradinpedia. com and mastersoequity. com are not a registered broker-dealer and does not endorse or recommend the services of any brokerage company. La empresa de corretaje que selecciona es la única responsable de sus servicios. Al acceder, ver o utilizar este sitio de ninguna manera, usted acepta estar sujeto a las condiciones y renuncias de responsabilidad que se encuentran en este sitio.

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sobre nosotros

Aurum Options Strategies is a CTA/CPO seeking gold alternative investment. Tras probar con éxito esta estrategia a través de condiciones de mercado variadas, estamos abriendo nuestra estrategia a inversores externos.

Our Strategy focuses on diversifying gold exposure. It is meant to serve two main groups: (1) those who agree that exposure to rising gold prices is essential to the long term health of their portfolios, but have limited their investment in gold because of its volatility and (2) those who have invested in gold via GLD and wish to вЂ˜book some profit’ while retaining upside profit potential.

Implementamos una exposición alcista con riesgo de desventaja controlada. Esto nos lleva a favor de las opciones se extiende sobre futuros subyacentes. Nuestra estrategia no está sujeta a paradas cuando el oro corrige. La incertidumbre alrededor del mundo y los algoritmos comerciales en el mercado nos llevan a creer que el comercio de futuros de oro es una propuesta perdedora. Las opciones nos dan control de las primas y usamos el apalancamiento para mitigar el riesgo, no apostar irresponsablemente. Our constant goal is to manage risk and protect capital – monitor position sizes, net and gross exposure, style drift, capacity and liquidity.


Paul Sacks spoke at the Shanghai Derivatives Market Forum (SDMF) on the topic of the Application of Gold Options in Enterprise Risk Management. Durante este discurso, presentó innovadoras opciones de estrategias de difusión para las personas que buscan una inversión superior de oro.

Entrevista de CNBC (06/26/2017). Is it time to buy gold? Paul Sacks discusses if gold is poised to break out.

Paul was invited to speak at Dalian Commodity Exchange as they prepare for the launch of commodity options trading. Click here to see Paul and other guests' talk published in local media.

Options for Dummies

Welcome to Options for Dummies

Have you ever been curious about options? Heard people talk about how much money they made playing with options? You want to get in on the action and become an options trader yourself but not sure how to get started? I'm sure there are plenty of options tutorial web sites out there which explain options to you but you may not understand it because they don't give enough examples or explain it in clear plain english.

Here you will learn the basics of options, mini options, how to make money trading options, and different option strategies; all in plain english anyone can understand. Este sitio web está destinado a ser el último tutorial de opciones para el principiante. Not Trading Options 101, but Trading Options 001.

You next stop is reading the Options Basics article to learn about What is an Option, how to trade options, and option characteristics. También puede ver nuestro blog para aprovechar las últimas recomendaciones de operaciones de opciones.

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Todo el contenido de este sitio web está destinado únicamente a fines educativos. It should not be construed as investment advice. Y ciertamente no estoy haciendo ninguna afirmación sobre la rentabilidad del comercio de opciones. Options are inherently risky and you should carefully consider the risks before investing any money. The examples given are not necessarily using real world numbers as it is used for illustrative purposes. Any person(s) reading the material on this website should consult their own professional investment adviser before investing in options or any other security.

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Fees are worth considering no matter what type of trading you do, but this is especially true for options trading. Most brokers require you to pay a base fee, in addition to a per-contract rate. Some companies, like optionsXpress, only charge a per-contract rate. The catch is that fee is higher and there's also a required minimum. OptionsHouse charges some of the lowest fees around, so they're the best bet for high-volume traders.

Herramientas de Trading

Trading and analysis tools help you identify and execute options trades. Many brokers have proprietary tools, so you need to do some research to figure out which company has the resources you're interested in. Another thing to look out for is how quickly you can enter orders in the trading platform. It's critical to choose a company that makes this process fast and easy. All companies on this list do well in this area, so it's a matter of individual preference and finding the tools that best align with your goals and strategies.


Access to advanced research is critical for identifying the best options trades. Research can come in many forms, including company publications, market commentary from industry experts, and daily market news. Some brokers also offer more advanced research for those willing to pay an additional fee. TD Ameritrade stands out from the list by offering some of the most comprehensive research materials, including free third-party research reports.

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All three brokers on this list are excellent choices for options traders, but our recommendation is OptionsHouse, due to their affordable rates and advanced trading tools. However, it's all depends on your priorities. For example, if access to high-quality research is a top priority for you, TD Ameritrade may be a better fit than OptionsHouse.

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Negociación de opciones binarias

¿Qué son las opciones binarias?

Binary options are a clever financial instrument that allow people to make a simple 'higher' or 'lower' bet on the financial markets. And a bet it is - as much as brokers like to position themselves as an investment option you are effectively participating in a fixed odds casino. Get it right, and you will recive a fixed return on your stake - generally 70, 75 or 80% depending on the instrument and market conditions.

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Get it wrong, and you lose your entire stake.

Binary options are classed as 'exotic options ', with the most common being a 'high / low' option, where a strike price is set. It doesn't matter whether the instrument is just a fraction above the strike price or multiple pips when the expiry time is reached. if the player guesses the direction correctly they win a fixed reward. Often these options use the terms 'put' and 'call', where a 'call' option indicates the player believes the price will rise, and a 'put' states the price will fall.

Cómo negociar opciones binarias

One of the reasons binary companies have had such success is they have simplified the complex world of financial trading down to a very simple yes/no choice. The way you 'trade' binaries is actually very straightforward: take a guess, hit the button indicating the way you think the market will move, and cross your fingers.

Options are set with a specific expiry period - popular options are 60 seconds, five minutes, one hour and occasionally one day. As the financial markets are so unpredictable in the short term, a sixty second option is the highest risk for the player, while the longer term options do allow players to make an informed choice. If you play by the books and base your predictions on fundamental or technical analysis and set a long expiry time on your options you have a greater chance of not losing due to a random switch in market sentiments.

Unsurprisingly though, for most players this is not the appeal of the game. Binary options have been designed to be compulsive, addictive and exciting - patiently waiting hours for your postiions to close is none of those things. Binaries are marketed as an extremly profitable activity, with gains of 400% or more in in a day. Some even promote profits of $500 an hour. It is difficult to reach these heights by taking the sensible, long term view, so the majority of players win fast and lose fast, burning their capital within a number of days.

What other types of option are there?

As well as the most common 'high/low' options, you can also opt for:

Range options: If the price of the instrument falls within a certain range at the option's expiry, then the player wins

One Touch options: In this case an instrument only needs to reach or 'touch' a specific price for the player to win, rather than needing to maintain a price above or below it.

Other variations include higher fixed payouts of up to 500%, which could offer a higher reward:risk ratio - but with the caveat that it is likely to be harder to 'win' such an option than on a standard payout. Some brokers also allow traders to exit a position before it closes, which may limit their payout or losses but avoid the loss of the trader's entire stake.

How do binary options dealers make money?

Binary options brokers make money in much the same way a casino does - by fixing the odds so that over the long term a player will lose more than they win. A stake is effectively a bet against the house, not a position on the market. In conventional trading you will buy or sell a currency, equity or commodity - or a CFD representing the same instrument - and profit or lose based on the change in value of that position.

En contraste con binarios que simplemente están haciendo una apuesta contra el corredor, sin exposición real al mercado. Therefore while CFD brokers and forex trading companies profit from the 'spread' and occasionally a commission, binary options sites bank your entire stake when you lose.

Why should I trade binary options?

There are a few key reasons why you might want to trade binary options and not other financial instruments:

They're great fun. The simplicity involved, the compulsiveness, the thrill of watching the charts almost but not quite hit your target - there's no denying they make great entertainment. Just remember if that's why you're trading, then it is entertainment, not an investment. Don't stake more than you can afford to lose. Or sign up for a demo account instead of risking real money.

They offer fixed odds. While this does mean your earnings potential is capped, it also means your losses are. You know upfront how much you stand to win or lose, in contrast to trading CFDs or spread betting. If you can stop your emotions getting the better of you it could be a predictable way to speculate.

Las posiciones tienen un tiempo fijo de entrada y salida. One of the challenges of traditional trading is timing your exit from a market to maximise winnings or limit losses. By setting a fixed expiry there is no need to make this difficult decision.

No hay tarifas. While the broker will take a player's entire stake when they lose, there are no additional commissions, fees or spreads to pay on the price of an instrument.

There are no liquidity issues. As the trader never buys the underlying asset the broker can offer a wide range of strike prices and expiry times to please the broker.

There are no fixed trading hours. As the option is never traded on a market players can trade an instrument outside of normal hours, offering a wide range of assets and instruments from around the world. This isn't always a great thing - often it means you are simply 'playing' against other binary options traders. The price is not representative of the open market which can increase volatility and risk.

Binary Options Vs Spread Betting

Spread betting and binaries share some of the same characteristics: you are betting against the house, not the markets. Profits are generally classed as 'winnings' not capital gains so there is no tax to pay in many jurisidictions, including the UK.

Binary options have become very popular for sharing these benefits of financial spread betting while simplifying the process of placing a bet. The key difference between the two approaches is that of your risk:reward.

In spread betting you can win back many times your initial stake should the market move in your favour, yet in the worst case should the market move against you your losses could exceed your initial deposit. If you make a major loss you could be receiving a call from a debt collecting agency. This can be mitigated by using stop losses to limit the maximum loss, but in times of market meltdown you may find your broker does not honour your request .

By contrast with binaries you can only lose as much as you stake. But in most cases, you can't make a 'small loss' as you might with an appropriate stop loss - every time you lose you will lose 100% of the stake you put in. On the flip side your winnings are also limited, generally a maximum of 80% on top of your initial stake. Pero por lo menos usted sabe cuánto usted se coloca para ganar o para ganar en cada caso.

Why could binary options be a bad choice?

Our biggest issue with binary options is that the industry is largely unregulated and brokers - and the affiliates who promote them - frequently make outlandish claims about the potential for profits. For the majority of people who 'trade' binary options it is not a carefully planned speculation but a fun, fast and risky bet. Si binarios se comercializan como una forma de entretenimiento similar a golpear el casino sería diferente, pero gran parte de la promoción actual de binarios como un material de inversión crecido se siente en el mejor de los casos engañosa, en el peor de los fraudulentos.

The industry is like the wild west - some of the bigger brokers are now regulated by Cysec. but with over 1,000 brokers in existence it's clear the majority are totally unregulated. In the USA the securities commission has gone as far as issuing an investor alert. while the commodities and futures organisation have released fraud advisories to remind traders that the vast majority of brokers are unregulated.

The risks of unregulated brokers are high: funds may not be segregated and transactions not monitored by third parties to ensure fair play. At worst this could mean a broker disappearing with your deposit or refusing to payout should you win.

If you decide to go with binaries, please make sure you pick a regualated broker. Aim to place longer term options and plan your positions based on analysis, not instinct. Otherwise, please don't kid yourself that you are a trader or investor, enjoy the thrill but realise you are simply in a casino playing a sophisticated game of chance.

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I watched the Tasty-trade interview video for Karen, the super-trader today. It was so inspirational and I have to note down the highlights for future study. Here's the list of the key points that I have captured at the moment.

Trading Vehicle: options for SPX, RUT, NDX

Corto pone y llamadas, combinación de estrangulamientos cortos.

Better profits than Iron Condors but has unlimited risk in theory.

Option strike selection

Calls: 90% probability of success (10% ITM prob.) and above major resistance level

Puts: 95% probability of success (5% ITM prob.), corresponds to about up to 12% SPX drop

Usually sell more put contracts than call contracts

Around 2 standard deviation Bollinger bands

Option cycle selection

Start with 56 days (8 weeks) before expiration to get wider profit zone and open with 50%+ positions

Also may adjust with options of same cycle as the starting position for average market conditions

Entry (Legged in)

Sell calls when market rises

Sell puts when market falls

Exit (It was not really clear to me at this point)

Usually exit in a month

Profit target is around 15% of positions

Will let further OTM (1% ITM probability) options expire worthless

Adjustments: Use additional capital to keep profits and TOS analyzer tool

Start adjustments when ITM probability reaches a certain number, like 30%.

Normally, keep identical profits by rolling up/down/out and selling new contracts.

Under extreme market sell-off conditions (1000 point drop in DOW JONES average), give up profits of a few month to roll out a couple of months and wait for market to settle down.

Sin pérdidas de parada, Sin neutralización de delta a través de compras de compra / venta.

Administración del dinero

Suggested usage of 50% of capital

With adjustments on, use up to 70/80%

Large use of capital justified by wide break-even points

Watch net liquidation values (I'm not clear about it)

Psychology and Mindset

Trading is a number's game

Focus on the probability, not P&L.

Manage trading process

Losses are acceptable (No fear)

Lower returns caused by lower market volatility are OK

Keep rules simple and anything else are noises

Trading Time: Monitor markets during all trading days and hours

Trading Team: 5 traders of similar mind and 1 accountant

A good thought-provoking question. I hope someone can provide a better answer. It looks to me the specific marign requirements do have a significant impact on the actual account return rate. I remember the interview indicated the biggest loss occurred when TOS tightenned the margin requirement withouth any advanced notification. It was stated that at that time, they had to close many positions in one day. I believe it was also mentioned that the high amount of margin used by the super trader was one of the reasons that got TOS attention.

It should be possible to use a free internet rate calculater to estimate the average return of account for each month roughly, given the starting & ending capital, and the duration of serval year span mentioned in the two interview videos.

CBOE has an interesting tool to calculate margin requirements:

(you need to register I believe to be able to use it --> it's free!)

¡Tienes razón! She must be highly leveraged and probably very lucky. hasta aquí. ) André

Karen maybe getting outstanding returns because she does not wait until they expire. She my close out her positions when she has a nice profit which my occur after only a few weeks. I write options on stocks, and you can generate a nice return by writing options with a few weeks left far out of the money after something occurs that significantly increases the premium.

Hey guys. Don't do naked strangles with equity, stick to indexes. This strategy is legit 95% of the time, however, we all know that those 5% Black Swans occur so be careful.

All I know is if she has a $100 Million fund making 30% a year ($30,000,000 gain) she has to collect on average $82,000 of Theta Decay a day. That would equate to $82 a day of Theta on a $100,000 account. Seems plausible.

Unless I missed something, it wasn't clear to me from the video what the average annual return has been (given the significant infusion of cash from other investors). Is the 30% number you mention above an example for calculation purposes, or were you able to estimate this as her actual annualized growth rate from the video?

Also I, too, would like to express my appreciation for a very thoughtful blog and respectful commentary.

And in the spirit of full disclosure, I want to state that my questions and comments at this point are anonymous because I am a professional money manager and want to be careful about compliance and regulatory issues that might arise were my identity to be revealed without proper disclaimers, etc.

In order to make a worthwhile profit percentage on naked options you would need portfolio margin. I contacted thinkorswim about portfolio margin and they stated that you would need $125,000+ before my one taxable brokerage account would be eligible, IRA accounts not eligible. The portfolio margin amount depends on the underlying but the best they said I could get would 20% of underlying so if I sold 1 put contract at the 100 strike, they would hold back $2000, but as the market moved against me and the price of the option changes, they could hold more, all the way up to the full $10000 (100%) for me to fulfill my obligation to buy the underlying.

Thanks a lot for sharing your insights.

FYI: I recently realized it and shared with everyone in a post on March 16, 2017: http://smoothprofit. blogspot. com/2017/03/super-trader-karens-portfolio-margin. html.

I would like to know who this "Karen the Super Trader" really is. Does she have a last name and a website? Does she mentor, teach and train people how to utilize her trading strategies to make money? What is her company name and website URL?

Does anybody know the answer to any of these questions? Inquiring minds want to know.

Por favor y gracias.

Good questions. I wish I knew. Will appreciate the info if anyone can tell. You might have a chance if you email Tony of TastyTrade via his LinkedIn page. Try to copy and past the shortened URL to your browser: http://goo. gl/RkVLJ

Karen's identify is now revealed: Karen Bruton. Check out the her foundation's link below about her.

Espero que esto ayude. Charles

Estoy de acuerdo. great discussion on the strategies Karen uses in her portfolio. Some have posted about mirroring the strategy with the SPY, IWM, etc. You get fairly close numbers as far as ROI, but they are going to be lower simply because of the commission structure. One thing to keep in mind is that adjustments are the most important thing she does as a manager of her portfolio. Also, even though she is using very high probability, she still monitors the markets every day they are open. That speaks to her tenacity to manage the accounts properly. Too many amateurs want to put the trades on and leave them. The big thing that separates her is that she knows exactly what to do when the trade goes against her as far as adjusting and taking advantage of other credit spreads to make up for the initial loss. That is why she mentions "when you give me your money, you don't get it back." She makes sure that the market does not get it back when she receives the credit.

Very well written comments with insights on adjustments. Thanka a lot. Charles

Great post, thank you. Could somebody please elaborate on the exit strategy a little? (in very basic terms :P )

I wish the exit strategy was disclosed with a little bit more details at the interview. I believe there are exit rules related to both time and value of the options.

After a certain time of entry, like one month, a position may be closed, for a profit (sure) or for a loss (not sure?).

As the value of the options decreases to generate a proft around 15%, the position may be closed. For options that do not face danger (continue to maintain a high probability of success), they will be allowed to expire worthless.

As the value of the options increases to preset potential loss, new options of further out of the money and/or out in time are sold to cover the losses. There are no stop loss schemes used in the system.

This is my understanding. Anyone who has more insights are welcome to commment.

I think I understood a bit differently from the video (the following may contain many newbie statements, please excuse, and I'd appreciate any words of wisdom :)- 1. her strategy is to make money from premium only by selling puts & calls (much more puts than calls), so not exactly classic short strangles 2. Exit strategy was implied when they discussed her objective - it is to let the options expire worthless, but they are starting to reconsider positions that get close to 30% ITM (rolling up\down\out)

playing a little with ThinkOrSwim paper money account proved almost impossible with a US$200K account, the premium is so low compared to the option buying power that is reduced. I presume that if your account has more than $50M you have more breathing room though, and 50-70% capital committed makes sense in terms of their rapid growth..I think this is authentic ;)

I think your understanding are basically correct. 1. Yes, the strategy is not classic short strangles. I believe it can be referred to as combination strangles. 2. What you said is true. But they also mentioned other exit criteria as I remembered. 3. Did you read my post about Karen's portfolio margin? Se reducirá el requerimiento de margen dramáticamente.

Hi guys, I was thinking of selling call or put spreads using the 56 DTE strategy and exiting only if there is a 30% ITM risk. Otherwise I will allow it to expire worthless.

The best Theta is between 30-50 DTE. So getting in at 56 DTE and exiting 30 DTE might not be such a bad idea. just wondering if she has a strategy to exit regardless when she makes 15% profit. Or does she allow them to expire worthless.

Doing so would mean more money committed and less to invest.

Nice comments. I think there were no details given on the exit strategy at the interviews and it left a lot of rooms for other imaginations on this topic.

If I could use my average mind to attempt to think like the exceptional super-trader, I guess one of the exit rules can be the following.

We could define a set of rules to determine market outlook. If the outlook is bullish, we may leave the sold puts expire worthless and close the sold calls once 15% profit is reached before 30 DTE. On the other hand, if the outlook is bearish, we can do the opposite.

BYW, how do we know the best Theta is 30 to 50 Day-To-Expiration? I've been thinking about drawing a chart to display Theta over time to study the Theta decay. But I could not decide whether to use Theta or some other variable that is derived from Theta, since Theta itself is heavily influenced by the option prices.

during one of her interviews I am pretty sure she said that in the last 30 days she does not close positions, she lets them expire, during the first half of a trade she will look at closing the trade if she has made some significant percentage of the profits.


Charles. there is theta decay chart in the following link. Could be helpful for every body. Roughly it shows that decay between say 55 days to 20 days is equivalent to last 20 days decays.: http://tylerstrading. blogspot. in/2009/03/theta. html

Gracias por compartir la información. It's very helpful. As you probably know, that theta decay chart is theoretical for an ATM option. It assumes the stock price does not change in the charted time frame, which never happen in real trading.

I have another time decay chart for a real option in my blog: http://smoothprofit. blogspot. com/2017/04/the-actual-time-decay-chart-of-otm. html. I'd like to make it more normalized in the future if I get a chance.

Thanks again for your comments. Charles

GREAT article! I really enjoyed watching the video with Karen, Tom, and Tony. On thing I don't understand are Bollinger Bands. What are they and how does Karen use them? What does she mean by 2 standard deviations with the BB?

BB is a common concept used in trading methods that involve applications of statistics. SD determines the upper and lower boundaries of the Bollinger bands if other factors are not changed. 2 SD gives about 95% of probability of ranging within the BB boundary for stock prices. Note this is theoretical only. You can google it for more details.

I believe Karen uses BB in option strike selections since she seeks high probability of success. If the strike price is located outside the BB with 2 SD, the probability reaches over 95%.

I have been trying to uncover her strategy and maybe I don't fully understand it. I thought she was selling naked calls above the market and naked puts below the market. Legging in and out as the market fluctuates. Well, if you sell 1 SPX PUT at a delta of 0.10, you can bring in about $2.00 with 32 days before expiration. The buying power on the account is $13,000. Assuming you had an account size of $100,000 and you only exposed half of it to this strategy, it would take over 100 trades to double your money. She made money at a much faster rate than this, so I am not sure I have it correctly. Do you understand the strategy differently?

You're not the first one to ask this type of questions. Tengo un par de otros puestos que discutieron el margen de la cartera. As an example, you can read the following post: http://smoothprofit. blogspot. com/2017/03/super-trader-karens-portfolio-margin. html. Please let me know if you have further questions on it. Thanks for your good comments. Charles

the part they left out in most of the interviews is that she is not doubling her money every year. she has two accounts and made 24% in one and I think 27% in the other. They talk about how she made $24 million, but she started with $100 million in her trading accounts.

1.In the three products that she is trading, is there enough option volume to support the size of her trades? 2. If she is trading only three products (in set strategies), why would you need six traders? 3. She says the buys/sells are part if a set "process.". but I believe she also says that they are always discussing strategies. If you have process that's always working what strategies is she discussing? 4. I thought she said that she doesn't try to predict market direction, then why is she using bolinger bands. 5. HAs anyone seen audited financial statements by a reputable CPA firm?

She is employing a simple strategy that has a great probability to make money, but at the expense of being exposed to a black swan event. My guess is she's done everything she can to make this strategy survivable and accepted the fact that someday it can blow up.

1. Spread your bets among as many products as you can that are correlated, and have great liquidity and volume so you have a chance to escape a black swan. (For example, your ability to get out of your SPY, RUT, and NDX positions will be 3 times a single SPY position because you only need to move 1/3 as many shares).

2. Establish a 50% cap, ensuring that only half your account is tied up in positions/margin in case of an emergency, and the other half is available.

3. Establish parameters for what % below that cap you want your existing positions to be under predefined conditions. I doubt very much she always has 50% tied up, that would be suicide with this strategy.

4. Set up some rules for amputating your limbs if the market begins to move against you.

5. Hire 6 guys you trust to watch the markets 24x7 and execute these rules.

6. Pray a flash crash doesn't happen out of the blue that can't be escaped, or that your rules have reduced your position so far before one hits that you survive.

Summary: Adopt a dangerous strategy that ensures a good steady cash flow and play as conservatively as you can to ensure you can milk it for as long as possible. My guess is she's got a first out the door plan and isn't afraid to give up profits to get out first.

Let's face it, most of the biggest winners in history made it big because they were both ballsy, AND lucky enough to employ the right strategy at the right time.

I am posting this with the understanding that it will fall on deaf ears, but hopefully a few will listen. I was sitting in front of my computer during the flash crash and watched horrified as sold options went up 10-20x in an instant and not being able to close them even at market. There is no cutting and rolling in a black swan event! What if the market closes again for 5 days? This strategy works great until it doesn't. And unfortunately when it doesn't it can take you out forever. Listening to her interview, she stated that last year in a bull market she sold more short puts than short calls and the puts were longer dated. This means like it or not she was trading directionally (long delta short vega). Most of the delta neutral premium selling guys I know had a tough year last year. If you want to sell, then spend a little bit of what you earn and buy some cheap wings. Yes your portfolio will still take a 10-20% hit in a black swan event or you may never get anything out of the longs. But when an unthinkable event happens you will at least be still in the game

I buy the cheap wings, especially on the PUT side. I also scatter my positions. I don't put them on all at once. I know what I will lose and it isn't going to wipe me out. It will hurt a little, but better safe than sorry.

I usually sell option expiry of 70 to 80 days and buy options current to hedge suppose I sell 6500 Call and 6500 Put of May, at 600. I will buy March 6200 Put and 6800 Call at around. 25 I will also keep on adjusting potion to bring it into neutral Suppose 100 points rises. Yo cubriré todos los 6500 poner y escribir 6600 poner y también cubrir 6200 poner y comprar 6300 poner. Otherwise I will sell and add 1 or 2 lot of 6600 and buy 6400 Put. I usually exit position after 30 to 40 days and write next month. This way I am getting decent return. Adjusting Position to almost Delta Neutral as well need hedged all time at least Far Otm of Current month. If the straddle is of 600 poiints we can buy 300 points lowe strike r put and 300 points uper strike price. There will be enough time for adjusting also it is hedged well by current months otm

This way this gives you a return of 15 % return on margin. But the return will come to 6 to 7 % if is calculated on entire capital as not more 50% of capital employed.

You missed her single most criteria before any of her traders does anything: they presume the market has crashed already. She's not dealing with the SPX value of any given day at its face. She takes the days SPX price, subtracts 100 from that, and then goes downward another 12% from that still. So she's basing everything on the fact the market has "already crashed", which gives her time to react if in fact it does go down sharply.

Nick, Thanks for the comment. Please see my new post for Karen's trading summary for 2017: http://smoothprofit. blogspot. com/2017/02/a-summary-of-karen-super-traders-option. html

For both short and long calls strategies there will risk but in iron condor less risks. One of my friend suggest me to go through the videos of ‘market taker mentoring’ for a better trading knowledge. I think to decrease the risk factors I should take the help of options education gurus.

I think Karen said in one of her interviews that she replaced the call option as needed. So I'll guess for a given put (60 day) period the call side may get replaced multiple times. It's like she is scalping the calls. Then separately scalping the puts. Doing this helps resolve the issue of a set-it-forget-it strangle variation not having a high enough ROC. It also helps explain why it takes six or seven people to watch the position. Because it isn't one position but dozens of them running concurrently. Multiple independent positions running concurrently is the clue as to why she watches the account net liq. It is the single point of accounting, all trades feed that number. It's like a running audit of the days activity.

A contrived example using recent SPX market data should show why it is setup as 2-to-1 with the options so far from the underlying price.

Assume low is 1904 on Aug 7, 2017 and high is 2020 on Sep 19.2017. Adjust down the put by her crash amount (100pt -12%) and place the call just above market.

Position: puts are in range of 1700 to 1750 and the calls are roughly 2020.

The TOS analysis tool shows what happens and sheds light on why she watches it. The puts are protecting the call on the way up and conversely the call is sort of protecting the put on the way down.

If the market rises the puts gain more than the call and she takes off the entire position for a profit. [ I realize she didn't say she does this part, but then again she did leave some info out or this blog wouldn't exist] Then reestablishes it with a comparable put selection. If the market falls she takes profit on the call and rolls it down. Repeat as often as possible. She made a comment that the fund paid huge amounts of commissions annually. That means a lot of churning in-and-out.

As for a crash. The put starts at least 2sd away from current price, plus the revenue from the repeated call rolls pushes the downside breakeven even lower. Also some of the concurrent independent positions may not be on when the severe down move happens or can be taken off for minor losses. Then add to that in times of danger the put could be rolled out to next month for even lower breakeven; which is what she said in one of her interviews.

Regardless of how hard we study, still 99 percent of all traders will lose. Why, because all those trading volumes are only numbers made up by market makers. They make it up and down every trading day. These are not money. just numbers. The real money is the one the individual trader (you and me bring in to the picture). Then that's when you are slowly sucked up by the many trends of the market they are creating. ¿Cómo podemos sobrevivir? if they can see every move we make and every trade we are involve in. We are the one that brings the real cash..while they are busy bouncing up and the down the numbers in their own favor. Tell me if I am right or wrong.

Charles and others reading here: When that Tom guy on Tasty Trade said something like, "This shows that ANYONE can do this!" I found that to be an insult to Karen AND simply not true all all. I'm not doing options now and I never have done them and may never do them. All that I am reading here and learning from disparate sources leads me to believe that winning in the options game, is NOT at all easy. Karen's story before she even started trading is one of hard work and dedication. And from her first tract onward, her story is highly compelling. Thank you for all you've provided here, Charles. A real class act.

Karen the Super Trader along with Tom and Tony at Tastytrade. com are my heroes. Because of them, I learned about options, and with approximately 18 trades in the entire 2017 year, trading only SPX Iron Condors, I generated a 32.22% net profit. In addition, I had my brother follow the same principles, and he has had a healthy return this year, far outpacing the SPX.

Hi all, what you need to consider is that unless you're sitting on really big ammounts of capital you can't replicate the strategy, for example when adjusting, and how your bp is going to be affected when market goees against you, i'm trying to find how to replicate this with wide spread ic and how to hedge part of portfolio with futures as she does

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Option Trading Techniques

Please note - The example explained above is for sake of clarification. Short selling can be done even on stock options.

Precaution - The short selling options involves limited profits and unlimited losses. Like in above example if Nifty turns back and start moving in upper direction then your short sell call will turn into loss. Basically during expiry period such sudden turn back is unexpected unless some breaking news enters the market or traders have taken wrong trade. Wrong trades like if nifty had rallied during the month then some profit booking is expected during the expiry so nifty will go down in such scenario short selling of calls will work.

How to get profit from short selling deep out of money Put? Put is bought then the underlying is expected to go DOWN and short selling of Put is done when the underlying is expected to move Up.

Traders should note - Following option trading tactics are based on some general analysis and logic and may differ and dissimilar from others experience and analysis.

Important - Traders should take their own risk to trade on below mentioned option tactics. We strongly advice to monitor and see how they work before putting your money and if you feel these strategies works then you can plan your strategies accordingly. Following are option trading tactics 1. Short selling deep out of money calls and puts (low risk high profits) 2. Trading on “At the money calls and puts” 3. Trading on “Deep in the money calls and puts” (low risk high profits)

What is the deep out of money put? Suppose if Nifty Index is trading at 3000 then the deep out of money puts will be 2500P, 2550, 2600P etc. Deep out of money puts become inactive or shows less movement near the expiry date. Even if Nifty index moves up at least few points like 50 to 100 then there is high probability that the deep out of money puts may get expired (get expired means value becomes zero). How to get profit from short selling deep out of money Put? Suppose if Nifty Index is trading at 3000 and 2600 Put is trading at Rs.22 then you can short sell one lot of Nifty. If Nifty moves in upward direction then there is high probability that this deep out of money put may get expired.

So Rs.22 x 50 quantities (one lot of Nifty) profit is Rs.1100 per lot. So such profits levels can be earned in last 4 or even in 2 days.

So for example if you short sell 4 lots then your profit would be Rs.1100 x 4 lots = 4400.

Please note The example explained above is for sake of clarification. Short selling can be done even on stock options.

Important notes - 1. In short sell if Nifty moves against the expectation then losses can be huge, so short selling should be done only when you are sure about the Nifty direction. 2. Short selling options require future derivative margin. 3. Above mentioned strategy works fine if traded near the option expiry date like 3 to 5 days left for expiry.

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1. Short selling deep out of money calls and puts(low risk high profits) “Successful trading in calls and puts requires appropriate analyzing and monitoring”.

What is Deep out of money call? Suppose if Nifty Index is trading at 2700 then the deep out of money calls will be 3100C, 3200C, 3300 etc.

Deep out of money calls become inactive or shows very less movement near the expiry date. Even if Nifty Index moves down at least few points like 50 to 100 then there is high probability that deep out of money calls may get expired (get expired means value becomes zero).

As the date of expiry approaches nearer (options expiry date is at every last Thursday of the month) the “deep out of money calls and puts” becomes very responsive to expire if market moves against them even very few points like 50 to 100.

How to get profit from short selling deep out of money Call? Call is bought when underlying is expected to go UP and short selling of call is done when underlying is expected to do DOWN.

Suppose if Nifty Index is trading at 2700 and 3200 call is trading at Rs.20 and you have short sell one lot of Nifty (Nifty one lot consists of 50 quantities). Short selling options (calls and puts) require future margin.

So the margin required to short sell 3200 call at Rs 20 requires approx Rs 30,000.(approximately)

If Nifty moves in downward direction then there is high probability that this call may get expired.

Please note - Generally it is observed that Nifty goes into profit booking (Nifty will go down) or short covering (nifty will go up) during expiry session based on how nifty reacted in the previous weeks. For example Profit booking takes place if nifty has rallied during the month and Short covering will takes place if Nifty has fallen during the month.

So Rs.1000 per lot (Rs 20 x 50 qty per lot) will be the profit in last 4 to 5 days towards expiry session. So such profits levels can be earned in last 4 or even in 2 days. For example - If you short sell 4 lots than your profit would be Rs.1000 x 4 lots = Rs 4000.

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Create Income with Options Spreads

I really like the service - I am new to Options and have many, many newbie type questions. Nic is quick to answer those questions and does so without making me feel dumber about options than I alre.

Thank you for the video demonstration re the Yahoo straddle. I now know what a straddle is and know how to do one with confidence. Options can be complicated, but it sure feels good when get it a.

Options and stocks involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all investors. Subscribers are urged to evaluate any strategy prior to use to understand the risks and suitability for their personal investment use. Please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options prior to investing in options.

If you engage or plan to engage in auto-trading of any strategy, please refer to All About Auto-Trading.

This portfolio is a sample “paper” portfolio for informational and educational purposes only recommended by Nicolas Chahine as representative of Create Income with Options Spreads and is not tailored to the individual circumstances or investment needs of any subscriber. This portfolio does not represent an actual portfolio held by Nicolas Chahine, and the performance of this portfolio is not necessarily the performance experienced by Nicolas Chahine with respect to [his/her] securities holdings and trades. Nicolas Chahine may have a financial interest in the recommendations [he/she] makes as [he/she] may hold or trade some of the same securities for [him/her]self, family members and [his/her] clients.

It should not be assumed that future recommendations will be profitable or will equal past performance. As with any potential opportunity to earn profits, there is a risk of loss.

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Pairs Trading involves trading of securities in pairs. The instruments that constitute the pair are those whose prices tend to move together. But due to various factors affecting the pricing of securities, the prices diverge. Pairs trading makes use of this anomaly in the relationship between these two securities.

We do this under the assumption that the anomaly would correct iteself and the price relationship between the two instruments will be restored.

Pairs trading involves identifying the securities that show a price relationship and can potentially form a pair.

No podemos elegir aleatoriamente dos valores de un sector y esperar que formen un par y empezar a operar.

WE use statistical methods to identify the pair component stocks.

Once the pair is identified, trading involves selling the higher priced security and buying the lower priced security with the idea that the mis-pricing will correct itself. The delta between the Selling and Buying Transactions forms the spread.

One feature of pairs trading is that the returns are uncorrelated to the market returns - Hence they are referred to as Market Neutral Strategies

A sample of the pairs picked after thorough analysis is shown below. Whenever the spread deviates above or below the threshold, we enter the trade. The trade position is exited when the spread reverts to the mean value.

The first chart below shows the spread obtained by SELLING 0.125 ICICI and BUYING 1 IDBI

(Future lot sizes to be selected in the ratio 0.125:1)

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How to Pay No Taxes: 10 Strategies Used by the Rich

If you have lots of money, Tuesday, April 17, was one of the best tax days since the early 1930s: Top tax rates on ordinary income, dividends, estates, and gifts remain at or near historically low levels. That’s thanks, in part, to legislation passed in December 2010 by the 111th Congress and signed by President Barack Obama. Starting next January, rates may be headed higher.

For the 400 U. S. taxpayers with the highest adjusted gross income, the effective federal income tax rate—what they actually pay—fell from almost 30 percent in 1995 to just over 18 percent in 2008, according to the Internal Revenue Service. And for the approximately 1.4 million people who make up the top 1 percent of taxpayers, the effective federal income tax rate dropped from 29 percent to 23 percent in 2008. It may seem too fantastic to be true, but the top 400 end up paying a lower rate than the next 1,399,600 or so.

That’s not just good luck. It’s often the result of hard work, as suggested by some of the strategies below. Much of the income among the top 400 derives from dividends and capital gains, generated by everything from appreciated real estate—yes, there is some left—to stocks and the sale of family businesses. As Warren Buffett likes to point out, since most of his income is from dividends, his tax rate is less than that of the people who clean his office.

The true effective rate for multimillionaires is actually far lower than that indicated by official government statistics. That’s because those figures fail to include the additional income that’s generated by many sophisticated tax-avoidance strategies. Several of those techniques involve some variation of complicated borrowings that never get repaid, netting the beneficiaries hundreds of millions in tax-free cash. From 2003 to 2008, for example, Los Angeles Dodgers owner and real estate developer Frank H. McCourt Jr. paid no federal or state regular income taxes, as stated in court records dug up by the Los Angeles Times . Developers such as McCourt, according to a declaration in his divorce proceeding, “typically fund their lifestyle through lines of credit and loan proceeds secured by their assets while paying little or no personal income taxes.” A spokesman for McCourt said he availed himself of a tax code provision at the time that permitted purchasers of sports franchises to defer income taxes.

For those who can afford a shrewd accountant or attorney, our era is rife with opportunities to avoid—or at least defer—tax bills, according to tax specialists and public records. It’s limited only by the boundaries of taste, creativity, and the ability to understand some very complex shelters. Here’s a look at some of them:

The ‘No Sale’ Sale Cashing in on stocks without triggering capital-gains taxes

An executive has $200 million of company shares. He wants cash but doesn’t want to trigger $30 million or so in capital-gains taxes.

1. The executive borrows about $200 million from an investment bank, with the shares as collateral. Now he has cash.

2. To freeze the value of the collateral shares, he buys and sells “puts” and “calls.” These are options granting him the right to buy and sell them later at a fixed price, insuring against a crash.

3. He eventually can return the cash, or he can keep it. If he keeps it, he has to hand over the shares. The tax bill comes years after the initial borrowing. His money has been working for him all the while.

Seller beware: The IRS challenged versions of these deals used by billionaire Philip Anschutz and Clear Channel Communications co-founder Red McCombs. A U. S. Tax Court judge in 2010 ruled that Anschutz owed $94 million in taxes on transactions entered into in 2000 and 2001. He lost an appeal last December. McCombs settled his case in 2011. Despite the court cases, such strategies “are alive and well,” says Robert Willens, who runs an independent firm that advises investors on tax issues.

The Skyscraper Shuffle Partnerships that let property owners liquidate without liability

Two people are 50-50 owners, through a partnership, of an office tower worth $100 million. One of the owners—let’s call him McDuck—wants to cash out, which would mean a $50 million gain and $7.5 million in capital-gains taxes.

1. McDuck needs to turn his ownership of the property into a loan. So the partnership borrows $50 million and puts it into a new subsidiary partnership, which contributes the cash to yet another new partnership.

2. The newest partnership lends that $50 million to a finance company for three years, in exchange for a three-year note. (The finance company takes the money and invests it or lends it out at a higher rate.)

3. The original partnership distributes its interest in the lower-tier subsidiary to McDuck. Now, McDuck owns a loan note worth $50 million instead of the property, effectively liquidating his 50 percent interest.

4. Three years later, the note is repaid. McDuck now owns 100 percent of a partnership sitting on a $50 million pile of cash—the amount McDuck would have received from selling his stake in the real estate—without triggering any capital-gains tax.

5. While this cash remains in the partnership, it can be invested or borrowed against. When McDuck dies, it can be passed along to heirs and liquidated or sold tax-free. The deferred tax liability disappears upon McDuck’s death, under a provision that eliminates such taxable gains for heirs.

The Estate Tax Eliminator How to leave future stock earnings to the kids and escape the estate tax

A wealthy parent with millions invested in the stock market wants to leave future earnings to his kids while avoiding the estate tax on those earnings.

1. The parent sets up a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust, or GRAT, listing the kids as beneficiaries.

2. The parent contributes, say, $100 million to the GRAT. Under the terms of the GRAT, the amount contributed to the trust, plus interest, must be fully returned to the parent over a predetermined period.

3. Whatever return the money earns in excess of the interest rate—the IRS currently requires 3 percent—remains in the trust and gets passed on to the heirs, forever free of estate and gift taxes.

Executives Who Have Done It: • GE Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt • Nike CEO Philip Knight • Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman

The Trust Freeze “Freezing” the value of an estate, so taxes don’t eat up its future appreciation

A wealthy couple wants to leave a collection of income-producing assets, such as investment partnerships that own shares valued at as much as $150 million, to their children. So they “freeze” the value of the estate at that moment, maybe 20 years before their death, pushing any future appreciation out of the estate and avoiding what could be a $50 million federal estate tax bill.

1. The best approach is an “intentionally defective grantor trust.” The couple makes a gift of $10 million—the maximum amount exempt from the gift tax for the next two years—to the trust, which lists the children as beneficiaries.

2. The trust uses that cash as a down payment to buy the partnership from the parents through a note issued to the parents, but the partnership contains a restriction on the trust’s use of the assets, thus impairing the partnership’s value by, say, 33 percent. That enables the trust to buy the $150 million partnership for just $100 million.

3. The income produced by the investment partnership helps pay off the note. The tax bill on that income is borne by the parents, essentially allowing gifts exempt from the gift tax.

4. When the note is paid off, the trust owns that $150 million worth of assets, minus the $90 million note and interest—plus any appreciation in the meantime. The trust has swept up a $150 million income-producing concern without triggering the federal estate tax.

The Option Option Stock options allow executives to calibrate the taxes on their compensation in a big way

An executive is negotiating his employment contract for the coming five years. The company might offer millions in shares. But who wants to pay taxes on millions in shares?

Better to take options. The executive owns the right to buy the shares at a time of his choosing; he’s been compensated, but he hasn’t paid any taxes. Gains from nonqualified stock options, the most common form, aren’t taxed until the holder exercises them. That means the executive controls when and if the tax bill comes. It isn’t just icing, either. Often it’s the cake.

Executives Who Have Done It (CEOs or co-CEOs as of 2010): • Lawrence Ellison, Oracle • Philippe Dauman, Viacom • Michael White, DirecTV • Andrew Gould, Schlumberger • Dave Cote, Honeywell • David Pyott, Allergan • Marc Benioff, Salesforce. com • Sanjay Jha, Motorola Mobility • Richard Fairbank, Capital One • Howard Schultz, Starbucks • Jay Johnson, General Dynamics • Larry Nichols, Devon Energy • Muhtar Kent, Coca-Cola • Paul Jacobs, Qualcomm • James Rohr, PNC Financial • Louis Chênevert, United Technologies • Fred Smith, FedEx • Bob Kelly, Bank of New York Mellon • William Weldon, Johnson & Johnson • Clarence Cazalot Jr. Marathon Oil • Ed Breen, Tyco • David Speer, Illinois Tool Works • Bob Iger, Disney • Sam Allen, Deere • John Hess, Hess • Klaus Kleinfeld, Alcoa • Bob Stevens, Lockheed Martin • Rich Meelia, Covidien • Dean Scarborough, Avery Dennison • George Buckley, 3M • Daniel DiMicco, Nucor • John Donahoe, EBay • Michael Strianese, L-3 Communications • Ellen Kullman, DuPont • Ronald Hermance, Hudson City Bancorp • Rich Templeton, Texas Instruments • Alan Boeckmann, Fluor • Jen-Hsun Huang, Nvidia • William Sullivan, Agilent Technologies • Greg Brown, Motorola Solutions • Jim McNerney, Boeing • Michael McGavick, XL Group • Scott McGregor, Broadcom • Frederick Waddell, Northern Trust • David Mackay, Kellogg • John Brock, Coca-Cola Enterprises • George Paz, Express Scripts • Robert Parkinson, Baxter International • Shantanu Narayen, Adobe • Charles Davidson, Noble Energy • John Pinkerton, Range Resources • Gregory Boyce, Peabody Energy • Kevin Mansell, Kohl’s • Richard Davis, U. S. Bancorp • Michael McCallister, Humana • Timothy Ring, C. R. Bard • John Strangfeld, Prudential • Eric Wiseman, VF • Theodore Craver, Edison International • David Cordani, Cigna • Chad Deaton, Baker Hughes • John Surma, United States Steel • Charles Moorman, Norfolk Southern

The Bountiful Loss Using, but not unloading, underwater stock shares to adjust your tax bill

An investor has capital-gains income from a sold-off stock position. Separately, the investor has other shares that are down an equal amount; if he were to sell them, he’d realize a loss to offset the gains and pay no taxes. But no one likes to sell low. So he wants to use that loss without actually selling the shares. IRS rules prohibit investors from taking a loss against a gain and then buying the shares back within 30 days.

1. At least 31 days before the planned sale, the investor buys an equal value of additional shares of the underwater stock.

2. The investor buys a “put” option on the new shares at their current price and sells a “call” option. Now he’s protected from the downside on that second purchase.

3. At least 31 days later, the investor sells the first block of underwater shares. He now has his tax loss, without having taken any additional downside risk from the purchase of the second block of shares.

The Friendly Partner With this deal, an investor can sell property without actually selling—or incurring taxes

An investor owns a piece of income-producing real estate worth $100 million. It’s fully depreciated, so the tax basis is zero. That means a potential (and unacceptable) $15 million capital-gains tax.

1. Instead of an outright sale, the owner forms a partnership with a buyer.

2. The owner contributes the real estate to the partnership. The buyer contributes cash or other property.

3. The partnership borrows $95 million from a bank, using the property as collateral. (The seller must retain some interest in the partnership, hence the extra $5 million.)

4. The partnership distributes the $95 million in cash to the seller.

Note: The $95 million is viewed as a loan secured by the property contributed by the seller instead of proceeds from a sale. For tax purposes, the seller is not technically a seller, so any potential tax bill is deferred.

The Big Payback So-called permanent life insurance policies are loaded with tax-avoiding benefits

A billionaire wants to invest but doesn’t need the returns any time soon and wants to avoid the tax on the profits.

A world of tax-beating products is available through the insurance industry. Many types of so-called permanent life insurance—including whole life, universal life, and variable universal life insurance—combine a death benefit with an investment vehicle. The returns and the death benefit are free of income tax. If the policy is owned by a certain type of trust, the estate tax can be avoided as well. “It is a crucial piece of any high-net-worth tax planning in my experience,” says Michael D. Weinberg, president of an insurance firm that specializes in planning for high-net-worth individuals.

IRA Monte Carlo Tax advisers recommend converting traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs—soon

High-income taxpayers can now convert traditional IRAs—which allow contributions to be deducted from taxes but incur taxes on distributions—into Roth IRAs, in which contributions are taxed but the distributions are tax-free. The conversion triggers a one-time tax bill, based on the value of the newly converted Roth IRA. As one might expect, tax experts are recommending that high-net-worth individuals convert their traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs before 2017, when ordinary income rates are likely to go up.

1. Let’s say an investor has one traditional IRA with a value of $4 million.

2. The traditional IRA is split up into four traditional IRAs, each worth $1 million.

3. The investor converts all four to Roth IRAs at the beginning of the year.

4. The IRS effectively allows taxpayers to undo the conversion for up to 21 months. So in 21 months, the investor looks at the performance of the IRAs. Say two of them go up, from $1 million to $2 million, and two drop, from $1 million to zero. Because the IRAs were split into four, the investor can change her mind on the two that went down and revert those back to traditional IRAs. Thus, she owes taxes on only the two contributions that went up in value, and nothing on the two that went down, cutting her tax bill in half. This lops 21 months of risk off the bet that paying taxes now will be paid off with tax-free appreciation later.

The Venti Putting a chunk of pay in a deferred-compensation plan can mean decades of tax-free growth

Executives want generous pay but don’t want immediate tax bills from salaries or cash bonuses.

Instead, they elect to set aside a portion of their pay into a deferred-compensation plan. Such plans allow the compensation, plus earnings, to grow tax-deferred, potentially for decades.

Executives Who Have Done It: • Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz • Verizon Communications CEO Ivan G. Seidenberg

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Using Excel to Back Test Trading Strategies

How to back test with Excel

I've done a fair amount of trading strategy back testing. I've used sophisticated programming languages and algorithms and I've also done it with pencil and paper. You do not need to be a rocket scientist or a programmer to back test many trading strategies. If you can operate a spreadsheet program such as Excel then you can back test many strategies.


The objective of this article is to show you how to back test a trading strategy using Excel and a publicly available source of data. This shouldn't cost you any more than the time it takes to do the test.


Before you start testing any strategy, you need a data set. At minimum this is a series of date/times and prices. More realistically you need the date/time, open, high, low, close prices. You usually only need the time component of the data series if you are testing intraday trading strategies.

If you want to work along and learn how to back test with Excel while you're reading this then follow the steps that I outline in each section. We need to get some data for the symbol that we are going to back test.

Go to: Yahoo Finance

In the Enter Symbol(s) field enter: IBM and click GO

Under Quotes on the left hand side click Historical Prices and enter the date ranges you want. I selected from 1 Jan 2004 to 31 Dec 2004

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Download To Spreadsheet

Save the file with a name (such as ibm. csv) and to a place that you can later find.

Preparing the data

Open the file (that you downloaded above) using Excel. Due to the dynamic nature of the internet, the instructions that you read above and the file that you open may have changed by the time that you read this.

When I downloaded this file the top few lines looked like this:

You can now delete the columns that you're not going to use. For the test that I'm about to do I will only use the date, open and close values so I have deleted the High, Low, Volume and Adj. Cerca.

I also sorted the data so that the oldest date was first and the latest date was at the bottom. Use the Data -> Sort menu options to do this.


Instead of testing a strategy per se I'm going to attempt to find the day of the week which provided the best return if you followed a buy the open and sell the close strategy. Remember that this article is here to introduce you to how to use Excel to back test strategies. We may build on this going forward.

Here is the ibm. zip file which holds the spreadsheet with the data and formulae for this test.

My data now resides in columns A to C (Date, Open, Close). In columns D to H, I have place formulae to determine the return on a particular day.

Entering the formulae

The tricky part (unless you're an Excel expert) is working out the formulae to use. This is just a matter of practice and the more you practice the more formulae you'll discover and the more flexibility you'll have with your testing.

If you have downloaded the spreadsheet then take a look at the formula in cell D2. It looks like this:

This formula is copied to all of the other cells in columns D to H (except the first row) and does not need to be adjusted once it has been copied. I'll briefly explain the formula.

The IF formula has a condition, true and false part. The condition is: "If the day of the week (converted to a number from 1 to 5 which matches Monday to Friday) is the same as the day of the week in the first row of this column (D$1) then. " The true part of the statement ($C2-$B2) simply gives us the value of the Close - Open. This indicates that we bought the Open and sold the Close and this is our profit/loss. The false part of the statement is a pair of double quotes (") which puts nothing in the cell if the day of the week is not matched.

The $ signs to the left of the column letter or row number locks the column or row so that when it's copied that part of the cell reference doesn't change. So here in our example, when the formula is copied, the reference to the date cell $A2 will change the row number if it's copied to a new row but the column will remain at column A.

You can nest the formulae and make exceptionally powerful rules and expressions.

The Results

At the bottom of the weekday columns I have placed some summary functions. Notably the average and sum functions. These show us that during 2004 the most profitable day to implement this strategy was on a Tuesday and this was closely followed by a Wednesday.

When I tested the Expiry Fridays - Bullish or Bearish? strategy and wrote that article I used a very similar approach with a spreadsheet and formulae like this. The objective of that test was to see if Expiry Fridays were generally bullish or bearish.

What Now?

Pruébalo. Download some data from Yahoo Finance. load it into Excel and try out the formulae and see what you can come up with. Publica tus preguntas en el foro.

Good luck and profitable strategy hunting!

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